
v1.3.0 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: May 22, 2020 License: AGPL-3.0 Imports: 20 Imported by: 0




View Source
const (
	CloudTrailSchema     = "AWS.CloudTrail"
	CloudTrailMetaSchema = "AWS.CloudTrail.Meta"
View Source
const (
	// ConfigServiceSchema is the schema ID for the ConfigService type.
	ConfigServiceSchema = "AWS.Config.Recorder"
	// ConfigServiceMetaSchema is the schema ID for the ConfigServiceMeta type.
	ConfigServiceMetaSchema = "AWS.Config.Recorder.Meta"
View Source
const (
	GuardDutySchema     = "AWS.GuardDuty.Detector"
	GuardDutyMetaSchema = "AWS.GuardDuty.Detector.Meta"
View Source
const (
	// IAMRootUserSchema is the schema identifier for IAMRootUser.
	IAMRootUserSchema = "AWS.IAM.RootUser"
	// IAMUserSchema is the schema identifier for IAMUser.
	IAMUserSchema = "AWS.IAM.User"
View Source
const (
	WafWebAclSchema         = "AWS.WAF.WebACL"
	WafRegionalWebAclSchema = "AWS.WAF.Regional.WebACL"
View Source
const (
	AcmCertificateSchema = "AWS.ACM.Certificate"
View Source
const (
	CloudFormationStackSchema = "AWS.CloudFormation.Stack"
View Source
const (
	CloudWatchLogGroupSchema = "AWS.CloudWatch.LogGroup"
View Source
const (
	DynamoDBTableSchema = "AWS.DynamoDB.Table"
View Source
const (
	Ec2AmiSchema = "AWS.EC2.AMI"
View Source
const (
	Ec2InstanceSchema = "AWS.EC2.Instance"
View Source
const (
	Ec2NetworkAclSchema = "AWS.EC2.NetworkACL"
View Source
const (
	Ec2SecurityGroupSchema = "AWS.EC2.SecurityGroup"
View Source
const (
	Ec2VolumeSchema = "AWS.EC2.Volume"
View Source
const (
	Ec2VpcSchema = "AWS.EC2.VPC"
View Source
const (
	EcsClusterSchema = "AWS.ECS.Cluster"
View Source
const (
	Elbv2LoadBalancerSchema = "AWS.ELBV2.ApplicationLoadBalancer"
View Source
const GlobalRegion = "global"

Used to populate the GenericAWSResource.Region field for global AWS resources

View Source
const (
	IAMGroupSchema = "AWS.IAM.Group"
View Source
const (
	IAMPolicySchema = "AWS.IAM.Policy"
View Source
const (
	// IAMRoleSchema is the schema identifier for IAMRole.
	IAMRoleSchema = "AWS.IAM.Role"
View Source
const (
	KmsKeySchema = "AWS.KMS.Key"
View Source
const (
	LambdaFunctionSchema = "AWS.Lambda.Function"
View Source
const (
	PasswordPolicySchema = "AWS.PasswordPolicy"
View Source
const (
	RDSInstanceSchema = "AWS.RDS.Instance"
View Source
const (
	RedshiftClusterSchema = "AWS.Redshift.Cluster"
View Source
const S3BucketSchema = "AWS.S3.Bucket"

S3BucketSchema is the name of the S3Bucket Schema


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type AcmCertificate

type AcmCertificate struct {
	// Generic resource fields

	// Fields embedded from acm.CertificateDetail
	CertificateAuthorityArn *string
	DomainName              *string
	DomainValidationOptions []*acm.DomainValidation
	ExtendedKeyUsages       []*acm.ExtendedKeyUsage
	FailureReason           *string
	InUseBy                 []*string
	IssuedAt                *time.Time
	Issuer                  *string
	KeyAlgorithm            *string
	KeyUsages               []*acm.KeyUsage
	NotAfter                *time.Time
	NotBefore               *time.Time
	Options                 *acm.CertificateOptions
	RenewalEligibility      *string
	RenewalSummary          *acm.RenewalSummary
	RevocationReason        *string
	RevokedAt               *time.Time
	Serial                  *string
	SignatureAlgorithm      *string
	Status                  *string
	Subject                 *string
	SubjectAlternativeNames []*string
	Type                    *string

