Documentation ¶
Overview ¶
Package mock is a generated GoMock package.
Index ¶
- type MockIDag
- func (m *MockIDag) ChainThreshold() int
- func (m *MockIDag) CheckHeaderCorrect(number int) error
- func (m *MockIDag) CheckReadSetValid(contractId []byte, readSet []modules.ContractReadSet) bool
- func (m *MockIDag) CheckUnitsCorrect(assetId string, number int) error
- func (m *MockIDag) ClearAddrUtxo(addr common.Address) error
- func (m *MockIDag) ClearUtxo() error
- func (m *MockIDag) Close()
- func (m *MockIDag) CreateGenericTransaction(from, to common.Address, daoAmount, daoFee uint64, certID *big.Int, ...) (*modules.Transaction, uint64, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) CreateTokenTransaction(from, to common.Address, token *modules.Asset, daoAmountToken, daoFee uint64, ...) (*modules.Transaction, uint64, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) CurrentHeader(token modules.AssetId) *modules.Header
- func (m *MockIDag) CurrentUnit(token modules.AssetId) *modules.Unit
- func (m *MockIDag) EXPECT() *MockIDagMockRecorder
- func (m *MockIDag) FastSyncCommitHead(arg0 common.Hash) error
- func (m *MockIDag) GenVoteMediatorTx(voter common.Address, mediators map[string]bool, enableGasFee bool, ...) (*modules.Transaction, uint64, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetAccountVotedMediators(addr common.Address) map[string]bool
- func (m *MockIDag) GetActiveMediator(add common.Address) *core.Mediator
- func (m *MockIDag) GetActiveMediatorAddr(index int) common.Address
- func (m *MockIDag) GetActiveMediatorNodes() map[string]*discover.Node
- func (m *MockIDag) GetActiveMediators() []common.Address
- func (m *MockIDag) GetAddr1TokenUtxos(addr common.Address, asset *modules.Asset) (map[modules.OutPoint]*modules.Utxo, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetAddrByOutPoint(outPoint *modules.OutPoint) (common.Address, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetAddrOutpoints(addr common.Address) ([]modules.OutPoint, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetAddrStableUtxos(addr common.Address) (map[modules.OutPoint]*modules.Utxo, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetAddrTransactions(addr common.Address) ([]*modules.TransactionWithUnitInfo, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetAddrUtxoAndReqMapping(addr common.Address, asset *modules.Asset) (map[modules.OutPoint]*modules.Utxo, map[common.Hash]common.Hash, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetAddrUtxoTxs(addr common.Address) ([]*modules.TransactionWithUnitInfo, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetAddrUtxos(addr common.Address) (map[modules.OutPoint]*modules.Utxo, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetAddressCount() int
- func (m *MockIDag) GetAllContractTpl() ([]*modules.ContractTemplate, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetAllContracts() ([]*modules.Contract, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetAllData() ([][]byte, [][]byte)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetAllLeafNodes() ([]*modules.Header, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetAllUtxos() (map[modules.OutPoint]*modules.Utxo, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetAssetReference(asset []byte) ([]*modules.ProofOfExistence, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetAssetTxHistory(asset *modules.Asset) ([]*modules.TransactionWithUnitInfo, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetBlacklistAddress() ([]common.Address, *modules.StateVersion, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetChainParameters() *core.ChainParameters
- func (m *MockIDag) GetCommon(key []byte, stableDb bool) ([]byte, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetCommonByPrefix(prefix []byte, stableDb bool) map[string][]byte
- func (m *MockIDag) GetContract(id []byte) (*modules.Contract, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetContractDevelopers() ([]common.Address, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetContractJury(contractId []byte) (*modules.ElectionNode, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetContractState(contractid []byte, field string) ([]byte, *modules.StateVersion, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetContractStateByVersion(id []byte, field string, version *modules.StateVersion) ([]byte, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetContractStatesById(id []byte) (map[string]*modules.ContractStateValue, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetContractStatesByPrefix(id []byte, prefix string) (map[string]*modules.ContractStateValue, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetContractTpl(tplId []byte) (*modules.ContractTemplate, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetContractTplCode(tplId []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetContractsByTpl(tplId []byte) ([]*modules.Contract, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetContractsWithJuryAddr(addr common.Hash) []*modules.Contract
- func (m *MockIDag) GetCurrentMemUnit(assetId modules.AssetId) *modules.Unit
- func (m *MockIDag) GetCurrentUnit(assetId modules.AssetId) *modules.Unit
- func (m *MockIDag) GetDataVersion() (*modules.DataVersion, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetDb() ptndb.Database
- func (m *MockIDag) GetDynGlobalProp() *modules.DynamicGlobalProperty
- func (m *MockIDag) GetFileInfo(maindata []byte) ([]*modules.ProofOfExistencesInfo, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetGenesisUnit() (*modules.Unit, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetGlobalProp() *modules.GlobalProperty
- func (m *MockIDag) GetHeaderByHash(arg0 common.Hash) (*modules.Header, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetHeaderByNumber(number *modules.ChainIndex) (*modules.Header, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetHeadersByAuthor(authorAddr common.Address, startHeight, count uint64) ([]*modules.Header, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetImmutableChainParameters() *core.ImmutableChainParameters
- func (m *MockIDag) GetIrreversibleUnitNum(id modules.AssetId) uint64
- func (m *MockIDag) GetJurorByAddrHash(hash common.Hash) (*modules.JurorDeposit, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetJurorReward(jurorAdd common.Address) common.Address
- func (m *MockIDag) GetLightChainHeight(assetId modules.AssetId) uint64
- func (m *MockIDag) GetLightHeaderByHash(headerHash common.Hash) (*modules.Header, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetLocalTx(txId common.Hash) (*modules.Transaction, modules.TxStatus, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetMainChain() (*modules.MainChain, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetMainCurrentUnit() *modules.Unit
- func (m *MockIDag) GetMediator(add common.Address) *core.Mediator
- func (m *MockIDag) GetMediatorCount() int
- func (m *MockIDag) GetMediatorInfo(address common.Address) *modules.MediatorInfo
- func (m *MockIDag) GetMediatorSchl() *modules.MediatorSchedule
- func (m *MockIDag) GetMediators() map[common.Address]bool
- func (m *MockIDag) GetNewestUnit(token modules.AssetId) (common.Hash, *modules.ChainIndex, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetNewestUnitTimestamp(token modules.AssetId) (int64, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetPartitionChains() ([]*modules.PartitionChain, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetPrecedingMediatorNodes() map[string]*discover.Node
- func (m *MockIDag) GetProofOfExistencesByMaindata(maindata []byte) ([]*modules.ProofOfExistencesInfo, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetScheduledMediator(slotNum uint32) common.Address
- func (m *MockIDag) GetSlotAtTime(when time.Time) uint32
- func (m *MockIDag) GetSlotTime(slotNum uint32) time.Time
- func (m *MockIDag) GetStableChainIndex(token modules.AssetId) *modules.ChainIndex
- func (m *MockIDag) GetStableTransactionOnly(hash common.Hash) (*modules.Transaction, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetStableUnit(hash common.Hash) (*modules.Unit, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetStableUnitByNumber(number *modules.ChainIndex) (*modules.Unit, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetStxoEntry(outpoint *modules.OutPoint) (*modules.Stxo, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetTransaction(hash common.Hash) (*modules.TransactionWithUnitInfo, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetTransactionOnly(hash common.Hash) (*modules.Transaction, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetTrieSyncProgress() (uint64, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetTxByReqId(reqid common.Hash) (*modules.TransactionWithUnitInfo, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetTxHashByReqId(reqid common.Hash) (common.Hash, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetTxOutput(outpoint *modules.OutPoint) (*modules.Utxo, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetTxPackInfo(txHash common.Hash) (*modules.TxPackInfo, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetTxSearchEntry(hash common.Hash) (*modules.TxLookupEntry, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetUnitByHash(hash common.Hash) (*modules.Unit, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetUnitByNumber(number *modules.ChainIndex) (*modules.Unit, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetUnitHash(number *modules.ChainIndex) (common.Hash, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetUnitHashesFromHash(hash common.Hash, max uint64) []common.Hash
- func (m *MockIDag) GetUnitNumber(hash common.Hash) (*modules.ChainIndex, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetUnitTransactions(hash common.Hash) (modules.Transactions, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetUnitTxsHash(hash common.Hash) ([]common.Hash, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetUnstableUnits() []*modules.Unit
- func (m *MockIDag) GetUtxoEntry(outpoint *modules.OutPoint) (*modules.Utxo, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) GetVotingForMediator(addStr string) (map[string]uint64, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) HasHeader(arg0 common.Hash, arg1 uint64) bool
- func (m *MockIDag) HasUnit(hash common.Hash) bool
- func (m *MockIDag) HeadUnitHash() common.Hash
- func (m *MockIDag) HeadUnitNum() uint64
- func (m *MockIDag) HeadUnitTime() int64
