
package module
v1.0.18 Latest Latest

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Published: Dec 13, 2020 License: MIT Imports: 36 Imported by: 0



golang web framework




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This section is empty.


func Abs

func Abs(number float64) float64

Abs abs()

func Addslashes

func Addslashes(str string) string

Addslashes addslashes()

func ArrayChunk

func ArrayChunk(s []interface{}, size int) [][]interface{}

ArrayChunk array_chunk()

func ArrayColumn

func ArrayColumn(input map[string]map[string]interface{}, columnKey string) []interface{}

ArrayColumn array_column()

func ArrayCombine

func ArrayCombine(s1, s2 []interface{}) map[interface{}]interface{}

ArrayCombine array_combine()

func ArrayFill

func ArrayFill(startIndex int, num uint, value interface{}) map[int]interface{}

ArrayFill array_fill()

func ArrayFlip

func ArrayFlip(m map[interface{}]interface{}) map[interface{}]interface{}

ArrayFlip array_flip()

func ArrayKeyExists

func ArrayKeyExists(key interface{}, m map[interface{}]interface{}) bool

ArrayKeyExists array_key_exists()

func ArrayKeys

func ArrayKeys(elements map[interface{}]interface{}) []interface{}

ArrayKeys array_keys()

func ArrayMerge

func ArrayMerge(ss ...[]interface{}) []interface{}

ArrayMerge array_merge()

func ArrayPad

func ArrayPad(s []interface{}, size int, val interface{}) []interface{}

ArrayPad array_pad()

func ArrayPop

func ArrayPop(s *[]interface{}) interface{}

ArrayPop array_pop() Pop the element off the end of slice

func ArrayPush

func ArrayPush(s *[]interface{}, elements ...interface{}) int

ArrayPush array_push() Push one or more elements onto the end of slice

func ArrayRand

func ArrayRand(elements []interface{}) []interface{}

ArrayRand array_rand()

func ArrayReverse

func ArrayReverse(s []interface{}) []interface{}

ArrayReverse array_reverse()

func ArrayShift

func ArrayShift(s *[]interface{}) interface{}

ArrayShift array_shift() Shift an element off the beginning of slice

func ArraySlice

func ArraySlice(s []interface{}, offset, length uint) []interface{}

ArraySlice array_slice()

func ArrayUnshift

func ArrayUnshift(s *[]interface{}, elements ...interface{}) int

ArrayUnshift array_unshift() Prepend one or more elements to the beginning of a slice

func ArrayValues

func ArrayValues(elements map[interface{}]interface{}) []interface{}

ArrayValues array_values()

func Base64Decode

func Base64Decode(str string) (string, error)

Base64Decode base64_decode()

func Base64Encode

func Base64Encode(str string) string

Base64Encode base64_encode()

func BaseConvert

func BaseConvert(number string, frombase, tobase int) (string, error)

BaseConvert base_convert()

func Basename

func Basename(path string) string

Basename basename()

func Bin2hex

func Bin2hex(str string) (string, error)

Bin2hex bin2hex()

func Bindec

func Bindec(str string) (string, error)

Bindec bindec()

func Ceil

func Ceil(value float64) float64

Ceil ceil()

func Checkdate

func Checkdate(month, day, year int) bool

Checkdate checkdate() Validate a Gregorian date

func Chmod

func Chmod(filename string, mode os.FileMode) bool

Chmod chmod()

func Chown

func Chown(filename string, uid, gid int) bool

Chown chown()

func Chr

func Chr(ascii int) string

Chr chr()

func ChunkSplit

func ChunkSplit(body string, chunklen uint, end string) string

ChunkSplit chunk_split()

func Copy

func Copy(source, dest string) (bool, error)

Copy copy()

func Crc32

func Crc32(str string) uint32

Crc32 crc32()

func CreateRsaKey added in v1.0.12

func CreateRsaKey(bits int) error


func Date

func Date(format string, timestamp int64) string

Date date() Date("02/01/2006 15:04:05 PM", 1524799394)

func Decbin

func Decbin(number int64) string

Decbin decbin()

func Dechex

func Dechex(number int64) string

Dechex dechex()

func Decoct

func Decoct(number int64) string

Decoct decoct()

func Decrypt

func Decrypt(str string) (string, bool)


func Delete

func Delete(filename string) error

Delete delete()

func Die

func Die(status int)

