Overview ¶
Package httpexpect helps with end-to-end HTTP and REST API testing.
Usage examples ¶
See example directory:
Communication mode ¶
There are two common ways to test API with httpexpect:
- start HTTP server and instruct httpexpect to use HTTP client for communication
- don't start server and instruct httpexpect to invoke http handler directly
The second approach works only if the server is a Go module and its handler can be imported in tests.
Concrete behaviour is determined by Client implementation passed to Config struct. If you're using http.Client, set its Transport field (http.RoundTriper) to one of the following:
- default (nil) - use HTTP transport from net/http (you should start server)
- httpexpect.Binder - invoke given http.Handler directly
- httpexpect.FastBinder - invoke given fasthttp.RequestHandler directly
Note that http handler can be usually obtained from http framework you're using. E.g., echo framework provides either http.Handler or fasthttp.RequestHandler.
You can also provide your own implementation of RequestFactory (creates http.Request), or Client (gets http.Request and returns http.Response).
If you're starting server from tests, it's very handy to use net/http/httptest.
Value equality ¶
Whenever values are checked for equality in httpexpect, they are converted to "canonical form":
- structs are converted to map[string]interface{}
- type aliases are removed
- numeric types are converted to float64
- non-nil interfaces pointing to nil slices and maps are replaced with nil interfaces
This is equivalent to subsequently json.Marshal() and json.Unmarshal() the value and currently is implemented so.
Failure handling ¶
When some check fails, failure is reported. If non-fatal failures are used (see Reporter interface), execution is continued and instance that was checked is marked as failed.
If specific instance is marked as failed, all subsequent checks are ignored for this instance and for any child instances retrieved after failure.
array := NewArray(NewAssertReporter(t), []interface{}{"foo", 123}) e0 := array.Element(0) // success e1 := array.Element(1) // success s0 := e0.String() // success s1 := e1.String() // failure; e1 and s1 are marked as failed, e0 and s0 are not s0.Equal("foo") // success s1.Equal("bar") // this check is ignored because s1 is marked as failed
Index ¶
- func NewFastWebsocketDialer(handler fasthttp.RequestHandler) *websocket.Dialer
- func NewJar() http.CookieJar
- func NewWebsocketDialer(handler http.Handler) *websocket.Dialer
- type Array
- func (a *Array) Contains(values ...interface{}) *Array
- func (a *Array) ContainsOnly(values ...interface{}) *Array
- func (a *Array) Element(index int) *Value
- func (a *Array) Elements(values ...interface{}) *Array
- func (a *Array) Empty() *Array
- func (a *Array) Equal(value interface{}) *Array
- func (a *Array) First() *Value
- func (a *Array) Iter() []Value
- func (a *Array) Last() *Value
- func (a *Array) Length() *Number
- func (a *Array) NotContains(values ...interface{}) *Array
- func (a *Array) NotEmpty() *Array
- func (a *Array) NotEqual(value interface{}) *Array
- func (a *Array) Path(path string) *Value
- func (a *Array) Raw() []interface{}
- func (a *Array) Schema(schema interface{}) *Array
- type AssertReporter
- type Binder
- type Boolean
- type Client
- type CompactPrinter
- type Config
- type ContentOpts
- type Cookie
- type CurlPrinter
- type DateTime
- func (dt *DateTime) Equal(value time.Time) *DateTime
- func (dt *DateTime) Ge(value time.Time) *DateTime
- func (dt *DateTime) Gt(value time.Time) *DateTime
- func (dt *DateTime) InRange(min, max time.Time) *DateTime
- func (dt *DateTime) Le(value time.Time) *DateTime
- func (dt *DateTime) Lt(value time.Time) *DateTime
- func (dt *DateTime) NotEqual(value time.Time) *DateTime
- func (dt *DateTime) Raw() time.Time
- type DebugPrinter
- type DefaultRequestFactory
- type Duration
- func (d *Duration) Equal(value time.Duration) *Duration
- func (d *Duration) Ge(value time.Duration) *Duration
- func (d *Duration) Gt(value time.Duration) *Duration
- func (d *Duration) InRange(min, max time.Duration) *Duration
- func (d *Duration) IsSet() *Duration
- func (d *Duration) Le(value time.Duration) *Duration
- func (d *Duration) Lt(value time.Duration) *Duration
- func (d *Duration) NotEqual(value time.Duration) *Duration
- func (d *Duration) NotSet() *Duration
- func (d *Duration) Raw() time.Duration
- type Expect
- func (e *Expect) Array(value []interface{}) *Array
- func (e *Expect) Boolean(value bool) *Boolean
- func (e *Expect) Builder(builder func(*Request)) *Expect
- func (e *Expect) DELETE(path string, pathargs ...interface{}) *Request
- func (e *Expect) GET(path string, pathargs ...interface{}) *Request
- func (e *Expect) HEAD(path string, pathargs ...interface{}) *Request
- func (e *Expect) Matcher(matcher func(*Response)) *Expect
- func (e *Expect) Number(value float64) *Number
- func (e *Expect) OPTIONS(path string, pathargs ...interface{}) *Request
- func (e *Expect) Object(value map[string]interface{}) *Object
- func (e *Expect) PATCH(path string, pathargs ...interface{}) *Request
- func (e *Expect) POST(path string, pathargs ...interface{}) *Request
- func (e *Expect) PUT(path string, pathargs ...interface{}) *Request
- func (e *Expect) Request(method, path string, pathargs ...interface{}) *Request
- func (e *Expect) String(value string) *String
- func (e *Expect) Value(value interface{}) *Value
- type FastBinder
- type Logger
- type LoggerReporter
- type Match
- func (m *Match) Empty() *Match
- func (m *Match) Index(index int) *String
- func (m *Match) Length() *Number
- func (m *Match) Name(name string) *String
- func (m *Match) NotEmpty() *Match
- func (m *Match) NotValues(values ...string) *Match
- func (m *Match) Raw() []string
- func (m *Match) Values(values ...string) *Match
- type Number
- func (n *Number) Equal(value interface{}) *Number
- func (n *Number) EqualDelta(value, delta float64) *Number
- func (n *Number) Ge(value interface{}) *Number
- func (n *Number) Gt(value interface{}) *Number
- func (n *Number) InRange(min, max interface{}) *Number
- func (n *Number) Le(value interface{}) *Number
- func (n *Number) Lt(value interface{}) *Number
- func (n *Number) NotEqual(value interface{}) *Number
- func (n *Number) NotEqualDelta(value, delta float64) *Number
- func (n *Number) Path(path string) *Value
- func (n *Number) Raw() float64
- func (n *Number) Schema(schema interface{}) *Number
- type Object
- func (o *Object) ContainsKey(key string) *Object
- func (o *Object) ContainsMap(value interface{}) *Object
- func (o *Object) Empty() *Object
- func (o *Object) Equal(value interface{}) *Object
- func (o *Object) Keys() *Array
- func (o *Object) NotContainsKey(key string) *Object
- func (o *Object) NotContainsMap(value interface{}) *Object
- func (o *Object) NotEmpty() *Object
- func (o *Object) NotEqual(v interface{}) *Object
- func (o *Object) Path(path string) *Value
- func (o *Object) Raw() map[string]interface{}
- func (o *Object) Schema(schema interface{}) *Object
- func (o *Object) Value(key string) *Value
- func (o *Object) ValueEqual(key string, value interface{}) *Object
- func (o *Object) ValueNotEqual(key string, value interface{}) *Object
- func (o *Object) Values() *Array
- type Printer
- type Reporter
- type Request
- func (r *Request) Expect() *Response
- func (r *Request) WithBasicAuth(username, password string) *Request
- func (r *Request) WithBytes(b []byte) *Request
- func (r *Request) WithChunked(reader io.Reader) *Request
- func (r *Request) WithClient(client Client) *Request
- func (r *Request) WithCookie(k, v string) *Request
- func (r *Request) WithCookies(cookies map[string]string) *Request
- func (r *Request) WithFile(key, path string, reader *Request
- func (r *Request) WithFileBytes(key, path string, data []byte) *Request
- func (r *Request) WithForm(object interface{}) *Request
- func (r *Request) WithFormField(key string, value interface{}) *Request
- func (r *Request) WithHandler(handler http.Handler) *Request
- func (r *Request) WithHeader(k, v string) *Request
- func (r *Request) WithHeaders(headers map[string]string) *Request
- func (r *Request) WithJSON(object interface{}) *Request
- func (r *Request) WithMatcher(matcher func(*Response)) *Request
- func (r *Request) WithMultipart() *Request
- func (r *Request) WithPath(key string, value interface{}) *Request
- func (r *Request) WithPathObject(object interface{}) *Request
- func (r *Request) WithProto(proto string) *Request
- func (r *Request) WithQuery(key string, value interface{}) *Request
- func (r *Request) WithQueryObject(object interface{}) *Request
- func (r *Request) WithQueryString(query string) *Request
- func (r *Request) WithText(s string) *Request
- func (r *Request) WithURL(urlStr string) *Request
- func (r *Request) WithWebsocketDialer(dialer WebsocketDialer) *Request
- func (r *Request) WithWebsocketUpgrade() *Request
- type RequestFactory
- type RequireReporter
- type Response
- func (r *Response) Body() *String
- func (r *Response) ContentEncoding(encoding ...string) *Response
- func (r *Response) ContentType(mediaType string, charset ...string) *Response
- func (r *Response) Cookie(name string) *Cookie
- func (r *Response) Cookies() *Array
- func (r *Response) Duration() *Numberdeprecated
- func (r *Response) Form(opts ...ContentOpts) *Object
- func (r *Response) Header(header string) *String
- func (r *Response) Headers() *Object
- func (r *Response) JSON(opts ...ContentOpts) *Value
- func (r *Response) JSONP(callback string, opts ...ContentOpts) *Value
- func (r *Response) NoContent() *Response
- func (r *Response) Raw() *http.Response
- func (r *Response) RoundTripTime() *Duration
- func (r *Response) Status(status int) *Response
- func (r *Response) StatusRange(rn StatusRange) *Response
