Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- type ActivityChallenge
- type ActivityDefinition
- type ActivityDifficultyTier
- type ActivityEntity
- type ActivityGraphArtElement
- type ActivityGraphConnection
- type ActivityGraphDefinition
- type ActivityGraphDisplayObjective
- type ActivityGraphDisplayProgression
- type ActivityGraphEntity
- type ActivityGraphListEntry
- type ActivityGraphNode
- type ActivityGraphNodeActivity
- type ActivityGraphNodeFeaturingState
- type ActivityGraphNodeHighlightType
- type ActivityGraphNodeStateEntry
- type ActivityGuidedBlock
- type ActivityInsertionPoint
- type ActivityLoadout
- type ActivityLoadoutRequirementSet
- type ActivityMatchmakingBlock
- type ActivityModeCategory
- type ActivityModeDefinition
- type ActivityModeEntity
- type ActivityModeType
- type ActivityModifierDefinition
- type ActivityModifierEntity
- type ActivityModifierReference
- type ActivityNavPointType
- type ActivityPlaylistItem
- type ActivityReward
- type ActivityTypeDefinition
- type ActivityTypeEntity
- type ActivityUnlockString
- type AmmunitionType
- type AnimationReference
- type ArtDyeReference
- type ArtifactDefinition
- type ArtifactEntity
- type ArtifactTier
- type ArtifactTierItem
- type BreakerTypeDefinition
- type BreakerTypeEntity
- type BreakerTypeEnum
- type Bubble
- type BucketCategory
- type BucketScope
- type BungieAPIReader
- type BungieMembershipType
- type ChecklistDefinition
- type ChecklistEntity
- type ChecklistEntry
- type Class
- type ClassDefinition
- type ClassEntity
- type CollectibleAcquisitionBlock
- type CollectibleDefinition
- type CollectibleEntity
- type CollectibleStateBlock
- type Color
- type Contract
- type ContractReader
- type DamageType
- type DamageTypeDefinition
- type DamageTypeEntity
- type DateRange
- type DerivedItem
- type DerivedItemCategory
- type DestinationBubbleSetting
- type DestinationDefinition
- type DestinationEntity
- type DisplayCategory
- type DisplayProperties
- type DyeReference
- type EnergyCapacityEntry
- type EnergyCostEntry
- type EnergyType
- type EnergyTypeDefinition
- type EnergyTypeEntity
- type EntityMetadata
- type EnvironmentLocationMapping
- type EquipmentSlotDefinition
- type EquipmentSlotEntity
- type EquippingBlock
- type EquippingItemBlockAttributes
- type FactionDefinition
- type FactionEntity
- type FactionVendor
- type FulfillmentOption
- type GatingScope
- type GearArtArrangementReference
- type Gender
- type GenderDefinition
- type GenderEntity
- type GenderName
- type GraphNodeState
- type HyperlinkReference
- type IconSequence
- type InsertPlugAction
- type InterpolationPoint
- type InterpolationPointFloat
- type InventoryBucketDefinition
- type InventoryBucketEntity
- type InventoryItemDefinition
- type InventoryItemEntity
- type InventoryItemStat
- type ItemActionBlock
- type ItemActionRequiredItem
- type ItemCategoryDefinition
- type ItemCategoryEntity
- type ItemCreationEntryLevel
- type ItemGearsetBlock
- type ItemIntrinsicSocketEntry
- type ItemInventoryBlock
- type ItemInvestmentStat
- type ItemLocation
- type ItemMetricBlock
- type ItemObjectiveBlock
- type ItemPerkEntry
- type ItemPerkVisibility
- type ItemPlug
- type ItemPreviewBlock
- type ItemQualityBlock
- type ItemQuantity
- type ItemSackBlock
- type ItemSetBlock
- type ItemSetBlockEntry
- type ItemSocketBlock
- type ItemSocketCategory
- type ItemSocketEntry
- type ItemSocketEntryPlugItem
- type ItemSocketEntryPlugItemRandomized
- type ItemSource
- type ItemSourceBlock
- type ItemStatBlock
- type ItemSubType
- type ItemSummaryBlock
- type ItemTalentGridBlock
- type ItemTier
- type ItemTierTypeDefinition
- type ItemTierTypeEntity
- type ItemTierTypeInfusionBlock
- type ItemTooltipNotification
- type ItemTranslationBlock
- type ItemType
- type ItemValueBlock
- type ItemVendorSourceReference
- type ItemVersion
- type LinkedGraph
- type LinkedGraphEntry
- type LocaleError
- type LocationDefinition
- type LocationEntity
- type LocationRelease
- type LoreDefinition
- type LoreEntity
- type Manifest
- type MaterialRequirement
- type MaterialRequirementSetDefinition
- type MaterialRequirementSetEntity
- type MetricDefinition
- type MetricEntity
- type MilestoneActivity
- type MilestoneActivityVariant
- type MilestoneChallenge
- type MilestoneChallengeActivity
- type MilestoneChallengeActivityGraphNodeEntry
- type MilestoneChallengeActivityPhase
- type MilestoneDefinition
- type MilestoneDisplayPreference
- type MilestoneEntity
- type MilestoneQuest
- type MilestoneQuestRewardItem
- type MilestoneQuestRewards
- type MilestoneRewardCategory
- type MilestoneRewardEntry
- type MilestoneType
- type MilestoneValue
- type MilestoneVendor
- type NodeActivationRequirement
- type NodeSocketReplaceResponse
- type NodeStep
- type ObjectiveDefinition
- type ObjectiveDisplayProperties
- type ObjectiveEntity
- type ObjectiveGrantStyle
- type ObjectivePerkEntry
- type ObjectiveProgress
- type ObjectiveStatEntry
- type ParentItemOverride
- type PlaceDefinition
- type PlaceEntity
- type PlugAvailabilityMode
- type PlugRule
- type PlugSetDefinition
- type PlugSetEntity
- type PlugUIStyles
- type PlugWhitelistEntry
- type Position
- type PowerCapDefinition
- type PowerCapEntity
- type PresentationChildBlock
- type PresentationDisplayStyle
- type PresentationNodeChildEntry
- type PresentationNodeChildrenBlock
- type PresentationNodeCollectibleChildEntry
- type PresentationNodeComponent
- type PresentationNodeDefinition
- type PresentationNodeEntity
- type PresentationNodeMetricChildEntry
- type PresentationNodeRecordChildEntry
- type PresentationNodeRequirementsBlock
- type PresentationNodeState
- type PresentationNodeType
- type PresentationNodesComponent
- type PresentationScreenStyle
- type ProgressionDefinition
- type ProgressionDisplayProperties
- type ProgressionEntity
- type ProgressionLevelRequirementDefinition
- type ProgressionLevelRequirementEntity
- type ProgressionReward
- type ProgressionRewardItemAcquisitionBehavior
- type ProgressionRewardItemQuantity
- type ProgressionScope
- type ProgressionStep
- type ProgressionStepDisplayEffect
- type Race
- type RaceDefinition
- type RaceEntity
- type RecordCompletionBlock
- type RecordDefinition
- type RecordEntity
- type RecordExpirationBlock
- type RecordIntervalBlock
- type RecordIntervalObjective
- type RecordIntervalRewards
- type RecordStateBlock
- type RecordTitleBlock
- type RecordToastStyle
- type RecordValueStyle
- type ReportReason
- type ReportReasonCategoryDefinition
- type ReportReasonCategoryEntity
- type RewardSourceCategory
- type RewardSourceDefinition
- type RewardSourceEntity
- type SandboxPerkDefinition
- type SandboxPerkEntity
- type Scope
- type SeasonDefinition
- type SeasonEntity
- type SeasonPassDefinition
- type SeasonPassEntity
- type SeasonPreview
- type SeasonPreviewImage
- type SocketCategoryDefinition
- type SocketCategoryEntity
- type SocketCategoryStyle
- type SocketPlugSources
- type SocketTypeActionType
- type SocketTypeDefinition
- type SocketTypeEntity
- type SocketTypeScalarMaterialRequirementEntry
- type SocketVisibility
- type SpecialItemType
- type StatAggregationType
- type StatCategory
- type StatDefinition
- type StatDisplay
- type StatEntity
- type StatGroupDefinition
- type StatGroupEntity
- type StatOverride
- type TalentExclusiveGroup
- type TalentGridDefinition
- type TalentGridEntity
- type TalentNode
- type TalentNodeCategory
- type TalentNodeExclusiveSet
- type TalentNodeStep
- type TalentNodeStepDamageTypes
- type TalentNodeStepGroups
- type TalentNodeStepGuardianAttributes
- type TalentNodeStepImpactEffects
- type TalentNodeStepLightAbilities
- type TalentNodeStepWeaponPerformances
- type TraitCategoryDefinition
- type TraitCategoryEntity
- type TraitDefinition
- type TraitEntity
- type UnlockDefinition
- type UnlockEntity
- type UnlockExpression
- type UnlockValueUIStyle
- type UpdateFunc
- type VendorAcceptedItem
- type VendorAction
- type VendorCategoryEntry
- type VendorCategoryOverlay
- type VendorDefinition
- type VendorDisplayProperties
- type VendorEntity
- type VendorGroupDefinition
- type VendorGroupEntity
- type VendorGroupReference
- type VendorInteraction
- type VendorInteractionReply
- type VendorInteractionRewardSelection
- type VendorInteractionSackEntry
- type VendorInteractionType
- type VendorInventoryFlyout
- type VendorInventoryFlyoutBucket
- type VendorItem
- type VendorItemQuantity
- type VendorItemRefundPolicy
- type VendorItemSocketOverride
- type VendorLocation
- type VendorProgressionType
- type VendorReplyType
- type VendorRequirementDisplayEntry
- type VendorSaleItemActionBlock
- type VendorService
Constants ¶
const ( Membership_None BungieMembershipType = 0 TigerXbox = 1 TigerPSN = 2 TigerSteam = 3 TigerBlizzard = 4 TigerStadia = 5 TigerDemon = 10 BungieNext = 254 Membership_All = -1 // Membership_All is only valid for searching capabilities. )
const ( Progression_Account ProgressionScope = 0 Progression_Character = 1 Progression_Clan = 2 Progression_Item = 3 Progression_ImplicitFromEquipment = 4 Progression_Mapped = 5 Progression_MappedAggregate = 6 Progression_MappedStat = 7 Progression_MappedUnlockValue = 8 )
const ( ProgressionStepDisplay_None ProgressionStepDisplayEffect = 0 ProgressionStepDisplay_Character = 1 ProgressionStepDisplay_Item = 2 )
const ( ItemTier_Unknown ItemTier = 0 ItemTier_Currency = 1 ItemTier_Basic = 2 ItemTier_Common = 3 ItemTier_Rare = 4 ItemTier_Superior = 5 ItemTier_Exotic = 6 )
const ( BucketCategory_Invisible BucketCategory = 0 BucketCategory_Item = 1 BucketCategory_Currency = 2 BucketCategory_Equippable = 3 BucketCategory_Ignored = 4 )
const ( ItemLocation_Unknown ItemLocation = 0 ItemLocation_Inventory = 1 ItemLocation_Vault = 2 ItemLocation_Vendor = 3 ItemLocation_Postmaster = 4 )
const ( // CharacterAverage applies a weighted average using stat grouping and items equipped on a character. StatAggregation_CharacterAverage StatAggregationType = 0 StatAggregation_Character = 1 // Use only the character's stat grouping. StatAggregation_Item = 2 // Use only the character's equipped items. )
const ( StatCategory_Gameplay StatCategory = 0 StatCategory_Weapon = 1 StatCategory_Defense = 2 StatCategory_Primary = 3 )
const ( Ammunition_None AmmunitionType = 0 Ammunition_Primary = 1 Ammunition_Special = 2 Ammunition_Heavy = 3 Ammunition_Unknown = 4 )
const ( // Default is vendor rank progression from token redemption. VendorProgression_Default VendorProgressionType = 0 // Rank progressions from ritual/playlist content such as Crucible, Gambit and Battlegrounds. VendorProgression_Ritual = 1 // Rank progressions that cannot be reset in a given seasons, such as Xur in the Eternity destination. VendorProgression_NoSeasonalRefresh = 2 )
const ( VendorSelection_None VendorInteractionRewardSelection = 0 VendorSelection_One = 1 VendorSelection_All = 2 )
const ( VendorReply_Accept VendorReplyType = 0 VendorReply_Decline = 1 VendorReply_Complete = 2 )
const ( VendorInteraction_Unknown VendorInteractionType = 0 // An empty interaction. If this ends up in content, it is probably a game bug. VendorInteraction_Undefined = 1 // An interaction shown when you complete a quest and receive a reward. VendorInteraction_QuestComplete = 2 // An interaction shown when you talk to a Vendor as an intermediary step of a quest. VendorInteraction_QuestContinue = 3 // An interaction shown when you are previewing the vendor's reputation rewards. VendorInteraction_ReputationPreview = 4 // An interaction shown when you rank up with the vendor. VendorInteraction_RankUpReward = 5 // An interaction shown when you have tokens to turn in for the vendor. VendorInteraction_TokenTurnin = 6 // An interaction shown when you're accepting a new quest. VendorInteraction_QuestAccept = 7 VendorInteraction_ProgressTab = 8 VendorInteraction_End = 9 VendorInteraction_Start = 10 )
const ( RefundPolicy_NotRefundable VendorItemRefundPolicy = 0 RefundPolicy_DeletesItem = 1 RefundPolicy_RevokesLicense = 2 )
const ( // No gating on this item. Gating_None GatingScope = 0 // Gating on this item is based on global game state. It will be gated the same for everyone. Gating_Global = 1 // Gating on this item is at the Clan level. Gating_Clan = 2 // Gating includes Profile-specific checks, but not on the Profile's characters. Gating_Profile = 3 // Gating includes Character-specific checks, including character level restrictions. Gating_Character = 4 // Gating includes item-specific checks. Gating_Item = 5 // Gating unlocks and checks are unknown. Gating_AssumedWorstCase = 6 )
const ( InsertPlug SocketTypeActionType = 0 InfuseItem = 1 ReinitializeSocket = 2 )
const ( SocketVisibility_Visible SocketVisibility = 0 SocketVisibility_Hidden = 1 SocketVisibility_HiddenWhenEmpty = 2 SocketVisibility_HiddenIfNoPlugsAvailable = 3 )
const ( SocketCategory_Unknown SocketCategoryStyle = 0 SocketCategory_Reusable = 1 SocketCategory_Consumable = 2 SocketCategory_Unlockable = 3 SocketCategory_Intrinsic = 4 SocketCategory_EnergyMeter = 5 SocketCategory_LargePerk = 6 SocketCategory_Abilities = 7 SocketCategory_Supers = 8 )
const ( ActivityHighlight_None ActivityGraphNodeHighlightType = 0 ActivityHighlight_Normal = 1 ActivityHighlight_Hyper = 2 ActivityHighlight_Comet = 3 ActivityHighlight_RiseOfIron = 4 )
const ( // Automatic means just show the number. UnlockValue_Automatic UnlockValueUIStyle = 0 UnlockValue_Fraction = 1 // Show the number as a fractional value; this is relative to the context-specific upper bound. UnlockValue_Checkbox = 2 // Show the number as a checkbox. UnlockValue_Percentage = 3 // Show the number as a percentage; this is relative to the context-specific upper bound. UnlockValue_DateTime = 4 // Show the number as a date and time; the given number number of seconds since the Unix Epoch. UnlockValue_FractionFloat = 5 // Show the number as a floating point value that represents a fraction; this is relative to the context-specific upper bound. UnlockValue_Integer = 6 // Show the number as an integer. UnlockValue_TimeDuration = 7 // Show the number as a time duration in seconds. UnlockValue_Hidden = 8 // Don't show the value. UnlockValue_Multiplier = 9 // Show the value as a multiplier in context, such as "1.5x". UnlockValue_GreenPips = 10 // Show the value as a series of green pips, like wins on a Trials Card. UnlockValue_RedPips = 11 // Show the value as a series of red pips, like losses on a Trials Card. UnlockValue_ExplicitPercentage = 12 // Show the value as a percentage, by appending a %-sign. UnlockValue_RawFloat = 13 // Show the value as a floating-point number with two-decimal precision. )
const ( Objective_WhenIncomplete ObjectiveGrantStyle = 0 Objective_WhenComplete = 1 Objective_Always = 2 )
const ( DamageType_None DamageType = 0 DamageType_Kinetic = 1 DamageType_Arc = 2 DamageType_Thermal = 3 DamageType_Void = 4 DamageType_Raid = 5 DamageType_Stasis = 6 )
const ( TalentWeaponPerformance_None TalentNodeStepWeaponPerformances = 0 TalentWeaponPerformance_RateOfFire = 1 TalentWeaponPerformance_Damage = 2 TalentWeaponPerformance_Accuracy = 4 TalentWeaponPerformance_Range = 8 TalentWeaponPerformance_Zoom = 16 TalentWeaponPerformance_Recoil = 32 TalentWeaponPerformance_Ready = 64 TalentWeaponPerformance_Reload = 128 TalentWeaponPerformance_HairTrigger = 256 TalentWeaponPerformance_AmmoAndMagazine = 512 TalentWeaponPerformance_TrackingAndDetonation = 1024 TalentWeaponPerformance_ShotgunSpread = 2048 TalentWeaponPerformance_ChargeTime = 4096 TalentWeaponPerformance_All = 8191 )
const ( TalentImpactEffect_None TalentNodeStepImpactEffects = 0 TalentImpactEffect_ArmorPiercing = 1 TalentImpactEffect_Ricochet = 2 TalentImpactEffect_Flinch = 4 TalentImpactEffect_CollateralDamage = 8 TalentImpactEffect_Disorient = 16 TalentImpactEffect_HighlightTarget = 32 TalentImpactEffect_All = 63 )
const ( TalentNodeStepGuardianAttribute_None TalentNodeStepGuardianAttributes = 0 TalentNodeStepGuardianAttribute_Stats = 1 TalentNodeStepGuardianAttribute_Shields = 2 TalentNodeStepGuardianAttribute_Health = 4 TalentNodeStepGuardianAttribute_Revive = 8 TalentNodeStepGuardianAttribute_AimUnderFire = 16 TalentNodeStepGuardianAttribute_Radar = 32 TalentNodeStepGuardianAttribute_Invisibility = 64 TalentNodeStepGuardianAttribute_Reputations = 128 TalentNodeStepGuardianAttribute_All = 255 )
const ( TalentLightAbility_None TalentNodeStepLightAbilities = 0 TalentLightAbility_Grenades = 1 TalentLightAbility_Melee = 2 TalentLightAbility_MovementModes = 4 TalentLightAbility_Orbs = 8 TalentLightAbility_SuperEnergy = 16 TalentLightAbility_SuperMods = 32 TalentLightAbility_All = 63 )
const ( TalentNodeStepDamageType_None TalentNodeStepDamageTypes = 0 TalentNodeStepDamageType_Kinetic = 1 TalentNodeStepDamageType_Arc = 2 TalentNodeStepDamageType_Solar = 4 TalentNodeStepDamageType_Void = 8 TalentNodeStepDamageType_All = 15 )
const ( ActivityMode_None ActivityModeType = 0 ActivityMode_Story = 2 ActivityMode_Strike = 3 ActivityMode_Raid = 4 ActivityMode_AllPvP = 5 ActivityMode_Patrol = 6 ActivityMode_AllPvE = 7 Reserved9 = 9 ActivityMode_Control = 10 Reserved11 = 11 ActivityMode_Clash = 12 Reserved13 = 13 ActivityMode_CrimsonDoubles = 15 ActivityMode_Nightfall = 16 ActivityMode_HeroicNightfall = 17 ActivityMode_AllStrikes = 18 ActivityMode_IronBanner = 19 Reserved20 = 20 Reserved21 = 21 Reserved22 = 22 Reserved24 = 24 ActivityMode_AllMayhem = 25 ActivityMode_Supremacy = 31 Reserved26 = 26 Reserved27 = 27 Reserved28 = 28 Reserved29 = 29 Reserved30 = 30 ActivityMode_PrivateMatchesAll = 32 ActivityMode_Survival = 37 ActivityMode_Countdown = 38 ActivityMode_TrialsOfTheNine = 39 ActivityMode_Social = 40 ActivityMode_TrialsCountdown = 41 ActivityMode_TrialsSurvival = 42 ActivityMode_IronBannerControl = 43 ActivityMode_IronBannerClash = 44 ActivityMode_IronBannerSupremacy = 45 ActivityMode_ScoredNightfall = 46 ActivityMode_ScoredHeroicNightfall = 47 ActivityMode_Rumble = 48 ActivityMode_AllDoubles = 49 ActivityMode_Doubles = 50 ActivityMode_PrivateMatchesClash = 51 ActivityMode_PrivateMatchesControl = 52 ActivityMode_PrivateMatchesSupremacy = 53 ActivityMode_PrivateMatchesCountdown = 54 ActivityMode_PrivateMatchesSurvival = 55 ActivityMode_PrivateMatchesMayhem = 56 ActivityMode_PrivateMatchesRumble = 57 ActivityMode_HeroicAdventure = 58 ActivityMode_Showdown = 59 ActivityMode_Lockdown = 60 ActivityMode_Scorched = 61 ActivityMode_ScorchedTeam = 62 ActivityMode_Gambit = 63 ActivityMode_AllPvEEcompetitive = 64 ActivityMode_Breakthrough = 65 ActivityMode_BlackArmoryRun = 66 ActivityMode_Salvage = 67 ActivityMode_IronBannerSalvage = 68 ActivityMode_PvPCompetitive = 69 ActivityMode_PvPQuickplay = 70 ActivityMode_ClashQuickplay = 71 ActivityMode_ClashCompetitive = 72 ActivityMode_ControlQuickplay = 73 ActivityMode_ControlCompetitive = 74 ActivityMode_GambitPrime = 75 ActivityMode_Reckoning = 76 ActivityMode_Menagerie = 77 ActivityMode_VexOffensive = 78 ActivityMode_NightmareHunt = 79 ActivityMode_Elimination = 80 ActivityMode_Momentum = 81 ActivityMode_Dungeon = 82 ActivityMode_Sundial = 83 ActivityMode_TrialsOfOsiris = 84 ActivityMode_Dares = 85 )
const ()
const ( ActivityCategory_None ActivityModeCategory = 0 ActivityCategory_PvE = 1 ActivityCategory_PvP = 2 ActivityCategory_PvECompetitive = 3 )
const ( SubType_None ItemSubType = 0 SubType_Crucible = 1 // Deprecated. An item can both be "Crucible" and another subtype. SubType_Vanguard = 2 // Deprecated. An item can both be "Vanguard" and another subtype. SubType_Exotic = 5 // Deprecated. An item can both be Exotic and another subtype. SubType_AutoRifle = 6 SubType_Shotgun = 7 SubType_Machinegun = 8 SubType_HandCannon = 9 SubType_RocketLauncher = 10 SubType_FusionRifle = 11 SubType_SniperRifle = 12 SubType_PulseRifle = 13 SubType_ScoutRifle = 14 SubType_CRM = 16 // Deprecated. An item can both be CRM and another subtype SubType_Sidearm = 17 SubType_Sword = 18 SubType_Mask = 19 SubType_Shader = 20 SubType_Ornament = 21 SubType_FusionRifleLine = 22 SubType_GrenadeLauncher = 23 SubType_SubmachineGun = 24 SubType_TraceRifle = 25 SubType_HelmetArmor = 26 SubType_GauntletsArmor = 27 SubType_ChestArmor = 28 SubType_LegArmor = 29 SubType_ClassArmor = 30 SubType_Bow = 31 SubType_DummyRepeatableBounty = 32 )
