Service to combine multiple mjpeg streams to overview streams in pure Go.
This service is taking 2 to n streams with the same image sizes and combines all streams to overview streams where a different stream is full size and the rest are thubnails.
By clicking on the thubnails the stream can be switched.
Go 1.11 is the minimum version due to the use of Modules. This repository can be checked out anywhere outside the GOPATH
and build with go build
For the Raspberry Pi 2 or 3(b+) env GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm GOARM=7 go build -o mjpeg
Usage of ./mjpeg-stitcher:
--debug Enable Debug log level
--height int Height of src image (default 768)
--port string Port for http server (default "8888")
--url stringArray List of urls to get mjpeg streams from
--width int Width of src image (default 1296)
./mjpeg-stitcher --url http://cam1.stream --url http://cam2.stream
IMPORTATNT: The html folder needs to be in the running directory of the binary