Documentation ¶
Overview ¶
Package gdutils provides APIContext struct with methods that may be used for behavioral testing of HTTP API.
APIContext may be initialized by two ways:
First, returns *APIContext with default services:
func NewDefaultAPIContext(isDebug bool, jsonSchemaDir string) *APIContext
Second, more customisable returns *APIContext with provided services:
func NewAPIContext(cli *http.Client, c cache.Cache, jv SchemaValidators, p PathFinders, f Formatters, t TypeMappers, d debugger.Debugger) *APIContext
No matter which way you choose, you can inject your custom services afterwards with one of available setters:
func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetDebugger(d debugger.Debugger) func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetCache(c cache.Cache) func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetRequestDoer(r httpctx.RequestDoer) func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetTemplateEngine(t template.Engine) func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetSchemaStringValidator(j validator.SchemaValidator) func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetSchemaReferenceValidator(j validator.SchemaValidator) func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetJSONPathFinder(r pathfinder.PathFinder) func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetJSONFormatter(jf formatter.Formatter) func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetXMLPathFinder(r pathfinder.PathFinder) func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetXMLFormatter(xf formatter.Formatter) func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetYAMLFormatter(yd formatter.Formatter) func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetYAMLPathFinder(r pathfinder.PathFinder) func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetHTMLPathFinder(r pathfinder.PathFinder) func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetJSONTypeMapper(c types.Checker) func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetYAMLTypeMapper(c types.Checker) func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetGoTypeMapper(c types.Checker)
Those services will be used in utility methods and can be accessed directly if needed (to use in any custom methods). For example, if you want to use your own debugger - because default one is not suitable for you, create your own struct, implement debugger.Debugger interface on it, and then inject it with "func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetDebugger(d debugger.Debugger)" method.
Testing HTTP API usually consist of the following aspects:
* Data generation:
func (apiCtx *APIContext) GenerateRandomInt(from, to int, cacheKey string) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) GenerateFloat64(from, to float64, cacheKey string) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) GeneratorRandomRunes(charset string) func(from, to int, cacheKey string) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) GeneratorRandomSentence(charset string, wordMinLength, wordMaxLength int) func(from, to int, cacheKey string) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) GetTimeAndTravel(t time.Time, timeDirection timeutils.TimeDirection, timeDuration time.Duration, cacheKey string) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) GenerateTimeAndTravel(timeDirection timeutils.TimeDirection, timeDuration time.Duration, cacheKey string) error
* Sending HTTP(s) requests:
func (apiCtx *APIContext) RequestSendWithBodyAndHeaders(method, urlTemplate string, bodyTemplate string) error
func (apiCtx *APIContext) RequestPrepare(method, urlTemplate, cacheKey string) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) RequestSetHeaders(cacheKey string, headersTemplate string) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) RequestSetForm(cacheKey, formTemplate string) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) RequestSetCookies(cacheKey, cookiesTemplate string) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) RequestSetBody(cacheKey string, bodyTemplate string) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) RequestSend(cacheKey string) error
* Assertions:
func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertStatusCodeIs(code int) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertStatusCodeIsNot(code int) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertResponseFormatIs(dataFormat format.DataFormat) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertResponseFormatIsNot(dataFormat format.DataFormat) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertResponseCookieExists(name string) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertResponseCookieNotExists(name string) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertResponseCookieValueIs(name, valueTemplate string) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertResponseCookieValueNotMatchesRegExp(name, regExpTemplate string) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodesExist(dataFormat format.DataFormat, expressionsTemplates string) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeExists(dataFormat format.DataFormat, exprTemplate string) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeNotExists(dataFormat format.DataFormat, exprTemplate string) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeIsType(dataFormat format.DataFormat, exprTemplate string, inType types.DataType) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeIsNotType(dataFormat format.DataFormat, exprTemplate string, inType types.DataType) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeMatchesRegExp(dataFormat format.DataFormat, exprTemplate, regExpTemplate string) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeNotMatchesRegExp(dataFormat format.DataFormat, exprTemplate, regExpTemplate string) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeIsTypeAndValue(dataFormat format.DataFormat, exprTemplate string, dataType types.DataType, dataValue string) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeIsTypeAndHasOneOfValues(dataFormat format.DataFormat, exprTemplate string, dataType types.DataType, valuesTemplates string) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) AsserNodeNotContainsSubString(dataFormat format.DataFormat, exprTemplate string, subTemplate string) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) AsserNodeContainsSubString(dataFormat format.DataFormat, exprTemplate string, subTemplate string) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeSliceLengthIs(dataFormat format.DataFormat, exprTemplate string, length int) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeSliceLengthIsNot(dataFormat format.DataFormat, exprTemplate string, length int) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertResponseHeaderExists(name string) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertResponseHeaderNotExists(name string) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertResponseHeaderValueIs(name, value string) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertResponseMatchesSchemaByReference(referenceTemplate string) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertResponseMatchesSchemaByString(schemaTemplate string) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeMatchesSchemaByString(dataFormat format.DataFormat, exprTemplate, schemaTemplate string) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeMatchesSchemaByReference(dataFormat format.DataFormat, exprTemplate, referenceTemplate string) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertTimeBetweenRequestAndResponseIs(timeInterval time.Duration) error
* Preserving nodes:
func (apiCtx *APIContext) SaveNode(dataFormat format.DataFormat, exprTemplate, cacheKey string) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) SaveHeader(name, cacheKey string) error func (apiCtx *APIContext) Save(valueTemplate, cacheKey string) error
* Flow control:
func (apiCtx *APIContext) Wait(timeInterval time.Duration) error
* Debugging:
func (apiCtx *APIContext) DebugPrintResponseBody() error func (apiCtx *APIContext) DebugStart() error func (apiCtx *APIContext) DebugStop() error
Here is example lib usage to test endpoint returning list of ducks gifs:
ac := gdutils.NewDefaultAPIContext(false, "") if err := ac.RequestPrepare("GET", "", "DUCK_GIFS_LIST"); err != nil { return err } if err := ac.RequestSend("DUCK_GIFS_LIST"); err != nil { return err } if err := ac.AssertStatusCodeIs(200); err != nil { return err } if err := ac.AssertResponseFormatIs(format.JSON); err != nil { return err } if err := ac.AssertNodeIsType(format.JSON, "$.gifs", types.Array); err != nil { return err }
Index ¶
- Variables
- type APIContext
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeContainsSubString(dataFormat df.DataFormat, exprTemplate string, subTemplate string) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeExists(dataFormat df.DataFormat, exprTemplate string) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeIsNotType(dataFormat df.DataFormat, exprTemplate string, inType types.DataType) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeIsType(dataFormat df.DataFormat, exprTemplate string, inType types.DataType) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeIsTypeAndHasOneOfValues(dataFormat df.DataFormat, exprTemplate string, dataType types.DataType, ...) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeIsTypeAndValue(dataFormat df.DataFormat, exprTemplate string, dataType types.DataType, ...) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeMatchesRegExp(dataFormat df.DataFormat, exprTemplate, regExpTemplate string) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeMatchesSchemaByReference(dataFormat df.DataFormat, exprTemplate, referenceTemplate string) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeMatchesSchemaByString(dataFormat df.DataFormat, exprTemplate, schemaTemplate string) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeNotContainsSubString(dataFormat df.DataFormat, exprTemplate string, subTemplate string) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeNotExists(dataFormat df.DataFormat, exprTemplate string) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeNotMatchesRegExp(dataFormat df.DataFormat, exprTemplate, regExpTemplate string) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeSliceLengthIs(dataFormat df.DataFormat, exprTemplate string, length int) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeSliceLengthIsNot(dataFormat df.DataFormat, exprTemplate string, length int) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodesExist(dataFormat df.DataFormat, expressionsTemplate string) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertResponseCookieExists(name string) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertResponseCookieNotExists(name string) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertResponseCookieValueIs(name, valueTemplate string) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertResponseCookieValueMatchesRegExp(name, regExpTemplate string) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertResponseCookieValueNotMatchesRegExp(name, regExpTemplate string) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertResponseFormatIs(dataFormat df.DataFormat) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertResponseFormatIsNot(dataFormat df.DataFormat) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertResponseHeaderExists(name string) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertResponseHeaderNotExists(name string) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertResponseHeaderValueIs(name, valueTemplate string) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertResponseMatchesSchemaByReference(referenceTemplate string) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertResponseMatchesSchemaByString(schema string) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertStatusCodeIs(code int) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertStatusCodeIsNot(code int) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertTimeBetweenRequestAndResponseIs(timeInterval time.Duration) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) DebugPrintResponseBody() error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) DebugStart() error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) DebugStop() error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) GenerateFloat64(from, to float64, cacheKey string) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) GenerateRandomInt(from, to int, cacheKey string) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) GenerateTimeAndTravel(timeDirection timeutils.TimeDirection, timeDuration time.Duration, ...) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) GeneratorRandomRunes(charset string) func(from, to int, cacheKey string) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) GeneratorRandomSentence(charset string, wordMinLength, wordMaxLength int) func(from, to int, cacheKey string) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) GetLastResponse() (*http.Response, error)
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) GetLastResponseBody() ([]byte, error)
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) GetPreparedRequest(cacheKey string) (*http.Request, error)
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) GetTimeAndTravel(t time.Time, timeDirection timeutils.TimeDirection, timeDuration time.Duration, ...) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) RequestPrepare(method, urlTemplate, cacheKey string) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) RequestSend(cacheKey string) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) RequestSendWithBodyAndHeaders(method, urlTemplate string, bodyAndHeaderTemplate string) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) RequestSetBody(cacheKey, bodyTemplate string) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) RequestSetCookies(cacheKey, cookiesTemplate string) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) RequestSetForm(cacheKey, formTemplate string) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) RequestSetHeaders(cacheKey, headersTemplate string) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) ResetState(isDebug bool)
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) Save(valueTemplate, cacheKey string) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) SaveHeader(name, cacheKey string) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) SaveNode(dataFormat df.DataFormat, exprTemplate, cacheKey string) error
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetCache(c cache.Cache)
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetDebugger(d debugger.Debugger)
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetGoTypeMapper(c types.Mapper)
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetHTMLPathFinder(r pathfinder.PathFinder)
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetJSONFormatter(jf formatter.Formatter)
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetJSONPathFinder(r pathfinder.PathFinder)