const ( GraphNode_None GraphNodeState = 0 GraphNode_Visible = 1 GraphNode_Incomplete = 3 GraphNode_Completed = 4 )
const ( // None indicates that the reward source doesn't fit into the other categories. RewardSource_None RewardSourceCategory = 0 // Rewards gained by playing an activity or set of activities, including quests and other in-game actions. RewardSource_Activity = 1 // Rewards sold by vendors. RewardSource_Vendor = 2 // Aggregate rewards can be gained in multiple ways. RewardSource_Aggregate = 3 )
const ( PresentationNode_Default PresentationNodeType = 0 PresentationNode_Category = 1 PresentationNode_Collectibles = 2 PresentationNode_Records = 3 PresentationNode_Metric = 4 )
const ( PresentationDisplay_Category PresentationDisplayStyle = 0 PresentationDisplay_Badge = 1 PresentationDisplay_Medals = 2 PresentationDisplay_Collectible = 3 PresentationDisplay_Record = 4 )
const ( RecordValue_Integer RecordValueStyle = 0 RecordValue_Percentage = 1 RecordValue_Milliseconds = 2 RecordValue_Boolean = 3 RecordValue_Decimal = 4 )
const ( Gender_Male Gender = 0 Gender_Female = 1 Gender_Unknown = 2 )
const ( RecordToast_None RecordToastStyle = 0 RecordToast_Record = 1 RecordToast_Lore = 2 RecordToast_Badge = 3 RecordToast_MetaRecord = 4 RecordToast_MedalComplete = 5 RecordToast_SeasonChallengeComplete = 6 RecordToast_GildedTitleComplete = 7 )
const ( PresentationScreen_Default PresentationScreenStyle = 0 PresentationScreen_CategorySets = 1 PresentationScreen_Badge = 2 )
const ( // Normal means that all existing rules for plug insertion apply. PlugAvailability_Normal PlugAvailabilityMode = 0 // available if the socket does NOT match the plug category. PlugAvailability_UnavailableIfSocketContainsMatchingPlugCategory = 1 // AvailableIfSocketContainsMatchingPlugCategory means that the plug is only // available if the socket DOES match the plug category. PlugAvailability_AvailableIfSocketContainsMatchingPlugCategory = 2 )
const ( EnergyType_Any EnergyType = 0 EnergyType_Arc = 1 EnergyType_Thermal = 2 EnergyType_Void = 3 EnergyType_Ghost = 4 EnergyType_Subclass = 5 EnergyType_Stasis = 6 )
const ( // None means there's no way to detect whether a new plug can be inserted. SocketPlug_None SocketPlugSources = 0 // InventorySourced plugs are found in a player's inventory. SocketPlug_InventorySourced = 1 SocketPlug_ReusablePlugItems = 2 SocketPlug_ProfilePlugSet = 3 SocketPlug_CharacterPlugSet = 4 )
const ( ItemPerk_Visible ItemPerkVisibility = 0 ItemPerk_Disabled = 1 ItemPerk_Hidden = 2 )
const ( SpecialItem_None SpecialItemType = 0 SpecialItem_SpecialCurrency = 1 SpecialItem_Armor = 8 SpecialItem_Weapon = 9 SpecialItem_Engram = 23 SpecialItem_Consumable = 24 SpecialItem_ExchangeMaterial = 25 SpecialItem_MissionReward = 27 SpecialItem_Currency = 29 )
const ( Item_None ItemType = 0 Item_Currency = 1 Item_Armor = 2 Item_Weapon = 3 Item_Message = 7 Item_Engram = 8 Item_Consumable = 9 Item_ExchangeMaterial = 10 Item_MissionReward = 11 Item_QuestStep = 12 Item_QuestStepComplete = 13 Item_Emblem = 14 Item_Quest = 15 Item_Subclass = 16 Item_ClanBanner = 17 Item_Aura = 18 Item_Mod = 19 Item_Dummy = 20 Item_Ship = 21 Item_Vehicle = 22 Item_Emote = 23 Item_Ghost = 24 Item_Package = 25 Item_Bounty = 26 Item_Wrapper = 27 Item_SeasonalArtifact = 28 Item_Finisher = 29 )
const ( Class_Titan Class = 0 Class_Hunter = 1 Class_Warlock = 2 Class_Unknown = 3 )
const ( BreakerType_None BreakerTypeEnum = 0 BreakerType_ShieldPiercing = 1 BreakerType_Disruption = 2 BreakerType_Stagger = 3 )
const ( PresentationState_None PresentationNodeState = 0 PresentationState_Invisible = 1 PresentationState_Obscured = 2 )
const ( Race_Human Race = 0 Race_Awoken = 1 Race_Exo = 2 Race_Unknown = 3 )
const ( Milestone_Unknown MilestoneType = 0 Milestone_Tutorial = 1 // One-time milestones that are specifically oriented toward teaching players about new mechanics and gameplay modes. Milestone_OneTime = 2 // Milestones that, once completed a single time, can never be repeated. Milestone_Weekly = 3 // Milestones that repeat/reset on a weekly basis. Milestone_Daily = 4 // Milestones that repeat or reset on a daily basis. Milestone_Special = 5 // Special indicates that the event is not on a daily/weekly cadence, but does occur more than once. )
const ( // Display properties of MileStoneEntity should be shown. MilestoneDisplay_MilestoneDefinition MilestoneDisplayPreference = 0 // Display properties for currently active quest steps should be shown. MilestoneDisplay_CurrentQuestSteps = 1 // Display properties for activities should be shown. MilestoneDisplay_CurrentActivityChallenges = 2 )
const ( ActivityDifficulty_Trivial ActivityDifficultyTier = 0 ActivityDifficulty_Easy = 1 ActivityDifficulty_Normal = 2 ActivityDifficulty_Challenging = 3 ActivityDifficulty_Hard = 4 ActivityDifficulty_Brave = 5 ActivityDifficulty_AlmostImpossible = 6 ActivityDifficulty_Impossible = 7 )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type ActivityChallenge ¶
type ActivityChallenge struct { // ObjectiveHash is the hash of a related ObjectiveEntity. ObjectiveHash uint32 // DummyRewards are the rewards for this challenge as shown in the UI. DummyRewards []ItemQuantity }
ActivityChallenge represents a reference to a challenge objective.
type ActivityDefinition ¶
type ActivityDefinition map[uint32]ActivityEntity
ActivityDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.DestinyActivityDefinition entities.
func (ActivityDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def ActivityDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (ActivityDefinition) Name ¶
func (ActivityDefinition) Name() string
func (ActivityDefinition) Reference ¶
func (ActivityDefinition) Reference() string
func (*ActivityDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *ActivityDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type ActivityDifficultyTier ¶ added in v1.1.0
type ActivityDifficultyTier int32
ActivityDifficultyTier describes the difficulty tiers for activities.
type ActivityEntity ¶
type ActivityEntity struct { // DisplayProperties are the post-processed display properties for this activity. DisplayProperties DisplayProperties // OriginalDisplayProperties are the unprocessed display properties for this activity. OriginalDisplayProperties DisplayProperties // SelectionScreenDisplayProperties are the display properties shown in the selection screen for this activity. SelectionScreenDisplayProperties DisplayProperties // ReleaseIcon is an icon associated with this activity for a specific content release. ReleaseIcon string // ReleaseTime is when this activity is visible, in seconds. ReleaseTime int32 // ActivityLightLevel is the recommended light level for this activity. ActivityLightLevel int32 // DestinationHash is the hash for a related DestinationEntity. DestinationHash uint32 // PlaceHash is the hash for a related PlaceEntity. PlaceHash uint32 // ActivityTypeHash is the hash for related ActivityTypeEntity. ActivityTypeHash uint32 // Tier is the difficulty of this activity. Tier ActivityDifficultyTier // PGCRImage is the image that shows the Post-Game Carnage Report for this activity. PgcrImage string // Rewards are the possible rewards for this activity. Rewards []ActivityReward // Modifiers are the modifiers that can be applied to this activity. Modifiers []ActivityModifierReference // IsPlaylist determines if this activity is in a activity mode's playlist. IsPlaylist bool // Challenges are the challenges applied to this activity. Challenges []ActivityChallenge // OptionalUnlockStrings are the statuses related to this activity. OptionalUnlockStrings []ActivityUnlockString // PlaylistItems represent all the this activity in this playlist activity. PlaylistItems []ActivityPlaylistItem // ActivityGraphList are the maps to show in the director during this activity. ActivityGraphList []ActivityGraphListEntry // Matchmaking describes how many people can join an activity and if matchmaking is enabled. Matchmaking ActivityMatchmakingBlock // GuidedGame provides information about the guided game experience for this activity. GuidedGame ActivityGuidedBlock // DirectActivityModeHash is the hash of a related ActivityModeEntity. DirectActivityModeHash uint32 // DirectActivityModeType is the mode of this activity. DirectActivityModeType ActivityModeType // Loadouts are all the possible loadout requirements that could be active for this activity. Loadouts []ActivityLoadoutRequirementSet // ActivityModeHashes are all ActivityModeEntity structs related to this activity. ActivityModeHashes []uint32 // ActivityModeTypes are all modes related to this activity. ActivityModeTypes []ActivityModeType // IsPvP determines if this activity is PVP-related. IsPvP bool // InsertionPoints is a list of phases or points of entry into this activity. InsertionPoints []ActivityInsertionPoint // ActivityLocationMappings are list of locations affected by this activity. ActivityLocationMappings []EnvironmentLocationMapping EntityMetadata }
ActivityEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.DestinyActivityDefinition contract. This is the static data about a Destiny 2 activity.
type ActivityGraphArtElement ¶
type ActivityGraphArtElement struct { // Position is the position on the map of this art element. Position Position }
ActivityGraphArtElement represents one-off visual effects overlayed on the map.
type ActivityGraphConnection ¶
type ActivityGraphConnection struct { // SourceNodeHash is the hash of the source node. SourceNodeHash uint32 // DestNodeHash is the hash of the destination node. DestNodeHash uint32 }
ActivityGraphConnection describes how nodes on a graph are visually connected.
type ActivityGraphDefinition ¶
type ActivityGraphDefinition map[uint32]ActivityGraphEntity
ActivityGraphDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.DestinyActivityGraphDefinition entities.
func (ActivityGraphDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def ActivityGraphDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (ActivityGraphDefinition) Name ¶
func (ActivityGraphDefinition) Name() string
func (ActivityGraphDefinition) Reference ¶
func (ActivityGraphDefinition) Reference() string
func (*ActivityGraphDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *ActivityGraphDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type ActivityGraphDisplayObjective ¶
type ActivityGraphDisplayObjective struct { // ID is the identifier of this objective in the UI. Id uint32 // ObjectiveHash is the hash of a related ObjectiveEntity. ObjectiveHash uint32 }
ActivityGraphDisplayObjective defines active objectives in a graph.
type ActivityGraphDisplayProgression ¶
type ActivityGraphDisplayProgression struct { // ID is the identifier of this progression in the UI. Id uint32 // ProgressionHash is the hash of a related ProgressionEntity. ProgressionHash uint32 }
ActivityGraphDisplayProgression defines active progressions in a graph.
type ActivityGraphEntity ¶
type ActivityGraphEntity struct { // Nodes are the visual nodes on this map's view which correspond to activities that can be clicked on. Nodes []ActivityGraphNode // ArtElements are special UI elements that appear on this map. ArtElements []ActivityGraphArtElement // Connections represent connections between Nodes. Connections []ActivityGraphConnection // DisplayObjectives are objectives that can be displayed on this map. DisplayObjectives []ActivityGraphDisplayObjective // DisplayProgressions are progressions that can be displayed on this map. DisplayProgressions []ActivityGraphDisplayProgression // LinkedGraphs links this Activity Graph to others. LinkedGraphs []LinkedGraph EntityMetadata }
ActivityGraphEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.Director.DestinyActivityGraphDefinition contract. This represents a map view in the director.
type ActivityGraphListEntry ¶
type ActivityGraphListEntry struct { // ActivityGraphHash is the hash of a related ActivityGraphEntity. ActivityGraphHash uint32 }
ActivityGraphListEntry is the default map to show for a given activity or destination.
type ActivityGraphNode ¶
type ActivityGraphNode struct { // NodeID is a unique identifier for this node within its parent activity graph. NodeId uint32 // OverrideDisplay is a display property that override the active activity's display properties. OverrideDisplay DisplayProperties // Position is the position on the map for this node. Position Position // FeaturingStates are a list of possible styles that this node can have. FeaturingStates []ActivityGraphNodeFeaturingState // Activities are a list possibly active activities for this node. Activities []ActivityGraphNodeActivity // States are the possible states that this node can be in. States []ActivityGraphNodeStateEntry }
ActivityGraphNode is position and other data related to nodes in the activity graph that launch activities.
type ActivityGraphNodeActivity ¶
type ActivityGraphNodeActivity struct { // NodeActivityID is an identifier for this activity within the activity graph. NodeActivityId uint32 // ActivityHash is the hash for a related ActivityEntity. ActivityHash uint32 }
ActivityGraphNodeActivity is the actual activity to run when this node is clicked on.
type ActivityGraphNodeFeaturingState ¶
type ActivityGraphNodeFeaturingState struct { // HighlightType is a classification of different ways this node feature can be highlighted. HighlightType ActivityGraphNodeHighlightType }
ActivityGraphNodeFeaturingState is a single visual state that a node can be in.
type ActivityGraphNodeHighlightType ¶ added in v1.1.0
type ActivityGraphNodeHighlightType int32
ActivityGraphNodeHighlightType is the known UI style in which an item can be highlighted.
type ActivityGraphNodeStateEntry ¶
type ActivityGraphNodeStateEntry struct {
State GraphNodeState
ActivityGraphNodeStateEntry represents a single state that a graph node might end up in.
type ActivityGuidedBlock ¶
type ActivityGuidedBlock struct { // GuidedMaxLobbySize is the maximum amount of players allowed in the waiting lobby. GuidedMaxLobbySize int32 // GuidedMinLobbySize is the minimum amount of players allowed in the waiting lobby. GuidedMinLobbySize int32 // GuidedDisbandCount is the total number of votes needed for the guided group to disband. GuidedDisbandCount int32 }
ActivityGuidedBlock is guided game information for this activity.
type ActivityInsertionPoint ¶
type ActivityInsertionPoint struct { // PhaseHash is the unique hash representing the phase. PhaseHash uint32 }
ActivityInsertionPoint is a point of entry into an activity.
type ActivityLoadout ¶
type ActivityLoadout struct { // EquipmentSlotHash is the hash of a related EquipmentSlotEntity. EquipmentSlotHash uint32 // AllowedEquippedItemHashes are a list of all related InventoryItemEntity structs. AllowedEquippedItemHashes []uint32 // AllowedWeaponSubTypes are a list of all allowed weapon subtypes in activity loadouts. AllowedWeaponSubTypes []ItemSubType }
type ActivityLoadoutRequirementSet ¶
type ActivityLoadoutRequirementSet struct { // Requirements are the set of requirements that will be applied on the activity if this set is active. Requirements []ActivityLoadout }
type ActivityMatchmakingBlock ¶
type ActivityMatchmakingBlock struct { // IsMatchmade determines if matchmaking is available for this activity. IsMatchmade bool // MinParty is the minimum number of players in a fireteam for this activity to launch. MinParty int32 // MaxParty is the maximum number of players in a fireteam for this activity. MaxParty int32 // MaxPlayers is the maximum number of players across all teams in an activity. MaxPlayers int32 // RequiresGuardianOath determines if players are punished for leaving this activity before completion. RequiresGuardianOath bool }
ActivityMatchmakingBlock is information about matchmaking and party size for an activity.
type ActivityModeCategory ¶
type ActivityModeCategory int32
ActivityModeCategory describes the categories of a given activity mode.
type ActivityModeDefinition ¶
type ActivityModeDefinition map[uint32]ActivityModeEntity
ActivityModeDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.DestinyActivityModeDefinition entities.
func (ActivityModeDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def ActivityModeDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (ActivityModeDefinition) Name ¶
func (ActivityModeDefinition) Name() string
func (ActivityModeDefinition) Reference ¶
func (ActivityModeDefinition) Reference() string
func (*ActivityModeDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *ActivityModeDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type ActivityModeEntity ¶
type ActivityModeEntity struct { DisplayProperties DisplayProperties // PGCRImage is the Post-Game Carnage Report for this activity mode. PgcrImage string // ModeType is this activity mode's type. ModeType ActivityModeType // ActivityModeCategory is the category of this activity mode. ActivityModeCategory ActivityModeCategory // IsTeamBased determines if this activity mode is team-based, co-op or free-for-all. IsTeamBased bool // IsAggregateMode determines if this activity mode is an aggregate of other specific modes. IsAggregateMode bool // ParentHashes are the hashes all ActivityModeEntity structs related this activity mode. ParentHashes []uint32 // FriendlyName is an identifier used for referring to this activity mode. FriendlyName string // ActivityModeMappings are the ActivityEntity structs and the mode type for this activity mode. ActivityModeMappings map[uint32]ActivityModeType // Display determines if this activity mode is shown in a given UI. Display bool // Order is the relative ordering of activity modes. Order int32 EntityMetadata }
ActivityModeEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.DestinyActivityModeDefinition contract. This represents a collection activities that are played in a certain way.
type ActivityModeType ¶
type ActivityModeType int32
ActivityModeType is the mode of a given activity.
type ActivityModifierDefinition ¶
type ActivityModifierDefinition map[uint32]ActivityModifierEntity
ActivityModifierDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.ActiveModifier.DestinyActivityModifierDefinition entities.
func (ActivityModifierDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def ActivityModifierDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (ActivityModifierDefinition) Name ¶
func (ActivityModifierDefinition) Name() string
func (ActivityModifierDefinition) Reference ¶
func (ActivityModifierDefinition) Reference() string
func (*ActivityModifierDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *ActivityModifierDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type ActivityModifierEntity ¶
type ActivityModifierEntity struct { DisplayProperties DisplayProperties EntityMetadata }
ActivityModifierEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.ActivityModifiers.DestinyActivityModifierDefinition contract. Modifiers are just descriptions of the modifiers active on an activity.
type ActivityModifierReference ¶
type ActivityModifierReference struct { // ActivityModifierHash is the hash of a related ActivityModifierEntity. ActivityModifierHash uint32 }
ActivityModifierReference is a reference to an activity modifier from another entity.
type ActivityNavPointType ¶
type ActivityNavPointType int32
ActivityNavPointType describes the interaction associated with a navigation point in an activity.
type ActivityPlaylistItem ¶
type ActivityPlaylistItem struct { // ActivityHash is the hash of a related ActivityEntity. ActivityHash uint32 // DirectActivityModeHash is the hash of a related ActivityModeEntity. DirectActivityModeHash uint32 // DirectActivityModeType is a classification of the mode related to this activity. DirectActivityModeType ActivityModeType // ActivityModeHashes are the hash identifiers for all related ActivitymodeEntity structs. ActivityModeHashes []uint32 // ActivityModeTypes are all activity mode's that apply to this activity. ActivityModeTypes []ActivityModeType }
ActivityPlaylistItem defines a specific entry in an activity playlist.
