[HE]avy [ME]tals Raspberry [PI] - Hemepi
Precious Metals prices tracker with Raspberry Pi + InkyPhat epaper display

- Pi Zero (preferably the wireless version)
- InkyPhat display
Hardware setup
SPI must be enabled on the Raspberry PI:
sudo raspi-config nonint do_spi 0
You MUST reboot after setting this option
API key
Register with goldapi and get an API key. They offer
a limited free API key.
It is expected that you will be developing on your host machine, not the PI
directly. This means you have nothing to setup on the PI appart from the
hardware and hardware configurations as described in the prerequisits.
make test
make build
The Makefile has a command for deploying, modify the target device user and
host as required.
make deploy
You can also copy the binary to a suitable location on your RPI, e.g:
scp hemepi pi@raspberrypi.local:/usr/local/bin
Execute the binary, passing in at least the mandatory api key flag as follows:
sudo ./hemepi -metal=XAU -currency=GBP -apikey=<your.api.key>
You have various configuration flags to alter the connection to the display or
the frequency data is collected from the external API
HeMePI - [HE]vy [ME]tal Raspberry [PI] Gold and Silver price tracker
Usage of ./hemepi:
-apikey string
API key for goldapi.io
-currency value
Currency to get metal price in
-metal value
Metal to get price for
-model value
Inky model (PHAT or WHAT)
-model-color value
Inky model color (black, red or yellow) (default red)
-reset string
Inky reset pin (default "27")
-spi string
Name or number of SPI port to open (default "/dev/spidev0.0")
-dc string
Inky DC pin (default "22")
-busy string
Inky busy pin (default "17")
-border-color value
Border color( black, white, red or yellow
Automatically running
You can setup a cronjob so that the program will run at set times/intervals.
The following example will get Gold every even minute, and Silver every odd
minute. If you do this you must make sure your Goldapi.io account type has the
required request limits.
To edit your cron type the following (must be run as sudo)
sudo crontab -e
Add the following for switching between Gold and Silver every 30 minutes weekdays
only (metal markets close over the weekend)
0 * * * 1-5 /home/pi/hemepi/hemepi -metal=XAG -currency=GBP -apikey=<your.api.key>
30 * * * 1-5 /home/pi/hemepi/hemepi -metal=XAU -currency=GBP -apikey=<your.api.key>
This project is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3.0.