Cloudinary Go SDK
Cloudinary is a cloud service for managing your web application's entire media management pipeline. Easily upload images and videos to the cloud using Cloudinary's comprehensive APIs and administration capabilities and easily integrate with your web application, existing or new.
For Go, Cloudinary provides a module for simplifying the integration even further. This Readme provides the basic information needed to get started with the Cloudinary Go SDK. For full documentation, take a look at the SDK guide. For a high-level introduction on Cloudinary and a step-by-step walk through of how to integrate Cloudinary in your application, see our getting started guide.
To install the Cloudinary Go SDK, use the go get
go get github.com/cloudinary/cloudinary-go
For requests to our secure APIs (e.g., image uploads, asset administration) you must have the APIKey
and APISecret
parameters set.
You can find your account-specific configuration credentials in the Dashboard page of the account console.
Setting your CloudName
, APIKey
and APISecret
parameters can be done by initializing the Cloudinary object, or by
using the CLOUDINARY_URL environment variable / system property.
The entry point of the library is the Cloudinary struct.
cld, _ := cloudinary.New()
Here's an example of setting the configuration parameters programatically:
cld, _ := cloudinary.NewFromParams("n07t21i7", "123456789012345", "abcdeghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz12")
You can also set the configuration parameters by providing the CLOUDINARY_URL value:
cld, _ := cloudinary.NewFromURL("cloudinary://123456789012345:abcdeghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz12@n07t21i7")
Learn more: Go configuration
To update the Cloudinary Go SDK to the latest version, use the go get
command with the -u
go get -u github.com/cloudinary/cloudinary-go
Cloudinary SDK logs errors using standard go log
For details on redefining the logger or adjusting the logging level, see Logging.
Assuming you have your Cloudinary configuration parameters defined (CloudName
, APIKey
, APISecret
), uploading to
Cloudinary is very simple.
The following example uploads a local JPG to the cloud:
resp, err := cld.Upload.Upload(ctx, "my_picture.jpg", uploader.UploadParams{})
The uploaded image is assigned a randomly generated public ID. The image is immediately available for a download through
a CDN:
// https://res.cloudinary.com/demo/image/upload/abcfrmo8zul1mafopawefg.jpg
You can also specify your own public ID:
resp, err := cld.Upload.Upload(ctx, "my_picture.jpg", uploader.UploadParams{PublicID: "sample_remote"});
if err != nil {...}
// https://res.cloudinary.com/demo/image/upload/sample_remote.jpg
Learn more: Go upload
Complete SDK Example
package main
import (
func main() {
// Start by creating a new instance of Cloudinary using CLOUDINARY_URL environment variable.
// Alternatively you can use cloudinary.NewFromParams() or cloudinary.NewFromURL().
var cld, err = cloudinary.New()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to intialize Cloudinary, %v", err)
var ctx = context.Background()
// Upload an image to your Cloudinary account from a specified URL.
// Alternatively you can provide a path to a local file on your filesystem,
// base64 encoded string, io.Reader and more.
// For additional information see:
// https://cloudinary.com/documentation/upload_images
// Upload can be greatly customized by specifying uploader.UploadParams,
// in this case we set the Public ID of the uploaded asset to "logo".
uploadResult, err := cld.Upload.Upload(
uploader.UploadParams{PublicID: "logo"})
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to upload file, %v\n", err)
// Prints something like:
// https://res.cloudinary.com/<your cloud name>/image/upload/v1615875158/logo.png
// uploadResult contains useful information about the asset, like Width, Height, Format, etc.
// See uploader.UploadResult struct for more details.
// Now we can use Admin API to see the details about the asset.
// The request can be customised by providing AssetParams.
asset, err := cld.Admin.Asset(ctx, admin.AssetParams{PublicID: "logo"})
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to get asset details, %v\n", err)
// Print some basic information about the asset.
log.Printf("Public ID: %v, URL: %v\n", asset.PublicID, asset.SecureURL)
// Cloudinary also provides a very flexible Search API for filtering and retrieving
// information on all the assets in your account with the help of query expressions
// in a Lucene-like query language.
searchQuery := search.Query{
Expression: "resource_type:image AND uploaded_at>1d AND bytes<1m",
SortBy: []search.SortByField{{"created_at": search.Descending}},
MaxResults: 30,
searchResult, err := cld.Admin.Search(ctx, searchQuery)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to search for assets, %v\n", err)
log.Printf("Assets found: %v\n", searchResult.TotalCount)
for _, asset := range searchResult.Assets {
log.Printf("Public ID: %v, URL: %v\n", asset.PublicID, asset.SecureURL)
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For more information on how to contribute, take a look at the contributing page.
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Released under the MIT license.