AcmCertificate contains all the information about an ACM certificate

type CloudFormationStack

type CloudFormationStack struct {
	// Generic resource fields

	// Fields embedded from cloudformation.Stack
	Capabilities                []*string
	ChangeSetId                 *string
	DeletionTime                *time.Time
	Description                 *string
	DisableRollback             *bool
	DriftInformation            *cloudformation.StackDriftInformation
	EnableTerminationProtection *bool
	LastUpdatedTime             *time.Time
	NotificationARNs            []*string
	Outputs                     []*cloudformation.Output
	Parameters                  []*cloudformation.Parameter
	ParentId                    *string
	RoleARN                     *string
	RollbackConfiguration       *cloudformation.RollbackConfiguration
	RootId                      *string
	StackStatus                 *string
	StackStatusReason           *string
	TimeoutInMinutes            *int64

	// Additional fields
	Drifts []*cloudformation.StackResourceDrift

CloudFormationStack contains all the information about a CloudFormation Stack

type CloudTrail

type CloudTrail struct {
	// Generic resource fields

	// Fields embedded from cloudtrail.Trail
	CloudWatchLogsLogGroupArn  *string
	CloudWatchLogsRoleArn      *string
	HasCustomEventSelectors    *bool
	HomeRegion                 *string
	IncludeGlobalServiceEvents *bool
	IsMultiRegionTrail         *bool
	IsOrganizationTrail        *bool
	KmsKeyId                   *string
	LogFileValidationEnabled   *bool
	S3BucketName               *string
	S3KeyPrefix                *string
	SnsTopicARN                *string
	SnsTopicName               *string // Deprecated by AWS

	// Additional fields
	EventSelectors []*cloudtrail.EventSelector
	Status         *cloudtrail.GetTrailStatusOutput

CloudTrail contains all information about a configured CloudTrail.

This includes the trail info, status, event selectors, and attributes of the logging S3 bucket.

type CloudTrailMeta

type CloudTrailMeta struct {
	// Generic resource fields

	// Additional fields
	Trails               []*string
	GlobalEventSelectors []*cloudtrail.EventSelector

type CloudTrails

type CloudTrails map[string]*CloudTrail

CloudTrails are a mapping of all Trails in an account keyed by ARN.

type CloudWatchLogsLogGroup

type CloudWatchLogsLogGroup struct {
	// Generic resource fields

	// Fields embedded from cloudwatchlogs.LogGroup
	KmsKeyId          *string
	MetricFilterCount *int64
	RetentionInDays   *int64
	StoredBytes       *int64

CloudWatchLogsLogGroup contains all the information about an CloudWatch Logs Log Group

type ConfigService

type ConfigService struct {
	// Generic resource fields

	// Fields embedded from configservice.ConfigurationRecorder
	RecordingGroup *configservice.RecordingGroup
	RoleARN        *string

	// Additional fields
	Status *configservice.ConfigurationRecorderStatus

ConfigService contains all information about a policy.

type ConfigServiceMeta

type ConfigServiceMeta struct {
	// Generic resource fields

	// Additional fields
	GlobalRecorderCount *int
	Recorders           []*string

ConfigServiceMeta contains metadata about all Config Service Recorders in an account.

