Golang REST API sample with MariaDB integration using Gin and GORM. (This project IS NOT a starter kit, it is just an example project.)
This project is a sample project that contains following features:
- REST API server with Gin Framework
- Modular Routes
- Database integration using GORM
- Live Reload using codegangsta/gin
- JWT Token based Authentication
- Supported REST API Documentation (Postman)
Project Setup
$ dep ensure
$ go get
$ go get
GORM should be installed via go get
since installation via dep
is imperfect (it does not download dialects directory).
codegangsta/gin is an optional package to install if you want to make usage of live reloading feature of server (just like nodemon in Node.js environment).
MariaDB Configuration
This project uses MariaDB to store data. Install MariaDB and create a sample database and a user account.
Install MariaDB
Create Database / Account
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON sample.* to sample@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'samplepass';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON sample.* to sample@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'samplepass';
Configure Environment Variables
Open .env file and edit the values if you need to. This project uses godotenv to read and use .env file.
Database config string is formatted in go-sql-driver format.
Start Project
$ go run main.go
To explicitly compile the code before you run the server:
$ go build main.go
$ ./main
To use live-reloading in development environment,
$ ./scripts/start-dev
There is no documentation for this package.