Die die()

func Echo

func Echo(args ...interface{})

Echo echo

func Empty

func Empty(val interface{}) bool

Empty empty()

func Encryption

func Encryption(str string) (string, bool)

*******************公钥加密 && 私钥解密************************** 公钥加密

func Exec

func Exec(command string, output *[]string, returnVar *int) string

Exec exec() returnVar, 0: succ; 1: fail Return the last line from the result of the command. command format eg:

"ls -a"
"/bin/bash -c \"ls -a\""

func Exit

func Exit(status int)

Exit exit()

func Explode

func Explode(delimiter, str string) []string

Explode explode()

func Fclose

func Fclose(handle *os.File) error

Fclose fclose()

func Fgetcsv

func Fgetcsv(handle *os.File, length int, delimiter rune) ([][]string, error)

Fgetcsv fgetcsv()

func FileExists

func FileExists(filename string) bool

FileExists file_exists()

func FileGetContents

func FileGetContents(filename string) (string, error)

FileGetContents file_get_contents()

func FilePutContents

func FilePutContents(filename string, data string, mode os.FileMode) error

FilePutContents file_put_contents()

func FileSize

func FileSize(filename string) (int64, error)

FileSize filesize()

func Filemtime

func Filemtime(filename string) (int64, error)

Filemtime filemtime()

func Floor

func Floor(value float64) float64

Floor floor()

func Getcwd

func Getcwd() (string, error)

Getcwd getcwd()

func Getenv

func Getenv(varname string) string

Getenv getenv()

func Gethostbyaddr

func Gethostbyaddr(ipAddress string) (string, error)

Gethostbyaddr gethostbyaddr() Get the Internet host name corresponding to a given IP address

func Gethostbyname

func Gethostbyname(hostname string) (string, error)

Gethostbyname gethostbyname() Get the IPv4 address corresponding to a given Internet host name

func Gethostbynamel

func Gethostbynamel(hostname string) ([]string, error)

Gethostbynamel gethostbynamel() Get a list of IPv4 addresses corresponding to a given Internet host name

func Gethostname

func Gethostname() (string, error)

Gethostname gethostname()

func Glob

func Glob(pattern string) ([]string, error)

Glob glob()

func HTMLEntityDecode

func HTMLEntityDecode(str string) string

HTMLEntityDecode html_entity_decode()

func HTTPBuildQuery

func HTTPBuildQuery(queryData url.Values) string

HTTPBuildQuery http_build_query()

func Hex2bin

func Hex2bin(data string) (string, error)

Hex2bin hex2bin()

func Hexdec

func Hexdec(str string) (int64, error)

Hexdec hexdec()

func Htmlentities

func Htmlentities(str string) string

Htmlentities htmlentities()

func IP2long

func IP2long(ipAddress string) uint32

IP2long ip2long() IPv4

func Implode

func Implode(glue string, pieces []string) string

Implode implode()

func InArray

func InArray(needle interface{}, haystack interface{}) bool

InArray in_array() haystack supported types: slice, array or map

func IsDir

func IsDir(filename string) (bool, error)

IsDir is_dir()

func IsFile

func IsFile(filename string) bool

IsFile is_file()

func IsNan

func IsNan(val float64) bool

IsNan is_nan()

func IsNumeric

func IsNumeric(val interface{}) bool

IsNumeric is_numeric() Numeric strings consist of optional sign, any number of digits, optional decimal part and optional exponential part. Thus +0123.45e6 is a valid numeric value. In PHP hexadecimal (e.g. 0xf4c3b00c) is not supported, but IsNumeric is supported.

func IsReadable

func IsReadable(filename string) bool

IsReadable is_readable()

func IsWriteable

func IsWriteable(filename string) bool

IsWriteable is_writeable()

func JSONDecode

func JSONDecode(data []byte, val interface{}) error

JSONDecode json_decode()

func JSONEncode

func JSONEncode(val interface{}) ([]byte, error)

JSONEncode json_encode()

func Lcfirst

func Lcfirst(str string) string

Lcfirst lcfirst()

func Levenshtein

func Levenshtein(str1, str2 string, costIns, costRep, costDel int) int

Levenshtein levenshtein() costIns: Defines the cost of insertion. costRep: Defines the cost of replacement. costDel: Defines the cost of deletion.