type ActivityReward ¶
type ActivityReward struct { // RewardText is the localized header for this reward set. RewardText string // RewardItems are the items provided in this reward. RewardItems []ItemQuantity }
ActivityReward are sets of tooltip-friendly reward data for an activity.
type ActivityTypeDefinition ¶
type ActivityTypeDefinition map[uint32]ActivityTypeEntity
ActivityTypeDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.DestinyActivityTypeDefinition entities.
func (ActivityTypeDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def ActivityTypeDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (ActivityTypeDefinition) Name ¶
func (ActivityTypeDefinition) Name() string
func (ActivityTypeDefinition) Reference ¶
func (ActivityTypeDefinition) Reference() string
func (*ActivityTypeDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *ActivityTypeDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type ActivityTypeEntity ¶
type ActivityTypeEntity struct { DisplayProperties DisplayProperties EntityMetadata }
ActivityTypeEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.DestinyActivityTypeDefinition contract. This represents a conceptual categorization of activities.
type ActivityUnlockString ¶
type ActivityUnlockString struct { // DisplayString is the localized string to display if certain conditions are met. DisplayString string }
ActivityUnlockString represents a status string that could be displayed about an activity.
type AmmunitionType ¶ added in v1.1.0
type AmmunitionType int32
AmmunitionType is the ammunition a weapon used.
type AnimationReference ¶
type AnimationReference struct {
AnimName, AnimIdentifier, Path string
type ArtDyeReference ¶
type ArtDyeReference struct {
ArtDyeChannelHash uint32
type ArtifactDefinition ¶
type ArtifactDefinition map[uint32]ArtifactEntity
ArtifactDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.Artifacts.DestinyArtifactDefinition entities.
func (ArtifactDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def ArtifactDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (ArtifactDefinition) Name ¶
func (ArtifactDefinition) Name() string
func (ArtifactDefinition) Reference ¶
func (ArtifactDefinition) Reference() string
func (*ArtifactDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *ArtifactDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type ArtifactEntity ¶
type ArtifactEntity struct { DisplayProperties DisplayProperties // TranslationBlock is rendering information for this artifact. TranslationBlock ItemTranslationBlock // Tiers are tier/rank data related to this artifact. Tiers []ArtifactTier EntityMetadata }
ArtifactEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.Artifacts.DestinyArtifactDefinition contract. Represents known info about a seasonal artifact.
type ArtifactTier ¶
type ArtifactTier struct { // TierHash is an unique identifer for this tier within the artifact. TierHash uint32 // DisplayTitle is the localized title of this tier. DisplayTitle string // ProgressRequirementMessage represents the localized minimum requirement for this tier. ProgressRequirementMessage string // Items are the items that can earned within this tier. Items []ArtifactTierItem // MinimumUnlockPointsUsedRequirement is the minimum number of unlock points needed to unlock this artifact tier. MinimumUnlockPointsUsedRequirement int32 }
type ArtifactTierItem ¶
type ArtifactTierItem struct { // ItemHash is the hash for a related InventoryItemEntity. ItemHash uint32 }
ArtifactTierItem is a plug item unlocked by activating this item in the artifact.
type BreakerTypeDefinition ¶
type BreakerTypeDefinition map[uint32]BreakerTypeEntity
BreakerTypeDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.BreakerTypes.DestinyBreakerTypeDefinition entities.
func (BreakerTypeDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def BreakerTypeDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (BreakerTypeDefinition) Name ¶
func (BreakerTypeDefinition) Name() string
func (BreakerTypeDefinition) Reference ¶
func (BreakerTypeDefinition) Reference() string
func (*BreakerTypeDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *BreakerTypeDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type BreakerTypeEntity ¶
type BreakerTypeEntity struct { DisplayProperties DisplayProperties // EnumValue refers to the breaker classification for this breaker type. EnumValue BreakerTypeEnum EntityMetadata }
BreakerTypeEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.BreakerTypes.DestinyBreakerTypeDefinition contract. This basically describes anti-champion modes of an item or plug.
type BreakerTypeEnum ¶
type BreakerTypeEnum int32
BreakerTypeEnum is a special ability granted by activating a certain plug. Unfortunately the schema also has a contract named BreakerType so we use the awkward suffix Enum for the specific enum.
type Bubble ¶
type Bubble struct { // Hash is the unique identifier for this bubble within a destination. Hash uint32 DisplayProperties DisplayProperties }
Bubble is basic identifying data about a destination bubble.
type BucketCategory ¶ added in v1.1.0
type BucketCategory int32
BucketCategory describes what categories of items can be found in an inventory bucket.
type BucketScope ¶ added in v1.1.0
type BucketScope int32
BucketScope is scope of an inventory bucket.
const ( BucketScope_Profile BucketScope = 0 BucketScope_Character = 1 )
type BungieAPIReader ¶ added in v1.3.1
type BungieAPIReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BungieAPIReader reads contracts from the API.
func (*BungieAPIReader) Close ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (r *BungieAPIReader) Close() error
Close removes temporary mobile databases.
func (*BungieAPIReader) ReadContract ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (r *BungieAPIReader) ReadContract(contract Contract, path string, useMobile bool) ([]byte, error)
ReadContract reads a contract at path from the endpoint.
type BungieMembershipType ¶ added in v1.1.0
type BungieMembershipType int32
BungieMembershipType describes the types of memberships the accounts system supports.
type ChecklistDefinition ¶
type ChecklistDefinition map[uint32]ChecklistEntity
ChecklistDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.Checklists.DestinyChecklistDefinition entities.
func (ChecklistDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def ChecklistDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (ChecklistDefinition) Name ¶
func (ChecklistDefinition) Name() string
func (ChecklistDefinition) Reference ¶
func (ChecklistDefinition) Reference() string
func (*ChecklistDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *ChecklistDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type ChecklistEntity ¶
type ChecklistEntity struct { DisplayProperties DisplayProperties // ViewActionString is a localized string prompt for viewing this checklist. ViewActionString string // Scope determines if this checklist if per-character or account-wide. Scope Scope // Entries are the individual checklist items. Entries []ChecklistEntry EntityMetadata }
ChecklistEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.Checklists.DestinyChecklistDefinition contract. Checklists are loose sets of things to do/things that have been done that can be tracked.
type ChecklistEntry ¶
type ChecklistEntry struct { // Hash is the unique identifier of this entry within the checklist. Hash uint32 DisplayProperties DisplayProperties // DestinationHash is the hash of a related DestinationEntity. DestinationHash uint32 // LocationHash is the hash of a related LocationEntity. LocationHash uint32 // BubbleHash is the hash of an activity bubble in LocationEntity.LocationReleases. BubbleHash uint32 // ActivityHash is the hash of a related ActivityEntity. ActivityHash uint32 // ItemHash is the hash of a related InventoryItemEntity. ItemHash uint32 // VendorHash is the hash of a related VendorEntity. VendorHash uint32 // VendorInteractionIndex is this entry's index in VendorEntity.Interactions. VendorInteractionIndex int32 // Scope is the scope at which this specific entry can be completed. Scope Scope }
ChecklistEntry defines the properties of an individual checklist item.
type ClassDefinition ¶
type ClassDefinition map[uint32]ClassEntity
ClassDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.DestinyClassDefinition entities.
func (ClassDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def ClassDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (ClassDefinition) Name ¶
func (ClassDefinition) Name() string
func (ClassDefinition) Reference ¶
func (ClassDefinition) Reference() string
func (*ClassDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *ClassDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type ClassEntity ¶
type ClassEntity struct { // ClassType is the classification of this character class. ClassType Class DisplayProperties DisplayProperties // GenderedClassNames are the names of this class by gender name. GenderedClassNames map[GenderName]string // GenderedClassNamesByGenderHash are the names of this class by the hash of a GenderEntity. GenderedClassNamesByGenderHash map[uint32]string // MentorVendorHash is the hash of a related VendorEntity. MentorVendorHash uint32 EntityMetadata }
ClassEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.DestinyClassDefinition contract. This defines a playable character class in Destiny 2.
type CollectibleDefinition ¶
type CollectibleDefinition map[uint32]CollectibleEntity
CollectibleDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.Collectibles.DestinyCollectibleDefinition entities.
func (CollectibleDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def CollectibleDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (CollectibleDefinition) Name ¶
func (CollectibleDefinition) Name() string
func (CollectibleDefinition) Reference ¶
func (CollectibleDefinition) Reference() string
func (*CollectibleDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *CollectibleDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type CollectibleEntity ¶
type CollectibleEntity struct { DisplayProperties DisplayProperties // Scope indicates if this collectible is per-character or account-wide. Scope Scope // SourceString is a hint about how to acquire the item. SourceString string // SourceHash is supposed to be the hash of a given source. This is meant to be used to group collectibles by source. SourceHash uint32 // ItemHash is the hash for a related InventoryItemEntity. ItemHash uint32 AcquisitionInfo CollectibleAcquisitionBlock StateInfo CollectibleStateBlock PresentationInfo PresentationChildBlock PresentationNodeType PresentationNodeType TraitIds []string TraitHashes []uint32 // ParentNodeHashes are the hashes of presentation nodes that have this collectible as a child. ParentNodeHashes []uint32 EntityMetadata }
CollectibleEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.Collectibles.DestinyCollectibleDefinition contract.
type CollectibleStateBlock ¶
type CollectibleStateBlock struct { // ObscuredOverrideItemHash is the hash of a related InventoryItemEntity. ObscuredOverrideItemHash uint32 // Requirements are to show this collectible's state. Requirements PresentationNodeRequirementsBlock }
type Color ¶
type Color struct {
Red, Green, Blue, Alpha byte
Color represents a color with RGBA values represented between 0 and 255.
type Contract ¶
type Contract interface { // Name is the name of this contract in the Bungie.Net API. Name() string // Reference is a link to the Bungie.Net API which describes this contract. Reference() string // Entity returns a specific entity from this contract with a given hash. Entity(hash uint32) interface{} // Unmarshal unmarshals the JSON for a contract when calling Manifest.FulfillContract. // Each contract uses a custom unmarshaller function for convenience. Unmarshal([]byte) error }
Contract is a collection of Destiny.Definitions which have their own tables in the Manifest Database.
type ContractReader ¶ added in v1.3.1
type ContractReader interface { // ReadContract returns the marshalled contract with a given path. ReadContract(contract Contract, path string, useMobile bool) ([]byte, error) // Close closes this reader and all associated resources. Close() error }
ContractReader reads a contract.
type DamageType ¶
type DamageType int32
DamageType describes the general categories of damage in the game.
type DamageTypeDefinition ¶
type DamageTypeDefinition map[uint32]DamageTypeEntity
DamageTypeDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.DestinyDamageTypeDefinition entities.
func (DamageTypeDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def DamageTypeDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (DamageTypeDefinition) Name ¶
func (DamageTypeDefinition) Name() string
func (DamageTypeDefinition) Reference ¶
func (DamageTypeDefinition) Reference() string
func (*DamageTypeDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *DamageTypeDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type DamageTypeEntity ¶
type DamageTypeEntity struct { DisplayProperties DisplayProperties // TransparentIconPath is a variant of the icon that is transparent and colorless TransparentIconPath string // ShowIcon determines if the UI shows this damage type's icon. ShowIcon bool // EnumValue is the this damage type's defined value. EnumValue DamageType EntityMetadata }
DamageTypeEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.DestinyDamageTypeDefinition contract. All damage types that are possible in the game are defined here along with localized info.
type DerivedItem ¶
type DerivedItem struct { // ItemHash is the hash of a related InventoryItemEntity. ItemHash uint32 // ItemName is the name of this derived item. ItemName string // ItemDetail is an additional detail about this derived item to be added to the description. ItemDetail string // ItemDescription is a brief description of this item. ItemDescription string // IconPath is an icon for this item. IconPath string // VendorItemIndex is the index of this item in the "Preview Vendor" UI. VendorItemIndex int32 }
DerivedItem is a summary of a specific item that can be obtained by using or acquiring another item.
type DerivedItemCategory ¶
type DerivedItemCategory struct { // CategoryDescription is a localized string for the category title. CategoryDescription string // Items is the list of all items of this category. Items []DerivedItem }
DerivedItemCategory describes the category of items found in a "Preview Vendor".
type DestinationBubbleSetting ¶
type DestinationBubbleSetting struct {
DisplayProperties DisplayProperties
DestinationBubbleSetting is human readable data about a bubble. Deprecated.
type DestinationDefinition ¶
type DestinationDefinition map[uint32]DestinationEntity
DestinationDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.Common.DestinyDestinationDefinition entities.
func (DestinationDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def DestinationDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (DestinationDefinition) Name ¶
func (DestinationDefinition) Name() string
func (DestinationDefinition) Reference ¶
func (DestinationDefinition) Reference() string
func (*DestinationDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *DestinationDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type DestinationEntity ¶
type DestinationEntity struct { DisplayProperties DisplayProperties // PlaceHash is the hash of a related PlaceEntity. PlaceHash uint32 // DefaultFreeroamActivityHash is the hash of a related ActivityEntity. DefaultFreeroamActivityHash uint32 // ActivityGraphEntries are the list of maps that are shown in the director for this destination. ActivityGraphEntries []ActivityGraphListEntry // BubbleSettings are zones within this destination. Deprecated: use Bubbles. BubbleSettings []DestinationBubbleSetting // Bubbles are unique identifiers for every bubble zone in this destination. Bubbles []Bubble EntityMetadata }
DestinationEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.DestinyDestinationDefinition contract. A destination is a specific area of a larger place.
type DisplayCategory ¶
type DisplayCategory struct { // Index is the position of this display category in the vendor. Index int32 // Identifier is the identifier for this display category. Identifier string // DisplayCategoryHash is the hash of this display category; meant for grouping. DisplayCategoryHash uint32 DisplayProperties DisplayProperties // DisplayInBanner determines if this display category should be displayed in the banner section of the vendor's UI. DisplayInBanner bool // ProgressionHash is the hash of a related ProgressionEntity. ProgressionHash uint32 // SortOrder is the sort order of items within this display category. SortOrder int32 // DisplayStyleHash indicates how this display category will be displayed in the UI. DisplayStyleHash uint32 // DisplayStyleIdentifier is the identifier for this display category. DisplayStyleIdentifier string }
DisplayCategory is a visual grouping and display of categories in a vendor's UI.
type DisplayProperties ¶
type DisplayProperties struct { Description string Name string Icon string IconSequences []IconSequence HighResIcon string HasIcon bool }
DisplayProperties represents common display information for entities.
type DyeReference ¶
type DyeReference struct {
ChannelHash, DyeHash uint32
type EnergyCapacityEntry ¶
type EnergyCapacityEntry struct { // CapacityValue is the amount of energy capacity this plug provides. CapacityValue int32 // EnergyTypeHash is the hash of a related EnergyTypeEntity. EnergyTypeHash uint32 // EnergyType is a classification of the type of energy capacity granted. EnergyType EnergyType }
EnergyCapacityEntry is an entry for a plug item which grants energy capacity to the item is it socketed into.
type EnergyCostEntry ¶
type EnergyCostEntry struct { // EnergyCost is the cost of inserting this plug. EnergyCost int32 // EnergyTypeHash is the hash of a related EnergyTypeEntity. EnergyTypeHash uint32 // EnergyType is a classification of the type of energy that the plug costs. EnergyType EnergyType }
EnergyCostEntry is an entry for a plug item that costs energy to insert into an item.
type EnergyType ¶
type EnergyType int32
EnergyType represents the socket energy types for Armor 2.0, Ghosts 2.0, and Stasis subclasses.
type EnergyTypeDefinition ¶
type EnergyTypeDefinition map[uint32]EnergyTypeEntity
EnergyTypeDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.EnergyTypes.DestinyEnergyTypeDefinition entities.
func (EnergyTypeDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def EnergyTypeDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (EnergyTypeDefinition) Name ¶
func (EnergyTypeDefinition) Name() string
func (EnergyTypeDefinition) Reference ¶
func (EnergyTypeDefinition) Reference() string
func (*EnergyTypeDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *EnergyTypeDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type EnergyTypeEntity ¶
type EnergyTypeEntity struct { DisplayProperties DisplayProperties // TransparentIconPath is a variant of the icon that is transparent and colorless. TransparentIconPath string // ShowIcon determines if the energy type's icon should be shown. ShowIcon bool // EnumValue is the energy type. EnumValue EnergyType // CapacityStatHash is the hash for a related InvestmentStatEntity for the capacity. CapacityStatHash uint32 // CostStatHash is the hash for a related InvestmentStatEntity for the cost. CostStatHash uint32 EntityMetadata }
EnergyTypeEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.EnergyTypes.DestinyEnergyTypeDefinition contract. Represents type of energy that can be used for costs and payments related to Armor 2.0.
type EntityMetadata ¶ added in v1.1.1
type EntityMetadata struct { // Hash is the unique identifier for a given entity; guaranteed to be unique within a contract. Hash uint32 // Index is the identifier for a given entity found within the mobile contract tables. Index int32 // Redacted is true if there is an entity, but the Bungie API is not allowed to show it. Redacted bool }
EntityMetadata is the meta-properties of a given entity.
type EnvironmentLocationMapping ¶
type EnvironmentLocationMapping struct { // LocationHash is the hash of a related LocationEntity. LocationHash uint32 // ActivationSource is a hint a given UI uses to figure out how this location is activated. ActivationSource string // ItemHash is the hash of a related InventoryItemEntity. ItemHash uint32 // ObjectiveHash is the hash of a related ObjectiveEntity. ObjectiveHash uint32 // ActivityHash is the hash of a related ActivityEntity. ActivityHash uint32 }
EnvironmentLocationMapping describes a map location where an item, objective or activity can be used or started.
type EquipmentSlotDefinition ¶
type EquipmentSlotDefinition map[uint32]EquipmentSlotEntity
EquipmentSlotDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.DestinyEquipmentSlotDefinition entities.
func (EquipmentSlotDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def EquipmentSlotDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (EquipmentSlotDefinition) Name ¶
func (EquipmentSlotDefinition) Name() string
func (EquipmentSlotDefinition) Reference ¶
func (EquipmentSlotDefinition) Reference() string
func (*EquipmentSlotDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *EquipmentSlotDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type EquipmentSlotEntity ¶
type EquipmentSlotEntity struct { // EquipmentCategoryHash is supposed to be a related EquipmentCategoryEntity which has not been exposed in the API. // The specification suggests using this hash as a general way to group equipment by common functionality. EquipmentCategoryHash uint32 // BucketTypeHash is the hash of a related InventoryBucketEntity. BucketTypeHash uint32 // ApplyCustomArtDays determines if equipped items should have custom art dyes applied during rendering. ApplyCustomArtDyes bool // ArtDyeChannels are all art dyes that apply this equipment slot. ArtDyeChannels []ArtDyeReference EntityMetadata }
EquipmentSlotEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.DestinyEquipmentSlotDefinition contract. This is an indicator that a related bucket can have instanced items equipped in a specific slot on a character.
type EquippingBlock ¶
type EquippingBlock struct { // GearsetItemHash is the hash of a InventoryItemEntity. GearsetItemHash uint32 // UniqueLabel is the label used to check if the item has other items of matching types already equipped. UniqueLabel string // UniqueLabelHash is the hash of the unique label. This does not point to specific entity. UniqueLabelHash uint32 // EquipmentSlotTypeHash is the hash of a related EquipmentSlotEntity. EquipmentSlotTypeHash uint32 // Attributes are the custom attributes on the equippability of the item. Attributes EquippingItemBlockAttributes // AmmoType is the classification of ammo a weapon uses. AmmoType AmmunitionType // DisplayStrings represent the state failure conditions that can occur when trying to equip the item. // These match up 1:1 with RequiredUnlockExpressions. DisplayStrings []string }
EquippingBlock contains information about how and when an item can be equipped.
type EquippingItemBlockAttributes ¶ added in v1.1.0
type EquippingItemBlockAttributes int32
EquippingItemBlockAttributes are custom attributes on the equippability of the item.
const ( EquippingAttribute_None EquippingItemBlockAttributes = 0 EquippingAttribute_EquipOnAcquire = 1 )
type FactionDefinition ¶
type FactionDefinition map[uint32]FactionEntity
FactionDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.DestinyFactionDefinition entities.
func (FactionDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def FactionDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (FactionDefinition) Name ¶
func (FactionDefinition) Name() string
func (FactionDefinition) Reference ¶
func (FactionDefinition) Reference() string
func (*FactionDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *FactionDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type FactionEntity ¶
type FactionEntity struct { DisplayProperties DisplayProperties // ProgressionHash is the hash of a related ProgressionEntity. ProgressionHash uint32 // TokenValues are the hashes of InventoryItemEntity structs and their progression value for this faction. TokenValues map[uint32]uint32 // RewardItemHash is the hash of a related InventoryItemEntity. RewardItemHash uint32 // RewardVendorHash is the hash of a related VendorEntity. RewardVendorHash uint32 // Vendors are a list of vendors associated with this faction. Vendors []FactionVendor EntityMetadata }
FactionEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.DestinyFactionDefinition contract. This represents a given faction in the game.
type FactionVendor ¶
type FactionVendor struct { // VendorHash is the hash of a related VendorEntity. VendorHash uint32 // DestinationHash is the hash of a related DestinationEntity. DestinationHash uint32 // BackgroundImagePath is the relative path to the background image representing this vendor. BackgroundImagePath string }
FactionVendor represents faction vendors at different points in the game.
type FulfillmentOption ¶
type FulfillmentOption func(o *fulfillmentOptions) error
FulfillmentOption is an optional way to fulfill a given contract.