type DynamoDBTable

type DynamoDBTable struct {
	// Generic resource fields

	// Fields embedded from dynamodb.TableDescription
	AttributeDefinitions   []*dynamodb.AttributeDefinition
	BillingModeSummary     *dynamodb.BillingModeSummary
	GlobalSecondaryIndexes []*dynamodb.GlobalSecondaryIndexDescription
	ItemCount              *int64
	KeySchema              []*dynamodb.KeySchemaElement
	LatestStreamArn        *string
	LatestStreamLabel      *string
	LocalSecondaryIndexes  []*dynamodb.LocalSecondaryIndexDescription
	ProvisionedThroughput  *dynamodb.ProvisionedThroughputDescription
	RestoreSummary         *dynamodb.RestoreSummary
	SSEDescription         *dynamodb.SSEDescription
	StreamSpecification    *dynamodb.StreamSpecification
	TableSizeBytes         *int64
	TableStatus            *string

	// Additional fields
	// Both a Dynamo Table and its Global Secondary Indices can be an auto scaling target
	// This is a list of a table and its indices autoscaling configurations (if they exist)
	AutoScalingDescriptions []*applicationautoscaling.ScalableTarget
	TimeToLiveDescription   *dynamodb.TimeToLiveDescription

DynamoDBTable contains all the information about a Dynamo DB table

type Ec2Ami

type Ec2Ami struct {
	// Generic resource fields

	// Fields embedded from ec2.Image
	Architecture        *string
	BlockDeviceMappings []*ec2.BlockDeviceMapping
	Description         *string
	EnaSupport          *bool
	Hypervisor          *string
	ImageLocation       *string
	ImageOwnerAlias     *string
	ImageType           *string
	KernelId            *string
	OwnerId             *string
	Platform            *string
	ProductCodes        []*ec2.ProductCode
	Public              *bool
	RamdiskId           *string
	RootDeviceName      *string
	RootDeviceType      *string
	SriovNetSupport     *string
	State               *string
	StateReason         *ec2.StateReason
	VirtualizationType  *string

Ec2Ami contains all information about an EC2 AMI

type Ec2Instance

type Ec2Instance struct {
	// Generic resource fields

	// Fields embedded from ec2.Instance
	AmiLaunchIndex                          *int64
	Architecture                            *string
	BlockDeviceMappings                     []*ec2.InstanceBlockDeviceMapping
	CapacityReservationId                   *string
	CapacityReservationSpecification        *ec2.CapacityReservationSpecificationResponse
	ClientToken                             *string
	CpuOptions                              *ec2.CpuOptions
	EbsOptimized                            *bool
	ElasticGpuAssociations                  []*ec2.ElasticGpuAssociation
	ElasticInferenceAcceleratorAssociations []*ec2.ElasticInferenceAcceleratorAssociation
	EnaSupport                              *bool
	HibernationOptions                      *ec2.HibernationOptions
	Hypervisor                              *string
	IamInstanceProfile                      *ec2.IamInstanceProfile
	ImageId                                 *string
	InstanceLifecycle                       *string
	InstanceType                            *string
	KernelId                                *string
	KeyName                                 *string
	Licenses                                []*ec2.LicenseConfiguration
	Monitoring                              *ec2.Monitoring
	NetworkInterfaces                       []*ec2.InstanceNetworkInterface
	Placement                               *ec2.Placement
	Platform                                *string
	PrivateDnsName                          *string
	PrivateIpAddress                        *string
	ProductCodes                            []*ec2.ProductCode
	PublicDnsName                           *string
	PublicIpAddress                         *string
	RamdiskId                               *string
	RootDeviceName                          *string
	RootDeviceType                          *string
	SecurityGroups                          []*ec2.GroupIdentifier
	SourceDestCheck                         *bool
	SpotInstanceRequestId                   *string
	SriovNetSupport                         *string
	State                                   *ec2.InstanceState
	StateReason                             *ec2.StateReason
	StateTransitionReason                   *string
	SubnetId                                *string
	VirtualizationType                      *string
	VpcId                                   *string

Ec2Instance contains all information about an EC2 Instance

type Ec2NetworkAcl

type Ec2NetworkAcl struct {
	// Generic resource fields

	// Fields embedded from ec2.NetworkAcl
	Associations []*ec2.NetworkAclAssociation
	Entries      []*ec2.NetworkAclEntry
	IsDefault    *bool
	OwnerId      *string
	VpcId        *string