func Long2ip

func Long2ip(properAddress uint32) string

Long2ip long2ip() IPv4

func Ltrim

func Ltrim(str string, characterMask ...string) string

Ltrim ltrim()

func Max

func Max(nums ...float64) float64

Max max()

func MbStrlen

func MbStrlen(str string) int

MbStrlen mb_strlen()

func Md5

func Md5(str string) string

Md5 md5()

func Md5File

func Md5File(path string) (string, error)

Md5File md5_file()

func MemoryGetUsage

func MemoryGetUsage(realUsage bool) uint64

MemoryGetUsage memory_get_usage() return in bytes

func Min

func Min(nums ...float64) float64

Min min()

func Mkdir

func Mkdir(filename string, mode os.FileMode) error

Mkdir mkdir()

func Nl2br

func Nl2br(str string, isXhtml bool) string

Nl2br nl2br() \n\r, \r\n, \r, \n

func NumberFormat

func NumberFormat(number float64, decimals uint, decPoint, thousandsSep string) string

NumberFormat number_format() decimals: Sets the number of decimal points. decPoint: Sets the separator for the decimal point. thousandsSep: Sets the thousands separator.

func Octdec

func Octdec(str string) (int64, error)

Octdec Octdec()

func Ord

func Ord(char string) int

Ord ord()

func Pack

func Pack(order binary.ByteOrder, data interface{}) (string, error)

Pack pack()

func ParseStr

func ParseStr(encodedString string, result map[string]interface{}) error

ParseStr parse_str() f1=m&f2=n -> map[f1:m f2:n] f[a]=m&f[b]=n -> map[f:map[a:m b:n]] f[a][a]=m&f[a][b]=n -> map[f:map[a:map[a:m b:n]]] f[]=m&f[]=n -> map[f:[m n]] f[a][]=m&f[a][]=n -> map[f:map[a:[m n]]] f[][]=m&f[][]=n -> map[f:[map[]]] // Currently does not support nested slice. f=m&f[a]=n -> error // This is not the same as PHP. a .[[b=c -> map[a___[b:c]

func ParseURL

func ParseURL(str string, component int) (map[string]string, error)

ParseURL parse_url() Parse a URL and return its components -1: all; 1: scheme; 2: host; 4: port; 8: user; 16: pass; 32: path; 64: query; 128: fragment

func Passthru

func Passthru(command string, returnVar *int)

Passthru passthru() returnVar, 0: succ; 1: fail

func Pathinfo

func Pathinfo(path string, options int) map[string]string

Pathinfo pathinfo() -1: all; 1: dirname; 2: basename; 4: extension; 8: filename Usage: Pathinfo("/home/go/path/src/php2go/php2go.go", 1|2|4|8)

func Pi

func Pi() float64

Pi pi()

func PrivateEncryption

func PrivateEncryption(str string) (string, bool)

*****************私钥加密 && 公钥解密********************* 私钥加密

func PublicDecrypt

func PublicDecrypt(str string) (string, bool)


func Putenv

func Putenv(setting string) error

Putenv putenv() The setting, like "FOO=BAR"

func Quotemeta

func Quotemeta(str string) string

Quotemeta quotemeta()

func Rand

func Rand(min, max int) int

Rand rand() Range: [0, 2147483647]

func Rawurldecode

func Rawurldecode(str string) (string, error)

Rawurldecode rawurldecode()

func Rawurlencode

func Rawurlencode(str string) string

Rawurlencode rawurlencode()

func Realpath

func Realpath(path string) (string, error)

Realpath realpath()

func Rename

func Rename(oldname, newname string) error

Rename rename()

func Round

func Round(value float64) float64

Round round()

func Rtrim

func Rtrim(str string, characterMask ...string) string

Rtrim rtrim()

func Sha1

func Sha1(str string) string

Sha1 sha1()

func Sha1File

func Sha1File(path string) (string, error)

Sha1File sha1_file()

func SimilarText

func SimilarText(first, second string, percent *float64) int

SimilarText similar_text()

func Sleep

func Sleep(t int64)

