
v1.0.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Jun 30, 2019 License: GPL-3.0, GPL-3.0 Imports: 44 Imported by: 0



Package ethapi implements the general PalletOne API functions.



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const DefaultResult = "Transaction executed locally, but may not be confirmed by the network yet!"
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const (
	MaxTxInSequenceNum uint32 = 0xffffffff


This section is empty.


func CreateRawTransaction

func CreateRawTransaction(c *ptnjson.CreateRawTransactionCmd) (string, error)

create raw transction

func GetAPIs

func GetAPIs(apiBackend Backend) []rpc.API

func MakeAddress

func MakeAddress(ks *keystore.KeyStore, account string) (accounts.Account, error)

func RandFromString

func RandFromString(value string) (decimal.Decimal, error)

func SelectUtxoFromDagAndPool

func SelectUtxoFromDagAndPool(dbUtxo map[modules.OutPoint]*modules.Utxo, poolTxs []*modules.TxPoolTransaction,
	from string, asset string) (map[modules.OutPoint]*modules.Utxo, error)

func SignRawTransaction

func SignRawTransaction(icmd interface{}, pubKeyFn tokenengine.AddressGetPubKey, hashFn tokenengine.AddressGetSign, addr common.Address) (ptnjson.SignRawTransactionResult, error)

sign rawtranscation

func WalletCreateProofTransaction

func WalletCreateProofTransaction(c *ptnjson.CreateProofTransactionCmd) (string, error)

func WalletCreateTransaction

func WalletCreateTransaction(c *ptnjson.CreateRawTransactionCmd) (string, error)


type AddrLocker

type AddrLocker struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*AddrLocker) LockAddr

func (l *AddrLocker) LockAddr(address common.Address)

LockAddr locks an account's mutex. This is used to prevent another tx getting the same nonce until the lock is released. The mutex prevents the (an identical nonce) from being read again during the time that the first transaction is being signed.

func (*AddrLocker) UnlockAddr

func (l *AddrLocker) UnlockAddr(address common.Address)

UnlockAddr unlocks the mutex of the given account.

type Authentifier

type Authentifier struct {
	Address string `json:"address"`
	R       []byte `json:"r"`
	S       []byte `json:"s"`
	V       []byte `json:"v"`

type Backend

type Backend interface {
	// General PalletOne API
	Downloader() *downloader.Downloader
	ProtocolVersion() int
	SuggestPrice(ctx context.Context) (*big.Int, error)
	ChainDb() ptndb.Database
	EventMux() *event.TypeMux
	AccountManager() *accounts.Manager

	// BlockChain API
	SetHead(number uint64)
	HeaderByNumber(ctx context.Context, blockNr rpc.BlockNumber) (*modules.Header, error)
	//BlockByNumber(ctx context.Context, blockNr rpc.BlockNumber) (*types.Block, error)
	StateAndHeaderByNumber(ctx context.Context, blockNr rpc.BlockNumber) (*state.StateDB, *modules.Header, error)
	//GetBlock(ctx context.Context, blockHash common.Hash) (*types.Block, error)
	//GetReceipts(ctx context.Context, blockHash common.Hash) (types.Receipts, error)
	GetTd(blockHash common.Hash) *big.Int
	//SubscribeChainEvent(ch chan<- coredata.ChainEvent) event.Subscription
	//SubscribeChainHeadEvent(ch chan<- coredata.ChainHeadEvent) event.Subscription
	//SubscribeChainSideEvent(ch chan<- coredata.ChainSideEvent) event.Subscription
	GetUnstableUnits() []*ptnjson.UnitSummaryJson
	// TxPool API
	SendTx(ctx context.Context, signedTx *modules.Transaction) error
	GetPoolTransactions() (modules.Transactions, error)
	GetPoolTransaction(txHash common.Hash) *modules.Transaction
	GetTxByTxid_back(txid string) (*ptnjson.GetTxIdResult, error)
	GetTxPoolTxByHash(hash common.Hash) (*ptnjson.TxPoolTxJson, error)
	GetPoolTxsByAddr(addr string) ([]*modules.TxPoolTransaction, error)