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetJSONTypeMapper(c types.Mapper)
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetRequestDoer(r httpctx.RequestDoer)
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetSchemaReferenceValidator(j validator.SchemaValidator)
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetSchemaStringValidator(j validator.SchemaValidator)
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetTemplateEngine(t template.Engine)
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetXMLFormatter(xf formatter.Formatter)
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetXMLPathFinder(r pathfinder.PathFinder)
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetYAMLFormatter(yd formatter.Formatter)
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetYAMLPathFinder(r pathfinder.PathFinder)
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetYAMLTypeMapper(c types.Mapper)
- func (apiCtx *APIContext) Wait(timeInterval time.Duration) error
- type BodyHeaders
- type CustomTransport
- type Formatters
- type PathFinders
- type SchemaValidators
- type TypeMappers
Examples ¶
- APIContext.AssertNodeContainsSubString
- APIContext.AssertNodeExists
- APIContext.AssertNodeIsNotType
- APIContext.AssertNodeIsType
- APIContext.AssertNodeIsTypeAndHasOneOfValues
- APIContext.AssertNodeIsTypeAndValue
- APIContext.AssertNodeMatchesRegExp
- APIContext.AssertNodeNotContainsSubString
- APIContext.AssertNodeNotExists
- APIContext.AssertNodeNotMatchesRegExp
- APIContext.AssertNodeSliceLengthIs
- APIContext.AssertNodeSliceLengthIsNot
- APIContext.AssertNodesExist
- APIContext.AssertResponseFormatIs
- APIContext.AssertResponseFormatIsNot
- APIContext.AssertResponseHeaderExists
- APIContext.AssertResponseHeaderNotExists
- APIContext.AssertResponseHeaderValueIs
- APIContext.AssertStatusCodeIs
- APIContext.AssertStatusCodeIsNot
- APIContext.GenerateFloat64
- APIContext.GenerateRandomInt
- APIContext.GeneratorRandomRunes
- APIContext.GeneratorRandomSentence
- APIContext.Save
- APIContext.SaveHeader
- APIContext.SaveNode
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var DefaultTransport http.RoundTripper = &http.Transport{ TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true}, }
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type APIContext ¶ added in v0.14.1
type APIContext struct { // Debugger represents debugger. Debugger debugger.Debugger // Cache is storage for data. Cache cache.Cache // RequestDoer is service that has ability to send HTTP(s) requests. RequestDoer httpctx.RequestDoer // TemplateEngine is entity that has ability to work with template values. TemplateEngine template.Engine // SchemaValidators holds validators available to validate data against schemas. SchemaValidators SchemaValidators // PathFinders are entities that has ability to obtain data from different data formats. PathFinders PathFinders // Formatters are entities that has ability to format data in particular format. Formatters Formatters // TypeMappers are entities that has ability to map underlying data type into different format data type. TypeMappers TypeMappers // contains filtered or unexported fields }
APIContext holds utility services for working with HTTP(s) API.
func NewAPIContext ¶ added in v0.14.1
func NewAPIContext(cli *http.Client, c cache.Cache, jv SchemaValidators, p PathFinders, f Formatters, t TypeMappers, d debugger.Debugger) *APIContext
NewAPIContext returns *APIContext
func NewDefaultAPIContext ¶ added in v0.14.1
func NewDefaultAPIContext(isDebug bool, jsonSchemaDir string) *APIContext
NewDefaultAPIContext returns *APIContext with default services. jsonSchemaDir may be empty string or valid full path to directory with JSON schemas.
func (*APIContext) AssertNodeContainsSubString ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeContainsSubString(dataFormat df.DataFormat, exprTemplate string, subTemplate string) error
AssertNodeContainsSubString AsserNodeContainsSubString checks whether value of last HTTP response node, obtained using exprTemplate is string type and contains given substring
Example ¶
apiCtx := NewDefaultAPIContext(false, "") // instead of sending real HTTP(s) request with apiCtx.RequestSend // we simply mock last HTTP(s) request's response apiCtx.Cache.Save(httpcache.LastHTTPResponseCacheKey, &http.Response{Body: io.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(`{"user": "abc"}`))}) err := apiCtx.AssertNodeContainsSubString(df.JSON, "user", "abcd") fmt.Println(err)
Output: node 'user' string value doesn't contain any occurrence of 'abcd'
func (*APIContext) AssertNodeExists ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeExists(dataFormat df.DataFormat, exprTemplate string) error
AssertNodeExists checks whether last response body contains given node. expr should be valid according to injected PathFinder for given data format
Example ¶
apiCtx := NewDefaultAPIContext(false, "") // instead of sending real HTTP(s) request with apiCtx.RequestSend // we simply mock last HTTP(s) request's response apiCtx.Cache.Save(httpcache.LastHTTPResponseCacheKey, &http.Response{Body: io.NopCloser(strings.NewReader("{}"))}) err := apiCtx.AssertNodeExists(df.JSON, "user") fmt.Println(err)
Output: node 'user' could not be found within last response body, reason: could not find node using provided expression: 'user', err: could not find node, using expression user
func (*APIContext) AssertNodeIsNotType ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeIsNotType(dataFormat df.DataFormat, exprTemplate string, inType types.DataType) error
AssertNodeIsNotType checks whether node from last response body is of provided type. available types are listed in types subpackage. expr should be valid according to injected PathResolver.
Example ¶
apiCtx := NewDefaultAPIContext(false, "") // instead of sending real HTTP(s) request with apiCtx.RequestSend // we simply mock last HTTP(s) request's response apiCtx.Cache.Save(httpcache.LastHTTPResponseCacheKey, &http.Response{Body: io.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(`{"user":"abc"}`))}) err := apiCtx.AssertNodeIsNotType(df.JSON, "user", types.String) fmt.Println(err)
Output: node 'user' has type 'string', but expected not to be
func (*APIContext) AssertNodeIsType ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeIsType(dataFormat df.DataFormat, exprTemplate string, inType types.DataType) error
AssertNodeIsType checks whether node from last response body is of provided type. available types are listed in types subpackage. expr should be valid according to injected PathResolver.
Example ¶
apiCtx := NewDefaultAPIContext(false, "") // instead of sending real HTTP(s) request with apiCtx.RequestSend // we simply mock last HTTP(s) request's response apiCtx.Cache.Save(httpcache.LastHTTPResponseCacheKey, &http.Response{Body: io.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(`{"user":"abc"}`))}) err := apiCtx.AssertNodeIsType(df.JSON, "user", types.Number) fmt.Println(err)
Output: expected node 'user' to be 'number', but node value is detected as 'string' in terms of JSON and 'string' in terms of Go
func (*APIContext) AssertNodeIsTypeAndHasOneOfValues ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeIsTypeAndHasOneOfValues(dataFormat df.DataFormat, exprTemplate string, dataType types.DataType, valuesTemplates string) error
AssertNodeIsTypeAndHasOneOfValues checks whether node value obtained using exprTemplate matches one of values held by valuesTemplates argument. Values should be separated by comma (,) and may contain template values.