Ec2NetworkACL contains all information about an EC2 Network ACL

type Ec2SecurityGroup

type Ec2SecurityGroup struct {
	// Generic resource fields

	// Fields embedded from ec2.SecurityGroup
	Description         *string
	IpPermissions       []*ec2.IpPermission
	IpPermissionsEgress []*ec2.IpPermission
	OwnerId             *string
	VpcId               *string

Ec2SecurityGroup contains all information about an EC2 SecurityGroup

type Ec2Snapshot

type Ec2Snapshot struct {
	CreateVolumePermissions []*ec2.CreateVolumePermission

type Ec2Volume

type Ec2Volume struct {
	// Generic resource fields

	// Fields embedded from ec2.Volume
	Attachments      []*ec2.VolumeAttachment
	AvailabilityZone *string
	Encrypted        *bool
	Iops             *int64
	KmsKeyId         *string
	Size             *int64
	SnapshotId       *string
	State            *string
	VolumeType       *string

	// Additional fields
	Snapshots []*Ec2Snapshot

Ec2Volume contains all the information about an EC2 Volume

type Ec2Vpc

type Ec2Vpc struct {
	// Generic resource fields

	// Fields embedded from ec2.Vpc
	CidrBlock                   *string
	CidrBlockAssociationSet     []*ec2.VpcCidrBlockAssociation
	DhcpOptionsId               *string
	InstanceTenancy             *string
	Ipv6CidrBlockAssociationSet []*ec2.VpcIpv6CidrBlockAssociation
	IsDefault                   *bool
	OwnerId                     *string
	State                       *string

	// Additional fields
	FlowLogs            []*ec2.FlowLog
	NetworkAcls         []*ec2.NetworkAcl
	RouteTables         []*ec2.RouteTable
	SecurityGroups      []*ec2.SecurityGroup
	StaleSecurityGroups []*ec2.StaleSecurityGroup

Ec2Vpc contains all information about an EC2 VPC

type EcsCluster added in v0.3.0

type EcsCluster struct {
	// Generic resource fields

	// Fields embedded from ecs.Cluster
	ActiveServicesCount               *int64
	Attachments                       []*ecs.Attachment
	AttachmentsStatus                 *string
	CapacityProviders                 []*string
	DefaultCapacityProviderStrategy   []*ecs.CapacityProviderStrategyItem
	PendingTasksCount                 *int64
	RegisteredContainerInstancesCount *int64
	RunningTasksCount                 *int64
	Settings                          []*ecs.ClusterSetting
	Statistics                        []*ecs.KeyValuePair
	Status                            *string

	// Additional fields
	Services []*EcsService
	Tasks    []*EcsTask

EcsCluster contains all the information about an ECS Cluster

type EcsService added in v0.3.0

type EcsService struct {
	// Generic resource fields
	// This is not a full resource, but it does have an ARN, Tags, and a name.

	// Fields embedded from ecs.Service
	CapacityProviderStrategy []*ecs.CapacityProviderStrategyItem
	// Normalized name for CreatedAt
	TimeCreated                   *strfmt.DateTime
	CreatedBy                     *string
	DeploymentConfiguration       *ecs.DeploymentConfiguration
	DeploymentController          *ecs.DeploymentController
	Deployments                   []*ecs.Deployment
	DesiredCount                  *int64
	EnableECSManagedTags          *bool
	Events                        []*ecs.ServiceEvent
	HealthCheckGracePeriodSeconds *int64
	LaunchType                    *string
	LoadBalancers                 []*ecs.LoadBalancer
	NetworkConfiguration          *ecs.NetworkConfiguration
	PendingCount                  *int64
	PlacementConstraints          []*ecs.PlacementConstraint
	PlacementStrategy             []*ecs.PlacementStrategy
	PlatformVersion               *string
	PropagateTags                 *string
	RoleArn                       *string
	RunningCount                  *int64
	SchedulingStrategy            *string
	ServiceRegistries             []*ecs.ServiceRegistry
	Status                        *string
	TaskDefinition                *string
	TaskSets                      []*ecs.TaskSet

EcsService contains all the information about an ECS Service, for embedding into the EcsCluster resource

type EcsTask added in v0.3.0

type EcsTask struct {
	// Generic resource fields
	// This is not a full resource, but it does have an ARN and Tags.

