asyncmachine-go is a minimal implementation of AsyncMachine in
Golang using channels and context. It aims at simplicity and speed.
It can be used as a lightweight in-memory Temporal alternative, worker for
Asynq, or to create simple consensus engines, stateful firewalls, telemetry, bots,
asyncmachine-go is a general purpose state machine for managing complex asynchronous workflows in a safe and
structured way.

See am-dbg's states structure and relations
var States = am.Struct{
///// Input events
ClientMsg: {Multi: true},
ConnectEvent: {Multi: true},
DisconnectEvent: {Multi: true},
// user scrolling tx / steps
UserFwd: {
Add: S{Fwd},
Remove: GroupPlaying,
UserBack: {
Add: S{Back},
Remove: GroupPlaying,
UserFwdStep: {
Add: S{FwdStep},
Require: S{ClientSelected},
Remove: am.SMerge(GroupPlaying, S{LogUserScrolled}),
UserBackStep: {
Add: S{BackStep},
Require: S{ClientSelected},
Remove: am.SMerge(GroupPlaying, S{LogUserScrolled}),
///// External state (eg UI)
TreeFocused: {Remove: GroupFocused},
LogFocused: {Remove: GroupFocused},
SidebarFocused: {Remove: GroupFocused},
TimelineTxsFocused: {Remove: GroupFocused},
TimelineStepsFocused: {Remove: GroupFocused},
MatrixFocused: {Remove: GroupFocused},
DialogFocused: {Remove: GroupFocused},
StateNameSelected: {Require: S{ClientSelected}},
HelpDialog: {Remove: GroupDialog},
ExportDialog: {
Require: S{ClientSelected},
Remove: GroupDialog,
LogUserScrolled: {},
Ready: {Require: S{Start}},
///// Actions
Start: {},
TreeLogView: {
Auto: true,
Remove: GroupViews,
MatrixView: {Remove: GroupViews},
TreeMatrixView: {Remove: GroupViews},
TailMode: {
Require: S{ClientSelected},
Remove: GroupPlaying,
Playing: {
Require: S{ClientSelected},
Remove: am.SMerge(GroupPlaying, S{LogUserScrolled}),
Paused: {
Auto: true,
Require: S{ClientSelected},
Remove: GroupPlaying,
// tx / steps back / fwd
Fwd: {
Require: S{ClientSelected},
Remove: S{Playing},
Back: {
Require: S{ClientSelected},
Remove: S{Playing},
FwdStep: {
Require: S{ClientSelected},
Remove: S{Playing},
BackStep: {
Require: S{ClientSelected},
Remove: S{Playing},
ScrollToTx: {Require: S{ClientSelected}},
// client
SelectingClient: {Remove: S{ClientSelected}},
ClientSelected: {
Remove: S{SelectingClient, LogUserScrolled},
RemoveClient: {Require: S{ClientSelected}},
Common differences with other state machines:
- many states can be active at the same time
- transitions between all the states are allowed by default, unless constrained
- states are connected by relations
- every mutation can be rejected
- error is a state
package main
import (
am ""
func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
mach := am.New(ctx, am.Struct{
"ProcessingFile": {
Add: am.S{"InProgress"},
Remove: am.S{"FileProcessed"},
"FileProcessed": {
Remove: am.S{"ProcessingFile", "InProgress"},
"InProgress": {},
}, nil)
Filename: "",
// change the state
mach.Add1("ProcessingFile", nil)
// wait for completed
select {
case <-time.After(5 * time.Second):
case <-mach.WhenErr(nil):
println("err:", mach.Err)
case <-mach.When1("FileProcessed", nil):
type Handlers struct {
Filename string
// negotiation handler
func (h *Handlers) ProcessingFileEnter(e *am.Event) bool {
// read-only ops (decide if moving fwd is ok)
// lock-free critical zone
return true
// final handler
func (h *Handlers) ProcessingFileState(e *am.Event) {
// read & write ops (but no blocking)
// lock-free critical zone
mach := e.Machine
// tick-based context
stateCtx := mach.NewStateCtx("ProcessingFile")
go func() {
// block in the background, locks needed
if stateCtx.Err() != nil {
return // expired
// blocking call
err := processFile(h.Filename, stateCtx)
if err != nil {
// re-check the ctx after a blocking call
if stateCtx.Err() != nil {
return // expired
// move to the next state in the flow
mach.Add1("FileProcessed", nil)
// wait until FileDownloaded becomes active
<-mach.When1("FileDownloaded", nil)
// wait until FileDownloaded becomes inactive
<-mach.WhenNot1("DownloadingFile", args, nil)
// wait for EventConnected to be activated with an arg ID=123
<-mach.WhenArgs("EventConnected", am.A{"id": 123}, nil)
// wait for Foo to have a tick >= 6 and Bar tick >= 10
<-mach.WhenTime(am.S{"Foo", "Bar"}, am.T{6, 10}, nil)
// wait for DownloadingFile to have a tick >= 6
<-mach.WhenTickEq("DownloadingFile", 6, nil)
// wait for DownloadingFile to have a tick increased by 2 since now
<-mach.WhenTick("DownloadingFile", 2, nil)
See docs/ for more snippets.