Example ¶
apiCtx := NewDefaultAPIContext(false, "") // instead of sending real HTTP(s) request with apiCtx.RequestSend // we simply mock last HTTP(s) request's response apiCtx.Cache.Save(httpcache.LastHTTPResponseCacheKey, &http.Response{Body: io.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(`{"user": "abc"}`))}) err := apiCtx.AssertNodeIsTypeAndHasOneOfValues(df.JSON, "user", types.String, "def, ghi") fmt.Println(err)
Output: node 'user' doesn't contain any of: []string{"def", "ghi"}
func (*APIContext) AssertNodeIsTypeAndValue ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeIsTypeAndValue(dataFormat df.DataFormat, exprTemplate string, dataType types.DataType, dataValue string) error
AssertNodeIsTypeAndValue compares node value from expression to expected by user dataValue of given by user dataType Available data types are listed in switch section in each case directive. expr should be valid according to injected PathFinder for provided dataFormat.
Example ¶
apiCtx := NewDefaultAPIContext(false, "") // instead of sending real HTTP(s) request with apiCtx.RequestSend // we simply mock last HTTP(s) request's response apiCtx.Cache.Save(httpcache.LastHTTPResponseCacheKey, &http.Response{Body: io.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(`{"user": "abc"}`))}) err := apiCtx.AssertNodeIsTypeAndValue(df.JSON, "user", types.String, "def") fmt.Println(err)
Output: node 'user' has string value: 'abc', but expected: 'def'
func (*APIContext) AssertNodeMatchesRegExp ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeMatchesRegExp(dataFormat df.DataFormat, exprTemplate, regExpTemplate string) error
AssertNodeMatchesRegExp checks whether last response body node matches provided regExp.
Example ¶
apiCtx := NewDefaultAPIContext(false, "") // instead of sending real HTTP(s) request with apiCtx.RequestSend // we simply mock last HTTP(s) request's response apiCtx.Cache.Save(httpcache.LastHTTPResponseCacheKey, &http.Response{Body: io.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(`{"user": "abc"}`))}) err := apiCtx.AssertNodeMatchesRegExp(df.JSON, "user", `ac.*`) fmt.Println(err)
Output: node 'user' does not match regExp: 'ac.*'
func (*APIContext) AssertNodeMatchesSchemaByReference ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeMatchesSchemaByReference(dataFormat df.DataFormat, exprTemplate, referenceTemplate string) error
AssertNodeMatchesSchemaByReference validates last response body node against schema as provided in referenceTemplate
func (*APIContext) AssertNodeMatchesSchemaByString ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeMatchesSchemaByString(dataFormat df.DataFormat, exprTemplate, schemaTemplate string) error
AssertNodeMatchesSchemaByString validates last response body JSON node against schema
func (*APIContext) AssertNodeNotContainsSubString ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeNotContainsSubString(dataFormat df.DataFormat, exprTemplate string, subTemplate string) error
AssertNodeNotContainsSubString AsserNodeNotContainsSubString checks whether value of last HTTP response node, obtained using exprTemplate is string type and doesn't contain given substring
Example ¶
apiCtx := NewDefaultAPIContext(false, "") // instead of sending real HTTP(s) request with apiCtx.RequestSend // we simply mock last HTTP(s) request's response apiCtx.Cache.Save(httpcache.LastHTTPResponseCacheKey, &http.Response{Body: io.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(`{"user": "abc"}`))}) err := apiCtx.AssertNodeNotContainsSubString(df.JSON, "user", "a") fmt.Println(err)
Output: node 'user' string value contain some 'a', but expected not to
func (*APIContext) AssertNodeNotExists ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeNotExists(dataFormat df.DataFormat, exprTemplate string) error
AssertNodeNotExists checks whether last response body does not contain given node. expr should be valid according to injected PathFinder for given data format
Example ¶
apiCtx := NewDefaultAPIContext(false, "") // instead of sending real HTTP(s) request with apiCtx.RequestSend // we simply mock last HTTP(s) request's response apiCtx.Cache.Save(httpcache.LastHTTPResponseCacheKey, &http.Response{Body: io.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(`{"user": "abc"}`))}) err := apiCtx.AssertNodeNotExists(df.JSON, "user") fmt.Println(err)
Output: json node 'user' exists
func (*APIContext) AssertNodeNotMatchesRegExp ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeNotMatchesRegExp(dataFormat df.DataFormat, exprTemplate, regExpTemplate string) error
AssertNodeNotMatchesRegExp checks whether last response body node does not match provided regExp.