	// Fields embedded from ecs.Task
	Attachments          []*ecs.Attachment
	Attributes           []*ecs.Attribute
	AvailabilityZone     *string
	CapacityProviderName *string
	Connectivity         *string
	ConnectivityAt       *strfmt.DateTime
	ContainerInstanceArn *string
	Containers           []*ecs.Container
	Cpu                  *string
	// Normalized name for CreatedAt
	TimeCreated           *strfmt.DateTime
	DesiredStatus         *string
	ExecutionStoppedAt    *strfmt.DateTime
	Group                 *string
	HealthStatus          *string
	InferenceAccelerators []*ecs.InferenceAccelerator
	LastStatus            *string
	LaunchType            *string
	Memory                *string
	Overrides             *ecs.TaskOverride
	PlatformVersion       *string
	PullStartedAt         *strfmt.DateTime
	PullStoppedAt         *strfmt.DateTime
	StartedAt             *strfmt.DateTime
	StartedBy             *string
	StopCode              *string
	StoppedAt             *strfmt.DateTime
	StoppedReason         *string
	StoppingAt            *strfmt.DateTime
	TaskDefinitionArn     *string
	Version               *int64

EcsTask contains all the information about an ECS Task, for embedding into the EcsCluster resource

type Elbv2ApplicationLoadBalancer

type Elbv2ApplicationLoadBalancer struct {
	// Generic resource fields

	// Fields embedded from elbv2.LoadBalancer
	AvailabilityZones      []*elbv2.AvailabilityZone
	CanonicalHostedZonedId *string
	DNSName                *string
	IpAddressType          *string
	Scheme                 *string
	SecurityGroups         []*string
	State                  *elbv2.LoadBalancerState
	Type                   *string
	VpcId                  *string

	// Additional fields
	WebAcl      *string
	Listeners   []*elbv2.Listener
	SSLPolicies map[string]*elbv2.SslPolicy

Elbv2ApplicationLoadBalancer contains all information about an application load balancer

type GenericAWSResource

type GenericAWSResource struct {

	// Fields that generally need to be populated after building the snapshot
	AccountID *string `json:"AccountId"` // The ID of the AWS Account the resource resides in
	Region    *string `json:"Region"`    // The region the resource exists in, value of GLOBAL_REGION if global

	// Fields that can generally be populated while building the snapshot
	ARN  *string            `json:"Arn,omitempty"`  // The Amazon Resource Name (ARN)
	ID   *string            `json:"Id,omitempty"`   // The AWS resource identifier
	Name *string            `json:"Name,omitempty"` // The AWS resource name
	Tags map[string]*string // A standardized format for key/value resource tags

GenericAWSResource contains information that is standard across AWS resources

type GenericResource

type GenericResource struct {
	ResourceID   *string          `json:"ResourceId"`   // A panther wide unique identifier
	ResourceType *string          `json:"ResourceType"` // A panther defined resource type
	TimeCreated  *strfmt.DateTime `json:"TimeCreated"`  // A standardized format for when the resource was created

GenericResource contains fields that will be common to all resources, at some point this will probably exist in a more global package but for now since this is the only poller it will exist here.

type GuardDutyDetector

type GuardDutyDetector struct {
	// Generic resource fields

	// Fields embedded from guardduty.GetDetectorOutput
	FindingPublishingFrequency *string
	ServiceRole                *string
	Status                     *string
	UpdatedAt                  *strfmt.DateTime

	// Additional fields
	Master *guardduty.Master

GuardDutyDetector contains information about a GuardDuty Detector

type GuardDutyMeta

type GuardDutyMeta struct {
	// Generic resource fields

	// Additional fields
	Detectors []*string

GuardDutyMeta contains metadata about all GuardDuty detectors in an account.

type IAMCredentialReport

type IAMCredentialReport struct {
	UserName                  *string
	ARN                       *string
	UserCreationTime          *time.Time
	PasswordEnabled           *bool
	PasswordLastUsed          *time.Time
	PasswordLastChanged       *time.Time
	PasswordNextRotation      *time.Time
	MfaActive                 *bool
	AccessKey1Active          *bool
	AccessKey1LastRotated     *time.Time
	AccessKey1LastUsedDate    *time.Time
	AccessKey1LastUsedRegion  *string
	AccessKey1LastUsedService *string
	AccessKey2Active          *bool
	AccessKey2LastRotated     *time.Time
	AccessKey2LastUsedDate    *time.Time
	AccessKey2LastUsedRegion  *string
	AccessKey2LastUsedService *string
	Cert1Active               *bool
	Cert1LastRotated          *time.Time
	Cert2Active               *bool
	Cert2LastRotated          *time.Time

IAMCredentialReport provides information on IAM credentials in an AWS Account.

This includes status of credentials, console passwords, access keys, MFA devices, and more.

type IAMPolicy

type IAMPolicy struct {
	// Generic resource fields

	// Fields embedded from iam.Policy
	AttachmentCount               *int64
	DefaultVersionId              *string
	Description                   *string
	IsAttachable                  *bool
	Path                          *string
	PermissionsBoundaryUsageCount *int64
	UpdateDate                    *time.Time

	// Additional fields
	Entities       *IAMPolicyEntities
	PolicyDocument *string

IAMPolicy contains all information about a policy.

type IAMPolicyEntities

type IAMPolicyEntities struct {
	PolicyGroups []*iam.PolicyGroup
	PolicyRoles  []*iam.PolicyRole
	PolicyUsers  []*iam.PolicyUser

IAMPolicyEntities provides detail on the attached entities to an IAM policy.

type IAMRole

type IAMRole struct {
	// Generic resource fields

	// Fields embedded from iam.Role
	AssumeRolePolicyDocument *string
	Description              *string
	MaxSessionDuration       *int64
	Path                     *string
	PermissionsBoundary      *iam.AttachedPermissionsBoundary

	// Additional fields
	InlinePolicies     map[string]*string
	ManagedPolicyNames []*string

IAMRole contains all information about an IAM Role

type IAMRootUser

type IAMRootUser struct {
	// Generic resource fields

	// Additional fields
	CredentialReport *IAMCredentialReport
	VirtualMFA       *VirtualMFADevice

IAMRootUser extends IAMUser, and contains some additional information only pertinent to the root account.

type IAMUser

type IAMUser struct {
	// Generic resource fields

	// Fields embedded from iam.User
	PasswordLastUsed    *time.Time
	Path                *string
	PermissionsBoundary *iam.AttachedPermissionsBoundary

	// Additional fields
	CredentialReport   *IAMCredentialReport
	Groups             []*iam.Group
	InlinePolicies     map[string]*string
	ManagedPolicyNames []*string
	VirtualMFA         *VirtualMFADevice

IAMUser contains all information about an IAM User

type IamGroup

type IamGroup struct {
	// Generic resource fields

	// Fields embedded from iam.Group
	Path *string

	// Additional fields
	InlinePolicies    map[string]*string
	ManagedPolicyARNs []*string
	Users             []*iam.User

IamGroup contains all the information about an IAM Group

type KmsKey

type KmsKey struct {
	// Generic resource fields

	// Fields embedded from kms.KeyMetaData
	CloudHsmClusterId *string
	CustomKeyStoreId  *string
	DeletionDate      *time.Time
	Description       *string
	Enabled           *bool
	ExpirationModel   *string
	KeyManager        *string
	KeyState          *string
	KeyUsage          *string
	Origin            *string
	ValidTo           *time.Time