func UseMobileManifest ¶
func UseMobileManifest(mobile bool) FulfillmentOption
UseMobileManifest fulfills a contract using data from the Mobile Manifest.
func WithLocale ¶
func WithLocale(locale string) FulfillmentOption
WithLocale fulfills a contract using a specific language/locale supported by Bungie.
type GatingScope ¶ added in v1.1.0
type GatingScope int32
GatingScope represents the most restrictive type of gating that is being performed by an entity.
type GearArtArrangementReference ¶
type GearArtArrangementReference struct {
ClassHash, ArtArrangementHash uint32
type GenderDefinition ¶
type GenderDefinition map[uint32]GenderEntity
GenderDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.DestinyGenderDefinition entities.
func (GenderDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def GenderDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (GenderDefinition) Name ¶
func (GenderDefinition) Name() string
func (GenderDefinition) Reference ¶
func (GenderDefinition) Reference() string
func (*GenderDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *GenderDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type GenderEntity ¶
type GenderEntity struct { // GenderType is one of the currently defined genders. GenderType Gender DisplayProperties DisplayProperties EntityMetadata }
GenderEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.DestinyGenderDefinition contract. This describes the current genders in Destiny 2.
type GenderName ¶ added in v1.1.1
type GenderName string
GenderName is the gender of a Destiny 2 character as a string.
const ( GenderName_Male GenderName = "Male" GenderName_Female GenderName = "Female" )
type GraphNodeState ¶
type GraphNodeState int32
GraphNodeState represents the potential state of an activity graph node.
type HyperlinkReference ¶
type HyperlinkReference struct {
Title, Url string
type IconSequence ¶
type IconSequence struct {
Frames []string
IconSequence is a sequences of icons represented as frames.
type InsertPlugAction ¶
type InsertPlugAction struct { // ActionExecuteSeconds is how much time, in seconds, it takes for this plug to be inserted. ActionExecuteSeconds int32 // ActionType is a classification of the type of action being performed on this socket. ActionType SocketTypeActionType }
InsertPlugAction describes what happens while a plug is being inserted in a given UI.
type InterpolationPoint ¶
type InterpolationPoint struct {
Value, Weight int32
type InterpolationPointFloat ¶
type InterpolationPointFloat struct {
Value, Weight float32
type InventoryBucketDefinition ¶
type InventoryBucketDefinition map[uint32]InventoryBucketEntity
InventoryBucketDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.DestinyInventoryBucketDefinition entities.
func (InventoryBucketDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def InventoryBucketDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (InventoryBucketDefinition) Name ¶
func (InventoryBucketDefinition) Name() string
func (InventoryBucketDefinition) Reference ¶
func (InventoryBucketDefinition) Reference() string
func (*InventoryBucketDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *InventoryBucketDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type InventoryBucketEntity ¶
type InventoryBucketEntity struct { DisplayProperties DisplayProperties // Scope is where this bucket can be found. Scope BucketScope // Category describes what items can be found in this bucket. Category BucketCategory // BucketOrder is a recommended ordering for this bucket in a given UI. BucketOrder int32 // ItemCount is the maximum number of item slots in a bucket. ItemCount int32 // Location is the conceptual location of this bucket, such as the vault or postmaster inventory. Location ItemLocation // HasTransferDestination indicates if items can be transferred to/from this bucket. HasTransferDestination bool // Enabled determines if this bucket is being used in-game. Enabled bool // Fifo determines if the bucket will delete the oldest item in a bucket when adding a new one (FIFO) // or if this bucket disallows new items until there is space. Fifo bool EntityMetadata }
InventoryBucketEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.DestinyInventoryBucketDefinition contract. This describes a collection of items in an inventory known as a bucket. For example, "Primary Weapons".
type InventoryItemDefinition ¶
type InventoryItemDefinition map[uint32]InventoryItemEntity
InventoryItemDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.DestinyInventoryItemDefinition entities.
func (InventoryItemDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def InventoryItemDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (InventoryItemDefinition) Name ¶
func (InventoryItemDefinition) Name() string
func (InventoryItemDefinition) Reference ¶
func (InventoryItemDefinition) Reference() string
func (*InventoryItemDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *InventoryItemDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type InventoryItemEntity ¶
type InventoryItemEntity struct { DisplayProperties DisplayProperties // TooltipNotifications are tooltips that come up conditionally for the item. TooltipNotifications []ItemTooltipNotification // CollectibleHash is the hash of a related CollectibleEntity. CollectibleHash uint32 // IconWatermark is the original release watermark overlay for the icon. // If the item has different versions, it can be overriden by the watermark in the quality block or the IconWatermarkShelved field. IconWatermark string // IconWatermarkShelved is the "shelved" release watermark overlay for the icon. // If the item version has a power cap below the season power cap, it should show the "shelved" watermark. IconWatermarkShelved string // SecondaryIcon is a secondary icon associated with the item; used in places such as emblem nameplates. SecondaryIcon string // SecondaryOverlay is the background overlay for SecondaryIcon. SecondaryOverlay string // BackgroundColor is the color used for the icon background of an item. BackgroundColor Color // Screenshot is the path to an in-game screenshot for this item. Screenshot string // ItemTypeDisplayName is the localized title/name of the item's type. ItemTypeDisplayName string // FlavorText is the quote or description of a given item. FlavorText string // UiItemDisplayStyle is how a UI should render this item in an inventory screen. UiItemDisplayStyle string // ItemTypeAndTierDisplayName is the localized string that combines the item type and tier description. ItemTypeAndTierDisplayName string // DisplaySource is the localized string describing how to find this item. DisplaySource string // TooltipStyle determines what tooltip a UI should show for this item. TooltipStyle string // Action is an action performed when using the item. Action ItemActionBlock // Inventory describes this item's relationship with its inventory. Inventory ItemInventoryBlock // SetData contains data about the steps and mechanics if this item is quest-related. SetData ItemSetBlock // Stats are the statistics related to equippable items. Stats ItemStatBlock // EmblemObjectiveHash is the hash of a related ObjectiveEntity. EmblemObjectiveHash uint32 // EquippingBlock describes the conditions under which this item can be equipped. EquippingBlock EquippingBlock // TranslationBlock contains rendering information for this item. TranslationBlock ItemTranslationBlock // Preview summarizes items that can be acquired from using this item. Preview ItemPreviewBlock // Quality describes the item's quality. Quality ItemQualityBlock // Value describes an item's value; i.e. sale price for a vendor item and dismantle reward. Value ItemValueBlock // SourceData describes how to acquire this item. SourceData ItemSourceBlock // Objectives are extra tasks related to this item if it is part of a quest step. Objectives ItemObjectiveBlock // Metrics are all available metrics for this item. Metrics ItemMetricBlock // Plug is the information about how to insert a socket-type item. Plug ItemPlug // GearSet is the set of equipment associated with this item. Gearset ItemGearsetBlock // Sack describes what items can be obtained by opening this item. Sack ItemSackBlock // Sockets describes any sockets available on this item. Sockets ItemSocketBlock // Summary is this item's reward summary. Summary ItemSummaryBlock // TalentGrid is the information of the talents in a subclass-type item. TalentGrid ItemTalentGridBlock // InvestmentStats are the raw stats for this item, before any adjustments. InvestmentStats []ItemInvestmentStat // Perks are intrisic perks of an item. Perks []ItemPerkEntry // LoreHash is the hash of a related LoreEntity. LoreHash uint32 // SummaryItemHash is the hash of a related InventoryItemEntity. SummaryItemHash uint32 // Animations defines are animations in the game content for this item. Animations []AnimationReference // AllowActions determines whether or not the API is allowed to take actions which effect this item. AllowActions bool // Links are any help or informational URLs about this item. Links []HyperlinkReference // DoesPostmaterPullHaveSideEffects indicates whether something could happen when transferring this item from the postmaster. DoesPostmasterPullHaveSideEffects bool // NonTransferrable determines whether an item cannot be transferred NonTransferrable bool // ItemCategoryHashes are hashes of all related ItemCategoryEntity structs. ItemCategoryHashes []uint32 // SpecialItemType is a internal item category from Destiny 1. Use ItemCategoryHashes instead. SpecialItemType SpecialItemType // ItemType is the base type of this item. Use ItemCategoryHashes instead. ItemType ItemType // ItemSubType is the sub-type of this item. Use ItemCategoryHashes instead. ItemSubType ItemSubType // ClassType is the specific class this item is restricted to. ClassType Class // BreakerType is the type of anti-champion ability granted by using this item. BreakerType BreakerTypeEnum // BreakerTypeHash is the hash of a related BreakerTypeEntity. BreakerTypeHash uint32 // Equippable indicates whether an item can be equipped. Equippable bool // DamageTypeHashes are hashes of all related DamageTypeEntity structs. DamageTypeHashes []uint32 // DamageTypes lists all damage types this item can have. DamageTypes []DamageType // DefaultDamageType is the default damage type of this item. DefaultDamageType DamageType // DefaultDamageTypeHash is the hash of a related DamageTypeEntity. DefaultDamageTypeHash uint32 // SeasonHash is the hash of a related SeasonEntity. SeasonHash uint32 // IsWrapper determines if this item is a vendor-wrapper that can be refunded before it is unwrapped. IsWrapper bool // TraidIds are metadata tags applied to this item. TraitIds []string // TraitHashes are hashes of all related TraitEntity structs. TraitHashes []uint32 EntityMetadata }
InventoryItemEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.DestinyInventoryItemDefinition contract. This defines items in Destiny which can exist in your inventory.
type InventoryItemStat ¶
type InventoryItemStat struct { // StatHash is the hash of a related StatEntity. StatHash uint32 // Value represents that stat value assuming the minimum roll and factoring in mandatory bonuses. Value int32 // Minimum is the minimum possible value for this stat an item can roll. Minimum int32 // Maximum is the maximum possible value for this stat an item can roll. Maximum int32 // DisplayMaximum is the maximum possible value for this stat that is shown in a given UI. DisplayMaximum int32 }
InventoryItemStat defines a specific stat value on an item and the range.
type ItemActionBlock ¶
type ItemActionBlock struct { // VerbName is localized text for the verb of this action. VerbName string // VerbDescription is a localized text describing this action. VerbDescription string // IsPositive determines if the given item has this action. IsPositive bool // OverlayScreenName is the name of the overlay screen associated with this action. OverlayScreenName string // OverlayIcon is the icon of the overlay screen associated with this action. OverlayIcon string // RequiredCooldownSeconds is the number of seconds to delay before allowing this action to be performed again. RequiredCooldownSeconds int32 // RequiredItems are other items that must exist or be destroyed to perform this action. RequiredItems []ItemActionRequiredItem // ProgressionRewards are the progressions and rewards earned by performing this action. ProgressionRewards []ProgressionReward // ActionTypeLabel is the internal identifier for this action. ActionTypeLabel string // RequiredLocation is a localized string for a hint about the location where this action can be performed. RequiredLocation string // RequiredCooldownHash is the hash of related Cooldown associated with this action. // Cooldown data is not currently available in the API. RequiredCooldownHash uint32 // DeleteOnAction determines the item is deleted when this action is performed. DeleteOnAction bool // ConsumeEntireStack determines if the entire stack of items is deleted when this action is performed. ConsumeEntireStack bool // UseOnAcquire determines if this action is performed when the associated item if acquired. UseOnAcquire bool }
ItemActionBlock defines an action that can be performed on an item.
type ItemActionRequiredItem ¶
type ItemActionRequiredItem struct { // Count is the minimum quantity of the item required. Count int32 // ItemHash is the hash of a related InventoryItemEntity. ItemHash uint32 // DeleteOnAction determines if the quantity of items will be deleted when the action is performed. DeleteOnAction bool }
ItemActionRequiredItem defines an item and quantity required in an inventory to perform an action.
type ItemCategoryDefinition ¶
type ItemCategoryDefinition map[uint32]ItemCategoryEntity
ItemCategoryDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.DestinyItemCategoryDefinition entities.
func (ItemCategoryDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def ItemCategoryDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (ItemCategoryDefinition) Name ¶
func (ItemCategoryDefinition) Name() string
func (ItemCategoryDefinition) Reference ¶
func (ItemCategoryDefinition) Reference() string
func (*ItemCategoryDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *ItemCategoryDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type ItemCategoryEntity ¶
type ItemCategoryEntity struct { DisplayProperties DisplayProperties // Visible determines if this item category should be visible in a given UI. Visible bool // Deprecated determines if this item category is deprecated. Deprecated bool // ShortTitle is a shorted version of the title of this item category. ShortTitle string // ItemTypeRegex is a regular expression used against the item type to determine membership in this item category. ItemTypeRegex string // GrantDestinyBreakerType is the breaker type granted by items in this category. GrantDestinyBreakerType BreakerTypeEnum // PlugCategoryIdentifier is the identifier of the plug in this item category. PlugCategoryIdentifier string // ItemTypeRegexNot is a regular expression used against the item type to determine non-membership in this item category. ItemTypeRegexNot string // OriginBucketIdentifier is the name of the bucket for this item category. OriginBucketIdentifier string // GrantDestinyItemType is the item type for items in this category. GrantDestinyItemType ItemType // GrantDestinySubType is the item subtype for items in this category. GrantDestinySubType ItemSubType // GrantDestinyClass is the class restriction for this item category. GrantDestinyClass Class // Trait is the identifier of the item trait found in this category. TraitId string // GroupedCategoryHashes are the hashes of children categories contained within this item category. GroupedCategoryHashes []uint32 // ParentCategoryHashes are the hashes of parent categories which contain this item category. ParentCategoryHashes []uint32 // GroupCategoryOnly determines if this item category is only used for grouping other item categories. GroupCategoryOnly bool EntityMetadata }
ItemCategoryEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.DestinyItemCategoryDefinition contract. This is a grouping of items based on properties such as inventory bucket, type name and breaker type.
type ItemCreationEntryLevel ¶
type ItemCreationEntryLevel struct { // Level is the minimum character level the item spawns at. Level int32 }
ItemCreationEntryLevel is a wrapper for the item level at which an item should spawn.
type ItemGearsetBlock ¶
type ItemGearsetBlock struct { // TrackingValueMax is the maximum number of items that can be collected. TrackingValueMax int32 // ItemList is a list of hashes of all related InventoryItemEntity structs. ItemList []uint32 }
ItemGearsetBlock describes the items in a related gearset.
type ItemIntrinsicSocketEntry ¶
type ItemIntrinsicSocketEntry struct { // PlugItemHash is the hash of a related InventoryItemEntity. PlugItemHash uint32 // SocketTypeHash is the hash of a related SocketTypeEntity. SocketTypeHash uint32 // DefaultVisible determines if this socket is visible in the item's default state. DefaultVisible bool }
ItemIntrinsicSocketEntry represents a socket that has a plug associated with it intrisically.
type ItemInventoryBlock ¶
type ItemInventoryBlock struct { // StackUniqueLabel is a unique label for a single stack in a given inventory. StackUniqueLabel string // MaxStackSize is the maximum quantity of this item that can exist in a stack. MaxStackSize int32 // BucketTypeHash is the hash of a related InventoryBucketEntity. BucketTypeHash uint32 // RecoveryBucketTypeHash is the hash of a related InventoryBucketEntity used for items in the lost loot queue. RecoveryBucketTypeHash uint32 // TierTypeHash is the hash of a related ItemTierTypeEntity. TierTypeHash uint32 // IsInstanceItem determines if this item is instanced. IsInstanceItem bool // TierTypeName is the localized name of this item's tier type. TierTypeName string // TierType is the classification of this item's tier type. TierType ItemTier // ExpirationTooltip is the tooltip to show when this item expires. ExpirationTooltip string // ExpiredInActivityMessage is the message shown if this item expires while playing in an activity. ExpiredInActivityMessage string // ExpiredInOrbitMessage is the message shown if this item expires while in orbit. ExpiredInOrbitMessage string // SuppressExpirationWhenObjectivesComplete determines if expiration messages should be suppressed. SuppressExpirationWhenObjectivesComplete bool }
ItemInventoryBlock defines the basic properties regarding an item's relationship with its inventory.
type ItemInvestmentStat ¶
type ItemInvestmentStat struct { // StatTypeHash is the hash of a related StatEntity. StatTypeHash uint32 // Value is the raw investment value for this stat. Value int32 // IsCondtionallyActive determines if the stat will only be applied on an item in certain game conditions. IsConditionallyActive bool }
ItemInvestmentStat represents a raw investmentment, before calculated stats and stat groups are applied.
type ItemLocation ¶ added in v1.1.0
type ItemLocation int32
ItemLocation describes where a given item can be found.
type ItemMetricBlock ¶
type ItemMetricBlock struct { // AvailableMetricCategoryNodeHashes are the hashes of all related PresentationNodeEntity structs. AvailableMetricCategoryNodeHashes []uint32 }
ItemMetricBlock represents metrics available for display and selection on an item.
type ItemObjectiveBlock ¶
type ItemObjectiveBlock struct { // ObjectiveHashes are the hashes of all related ObjectiveEntity structs. ObjectiveHashes []uint32 // DisplayActivityHashes are the hashes of all related ActivityEntity structs. DisplayActivityHashes []uint32 // RequireFullObjectiveCompletion determines if all objectives must be completed for the step to be completed. RequireFullObjectiveCompletion bool // QuestlineItemHash is the hash of a related InventoryItemEntity. QuestlineItemHash uint32 // Narrative is the localized string for narrative text related to this quest step. Narrative string // ObjectiveVerbName is a localized string describing an action to be performed for this objective. ObjectiveVerbName string // QuestTypeIdentifier identifies the type of quest being performed. QuestTypeIdentifier string // QuestTypeHash is a unique hash this quest type. QuestTypeHash uint32 // PerObjectiveDisplayProperties are related display information per objective. PerObjectiveDisplayProperties []ObjectiveDisplayProperties DisplayAsStatTracker bool }
ItemObjectiveBlock represents an item that has objectives associated with it.
type ItemPerkEntry ¶
type ItemPerkEntry struct { // RequirementDisplayString is the localized string to show if this perk is not active. RequirementDisplayString string // PerkHash is the hash of a related SandboxPerkDefinition. PerkHash uint32 // PerkVisibility indicates if this perk should be shown. PerkVisibility ItemPerkVisibility }
ItemPerkEntry describes an intrinsic perk on an item and the requirements to active it.
type ItemPerkVisibility ¶
type ItemPerkVisibility int32
ItemPerkVisibility determines how a perk should be shown in the game UI.
type ItemPlug ¶
type ItemPlug struct { // InsertionRules are the rules around when this plug can be inserted. InsertionRules []PlugRule // PlugCategoryIdentifier is localized identifier for this plug's category. PlugCategoryIdentifier string // PlugCategoryHash is a unique hash for this plug's category. PlugCategoryHash uint32 // OnActionRecreateSelf determines if this plug is refunded when socketed. OnActionRecreateSelf bool // InsertionMaterialRequirementHash is the hash of a related MaterialRequirementSetEntity for inserting this plug. InsertionMaterialRequirementHash uint32 // PreviewItemOverrideHash is the hash of a related InventoryItemEntity. PreviewItemOverrideHash uint32 // EnabledMaterialRequirementHash is the hash of a related MaterialRequirementSetEntity for enabling this plug. EnabledMaterialRequirementHash uint32 // EnabledRules are the rules around this plug is enabled after being socketed. EnabledRules []PlugRule // UIPlugLabels is a label that describes the style of this plug in a given UI. UiPlugLabels string // PlugStyle is a classification of the style of this plug in a given UI. PlugStyle PlugUIStyles // PlugAvailable indicates the rules about when this plug can be used. PlugAvailable PlugAvailabilityMode // AlternateUIPlugLabel is a label applied to a plug if it meets certain state requirements. AlternateUiPlugLabel string // AlternatePlugStyle is a classification of the style of this plug in a given UI under certain conditions. AlternatePlugStyle PlugUIStyles // IsDummyPlug determines if this plug is used for UI display purposes only, with no other effects. IsDummyPlug bool // ParentItemOverride describes how this plug overrides properties of the item it is inserted in. ParentItemOverride ParentItemOverride // EnergyCapacity is the energy capacity provided to the item in which this plug is socketed. EnergyCapacity EnergyCapacityEntry // EnergyCost is the energy cost of this plug. EnergyCost EnergyCostEntry }
ItemPlug is an item that can be plugged (socketed) into another.
type ItemPreviewBlock ¶
type ItemPreviewBlock struct { // ScreenStyle is a hint for which detail screen to show for this item preview in a given UI. ScreenStyle string // PreviewVendorHash is the hash related to a VendorEntity. PreviewVendorHash uint32 // ArtifactHash is the hash related to an ArtifactEntity. ArtifactHash uint32 // PreviewActionString is the localized string for the action associated with this preview. PreviewActionString string // DerivedItemCategories is the list of items being previewed, categorized in the same way as they presented in the preview UI. DerivedItemCategories []DerivedItemCategory }
ItemPreviewBlock represents the items that can be obtained when viewing the details of an item sack or box.