Example ¶
apiCtx := NewDefaultAPIContext(false, "") // instead of sending real HTTP(s) request with apiCtx.RequestSend // we simply mock last HTTP(s) request's response apiCtx.Cache.Save(httpcache.LastHTTPResponseCacheKey, &http.Response{Body: io.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(`{"user": "abc"}`))}) err := apiCtx.AssertNodeNotMatchesRegExp(df.JSON, "user", `ab.*`) fmt.Println(err)
Output: node 'user' matches regExp: 'ab.*', but expected not to
func (*APIContext) AssertNodeSliceLengthIs ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeSliceLengthIs(dataFormat df.DataFormat, exprTemplate string, length int) error
AssertNodeSliceLengthIs checks whether given key is slice and has given length expr should be valid according to injected PathFinder for provided dataFormat
Example ¶
apiCtx := NewDefaultAPIContext(false, "") // instead of sending real HTTP(s) request with apiCtx.RequestSend // we simply mock last HTTP(s) request's response apiCtx.Cache.Save(httpcache.LastHTTPResponseCacheKey, &http.Response{Body: io.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(`{"user":[]}`))}) err := apiCtx.AssertNodeSliceLengthIs(df.JSON, "user", 1) fmt.Println(err)
Output: node 'user' contains slice(array) which has length: 0, but expected: 1
func (*APIContext) AssertNodeSliceLengthIsNot ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodeSliceLengthIsNot(dataFormat df.DataFormat, exprTemplate string, length int) error
AssertNodeSliceLengthIsNot checks whether given key is slice and has not given length expr should be valid according to injected PathFinder for provided dataFormat
Example ¶
apiCtx := NewDefaultAPIContext(false, "") // instead of sending real HTTP(s) request with apiCtx.RequestSend // we simply mock last HTTP(s) request's response apiCtx.Cache.Save(httpcache.LastHTTPResponseCacheKey, &http.Response{Body: io.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(`{"user":[]}`))}) err := apiCtx.AssertNodeSliceLengthIsNot(df.JSON, "user", 0) fmt.Println(err)
Output: node 'user' contains slice(array) which has length: 0, but expected not to have it
func (*APIContext) AssertNodesExist ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertNodesExist(dataFormat df.DataFormat, expressionsTemplate string) error
AssertNodesExist checks whether last request body has keys defined in string separated by comma nodeExprs should be valid according to injected PathFinder expressions separated by comma (,)
Example ¶
apiCtx := NewDefaultAPIContext(false, "") // instead of sending real HTTP(s) request with apiCtx.RequestSend // we simply mock last HTTP(s) request's response apiCtx.Cache.Save(httpcache.LastHTTPResponseCacheKey, &http.Response{Body: io.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(`{"user":"abc"}`))}) err := apiCtx.AssertNodesExist(df.JSON, "user, address, roles") fmt.Println(err)
Output: node 'address', err: could not find node using provided expression: 'address', err: could not find node, using expression address node 'roles', err: could not find node using provided expression: 'roles', err: could not find node, using expression roles
func (*APIContext) AssertResponseCookieExists ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertResponseCookieExists(name string) error
AssertResponseCookieExists checks whether last HTTP(s) response has cookie of given name.
func (*APIContext) AssertResponseCookieNotExists ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertResponseCookieNotExists(name string) error
AssertResponseCookieNotExists checks whether last HTTP(s) response does not have cookie of given name.
func (*APIContext) AssertResponseCookieValueIs ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertResponseCookieValueIs(name, valueTemplate string) error
AssertResponseCookieValueIs checks whether last HTTP(s) response has cookie of given name and value.
func (*APIContext) AssertResponseCookieValueMatchesRegExp ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertResponseCookieValueMatchesRegExp(name, regExpTemplate string) error
AssertResponseCookieValueMatchesRegExp checks whether last HTTP(s) response has cookie of given name and value matching regExp.
func (*APIContext) AssertResponseCookieValueNotMatchesRegExp ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertResponseCookieValueNotMatchesRegExp(name, regExpTemplate string) error
AssertResponseCookieValueNotMatchesRegExp checks whether last HTTP(s) response has cookie of given name and value is not matching provided regExp.
func (*APIContext) AssertResponseFormatIs ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertResponseFormatIs(dataFormat df.DataFormat) error
AssertResponseFormatIs checks whether last response body has given data format. Available data formats are listed in format package.
Example ¶
apiCtx := NewDefaultAPIContext(false, "") // instead of sending real HTTP(s) request with apiCtx.RequestSend // we simply mock last HTTP(s) request's response apiCtx.Cache.Save(httpcache.LastHTTPResponseCacheKey, &http.Response{Body: io.NopCloser(strings.NewReader("abc"))}) err := apiCtx.AssertResponseFormatIs(df.JSON) fmt.Println(err)
Output: response body doesn't have format json
func (*APIContext) AssertResponseFormatIsNot ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertResponseFormatIsNot(dataFormat df.DataFormat) error
AssertResponseFormatIsNot checks whether last response body has not given data format. Available data formats are listed in format package.
Example ¶
apiCtx := NewDefaultAPIContext(false, "") // instead of sending real HTTP(s) request with apiCtx.RequestSend // we simply mock last HTTP(s) request's response apiCtx.Cache.Save(httpcache.LastHTTPResponseCacheKey, &http.Response{Body: io.NopCloser(strings.NewReader("{}"))}) err := apiCtx.AssertResponseFormatIsNot(df.JSON) fmt.Println(err)
Output: response body has format json
func (*APIContext) AssertResponseHeaderExists ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertResponseHeaderExists(name string) error
AssertResponseHeaderExists checks whether last HTTP response has given header.
Example ¶
apiCtx := NewDefaultAPIContext(false, "") // instead of sending real HTTP(s) request with apiCtx.RequestSend // we simply mock last HTTP(s) request's response apiCtx.Cache.Save(httpcache.LastHTTPResponseCacheKey, &http.Response{Header: map[string][]string{"Content-Type": {"application/json"}}}) err := apiCtx.AssertResponseHeaderExists("Content-Length") fmt.Println(err)
Output: could not find header 'Content-Length' in last HTTP response
func (*APIContext) AssertResponseHeaderNotExists ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertResponseHeaderNotExists(name string) error
AssertResponseHeaderNotExists checks whether last HTTP response does not have given header.