	// Additional fields
	KeyRotationEnabled *bool
	Policy             *string

KmsKey contains all information about a kms key

type LambdaFunction

type LambdaFunction struct {
	// Generic resource fields

	// Fields embedded from lambda.FunctionConfiguration
	CodeSha256       *string
	CodeSize         *int64
	DeadLetterConfig *lambda.DeadLetterConfig
	Description      *string
	Environment      *lambda.EnvironmentResponse
	Handler          *string
	KMSKeyArn        *string
	LastModified     *string
	Layers           []*lambda.Layer
	MasterArn        *string
	MemorySize       *int64
	RevisionId       *string
	Role             *string
	Runtime          *string
	Timeout          *int64
	TracingConfig    *lambda.TracingConfigResponse
	Version          *string
	VpcConfig        *lambda.VpcConfigResponse

	// Additional fields
	Policy *lambda.GetPolicyOutput

LambdaFunction contains all the information about an Lambda Function

type PasswordPolicy

type PasswordPolicy struct {
	// Generic resource fields

	// Additional fields
	AnyExist bool

PasswordPolicy contains all information about a configured password policy.

type RDSInstance

type RDSInstance struct {
	// Generic resource fields

	// Fields embedded from rds.DBInstance
	AllocatedStorage                      *int64
	AssociatedRoles                       []*rds.DBInstanceRole
	AutoMinorVersionUpgrade               *bool
	AvailabilityZone                      *string
	BackupRetentionPeriod                 *int64
	CACertificateIdentifier               *string
	CharacterSetName                      *string
	CopyTagsToSnapshot                    *bool
	DBClusterIdentifier                   *string
	DBInstanceClass                       *string
	DBInstanceStatus                      *string
	DBParameterGroups                     []*rds.DBParameterGroupStatus
	DBSecurityGroups                      []*rds.DBSecurityGroupMembership
	DBSubnetGroup                         *rds.DBSubnetGroup
	DbInstancePort                        *int64
	DbiResourceId                         *string
	DeletionProtection                    *bool
	DomainMemberships                     []*rds.DomainMembership
	EnabledCloudwatchLogsExports          []*string
	Endpoint                              *rds.Endpoint
	Engine                                *string
	EngineVersion                         *string
	EnhancedMonitoringResourceArn         *string
	IAMDatabaseAuthenticationEnabled      *bool
	Iops                                  *int64
	KmsKeyId                              *string
	LatestRestorableTime                  *time.Time
	LicenseModel                          *string
	ListenerEndpoint                      *rds.Endpoint
	MasterUsername                        *string
	MaxAllocatedStorage                   *int64
	MonitoringInterval                    *int64
	MonitoringRoleArn                     *string
	MultiAZ                               *bool
	OptionGroupMemberships                []*rds.OptionGroupMembership
	PendingModifiedValues                 *rds.PendingModifiedValues
	PerformanceInsightsEnabled            *bool
	PerformanceInsightsKMSKeyId           *string
	PerformanceInsightsRetentionPeriod    *int64
	PreferredBackupWindow                 *string
	PreferredMaintenanceWindow            *string
	ProcessorFeatures                     []*rds.ProcessorFeature
	PromotionTier                         *int64
	PubliclyAccessible                    *bool
	ReadReplicaDBClusterIdentifiers       []*string
	ReadReplicaDBInstanceIdentifiers      []*string
	ReadReplicaSourceDBInstanceIdentifier *string
	SecondaryAvailabilityZone             *string
	StatusInfos                           []*rds.DBInstanceStatusInfo
	StorageEncrypted                      *bool
	StorageType                           *string
	TdeCredentialArn                      *string
	Timezone                              *string
	VpcSecurityGroups                     []*rds.VpcSecurityGroupMembership

