Capture example
In this capture example, the source code uses a more advanced approach (compared to capture0/capture0.go) where it leverages the go4vl device description API to ensure that the device supports the selected preferred format and size.
First, the source code opens the device with device.Open
function call. Unlike in the previous example, the call to
omits the pixel format option.
func main() {
devName := "/dev/video0"
device, err := device.Open(devName)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to open device: %s", err)
defer device.Close()
Next, the source code defines a function that is used to search formats supported by the device.
func main() {
findPreferredFmt := func(fmts []v4l2.FormatDescription, pixEncoding v4l2.FourCCType) *v4l2.FormatDescription {
for _, desc := range fmts {
if desc.PixelFormat == pixEncoding{
return &desc
return nil
Next, the code enumerates the formats supported by the device, device.GetFormatDescriptions
, and used the search function
to test whether the device support one of several preferred formats.
func main() {
fmtDescs, err := device.GetFormatDescriptions()
if err != nil{
log.Fatal("failed to get format desc:", err)
// search for preferred formats
preferredFmts := []v4l2.FourCCType{v4l2.PixelFmtMPEG, v4l2.PixelFmtMJPEG, v4l2.PixelFmtJPEG, v4l2.PixelFmtYUYV}
var fmtDesc *v4l2.FormatDescription
for _, preferredFmt := range preferredFmts{
fmtDesc = findPreferredFmt(fmtDescs, preferredFmt)
if fmtDesc != nil {
Next, if one of the preferred formats is found, then it is assigned to fmtDesc
. The next step is to search the device
for an appropriate supported dimension (640x480) for the selected format which is stored in frmSize
func main() {
frameSizes, err := v4l2.GetFormatFrameSizes(device.Fd(), fmtDesc.PixelFormat)
// select size 640x480 for format
var frmSize v4l2.FrameSizeEnum
for _, size := range frameSizes {
if size.Size.MinWidth == 640 && size.Size.MinHeight == 480 {
frmSize = size
At this point, the device can be assigned the selected pixel format and its associated size.
func main() {
if err := device.SetPixFormat(v4l2.PixFormat{
Width: frmSize.Size.MinWidth,
Height: frmSize.Size.MinHeight,
PixelFormat: fmtDesc.PixelFormat,
Field: v4l2.FieldNone,
}); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to set format: %s", err)
Finally, the device can be started and the streaming buffers can be captured:
fun main() {
if err := device.Start(ctx); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to stream: %s", err)
for frame := range device.GetOutput() {
fileName := fmt.Sprintf("capture_%d.jpg", count)
file, err := os.Create(fileName)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to create file %s: %s", fileName, err)
if _, err := file.Write(frame); err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to write file %s: %s", fileName, err)
See source code here.
There is no documentation for this package.