- func (r *Response) Text(opts ...ContentOpts) *String
- func (r *Response) TransferEncoding(encoding ...string) *Response
- func (r *Response) Websocket() *Websocket
- type StatusRange
- type String
- func (s *String) Contains(value string) *String
- func (s *String) ContainsFold(value string) *String
- func (s *String) DateTime(layout ...string) *DateTime
- func (s *String) Empty() *String
- func (s *String) Equal(value string) *String
- func (s *String) EqualFold(value string) *String
- func (s *String) Length() *Number
- func (s *String) Match(re string) *Match
- func (s *String) MatchAll(re string) []Match
- func (s *String) NotContains(value string) *String
- func (s *String) NotContainsFold(value string) *String
- func (s *String) NotEmpty() *String
- func (s *String) NotEqual(value string) *String
- func (s *String) NotEqualFold(value string) *String
- func (s *String) NotMatch(re string) *String
- func (s *String) Path(path string) *Value
- func (s *String) Raw() string
- func (s *String) Schema(schema interface{}) *String
- type Value
- func (v *Value) Array() *Array
- func (v *Value) Boolean() *Boolean
- func (v *Value) Equal(value interface{}) *Value
- func (v *Value) NotEqual(value interface{}) *Value
- func (v *Value) NotNull() *Value
- func (v *Value) Null() *Value
- func (v *Value) Number() *Number
- func (v *Value) Object() *Object
- func (v *Value) Path(path string) *Value
- func (v *Value) Raw() interface{}
- func (v *Value) Schema(schema interface{}) *Value
- func (v *Value) String() *String
- type Websocket
- func (c *Websocket) Close(code *Websocket
- func (c *Websocket) CloseWithBytes(b []byte, code *Websocket
- func (c *Websocket) CloseWithJSON(object interface{}, code *Websocket
- func (c *Websocket) CloseWithText(s string, code *Websocket
- func (c *Websocket) Disconnect() *Websocket
- func (c *Websocket) Expect() *WebsocketMessage
- func (c *Websocket) Raw() *websocket.Conn
- func (c *Websocket) Subprotocol() *String
- func (c *Websocket) WithReadTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *Websocket
- func (c *Websocket) WithWriteTimeout(timeout time.Duration) *Websocket
- func (c *Websocket) WithoutReadTimeout() *Websocket
- func (c *Websocket) WithoutWriteTimeout() *Websocket
- func (c *Websocket) WriteBytesBinary(b []byte) *Websocket
- func (c *Websocket) WriteBytesText(b []byte) *Websocket
- func (c *Websocket) WriteJSON(object interface{}) *Websocket
- func (c *Websocket) WriteMessage(typ int, content []byte, closeCode *Websocket
- func (c *Websocket) WriteText(s string) *Websocket
- type WebsocketDialer
- type WebsocketMessage
- func (m *WebsocketMessage) BinaryMessage() *WebsocketMessage
- func (m *WebsocketMessage) Body() *String
- func (m *WebsocketMessage) CloseMessage() *WebsocketMessage
- func (m *WebsocketMessage) Code(code *WebsocketMessage
- func (m *WebsocketMessage) JSON() *Value
- func (m *WebsocketMessage) NoContent() *WebsocketMessage
- func (m *WebsocketMessage) NotBinaryMessage() *WebsocketMessage
- func (m *WebsocketMessage) NotCloseMessage() *WebsocketMessage
- func (m *WebsocketMessage) NotCode(code *WebsocketMessage
- func (m *WebsocketMessage) NotTextMessage() *WebsocketMessage
- func (m *WebsocketMessage) NotType(typ *WebsocketMessage
- func (m *WebsocketMessage) Raw() (typ int, content []byte, closeCode int)
- func (m *WebsocketMessage) TextMessage() *WebsocketMessage
- func (m *WebsocketMessage) Type(typ *WebsocketMessage
- type WebsocketPrinter
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func NewFastWebsocketDialer ¶
func NewFastWebsocketDialer(handler fasthttp.RequestHandler) *websocket.Dialer
NewFastWebsocketDialer produces new websocket.Dialer which dials to bound fasthttp.RequestHandler without creating a real net.Conn.
Types ¶
type Array ¶
type Array struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Array provides methods to inspect attached []interface{} object (Go representation of JSON array).
func NewArray ¶
NewArray returns a new Array given a reporter used to report failures and value to be inspected.
Both reporter and value should not be nil. If value is nil, failure is reported.
array := NewArray(t, []interface{}{"foo", 123})
func (*Array) Contains ¶
Contains succeeds if array contains all given elements (in any order). Before comparison, array and all elements are converted to canonical form.
array := NewArray(t, []interface{}{"foo", 123}) array.Contains(123, "foo")
func (*Array) ContainsOnly ¶
ContainsOnly succeeds if array contains all given elements, in any order, and only them. Before comparison, array and all elements are converted to canonical form.
array := NewArray(t, []interface{}{"foo", 123}) array.ContainsOnly(123, "foo")
This calls are equivalent:
array.ContainsOnly("a", "b") array.ContainsOnly("b", "a")
func (*Array) Element ¶
Element returns a new Value object that may be used to inspect array element for given index.
If index is out of array bounds, Element reports failure and returns empty (but non-nil) value.
array := NewArray(t, []interface{}{"foo", 123}) array.Element(0).String().Equal("foo") array.Element(1).Number().Equal(123)
func (*Array) Elements ¶
Elements succeeds if array contains all given elements, in given order, and only them. Before comparison, array and all elements are converted to canonical form.
For partial or unordered comparison, see Contains and ContainsOnly.
array := NewArray(t, []interface{}{"foo", 123}) array.Elements("foo", 123)
This calls are equivalent:
array.Elelems("a", "b") array.Equal([]interface{}{"a", "b"})
func (*Array) Empty ¶
Empty succeeds if array is empty.
array := NewArray(t, []interface{}{}) array.Empty()
func (*Array) Equal ¶
Equal succeeds if array is equal to given Go slice. Before comparison, both array and value are converted to canonical form.
value should be a slice of any type.
array := NewArray(t, []interface{}{"foo", 123}) array.Equal([]interface{}{"foo", 123}) array := NewArray(t, []interface{}{"foo", "bar"}) array.Equal([]string{}{"foo", "bar"}) array := NewArray(t, []interface{}{123, 456}) array.Equal([]int{}{123, 456})
func (*Array) First ¶
First returns a new Value object that may be used to inspect first element of given array.
If given array is empty, First reports failure and returns empty (but non-nil) value.
array := NewArray(t, []interface{}{"foo", 123}) array.First().String().Equal("foo")
func (*Array) Iter ¶
Iter returns a new slice of Values attached to array elements.
strings := []interface{}{"foo", "bar"} array := NewArray(t, strings) for n, val := range array.Iter() { val.String().Equal(strings[n]) }
func (*Array) Last ¶
Last returns a new Value object that may be used to inspect last element of given array.
If given array is empty, Last reports failure and returns empty (but non-nil) value.
array := NewArray(t, []interface{}{"foo", 123}) array.Last().Number().Equal(123)
func (*Array) Length ¶
Length returns a new Number object that may be used to inspect array length.
array := NewArray(t, []interface{}{1, 2, 3}) array.Length().Equal(3)
func (*Array) NotContains ¶
NotContains succeeds if array contains none of given elements. Before comparison, array and all elements are converted to canonical form.
array := NewArray(t, []interface{}{"foo", 123}) array.NotContains("bar") // success array.NotContains("bar", "foo") // failure (array contains "foo")
func (*Array) NotEmpty ¶
NotEmpty succeeds if array is non-empty.
array := NewArray(t, []interface{}{"foo", 123}) array.NotEmpty()
func (*Array) NotEqual ¶
NotEqual succeeds if array is not equal to given Go slice. Before comparison, both array and value are converted to canonical form.
value should be a slice of any type.
array := NewArray(t, []interface{}{"foo", 123}) array.NotEqual([]interface{}{123, "foo"})
type AssertReporter ¶
type AssertReporter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AssertReporter implements Reporter interface using `testify/assert' package. Failures are non-fatal with this reporter.
func NewAssertReporter ¶
func NewAssertReporter(t assert.TestingT) *AssertReporter
NewAssertReporter returns a new AssertReporter object.
func (*AssertReporter) Errorf ¶
func (r *AssertReporter) Errorf(message string, args ...interface{})
Errorf implements Reporter.Errorf.
type Binder ¶
type Binder struct { // HTTP handler invoked for every request. Handler http.Handler // TLS connection state used for https:// requests. TLS *tls.ConnectionState }
Binder implements networkless http.RoundTripper attached directly to http.Handler.
Binder emulates network communication by invoking given http.Handler directly. It passes httptest.ResponseRecorder as http.ResponseWriter to the handler, and then constructs http.Response from recorded data.
type Boolean ¶
type Boolean struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Boolean provides methods to inspect attached bool value (Go representation of JSON boolean).
func NewBoolean ¶
NewBoolean returns a new Boolean given a reporter used to report failures and value to be inspected.
reporter should not be nil.
boolean := NewBoolean(t, true)
func (*Boolean) Equal ¶
Equal succeeds if boolean is equal to given value.
boolean := NewBoolean(t, true) boolean.Equal(true)
func (*Boolean) False ¶
False succeeds if boolean is false.
boolean := NewBoolean(t, false) boolean.False()
func (*Boolean) NotEqual ¶
NotEqual succeeds if boolean is not equal to given value.
boolean := NewBoolean(t, true) boolean.NotEqual(false)
func (*Boolean) Raw ¶
Raw returns underlying value attached to Boolean. This is the value originally passed to NewBoolean.
boolean := NewBoolean(t, true) assert.Equal(t, true, boolean.Raw())
type Client ¶
type Client interface { // Do sends request and returns response. Do(*http.Request) (*http.Response, error) }
Client is used to send http.Request and receive http.Response. http.Client implements this interface.