AM gives you: states, events, thread-safety, logging, metrics, traces, debugger, history, flow constraints, scheduler
AM technically is: event emitter, queue, dependency graph, AOP, logical clocks, ~2.5k LoC, no deps
Flow constraints are: state mutations, negotiation, relations, "when" methods, state contexts, external contexts
States structure
var (
states = am.Struct{
// input states
InputPush: {},
InputCoin: {},
// "state" states
Locked: {
Auto: true,
Remove: groupUnlocked,
Unlocked: {Remove: groupUnlocked},
States structure
var (
states = am.Struct{
// input states
Input: {Multi: true},
// action states
Start: {Add: am.S{StepX}},
// "state" states
StepX: {Remove: groupSteps},
Step0: {Remove: groupSteps},
Step1: {Remove: groupSteps},
Step2: {Remove: groupSteps},
Step3: {Remove: groupSteps},
States structure
// States map defines relations and properties of states (for files).
var States = am.Struct{
Init: {Add: S{Watching}},
Watching: {
Add: S{Init},
After: S{Init},
ChangeEvent: {
Multi: true,
Require: S{Watching},
Refreshing: {
Multi: true,
Remove: S{AllRefreshed},
Refreshed: {Multi: true},
AllRefreshed: {},
// StatesDir map defines relations and properties of states (for directories).
var StatesDir = am.Struct{
Refreshing: {Remove: groupRefreshed},
Refreshed: {Remove: groupRefreshed},
DirDebounced: {Remove: groupRefreshed},
DirCached: {},
States structure
// States map defines relations and properties of states.
var States = am.Struct{
CreatingExpense: {Remove: GroupExpense},
ExpenseCreated: {Remove: GroupExpense},
WaitingForApproval: {
Auto: true,
Remove: GroupApproval,
ApprovalGranted: {Remove: GroupApproval},
PaymentInProgress: {
Auto: true,
Remove: GroupPayment,
PaymentCompleted: {Remove: GroupPayment},
States structure
// States map defines relations and properties of states.
var States = am.Struct{
DownloadingFile: {Remove: GroupFileDownloaded},
FileDownloaded: {Remove: GroupFileDownloaded},
ProcessingFile: {
Auto: true,
Require: S{FileDownloaded},
Remove: GroupFileProcessed,
FileProcessed: {Remove: GroupFileProcessed},
UploadingFile: {
Auto: true,
Require: S{FileProcessed},
Remove: GroupFileUploaded,
FileUploaded: {Remove: GroupFileUploaded},

is a multi-client debugger lightweight enough to be kept open in the background while receiving data from >100
machines simultaneously (and potentially many more). Some features include:
- states tree
- log view
- time travel
- transition steps
- import / export
- matrix view
See tools/cmd/am-dbg for more info.
will quickly bootstrap a typesafe states file for you.
$ am-gen states-file Foo,Bar
Example template for Foo and Bar
package states
import am ""
// S is a type alias for a list of state names.
type S = am.S
// States map defines relations and properties of states.
var States = am.Struct{
Foo: {},
Bar: {},
// Groups of mutually exclusive states.
//var (
// GroupPlaying = S{Playing, Paused}
//#region boilerplate defs
// Names of all the states (pkg enum).
const (
Foo = "Foo"
Bar = "Bar"
// Names is an ordered list of all the state names.
var Names = S{
See tools/cmd/am-gen for more info.
Open Telemetry
provides Open Telemetry integration which exposes
machine's states and transitions as Otel traces, compatible with Jaeger.
See pkg/telemetry
for more info or import a sample asset.
binds to machine's transactions and averages the values withing
an interval window and exposes various metrics. Combined with Grafana, it can be used to monitor
the metrics of you machines.
See pkg/telemetry/prometheus
for more info.
Case Studies
Several case studies are available to show how to implement various types of machines, measure performance and produce
a lot of inspectable data.
libp2p-pubsub benchmark
- pubsub host - eg
(20 states)
PubSub machine is a simple event loop with Multi states which get responses via arg channels. Heavy use of Eval
- discovery - eg
(10 states)
Discovery machine is a simple event loop with Multi states and a periodic refresh state.
- discovery bootstrap - eg
(5 states)
is a non-linear flow for topic bootstrapping with some retry logic.
or the pdf results for more info.
libp2p-pubsub simulator
- pubsub host eg
(20 states)
PubSub machine is a simple event loop with Multi states which get responses via arg channels. Heavy use of Eval
- pubsub discovery - eg
(10 states)
Discovery machine is a simple event loop with Multi states and a periodic refresh state.
- simulator
(14 states)
Root simulator machine, initializes the network and manipulates it during heartbeats according to frequency
definitions. Heavily dependent on state negotiation.
- simulator's peer - eg
(17 states)
Handles peer's connections, topics and messages. This machine has a decent amount of relations. Each sim peer has its
own pubsub host.
- topics - eg
(5 states)
State-only machine (no handlers, no goroutine). States represent correlations with peer machines.
for more info.
am-dbg is a tview TUI app with a single machine consisting of:
- input events (7 states)
- external state (11 states)
- actions (14 states)
This machine features a decent amount of relations within a large number od states and 4 state groups. It's also a good
example to see how easily an AM-based program can be controller with a script in tools/cmd/am-dbg-demo.
See tools/debugger/states for more info.
- negotiation testers (eg
- helpers for composing networks of machines
- helpers for queue and history traversal
- "state-trace" navbar in am-dbg (via
- go1.22 traces
- inference
- optimizations
- manual updated to a spec
See also issues.
Latest release: v0.3.1
- feat: add version param #23 (@pancsta)
- feat: complete TUI debugger iteration 3 #22 (@pancsta)
- feat: TUI debugger iteration 2 #21 (@pancsta)
- feat: add TUI debugger #20 (@pancsta)
- feat: add telemetry via net/rpc #19 (@pancsta)
- feat: add support for state groups for the Remove relation #17 (@pancsta)
- fix: add more locks #16 (@pancsta)
- feat: prevent empty remove mutations #15 (@pancsta)
- feat: add VerifyStates for early state names assert #14 (@pancsta)
- docs: add debugger readme img #13 (@pancsta)
- docs: add ToC, cheatsheet #12 (@pancsta)
- docs: align with the v0.2.0 release #11 (@pancsta)
See for the full list.