- func (m *MockIDag) InsertDag(units modules.Units, is_stable bool) (int, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) InsertHeaderDag(arg0 []*modules.Header) (int, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) InsertLightHeader(headers []*modules.Header) (int, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) InsertUnit(unit *modules.Unit) error
- func (m *MockIDag) IsActiveJury(addr common.Address) bool
- func (m *MockIDag) IsActiveMediator(add common.Address) bool
- func (m *MockIDag) IsContractDeveloper(addr common.Address) bool
- func (m *MockIDag) IsEmpty() bool
- func (m *MockIDag) IsHeaderExist(hash common.Hash) bool
- func (m *MockIDag) IsIrreversibleUnit(hash common.Hash) (bool, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) IsMediator(address common.Address) bool
- func (m *MockIDag) IsSynced(toStrictly bool) bool
- func (m *MockIDag) IsTransactionExist(hash common.Hash) (bool, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) IsUtxoSpent(outpoint *modules.OutPoint) (bool, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) JuryCount() uint
- func (m *MockIDag) LastMaintenanceTime() int64
- func (m *MockIDag) LookupMediatorInfo() []*modules.MediatorInfo2
- func (m *MockIDag) MediatorVotedResults() (map[string]uint64, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) MemdagInfos() (*modules.MemdagInfos, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) NewTemp() (dboperation.IContractDag, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) ParentsIsConfirmByHash(hash common.Hash) bool
- func (m *MockIDag) PostChainEvents(events []interface{})
- func (m *MockIDag) QueryDbByKey(key []byte) ([]byte, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) QueryDbByPrefix(prefix []byte) ([]*modules.DbRow, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) QueryProofOfExistenceByReference(ref []byte) ([]*modules.ProofOfExistence, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) RebuildAddrTxIndex() error
- func (m *MockIDag) RefreshAddrTxIndex() error
- func (m *MockIDag) SaveCommon(key, val []byte) error
- func (m *MockIDag) SaveContract(contract *modules.Contract) error
- func (m *MockIDag) SaveLocalTx(tx *modules.Transaction) error
- func (m *MockIDag) SaveLocalTxStatus(txId common.Hash, status modules.TxStatus) error
- func (m *MockIDag) SaveTransaction(tx *modules.Transaction, txIndex int) error
- func (m *MockIDag) SaveUnit(unit *modules.Unit, isGenesis bool) error
- func (m *MockIDag) SaveUtxoView(view map[modules.OutPoint]*modules.Utxo) error
- func (m *MockIDag) SetUnitGroupSign(unitHash common.Hash, groupSign []byte) error
- func (m *MockIDag) StableHeadUnitProperty(asset modules.AssetId) (*modules.UnitProperty, error)
- func (m *MockIDag) StableUnitNum() uint64
- func (m *MockIDag) StoreDataVersion(dv *modules.DataVersion) error
- func (m *MockIDag) SubscribeActiveMediatorsUpdatedEvent(ch chan<- modules.ActiveMediatorsUpdatedEvent) event.Subscription
- func (m *MockIDag) SubscribeChainEvent(ch chan<- modules.ChainEvent) event.Subscription
- func (m *MockIDag) SubscribeChainHeadEvent(ch chan<- modules.ChainHeadEvent) event.Subscription
- func (m *MockIDag) SubscribeRollbackUnitEvent(ch chan<- modules.RollbackUnitEvent) event.Subscription
- func (m *MockIDag) SubscribeSaveStableUnitEvent(ch chan<- modules.SaveUnitEvent) event.Subscription
- func (m *MockIDag) SubscribeSaveUnitEvent(ch chan<- modules.SaveUnitEvent) event.Subscription
- func (m *MockIDag) SubscribeToGroupSignEvent(ch chan<- modules.ToGroupSignEvent) event.Subscription
- func (m *MockIDag) SubscribeUnstableRepositoryUpdatedEvent(ch chan<- modules.UnstableRepositoryUpdatedEvent) event.Subscription
- func (m *MockIDag) UnstableHeadUnitProperty(asset modules.AssetId) (*modules.UnitProperty, error)
- type MockIDagMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) ChainThreshold() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) CheckHeaderCorrect(number interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) CheckReadSetValid(contractId, readSet interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) CheckUnitsCorrect(assetId, number interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) ClearAddrUtxo(addr interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) ClearUtxo() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) Close() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) CreateGenericTransaction(from, to, daoAmount, daoFee, certID, msg, enableGasFee interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) CreateTokenTransaction(from, to, token, daoAmountToken, daoFee, msg interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) CurrentHeader(token interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) CurrentUnit(token interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) FastSyncCommitHead(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GenVoteMediatorTx(voter, mediators, enableGasFee, ks interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAccountVotedMediators(addr interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetActiveMediator(add interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetActiveMediatorAddr(index interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetActiveMediatorNodes() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetActiveMediators() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddr1TokenUtxos(addr, asset interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddrByOutPoint(outPoint interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddrOutpoints(addr interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddrStableUtxos(addr interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddrTransactions(addr interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddrUtxoAndReqMapping(addr, asset interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddrUtxoTxs(addr interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddrUtxos(addr interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddressCount() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAllContractTpl() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAllContracts() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAllData() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAllLeafNodes() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAllUtxos() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAssetReference(asset interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAssetTxHistory(asset interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetBlacklistAddress() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetChainParameters() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetCommon(key, stableDb interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetCommonByPrefix(prefix, stableDb interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContract(id interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractDevelopers() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractJury(contractId interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractState(contractid, field interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractStateByVersion(id, field, version interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractStatesById(id interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractStatesByPrefix(id, prefix interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractTpl(tplId interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractTplCode(tplId interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractsByTpl(tplId interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractsWithJuryAddr(addr interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetCurrentMemUnit(assetId interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetCurrentUnit(assetId interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetDataVersion() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetDb() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetDynGlobalProp() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetFileInfo(maindata interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetGenesisUnit() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetGlobalProp() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetHeaderByHash(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetHeaderByNumber(number interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetHeadersByAuthor(authorAddr, startHeight, count interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetImmutableChainParameters() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetIrreversibleUnitNum(id interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetJurorByAddrHash(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetJurorReward(jurorAdd interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetLightChainHeight(assetId interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetLightHeaderByHash(headerHash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetLocalTx(txId interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMainChain() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMainCurrentUnit() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMediator(add interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMediatorCount() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMediatorInfo(address interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMediatorSchl() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMediators() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetNewestUnit(token interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetNewestUnitTimestamp(token interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetPartitionChains() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetPrecedingMediatorNodes() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetProofOfExistencesByMaindata(maindata interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetScheduledMediator(slotNum interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetSlotAtTime(when interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetSlotTime(slotNum interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetStableChainIndex(token interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetStableTransactionOnly(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetStableUnit(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetStableUnitByNumber(number interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetStxoEntry(outpoint interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTransaction(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTransactionOnly(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTrieSyncProgress() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTxByReqId(reqid interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTxHashByReqId(reqid interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTxOutput(outpoint interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTxPackInfo(txHash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTxSearchEntry(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitByHash(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitByNumber(number interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitHash(number interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitHashesFromHash(hash, max interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitNumber(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitTransactions(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitTxsHash(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnstableUnits() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUtxoEntry(outpoint interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetVotingForMediator(addStr interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) HasHeader(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) HasUnit(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) HeadUnitHash() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) HeadUnitNum() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) HeadUnitTime() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) InsertDag(units, is_stable interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) InsertHeaderDag(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) InsertLightHeader(headers interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) InsertUnit(unit interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) IsActiveJury(addr interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) IsActiveMediator(add interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) IsContractDeveloper(addr interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) IsEmpty() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) IsHeaderExist(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) IsIrreversibleUnit(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) IsMediator(address interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) IsSynced(toStrictly interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) IsTransactionExist(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) IsUtxoSpent(outpoint interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) JuryCount() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) LastMaintenanceTime() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) LookupMediatorInfo() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) MediatorVotedResults() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) MemdagInfos() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) NewTemp() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) ParentsIsConfirmByHash(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) PostChainEvents(events interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) QueryDbByKey(key interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) QueryDbByPrefix(prefix interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) QueryProofOfExistenceByReference(ref interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) RebuildAddrTxIndex() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) RefreshAddrTxIndex() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SaveCommon(key, val interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SaveContract(contract interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SaveLocalTx(tx interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SaveLocalTxStatus(txId, status interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SaveTransaction(tx, txIndex interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SaveUnit(unit, isGenesis interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SaveUtxoView(view interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SetUnitGroupSign(unitHash, groupSign interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) StableHeadUnitProperty(asset interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) StableUnitNum() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) StoreDataVersion(dv interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeActiveMediatorsUpdatedEvent(ch interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeChainEvent(ch interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeChainHeadEvent(ch interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeRollbackUnitEvent(ch interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeSaveStableUnitEvent(ch interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeSaveUnitEvent(ch interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeToGroupSignEvent(ch interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeUnstableRepositoryUpdatedEvent(ch interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) UnstableHeadUnitProperty(asset interface{}) *gomock.Call
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type MockIDag ¶
type MockIDag struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIDag is a mock of IDag interface
func NewMockIDag ¶
func NewMockIDag(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockIDag
NewMockIDag creates a new mock instance
func (*MockIDag) ChainThreshold ¶
ChainThreshold mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) CheckHeaderCorrect ¶
CheckHeaderCorrect mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) CheckReadSetValid ¶
func (m *MockIDag) CheckReadSetValid(contractId []byte, readSet []modules.ContractReadSet) bool
CheckReadSetValid mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) CheckUnitsCorrect ¶
CheckUnitsCorrect mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) ClearAddrUtxo ¶
ClearAddrUtxo mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) CreateGenericTransaction ¶
func (m *MockIDag) CreateGenericTransaction(from, to common.Address, daoAmount, daoFee uint64, certID *big.Int, msg *modules.Message, enableGasFee bool) (*modules.Transaction, uint64, error)
CreateGenericTransaction mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) CreateTokenTransaction ¶
func (m *MockIDag) CreateTokenTransaction(from, to common.Address, token *modules.Asset, daoAmountToken, daoFee uint64, msg *modules.Message) (*modules.Transaction, uint64, error)
CreateTokenTransaction mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) CurrentHeader ¶
CurrentHeader mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) CurrentUnit ¶
CurrentUnit mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockIDag) EXPECT() *MockIDagMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockIDag) FastSyncCommitHead ¶
FastSyncCommitHead mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GenVoteMediatorTx ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GenVoteMediatorTx(voter common.Address, mediators map[string]bool, enableGasFee bool, ks *keystore.KeyStore) (*modules.Transaction, uint64, error)
GenVoteMediatorTx mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetAccountVotedMediators ¶
GetAccountVotedMediators mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetActiveMediator ¶
GetActiveMediator mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetActiveMediatorAddr ¶
GetActiveMediatorAddr mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetActiveMediatorNodes ¶
GetActiveMediatorNodes mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetActiveMediators ¶
GetActiveMediators mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetAddr1TokenUtxos ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetAddr1TokenUtxos(addr common.Address, asset *modules.Asset) (map[modules.OutPoint]*modules.Utxo, error)
GetAddr1TokenUtxos mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetAddrByOutPoint ¶
GetAddrByOutPoint mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetAddrOutpoints ¶
GetAddrOutpoints mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetAddrStableUtxos ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetAddrStableUtxos(addr common.Address) (map[modules.OutPoint]*modules.Utxo, error)
GetAddrStableUtxos mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetAddrTransactions ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetAddrTransactions(addr common.Address) ([]*modules.TransactionWithUnitInfo, error)
GetAddrTransactions mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetAddrUtxoAndReqMapping ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetAddrUtxoAndReqMapping(addr common.Address, asset *modules.Asset) (map[modules.OutPoint]*modules.Utxo, map[common.Hash]common.Hash, error)
GetAddrUtxoAndReqMapping mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetAddrUtxoTxs ¶
GetAddrUtxoTxs mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetAddrUtxos ¶
GetAddrUtxos mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetAddressCount ¶
GetAddressCount mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetAllContractTpl ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetAllContractTpl() ([]*modules.ContractTemplate, error)
GetAllContractTpl mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetAllContracts ¶
GetAllContracts mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetAllData ¶
GetAllData mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetAllLeafNodes ¶
GetAllLeafNodes mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetAllUtxos ¶
GetAllUtxos mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetAssetReference ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetAssetReference(asset []byte) ([]*modules.ProofOfExistence, error)
GetAssetReference mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetAssetTxHistory ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetAssetTxHistory(asset *modules.Asset) ([]*modules.TransactionWithUnitInfo, error)
GetAssetTxHistory mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetBlacklistAddress ¶