Binder and FastBinder may be used to obtain this interface implementation.
httpBinderClient := &http.Client{ Transport: httpexpect.NewBinder(HTTPHandler), } fastBinderClient := &http.Client{ Transport: httpexpect.NewFastBinder(FastHTTPHandler), }
type CompactPrinter ¶
type CompactPrinter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CompactPrinter implements Printer. It prints requests in compact form.
func NewCompactPrinter ¶
func NewCompactPrinter(logger Logger) CompactPrinter
NewCompactPrinter returns a new CompactPrinter given a logger.
func (CompactPrinter) Request ¶
func (p CompactPrinter) Request(req *http.Request)
Request implements Printer.Request.
type Config ¶
type Config struct { // BaseURL is a URL to prepended to all request. My be empty. If // non-empty, trailing slash is allowed but not required and is // appended automatically. BaseURL string // RequestFactory is used to pass in a custom *http.Request generation func. // May be nil. // // You can use DefaultRequestFactory, or provide custom implementation. // Useful for Google App Engine testing for example. RequestFactory RequestFactory // Client is used to send http.Request and receive http.Response. // Should not be nil. // // You can use http.DefaultClient or http.Client, or provide // custom implementation. Client Client // WebsocketDialer is used to establish websocket.Conn and receive // http.Response of handshake result. // Should not be nil. // // You can use websocket.DefaultDialer or websocket.Dialer, or provide // custom implementation. WebsocketDialer WebsocketDialer // Reporter is used to report failures. // Should not be nil. // // You can use AssertReporter, RequireReporter (they use testify), // or testing.TB, or provide custom implementation. Reporter Reporter // Printers are used to print requests and responses. // May be nil. // // You can use CompactPrinter, DebugPrinter, CurlPrinter, or provide // custom implementation. // // You can also use builtin printers with alternative Logger if // you're happy with their format, but want to send logs somewhere // else instead of testing.TB. Printers []Printer }
Config contains various settings.
type ContentOpts ¶
type ContentOpts struct { // The media type Content-Type part, e.g. "application/json" MediaType string // The character set Content-Type part, e.g. "utf-8" Charset string }
ContentOpts define parameters for matching the response content parameters.
type Cookie ¶
type Cookie struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Cookie provides methods to inspect attached http.Cookie value.
func NewCookie ¶
NewCookie returns a new Cookie object given a reporter used to report failures and cookie value to be inspected.
reporter and value should not be nil.
cookie := NewCookie(reporter, &http.Cookie{...}) cookie.Domain().Equal("") cookie.Path().Equal("/") cookie.Expires().InRange(time.Now(), time.Now().Add(time.Hour * 24))
func (*Cookie) Domain ¶
Domain returns a new String object that may be used to inspect cookie domain.
cookie := NewCookie(t, &http.Cookie{...}) cookie.Domain().Equal("")
func (*Cookie) Expires ¶
Expires returns a new DateTime object that may be used to inspect cookie expiration date.
cookie := NewCookie(t, &http.Cookie{...}) cookie.Expires().InRange(time.Now(), time.Now().Add(time.Hour * 24))
func (*Cookie) MaxAge ¶ added in v1.1.0
MaxAge returns a new Duration object that may be used to inspect cookie Max-age field.
If MaxAge is not set, the returned Duration is unset. Whether a Duration is set or not can be chacked using its IsSet and NotSet methods.
If MaxAge is zero (which means delete cookie now), the returned Duration is set and equals to zero.
cookie := NewCookie(t, &http.Cookie{...}) cookie.MaxAge().IsSet() cookie.MaxAge().InRange(time.Minute, time.Minute*10)
func (*Cookie) Name ¶
Name returns a new String object that may be used to inspect cookie name.
cookie := NewCookie(t, &http.Cookie{...}) cookie.Name().Equal("session")
func (*Cookie) Path ¶
Path returns a new String object that may be used to inspect cookie path.
cookie := NewCookie(t, &http.Cookie{...}) cookie.Path().Equal("/foo")
type CurlPrinter ¶
type CurlPrinter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CurlPrinter implements Printer. Uses http2curl to dump requests as curl commands.
func NewCurlPrinter ¶
func NewCurlPrinter(logger Logger) CurlPrinter
NewCurlPrinter returns a new CurlPrinter given a logger.
func (CurlPrinter) Request ¶
func (p CurlPrinter) Request(req *http.Request)
Request implements Printer.Request.
type DateTime ¶
type DateTime struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DateTime provides methods to inspect attached time.Time value.
func NewDateTime ¶
NewDateTime returns a new DateTime object given a reporter used to report failures and time.Time value to be inspected.
reporter should not be nil.
dt := NewDateTime(reporter, time.Now()) dt.Le(time.Now()) time.Sleep(time.Second) dt.Lt(time.Now())
func (*DateTime) Equal ¶
Equal succeeds if DateTime is equal to given value.
dt := NewDateTime(t, time.Unix(0, 1)) dt.Equal(time.Unix(0, 1))
func (*DateTime) Ge ¶
Ge succeeds if DateTime is greater than or equal to given value.
dt := NewDateTime(t, time.Unix(0, 2)) dt.Ge(time.Unix(0, 1))
func (*DateTime) Gt ¶
Gt succeeds if DateTime is greater than given value.
dt := NewDateTime(t, time.Unix(0, 2)) dt.Gt(time.Unix(0, 1))
func (*DateTime) InRange ¶
InRange succeeds if DateTime is in given range [min; max].
dt := NewDateTime(t, time.Unix(0, 2)) dt.InRange(time.Unix(0, 1), time.Unix(0, 3)) dt.InRange(time.Unix(0, 2), time.Unix(0, 2))
func (*DateTime) Le ¶
Le succeeds if DateTime is lesser than or equal to given value.
dt := NewDateTime(t, time.Unix(0, 1)) dt.Le(time.Unix(0, 2))
func (*DateTime) Lt ¶
Lt succeeds if DateTime is lesser than given value.
dt := NewDateTime(t, time.Unix(0, 1)) dt.Lt(time.Unix(0, 2))
type DebugPrinter ¶
type DebugPrinter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DebugPrinter implements Printer. Uses net/http/httputil to dump both requests and responses.
func NewDebugPrinter ¶
func NewDebugPrinter(logger Logger, body bool) DebugPrinter
NewDebugPrinter returns a new DebugPrinter given a logger and body flag. If body is true, request and response body is also printed.
func (DebugPrinter) Request ¶
func (p DebugPrinter) Request(req *http.Request)
Request implements Printer.Request.
func (DebugPrinter) Response ¶
func (p DebugPrinter) Response(resp *http.Response, duration time.Duration)
Response implements Printer.Response.
func (DebugPrinter) WebsocketRead ¶
func (p DebugPrinter) WebsocketRead(typ int, content []byte, closeCode int)
WebsocketRead implements WebsocketPrinter.WebsocketRead.
func (DebugPrinter) WebsocketWrite ¶
func (p DebugPrinter) WebsocketWrite(typ int, content []byte, closeCode int)
WebsocketWrite implements WebsocketPrinter.WebsocketWrite.
type DefaultRequestFactory ¶
type DefaultRequestFactory struct{}
DefaultRequestFactory is the default RequestFactory implementation which just calls http.NewRequest.
func (DefaultRequestFactory) NewRequest ¶
func (DefaultRequestFactory) NewRequest( method, urlStr string, body io.Reader) (*http.Request, error)
NewRequest implements RequestFactory.NewRequest.
type Duration ¶ added in v1.1.0
type Duration struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Duration provides methods to inspect attached time.Duration value.
func NewDuration ¶ added in v1.1.0
NewDuration returns a new Duration object given a reporter used to report failures and time.Duration value to be inspected.
reporter should not be nil.
d := NewDuration(reporter, time.Second) d.Le(time.Minute)
func (*Duration) Equal ¶ added in v1.1.0
Equal succeeds if Duration is equal to given value.
d := NewDuration(t, time.Second) d.Equal(time.Second)
func (*Duration) Ge ¶ added in v1.1.0
Ge succeeds if Duration is greater than or equal to given value.
d := NewDuration(t, time.Minute) d.Ge(time.Second)
func (*Duration) Gt ¶ added in v1.1.0
Gt succeeds if Duration is greater than given value.
d := NewDuration(t, time.Minute) d.Gt(time.Second)
func (*Duration) InRange ¶ added in v1.1.0
InRange succeeds if Duration is in given range [min; max].
d := NewDuration(t, time.Minute) d.InRange(time.Second, time.Hour) d.InRange(time.Minute, time.Minute)
func (*Duration) IsSet ¶ added in v1.1.0
IsSet succeeds if Duration is set.
d := NewDuration(t, time.Second) d.IsSet()
func (*Duration) Le ¶ added in v1.1.0
Le succeeds if Duration is lesser than or equal to given value.
d := NewDuration(t, time.Second) d.Le(time.Minute)
func (*Duration) Lt ¶ added in v1.1.0
Lt succeeds if Duration is lesser than given value.
d := NewDuration(t, time.Second) d.Lt(time.Minute)
func (*Duration) NotEqual ¶ added in v1.1.0
NotEqual succeeds if Duration is not equal to given value.
d := NewDuration(t, time.Second) d.NotEqual(time.Minute)
type Expect ¶
type Expect struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Expect is a toplevel object that contains user Config and allows to construct Request objects.
func New ¶
func New(t LoggerReporter, baseURL string) *Expect
New returns a new Expect object.
baseURL specifies URL to prepended to all request. My be empty. If non-empty, trailing slash is allowed but not required and is appended automatically.