Sleep sleep()

func Soundex

func Soundex(str string) string

Soundex soundex() Calculate the soundex key of a string.

func Stat

func Stat(filename string) (os.FileInfo, error)

Stat stat()

func StrRepeat

func StrRepeat(input string, multiplier int) string

StrRepeat str_repeat()

func StrReplace

func StrReplace(search, replace, subject string, count int) string

StrReplace str_replace()

func StrShuffle

func StrShuffle(str string) string

StrShuffle str_shuffle()

func StrWordCount

func StrWordCount(str string) []string

StrWordCount str_word_count()

func Stripos

func Stripos(haystack, needle string, offset int) int

Stripos stripos()

func Stripslashes

func Stripslashes(str string) string

Stripslashes stripslashes()

func Strlen

func Strlen(str string) int

Strlen strlen()

func Strpos

func Strpos(haystack, needle string, offset int) int

Strpos strpos()

func Strrev

func Strrev(str string) string

Strrev strrev()

func Strripos

func Strripos(haystack, needle string, offset int) int

Strripos strripos()

func Strrpos

func Strrpos(haystack, needle string, offset int) int

Strrpos strrpos()

func Strstr

func Strstr(haystack string, needle string) string

Strstr strstr()

func Strtolower

func Strtolower(str string) string

Strtolower strtolower()

func Strtotime

func Strtotime(format, strtime string) (int64, error)

Strtotime strtotime() Strtotime("02/01/2006 15:04:05", "02/01/2016 15:04:05") == 1451747045 Strtotime("3 04 PM", "8 41 PM") == -62167144740

func Strtoupper

func Strtoupper(str string) string

Strtoupper strtoupper()

func Strtr

func Strtr(haystack string, params ...interface{}) string

Strtr strtr()

If the parameter length is 1, type is: map[string]string Strtr("baab", map[string]string{"ab": "01"}) will return "ba01" If the parameter length is 2, type is: string, string Strtr("baab", "ab", "01") will return "1001", a => 0; b => 1.

func Substr

func Substr(str string, start uint, length int) string

Substr substr()

func System

func System(command string, returnVar *int) string

System system() returnVar, 0: succ; 1: fail Returns the last line of the command output on success, and "" on failure.

func Ternary

func Ternary(condition bool, trueVal, falseVal interface{}) interface{}

Ternary Ternary expression max := Ternary(a > b, a, b).(int)

func Time

func Time() int64

Time time()

func Touch

func Touch(filename string) (bool, error)

Touch touch()

func Trim

func Trim(str string, characterMask ...string) string

Trim trim()

func URLDecode

func URLDecode(str string) (string, error)

URLDecode urldecode()

func URLEncode

func URLEncode(str string) string

URLEncode urlencode()

func Ucfirst

func Ucfirst(str string) string

Ucfirst ucfirst()

func Ucwords

func Ucwords(str string) string

Ucwords ucwords()

func Uniqid

func Uniqid(prefix string) string

Uniqid uniqid()

func Unlink(filename string) error

Unlink unlink()

func Unpack

func Unpack(order binary.ByteOrder, data string) (interface{}, error)

Unpack unpack()

func Usleep

func Usleep(t int64)

Usleep usleep()

func VersionCompare

func VersionCompare(version1, version2, operator string) bool

VersionCompare version_compare() The possible operators are: <, lt, <=, le, >, gt, >=, ge, ==, =, eq, !=, <>, ne respectively. special version strings these are handled in the following order, (any string not found) < dev < alpha = a < beta = b < RC = rc < # < pl = p Usage: VersionCompare("1.2.3-alpha", "1.2.3RC7", '>=') VersionCompare("1.2.3-beta", "1.2.3pl", 'lt') VersionCompare("1.1_dev", "1.2any", 'eq')

func Wordwrap

func Wordwrap(str string, width uint, br string, cut bool) string

Wordwrap wordwrap()

func ZipOpen

func ZipOpen(filename string) (*zip.ReadCloser, error)

ZipOpen zip_open()


type Output added in v1.0.13

type Output = map[string]interface{}

type S

type S = map[string]string

type V

type V = map[string]interface{}


Path Synopsis
Package gconv implements powerful and convenient converting functionality for any types of variables.
Package gconv implements powerful and convenient converting functionality for any types of variables.

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Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL