Dinosaur is a simple DNS caching proxy server intended for local networks. It provides a local caching resolver with support for configurable upstreams (supporting DoH), local block-lists, and local authoratitve entries.
It is intended to provided the basic functionality for local network proxy use with minimum configuration (in the most cases with just a few command-line flags).
It's most notable feature is qtype aware blocklists (you can block a specific lookup-type) - this is primarily useful if you are trying to block IPv6 address resolution for specific domains (the specific use-case is that Netflix wont work if you have a Hurricane Electric IPv6 tunnel as it will treat this as a proxy rather than using the direct IPv4 connection - for a more detailed description of the issue see https://gist.github.com/xorguy/d52bd9ab6558ffafee606d4f87e565ce).
The server was origibally written as a simple upstream for Unbound which wouuld just block all AAAA requests for specified domains (which it can still do dinosaur --block :AAAA
) however it was pretty simple to add the basic additional functionality needed to act as a caching DNS proxy for a local network and avoid running two servers (for anything more complex you should use Unbound/Dnsmasq).
- UDP/DoH upstreams
- In-memory caching
- Local authorative entries (implemented as permament cache entries)
- Qtype aware blocklist (can block specific query-types - in particular AAAA for specific domains) - default is ANY
- Parse blocklist from hosts file (eg. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/StevenBlack/hosts/master/hosts for example)
- Load blocklist/local zones from URL
Usage of ./cmd/dinosaur/dinosaur:
-acl value
Access control list (CIDR)
Enable API (default: false)
-api-bind string
API bind address (default:
-block value
Block entry (format: 'domain[:qtype]')
-block-delete value
Delete block entry (format: 'domain[:qtype]')
-blocklist value
Blocklist file
-blocklist-aaaa value
Blocklist file (AAAA)
-blocklist-from-hosts value
Blocklist from /etc/hosts format file
-config string
JSON config file
Discard logs (default: false)
Debug logging (default: false)
Enable DNS64 (for queries from IPv6 addresses)
-dns64-prefix string
DNS64 prefix (default: 64:ff9b::/96)
Show usage
-listen value
Listen address/interface (default: lo0:8053)
-local value
Local DNS resource record
-localzone value
Local DNS resource record file
Auto refresh blocklist (default: false)
-refresh-interval string
Blocklist refresh interval (default: 24hrs)
Use syslog (default: false)
-upstream value
Upstream resolver [host:port or https://...] (default:,
(Netflix domains to filter: https://openconnect.netflix.com/mobiledeliverydomains.txt)