	//GetPoolNonce(ctx context.Context, addr common.Address) (uint64, error)
	Stats() (int, int, int)
	TxPoolContent() (map[common.Hash]*modules.TxPoolTransaction, map[common.Hash]*modules.TxPoolTransaction)
	Queued() ([]*modules.TxPoolTransaction, error)
	SubscribeTxPreEvent(chan<- modules.TxPreEvent) event.Subscription

	SendConsensus(ctx context.Context) error

	// wallet api
	//WalletTokens(address string) (map[string]*modules.AccountToken, error)
	//WalletBalance(address string, assetid []byte, uniqueid []byte, chainid uint64) (uint64, error)
	QueryProofOfExistenceByReference(ref string) ([]*ptnjson.ProofOfExistenceJson, error)
	// dag's get common
	GetCommon(key []byte) ([]byte, error)
	GetCommonByPrefix(prefix []byte) map[string][]byte
	SaveCommon(key, val []byte) error
	// Get Contract Api
	GetContract(hex_id string) (*modules.Contract, error)

	//get level db
	GetUnitByHash(hash common.Hash) *modules.Unit
	GetUnitByNumber(number *modules.ChainIndex) *modules.Unit
	GetUnitsByIndex(start, end decimal.Decimal, asset string) []*modules.Unit
	GetHeaderByHash(hash common.Hash) (*modules.Header, error)
	GetHeaderByNumber(number *modules.ChainIndex) (*modules.Header, error)

	// get transaction interface
	GetUnitTxsInfo(hash common.Hash) ([]*ptnjson.TxSummaryJson, error)
	GetUnitTxsHashHex(hash common.Hash) ([]string, error)
	GetTxByHash(hash common.Hash) (*ptnjson.TxWithUnitInfoJson, error)
	GetTxByReqId(hash common.Hash) (*ptnjson.TxWithUnitInfoJson, error)
	GetTxSearchEntry(hash common.Hash) (*ptnjson.TxSerachEntryJson, error)

	//TODO wangjiyou
	GetPrefix(prefix string) map[string][]byte //getprefix

	GetUtxoEntry(outpoint *modules.OutPoint) (*ptnjson.UtxoJson, error)
	QueryDbByKey(key []byte) *ptnjson.DbRowJson
	QueryDbByPrefix(prefix []byte) []*ptnjson.DbRowJson
	//GetAddrOutput(addr string) ([]modules.Output, error)
	//------- Get addr utxo start ------//
	GetAddrOutpoints(addr string) ([]modules.OutPoint, error)
	GetAddrByOutPoint(outPoint *modules.OutPoint) (common.Address, error)
	GetAddrUtxos(addr string) ([]*ptnjson.UtxoJson, error)
	GetAddrRawUtxos(addr string) (map[modules.OutPoint]*modules.Utxo, error)
	GetAllUtxos() ([]*ptnjson.UtxoJson, error)

	GetAddrTxHistory(addr string) ([]*ptnjson.TxHistoryJson, error)
	GetAssetTxHistory(asset *modules.Asset) ([]*ptnjson.TxHistoryJson, error)
	//contract control
	ContractInstall(ccName string, ccPath string, ccVersion string, ccDescription, ccAbi, ccLanguage string) (TemplateId []byte, err error)
	ContractDeploy(templateId []byte, txid string, args [][]byte, timeout time.Duration) (deployId []byte, err error)
	ContractInvoke(deployId []byte, txid string, args [][]byte, timeout time.Duration) (rspPayload []byte, err error)
	ContractStop(deployId []byte, txid string, deleteImage bool) error