type ItemQualityBlock ¶
type ItemQualityBlock struct { // ItemLevels are the base levels of an item as defined by a season. ItemLevels []int32 // QualityLevel is used in combination with the item's level to calculate stats. QualityLevel int32 // InfusionCategoryName is an identifier for this item's infusability. Deprecated. InfusionCategoryName string // InfusionCategoryHash is the hash identifier for the infusion. Deprecated. InfusionCategoryHash uint32 // InfusionCategoryHashes are a set of infusion category hashes. If any of these hashes match an entry in // InventoryItemEntity.InfusionCategoryHashes, the two can infuse with each other. InfusionCategoryHashes []uint32 // ProgressionLevelRequirementHash is the hash of a related ProgressionLevelRequirementEntity. ProgressionLevelRequirementHash uint32 // CurrentVersion is the latest version available for this item. CurrentVersion uint32 // Versions are the list of versions available for this item. Versions []ItemVersion // DisplayVersionWatermarkIcons are icon overlays that show the item version and power cap. DisplayVersionWatermarkicons []string }
ItemQualityBlock is used to determine an item's calculated stats based on quality.
type ItemQuantity ¶
type ItemQuantity struct { // ItemHash is the hash of a related InventoryItemEntity. ItemHash uint32 // ItemInstanceID refers to a specific instance of an item. ItemInstanceId int64 // Quantity is the amount of the item. Quantity int32 // HasCondtionalVisibility determines if the item quantity may be condtionally shown or hideen. HasConditionalVisibility bool }
ItemQuantity describes an item stack and its quantity.
type ItemSackBlock ¶
type ItemSackBlock struct { // DetailAction is a localized description of what happens when this sack is opened. DetailAction string // OpenAction is localized name of the action being performed when this sack is opened. OpenAction string // SelectItemCount is the amount of the selected item produced by this sack. SelectItemCount int32 // VendorSackType identifies the type of sack being sold by a vendor. VendorSackType string // OpenOnAcquire determines if this item sack is opened when it is acquired. OpenOnAcquire bool }
ItemSackBlock describes an item sack: an item that can be opened to produce other items.
type ItemSetBlock ¶
type ItemSetBlock struct { // ItemList is a collection of hashes of items in this set. ItemList []ItemSetBlockEntry // RequiredOrderedSetItemAdd determines if items in this set can only be added in increasing order and if adding an item will remove previous items. RequireOrderedSetItemAdd bool // SetIsFeatured determines if this quest shows up as featured in a given UI. SetIsFeatured bool // SetType is an identifier of the category of this quest. SetType string // QuestLineName is the name of the quest line of this quest. QuestLineName string // QuestLineDescription is the description of the quest line of this quest. QuestLineDescription string // QuestStepSummary is an additional summary of this step in the quest line. QuestStepSummary string }
ItemSetBlock defines properties related to a quest-item and its quest steps.
type ItemSetBlockEntry ¶
type ItemSetBlockEntry struct { // TrackingValue tracks which step has been reached in this quest. TrackingValue int32 // ItemHash is the hash of a related InventoryItemEntity. ItemHash uint32 }
ItemSetBlockEntry is a particular entry in an ItemSet.
type ItemSocketBlock ¶
type ItemSocketBlock struct { // Detail is a localized description about sockets on this item. Detail string // SocketEntries are all mutable sockets on an item. SocketEntries []ItemSocketEntry // IntrinsicSockets are the permanent sockets on an item. IntrinsicSockets []ItemIntrinsicSocketEntry // SocketCategories are the categories that sockets are grouped into. SocketCategories []ItemSocketCategory }
ItemSocketBlock describes the sockets in an item.
type ItemSocketCategory ¶
type ItemSocketCategory struct { // SocketCategoryHash is the hash of a related SocketCategoryEntity. SocketCategoryHash uint32 // SocketIndexes are the indexes of sockets in InventoryItemEntity.Sockets.SocketEntries. SocketIndexes []int32 }
ItemSocketCategory describes a grouping of item sockets in a given UI.
type ItemSocketEntry ¶
type ItemSocketEntry struct { // SocketTypeHash is the hash of a related SocketTypeEntity. SocketTypeHash uint32 // SingleInitialItemHash is the hash of a related InventoryItemEntity. SingleInitialItemHash uint32 // ReusablePlugItems is a list of pre-determined that can always be plugged into this socket // even if the character does not have the plug item in their inventory. ReusablePlugItems []ItemSocketEntryPlugItem // PreventInitializationOnVendorPurchase determines if a socket will not be intialized with // a plug if the item is purchased from a vendor. PreventInitializationOnVendorPurchase bool // HidePerksInItemTooltip determines is perks provided by this socket should not be shown in the item's tooltip. HidePerksInItemTooltip bool // PlugSources indicates where plugs for this socket can be obtained. PlugSources SocketPlugSources // ReusablePlugSetHash is the hash of a related PlugSetEntity that is reusable. ReusablePlugSetHash uint32 // RandomizedPlugSetHash is the hash of a related PlugSetEntity that is randomized. RandomizedPlugSetHash uint32 // DefaultVisible determines if this socket is visible in the item's default state. DefaultVisible bool }
ItemSocketEntry defines a specific socket on an item.
type ItemSocketEntryPlugItem ¶
type ItemSocketEntryPlugItem struct { // PlugItemHash is the hash of a related InventoryItemEntity. PlugItemHash uint32 }
ItemSocketEntryPlugItem defines a known, reusable plug that can be applied to a socket.
type ItemSocketEntryPlugItemRandomized ¶
type ItemSocketEntryPlugItemRandomized struct { // CurrentlyCanRoll determines if this plug can be rolled on the current version of the item. CurrentlyCanRoll bool // PlugItemHash is the hash of a InventoryItemEntity. PlugItemHash uint32 }
ItemSocketEntryPlugItemRandomized defines a randomized plug that can be applied to a socket.
type ItemSource ¶
type ItemSource struct { // Level is the level this item spawns at. Level int32 // MinQuality is the minimum quality this item spawns at. MinQuality int32 // MaxQuality is the maximum quality this item spawns at. MaxQuality int32 // MinLevelRequired is the minimum character level required for equipping the item. MinLevelRequired int32 // MaxLevelRequired is the maximum character level required for equipping the item. MaxLevelRequired int32 // ComputedStats are the stats computed for this level/quality range. ComputedStats map[uint32]InventoryItemStat // SourceHashes are the hashes for all related RewardSourceEntity structs. SourceHashes []uint32 }
ItemSource represents all information about how an item spawns and where a player can obtain it.
type ItemSourceBlock ¶
type ItemSourceBlock struct { // SourceHashes are the hashes for all related RewardSourceEntity structs. SourceHashes []uint32 // Sources are a collection of details about ways the item can be spawned. Sources []ItemSource // Exclusive is a classification of the platforms this item is exclusive to. Exclusive BungieMembershipType // VendorSources reference vendors that potentially sell this item. VendorSources []ItemVendorSourceReference }
ItemSourceBlock describes how an item can be obtained.
type ItemStatBlock ¶
type ItemStatBlock struct { // DisablePrimaryStatDisplay determines if the primary stat on this item isn't shown on inspection. DisablePrimaryStatDisplay bool // StatGroupHash is the hash of a related StatGroupEntity. StatGroupHash uint32 // Stats are precomputed stats on an item by the hash of a the related InventoryItemEntity. Stats map[uint32]InventoryItemStat // HasDisplayableStats determines if any stat on the item is visible. HasDisplayableStats bool // PrimaryBaseStatHash is the hash of a related StatEntity. PrimaryBaseStatHash uint32 }
ItemStatBlock contains information about this item's calculated stats.
type ItemSubType ¶ added in v1.1.0
type ItemSubType int32
ItemSubType is a more specific categorization for a given item than ItemType.
type ItemSummaryBlock ¶
type ItemSummaryBlock struct { // SortPriority is used as the sort priority when rendering an item. SortPriority int32 }
ItemSummaryBlock describes information used when rendering rewards.
type ItemTalentGridBlock ¶
type ItemTalentGridBlock struct { // TalentGridHash is the hash of a related TalentGridEntity. TalentGridHash uint32 // ItemDetailString is the localized subtitle for looking at a talent in the item's grid. ItemDetailString string // BuildName is a shortcut for the build, if this talent grid has an associated build. BuildName string // HUDDamageType is the damage type used in this talent grid. HudDamageType DamageType // HUDIcon is the icon to show for this talent grid in a given UI. HudIcon string }
ItemTalentGridBlock defines an item's talent grid.
type ItemTier ¶ added in v1.1.0
type ItemTier int32
ItemTier is the tier of an item in an inventory.
type ItemTierTypeDefinition ¶
type ItemTierTypeDefinition map[uint32]ItemTierTypeEntity
ItemTierTypeDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.DestinyItemTierTypeDefinition entities.
func (ItemTierTypeDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def ItemTierTypeDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (ItemTierTypeDefinition) Name ¶
func (ItemTierTypeDefinition) Name() string
func (ItemTierTypeDefinition) Reference ¶
func (ItemTierTypeDefinition) Reference() string
func (*ItemTierTypeDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *ItemTierTypeDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type ItemTierTypeEntity ¶
type ItemTierTypeEntity struct { DisplayProperties DisplayProperties // InfusionProcess defines the process of infusing items of this tier. InfusionProcess ItemTierTypeInfusionBlock EntityMetadata }
ItemTierTypeEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.Items.DestinyItemTierTypeDefinition contract. This defines the tier of items such as common, rare, etc, and how they can be infused.
type ItemTierTypeInfusionBlock ¶
type ItemTierTypeInfusionBlock struct { // BaseQualityTransferRatio is the default portion of quality that will transfer from the infuser to the infusee. // (InfuserQuality - InfuseeQuality) * BaseQualityTransferRatio = base quality transferred. BaseQualityTransferRatio float32 // MinimumQualityIncrement is the minimum amount of quality given if InfuserQuality > InfuseeQuality. MinimumQualityIncrement int32 }
type ItemTooltipNotification ¶
type ItemTooltipNotification struct { // DisplayString is a localized tooltip to display. DisplayString string // DisplayStyle identifies the style used to show this display in a given UI. DisplayStyle string }
ItemTooltipNotification is a tooltip that comes up conditionally for an item.
type ItemTranslationBlock ¶
type ItemTranslationBlock struct { WeaponPatternIdentifier string WeaponPatternHash uint32 DefaultDyes []DyeReference LockedDyes []DyeReference CustomDyes []DyeReference Arrangements []GearArtArrangementReference HasGeometry bool }
ItemTranslationBlock defines the rendering data associated with the item.
type ItemType ¶
type ItemType int32
ItemType indicates the generalized category or type of a given item.
type ItemValueBlock ¶
type ItemValueBlock struct { // ItemValue refers to items that make up this item's value and the quantity. ItemValue []ItemQuantity // ValueDescription is a localized text description of the value. ValueDescription string }
ItemValueBlock defines an item's value contextually. For example, items sold at a vendor use this to determine the sale price of an item.
type ItemVendorSourceReference ¶
type ItemVendorSourceReference struct { // VendorHash is the hash of a related VendorEntity. VendorHash uint32 // VendorItemIndexes are the indexes at which this item is sold at this vendor. VendorItemIndexes []int32 }
ItemVendorSourceReference represents that a vendor could sell this item.
type ItemVersion ¶
type ItemVersion struct { // PowerCapHash is the hash for a related PowerCapEntity. PowerCapHash uint32 }
ItemVersion refers to the power cap for this item version.
type LinkedGraph ¶
type LinkedGraph struct { Description string Name string UnlockExpression UnlockExpression LinkedGraphId uint32 // LinkedGraphs are a list of all entries in this linked graph. LinkedGraphs []LinkedGraphEntry Overview string }
LinkedGraph describes links between the current graph and others.
type LinkedGraphEntry ¶
type LinkedGraphEntry struct { // ActivityGraphHash is the hash of a related ActivityGraphEntity. ActivityGraphHash uint32 }
type LocaleError ¶
type LocaleError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
LocaleError represents an error finding a user-specified locale.
func (LocaleError) Error ¶
func (e LocaleError) Error() string
type LocationDefinition ¶
type LocationDefinition map[uint32]LocationEntity
LocationDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.DestinyLocationDefinition entities.
func (LocationDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def LocationDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (LocationDefinition) Name ¶
func (LocationDefinition) Name() string
func (LocationDefinition) Reference ¶
func (LocationDefinition) Reference() string
func (*LocationDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *LocationDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type LocationEntity ¶
type LocationEntity struct { // VendorHash is the hash for a related VendorEntity. VendorHash uint32 // LocationReleases refer to different spots in the world for this location and which location is valid. LocationReleases []LocationRelease EntityMetadata }
LocationEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.DestinyLocationDefinition contract. A Location refers to a specific combination of activity, destination, place and bubble.
type LocationRelease ¶
type LocationRelease struct { DisplayProperties DisplayProperties SmallTransparentIcon string MapIcon string LargeTransparentIcon string SpawnPoint uint32 // DestinationHash is the hash of a related DestinationEntity. DestinationHash uint32 // ActivityHash is the hash of a related ActivityEntity. ActivityHash uint32 // ActivityGraphNodeHash is the activity graph node pointed to by this location. ActivityGraphNodeHash uint32 // ActivityBubbleName is the activity bubble within the Destination. ActivityBubbleName uint32 ActivityPathBundle uint32 ActivityPathDestination uint32 // NavPointType is a classification of navigation points to this location. WorldPosition []int32 }
LocationRelease is a specific spot referred to by a location.
type LoreDefinition ¶
type LoreDefinition map[uint32]LoreEntity
LoreDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.DestinyLoreDefinition entities.
func (LoreDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def LoreDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (LoreDefinition) Name ¶
func (LoreDefinition) Name() string
func (LoreDefinition) Reference ¶
func (LoreDefinition) Reference() string
func (*LoreDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *LoreDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type LoreEntity ¶
type LoreEntity struct { DisplayProperties DisplayProperties Subtitle string EntityMetadata }
LoreEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.Lore.DestinyLoreDefinition contract. This represents in-game lore which are meant as narrative enhancements of the game experience.
type Manifest ¶ added in v1.0.1
type Manifest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Manifest is a representation of DestinyManifest, the external-facing contract for just the properties needed by those calling the Destiny Platform API.
func NewManifest ¶
func NewManifest(reader ContractReader) (*Manifest, error)
NewManifest returns a populated Destiny 2 Manifest, similar to the
func (*Manifest) FulfillContract ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (m *Manifest) FulfillContract(definition Contract, opts ...FulfillmentOption) error
FulfillContract fulfills a contract by adding all related entities for a given definition.
func (*Manifest) Update ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (m *Manifest) Update(updateFn UpdateFunc) error
Update updates the manifest to the newest version and, if necessary, runs updateFn.
type MaterialRequirement ¶
type MaterialRequirement struct { // ItemHash is the hash of a related InventoryItemEntity. ItemHash uint32 // DeleteOnAction determines if the material will be removed from the inventory when the action is performed. DeleteOnAction bool // Count is the amount of the material required. Count int32 // OmitFromRequirements determines if this material requirement is shown in a given UI. OmitFromRequirements bool }
MaterialRequirement defines requirements for spending materials to perform an action.
type MaterialRequirementSetDefinition ¶
type MaterialRequirementSetDefinition map[uint32]MaterialRequirementSetEntity
MaterialRequirementSetDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.DestinyMaterialRequirementSetDefinition entities.
func (MaterialRequirementSetDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def MaterialRequirementSetDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (MaterialRequirementSetDefinition) Name ¶
func (MaterialRequirementSetDefinition) Name() string
func (MaterialRequirementSetDefinition) Reference ¶
func (MaterialRequirementSetDefinition) Reference() string
func (*MaterialRequirementSetDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *MaterialRequirementSetDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type MaterialRequirementSetEntity ¶
type MaterialRequirementSetEntity struct { // Materials are a list of all required materials. Materials []MaterialRequirement EntityMetadata }
MaterialRequirementSetEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.DestinyMaterialRequirementSetDefinition contract. Represents a set of material requirements which need to be owned or need to be consumed to perform an action.
type MetricDefinition ¶
type MetricDefinition map[uint32]MetricEntity
MetricDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.DestinyMetricDefinition entities.
func (MetricDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def MetricDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (MetricDefinition) Name ¶
func (MetricDefinition) Name() string
func (MetricDefinition) Reference ¶
func (MetricDefinition) Reference() string
func (*MetricDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *MetricDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type MetricEntity ¶
type MetricEntity struct { DisplayProperties DisplayProperties // TrackingObjectiveHash is the hash of a related ObjectiveEntity. TrackingObjectiveHash uint32 LowerValueIsBetter bool PresentationNodeType PresentationNodeType TraitIds []string TraitHashes []uint32 // ParentNodeHashes are the hashes of presentation nodes that this metric as a child. ParentNodeHashes []uint32 EntityMetadata }
MetricEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.Metrics.DestinyMetricDefinition contract.
type MilestoneActivity ¶
type MilestoneActivity struct { // ConceptualActivityHash is the hash of a related ActivityEntity. ConceptualActivityHash uint32 // Variants are the variants of this milestone-related activity by the hash of a related ActivityEntity. Variants map[uint32]MilestoneActivityVariant }
MilestoneActivity is a milestone-related activity.
type MilestoneActivityVariant ¶
type MilestoneActivityVariant struct { // ActivityHash is the hash of a related ActivityEntity. ActivityHash uint32 // Order is the order to arrange this variant by when displaying a milestone-related activity. Order int32 }
MilestoneActivityVariant represents a variant on a milestone-related activity.
type MilestoneChallenge ¶
type MilestoneChallenge struct { // ChallengeObjectiveHash is the hash of a related ObjectiveEntity. ChallengeObjectiveHash uint32 }
MilestoneChallenge describes the objective of a milestone-related challenge.
type MilestoneChallengeActivity ¶
type MilestoneChallengeActivity struct { // ActivityHash is the hash of a related ActivityEntity. ActivityHash uint32 // Challenges are the challenges related to this activity. Challenges []MilestoneChallenge // ActivityGraphNodes are the nodes this challenge is visible on. ActivityGraphNodes []MilestoneChallengeActivityGraphNodeEntry // Phases are the phases related to this activity. Phases []MilestoneChallengeActivityPhase }
MilestoneChallengeActivity describes a milestone-related challenge.
type MilestoneChallengeActivityGraphNodeEntry ¶
type MilestoneChallengeActivityGraphNodeEntry struct { // ActivityGraphHash is the hash of a related ActivityGraphEntity. ActivityGraphHash uint32 // ActivityGraphNodeHash is hash of this milestone-related challenge within a map. ActivityGraphNodeHash uint32 }
MilestoneChallengeActivityGraphNodeEntry describes the map of a milestone-related challenge.
type MilestoneChallengeActivityPhase ¶
type MilestoneChallengeActivityPhase struct { // PhaseHash is the unique hash representing the phase. PhaseHash uint32 }
MilestoneChallengeActivityPhase describes a phase in a milestone-related challenge.
type MilestoneDefinition ¶
type MilestoneDefinition map[uint32]MilestoneEntity
MilestoneDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.Milestones.DestinyMilestoneDefinition entities.
func (MilestoneDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def MilestoneDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (MilestoneDefinition) Name ¶
func (MilestoneDefinition) Name() string
func (MilestoneDefinition) Reference ¶
func (MilestoneDefinition) Reference() string
func (*MilestoneDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *MilestoneDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type MilestoneDisplayPreference ¶
type MilestoneDisplayPreference int32
MilestoneDisplayPreference is a hint for the UI about what display information should be shown for a milestone.
type MilestoneEntity ¶
type MilestoneEntity struct { DisplayProperties DisplayProperties // DisplayPreference is a hint to a given UI about what DisplayProperties to show when viewing this milestone's live data. DisplayPreference MilestoneDisplayPreference // Image is a custom image for this milestone. Image string // MilestoneType is the classification of this milestone. MilestoneType MilestoneType // Recruitable determines if this milestone is integrated with the API's recruiting feature. Recruitable bool // FriendlyName is the friendly identifier for this milestone. FriendlyName string // ShowInMilestones determines if this milestone is shown in the user's personal milestones list. ShowInMilestones bool // ExplorePrioritizesActivityImage determines if the "Explore Destiny" page prioritizes using the activity image for this milestone. ExplorePrioritizesActivityImage bool // HashPredictableDates determines if the start and end date of this milestone can be predicted. HasPredictableDates bool // Quests are the set of all quests related to this milestone. Quests map[uint32]MilestoneQuest // Rewards are the categories which individual rewards are placed in by the hash of the MilestoneRewordCategory. Rewards map[uint32]MilestoneRewardCategory // VendorsDisplayTitle is the localized header for vendors related to this milestone. VendorsDisplayTitle string // Vendors are the vendors which have rewards for this milestone. Vendors []MilestoneVendor // Values are arbitrary values associated with a given identifier in this milestone. Values map[string]MilestoneValue // IsInGameMilestone determines if this milestone is an objective that can interacted with in the game. IsInGameMilestone bool // Activities are the challenge and modifiers related to this milestone. Activities []MilestoneChallengeActivity DefaultOrder int32 EntityMetadata }
MilestoneEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.Milestones.DestinyMilestoneDefinition contract. Milestones are an in-game concept that hints at what the player can do next.
type MilestoneQuest ¶
type MilestoneQuest struct { // QuestItemHash is the hash of a related InventoryItemEntity. QuestItemHash uint32 DisplayProperties DisplayProperties // OverrideImage is the image to show instead of the milestone's image. OverrideImage string // QuestRewards are rewards for completing this quest. QuestRewards MilestoneQuestRewards // Activities are milestone-related activities by the hash of a related ActivityEntity. Activities map[uint32]MilestoneActivity // DestinationHash is the hash of a related DestinationEntity. DestinationHash uint32 }
MilestoneQuest describes a quest item that is currently active for a milestone.