GetBlacklistAddress mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetChainParameters ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetChainParameters() *core.ChainParameters
GetChainParameters mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetCommonByPrefix ¶
GetCommonByPrefix mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetContract ¶
GetContract mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetContractDevelopers ¶
GetContractDevelopers mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetContractJury ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetContractJury(contractId []byte) (*modules.ElectionNode, error)
GetContractJury mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetContractState ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetContractState(contractid []byte, field string) ([]byte, *modules.StateVersion, error)
GetContractState mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetContractStateByVersion ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetContractStateByVersion(id []byte, field string, version *modules.StateVersion) ([]byte, error)
GetContractStateByVersion mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetContractStatesById ¶
GetContractStatesById mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetContractStatesByPrefix ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetContractStatesByPrefix(id []byte, prefix string) (map[string]*modules.ContractStateValue, error)
GetContractStatesByPrefix mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetContractTpl ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetContractTpl(tplId []byte) (*modules.ContractTemplate, error)
GetContractTpl mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetContractTplCode ¶
GetContractTplCode mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetContractsByTpl ¶
GetContractsByTpl mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetContractsWithJuryAddr ¶
GetContractsWithJuryAddr mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetCurrentMemUnit ¶
GetCurrentMemUnit mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetCurrentUnit ¶
GetCurrentUnit mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetDataVersion ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetDataVersion() (*modules.DataVersion, error)
GetDataVersion mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetDynGlobalProp ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetDynGlobalProp() *modules.DynamicGlobalProperty
GetDynGlobalProp mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetFileInfo ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetFileInfo(maindata []byte) ([]*modules.ProofOfExistencesInfo, error)
GetFileInfo mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetGenesisUnit ¶
GetGenesisUnit mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetGlobalProp ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetGlobalProp() *modules.GlobalProperty
GetGlobalProp mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetHeaderByHash ¶
GetHeaderByHash mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetHeaderByNumber ¶
GetHeaderByNumber mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetHeadersByAuthor ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetHeadersByAuthor(authorAddr common.Address, startHeight, count uint64) ([]*modules.Header, error)
GetHeadersByAuthor mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetImmutableChainParameters ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetImmutableChainParameters() *core.ImmutableChainParameters
GetImmutableChainParameters mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetIrreversibleUnitNum ¶
GetIrreversibleUnitNum mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetJurorByAddrHash ¶
GetJurorByAddrHash mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetJurorReward ¶
GetJurorReward mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetLightChainHeight ¶
GetLightChainHeight mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetLightHeaderByHash ¶
GetLightHeaderByHash mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetLocalTx ¶
GetLocalTx mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetMainChain ¶
GetMainChain mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetMainCurrentUnit ¶
GetMainCurrentUnit mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetMediator ¶
GetMediator mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetMediatorCount ¶
GetMediatorCount mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetMediatorInfo ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetMediatorInfo(address common.Address) *modules.MediatorInfo
GetMediatorInfo mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetMediatorSchl ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetMediatorSchl() *modules.MediatorSchedule
GetMediatorSchl mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetMediators ¶
GetMediators mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetNewestUnit ¶
GetNewestUnit mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetNewestUnitTimestamp ¶
GetNewestUnitTimestamp mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetPartitionChains ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetPartitionChains() ([]*modules.PartitionChain, error)
GetPartitionChains mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetPrecedingMediatorNodes ¶
GetPrecedingMediatorNodes mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetProofOfExistencesByMaindata ¶ added in v1.0.7
func (m *MockIDag) GetProofOfExistencesByMaindata(maindata []byte) ([]*modules.ProofOfExistencesInfo, error)
GetProofOfExistencesByMaindata mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetScheduledMediator ¶
GetScheduledMediator mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetSlotAtTime ¶
GetSlotAtTime mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetSlotTime ¶ added in v1.0.7
GetSlotTime mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetStableChainIndex ¶
func (m *MockIDag) GetStableChainIndex(token modules.AssetId) *modules.ChainIndex
GetStableChainIndex mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetStableTransactionOnly ¶
GetStableTransactionOnly mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetStableUnit ¶
GetStableUnit mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetStableUnitByNumber ¶
GetStableUnitByNumber mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetStxoEntry ¶
GetStxoEntry mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetTransaction ¶
GetTransaction mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetTransactionOnly ¶
GetTransactionOnly mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetTrieSyncProgress ¶
GetTrieSyncProgress mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetTxByReqId ¶
GetTxByReqId mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetTxHashByReqId ¶
GetTxHashByReqId mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetTxOutput ¶
GetTxOutput mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetTxPackInfo ¶
GetTxPackInfo mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetTxSearchEntry ¶
GetTxSearchEntry mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetUnitByHash ¶
GetUnitByHash mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetUnitByNumber ¶
GetUnitByNumber mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetUnitHash ¶
GetUnitHash mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetUnitHashesFromHash ¶
GetUnitHashesFromHash mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetUnitNumber ¶
GetUnitNumber mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetUnitTransactions ¶
GetUnitTransactions mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetUnitTxsHash ¶
GetUnitTxsHash mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetUnstableUnits ¶
GetUnstableUnits mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetUtxoEntry ¶
GetUtxoEntry mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) GetVotingForMediator ¶
GetVotingForMediator mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) HeadUnitHash ¶
HeadUnitHash mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) HeadUnitNum ¶
HeadUnitNum mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) HeadUnitTime ¶
HeadUnitTime mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) InsertHeaderDag ¶
InsertHeaderDag mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) InsertLightHeader ¶
InsertLightHeader mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) InsertUnit ¶ added in v1.0.7
InsertUnit mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) IsActiveJury ¶
IsActiveJury mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) IsActiveMediator ¶
IsActiveMediator mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) IsContractDeveloper ¶
IsContractDeveloper mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) IsHeaderExist ¶
IsHeaderExist mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) IsIrreversibleUnit ¶
IsIrreversibleUnit mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) IsMediator ¶
IsMediator mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) IsTransactionExist ¶
IsTransactionExist mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) IsUtxoSpent ¶
IsUtxoSpent mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) LastMaintenanceTime ¶ added in v1.0.7
LastMaintenanceTime mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) LookupMediatorInfo ¶
func (m *MockIDag) LookupMediatorInfo() []*modules.MediatorInfo2
LookupMediatorInfo mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) MediatorVotedResults ¶
MediatorVotedResults mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) MemdagInfos ¶
func (m *MockIDag) MemdagInfos() (*modules.MemdagInfos, error)
MemdagInfos mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) NewTemp ¶
func (m *MockIDag) NewTemp() (dboperation.IContractDag, error)
NewTemp mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) ParentsIsConfirmByHash ¶
ParentsIsConfirmByHash mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) PostChainEvents ¶
func (m *MockIDag) PostChainEvents(events []interface{})
PostChainEvents mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) QueryDbByKey ¶
QueryDbByKey mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) QueryDbByPrefix ¶
QueryDbByPrefix mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) QueryProofOfExistenceByReference ¶