Example ¶
apiCtx := NewDefaultAPIContext(false, "") // instead of sending real HTTP(s) request with apiCtx.RequestSend // we simply mock last HTTP(s) request's response apiCtx.Cache.Save(httpcache.LastHTTPResponseCacheKey, &http.Response{Header: map[string][]string{"Content-Type": {"application/json"}}}) err := apiCtx.AssertResponseHeaderNotExists("content-type") fmt.Println(err)
Output: last HTTP(s) response has header 'content-type', but expected not to
func (*APIContext) AssertResponseHeaderValueIs ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertResponseHeaderValueIs(name, valueTemplate string) error
AssertResponseHeaderValueIs checks whether last HTTP response has given header with provided valueTemplate.
Example ¶
apiCtx := NewDefaultAPIContext(false, "") // instead of sending real HTTP(s) request with apiCtx.RequestSend // we simply mock last HTTP(s) request's response apiCtx.Cache.Save(httpcache.LastHTTPResponseCacheKey, &http.Response{Header: map[string][]string{"Content-Type": {"application/json"}}}) err := apiCtx.AssertResponseHeaderValueIs("content-type", "application/json+ld") fmt.Println(err)
Output: last HTTP(s) response contains header 'content-type', but it's expected value: 'application/json+ld', is not equal to actual value: 'application/json'
func (*APIContext) AssertResponseMatchesSchemaByReference ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertResponseMatchesSchemaByReference(referenceTemplate string) error
AssertResponseMatchesSchemaByReference validates last response body against schema as provided in referenceTemplate. referenceTemplate may be: URL or full/relative path
func (*APIContext) AssertResponseMatchesSchemaByString ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertResponseMatchesSchemaByString(schema string) error
AssertResponseMatchesSchemaByString validates last response body against schema.
func (*APIContext) AssertStatusCodeIs ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertStatusCodeIs(code int) error
AssertStatusCodeIs compare last response status code with given in argument.
Example ¶
apiCtx := NewDefaultAPIContext(false, "") // instead of sending real HTTP(s) request with apiCtx.RequestSend // we simply mock last HTTP(s) request's response apiCtx.Cache.Save(httpcache.LastHTTPResponseCacheKey, &http.Response{StatusCode: 201}) err := apiCtx.AssertStatusCodeIs(200) fmt.Println(err)
Output: expected status code 200, but got 201
func (*APIContext) AssertStatusCodeIsNot ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertStatusCodeIsNot(code int) error
AssertStatusCodeIsNot asserts that last response status code is not provided.
Example ¶
apiCtx := NewDefaultAPIContext(false, "") // instead of sending real HTTP(s) request with apiCtx.RequestSend // we simply mock last HTTP(s) request's response apiCtx.Cache.Save(httpcache.LastHTTPResponseCacheKey, &http.Response{StatusCode: 200}) err := apiCtx.AssertStatusCodeIsNot(200) fmt.Println(err)
Output: expected status code different than 200, but got 200
func (*APIContext) AssertTimeBetweenRequestAndResponseIs ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) AssertTimeBetweenRequestAndResponseIs(timeInterval time.Duration) error
AssertTimeBetweenRequestAndResponseIs asserts that last HTTP request-response time is <= than expected timeInterval. timeInterval should be string acceptable by time.ParseDuration func
func (*APIContext) DebugPrintResponseBody ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) DebugPrintResponseBody() error
DebugPrintResponseBody prints last response from request.
func (*APIContext) DebugStart ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) DebugStart() error
DebugStart starts debugging mode
func (*APIContext) DebugStop ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) DebugStop() error
DebugStop stops debugging mode
func (*APIContext) GenerateFloat64 ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) GenerateFloat64(from, to float64, cacheKey string) error
GenerateFloat64 generates random float from provided range and preserve it under given cacheKey key.
Example ¶
apiCtx := NewDefaultAPIContext(false, "") if err := apiCtx.GenerateFloat64(0, 0, "MYFLOAT"); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) return } myFloat, err := apiCtx.Cache.GetSaved("MYFLOAT") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) return } fmt.Println(myFloat)
Output: 0
func (*APIContext) GenerateRandomInt ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) GenerateRandomInt(from, to int, cacheKey string) error
GenerateRandomInt generates random integer from provided range and preserve it under given cacheKey key.
Example ¶
apiCtx := NewDefaultAPIContext(false, "") if err := apiCtx.GenerateRandomInt(2, 2, "MYINT"); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) return } myInt, err := apiCtx.Cache.GetSaved("MYINT") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) return } fmt.Println(myInt)
Output: 2
func (*APIContext) GenerateTimeAndTravel ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) GenerateTimeAndTravel(timeDirection timeutils.TimeDirection, timeDuration time.Duration, cacheKey string) error
GenerateTimeAndTravel creates current time object, move timeDuration in time and save it in cache under given cacheKey.
func (*APIContext) GeneratorRandomRunes ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) GeneratorRandomRunes(charset string) func(from, to int, cacheKey string) error
GeneratorRandomRunes creates random runes generator func using provided charset return func creates runes from provided range and preserve it under given cacheKey
Example ¶
apiCtx := NewDefaultAPIContext(false, "") generateA := apiCtx.GeneratorRandomRunes("A") err := generateA(2, 2, "TWO_A") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) return } myA, err := apiCtx.Cache.GetSaved("TWO_A") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) return } fmt.Println(myA)
Output: AA
func (*APIContext) GeneratorRandomSentence ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) GeneratorRandomSentence(charset string, wordMinLength, wordMaxLength int) func(from, to int, cacheKey string) error
GeneratorRandomSentence creates generator func for creating random sentences each sentence has length from - to as provided in params and is saved in provided cacheKey
Example ¶
apiCtx := NewDefaultAPIContext(false, "") generateA := apiCtx.GeneratorRandomSentence("A", 2, 2) err := generateA(2, 2, "TWO_WORDS_A") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) return } myA, err := apiCtx.Cache.GetSaved("TWO_WORDS_A") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) return } fmt.Println(myA)
Output: AA AA
func (*APIContext) GetLastResponse ¶ added in v0.14.1
func (apiCtx *APIContext) GetLastResponse() (*http.Response, error)
GetLastResponse returns last HTTP(s) response.