type MilestoneQuestRewardItem ¶
type MilestoneQuestRewardItem struct { // VendorHash is the hash of a related VendorEntity. VendorHash uint32 // VendorItemIndex is the index of item being sold in the vendor. VendorItemIndex int32 // ItemHash is the hash of a related InventoryItemEntity. ItemHash uint32 // ItemInstanceID refers to a specific instance of an item. ItemInstanceId int64 // Quantity is the amount of the item. Quantity int32 // HasCondtionalVisibility determines if the item quantity may be condtionally shown or hideen. HasConditionalVisibility bool }
MilestoneQuestRewardItem describes an milestone-related quest reward and the vendor that provides it.
type MilestoneQuestRewards ¶
type MilestoneQuestRewards struct { // Items are the items rewarded for completing the quest. Items []MilestoneQuestRewardItem }
MilestoneQuestRewards describe rewards given for completing a milestone-related quest.
type MilestoneRewardCategory ¶
type MilestoneRewardCategory struct { // CategoryHash is the unique hash of this reward category. CategoryHash uint32 // CategoryIdentifier is unique identifier of this category. CategoryIdentifier string DisplayProperties DisplayProperties // RewardEntries are milestone-related rewards by the reward category hash. RewardEntries map[uint32]MilestoneRewardEntry // Order is the recommended order for rendering this category. Order int32 }
MilestoneRewardCategory defines a category of milestone-related rewards.
type MilestoneRewardEntry ¶
type MilestoneRewardEntry struct { // RewardEntryHash is the unique hash of this reward entry within the milestone. RewardEntryHash uint32 // RewardEntryIdentifier is the unique identifier of this reward entry within the milestone. RewardEntryIdentifier string // Items are the items and the quantity rewarded. Items []ItemQuantity // VendorHash is the hash of a related VendorEntity. VendorHash uint32 DisplayProperties DisplayProperties // Order is the ordering of this reward in a given UI. Order int32 }
MilestoneRewardEntry defines a specific reward in a category of milestone-related rewards.
type MilestoneType ¶
type MilestoneType int32
MilestoneType describes the basic types of Destiny 2 milestones.
type MilestoneValue ¶
type MilestoneValue struct { // Key is the for the specific milestone or milestone step. Key string DisplayProperties DisplayProperties }
MilestoneValue contains information related to the key/value pair for a specific milestone or milestone step.
type MilestoneVendor ¶
type MilestoneVendor struct { // VendorHash is the hash of a related VendorEntity. VendorHash uint32 }
MilestoneVendor describes a milestone-related vendor.
type NodeActivationRequirement ¶
type NodeActivationRequirement struct { // GridLevel is progression level on the talent grid required to activate this node. GridLevel int32 // MaterialRequirementHashes are the hashes of all related MaterialRequirementSetEntity structs. MaterialRequirementHashes []uint32 }
NodeActivationRequirement describes the requirements for activation a talent node.
type NodeSocketReplaceResponse ¶
type NodeSocketReplaceResponse struct { // SocketTypeHash is the hash of a related SocketTypeEntity. SocketTypeHash uint32 // PlugItemHash is the hash of a related InventoryItemEntity. PlugItemHash uint32 }
NodeSocketReplaceResponse describes how a socket on an item is replaced with a new plug on a node step's activation.
type NodeStep ¶
type NodeStep struct { DisplayProperties DisplayProperties // StepIndex is the index of this step in the list of steps on TalentNode. StepIndex int32 // NodeStepHash is the hash of this node step, used to uniquely identify this step within a node. NodeStepHash uint32 // InteractionDescription is a localized description of how this step can be interacted with. InteractionDescription string // DamageType is a classification of the damage type granted by activating this step. DamageType DamageType // DamageTypeHash is the hash of a related DamageTypeEntity. DamageTypeHash uint32 // NodeActivationRequirement is the requirement for activating this step. ActivationRequirement NodeActivationRequirement // CanActivateNextStep determines if activating this step also activates the next step. CanActivateNextStep bool // NextStepIndex is the index of the next step in the list of steps on TalentNode. NextStepIndex int32 // IsNextStepRandom determines if the next chosen step is random. IsNextStepRandom bool // PerkHashes are the hashes of all related SandboxPerkEntity structs. PerkHashes []uint32 // StartProgressionBarAtProgress is lower bound of the progress bar for this step. StartProgressionBarAtProgress int32 // StatHashes are the hashes of all related StatEntity structs. StatHashes []uint32 // AffectsQuality determines if this node step affects the item's quality. AffectsQuality bool // StepGroups is the group of talent node steps this step belongs to based on its functionality. StepGroups TalentNodeStepGroups // AffectsLevel determines if this node step affects the level of the item. AffectsLevel bool // SocketReplacements is a list of information used to replace socket items with new plugs when this step is activated. SocketReplacements []NodeSocketReplaceResponse }
NodeStep defines the properties of a talent node step.
type ObjectiveDefinition ¶
type ObjectiveDefinition map[uint32]ObjectiveEntity
ObjectiveDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.DestinyObjectiveDefinition entities.
func (ObjectiveDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def ObjectiveDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (ObjectiveDefinition) Name ¶
func (ObjectiveDefinition) Name() string
func (ObjectiveDefinition) Reference ¶
func (ObjectiveDefinition) Reference() string
func (*ObjectiveDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *ObjectiveDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type ObjectiveDisplayProperties ¶
type ObjectiveDisplayProperties struct { // ActivityHash is the hash for a related ActivityEntity. ActivityHash uint32 // DisplayOnItemPreviewScreen determines whether this objective is shown on item preview screens. DisplayOnItemPreviewScreen bool }
ObjectiveDisplayProperties are display properties for an item with objectives.
type ObjectiveEntity ¶
type ObjectiveEntity struct { DisplayProperties DisplayProperties // CompletionValue is the value that must be reached in order for this objective be completed. CompletionValue int32 // Scope determines the most restrictive gating this objective is set to use. Scope GatingScope // LocationHash is the hash of a related LocationEntity. LocationHash uint32 // AllowNegativeValue determines if the CompletionValue is allowed to go negative. AllowNegativeValue bool // AllowValueChangeWhenCompleted determines whether this objective can be uncompleted by losing progress. AllowValueChangeWhenCompleted bool // IsCountingDownward determines if completion of this objective means having a value less than or equal to CompletionValue. IsCountingDownward bool // ValueStyle is the UI style applied to this objective. ValueStyle UnlockValueUIStyle // ProgressDescription is the description on this objective's progress bar. ProgressDescription string // Perks are the conditions for enabling this objective's perks. Perks ObjectivePerkEntry // Stats are the condtions for modifying a player's stats in this objective. Stats ObjectiveStatEntry // MinimumVisibilityThreshold is the minimum value that this objective's progression should be shown. MinimumVisibilityThreshold int32 // AllowOvercompletion determines if this objective's progress will continue beyond completion requirements. AllowOvercompletion bool // ShowValueOnComplete determines if the progression value should be shown in the UI after it's complete. ShowValueOnComplete bool // CompletedValueStyle is the style to use when the objective is completed. CompletedValueStyle UnlockValueUIStyle // InProgressValueStyle is the style to use when the objective is still in progress. InProgressValueStyle UnlockValueUIStyle EntityMetadata }
ObjectiveEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.DestinyObjectiveDefinition contract. An objective is a specific task that can be accomplished in the game.
type ObjectiveGrantStyle ¶
type ObjectiveGrantStyle int32
ObjectiveGrantStyle indicates when a given objected-related perk is granted.
type ObjectivePerkEntry ¶
type ObjectivePerkEntry struct { // PerkHash is the hash of a related SandboxPerkEntity. PerkHash uint32 // Style is the classification of when this perk is granted in relation to an objective's progress. Style ObjectiveGrantStyle }
ObjectivePerkEntry defines the conditions under which an intrisic perk is applied during an objective.
type ObjectiveProgress ¶
type ObjectiveProgress struct { // ObjectiveHash is the hash of a related ObjectiveEntity. ObjectiveHash uint32 // DestinationHash is the hash of a related DestinationEntity. DestinationHash uint32 // ActivityHash is the hash of a related ActivityEntity. ActivityHash uint32 // Progress is the numeric value of progress on this objective. Progress int32 // CompletionValue is the numeric value of progress needed to complete this objective. CompletionValue int32 // Complete determines if this objective is completed. Complete bool // Visible determines if this objective is visible in-game. Visible bool }
ObjectiveProgress describes a character's status on a given objective.
type ObjectiveStatEntry ¶
type ObjectiveStatEntry struct { // Stat is the stat being modified the value used. Stat ItemInvestmentStat // Style is the classification of when this stat is granted in relation to an objective's progress. Style ObjectiveGrantStyle }
ObjectiveStatEntry defines the conditions under which stat modifications are applied during an objective.
type ParentItemOverride ¶
type ParentItemOverride struct { // AdditionalEquipRequirementsDisplayStrings are localized strings // that describe additional requirements for equipping the parent item. AdditionalEquipRequirementsDisplayStrings []string // PIPIcon is the icon to show when viewing an item that has this plug socketed. PipIcon string }
ParentItemOverride describes how a plug item overrides certain properties of the item it is socketed into.
type PlaceDefinition ¶
type PlaceDefinition map[uint32]PlaceEntity
PlaceDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.DestinyPlaceDefinition entities.
func (PlaceDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def PlaceDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (PlaceDefinition) Name ¶
func (PlaceDefinition) Name() string
func (PlaceDefinition) Reference ¶
func (PlaceDefinition) Reference() string
func (*PlaceDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *PlaceDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type PlaceEntity ¶
type PlaceEntity struct { DisplayProperties DisplayProperties EntityMetadata }
PlaceEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.DestinyPlaceDefinition contract. Places are synonymous to planets that can be visited via the director.
type PlugAvailabilityMode ¶
type PlugAvailabilityMode int32
PlugAvailabilityMode determines whether the plug is available to be inserted.
type PlugRule ¶
type PlugRule struct { // FailureMessage is the localized string to show if this rule fails. FailureMessage string }
PlugRule describes a rule around whether the plug is enabled or insertable.
type PlugSetDefinition ¶
type PlugSetDefinition map[uint32]PlugSetEntity
PlugSetDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.DestinyPlugSetDefinition entities.
func (PlugSetDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def PlugSetDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (PlugSetDefinition) Name ¶
func (PlugSetDefinition) Name() string
func (PlugSetDefinition) Reference ¶
func (PlugSetDefinition) Reference() string
func (*PlugSetDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *PlugSetDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type PlugSetEntity ¶
type PlugSetEntity struct { DisplayProperties DisplayProperties // ReusuablePlugItems are the list of pre-determined plugs that be inserted in this socket. ReusablePlugItems []ItemSocketEntryPlugItemRandomized // IsFakePlugSet determines if this plug set if for debugging. IsFakePlugSet bool EntityMetadata }
PlugSetEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.DestinyPlugSetDefinition contract. This describes sets of reusable plugs that can be shared across places they are used.
type PlugUIStyles ¶
type PlugUIStyles int32
PlugUIStyles are specific custom styles for plugs.
const ( PlugUI_None PlugUIStyles = 0 PlugUI_Masterwork = 1 )
type PlugWhitelistEntry ¶
type PlugWhitelistEntry struct { // CategoryHash is the hash of this plug's category. Meant to be compared to PlugEntity.PlugCategoryHash. CategoryHash uint32 // CategoryIdentifier is the identifier for this category. CategoryIdentifier string // ReinitializationPossiblePlugHashes is a list of hashes of InventoryItemEntity structs that describe plug items. ReinitializationPossiblePlugHashes []uint32 }
PlugWhitelistEntry defines a plug category that is allowed to be plugged into a socket of this type.
type PowerCapDefinition ¶
type PowerCapDefinition map[uint32]PowerCapEntity
PowerCapDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.PowerCaps.DestinyPowerCapDefinition entities.
func (PowerCapDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def PowerCapDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (PowerCapDefinition) Name ¶
func (PowerCapDefinition) Name() string
func (PowerCapDefinition) Reference ¶
func (PowerCapDefinition) Reference() string
func (*PowerCapDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *PowerCapDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type PowerCapEntity ¶
type PowerCapEntity struct { // PowerCap is the raw value for a power cap. PowerCap int32 EntityMetadata }
PowerCapEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.PowerCaps.DestinyPowerCapDefinition contract. Defines the power cap limit for gear items, based on rarity and season.
type PresentationChildBlock ¶
type PresentationChildBlock struct { // PresentationNodeType is a classification of this presentation node. PresentationNodeType PresentationNodeType // ParentPresentationNodeHashes are the hashes for all related PresentationNodeEntity structs. ParentPresentationNodeHashes []uint32 // DisplayStyle is a classification of the display style of this presentation node. DisplayStyle PresentationDisplayStyle }
type PresentationDisplayStyle ¶
type PresentationDisplayStyle int32
PresentationDisplayStyle is a hint for how the presentation node should be displayed when shown in a list.
type PresentationNodeChildEntry ¶
type PresentationNodeChildEntry struct { // PresentationNodeHash is the hash of a related PresentationNodeEntity. PresentationNodeHash uint32 }
type PresentationNodeChildrenBlock ¶
type PresentationNodeChildrenBlock struct { PresentationNodes []PresentationNodeChildEntry Collectibles []PresentationNodeCollectibleChildEntry Records []PresentationNodeRecordChildEntry Metrics []PresentationNodeMetricChildEntry }
PresentationNodeChildrenBlock represents each set of properties that could be a children of a presentation node.
type PresentationNodeCollectibleChildEntry ¶
type PresentationNodeCollectibleChildEntry struct { // CollectibleHash is the hash of a related CollectibleEntity. CollectibleHash uint32 }
type PresentationNodeComponent ¶
type PresentationNodeComponent struct { // State is the state of this component. State PresentationNodeState // Objective is the progress for an objective in the presentation node. Objective ObjectiveProgress // ProgressValue is how much of the presentation node is completed so far. ProgressValue int32 // CompletionValue is the value at which the presentation node is considered complete. CompletionValue int32 // RecordCategoryScore is the current score of the record category the presentation node represents. RecordCategoryScore int32 }
PresentationNodeComponent describes the components of a presentation node.
type PresentationNodeDefinition ¶
type PresentationNodeDefinition map[uint32]PresentationNodeEntity
PresentationNodeDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.DestinyPresentationNodeDefinition entities.
func (PresentationNodeDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def PresentationNodeDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (PresentationNodeDefinition) Name ¶
func (PresentationNodeDefinition) Name() string
func (PresentationNodeDefinition) Reference ¶
func (PresentationNodeDefinition) Reference() string
func (*PresentationNodeDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *PresentationNodeDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type PresentationNodeEntity ¶
type PresentationNodeEntity struct { DisplayProperties DisplayProperties // OriginalIcon is the original icon for this presentation node. OriginalIcon string // RootViewIcon is the icon meant to be shown on the entry screen for this presentation node. RootViewIcon string NodeType PresentationNodeType // Scope indicates the scope of this presentation node's state. Scope Scope // ObjectiveHash is the hash of a related ObjectiveEntity. ObjectiveHash uint32 // CompletionRecordHash is the hash of a related RecordEntity. CompletionRecordHash uint32 // Children are presentation nodes contained in this presentation node. Children PresentationNodeChildrenBlock // DisplayStyle is a hint for how to display this presentation node when it's shown in a list. DisplayStyle PresentationDisplayStyle // ScreenStyle is a hint for how to display this presentation node when it's shown in its own detail screen. ScreenStyle PresentationScreenStyle // Requirements are the requirements for being able to interact with this presentation node. Requirements PresentationNodeRequirementsBlock // DisableChildSubscreenNavigation determines if this presentation node's children cannot be inspected. MaxCategoryRecordScore int32 PresentationNodeType PresentationNodeType TraitIds []string TraitHashes []uint32 // ParentNodeHashes are the hashes of presentation nodes that this presentation node as a child. ParentNodeHashes []uint32 EntityMetadata }
PresentationNodeEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.Presentation.DestinyPresentationNodeDefinition contract. This represents a logical grouping of other entities visually/organizationally.
type PresentationNodeMetricChildEntry ¶
type PresentationNodeMetricChildEntry struct { // MetricHash is the hash of a related MetricEntity. MetricHash uint32 }
PresentationNodeMetricChildEntry is an entry for a metric-related presentation node.
type PresentationNodeRecordChildEntry ¶
type PresentationNodeRecordChildEntry struct { // RecordHash is the hash of a related RecordEntity. RecordHash uint32 }
PresentationNodeRecordChildEntry is an entry for a record-based presentation node.
type PresentationNodeRequirementsBlock ¶
type PresentationNodeRequirementsBlock struct { string }EntitlementUnavailableMessage
PresentationNodeRequirementsBlock defines the requirements for showing a presentation node.
type PresentationNodeState ¶
type PresentationNodeState int32
PresentationNodeState is the possible set of states that a presentation node can be in. This is meant to be used as a bitmask.
type PresentationNodeType ¶
type PresentationNodeType int32
PresentationNodeType is the logical group that a given entity belongs to.
type PresentationNodesComponent ¶
type PresentationNodesComponent struct { // Nodes are presentation components by the hash of a related PresentationNodeEntity. Nodes map[uint32]PresentationNodeComponent }
PresentationNodesComponent describes the node components that compose each presentation node.
type PresentationScreenStyle ¶
type PresentationScreenStyle int32
PresentationScreenStyle is a hint for what screen should be shown when this presentation node is clicked into.
type ProgressionDefinition ¶
type ProgressionDefinition map[uint32]ProgressionEntity
ProgressionDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.DestinyProgressionDefinition entities.
func (ProgressionDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def ProgressionDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (ProgressionDefinition) Name ¶
func (ProgressionDefinition) Name() string
func (ProgressionDefinition) Reference ¶
func (ProgressionDefinition) Reference() string
func (*ProgressionDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *ProgressionDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type ProgressionDisplayProperties ¶ added in v1.1.1
type ProgressionDisplayProperties struct { // DisplayUnitsName is a localized string that display how experience is gained. DisplayUnitsName string DisplayProperties }
ProgressionDisplayProperties are common display information for ProgressionEntity structs.
type ProgressionEntity ¶
type ProgressionEntity struct { DisplayProperties ProgressionDisplayProperties // Scope indicates the source of the progression's live data. Scope ProgressionScope // RepeatLastStep indicates if the last step of a progression can be indefinitely repeated. RepeatLastStep bool // Source is the localized description of how to earn this progression. Source string // Steps are the individual steps to complete this progression. Steps []ProgressionStep // Visible determines if the progression should be shown to users. Visible bool // FactionHash is the hash of a related FactionEntity. FactionHash uint32 // Color is the RGB-valued related to this progression. Color Color // RankIcon is the icon used in the Companion app to display a progression's rank value. RankIcon string // RewardItems are the items rewarded for completing are steps. RewardItems []ProgressionRewardItemQuantity EntityMetadata }
ProgressionEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.DestinyProgressionDefinition contract. This represents a measurement of progress through a set of conceptual steps.
type ProgressionLevelRequirementDefinition ¶
type ProgressionLevelRequirementDefinition map[uint32]ProgressionLevelRequirementEntity
ProgressionLevelRequirementDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.Progression.DestinyProgressionLevelRequirementDefinition entities.
func (ProgressionLevelRequirementDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def ProgressionLevelRequirementDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (ProgressionLevelRequirementDefinition) Name ¶
func (ProgressionLevelRequirementDefinition) Name() string
func (ProgressionLevelRequirementDefinition) Reference ¶
func (ProgressionLevelRequirementDefinition) Reference() string
func (*ProgressionLevelRequirementDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *ProgressionLevelRequirementDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type ProgressionLevelRequirementEntity ¶
type ProgressionLevelRequirementEntity struct { // RequirementCurve is the curve of level requirements, weighted by this progression level. RequirementCurve []InterpolationPointFloat // ProgressionHash is the hash for a related ProgressionEntity. ProgressionHash uint32 EntityMetadata }
ProgressionLevelRequirementEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.Progression.DestinyProgressionLevelRequirementDefinition contract. This determines the level requirement for an item given a progression.
type ProgressionReward ¶
type ProgressionReward struct { // ProgressionMappingHash is the hash of a related ProgressionMapping. // TODO(paranoiacblack): It is unclear how to obtain a ProgressionMapping through the API. ProgressionMappingHash uint32 // Amount is the amount of experience to give to each of the mapped progressions. Amount int32 // ApplyThrottles determines if the internal mechanisms to throttle progression should be applied. ApplyThrottles bool }
ProgressionReward is progression rewarded when an action is performed on an inventory item.
type ProgressionRewardItemAcquisitionBehavior ¶
type ProgressionRewardItemAcquisitionBehavior int32
ProgressionRewardItemAcquisitionBehavior represents the different kinds of acquisition behavior for progression reward items.
const ( ProgressionRewardAcquisition_Instant ProgressionRewardItemAcquisitionBehavior = 0 ProgressionRewardAcquisition_PlayerClaimRequired = 1 )
type ProgressionRewardItemQuantity ¶
type ProgressionRewardItemQuantity struct { RewardAtProgressionLevel int32 AcquisitionBehavior ProgressionRewardItemAcquisitionBehavior UiDisplayStyle string ClaimUnlockDisplayStrings []string // ItemHash is the hash of a related InventoryItemEntity. ItemHash uint32 ItemInstanceId int64 Quantity int32 HasConditionalVisibility bool }
type ProgressionScope ¶ added in v1.1.0
type ProgressionScope int32
ProgressionScope is the scope of a progression which determines how it is stored, calculated and used.