	// Additional fields
	SnapshotAttributes []*rds.DBSnapshotAttributesResult

RDSInstance contains all the information about an RDS DB instance

type RedshiftCluster

type RedshiftCluster struct {
	// Generic resource fields

	// Fields embedded from redshift.cluster
	AllowVersionUpgrade              *bool
	AutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod *int64
	AvailabilityZone                 *string
	ClusterAvailabilityStatus        *string
	ClusterNodes                     []*redshift.ClusterNode
	ClusterParameterGroups           []*redshift.ClusterParameterGroupStatus
	ClusterPublicKey                 *string
	ClusterRevisionNumber            *string
	ClusterSecurityGroups            []*redshift.ClusterSecurityGroupMembership
	ClusterSnapshotCopyStatus        *redshift.ClusterSnapshotCopyStatus
	ClusterStatus                    *string
	ClusterSubnetGroupName           *string
	ClusterVersion                   *string
	DataTransferProgress             *redshift.DataTransferProgress
	DeferredMaintenanceWindows       []*redshift.DeferredMaintenanceWindow
	ElasticIpStatus                  *redshift.ElasticIpStatus
	ElasticResizeNumberOfNodeOptions *string
	Encrypted                        *bool
	Endpoint                         *redshift.Endpoint
	EnhancedVpcRouting               *bool
	HsmStatus                        *redshift.HsmStatus
	IamRoles                         []*redshift.ClusterIamRole
	KmsKeyId                         *string
	MaintenanceTrackName             *string
	ManualSnapshotRetentionPeriod    *int64
	MasterUsername                   *string
	ModifyStatus                     *string
	NodeType                         *string
	NumberOfNodes                    *int64
	PendingActions                   []*string
	PendingModifiedValues            *redshift.PendingModifiedValues
	PreferredMaintenanceWindow       *string
	PubliclyAccessible               *bool
	ResizeInfo                       *redshift.ResizeInfo
	RestoreStatus                    *redshift.RestoreStatus
	SnapshotScheduleIdentifier       *string
	SnapshotScheduleState            *string
	VpcId                            *string
	VpcSecurityGroups                []*redshift.VpcSecurityGroupMembership

	// Additional fields
	LoggingStatus *redshift.LoggingStatus

RedshiftCluseter contains all the information about a Redshift cluster

type ResourcePoller

type ResourcePoller func(input *ResourcePollerInput) ([]*resourcesapimodels.AddResourceEntry, error)

ResourcePoller represents a function to poll a specific AWS resource.

type ResourcePollerInput

type ResourcePollerInput struct {
	AuthSource          *string
	AuthSourceParsedARN arn.ARN
	IntegrationID       *string
	Regions             []*string
	Timestamp           *strfmt.DateTime

ResourcePollerInput contains the metadata to request AWS resource info.

type S3Bucket

type S3Bucket struct {
	// Generic resource fields

	// Additional fields
	EncryptionRules                []*s3.ServerSideEncryptionRule
	Grants                         []*s3.Grant
	LifecycleRules                 []*s3.LifecycleRule
	LoggingPolicy                  *s3.LoggingEnabled
	MFADelete                      *string
	ObjectLockConfiguration        *s3.ObjectLockConfiguration
	Owner                          *s3.Owner
	Policy                         *string
	PublicAccessBlockConfiguration *s3.PublicAccessBlockConfiguration
	Versioning                     *string

S3Bucket contains all information about an S3 bucket.

type VirtualMFADevice

type VirtualMFADevice struct {
	EnableDate   *time.Time
	SerialNumber *string

VirtualMFADevice provides metadata about an IAM User's MFA device

type WafRule

type WafRule struct {
	RuleId *string

type WafWebAcl

type WafWebAcl struct {
	// Generic resource fields

	// Fields embedded from waf.WebAcl
	DefaultAction *waf.WafAction
	MetricName    *string

	// Additional fields
	Rules []*WafRule

WafWebAcl contains all information about a web acl

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