func (m *MockIDag) QueryProofOfExistenceByReference(ref []byte) ([]*modules.ProofOfExistence, error)
QueryProofOfExistenceByReference mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) RebuildAddrTxIndex ¶
RebuildAddrTxIndex mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) RefreshAddrTxIndex ¶
RefreshAddrTxIndex mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) SaveCommon ¶
SaveCommon mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) SaveContract ¶
SaveContract mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) SaveLocalTx ¶
func (m *MockIDag) SaveLocalTx(tx *modules.Transaction) error
SaveLocalTx mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) SaveLocalTxStatus ¶
SaveLocalTxStatus mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) SaveTransaction ¶
func (m *MockIDag) SaveTransaction(tx *modules.Transaction, txIndex int) error
SaveTransaction mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) SaveUtxoView ¶
SaveUtxoView mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) SetUnitGroupSign ¶
SetUnitGroupSign mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) StableHeadUnitProperty ¶
StableHeadUnitProperty mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) StableUnitNum ¶ added in v1.0.7
StableUnitNum mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) StoreDataVersion ¶
func (m *MockIDag) StoreDataVersion(dv *modules.DataVersion) error
StoreDataVersion mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) SubscribeActiveMediatorsUpdatedEvent ¶
func (m *MockIDag) SubscribeActiveMediatorsUpdatedEvent(ch chan<- modules.ActiveMediatorsUpdatedEvent) event.Subscription
SubscribeActiveMediatorsUpdatedEvent mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) SubscribeChainEvent ¶
func (m *MockIDag) SubscribeChainEvent(ch chan<- modules.ChainEvent) event.Subscription
SubscribeChainEvent mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) SubscribeChainHeadEvent ¶
func (m *MockIDag) SubscribeChainHeadEvent(ch chan<- modules.ChainHeadEvent) event.Subscription
SubscribeChainHeadEvent mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) SubscribeRollbackUnitEvent ¶ added in v1.0.7
func (m *MockIDag) SubscribeRollbackUnitEvent(ch chan<- modules.RollbackUnitEvent) event.Subscription
SubscribeRollbackUnitEvent mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) SubscribeSaveStableUnitEvent ¶
func (m *MockIDag) SubscribeSaveStableUnitEvent(ch chan<- modules.SaveUnitEvent) event.Subscription
SubscribeSaveStableUnitEvent mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) SubscribeSaveUnitEvent ¶
func (m *MockIDag) SubscribeSaveUnitEvent(ch chan<- modules.SaveUnitEvent) event.Subscription
SubscribeSaveUnitEvent mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) SubscribeToGroupSignEvent ¶
func (m *MockIDag) SubscribeToGroupSignEvent(ch chan<- modules.ToGroupSignEvent) event.Subscription
SubscribeToGroupSignEvent mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) SubscribeUnstableRepositoryUpdatedEvent ¶
func (m *MockIDag) SubscribeUnstableRepositoryUpdatedEvent(ch chan<- modules.UnstableRepositoryUpdatedEvent) event.Subscription
SubscribeUnstableRepositoryUpdatedEvent mocks base method
func (*MockIDag) UnstableHeadUnitProperty ¶
UnstableHeadUnitProperty mocks base method
type MockIDagMockRecorder ¶
type MockIDagMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIDagMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockIDag
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) ChainThreshold ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) ChainThreshold() *gomock.Call
ChainThreshold indicates an expected call of ChainThreshold
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) CheckHeaderCorrect ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) CheckHeaderCorrect(number interface{}) *gomock.Call
CheckHeaderCorrect indicates an expected call of CheckHeaderCorrect
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) CheckReadSetValid ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) CheckReadSetValid(contractId, readSet interface{}) *gomock.Call
CheckReadSetValid indicates an expected call of CheckReadSetValid
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) CheckUnitsCorrect ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) CheckUnitsCorrect(assetId, number interface{}) *gomock.Call
CheckUnitsCorrect indicates an expected call of CheckUnitsCorrect
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) ClearAddrUtxo ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) ClearAddrUtxo(addr interface{}) *gomock.Call
ClearAddrUtxo indicates an expected call of ClearAddrUtxo
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) ClearUtxo ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) ClearUtxo() *gomock.Call
ClearUtxo indicates an expected call of ClearUtxo
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) Close ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) Close() *gomock.Call
Close indicates an expected call of Close
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) CreateGenericTransaction ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) CreateGenericTransaction(from, to, daoAmount, daoFee, certID, msg, enableGasFee interface{}) *gomock.Call
CreateGenericTransaction indicates an expected call of CreateGenericTransaction
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) CreateTokenTransaction ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) CreateTokenTransaction(from, to, token, daoAmountToken, daoFee, msg interface{}) *gomock.Call
CreateTokenTransaction indicates an expected call of CreateTokenTransaction
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) CurrentHeader ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) CurrentHeader(token interface{}) *gomock.Call
CurrentHeader indicates an expected call of CurrentHeader
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) CurrentUnit ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) CurrentUnit(token interface{}) *gomock.Call
CurrentUnit indicates an expected call of CurrentUnit
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) FastSyncCommitHead ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) FastSyncCommitHead(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
FastSyncCommitHead indicates an expected call of FastSyncCommitHead
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GenVoteMediatorTx ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GenVoteMediatorTx(voter, mediators, enableGasFee, ks interface{}) *gomock.Call
GenVoteMediatorTx indicates an expected call of GenVoteMediatorTx
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAccountVotedMediators ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAccountVotedMediators(addr interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetAccountVotedMediators indicates an expected call of GetAccountVotedMediators
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetActiveMediator ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetActiveMediator(add interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetActiveMediator indicates an expected call of GetActiveMediator
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetActiveMediatorAddr ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetActiveMediatorAddr(index interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetActiveMediatorAddr indicates an expected call of GetActiveMediatorAddr
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetActiveMediatorNodes ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetActiveMediatorNodes() *gomock.Call
GetActiveMediatorNodes indicates an expected call of GetActiveMediatorNodes
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetActiveMediators ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetActiveMediators() *gomock.Call
GetActiveMediators indicates an expected call of GetActiveMediators
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddr1TokenUtxos ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddr1TokenUtxos(addr, asset interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetAddr1TokenUtxos indicates an expected call of GetAddr1TokenUtxos
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddrByOutPoint ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddrByOutPoint(outPoint interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetAddrByOutPoint indicates an expected call of GetAddrByOutPoint
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddrOutpoints ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddrOutpoints(addr interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetAddrOutpoints indicates an expected call of GetAddrOutpoints
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddrStableUtxos ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddrStableUtxos(addr interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetAddrStableUtxos indicates an expected call of GetAddrStableUtxos
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddrTransactions ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddrTransactions(addr interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetAddrTransactions indicates an expected call of GetAddrTransactions
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddrUtxoAndReqMapping ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddrUtxoAndReqMapping(addr, asset interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetAddrUtxoAndReqMapping indicates an expected call of GetAddrUtxoAndReqMapping
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddrUtxoTxs ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddrUtxoTxs(addr interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetAddrUtxoTxs indicates an expected call of GetAddrUtxoTxs
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddrUtxos ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddrUtxos(addr interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetAddrUtxos indicates an expected call of GetAddrUtxos
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddressCount ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAddressCount() *gomock.Call
GetAddressCount indicates an expected call of GetAddressCount
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAllContractTpl ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAllContractTpl() *gomock.Call