type ProgressionStep ¶
type ProgressionStep struct { // StepName is the localized text describing this step of the progression. StepName string // DisplayEffectType is a classification of effects to show when this progression goes to the next step. DisplayEffectType ProgressionStepDisplayEffect // ProgressTotal is the total amount of progression needed to reach this step. ProgressTotal int32 // RewardItems is a list of items rewarded for reaching this step. RewardItems []ItemQuantity // Icon is a specific icon for this step. Icon string }
ProgressionStep defines a single step in a progression.
type ProgressionStepDisplayEffect ¶ added in v1.1.0
type ProgressionStepDisplayEffect int32
ProgressionStepDisplayEffect determines whether progression shows visual effects on the character, its item or neither.
type RaceDefinition ¶
type RaceDefinition map[uint32]RaceEntity
RaceDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.DestinyRaceDefinition entities.
func (RaceDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def RaceDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (RaceDefinition) Name ¶
func (RaceDefinition) Name() string
func (RaceDefinition) Reference ¶
func (RaceDefinition) Reference() string
func (*RaceDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *RaceDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type RaceEntity ¶
type RaceEntity struct { DisplayProperties DisplayProperties // RaceType is the classification of this race. RaceType Race // GenderedRaceNames are the names of this race by gender name. GenderedRaceNames map[GenderName]string // GenderedRaceNames are the name of this race by the hash of a GenderEntity. GenderedRaceNamesByGenderHash map[uint32]string EntityMetadata }
RaceEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.DestinyRaceDefinition contract. Races are the various playable species in Destiny 2.
type RecordCompletionBlock ¶
type RecordCompletionBlock struct { // PartialCompletionObjectiveCountThreshold is the numbers of objectives that must be completed before the record is completed. PartialCompletionObjectiveCountThreshold int32 // ScoreValue is the amount of triumph points awarded for completing this record. ScoreValue int32 // ShouldFireToast determines if completing this record shows a toast-style pop-up in a given UI. ShouldFireToast bool // ToastStyle is a classification of record-related toast-style pop-ups. ToastStyle RecordToastStyle }
RecordCompletionBlock describes a completed record.
type RecordDefinition ¶
type RecordDefinition map[uint32]RecordEntity
RecordDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.Records.DestinyRecordDefinition entities.
func (RecordDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def RecordDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (RecordDefinition) Name ¶
func (RecordDefinition) Name() string
func (RecordDefinition) Reference ¶
func (RecordDefinition) Reference() string
func (*RecordDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *RecordDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type RecordEntity ¶
type RecordEntity struct { DisplayProperties DisplayProperties // Scope indicates if this record's state is per-character or account-wide. Scope Scope PresentationInfo PresentationChildBlock // LoreHash is the hash of a related LoreEntity. LoreHash uint32 // ObjectiveHashes are the hashes of all related ObjectiveEntity structs. ObjectiveHashes []uint32 RecordValueStyle RecordValueStyle ForTitleGilding bool TitleInfo RecordTitleBlock CompletionInfo RecordCompletionBlock StateInfo RecordStateBlock Requirements PresentationNodeRequirementsBlock ExpirationInfo RecordExpirationBlock // IntervalInfo is the set of interval objectives for this record. IntervalInfo RecordIntervalBlock // RewardItems are the list of items earned for achieving this record. RewardItems []ItemQuantity PresentationNodeType PresentationNodeType TraitIds []string TraitHashes []uint32 // ParentNodeHashes are the hashes of presentation nodes that this record as a child. ParentNodeHashes []uint32 EntityMetadata }
RecordEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.Records.DestinyRecordDefinition contract.
type RecordExpirationBlock ¶
type RecordExpirationBlock struct { // HasExpiration determines if the record expires. HasExpiration bool // Description is the localized description of the expiration time of a record. Description string // Icon is the path to an icon to show when this record expires. Icon string }
RecordExpirationBlock describes the expiration time of a record.
type RecordIntervalBlock ¶
type RecordIntervalBlock struct { // IntervalObjectives are a list of objectives per interval. IntervalObjectives []RecordIntervalObjective // IntervalRewards are a list of rewards per interval. IntervalRewards []RecordIntervalRewards OriginalObjectiveArrayInsertionIndex int32 }
RecordIntervalBlock describes a record with multiple completions in intervals.
type RecordIntervalObjective ¶
type RecordIntervalObjective struct { // IntervalObjectiveHash is the hash of a related ObjectiveEntity. IntervalObjectiveHash uint32 // IntervalScoreValue is the triumph score awarded for completing this interval objective. IntervalScoreValue int32 }
RecordIntervalObjective is an objective that must be completed to fulfill a record interval.
type RecordIntervalRewards ¶
type RecordIntervalRewards struct { // IntervalRewardItems are a list of items and their quantities rewarded for completing this record interval. IntervalRewardItems []ItemQuantity }
RecordIntervalRewards are items rewarded for completing a record interval.
type RecordStateBlock ¶
type RecordStateBlock struct { FeaturedPriority int32 // ObscuredString is the localized string to show if this record is in an obscured state. ObscuredString string }
RecordStateBlock describes the state of a record.
type RecordTitleBlock ¶
type RecordTitleBlock struct { // HasTitle determines if this record has an associated title. HasTitle bool // TitlesByGender are localized titles by localized gender name. TitlesByGender map[GenderName]string // TitlesByGenderHash are localized titles by GenderEntity. TitlesByGenderHash map[uint32]string // GildingTrackingRecordHash is the hash of a related RecordEntity. GildingTrackingRecordHash uint32 }
RecordTitleBlock describes a title for achieving a record.
type RecordToastStyle ¶
type RecordToastStyle int32
RecordToastStyle is a hint for how a record completion's toast should be shown in the UI.
type RecordValueStyle ¶
type RecordValueStyle int32
RecordValueStyle is how to display a value in a given record.
type ReportReason ¶
type ReportReason struct { // ReasonHash is the unique hash of this reason in the report category. ReasonHash uint32 DisplayProperties DisplayProperties }
ReportReason describes a specific reason for being banned.
type ReportReasonCategoryDefinition ¶
type ReportReasonCategoryDefinition map[uint32]ReportReasonCategoryEntity
ReportReasonCategoryDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.Reporting.DestinyReportReasonCategoryDefinition entities.
func (ReportReasonCategoryDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def ReportReasonCategoryDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (ReportReasonCategoryDefinition) Name ¶
func (ReportReasonCategoryDefinition) Name() string
func (ReportReasonCategoryDefinition) Reference ¶
func (ReportReasonCategoryDefinition) Reference() string
func (*ReportReasonCategoryDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *ReportReasonCategoryDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type ReportReasonCategoryEntity ¶
type ReportReasonCategoryEntity struct { DisplayProperties DisplayProperties // Reasons are the specific reasons for the report under this category. Reasons map[uint32]ReportReason EntityMetadata }
ReportReasonCategoryEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.Reporting.DestinyReportReasonCategoryDefinition contract. When reporting another player for TOS violation a category and reason must be chosen.
type RewardSourceCategory ¶
type RewardSourceCategory int32
RewardSourceCategory describes the categories of different reward sources which spawn items.
type RewardSourceDefinition ¶
type RewardSourceDefinition map[uint32]RewardSourceEntity
RewardSourceDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.DestinyRewardSourceDefinition entities.
func (RewardSourceDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def RewardSourceDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (RewardSourceDefinition) Name ¶
func (RewardSourceDefinition) Name() string
func (RewardSourceDefinition) Reference ¶
func (RewardSourceDefinition) Reference() string
func (*RewardSourceDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *RewardSourceDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type RewardSourceEntity ¶
type RewardSourceEntity struct { DisplayProperties DisplayProperties // Category is the grouping this reward source. Category RewardSourceCategory EntityMetadata }
RewardSourceEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.DestinyRewardSourceDefinition contract. This represents an item source for a given reward.
type SandboxPerkDefinition ¶
type SandboxPerkDefinition map[uint32]SandboxPerkEntity
SandboxPerkDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.DestinySandboxPerkDefinition entities.
func (SandboxPerkDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def SandboxPerkDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (SandboxPerkDefinition) Name ¶
func (SandboxPerkDefinition) Name() string
func (SandboxPerkDefinition) Reference ¶
func (SandboxPerkDefinition) Reference() string
func (*SandboxPerkDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *SandboxPerkDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type SandboxPerkEntity ¶
type SandboxPerkEntity struct { DisplayProperties DisplayProperties // PerkIdentifier is the identifier for this perk. PerkIdentifier string // IsDisplayable determines if this perk is shown in a given UI. IsDisplayable bool // DamageType is the damage type granted to a weapon by this perk. DamageType DamageType // DamageTypeHash is the hash for a related DamageTypeEntity. DamageTypeHash uint32 // PerkGroups are a way to group perks by functionality. PerkGroups TalentNodeStep EntityMetadata }
SandboxPerkEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.DestinySandboxPerkDefinition contract. Perks are modifiers to a character or item that can be applied situationally.
type Scope ¶
type Scope int32
Scope is the generalized scope of a given entity.
const ( Scope_Profile Scope = 0 Scope_Character = 1 )
type SeasonDefinition ¶
type SeasonDefinition map[uint32]SeasonEntity
SeasonDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.Seasons.DestinySeasonDefinition entities.
func (SeasonDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def SeasonDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (SeasonDefinition) Name ¶
func (SeasonDefinition) Name() string
func (SeasonDefinition) Reference ¶
func (SeasonDefinition) Reference() string
func (*SeasonDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *SeasonDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type SeasonEntity ¶
type SeasonEntity struct { DisplayProperties DisplayProperties BackgroundImagePath string SeasonNumber int32 StartDate time.Time EndDate time.Time // SeasonPassHash is the hash of a related SeasonPassEntity. SeasonPassHash uint32 // SeasonPassProgressionHash is the hash of a related ProgressionEntity. SeasonPassProgressionHash uint32 // ArtifactItemHash is the hash of a related InventoryItemEntity. ArtifactItemHash uint32 // SealPresentationNodeHash is the hash of a related PresentationNodeEntity for this season's seal. SealPresentationNodeHash uint32 // SeasonalChallengesPresentationNodeHash is the hash of a related PresentationNodeEntity for this season's challenges. SeasonalChallengesPresentationNodeHash uint32 // Preview is an optional preview of promotional text, images and links for this season. Preview SeasonPreview EntityMetadata }
SeasonEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.Seasons.DestinySeasonDefinition contract. A season is a range of a few months where the game highlights certai challenges and events.
type SeasonPassDefinition ¶
type SeasonPassDefinition map[uint32]SeasonPassEntity
SeasonPassDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.DestinySeasonPassDefinition entities.
func (SeasonPassDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def SeasonPassDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (SeasonPassDefinition) Name ¶
func (SeasonPassDefinition) Name() string
func (SeasonPassDefinition) Reference ¶
func (SeasonPassDefinition) Reference() string
func (*SeasonPassDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *SeasonPassDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type SeasonPassEntity ¶
type SeasonPassEntity struct { DisplayProperties DisplayProperties // RewardProgressionHash is the hash for a related ProgressionEntity for this season pass' reward. RewardProgressionHash uint32 // PrestigeProgressionHash is the hash for a related ProgressionEntity for this season pass' rewards after reaching max rank. PrestigeProgressionHash uint32 EntityMetadata }
SeasonPassEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.Seasons.DestinySeasonPassDefinition contract.
type SeasonPreview ¶
type SeasonPreview struct { // Description is a localized description of the season. Description string // LinkPath is a localized path to learn about the season. LinkPath string // VideoLink is an optional link to a localized video about this season. VideoLink string // Images are a list of images to preview the seasonal content. Images []SeasonPreviewImage }
SeasonPreview defines the promotional text, images and link to preview a season.
type SeasonPreviewImage ¶
type SeasonPreviewImage struct { // ThumbnailImage is the icon path to preview seasonal content. ThumbnailImage string // HighResImage is a path to a high-resolution image of the seasonal content. HighResImage string }
SeaosnPreviewImage defines the thumbnail icon and high-resolution image for a season preview.
type SocketCategoryDefinition ¶
type SocketCategoryDefinition map[uint32]SocketCategoryEntity
SocketCategoryDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.DestinySocketCategoryDefinition entities.
func (SocketCategoryDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def SocketCategoryDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (SocketCategoryDefinition) Name ¶
func (SocketCategoryDefinition) Name() string
func (SocketCategoryDefinition) Reference ¶
func (SocketCategoryDefinition) Reference() string
func (*SocketCategoryDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *SocketCategoryDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type SocketCategoryEntity ¶
type SocketCategoryEntity struct { DisplayProperties DisplayProperties // UICategoryStyle is a hint about how the sockets in this category should be displayed. UiCategoryStyle uint32 // CategoryStyle is the display style of this category. CategoryStyle SocketCategoryStyle EntityMetadata }
SocketCategoryEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.Sockets.DestinySocketCategoryDefinition contract. Sockets on an item are organized into categories visually.
type SocketCategoryStyle ¶ added in v1.1.0
type SocketCategoryStyle int32
SocketCategoryStyle represents the possible and known UI styles used for rendering socket categories.
type SocketPlugSources ¶
type SocketPlugSources int32
SocketPlugSources are indications of how a socket is populated, and where to look for valid plug data.
type SocketTypeActionType ¶ added in v1.1.0
type SocketTypeActionType int32
SocketTypeActionType indicates the types of actions that can be performed.
type SocketTypeDefinition ¶
type SocketTypeDefinition map[uint32]SocketTypeEntity
SocketTypeDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.DestinySocketTypeDefinition entities.
func (SocketTypeDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def SocketTypeDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (SocketTypeDefinition) Name ¶
func (SocketTypeDefinition) Name() string
func (SocketTypeDefinition) Reference ¶
func (SocketTypeDefinition) Reference() string
func (*SocketTypeDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *SocketTypeDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type SocketTypeEntity ¶
type SocketTypeEntity struct { DisplayProperties DisplayProperties // InsertAction defines what happens when a plug is inserted into this socket type. InsertAction InsertPlugAction // PlugWhitelist is a list of plug categories that are allowed to be plugged into this socket type. PlugWhitelist []PlugWhitelistEntry // SocketCategoryHash is the hash of a related SocketCategoryEntity. SocketCategoryHash uint32 // Visibility is the condition under which this socket type is visible. Visibility SocketVisibility AlwaysRandomizeSockets bool IsPreviewEnabled bool HideDuplicateReusablePlugs bool // OverridesUIAppearance determines if this socket type should be overriden by the inserted plug's icon. OverridesUiAppearance bool AvoidDuplicatesOnInitialization bool CurrencyScalars []SocketTypeScalarMaterialRequirementEntry EntityMetadata }
SocketTypeEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.Sockets.DestinySocketTypeDefinition contract. All sockets have a type which are a set of common properties that determine when and what plugs can be inserted.
type SocketVisibility ¶ added in v1.1.1
type SocketVisibility int32
SocketVisibility indicates whether a socket is visible.
type SpecialItemType ¶
type SpecialItemType int32
SpecialItemType is an enum retained from Destiny 1 for various internal logic. Prefer using ItemCategoryHashes to identify which categories an item belongs to.
type StatAggregationType ¶ added in v1.1.0
type StatAggregationType int32
StatAggregationType describes the rule used for determining the level and the formula used for aggregation of stats.
type StatCategory ¶ added in v1.1.0
type StatCategory int32
StatCategory describes the categories which a given stat affects.
type StatDefinition ¶
type StatDefinition map[uint32]StatEntity
StatDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.DestinyStatDefinition entities.
func (StatDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def StatDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (StatDefinition) Name ¶
func (StatDefinition) Name() string
func (StatDefinition) Reference ¶
func (StatDefinition) Reference() string
func (*StatDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *StatDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type StatDisplay ¶
type StatDisplay struct { // StatHash is the hash of a related StatEntity. StatHash uint32 // MaximumValue is the upper bound value for displaying a stat. MaximumValue int32 // DisplayAsNumeric determines if this stat should be displayed as a number. DisplayAsNumeric bool // DisplayInterpolation is an interpolation table represents how the investment stat is transformed into a display stat. DisplayInterpolation []InterpolationPoint }
StatDisplay describes the way that an StatEntity is transformed using a related StatGroupEntity. This represents the transformation of a stat into a stat displayed in a given UI.
type StatEntity ¶
type StatEntity struct { DisplayProperties DisplayProperties // AggregationType is how to aggregate existing stats with this stat. AggregationType StatAggregationType // HasComputedBlock determines if this stat is computed beforehand or used as a raw value. HasComputedBlock bool // StatCategory is categorization of this stat. StatCategory StatCategory EntityMetadata }
StatEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.DestinyStatDefinition contract. This represents a stat that is applied to a character or an item.
type StatGroupDefinition ¶
type StatGroupDefinition map[uint32]StatGroupEntity
StatGroupDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.DestinyStatGroupDefinition entities.
func (StatGroupDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def StatGroupDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (StatGroupDefinition) Name ¶
func (StatGroupDefinition) Name() string
func (StatGroupDefinition) Reference ¶
func (StatGroupDefinition) Reference() string
func (*StatGroupDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *StatGroupDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type StatGroupEntity ¶
type StatGroupEntity struct { // MaximumValue is the highest value any stat in this group can be aggregated to. MaximumValue int32 // UIPosition is information about where to display this stat in a given UI. UiPosition int32 // ScaledStats are all stats in this group that require scaling to be applied before being displayed. ScaledStats []StatDisplay // Overrides are the localized texts to display for stats in this group. // This maps from the hash of a StatEntity to the localized text. Overrides map[uint32]StatOverride EntityMetadata }
StatGroupEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.DestinyStatGroupDefinition contract. This defines the grouping a stat belongs to when displaying aggregated stats.
type StatOverride ¶
type StatOverride struct { // StatHash is the hash of a related StatEntity. StatHash uint32 DisplayProperties DisplayProperties }
StatOverride defines a specific overridden stat.
type TalentExclusiveGroup ¶
type TalentExclusiveGroup struct { // GroupHash is the unique identifer for this exclusive group within the talent grid. GroupHash uint32 // LoreHash is the hash of a related LoreEntity. LoreHash uint32 // NodeHashes are the hashes of talent nodes that are part of this group. NodeHashes []uint32 // OpposingGroupHashes are the unique identifiers for all exclusive groups that will be deactivated if any node in this group is activated. OpposingGroupHashes []uint32 // OpposingNodeHashes are the hashs of talent nodes that are deactivated if any node in this group is activated. OpposingNodeHashes []uint32 }
TalentExclusiveGroup describes a node that exists as part of an exclusive group. An exclusive group is a group of nodes that can and cannot be activated together.
type TalentGridDefinition ¶
type TalentGridDefinition map[uint32]TalentGridEntity
TalentGridDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.DestinyTalentGridDefinition entities.
func (TalentGridDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def TalentGridDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (TalentGridDefinition) Name ¶
func (TalentGridDefinition) Name() string
func (TalentGridDefinition) Reference ¶
func (TalentGridDefinition) Reference() string
func (*TalentGridDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *TalentGridDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type TalentGridEntity ¶
type TalentGridEntity struct { // MaxGridLevel is the maximum of the talent grid. At the maximum level, any nodes can be activity. MaxGridLevel int32 // GridLevelPerColumn was used to show talent nodes in column by their progression level. Deprecated. GridLevelPerColumn int32 // ProgressionHash is the hash of a related ProgressionEntity. ProgressionHash uint32 // Nodes are a list of talents on the given grid. Nodes []TalentNode // ExclusiveSets are talent node sets in which only a single node can be activated at a time. ExclusiveSets []TalentNodeExclusiveSet // IndependentNodeIndexes are the indexes of nodes which are not in exclusive sets. IndependentNodeIndexes []int32 // Groups are the exclusive groups for this talent node. Groups map[uint32]TalentExclusiveGroup // NodeCategories are talent nodes grouped by similar purpose with localized titles. NodeCategories []TalentNodeCategory EntityMetadata }
TalentGridEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.DestinyTalentGridDefinition contract. Talent grids are used to describe all talents/perks granted by subclasses and builds.
type TalentNode ¶
type TalentNode struct { // NodeIndex is an index into TalentGridEntity.Nodes. NodeIndex int32 // NodeHash is the unique hash for this node. NodeHash uint32 // Row is the visual row where this node should be shown in a given UI. Row int32 // Column is the visual column where this node should be shown in a given UI. Column int32 // PrerequisiteNodeIndexes are indexes into TalentGrid.Entity.Nodes which must be activity before this node can be activated. PrerequisiteNodeIndexes []int32 // BinaryPairNodeIndex is an index into TalentGridEntity.Nodes for a node that deactivates this node if activated. BinaryPairNodeIndex int32 // AutoUnlocks determines if this node will automatically unlock when the talent grid's level reaches a required level. AutoUnlocks bool // LastStepRepeats determines if this node can be activated multiple times. LastStepRepeats bool // IsRandom determines if this node's step is randomly chosen. IsRandom bool // RandomActivationRequirement is the requirement to repurchase and reactivate this node. RandomActivationRequirement NodeActivationRequirement // IsRandomRepurchasable determines if this node can be re-rolled. IsRandomRepurchasable bool // Steps are the steps that must be taken to activate this node. Steps []NodeStep // ExclusiveWithNodeHashes are hashes for nodes in an exclusive set with this node. ExclusiveWithNodeHashes []uint32 // RandomStartProgressionBarAtProgression is the amount of experience in this item's talent grid is the step is randomly selected. RandomStartProgressionBarAtProgression int32 // LayoutIdentifier identifies a custom visual layout to apply to this node. LayoutIdentifier string // GroupHash is the exclusive group hash that this node belongs to. GroupHash uint32 // LoreHash is the hash of a related LoreEntity. LoreHash uint32 // NodeStyleIdentifier identifies the node style to use in a given UI. NodeStyleIdentifier string // IgnoreForCompletion determines if this node should be ignored for completion. IgnoreForCompletion bool }
TalentNode is a node attached to the talent grid on an item.