New is a shorthand for WithConfig. It uses:
- CompactPrinter as Printer, with testing.TB as Logger
- AssertReporter as Reporter
- DefaultRequestFactory as RequestFactory
Client is set to a default client with a non-nil Jar:
&http.Client{ Jar: httpexpect.NewJar(), }
func TestSomething(t *testing.T) { e := httpexpect.New(t, "") e.GET("/path"). Expect(). Status(http.StatusOK) }
func WithConfig ¶
WithConfig returns a new Expect object with given config.
Reporter should not be nil.
If RequestFactory is nil, it's set to a DefaultRequestFactory instance.
If Client is nil, it's set to a default client with a non-nil Jar:
&http.Client{ Jar: httpexpect.NewJar(), }
If WebsocketDialer is nil, it's set to a default dialer:
func TestSomething(t *testing.T) { e := httpexpect.WithConfig(httpexpect.Config{ BaseURL: "", Client: &http.Client{ Transport: httpexpect.NewBinder(myHandler()), Jar: httpexpect.NewJar(), }, Reporter: httpexpect.NewAssertReporter(t), Printers: []httpexpect.Printer{ httpexpect.NewCurlPrinter(t), httpexpect.NewDebugPrinter(t, true) }, }) e.GET("/path"). Expect(). Status(http.StatusOK) }
func (*Expect) Builder ¶
Builder returns a copy of Expect instance with given builder attached to it. Returned copy contains all previously attached builders plus a new one. Builders are invoked from Request method, after constructing every new request.
e := httpexpect.New(t, "") token := e.POST("/login").WithForm(Login{"ford", "betelgeuse7"}). Expect(). Status(http.StatusOK).JSON().Object().Value("token").String().Raw() auth := e.Builder(func (req *httpexpect.Request) { req.WithHeader("Authorization", "Bearer "+token) }) auth.GET("/restricted"). Expect(). Status(http.StatusOK)
func (*Expect) Matcher ¶
Matcher returns a copy of Expect instance with given matcher attached to it. Returned copy contains all previously attached matchers plus a new one. Matchers are invoked from Request.Expect method, after retrieving a new response.
e := httpexpect.New(t, "") m := e.Matcher(func (resp *httpexpect.Response) { resp.Header("API-Version").NotEmpty() }) m.GET("/some-path"). Expect(). Status(http.StatusOK) m.GET("/bad-path"). Expect(). Status(http.StatusNotFound)
func (*Expect) Request ¶
Request returns a new Request object. Arguments a similar to NewRequest. After creating request, all builders attached to Expect object are invoked. See Builder.
type FastBinder ¶
type FastBinder struct { // FastHTTP handler invoked for every request. Handler fasthttp.RequestHandler // TLS connection state used for https:// requests. TLS *tls.ConnectionState }
FastBinder implements networkless http.RoundTripper attached directly to fasthttp.RequestHandler.
FastBinder emulates network communication by invoking given fasthttp.RequestHandler directly. It converts http.Request to fasthttp.Request, invokes handler, and then converts fasthttp.Response to http.Response.
func NewFastBinder ¶
func NewFastBinder(handler fasthttp.RequestHandler) FastBinder
NewFastBinder returns a new FastBinder given a fasthttp.RequestHandler.
client := &http.Client{ Transport: NewFastBinder(fasthandler), }
type Logger ¶
type Logger interface { // Logf writes message to log. Logf(fmt string, args ...interface{}) }
Logger is used as output backend for Printer. testing.TB implements this interface.
type LoggerReporter ¶
LoggerReporter combines Logger and Reporter interfaces.
type Match ¶
type Match struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Match provides methods to inspect attached regexp match results.
func NewMatch ¶
NewMatch returns a new Match object given a reporter used to report failures and submatches to be inspected.
reporter should not be nil. submatches and names may be nil.
s := "" r := regexp.MustCompile(`http://(?P<host>.+)/users/(?P<user>.+)`) m := NewMatch(reporter, r.FindStringSubmatch(s), r.SubexpNames()) m.NotEmpty() m.Length().Equal(3) m.Index(0).Equal("") m.Index(1).Equal("") m.Index(2).Equal("john") m.Name("host").Equal("") m.Name("user").Equal("john")
func (*Match) Empty ¶
Empty succeeds if submatches array is empty.
m := NewMatch(t, submatches, names) m.Empty()
func (*Match) Index ¶
Index returns a new String object that may be used to inspect submatch with given index.
Note that submatch with index 0 contains the whole match. If index is out of bounds, Index reports failure and returns empty (but non-nil) value.
s := "" r := regexp.MustCompile(`http://(.+)/users/(.+)`) m := NewMatch(t, r.FindStringSubmatch(s), nil) m.Index(0).Equal("") m.Index(1).Equal("") m.Index(2).Equal("john")
func (*Match) Length ¶
Length returns a new Number object that may be used to inspect number of submatches.
m := NewMatch(t, submatches, names) m.Length().Equal(len(submatches))
func (*Match) Name ¶
Name returns a new String object that may be used to inspect submatch with given name.
If there is no submatch with given name, Name reports failure and returns empty (but non-nil) value.
s := "" r := regexp.MustCompile(`http://(?P<host>.+)/users/(?P<user>.+)`) m := NewMatch(t, r.FindStringSubmatch(s), r.SubexpNames()) m.Name("host").Equal("") m.Name("user").Equal("john")
func (*Match) NotEmpty ¶
NotEmpty succeeds if submatches array is non-empty.
m := NewMatch(t, submatches, names) m.NotEmpty()
func (*Match) NotValues ¶
NotValues succeeds if submatches array, starting from index 1, is not equal to given array.
Note that submatch with index 0 contains the whole match and is not included into this check.
s := "" r := regexp.MustCompile(`http://(.+)/users/(.+)`) m := NewMatch(t, r.FindStringSubmatch(s), nil) m.NotValues("", "bob")
func (*Match) Raw ¶
Raw returns underlying submatches attached to Match. This is the value originally passed to NewMatch.
m := NewMatch(t, submatches, names) assert.Equal(t, submatches, m.Raw())
func (*Match) Values ¶
Values succeeds if submatches array, starting from index 1, is equal to given array.
Note that submatch with index 0 contains the whole match and is not included into this check.
s := "" r := regexp.MustCompile(`http://(.+)/users/(.+)`) m := NewMatch(t, r.FindStringSubmatch(s), nil) m.Values("", "john")
type Number ¶
type Number struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Number provides methods to inspect attached float64 value (Go representation of JSON number).
func NewNumber ¶
NewNumber returns a new Number given a reporter used to report failures and value to be inspected.
reporter should not be nil.
number := NewNumber(t, 123.4)
func (*Number) Equal ¶
Equal succeeds if number is equal to given value.
value should have numeric type convertible to float64. Before comparison, it is converted to float64.
number := NewNumber(t, 123) number.Equal(float64(123)) number.Equal(int32(123))
func (*Number) EqualDelta ¶
EqualDelta succeeds if two numerals are within delta of each other.
number := NewNumber(t, 123.0) number.EqualDelta(123.2, 0.3)
func (*Number) Ge ¶
Ge succeeds if number is greater than or equal to given value.
value should have numeric type convertible to float64. Before comparison, it is converted to float64.
number := NewNumber(t, 123) number.Ge(float64(122)) number.Ge(int32(122))
func (*Number) Gt ¶
Gt succeeds if number is greater than given value.
value should have numeric type convertible to float64. Before comparison, it is converted to float64.
number := NewNumber(t, 123) number.Gt(float64(122)) number.Gt(int32(122))
func (*Number) InRange ¶
InRange succeeds if number is in given range [min; max].
min and max should have numeric type convertible to float64. Before comparison, they are converted to float64.
number := NewNumber(t, 123) number.InRange(float32(100), int32(200)) // success number.InRange(100, 200) // success number.InRange(123, 123) // success
func (*Number) Le ¶
Le succeeds if number is lesser than or equal to given value.
value should have numeric type convertible to float64. Before comparison, it is converted to float64.
number := NewNumber(t, 123) number.Le(float64(124)) number.Le(int32(124))
func (*Number) Lt ¶
Lt succeeds if number is lesser than given value.
value should have numeric type convertible to float64. Before comparison, it is converted to float64.
number := NewNumber(t, 123) number.Lt(float64(124)) number.Lt(int32(124))
func (*Number) NotEqual ¶
NotEqual succeeds if number is not equal to given value.
value should have numeric type convertible to float64. Before comparison, it is converted to float64.
number := NewNumber(t, 123) number.NotEqual(float64(321)) number.NotEqual(int32(321))
func (*Number) NotEqualDelta ¶
NotEqualDelta succeeds if two numerals are not within delta of each other.
number := NewNumber(t, 123.0) number.NotEqualDelta(123.2, 0.1)
type Object ¶
type Object struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Object provides methods to inspect attached map[string]interface{} object (Go representation of JSON object).
func NewObject ¶
NewObject returns a new Object given a reporter used to report failures and value to be inspected.
