This is a simple RSS feed parser that fetches the latest news from the BBC website and displays it in a simple frontend.
Running the project
- Clone the repository
- Run the following command in the root directory of the project
docker compose up --build
- Open your browser and navigate to
It will run the postgres containter, apply necessary migrations, run rabbit and the app container.
To run the tests, run the following command in the root directory of the project
go test ./...
Testing utilizes the testcontainers library to spin up a postgres container and run the tests against it. Docker must be installed on the machine to run the tests.
- The project is structured in a flat manner, as there are not many files and it is a test task that is convenient to view in such a flat structure.
- I used a simple template renderer for the frontend, so I did not create REST endpoints, as the task does not require them, but the structure for this is ready.
- I used a ready-made package for parsing rss, as the task does not require manual parsing.
Notes on "What I learned"
- Pretty straightforward task, 80+% I had ideas how to implement right away. Some caviats with docker-compose along the way - especially with the migrate tool (GOOS=linus did the trick)
- Using testcontainers to run tests against multiple containers - pretty cool and useful, but my 10 year old laptop is not happy about it
- Applied testserver pattern for testing the http server, which I learned recently
- First time running tests this huge in github actions, surprisingly easy to set up