type TalentNodeCategory ¶
type TalentNodeCategory struct { // Identifier is an identifier for this category. Identifier string // IsLoreDriven determines if this category has a related LoreEntity. IsLoreDriven bool DisplayProperties DisplayProperties // NodeHashes are the hashes of all talent nodes in this talent grid that are in this category. NodeHashes []uint32 }
TalentNodeCategory describes a group of talent nodes by functionality.
type TalentNodeExclusiveSet ¶
type TalentNodeExclusiveSet struct { // NodeIndexes are the list of node indexes for this exclusive set. NodeIndexes []int32 }
TalentNodeExclusiveSet is a list of indexes into TalentGrid.Nodes for nodes in this exclusive set.
type TalentNodeStep ¶
type TalentNodeStep struct {
WeaponPerformance, ImpactEffects, GuardianAttributes, LightAbilities, DamageTypes int32
type TalentNodeStepDamageTypes ¶ added in v1.1.0
type TalentNodeStepDamageTypes int32
TalentNodeStepDamageTypes are the damage types this talent apply to. A given talent can be applied on multiple damage types so use this as a bitmask.
type TalentNodeStepGroups ¶
type TalentNodeStepGroups struct { WeaponPerformance TalentNodeStepWeaponPerformances ImpactEffects TalentNodeStepImpactEffects GuardianAttributes TalentNodeStepGuardianAttributes LightAbilities TalentNodeStepLightAbilities DamageTypes TalentNodeStepDamageTypes }
TalentNodeStepGroups are an attempt to categorize talent node steps by common properties.
type TalentNodeStepGuardianAttributes ¶ added in v1.1.0
type TalentNodeStepGuardianAttributes int32
TalentNodeStepGuardianAttributes are the guardian attributes granted by a talent. A given talent can apply multiple guardian attributes so use this as a bitmask.
type TalentNodeStepImpactEffects ¶ added in v1.1.0
type TalentNodeStepImpactEffects int32
TalentNodeStepImpactEffects are the effects on bullet impact granted by a talent. A given talent can apply multiple effects so use this as a bitmask.
type TalentNodeStepLightAbilities ¶ added in v1.1.0
type TalentNodeStepLightAbilities int32
TalentNodeStepLightAbilities are the light-related abilities granted by a talent. A given talent can apply multiple light abilities so use this as a bitmask.
type TalentNodeStepWeaponPerformances ¶ added in v1.1.0
type TalentNodeStepWeaponPerformances int32
TalentNodeStepWeaponPerformances are basically the stats on the weapon granted by a weapon talent. A given talent can apply multiple performance changes to a weapon so use this as a bitmask.
type TraitCategoryDefinition ¶
type TraitCategoryDefinition map[uint32]TraitCategoryEntity
TraitCategoryDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.DestinyTraitCategoryDefinition entities.
func (TraitCategoryDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def TraitCategoryDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (TraitCategoryDefinition) Name ¶
func (TraitCategoryDefinition) Name() string
func (TraitCategoryDefinition) Reference ¶
func (TraitCategoryDefinition) Reference() string
func (*TraitCategoryDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *TraitCategoryDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type TraitCategoryEntity ¶
type TraitCategoryEntity struct { TraitCategoryId string TraitHashes []uint32 TraitIds []string EntityMetadata }
TraitCategoryEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.Traits.DestinyTraitCategoryDefinition contract.
type TraitDefinition ¶
type TraitDefinition map[uint32]TraitEntity
TraitDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.DestinyTraitDefinition entities.
func (TraitDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def TraitDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (TraitDefinition) Name ¶
func (TraitDefinition) Name() string
func (TraitDefinition) Reference ¶
func (TraitDefinition) Reference() string
func (*TraitDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *TraitDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type TraitEntity ¶
type TraitEntity struct { DisplayProperties DisplayProperties TraitCategoryId string // TraitCategoryHash is the hash of a related TraitCategoryEntity. TraitCategoryHash uint32 EntityMetadata }
TraitEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.Traits.DestinyTraitDefinition contract.
type UnlockDefinition ¶
type UnlockDefinition map[uint32]UnlockEntity
UnlockDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.DestinyUnlockDefinition entities.
func (UnlockDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def UnlockDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (UnlockDefinition) Name ¶
func (UnlockDefinition) Name() string
func (UnlockDefinition) Reference ¶
func (UnlockDefinition) Reference() string
func (*UnlockDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *UnlockDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type UnlockEntity ¶
type UnlockEntity struct { DisplayProperties DisplayProperties EntityMetadata }
UnlockEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.DestinyUnlockDefinition contract. Unlock flags are used by the game server for state checks, progress storage, etc.
type UnlockExpression ¶
type UnlockExpression struct {
Scope GatingScope
UnlockExpression is the foundation of the game's gating mechanics and othe related restrictions.
type UnlockValueUIStyle ¶
type UnlockValueUIStyle int32
UnlockValueUIStyle describes the format unlock values should use in the UI.
type UpdateFunc ¶ added in v1.3.1
type UpdateFunc func() error
UpdateFunc is a closure that is run after a successful update.
type VendorAcceptedItem ¶
type VendorAcceptedItem struct { // AcceptedInventoryBucketHash is the hash of a related InventoryBucket that acts as the source of this item. AcceptedInventoryBucketHash uint32 // DestinationInventoryBucketHash is the hash of a related InventoryBucket that acts as the destination of this item. DestinationInventoryBucketHash uint32 }
VendorAcceptedItem describes an item that a vendor accepts. The vault and postmaster are examples of such a vendor.
type VendorAction ¶
type VendorAction struct { Description string ExecuteSeconds int32 Icon string Name string Verb string IsPositive bool ActionId string ActionHash uint32 AutoPerformAction bool }
VendorAction is an action performed by a vendor.
type VendorCategoryEntry ¶
type VendorCategoryEntry struct { // CategoryIndex is the index of this category in the original category definitions for the vendor. CategoryIndex int32 // SortValue is used to sort items in this vendor category. // Recommended to use VendorCategoryComponent.ItemIndexes instead. SortValue int32 // CategoryHash is the hash for this vendor category. CategoryHash uint32 // QuantityAvailable is the amount of items available when this category is shown. QuantityAvailable int32 ShowUnavailableItems bool // HideIfNoCurrency determines if items in this category should be shown if there is no currency to buy them. HideIfNoCurrency bool // HideFromRegularPurchase determines if this category doesn't allow purchases. HideFromRegularPurchase bool // BuyStringOverride is the localized string for making purchases from this category. BuyStringOverride string // DisabledDescription is the localized description to show if this category is disabled. DisabledDescription string // DisplayTitle is the localized title of this category. DisplayTitle string // Overlay contains details of this category's overlay prompt. Overlay VendorCategoryOverlay // VendorItemIndexes are the indexes of items sold under this category. VendorItemIndexes []int32 // IsPreview determines if this category is used to preview items rather than sell them. IsPreview bool // IsDisplayOnly determines if this category only displays items. IsDisplayOnly bool ResetIntervalMinutesOverride int32 ResetOffsetMinutesOverride int32 }
VendorCategoryEntry defines a single vendor category into which sale items are grouped.
type VendorCategoryOverlay ¶
type VendorCategoryOverlay struct { ChoiceDescription string Description string Icon string Title string // CurrencyItemHash is the hash for a related InventoryItemEntity. CurrencyItemHash uint32 }
VendorCategoryOverlay describes and overlay prompt to show in a given UI.
type VendorDefinition ¶ added in v1.3.1
type VendorDefinition map[uint32]VendorEntity
VendorDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.DestinyVendorDefinition entities.
func (VendorDefinition) Entity ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (def VendorDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (VendorDefinition) Name ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (VendorDefinition) Name() string
func (VendorDefinition) Reference ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (VendorDefinition) Reference() string
func (*VendorDefinition) Unmarshal ¶ added in v1.3.1
func (def *VendorDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type VendorDisplayProperties ¶ added in v1.1.1
type VendorDisplayProperties struct { // LargeIcon is an icon that represents the vendor. LargeIcon string Subtitle string // OriginalIcon is the original icon for the vendor. OriginalIcon string // RequirementsDisplay are common requirements for interacting with this vendor such as displaying a certain currency. RequirementsDisplay []VendorRequirementDisplayEntry // SmallTransparentIcon is the icon used for the vendor's waypoint in a given UI. SmallTransparentIcon string // MapIcon is the icon used in the map overview for the vendor. MapIcon string // LargeTransparentIcon is the watermark shown for the vendor. LargeTransparentIcon string DisplayProperties }
VendorDisplayProperties are common display information for VendorEntity structs.
type VendorEntity ¶
type VendorEntity struct { DisplayProperties VendorDisplayProperties // VendorProgresionType is the type of reward progression this vendor has. VendorProgressionType VendorProgressionType // BuyString is the localized string describing the buy action for this vendor. BuyString string // SellString is the localized string describing the sell action for this vendor. SellString string // DisplayItemHash is the hash for a related InventoryItemEntity. DisplayItemHash uint32 // InhibitBuying determines if a player is not allowed to buy from this vendor. InhibitBuying bool // InhibitSelling determines if a player is not allowed to sell to this vendor. InhibitSelling bool // FactionHash is the hash for a related FactionEntity. FactionHash uint32 // ResetIntervalMinutes is the frequency of this vendor's inventory refresh, in minutes. ResetIntervalMinutes int32 // ResetOffsetMinutes is the offest of the frequency of this vendor's inventory refresh, in minutes. ResetOffsetMinutes int32 // FailureStrings are localized strings for a failure to purchase an item from this vendor. FailureStrings []string // UnlockRanges are the dates with this vendor will be available. UnlockRanges []DateRange // VendorIdentifier is an internal identifier for this vendor. VendorIdentifier string // VendorPortrait is the path to the image of this vendor. VendorPortrait string // VendorBanner is the custom banner image associated with this vendor. VendorBanner string // Enabled determines if this vendor exists. Enabled bool // Visible determines if this vendor is visible. Visible bool // VendorSubcategoryIdentifier is the identifier for this vendor's subcategory. VendorSubcategoryIdentifier string // ConsolidateCategories determines if similar vendor categories should be consolidated. ConsolidateCategories bool // Actions describes actions that can be performed at this vendor. Actions []VendorAction // Categories are the headers of sections of items this vendor is selling. Categories []VendorCategoryEntry // OriginalCategories are pre-consolidated categories. OriginalCategories []VendorCategoryEntry // DisplayCategories are hints on how to visually group and display categories in this vendor's UI. DisplayCategories []DisplayCategory // Interactions are non-selling interactions that can happen with this vendor. Interactions []VendorInteraction // InventoryFlyouts describes this vendor's UI for showing items from the player's inventory. InventoryFlyouts []VendorInventoryFlyout // ItemList is the list of items this vendor can sell. ItemList []VendorItem // Services is a list of flavor text about services that this vendor provides. Services []VendorService // AcceptedItems is a list of source and destination buckets for transfer, if this vendor is a postmaster or vault. AcceptedItems []VendorAcceptedItem // ReturnWithVendorRequest determines if information about this vendor is returned from the API. ReturnWithVendorRequest bool // Locations are the locations this vendor can be depending on the game state. Locations []VendorLocation // Groups are the collections this vendor are related to by either location or function. Groups []VendorGroupReference // IgnoreSaleItemHashes are related InventoryItemEntity structs that should be ignored if sold by this vendor. IgnoreSaleItemHashes []uint32 EntityMetadata }
VendorEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.DestinyVendorDefinition contract. Vendors range from NPCs that you can buy items from to Kiosks, Collections and the Vault.
type VendorGroupDefinition ¶
type VendorGroupDefinition map[uint32]VendorGroupEntity
VendorGroupDefinition is the contract for all Destiny.Definitions.DestinyVendorGroupDefinition entities.
func (VendorGroupDefinition) Entity ¶
func (def VendorGroupDefinition) Entity(entityHash uint32) interface{}
func (VendorGroupDefinition) Name ¶
func (VendorGroupDefinition) Name() string
func (VendorGroupDefinition) Reference ¶
func (VendorGroupDefinition) Reference() string
func (*VendorGroupDefinition) Unmarshal ¶
func (def *VendorGroupDefinition) Unmarshal(data []byte) error
type VendorGroupEntity ¶
type VendorGroupEntity struct { // Order is the recommended order for rendering the groups in ascending order. Order int32 // CategoryName is the name of this vendor group. CategoryName string EntityMetadata }
VendorGroupEntity is an entity in the Destiny.Definitions.DestinyVendorGroupDefinition contract. This categorizes vendors by similarity.
type VendorGroupReference ¶
type VendorGroupReference struct { // VendorGroupHash is the hash of a related VendorGroupEntity. VendorGroupHash uint32 }
VendorGroupReference refers to a grouping of vendors.
type VendorInteraction ¶
type VendorInteraction struct { // InteractionIndex is the position of this interaction in its parent array. InteractionIndex int32 // Replies are potential replies that the player can make in this interaction. Replies []VendorInteractionReply // VendorCategoryIndex is the category of sale items show along with this vendor interaction. VendorCategoryIndex int32 // QuestlineItemHash is the hash of a related InventoryItemEntity. QuestlineItemHash uint32 // SackInteractionList is the list sacks meant to be shown in this vendor interaction. SackInteractionList []VendorInteractionSackEntry // UIInteractionType is a hint for the behavior of the interaction screen in a given UI. UiInteractionType uint32 // InteractionType is the classification of UI hints for this vendor interaction. InteractionType VendorInteractionType // RewardBlockLabel is the localized text header to for displaying rewards in this interaction. RewardBlockLabel string // RewardVendorCategoryIndex is the category index to show if this interaction displays reward. RewardVendorCategoryIndex int32 // FlavorLineOne is the first part of flavor text in this vendor interaction. FlavorLineOne string // FlavorLineTwo is the second part of flavor text in this vendor interaction. FlavorLineTwo string HeaderDisplayProperties DisplayProperties // Instructions is a localized text telling the player what to do when viewing this interaction. Instructions string }
VendorInteraction is a dialog shown by the vendor other than sale items or transfer screens.
type VendorInteractionReply ¶
type VendorInteractionReply struct { // ItemRewardsSelection is a classification of the rewards granted when responding to the vendor. ItemRewardsSelection VendorInteractionRewardSelection // Reply is the localized text for the vendor's reply. Reply string // ReplyType is a classification of the type of reply being made. ReplyType VendorReplyType }
VendorInteractionReply is a selectable reply in a vendor interaction that obtains a reward.
type VendorInteractionRewardSelection ¶ added in v1.1.0
type VendorInteractionRewardSelection int32
VendorInteractionRewardSelection determines how many rewards are provided on selection.
type VendorInteractionSackEntry ¶
type VendorInteractionSackEntry struct { // SackType is the sack identifier in InventoryItemEntity.VendorSackType. // If these match, this sack is shown in the vendor interaction. SackType uint32 }
VendorInteractionSackEntry is the sack of items to show in a vendor interaction.
type VendorInteractionType ¶ added in v1.1.0
type VendorInteractionType int32
VendorInteractionType is an enumeration of the known UI interactions for Vendors.
type VendorInventoryFlyout ¶
type VendorInventoryFlyout struct { // LockedDescription is the localized description explaining why this flyout is locked. LockedDescription string DisplayProperties DisplayProperties // Buckets is a list of inventory buckets and other metadata to show on the screen. Buckets []VendorInventoryFlyoutBucket // FlyoutID is the identifier for the flyout. FlyoutId uint32 // SuppressNewness determines if new item UI elements should be suppressed. SuppressNewness bool // EquipmentSlotHash is the hash of a related EquipmentSlotEntity. EquipmentSlotHash uint32 }
VendorInventoryFlyout defines a UI screen that shows a part of a hidden vendor inventory.
type VendorInventoryFlyoutBucket ¶
type VendorInventoryFlyoutBucket struct { // Collapsible determines if this bucket can be collapsed visually. Collapsible bool // InventoryBucketHash is the hash of a related InventoryBucketEntity. InventoryBucketHash uint32 // SortItemsBy is how to sort items from the flyout. SortItemsBy int32 }
VendorInventoryFlyoutBucket is information about a single inventory bucket in a vendor flyout UI.
type VendorItem ¶
type VendorItem struct { // VendorItemIndex is the index of this item in VendorEntity.SaleList. VendorItemIndex int32 // ItemHash is the hash of a related InventoryItemEntity. ItemHash uint32 // Quantity is the amount of the item received when making a purchase. Quantity int32 // FailureIndexes is a list of indexes in VendorEntity.FailureString which indicates possible failure strings for this item. FailureIndexes []int32 // Currencies is a list of different currencies and the quantity needed to purshase this item. Currencies []VendorItemQuantity // RefundPolicy is a classification of how this item can be refunded and in what time period. RefundPolicy VendorItemRefundPolicy // RefundTimeLimit is the amount of time before refundability of this item will expire. RefundTimeLimit int32 // CreationLevels are the default levels when this item will spawn in a vendor. CreationLevels []ItemCreationEntryLevel // DisplayCategoryIndex is an index into the display category for this vendor. DisplayCategoryIndex int32 // CategoryIndex is an index into the category for this vendor. CategoryIndex int32 // OriginalCategory is the original index into the category for this vendor. OriginalCategoryIndex int32 // MinimumLevel is the minimum character level at which this item is available for sale. MinimumLevel int32 // MaximumLevel is the maximum character level at which this item is available for sale. MaximumLevel int32 // Action is the action performed when purchasing this item. Action VendorSaleItemActionBlock // DisplayCategory is the identifier for the category selling this item. DisplayCategory string // InventoryBucketHash is the hash of a related InventoryBucketEntity. InventoryBucketHash uint32 // VisibilityScope is the most restrictive scope that determines whether this item is available. VisibilityScope GatingScope // PurchasableScope is the most restrictive scope that determines whether this item is purchasable. PurchasableScope GatingScope // Exclusivity is a classification of which platforms this item can be purchased on. Exclusivity BungieMembershipType // IsOffer determines if this sale can only be performed as the result of an offer check. IsOffer bool // IsCRM determines if the sale can only performed as the result of receiving a CRM offer. IsCrm bool // SortValue is the sorting order of this item within its category. SortValue int32 // ExpirationTooltip is the tooltip message that shows when this item expires. ExpirationTooltip string // RedirectToSaleIndexes are other items that should be purchased when purchasing this item. RedirectToSaleIndexes []int32 SocketOverrides []VendorItemSocketOverride // Unpurchasable determines if this item is a dummy sale item that cannot be purchased. Unpurchasable bool }
VendorItem represents an item being sold by the vendor.
type VendorItemQuantity ¶
type VendorItemQuantity struct { // ItemHash is the hash of a related ItemEntity. ItemHash uint32 // ItemInstanceId is the specific instance ID of this quantity. ItemInstanceId int64 // Quantity is the amount of the item needed/available depending on the context. Quantity int32 // HasConditionalVisibility determines if this item quantity may be conditionally shown or hidden. HasConditionalVisibility bool }
VendorItemQuantity describes item quantity information for vendor prices.
type VendorItemRefundPolicy ¶ added in v1.1.0
type VendorItemRefundPolicy int32
VendorItemRefundPolicy is the action that happens when the user attempts to refund an item.
type VendorItemSocketOverride ¶
type VendorItemSocketOverride struct { // SingleItemHash is the hash of a related InventoryItemEntity. SingleItemHash uint32 // RandomizedOptionsCount is the number of randomized plugs to set on this socket. RandomizedOptionsCount int32 // SocketTypeHash is the hash of a related SocketTypeEntity. SocketTypeHash uint32 }
VendorItemSocketOverride describes how a vendor purchase should override a given socket with custom plug data.
type VendorLocation ¶
type VendorLocation struct { // DestinationHash is the hash for a related DestinationEntity. DestinationHash uint32 // BackgroundImagePath is the relative path to the background image representing this vendor. BackgroundImagePath string }
VendorLocation represents a vendor's location and relevant display information.
type VendorProgressionType ¶ added in v1.1.0
type VendorProgressionType int32
VendorProgressionType describes the type of progression a vendor has.
type VendorReplyType ¶ added in v1.1.0
type VendorReplyType int32
VendorReplyType determines the type of reply that a vendor will have during an interaction.
type VendorRequirementDisplayEntry ¶ added in v1.1.1
type VendorRequirementDisplayEntry struct {
Icon, Name, Source, Type string
type VendorSaleItemActionBlock ¶
type VendorSaleItemActionBlock struct { // ExecuteSeconds is the amount of time, in seconds, it takes to execute this action. ExecuteSeconds float32 // IsPositive determines if this action is enabled. IsPositive bool }
VendorSaleItemActionBlock is basic cooldown information for a vendor sale.
type VendorService ¶
type VendorService struct { // Name is the localized name of a service provided. Name string }
VendorService is the localized name of a vendor-provided service.