Both reporter and value should not be nil. If value is nil, failure is reported.
object := NewObject(t, map[string]interface{}{"foo": 123})
func (*Object) ContainsKey ¶
ContainsKey succeeds if object contains given key.
object := NewObject(t, map[string]interface{}{"foo": 123}) object.ContainsKey("foo")
func (*Object) ContainsMap ¶
ContainsMap succeeds if object contains given Go value. Before comparison, both object and value are converted to canonical form.
value should be map[string]interface{} or struct.
object := NewObject(t, map[string]interface{}{ "foo": 123, "bar": []interface{}{"x", "y"}, "bar": map[string]interface{}{ "a": true, "b": false, }, }) object.ContainsMap(map[string]interface{}{ // success "foo": 123, "bar": map[string]interface{}{ "a": true, }, }) object.ContainsMap(map[string]interface{}{ // failure "foo": 123, "qux": 456, }) object.ContainsMap(map[string]interface{}{ // failure, slices should match exactly "bar": []interface{}{"x"}, })
func (*Object) Empty ¶
Empty succeeds if object is empty.
object := NewObject(t, map[string]interface{}{}) object.Empty()
func (*Object) Equal ¶
Equal succeeds if object is equal to given Go map or struct. Before comparison, both object and value are converted to canonical form.
value should be map[string]interface{} or struct.
object := NewObject(t, map[string]interface{}{"foo": 123}) object.Equal(map[string]interface{}{"foo": 123})
func (*Object) Keys ¶
Keys returns a new Array object that may be used to inspect objects keys.
object := NewObject(t, map[string]interface{}{"foo": 123, "bar": 456}) object.Keys().ContainsOnly("foo", "bar")
func (*Object) NotContainsKey ¶
NotContainsKey succeeds if object doesn't contain given key.
object := NewObject(t, map[string]interface{}{"foo": 123}) object.NotContainsKey("bar")
func (*Object) NotContainsMap ¶
NotContainsMap succeeds if object doesn't contain given Go value. Before comparison, both object and value are converted to canonical form.
value should be map[string]interface{} or struct.
object := NewObject(t, map[string]interface{}{"foo": 123, "bar": 456}) object.NotContainsMap(map[string]interface{}{"foo": 123, "bar": "no-no-no"})
func (*Object) NotEmpty ¶
NotEmpty succeeds if object is non-empty.
object := NewObject(t, map[string]interface{}{"foo": 123}) object.NotEmpty()
func (*Object) NotEqual ¶
NotEqual succeeds if object is not equal to given Go map or struct. Before comparison, both object and value are converted to canonical form.
value should be map[string]interface{} or struct.
object := NewObject(t, map[string]interface{}{"foo": 123}) object.Equal(map[string]interface{}{"bar": 123})
func (*Object) Raw ¶
Raw returns underlying value attached to Object. This is the value originally passed to NewObject, converted to canonical form.
object := NewObject(t, map[string]interface{}{"foo": 123}) assert.Equal(t, map[string]interface{}{"foo": 123.0}, object.Raw())
func (*Object) Value ¶
Value returns a new Value object that may be used to inspect single value for given key.
object := NewObject(t, map[string]interface{}{"foo": 123}) object.Value("foo").Number().Equal(123)
func (*Object) ValueEqual ¶
ValueEqual succeeds if object's value for given key is equal to given Go value. Before comparison, both values are converted to canonical form.
value should be map[string]interface{} or struct.
object := NewObject(t, map[string]interface{}{"foo": 123}) object.ValueEqual("foo", 123)
func (*Object) ValueNotEqual ¶
ValueNotEqual succeeds if object's value for given key is not equal to given Go value. Before comparison, both values are converted to canonical form.
value should be map[string]interface{} or struct.
If object doesn't contain any value for given key, failure is reported.
object := NewObject(t, map[string]interface{}{"foo": 123}) object.ValueNotEqual("foo", "bad value") // success object.ValueNotEqual("bar", "bad value") // failure! (key is missing)
type Printer ¶
type Printer interface { // Request is called before request is sent. Request(*http.Request) // Response is called after response is received. Response(*http.Response, time.Duration) }
Printer is used to print requests and responses. CompactPrinter, DebugPrinter, and CurlPrinter implement this interface.
type Reporter ¶
type Reporter interface { // Errorf reports failure. // Allowed to return normally or terminate test using t.FailNow(). Errorf(message string, args ...interface{}) }
Reporter is used to report failures. testing.TB, AssertReporter, and RequireReporter implement this interface.
type Request ¶
type Request struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Request provides methods to incrementally build http.Request object, send it, and receive response.
func NewRequest ¶
NewRequest returns a new Request object.
method defines the HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.). path defines url path.
Simple interpolation is allowed for {named} parameters in path:
- if pathargs is given, it's used to substitute first len(pathargs) parameters, regardless of their names
- if WithPath() or WithPathObject() is called, it's used to substitute given parameters by name
For example:
req := NewRequest(config, "POST", "/repos/{user}/{repo}", "gavv", "httpexpect") // path will be "/repos/gavv/httpexpect"
req := NewRequest(config, "POST", "/repos/{user}/{repo}") req.WithPath("user", "gavv") req.WithPath("repo", "httpexpect") // path will be "/repos/gavv/httpexpect"
After interpolation, path is urlencoded and appended to Config.BaseURL, separated by slash. If BaseURL ends with a slash and path (after interpolation) starts with a slash, only single slash is inserted.
func (*Request) Expect ¶
Expect constructs http.Request, sends it, receives http.Response, and returns a new Response object to inspect received response.
Request is sent using Config.Client interface, or Config.Dialer interface in case of WebSocket request.
req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "") req.WithJSON(map[string]interface{}{"foo": 123}) resp := req.Expect() resp.Status(http.StatusOK)
func (*Request) WithBasicAuth ¶
WithBasicAuth sets the request's Authorization header to use HTTP Basic Authentication with the provided username and password.
With HTTP Basic Authentication the provided username and password are not encrypted.
req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "") req.WithBasicAuth("john", "secret")
func (*Request) WithBytes ¶
WithBytes sets request body to given slice of bytes.
req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "") req.WithHeader("Content-Type": "application/json") req.WithBytes([]byte(`{"foo": 123}`))
func (*Request) WithChunked ¶
WithChunked enables chunked encoding and sets request body reader.
Expect() will read all available data from given reader. Content-Length is not set, and "chunked" Transfer-Encoding is used.
If protocol version is not at least HTTP/1.1 (required for chunked encoding), failure is reported.
req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "") fh, _ := os.Open("data") defer fh.Close() req.WithHeader("Content-Type": "application/octet-stream") req.WithChunked(fh)
func (*Request) WithClient ¶
WithClient sets client.
The new client overwrites Config.Client. It will be used once to send the request and receive a response.
req := NewRequest(config, "GET", "/path") req.WithClient(&http.Client{ Transport: &http.Transport{ DisableCompression: true, }, })
func (*Request) WithCookie ¶
WithCookie adds given single cookie to request.
req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "") req.WithCookie("name", "value")
func (*Request) WithCookies ¶
WithCookies adds given cookies to request.
req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "") req.WithCookies(map[string]string{ "foo": "aa", "bar": "bb", })
func (*Request) WithFile ¶
WithFile sets Content-Type header to "multipart/form-data", reads given file and adds its contents to request body.
If reader is given, it's used to read file contents. Otherwise, os.Open() is used to read a file with given path.
Multiple WithForm(), WithFormField(), and WithFile() calls may be combined. WithMultipart() should be called before WithFile(), otherwise WithFile() fails.
req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "") req.WithFile("avatar", "./john.png") req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "") fh, _ := os.Open("./john.png") req.WithMultipart(). WithFile("avatar", "john.png", fh) fh.Close()
func (*Request) WithFileBytes ¶
WithFileBytes is like WithFile, but uses given slice of bytes as the file contents.
req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "") fh, _ := os.Open("./john.png") b, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(fh) req.WithMultipart(). WithFileBytes("avatar", "john.png", b) fh.Close()
func (*Request) WithForm ¶
WithForm sets Content-Type header to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" or (if WithMultipart() was called) "multipart/form-data", converts given object to url.Values using, and adds it to request body.
Various object types are supported, including maps and structs. Structs may contain "form" struct tag, similar to "json" struct tag for json.Marshal(). See for details.
Multiple WithForm(), WithFormField(), and WithFile() calls may be combined. If WithMultipart() is called, it should be called first.
type MyForm struct { Foo int `form:"foo"` } req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "") req.WithForm(MyForm{Foo: 123}) req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "") req.WithForm(map[string]interface{}{"foo": 123})
func (*Request) WithFormField ¶
WithFormField sets Content-Type header to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" or (if WithMultipart() was called) "multipart/form-data", converts given value to string using fmt.Sprint(), and adds it to request body.
Multiple WithForm(), WithFormField(), and WithFile() calls may be combined. If WithMultipart() is called, it should be called first.
req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "") req.WithFormField("foo", 123). WithFormField("bar", 456)
func (*Request) WithHandler ¶
WithHandler configures client to invoke the given handler directly.
If Config.Client is http.Client, then only its Transport field is overwritten because the client may contain some state shared among requests like a cookie jar. Otherwise, the whole client is overwritten with a new client.
req := NewRequest(config, "GET", "/path") req.WithHandler(myServer.someHandler)
func (*Request) WithHeader ¶
WithHeader adds given single header to request.
req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "") req.WithHeader("Content-Type": "application/json")
func (*Request) WithHeaders ¶
WithHeaders adds given headers to request.
req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "") req.WithHeaders(map[string]string{ "Content-Type": "application/json", })
func (*Request) WithJSON ¶
WithJSON sets Content-Type header to "application/json; charset=utf-8" and sets body to object, marshaled using json.Marshal().
type MyJSON struct { Foo int `json:"foo"` } req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "") req.WithJSON(MyJSON{Foo: 123}) req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "") req.WithJSON(map[string]interface{}{"foo": 123})
func (*Request) WithMatcher ¶
WithMatcher attaches a matcher to the request. All attached matchers are invoked in the Expect method for a newly created Response.
req := NewRequest(config, "GET", "/path") req.WithMatcher(func (resp *httpexpect.Response) { resp.Header("API-Version").NotEmpty() })
func (*Request) WithMultipart ¶
WithMultipart sets Content-Type header to "multipart/form-data".
