###s3 front end commands and ST33 migration tools
This S3 CLIs may used with any compatible S3 storage: Amazon, Scality, Minio, etc..
It is built on top of the AWS golang SDK version 1.
install and configure go 1.10+
git pull https://github.com/PaulMatencio/s3
**Scality S3 frontend commands**
cd $GOPATH/github/s3/sc
make deps
make install
**Scality commands for managing ACL**
cd $GOPATH/github/s3/acl
make install
**Command for using Scality IAM**
cd $GOPATH/github/s3/iam
make install
**st33 to Scality S3 migration tools**
cd $GOPATH/github/s3/st33
make install
sc will look into these 3 locations for a configuration file name config.yaml
if a config.yaml file could not be found, sc will use the aws shared configuration
files that are located in the .aws folder of the home directory. It is recommended to use the
config.yaml file of the command line, however you can also configure the credential and
config files created by aws utility.
Example of a configuration file
url: http://10.xx.xx.xx
region: us-east-1
url: http://10.xx.xx.xx:8600
region: u-east-1
access_key_id: myAccessKey
secret_access_key: myVerySecretKey
log_level: 3
output: terminal
extension: md
sc [command]
#####Available Commands:
Available Commands:
copyObj Command to copy an object from one bucket to another
delBucket Command to delete a bucket
delObj Command to delete an object
delObjs Command to delete multiple objects concurrently
fgetObj Command to download an objet from a given bucket to a file
fputObj Command to upload a given file to a bucket
getBucketPol Command to get policies of a bucket
getObj Command to fetch an object from a given bucket
getObjs Command to download concurrently nultiple objects and their metadata to a given directory
headObj Command to verify if a given object exist and display the object metadata
headObjs Command to retieve some of the metadata of specific or every object in the bucket
help Help about any command
lockObject Command to lock an object
lsBucket Command to list all your buckets
lsObjs Command to list multiple objects of a given bucket
mkBucket Command to create a bucket
putObjs Command to upload multiple objects and their user metadata from a given directory to a bucket
rmBucket Command to delete a bucket
rmObj Command to delete an object
rmObjs Command to delete multiple objects concurrently
statBucket Command to verify if a given bucket exist
statObj Command to verify if a given object exist and display the object metadata
statObjs Command to retieve some of the metadata of specific or every object in the bucket
-C, --autoCompletion generate bash auto completion
-c, --config string sc config file; default $HOME/.sc/config.yaml
-h, --help help for sc
-l, --loglevel int Output level of logs (1: error, 2: Warning, 3: Info , 4 Trace, 5 Debug)
-P, --profiling int display memory usage every P seconds
-v, --verbose verbose output
Use "sc [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Use "sc [command] --help" for more information about a command.
####Bash autocompletion script
Use the flag -C along with any command to generate a bash auto completion script.
Copy the generated sc_bash_completion script to /etc/bash_completion.d or
just add "source sc_bash_completion" to your .basrc file to active the bash autocompletion
for the sc CLI
####Usage: st33 [command]
st33 to S3 migration tools
st33 [command]
Available Commands:
chkFiles Command to check if all the Tiff images and Blobs of a given st33 data file have been written to a folder
chkS3 Command to check if all the Tiff images and Blobs of a given st33 data file have been migrated to a S3 bucket
help Help about any command
lsCtrl Command to list a control file
toFiles Command to extract an ST33 file containing Tiff images and Blobs to Files
toS3 Command to extract ST33 file containing Tiff Images and Blob and upload to S3
-C, --autoCompletion generate bash auto completion
-c, --config string sc config file; default $HOME/.sc/config.yaml
-h, --help help for st33
-l, --loglevel int Output level of logs (1: error, 2: Warning, 3: Info , 4 Trace, 5 Debug)
-P, --profiling int display memory usage every P seconds
-t, --test test mode
-v, --verbose verbose output
Use "st33 [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Scality S3 ACL commands
Usage: acl [command]
Scality S3 commands for managing buckets and objects ACL
acl [command]
Available Commands:
getBucket Command to get Bucket ACL
getObj Command to get Object ACL
help Help about any command
putObj Command to put Object ACL
putBucket Command to put Bucket ACL
-C, --autoCompletion generate bash auto completion
-c, --config string sc config file; default $HOME/.sc/config.yaml
-h, --help help for acl
-l, --loglevel int Output level of logs (1: error, 2: Warning, 3: Info , 4 Trace, 5 Debug)
-P, --profiling int display memory usage every P seconds
-v, --verbose verbose output
Use "acl [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Command for managing Scality IAM
iam [command]
Available Commands:
getIAMPolicy Command to get scality IAM policy
help Help about any command
-C, --autoCompletion generate bash auto completion
-c, --config string sc config file; default $HOME/.sc/config.yaml
-h, --help help for iam
-l, --loglevel int Output level of logs (1: error, 2: Warning, 3: Info , 4 Trace, 5 Debug)
-P, --profiling int display memory usage every P seconds
-v, --verbose verbose output
Use "iam [command] --help" for more information about a command.