GetAllContractTpl indicates an expected call of GetAllContractTpl
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAllContracts ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAllContracts() *gomock.Call
GetAllContracts indicates an expected call of GetAllContracts
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAllData ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAllData() *gomock.Call
GetAllData indicates an expected call of GetAllData
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAllLeafNodes ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAllLeafNodes() *gomock.Call
GetAllLeafNodes indicates an expected call of GetAllLeafNodes
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAllUtxos ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAllUtxos() *gomock.Call
GetAllUtxos indicates an expected call of GetAllUtxos
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAssetReference ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAssetReference(asset interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetAssetReference indicates an expected call of GetAssetReference
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAssetTxHistory ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetAssetTxHistory(asset interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetAssetTxHistory indicates an expected call of GetAssetTxHistory
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetBlacklistAddress ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetBlacklistAddress() *gomock.Call
GetBlacklistAddress indicates an expected call of GetBlacklistAddress
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetChainParameters ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetChainParameters() *gomock.Call
GetChainParameters indicates an expected call of GetChainParameters
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetCommon ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetCommon(key, stableDb interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetCommon indicates an expected call of GetCommon
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetCommonByPrefix ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetCommonByPrefix(prefix, stableDb interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetCommonByPrefix indicates an expected call of GetCommonByPrefix
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContract ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContract(id interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetContract indicates an expected call of GetContract
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractDevelopers ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractDevelopers() *gomock.Call
GetContractDevelopers indicates an expected call of GetContractDevelopers
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractJury ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractJury(contractId interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetContractJury indicates an expected call of GetContractJury
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractState ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractState(contractid, field interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetContractState indicates an expected call of GetContractState
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractStateByVersion ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractStateByVersion(id, field, version interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetContractStateByVersion indicates an expected call of GetContractStateByVersion
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractStatesById ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractStatesById(id interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetContractStatesById indicates an expected call of GetContractStatesById
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractStatesByPrefix ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractStatesByPrefix(id, prefix interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetContractStatesByPrefix indicates an expected call of GetContractStatesByPrefix
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractTpl ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractTpl(tplId interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetContractTpl indicates an expected call of GetContractTpl
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractTplCode ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractTplCode(tplId interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetContractTplCode indicates an expected call of GetContractTplCode
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractsByTpl ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractsByTpl(tplId interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetContractsByTpl indicates an expected call of GetContractsByTpl
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractsWithJuryAddr ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetContractsWithJuryAddr(addr interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetContractsWithJuryAddr indicates an expected call of GetContractsWithJuryAddr
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetCurrentMemUnit ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetCurrentMemUnit(assetId interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetCurrentMemUnit indicates an expected call of GetCurrentMemUnit
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetCurrentUnit ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetCurrentUnit(assetId interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetCurrentUnit indicates an expected call of GetCurrentUnit
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetDataVersion ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetDataVersion() *gomock.Call
GetDataVersion indicates an expected call of GetDataVersion
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetDb ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetDb() *gomock.Call
GetDb indicates an expected call of GetDb
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetDynGlobalProp ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetDynGlobalProp() *gomock.Call
GetDynGlobalProp indicates an expected call of GetDynGlobalProp
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetFileInfo ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetFileInfo(maindata interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetFileInfo indicates an expected call of GetFileInfo
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetGenesisUnit ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetGenesisUnit() *gomock.Call
GetGenesisUnit indicates an expected call of GetGenesisUnit
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetGlobalProp ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetGlobalProp() *gomock.Call
GetGlobalProp indicates an expected call of GetGlobalProp
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetHeaderByHash ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetHeaderByHash(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetHeaderByHash indicates an expected call of GetHeaderByHash
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetHeaderByNumber ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetHeaderByNumber(number interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetHeaderByNumber indicates an expected call of GetHeaderByNumber
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetHeadersByAuthor ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetHeadersByAuthor(authorAddr, startHeight, count interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetHeadersByAuthor indicates an expected call of GetHeadersByAuthor
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetImmutableChainParameters ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetImmutableChainParameters() *gomock.Call
GetImmutableChainParameters indicates an expected call of GetImmutableChainParameters
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetIrreversibleUnitNum ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetIrreversibleUnitNum(id interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetIrreversibleUnitNum indicates an expected call of GetIrreversibleUnitNum
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetJurorByAddrHash ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetJurorByAddrHash(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetJurorByAddrHash indicates an expected call of GetJurorByAddrHash
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetJurorReward ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetJurorReward(jurorAdd interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetJurorReward indicates an expected call of GetJurorReward
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetLightChainHeight ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetLightChainHeight(assetId interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetLightChainHeight indicates an expected call of GetLightChainHeight
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetLightHeaderByHash ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetLightHeaderByHash(headerHash interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetLightHeaderByHash indicates an expected call of GetLightHeaderByHash
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetLocalTx ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetLocalTx(txId interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetLocalTx indicates an expected call of GetLocalTx
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMainChain ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMainChain() *gomock.Call
GetMainChain indicates an expected call of GetMainChain
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMainCurrentUnit ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMainCurrentUnit() *gomock.Call
GetMainCurrentUnit indicates an expected call of GetMainCurrentUnit
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMediator ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMediator(add interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetMediator indicates an expected call of GetMediator
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMediatorCount ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMediatorCount() *gomock.Call