After this call, WithForm() and WithFormField() switch to multipart form instead of urlencoded form.
If WithMultipart() is called, it should be called before WithForm(), WithFormField(), and WithFile().
WithFile() always requires WithMultipart() to be called first.
req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "") req.WithMultipart(). WithForm(map[string]interface{}{"foo": 123})
func (*Request) WithPath ¶
WithPath substitutes named parameters in url path.
value is converted to string using fmt.Sprint(). If there is no named parameter '{key}' in url path, failure is reported.
Named parameters are case-insensitive.
req := NewRequest(config, "POST", "/repos/{user}/{repo}") req.WithPath("user", "gavv") req.WithPath("repo", "httpexpect") // path will be "/repos/gavv/httpexpect"
func (*Request) WithPathObject ¶
WithPathObject substitutes multiple named parameters in url path.
object should be map or struct. If object is struct, it's converted to map using Structs may contain "path" struct tag, similar to "json" struct tag for json.Marshal().
Each map value is converted to string using fmt.Sprint(). If there is no named parameter for some map '{key}' in url path, failure is reported.
Named parameters are case-insensitive.
type MyPath struct { Login string `path:"user"` Repo string } req := NewRequest(config, "POST", "/repos/{user}/{repo}") req.WithPathObject(MyPath{"gavv", "httpexpect"}) // path will be "/repos/gavv/httpexpect" req := NewRequest(config, "POST", "/repos/{user}/{repo}") req.WithPathObject(map[string]string{"user": "gavv", "repo": "httpexpect"}) // path will be "/repos/gavv/httpexpect"
func (*Request) WithProto ¶
WithProto sets HTTP protocol version.
proto should have form of "HTTP/{major}.{minor}", e.g. "HTTP/1.1".
req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "") req.WithProto("HTTP/2.0")
func (*Request) WithQuery ¶
WithQuery adds query parameter to request URL.
value is converted to string using fmt.Sprint() and urlencoded.
req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "") req.WithQuery("a", 123) req.WithQuery("b", "foo") // URL is now
func (*Request) WithQueryObject ¶
WithQueryObject adds multiple query parameters to request URL.
object is converted to query string using if it's a struct or pointer to struct, or otherwise.
Various object types are supported. Structs may contain "url" struct tag, similar to "json" struct tag for json.Marshal().
type MyURL struct { A int `url:"a"` B string `url:"b"` } req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "") req.WithQueryObject(MyURL{A: 123, B: "foo"}) // URL is now req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "") req.WithQueryObject(map[string]interface{}{"a": 123, "b": "foo"}) // URL is now
func (*Request) WithQueryString ¶
WithQueryString parses given query string and adds it to request URL.
req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "") req.WithQuery("a", 11) req.WithQueryString("b=22&c=33") // URL is now
func (*Request) WithText ¶
WithText sets Content-Type header to "text/plain; charset=utf-8" and sets body to given string.
req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "") req.WithText("hello, world!")
func (*Request) WithURL ¶
WithURL sets request URL.
This URL overwrites Config.BaseURL. Request path passed to NewRequest() is appended to this URL, separated by slash if necessary.
req := NewRequest(config, "PUT", "/path") req.WithURL("") // URL is now
func (*Request) WithWebsocketDialer ¶
func (r *Request) WithWebsocketDialer(dialer WebsocketDialer) *Request
WithWebsocketDialer sets the custom websocket dialer.
The new dialer overwrites Config.WebsocketDialer. It will be used once to establish the WebSocket connection and receive a response of handshake result.
req := NewRequest(config, "GET", "/path") req.WithWebsocketUpgrade() req.WithWebsocketDialer(&websocket.Dialer{ EnableCompression: false, }) ws := req.Expect().Status(http.StatusSwitchingProtocols).Websocket() defer ws.Disconnect()
func (*Request) WithWebsocketUpgrade ¶
WithWebsocketUpgrade enables upgrades the connection to websocket.
At least the following fields are added to the request header:
Upgrade: websocket Connection: Upgrade
The actual set of header fields is define by the protocol implementation in the gorilla/websocket package.
The user should then call the Response.Websocket() method which returns the Websocket object. This object can be used to send messages to the server, to inspect the received messages, and to close the websocket.
req := NewRequest(config, "GET", "/path") req.WithWebsocketUpgrade() ws := req.Expect().Status(http.StatusSwitchingProtocols).Websocket() defer ws.Disconnect()
type RequestFactory ¶
type RequestFactory interface {
NewRequest(method, urlStr string, body io.Reader) (*http.Request, error)
RequestFactory is used to create all http.Request objects. aetest.Instance from the Google App Engine implements this interface.
type RequireReporter ¶
type RequireReporter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RequireReporter implements Reporter interface using `testify/require' package. Failures fatal with this reporter.
func NewRequireReporter ¶
func NewRequireReporter(t require.TestingT) *RequireReporter
NewRequireReporter returns a new RequireReporter object.
func (*RequireReporter) Errorf ¶
func (r *RequireReporter) Errorf(message string, args ...interface{})
Errorf implements Reporter.Errorf.
type Response ¶
type Response struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Response provides methods to inspect attached http.Response object.
func NewResponse ¶
NewResponse returns a new Response given a reporter used to report failures and http.Response to be inspected.
Both reporter and response should not be nil. If response is nil, failure is reported.
If rtt is given, it defines response round-trip time to be reported by response.RoundTripTime().
func (*Response) Body ¶
Body returns a new String object that may be used to inspect response body.
resp := NewResponse(t, response) resp.Body().NotEmpty() resp.Body().Length().Equal(100)
func (*Response) ContentEncoding ¶
ContentEncoding succeeds if response has exactly given Content-Encoding list. Common values are empty, "gzip", "compress", "deflate", "identity" and "br".
func (*Response) ContentType ¶
ContentType succeeds if response contains Content-Type header with given media type and charset.
If charset is omitted, and mediaType is non-empty, Content-Type header should contain empty or utf-8 charset.
If charset is omitted, and mediaType is also empty, Content-Type header should contain no charset.
func (*Response) Cookie ¶
Cookie returns a new Cookie object that may be used to inspect given cookie set by this response.
Note that this returns only cookies set by Set-Cookie headers of this response. It doesn't return session cookies from previous responses, which may be stored in a cookie jar.
resp := NewResponse(t, response) resp.Cookie("session").Domain().Equal("")
func (*Response) Cookies ¶
Cookies returns a new Array object with all cookie names set by this response. Returned Array contains a String value for every cookie name.
Note that this returns only cookies set by Set-Cookie headers of this response. It doesn't return session cookies from previous responses, which may be stored in a cookie jar.
resp := NewResponse(t, response) resp.Cookies().Contains("session")
func (*Response) Form ¶
func (r *Response) Form(opts ...ContentOpts) *Object
Form returns a new Object that may be used to inspect form contents of response.
Form succeeds if response contains "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" Content-Type header and if form may be decoded from response body. Decoding is performed using
resp := NewResponse(t, response) resp.Form().Value("foo").Equal("bar") resp.Form(ContentOpts{ MediaType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", }).Value("foo").Equal("bar")
func (*Response) Header ¶
Header returns a new String object that may be used to inspect given header.
resp := NewResponse(t, response) resp.Header("Content-Type").Equal("application-json") resp.Header("Date").DateTime().Le(time.Now())
func (*Response) Headers ¶
Headers returns a new Object that may be used to inspect header map.
resp := NewResponse(t, response) resp.Headers().Value("Content-Type").String().Equal("application-json")
func (*Response) JSON ¶
func (r *Response) JSON(opts ...ContentOpts) *Value
JSON returns a new Value object that may be used to inspect JSON contents of response.
JSON succeeds if response contains "application/json" Content-Type header with empty or "utf-8" charset and if JSON may be decoded from response body.
resp := NewResponse(t, response) resp.JSON().Array().Elements("foo", "bar") resp.JSON(ContentOpts{ MediaType: "application/json", }).Array.Elements("foo", "bar")
func (*Response) JSONP ¶
func (r *Response) JSONP(callback string, opts ...ContentOpts) *Value
JSONP returns a new Value object that may be used to inspect JSONP contents of response.
JSONP succeeds if response contains "application/javascript" Content-Type header with empty or "utf-8" charset and response body of the following form:
callback(<valid json>);
callback(<valid json>)
Whitespaces are allowed.
resp := NewResponse(t, response) resp.JSONP("myCallback").Array().Elements("foo", "bar") resp.JSONP("myCallback", ContentOpts{ MediaType: "application/javascript", }).Array.Elements("foo", "bar")
func (*Response) NoContent ¶
NoContent succeeds if response contains empty Content-Type header and empty body.
func (*Response) Raw ¶
Raw returns underlying http.Response object. This is the value originally passed to NewResponse.
func (*Response) RoundTripTime ¶ added in v1.1.0
RoundTripTime returns a new Duration object that may be used to inspect the round-trip time.
The returned duration is a time interval starting just before request is sent and ending right after response is received (handshake finished for WebSocket request), retrieved from a monotonic clock source.
resp := NewResponse(t, response, time.Duration(10000000)) resp.RoundTripTime().Lt(10 * time.Millisecond)
func (*Response) Status ¶
Status succeeds if response contains given status code.
resp := NewResponse(t, response) resp.Status(http.StatusOK)
func (*Response) StatusRange ¶
func (r *Response) StatusRange(rn StatusRange) *Response
StatusRange succeeds if response status belongs to given range.
Supported ranges:
- Status1xx - Informational
- Status2xx - Success
- Status3xx - Redirection
- Status4xx - Client Error
- Status5xx - Server Error
resp := NewResponse(t, response) resp.StatusRange(Status2xx)
func (*Response) Text ¶
func (r *Response) Text(opts ...ContentOpts) *String
Text returns a new String object that may be used to inspect response body.
