Template compiler for go, with template syntax closer to golang
Template Body Directives:
[[# ... ]]
- template comment. The comment is not emmitted to the generated code.
[[$ <content> ]]
- copy content directly into the generated template code. used for var decl,
assignment, etc
[[for <loop text>]] <body> [[end]]
- the loop text is copied verbatim
[[switch <switch text> ]] [[case <case text>]] <body> [[default]] <body> [[end]]
- the switch text and case texts are copied verbatim
- note that the whitespaces between [[switch]] and the first [[case]] is
always trimmed from the generated output. Non-whitespace text between
[[switch]] and the first [[case]] will result in error.
[[if <predicate>]] <body> [[else if <predicate>]] <body> [[else]] <body> [[end]]
- the predicates are copied verbatim
- Note that this does not support break label. An escape hatch is to use
[[$ ... ]] to define the loop label and to break to it
- early normal exit
[[error <err>]]
- error exit
[[embed <expr>]]
- Embed a sub-template. Expr must implement io.WriterTo
- output var. var must be a valid output value type
- output evaluated expr. expr must evaluate to a valid output value type
- output $
Valid Output Value Type:
fmt.Stringer output as string formatted (%s)
string output as string formatted (%s)
[]byte output as string formatted (%s)
bool output as bool formatted (%t)
uints, ints output as int formatted (%d)
floats, complex output as float/complex formatted (%g)
NOTE: since byte is alias for uint8 and rune is alias for int32, these are
output as integers.
Whitespace Triming:
[[ ]] style directives may optionally specify '-' to trim leading / trailing
[[- Trim leading whitespaces on the same line as the directive, as well as the
previous line's '\n' if it's adjacent to those leading whitespaces.
-]] Trim trailing whitespaces on the same line as the directive, potentially
up to and including the current line's '\n'
File Format:
package <name>
// In the header section (everything before the section marker), both //
// and /* */ style comments are allowed
// Optional import. The imports are copied verbatim.
import (
// Note:
// 1. unlike golang struct, this requires explicit argument name
// 2. arg and type must be on the same line (type can span multiple lines)
// XXX: maybe add support to specify directive start/end markers' characters.
template <name> {
arg1 type1
arg2 type2
// Everything after the section maker is part of the template