GetMediatorCount indicates an expected call of GetMediatorCount
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMediatorInfo ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMediatorInfo(address interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetMediatorInfo indicates an expected call of GetMediatorInfo
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMediatorSchl ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMediatorSchl() *gomock.Call
GetMediatorSchl indicates an expected call of GetMediatorSchl
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMediators ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetMediators() *gomock.Call
GetMediators indicates an expected call of GetMediators
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetNewestUnit ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetNewestUnit(token interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetNewestUnit indicates an expected call of GetNewestUnit
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetNewestUnitTimestamp ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetNewestUnitTimestamp(token interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetNewestUnitTimestamp indicates an expected call of GetNewestUnitTimestamp
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetPartitionChains ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetPartitionChains() *gomock.Call
GetPartitionChains indicates an expected call of GetPartitionChains
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetPrecedingMediatorNodes ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetPrecedingMediatorNodes() *gomock.Call
GetPrecedingMediatorNodes indicates an expected call of GetPrecedingMediatorNodes
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetProofOfExistencesByMaindata ¶ added in v1.0.7
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetProofOfExistencesByMaindata(maindata interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetProofOfExistencesByMaindata indicates an expected call of GetProofOfExistencesByMaindata
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetScheduledMediator ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetScheduledMediator(slotNum interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetScheduledMediator indicates an expected call of GetScheduledMediator
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetSlotAtTime ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetSlotAtTime(when interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetSlotAtTime indicates an expected call of GetSlotAtTime
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetSlotTime ¶ added in v1.0.7
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetSlotTime(slotNum interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetSlotTime indicates an expected call of GetSlotTime
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetStableChainIndex ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetStableChainIndex(token interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetStableChainIndex indicates an expected call of GetStableChainIndex
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetStableTransactionOnly ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetStableTransactionOnly(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetStableTransactionOnly indicates an expected call of GetStableTransactionOnly
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetStableUnit ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetStableUnit(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetStableUnit indicates an expected call of GetStableUnit
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetStableUnitByNumber ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetStableUnitByNumber(number interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetStableUnitByNumber indicates an expected call of GetStableUnitByNumber
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetStxoEntry ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetStxoEntry(outpoint interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetStxoEntry indicates an expected call of GetStxoEntry
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTransaction ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTransaction(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetTransaction indicates an expected call of GetTransaction
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTransactionOnly ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTransactionOnly(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetTransactionOnly indicates an expected call of GetTransactionOnly
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTrieSyncProgress ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTrieSyncProgress() *gomock.Call
GetTrieSyncProgress indicates an expected call of GetTrieSyncProgress
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTxByReqId ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTxByReqId(reqid interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetTxByReqId indicates an expected call of GetTxByReqId
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTxHashByReqId ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTxHashByReqId(reqid interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetTxHashByReqId indicates an expected call of GetTxHashByReqId
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTxOutput ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTxOutput(outpoint interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetTxOutput indicates an expected call of GetTxOutput
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTxPackInfo ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTxPackInfo(txHash interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetTxPackInfo indicates an expected call of GetTxPackInfo
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTxSearchEntry ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetTxSearchEntry(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetTxSearchEntry indicates an expected call of GetTxSearchEntry
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitByHash ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitByHash(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetUnitByHash indicates an expected call of GetUnitByHash
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitByNumber ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitByNumber(number interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetUnitByNumber indicates an expected call of GetUnitByNumber
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitHash ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitHash(number interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetUnitHash indicates an expected call of GetUnitHash
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitHashesFromHash ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitHashesFromHash(hash, max interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetUnitHashesFromHash indicates an expected call of GetUnitHashesFromHash
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitNumber ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitNumber(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetUnitNumber indicates an expected call of GetUnitNumber
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitTransactions ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitTransactions(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetUnitTransactions indicates an expected call of GetUnitTransactions
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitTxsHash ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnitTxsHash(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetUnitTxsHash indicates an expected call of GetUnitTxsHash
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnstableUnits ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUnstableUnits() *gomock.Call
GetUnstableUnits indicates an expected call of GetUnstableUnits
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUtxoEntry ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetUtxoEntry(outpoint interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetUtxoEntry indicates an expected call of GetUtxoEntry
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) GetVotingForMediator ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) GetVotingForMediator(addStr interface{}) *gomock.Call
GetVotingForMediator indicates an expected call of GetVotingForMediator
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) HasHeader ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) HasHeader(arg0, arg1 interface{}) *gomock.Call
HasHeader indicates an expected call of HasHeader
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) HasUnit ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) HasUnit(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
HasUnit indicates an expected call of HasUnit
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) HeadUnitHash ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) HeadUnitHash() *gomock.Call
HeadUnitHash indicates an expected call of HeadUnitHash
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) HeadUnitNum ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) HeadUnitNum() *gomock.Call
HeadUnitNum indicates an expected call of HeadUnitNum
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) HeadUnitTime ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) HeadUnitTime() *gomock.Call
HeadUnitTime indicates an expected call of HeadUnitTime
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) InsertDag ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) InsertDag(units, is_stable interface{}) *gomock.Call
InsertDag indicates an expected call of InsertDag
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) InsertHeaderDag ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) InsertHeaderDag(arg0 interface{}) *gomock.Call
InsertHeaderDag indicates an expected call of InsertHeaderDag
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) InsertLightHeader ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) InsertLightHeader(headers interface{}) *gomock.Call
InsertLightHeader indicates an expected call of InsertLightHeader