Text succeeds if response contains "text/plain" Content-Type header with empty or "utf-8" charset.
resp := NewResponse(t, response) resp.Text().Equal("hello, world!") resp.Text(ContentOpts{ MediaType: "text/plain", }).Equal("hello, world!")
func (*Response) TransferEncoding ¶
TransferEncoding succeeds if response contains given Transfer-Encoding list. Common values are empty, "chunked" and "identity".
func (*Response) Websocket ¶
Websocket returns Websocket object that can be used to interact with WebSocket server.
May be called only if the WithWebsocketUpgrade was called on the request. That is responsibility of the caller to explicitly close the websocket after use.
req := NewRequest(config, "GET", "/path") req.WithWebsocketUpgrade() ws := req.Expect().Websocket() defer ws.Disconnect()
type StatusRange ¶
type StatusRange int
StatusRange is enum for response status ranges.
const ( // Status1xx defines "Informational" status codes. Status1xx StatusRange = 100 // Status2xx defines "Success" status codes. Status2xx StatusRange = 200 // Status3xx defines "Redirection" status codes. Status3xx StatusRange = 300 // Status4xx defines "Client Error" status codes. Status4xx StatusRange = 400 // Status5xx defines "Server Error" status codes. Status5xx StatusRange = 500 )
type String ¶
type String struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
String provides methods to inspect attached string value (Go representation of JSON string).
func NewString ¶
NewString returns a new String given a reporter used to report failures and value to be inspected.
reporter should not be nil.
str := NewString(t, "Hello")
func (*String) Contains ¶
Contains succeeds if string contains given Go string as a substring.
str := NewString(t, "Hello") str.Contains("ell")
func (*String) ContainsFold ¶
ContainsFold succeeds if string contains given Go string as a substring after applying Unicode case-folding (so it's a case-insensitive match).
str := NewString(t, "Hello") str.ContainsFold("ELL")
func (*String) DateTime ¶
DateTime parses date/time from string an returns a new DateTime object.
If layout is given, DateTime() uses time.Parse() with given layout. Otherwise, it uses http.ParseTime(). If pasing error occurred, DateTime reports failure and returns empty (but non-nil) object.
str := NewString(t, "Tue, 15 Nov 1994 08:12:31 GMT") str.DateTime().Lt(time.Now()) str := NewString(t, "15 Nov 94 08:12 GMT") str.DateTime(time.RFC822).Lt(time.Now())
func (*String) Empty ¶
Empty succeeds if string is empty.
str := NewString(t, "") str.Empty()
func (*String) Equal ¶
Equal succeeds if string is equal to given Go string.
str := NewString(t, "Hello") str.Equal("Hello")
func (*String) EqualFold ¶
EqualFold succeeds if string is equal to given Go string after applying Unicode case-folding (so it's a case-insensitive match).
str := NewString(t, "Hello") str.EqualFold("hELLo")
func (*String) Length ¶
Length returns a new Number object that may be used to inspect string length.
str := NewString(t, "Hello") str.Length().Equal(5)
func (*String) Match ¶
Match matches the string with given regexp and returns a new Match object with found submatches.
If regexp is invalid or string doesn't match regexp, Match fails and returns empty (but non-nil) object. regexp.Compile is used to construct regexp, and Regexp.FindStringSubmatch is used to construct matches.
s := NewString(t, "") m := s.Match(`http://(?P<host>.+)/users/(?P<user>.+)`) m.NotEmpty() m.Length().Equal(3) m.Index(0).Equal("") m.Index(1).Equal("") m.Index(2).Equal("john") m.Name("host").Equal("") m.Name("user").Equal("john")
func (*String) MatchAll ¶
MatchAll find all matches in string for given regexp and returns a list of found matches.
If regexp is invalid or string doesn't match regexp, MatchAll fails and returns empty (but non-nil) slice. regexp.Compile is used to construct regexp, and Regexp.FindAllStringSubmatch is used to find matches.
s := NewString(t, "") m := s.MatchAll(`http://(?P<host>\S+)/users/(?P<user>\S+)`) m[0].Name("user").Equal("john") m[1].Name("user").Equal("bob")
func (*String) NotContains ¶
NotContains succeeds if string doesn't contain Go string as a substring.
str := NewString(t, "Hello") str.NotContains("bye")
func (*String) NotContainsFold ¶
NotContainsFold succeeds if string doesn't contain given Go string as a substring after applying Unicode case-folding (so it's a case-insensitive match).
str := NewString(t, "Hello") str.NotContainsFold("BYE")
func (*String) NotEmpty ¶
NotEmpty succeeds if string is non-empty.
str := NewString(t, "Hello") str.NotEmpty()
func (*String) NotEqual ¶
NotEqual succeeds if string is not equal to given Go string.
str := NewString(t, "Hello") str.NotEqual("Goodbye")
func (*String) NotEqualFold ¶
NotEqualFold succeeds if string is not equal to given Go string after applying Unicode case-folding (so it's a case-insensitive match).
str := NewString(t, "Hello") str.NotEqualFold("gOODBYe")
func (*String) NotMatch ¶
NotMatch succeeds if the string doesn't match to given regexp.
regexp.Compile is used to construct regexp, and Regexp.MatchString is used to perform match.
s := NewString(t, "a") s.NotMatch(`[^a]`)
type Value ¶
type Value struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Value provides methods to inspect attached interface{} object (Go representation of arbitrary JSON value) and cast it to concrete type.
func NewValue ¶
NewValue returns a new Value given a reporter used to report failures and value to be inspected.
reporter should not be nil, but value may be nil.
value := NewValue(t, map[string]interface{}{"foo": 123}) value.Object() value := NewValue(t, []interface{}{"foo", 123}) value.Array() value := NewValue(t, "foo") value.String() value := NewValue(t, 123) value.Number() value := NewValue(t, true) value.Boolean() value := NewValue(t, nil) value.Null()
func (*Value) Array ¶
Array returns a new Array attached to underlying value.
If underlying value is not an array ([]interface{}), failure is reported and empty (but non-nil) value is returned.
value := NewValue(t, []interface{}{"foo", 123}) value.Array().Elements("foo", 123)
func (*Value) Boolean ¶
Boolean returns a new Boolean attached to underlying value.
If underlying value is not a bool, failure is reported and empty (but non-nil) value is returned.
value := NewValue(t, true) value.Boolean().True()
func (*Value) Equal ¶
Equal succeeds if value is equal to given Go value (e.g. map, slice, string, etc). Before comparison, both values are converted to canonical form.
value := NewValue(t, "foo") value.Equal("foo")
func (*Value) NotEqual ¶
NotEqual succeeds if value is not equal to given Go value (e.g. map, slice, string, etc). Before comparison, both values are converted to canonical form.
value := NewValue(t, "foo") value.NorEqual("bar")
func (*Value) NotNull ¶
NotNull succeeds if value is not nil.
Note that non-nil interface{} that points to nil value (e.g. nil slice or map) is also treated as null value. Empty (non-nil) slice or map, empty string, and zero number are not treated as null value.
value := NewValue(t, "") value.NotNull() value := NewValue(t, make([]interface{}, 0) value.Null()
func (*Value) Null ¶
Null succeeds if value is nil.
Note that non-nil interface{} that points to nil value (e.g. nil slice or map) is also treated as null value. Empty (non-nil) slice or map, empty string, and zero number are not treated as null value.
value := NewValue(t, nil) value.Null() value := NewValue(t, []interface{}(nil)) value.Null()
func (*Value) Number ¶
Number returns a new Number attached to underlying value.
If underlying value is not a number (numeric type convertible to float64), failure is reported and empty (but non-nil) value is returned.
value := NewValue(t, 123) value.Number().InRange(100, 200)
func (*Value) Object ¶
Object returns a new Object attached to underlying value.
If underlying value is not an object (map[string]interface{}), failure is reported and empty (but non-nil) value is returned.
value := NewValue(t, map[string]interface{}{"foo": 123}) value.Object().ContainsKey("foo")
func (*Value) Path ¶
Path returns a new Value object for child object(s) matching given JSONPath expression.
JSONPath is a simple XPath-like query language. See
We currently use, which implements only a subset of JSONPath, yet useful for simple queries. It doesn't support filters and requires double quotes for strings.
Example 1:
json := `{"users": [{"name": "john"}, {"name": "bob"}]}` value := NewValue(t, json) value.Path("$.users[0].name").String().Equal("john") value.Path("$.users[1].name").String().Equal("bob")
Example 2:
json := `{"yfGH2a": {"user": "john"}, "f7GsDd": {"user": "john"}}` value := NewValue(t, json) for _, user := range value.Path("$..user").Array().Iter() { user.String().Equal("john") }
func (*Value) Raw ¶
func (v *Value) Raw() interface{}
Raw returns underlying value attached to Value. This is the value originally passed to NewValue, converted to canonical form.
value := NewValue(t, "foo") assert.Equal(t, "foo", number.Raw().(string))
func (*Value) Schema ¶
Schema succeeds if value matches given JSON Schema.
JSON Schema specifies a JSON-based format to define the structure of JSON data. See We use implementation.
schema should be one of the following:
- go value that can be json.Marshal-ed to a valid schema
- type convertible to string containing valid schema
- type convertible to string containing valid http:// or file:// URI, pointing to reachable and valid schema
Example 1:
schema := `{ "type": "object", "properties": { "foo": { "type": "string" }, "bar": { "type": "integer" } }, "require": ["foo", "bar"] }` value := NewValue(t, map[string]interface{}{ "foo": "a", "bar": 1, }) value.Schema(schema)
Example 2:
value := NewValue(t, data) value.Schema("")
type Websocket ¶
type Websocket struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Websocket provides methods to read from, write into and close WebSocket connection.
func NewWebsocket ¶
NewWebsocket returns a new Websocket given a Config with Reporter and Printers, and websocket.Conn to be inspected and handled.
func (*Websocket) Close ¶
Close cleanly closes the underlying WebSocket connection by sending an empty close message and then waiting (with timeout) for the server to close the connection.