func (*APIContext) GetLastResponseBody ¶ added in v0.14.1
func (apiCtx *APIContext) GetLastResponseBody() ([]byte, error)
GetLastResponseBody returns last HTTP(s) response body. internally method creates new NoPCloser on last response so this method is safe to reuse many times
func (*APIContext) GetPreparedRequest ¶ added in v0.14.1
func (apiCtx *APIContext) GetPreparedRequest(cacheKey string) (*http.Request, error)
GetPreparedRequest returns prepared request from cache or error if failed
func (*APIContext) GetTimeAndTravel ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) GetTimeAndTravel(t time.Time, timeDirection timeutils.TimeDirection, timeDuration time.Duration, cacheKey string) error
GetTimeAndTravel accepts time object, move timeDuration in time and save it in cache under given cacheKey.
func (*APIContext) RequestPrepare ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) RequestPrepare(method, urlTemplate, cacheKey string) error
RequestPrepare prepares new request and saves it in cache under cacheKey
func (*APIContext) RequestSend ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) RequestSend(cacheKey string) error
RequestSend sends previously prepared HTTP(s) request.
func (*APIContext) RequestSendWithBodyAndHeaders ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) RequestSendWithBodyAndHeaders(method, urlTemplate string, bodyAndHeaderTemplate string) error
RequestSendWithBodyAndHeaders sends HTTP(s) requests with provided body and headers. Argument "method" indices HTTP request method for example: "POST", "GET" etc. Argument "urlTemplate" should be full valid URL. May include template values. Argument "bodyTemplate" should contain data (may include template values) in JSON or YAML format with keys "body" and "headers".
func (*APIContext) RequestSetBody ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) RequestSetBody(cacheKey, bodyTemplate string) error
RequestSetBody sets body for previously prepared request bodyTemplate may be in any format and accepts template values
func (*APIContext) RequestSetCookies ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) RequestSetCookies(cacheKey, cookiesTemplate string) error
RequestSetCookies sets cookies for previously prepared request. cookiesTemplate should be YAML or JSON deserializable on []http.Cookie.
func (*APIContext) RequestSetForm ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) RequestSetForm(cacheKey, formTemplate string) error
RequestSetForm sets form for previously prepared request. Internally method sets proper Content-Type: multipart/form-data header. formTemplate should be YAML or JSON deserializable on map[string]string.
func (*APIContext) RequestSetHeaders ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) RequestSetHeaders(cacheKey, headersTemplate string) error
RequestSetHeaders sets provided headers for previously prepared request. incoming data should be in JSON or YAML format
func (*APIContext) ResetState ¶ added in v0.14.1
func (apiCtx *APIContext) ResetState(isDebug bool)
ResetState resets state of APIContext to initial.
func (*APIContext) Save ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) Save(valueTemplate, cacheKey string) error
Save saves into cache arbitrary passed data.
Example ¶
apiCtx := NewDefaultAPIContext(false, "") apiCtx.Cache.Save("MY_KEY", "MY_VAL") val, err := apiCtx.Cache.GetSaved("MY_KEY") if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } fmt.Println(val)
Output: MY_VAL
func (*APIContext) SaveHeader ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) SaveHeader(name, cacheKey string) error
SaveHeader saves from last response header value under given cache key
Example ¶
apiCtx := NewDefaultAPIContext(false, "") // instead of sending real HTTP(s) request with apiCtx.RequestSend // we simply mock last HTTP(s) request's response apiCtx.Cache.Save(httpcache.LastHTTPResponseCacheKey, &http.Response{Header: map[string][]string{"Content-Type": {"application/json"}}}) if err := apiCtx.SaveHeader("content-type", "CONTENT_TYPE_VALUE"); err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } val, err := apiCtx.Cache.GetSaved("CONTENT_TYPE_VALUE") if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } fmt.Println(val)
Output: application/json
func (*APIContext) SaveNode ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) SaveNode(dataFormat df.DataFormat, exprTemplate, cacheKey string) error
SaveNode saves from last response body node under given cache key. expr should be valid according to injected PathResolver of given data type
Example ¶
apiCtx := NewDefaultAPIContext(false, "") // instead of sending real HTTP(s) request with apiCtx.RequestSend // we simply mock last HTTP(s) request's response apiCtx.Cache.Save(httpcache.LastHTTPResponseCacheKey, &http.Response{Body: io.NopCloser(strings.NewReader(`{"user": "abc"}`))}) err := apiCtx.SaveNode(df.JSON, "user", "USER_NAME") if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } val, err := apiCtx.Cache.GetSaved("USER_NAME") if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) return } fmt.Println(val)
Output: abc
func (*APIContext) SetCache ¶ added in v0.14.1
func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetCache(c cache.Cache)
SetCache sets new Cache for APIContext.
func (*APIContext) SetDebugger ¶ added in v0.14.1
func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetDebugger(d debugger.Debugger)
SetDebugger sets new debugger for APIContext.
func (*APIContext) SetGoTypeMapper ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetGoTypeMapper(c types.Mapper)
SetGoTypeMapper sets new type mapper for Go.
func (*APIContext) SetHTMLPathFinder ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetHTMLPathFinder(r pathfinder.PathFinder)
SetHTMLPathFinder sets new HTML pathfinder for APIContext.