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) InsertUnit ¶ added in v1.0.7
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) InsertUnit(unit interface{}) *gomock.Call
InsertUnit indicates an expected call of InsertUnit
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) IsActiveJury ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) IsActiveJury(addr interface{}) *gomock.Call
IsActiveJury indicates an expected call of IsActiveJury
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) IsActiveMediator ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) IsActiveMediator(add interface{}) *gomock.Call
IsActiveMediator indicates an expected call of IsActiveMediator
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) IsContractDeveloper ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) IsContractDeveloper(addr interface{}) *gomock.Call
IsContractDeveloper indicates an expected call of IsContractDeveloper
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) IsEmpty ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) IsEmpty() *gomock.Call
IsEmpty indicates an expected call of IsEmpty
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) IsHeaderExist ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) IsHeaderExist(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
IsHeaderExist indicates an expected call of IsHeaderExist
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) IsIrreversibleUnit ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) IsIrreversibleUnit(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
IsIrreversibleUnit indicates an expected call of IsIrreversibleUnit
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) IsMediator ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) IsMediator(address interface{}) *gomock.Call
IsMediator indicates an expected call of IsMediator
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) IsSynced ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) IsSynced(toStrictly interface{}) *gomock.Call
IsSynced indicates an expected call of IsSynced
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) IsTransactionExist ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) IsTransactionExist(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
IsTransactionExist indicates an expected call of IsTransactionExist
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) IsUtxoSpent ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) IsUtxoSpent(outpoint interface{}) *gomock.Call
IsUtxoSpent indicates an expected call of IsUtxoSpent
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) JuryCount ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) JuryCount() *gomock.Call
JuryCount indicates an expected call of JuryCount
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) LastMaintenanceTime ¶ added in v1.0.7
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) LastMaintenanceTime() *gomock.Call
LastMaintenanceTime indicates an expected call of LastMaintenanceTime
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) LookupMediatorInfo ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) LookupMediatorInfo() *gomock.Call
LookupMediatorInfo indicates an expected call of LookupMediatorInfo
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) MediatorVotedResults ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) MediatorVotedResults() *gomock.Call
MediatorVotedResults indicates an expected call of MediatorVotedResults
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) MemdagInfos ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) MemdagInfos() *gomock.Call
MemdagInfos indicates an expected call of MemdagInfos
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) NewTemp ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) NewTemp() *gomock.Call
NewTemp indicates an expected call of NewTemp
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) ParentsIsConfirmByHash ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) ParentsIsConfirmByHash(hash interface{}) *gomock.Call
ParentsIsConfirmByHash indicates an expected call of ParentsIsConfirmByHash
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) PostChainEvents ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) PostChainEvents(events interface{}) *gomock.Call
PostChainEvents indicates an expected call of PostChainEvents
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) QueryDbByKey ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) QueryDbByKey(key interface{}) *gomock.Call
QueryDbByKey indicates an expected call of QueryDbByKey
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) QueryDbByPrefix ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) QueryDbByPrefix(prefix interface{}) *gomock.Call
QueryDbByPrefix indicates an expected call of QueryDbByPrefix
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) QueryProofOfExistenceByReference ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) QueryProofOfExistenceByReference(ref interface{}) *gomock.Call
QueryProofOfExistenceByReference indicates an expected call of QueryProofOfExistenceByReference
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) RebuildAddrTxIndex ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) RebuildAddrTxIndex() *gomock.Call
RebuildAddrTxIndex indicates an expected call of RebuildAddrTxIndex
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) RefreshAddrTxIndex ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) RefreshAddrTxIndex() *gomock.Call
RefreshAddrTxIndex indicates an expected call of RefreshAddrTxIndex
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) SaveCommon ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SaveCommon(key, val interface{}) *gomock.Call
SaveCommon indicates an expected call of SaveCommon
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) SaveContract ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SaveContract(contract interface{}) *gomock.Call
SaveContract indicates an expected call of SaveContract
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) SaveLocalTx ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SaveLocalTx(tx interface{}) *gomock.Call
SaveLocalTx indicates an expected call of SaveLocalTx
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) SaveLocalTxStatus ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SaveLocalTxStatus(txId, status interface{}) *gomock.Call
SaveLocalTxStatus indicates an expected call of SaveLocalTxStatus
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) SaveTransaction ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SaveTransaction(tx, txIndex interface{}) *gomock.Call
SaveTransaction indicates an expected call of SaveTransaction
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) SaveUnit ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SaveUnit(unit, isGenesis interface{}) *gomock.Call
SaveUnit indicates an expected call of SaveUnit
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) SaveUtxoView ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SaveUtxoView(view interface{}) *gomock.Call
SaveUtxoView indicates an expected call of SaveUtxoView
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) SetUnitGroupSign ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SetUnitGroupSign(unitHash, groupSign interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetUnitGroupSign indicates an expected call of SetUnitGroupSign
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) StableHeadUnitProperty ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) StableHeadUnitProperty(asset interface{}) *gomock.Call
StableHeadUnitProperty indicates an expected call of StableHeadUnitProperty
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) StableUnitNum ¶ added in v1.0.7
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) StableUnitNum() *gomock.Call
StableUnitNum indicates an expected call of StableUnitNum
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) StoreDataVersion ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) StoreDataVersion(dv interface{}) *gomock.Call
StoreDataVersion indicates an expected call of StoreDataVersion
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeActiveMediatorsUpdatedEvent ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeActiveMediatorsUpdatedEvent(ch interface{}) *gomock.Call
SubscribeActiveMediatorsUpdatedEvent indicates an expected call of SubscribeActiveMediatorsUpdatedEvent
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeChainEvent ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeChainEvent(ch interface{}) *gomock.Call
SubscribeChainEvent indicates an expected call of SubscribeChainEvent
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeChainHeadEvent ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeChainHeadEvent(ch interface{}) *gomock.Call
SubscribeChainHeadEvent indicates an expected call of SubscribeChainHeadEvent
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeRollbackUnitEvent ¶ added in v1.0.7
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeRollbackUnitEvent(ch interface{}) *gomock.Call
SubscribeRollbackUnitEvent indicates an expected call of SubscribeRollbackUnitEvent
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeSaveStableUnitEvent ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeSaveStableUnitEvent(ch interface{}) *gomock.Call
SubscribeSaveStableUnitEvent indicates an expected call of SubscribeSaveStableUnitEvent
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeSaveUnitEvent ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeSaveUnitEvent(ch interface{}) *gomock.Call
SubscribeSaveUnitEvent indicates an expected call of SubscribeSaveUnitEvent
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeToGroupSignEvent ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeToGroupSignEvent(ch interface{}) *gomock.Call
SubscribeToGroupSignEvent indicates an expected call of SubscribeToGroupSignEvent
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeUnstableRepositoryUpdatedEvent ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) SubscribeUnstableRepositoryUpdatedEvent(ch interface{}) *gomock.Call
SubscribeUnstableRepositoryUpdatedEvent indicates an expected call of SubscribeUnstableRepositoryUpdatedEvent
func (*MockIDagMockRecorder) UnstableHeadUnitProperty ¶
func (mr *MockIDagMockRecorder) UnstableHeadUnitProperty(asset interface{}) *gomock.Call
UnstableHeadUnitProperty indicates an expected call of UnstableHeadUnitProperty