WebSocket close code may be optionally specified. If not, then "1000 - Normal Closure" will be used.
WebSocket close codes are defined in RFC 6455, section 11.7. See also
It's okay to call this function multiple times.
conn := resp.Connection() conn.Close(websocket.CloseUnsupportedData)
func (*Websocket) CloseWithBytes ¶
CloseWithBytes cleanly closes the underlying WebSocket connection by sending given slice of bytes as a close message and then waiting (with timeout) for the server to close the connection.
WebSocket close code may be optionally specified. If not, then "1000 - Normal Closure" will be used.
WebSocket close codes are defined in RFC 6455, section 11.7. See also
It's okay to call this function multiple times.
conn := resp.Connection() conn.CloseWithBytes([]byte("bye!"), websocket.CloseGoingAway)
func (*Websocket) CloseWithJSON ¶
CloseWithJSON cleanly closes the underlying WebSocket connection by sending given object (marshaled using json.Marshal()) as a close message and then waiting (with timeout) for the server to close the connection.
WebSocket close code may be optionally specified. If not, then "1000 - Normal Closure" will be used.
WebSocket close codes are defined in RFC 6455, section 11.7. See also
It's okay to call this function multiple times.
type MyJSON struct { Foo int `json:"foo"` } conn := resp.Connection() conn.CloseWithJSON(MyJSON{Foo: 123}, websocket.CloseUnsupportedData)
func (*Websocket) CloseWithText ¶
CloseWithText cleanly closes the underlying WebSocket connection by sending given text as a close message and then waiting (with timeout) for the server to close the connection.
WebSocket close code may be optionally specified. If not, then "1000 - Normal Closure" will be used.
WebSocket close codes are defined in RFC 6455, section 11.7. See also
It's okay to call this function multiple times.
conn := resp.Connection() conn.CloseWithText("bye!")
func (*Websocket) Disconnect ¶
Disconnect closes the underlying WebSocket connection without sending or waiting for a close message.
It's okay to call this function multiple times.
It's recommended to always call this function after connection usage is over to ensure that no resource leaks will happen.
conn := resp.Connection() defer conn.Disconnect()
func (*Websocket) Expect ¶
func (c *Websocket) Expect() *WebsocketMessage
Expect reads next message from WebSocket connection and returns a new WebsocketMessage object to inspect received message.
msg := conn.Expect() msg.JSON().Object().ValueEqual("message", "hi")
func (*Websocket) Raw ¶
Raw returns underlying websocket.Conn object. This is the value originally passed to NewConnection.
func (*Websocket) Subprotocol ¶
Subprotocol returns a new String object that may be used to inspect negotiated protocol for the connection.
func (*Websocket) WithReadTimeout ¶
WithReadTimeout sets timeout duration for WebSocket connection reads.
By default no timeout is used.
func (*Websocket) WithWriteTimeout ¶
WithWriteTimeout sets timeout duration for WebSocket connection writes.
By default no timeout is used.
func (*Websocket) WithoutReadTimeout ¶
WithoutReadTimeout removes timeout for WebSocket connection reads.
func (*Websocket) WithoutWriteTimeout ¶
WithoutWriteTimeout removes timeout for WebSocket connection writes.
If not used then DefaultWebsocketTimeout will be used.
func (*Websocket) WriteBytesBinary ¶
WriteBytesBinary is a shorthand for c.WriteMessage(websocket.BinaryMessage, b).
func (*Websocket) WriteBytesText ¶
WriteBytesText is a shorthand for c.WriteMessage(websocket.TextMessage, b).
func (*Websocket) WriteJSON ¶
WriteJSON writes to the underlying WebSocket connection given object, marshaled using json.Marshal().
func (*Websocket) WriteMessage ¶
WriteMessage writes to the underlying WebSocket connection a message of given type with given content. Additionally, WebSocket close code may be specified for close messages.
WebSocket message types are defined in RFC 6455, section 11.8. See also
WebSocket close codes are defined in RFC 6455, section 11.7. See also
conn := resp.Connection() conn.WriteMessage(websocket.CloseMessage, []byte("Namárië..."))
type WebsocketDialer ¶
type WebsocketDialer interface { // Dial establishes new WebSocket connection and returns response // of handshake result. Dial(url string, reqH http.Header) (*websocket.Conn, *http.Response, error) }
WebsocketDialer is used to establish websocket.Conn and receive http.Response of handshake result. websocket.Dialer implements this interface.
NewWebsocketDialer and NewFastWebsocketDialer may be used to obtain this interface implementation.
e := httpexpect.WithConfig(httpexpect.Config{ BaseURL: "", WebsocketDialer: httpexpect.NewWebsocketDialer(myHandler), })
type WebsocketMessage ¶
type WebsocketMessage struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
WebsocketMessage provides methods to inspect message read from WebSocket connection.
func NewWebsocketMessage ¶
func NewWebsocketMessage( reporter Reporter, typ int, content []byte, closeCode, ) *WebsocketMessage
NewWebsocketMessage returns a new WebsocketMessage object given a reporter used to report failures and the message parameters to be inspected.
reporter should not be nil.
m := NewWebsocketMessage(reporter, websocket.TextMessage, []byte("content"), 0) m.TextMessage()
func (*WebsocketMessage) BinaryMessage ¶
func (m *WebsocketMessage) BinaryMessage() *WebsocketMessage
BinaryMessage is a shorthand for m.Type(websocket.BinaryMessage).
func (*WebsocketMessage) Body ¶
func (m *WebsocketMessage) Body() *String
Body returns a new String object that may be used to inspect WebSocket message content.
msg := conn.Expect() msg.Body().NotEmpty() msg.Body().Length().Equal(100)
func (*WebsocketMessage) CloseMessage ¶
func (m *WebsocketMessage) CloseMessage() *WebsocketMessage
CloseMessage is a shorthand for m.Type(websocket.CloseMessage).
func (*WebsocketMessage) Code ¶
func (m *WebsocketMessage) Code(code *WebsocketMessage
Code succeeds if WebSocket close code is one of the given.
Code fails if WebSocket message type is not "8 - Connection Close Frame".
WebSocket close codes are defined in RFC 6455, section 11.7. See also
msg := conn.Expect().Closed() msg.Code(websocket.CloseNormalClosure, websocket.CloseGoingAway)
func (*WebsocketMessage) JSON ¶
func (m *WebsocketMessage) JSON() *Value
JSON returns a new Value object that may be used to inspect JSON contents of WebSocket message.
JSON succeeds if JSON may be decoded from message content.
msg := conn.Expect() msg.JSON().Array().Elements("foo", "bar")
func (*WebsocketMessage) NoContent ¶
func (m *WebsocketMessage) NoContent() *WebsocketMessage
NoContent succeeds if WebSocket message has no content (is empty).
func (*WebsocketMessage) NotBinaryMessage ¶
func (m *WebsocketMessage) NotBinaryMessage() *WebsocketMessage
NotBinaryMessage is a shorthand for m.NotType(websocket.BinaryMessage).
func (*WebsocketMessage) NotCloseMessage ¶
func (m *WebsocketMessage) NotCloseMessage() *WebsocketMessage
NotCloseMessage is a shorthand for m.NotType(websocket.CloseMessage).
func (*WebsocketMessage) NotCode ¶
func (m *WebsocketMessage) NotCode(code *WebsocketMessage
NotCode succeeds if WebSocket close code is none of the given.
NotCode fails if WebSocket message type is not "8 - Connection Close Frame".
WebSocket close codes are defined in RFC 6455, section 11.7. See also
msg := conn.Expect().Closed() msg.NotCode(websocket.CloseAbnormalClosure, websocket.CloseNoStatusReceived)
func (*WebsocketMessage) NotTextMessage ¶
func (m *WebsocketMessage) NotTextMessage() *WebsocketMessage
NotTextMessage is a shorthand for m.NotType(websocket.TextMessage).
func (*WebsocketMessage) NotType ¶
func (m *WebsocketMessage) NotType(typ *WebsocketMessage
NotType succeeds if WebSocket message type is none of the given.
WebSocket message types are defined in RFC 6455, section 11.8. See also
msg := conn.Expect() msg.NotType(websocket.CloseMessage, websocket.BinaryMessage)
func (*WebsocketMessage) Raw ¶
func (m *WebsocketMessage) Raw() (typ int, content []byte, closeCode int)
Raw returns underlying type, content and close code of WebSocket message. Theses values are originally read from WebSocket connection.
func (*WebsocketMessage) TextMessage ¶
func (m *WebsocketMessage) TextMessage() *WebsocketMessage
TextMessage is a shorthand for m.Type(websocket.TextMessage).
func (*WebsocketMessage) Type ¶
func (m *WebsocketMessage) Type(typ *WebsocketMessage
Type succeeds if WebSocket message type is one of the given.
WebSocket message types are defined in RFC 6455, section 11.8. See also
msg := conn.Expect() msg.Type(websocket.TextMessage, websocket.BinaryMessage)
type WebsocketPrinter ¶
type WebsocketPrinter interface { Printer // WebsocketWrite is called before writes to WebSocket connection. WebsocketWrite(typ int, content []byte, closeCode int) // WebsocketRead is called after reads from WebSocket connection. WebsocketRead(typ int, content []byte, closeCode int) }
WebsocketPrinter is used to print writes and reads of WebSocket connection.
If WebSocket connection is used, all Printers that also implement WebsocketPrinter are invoked on every WebSocket message read or written.
DebugPrinter implements this interface.