func (*APIContext) SetJSONFormatter ¶ added in v0.14.1
func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetJSONFormatter(jf formatter.Formatter)
SetJSONFormatter sets new JSON formatter for APIContext.
func (*APIContext) SetJSONPathFinder ¶ added in v0.14.1
func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetJSONPathFinder(r pathfinder.PathFinder)
SetJSONPathFinder sets new JSON pathfinder for APIContext.
func (*APIContext) SetJSONTypeMapper ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetJSONTypeMapper(c types.Mapper)
SetJSONTypeMapper sets new type mapper for JSON.
func (*APIContext) SetRequestDoer ¶ added in v0.14.1
func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetRequestDoer(r httpctx.RequestDoer)
SetRequestDoer sets new RequestDoer for APIContext.
func (*APIContext) SetSchemaReferenceValidator ¶ added in v0.14.1
func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetSchemaReferenceValidator(j validator.SchemaValidator)
SetSchemaReferenceValidator sets new schema ReferenceValidator for APIContext.
func (*APIContext) SetSchemaStringValidator ¶ added in v0.14.1
func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetSchemaStringValidator(j validator.SchemaValidator)
SetSchemaStringValidator sets new schema StringValidator for APIContext.
func (*APIContext) SetTemplateEngine ¶ added in v0.14.1
func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetTemplateEngine(t template.Engine)
SetTemplateEngine sets new template Engine for APIContext.
func (*APIContext) SetXMLFormatter ¶ added in v0.14.1
func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetXMLFormatter(xf formatter.Formatter)
SetXMLFormatter sets new XML formatter for APIContext.
func (*APIContext) SetXMLPathFinder ¶ added in v0.14.1
func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetXMLPathFinder(r pathfinder.PathFinder)
SetXMLPathFinder sets new XML pathfinder for APIContext.
func (*APIContext) SetYAMLFormatter ¶ added in v0.14.1
func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetYAMLFormatter(yd formatter.Formatter)
SetYAMLFormatter sets new YAML formatter for APIContext.
func (*APIContext) SetYAMLPathFinder ¶ added in v0.14.1
func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetYAMLPathFinder(r pathfinder.PathFinder)
SetYAMLPathFinder sets new YAML pathfinder for APIContext.
func (*APIContext) SetYAMLTypeMapper ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (apiCtx *APIContext) SetYAMLTypeMapper(c types.Mapper)
SetYAMLTypeMapper sets new type mapper for YAML.
type BodyHeaders ¶ added in v0.7.4
type BodyHeaders struct { // Body should contain HTTP(s) request body Body any // Headers should contain HTTP(s) request headers Headers map[string]string }
BodyHeaders is entity that holds information about request body and request headers.
type CustomTransport ¶ added in v1.2.0
type CustomTransport struct {
type Formatters ¶ added in v0.12.0
type Formatters struct { // JSON is entity that has ability to serialize and deserialize JSON bytes. JSON formatter.Formatter // YAML is entity that has ability to serialize and deserialize YAML bytes. YAML formatter.Formatter // XML is entity that has ability to serialize and deserialize XML bytes. XML formatter.Formatter }
Formatters is container for entities that know how to serialize and deserialize data.
type PathFinders ¶ added in v0.12.0
type PathFinders struct { // JSON is entity that has ability to obtain data from bytes in JSON format. JSON pathfinder.PathFinder // YAML is entity that has ability to obtain data from bytes in YAML format. YAML pathfinder.PathFinder // XML is entity that has ability to obtain data from bytes in XML format. XML pathfinder.PathFinder // HTML is entity that has ability to obtain data from bytes in HTML format. HTML pathfinder.PathFinder }
PathFinders is container for different data types pathfinders.
type SchemaValidators ¶ added in v0.12.0
type SchemaValidators struct { // StringValidator represents entity that has ability to validate document against string of containing schema. StringValidator validator.SchemaValidator // ReferenceValidator represents entity that has ability to validate document against string with reference // to schema, which may be URL or relative/full OS path for example. ReferenceValidator validator.SchemaValidator }
SchemaValidators is container for JSON schema validators.
type TypeMappers ¶ added in v1.1.0
type TypeMappers struct { // JSON is entity that has ability to map underlying data type into JSON data type JSON types.Mapper // YAML is entity that has ability to map underlying data type into YAML data type YAML types.Mapper // GO is entity that has ability to map underlying data type into GO-like data type GO types.Mapper }
TypeMappers is container for different data format mappers
Directories ¶
Path | Synopsis |
Package pkg holds packages used for steps.
Package pkg holds packages used for steps. |
Package cache holds definition of Cache used for storing and retrieving data.
Package cache holds definition of Cache used for storing and retrieving data. |
Package debugger holds definition of Debugger.
Package debugger holds definition of Debugger. |
Package formatter holds utilities for working with different data formats.
Package formatter holds utilities for working with different data formats. |
Package httpcache connects package httpctx and cache
Package httpcache connects package httpctx and cache |
Package httpctx holds utilities for working with HTTP protocol.
Package httpctx holds utilities for working with HTTP protocol. |
Package mathutils holds utilities related with mathematics.
Package mathutils holds utilities related with mathematics. |
Package pathfinder holds utilities for working with JSON path.
Package pathfinder holds utilities for working with JSON path. |
Package reflectutils holds utility methods related with reflect package.
Package reflectutils holds utility methods related with reflect package. |
Package schema holds services that allows to validate JSON string against a schema.
Package schema holds services that allows to validate JSON string against a schema. |
Package template holds utilities for working with templates.
Package template holds utilities for working with templates. |
Package types holds utilities for working with different formats data types.
Package types holds utilities for working with different formats data types. |
Package validator holds utilities for validating data.
Package validator holds utilities for validating data. |