	ContractStartChaincodeContainer(templateId []byte, txId string) (deployId []byte, e error)
	DecodeTx(hex string) (string, error)
	EncodeTx(jsonStr string) (string, error)

	ContractInstallReqTx(from, to common.Address, daoAmount, daoFee uint64, tplName, path, version string, description, abi, language string, addrs []common.Address) (reqId common.Hash, tplId []byte, err error)
	ContractDeployReqTx(from, to common.Address, daoAmount, daoFee uint64, templateId []byte, args [][]byte, timeout time.Duration) (reqId common.Hash, contractAddr common.Address, err error)
	ContractInvokeReqTx(from, to common.Address, daoAmount, daoFee uint64, certID *big.Int, contractAddress common.Address, args [][]byte, timeout uint32) (reqId common.Hash, err error)
	ContractInvokeReqTokenTx(from, to, toToken common.Address, daoAmount, daoFee, daoAmountToken uint64, asset string, contractAddress common.Address, args [][]byte, timeout uint32) (reqId common.Hash, err error)
	ContractStopReqTx(from, to common.Address, daoAmount, daoFee uint64, contractId common.Address, deleteImage bool) (reqId common.Hash, err error)
	ElectionVrf(id uint32) ([]byte, error)
	UpdateJuryAccount(addr common.Address, pwd string) bool
	GetJuryAccount() []common.Address

	ContractQuery(contractId []byte, txid string, args [][]byte, timeout time.Duration) (rspPayload []byte, err error)

	TxPool() txspool.ITxPool
	Dag() dag.IDag
	SignAndSendTransaction(addr common.Address, tx *modules.Transaction) error
	SignAndSendRequest(addr common.Address, tx *modules.Transaction) error

	TransferPtn(from, to string, amount decimal.Decimal, text *string) (*TxExecuteResult, error)
	GetKeyStore() *keystore.KeyStore

	// get tx hash by req id
	GetTxHashByReqId(reqid common.Hash) (common.Hash, error)

	GetFileInfo(filehash string) ([]*modules.FileInfo, error)

	GetAllContractTpl() ([]*ptnjson.ContractTemplateJson, error)
	GetAllContracts() ([]*ptnjson.ContractJson, error)
	GetContractsByTpl(tplId []byte) ([]*ptnjson.ContractJson, error)

	//get contract key
	GetContractState(contractid []byte, key string) ([]byte, *modules.StateVersion, error)
	GetContractStatesByPrefix(id []byte, prefix string) (map[string]*modules.ContractStateValue, error)

	GetProofTxInfoByHash(txhash string) ([][]byte, error)
	ProofTransactionByHash(txhash string) (string, error)
	ProofTransactionByRlptx(rlptx [][]byte) (string, error)
	SyncUTXOByAddr(addr string) string
	StartCorsSync() (string, error)

	GetChainParameters() *core.ChainParameters

Backend interface provides the common API services (that are provided by both full and light clients) with access to necessary functions.

type CallArgs

type CallArgs struct {
	From     common.Address  `json:"from"`
	To       *common.Address `json:"to"`
	Gas      hexutil.Uint64  `json:"gas"`
	GasPrice hexutil.Big     `json:"gasPrice"`
	Value    hexutil.Big     `json:"value"`
	Data     hexutil.Bytes   `json:"data"`

CallArgs represents the arguments for a call.

type ContractDeployRsp

type ContractDeployRsp struct {
	ReqId      string `json:"reqId"`
	ContractId string `json:"ContractId"`

type ContractInstallRsp

type ContractInstallRsp struct {
	ReqId string `json:"reqId"`
	TplId string `json:"tplId"`

type DeserializationError

type DeserializationError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

DeserializationError describes a failed deserializaion due to bad user input. It corresponds to btcjson.ErrRPCDeserialization.

type ExecutionResult

type ExecutionResult struct {
	Gas         uint64         `json:"gas"`
	Failed      bool           `json:"failed"`
	ReturnValue string         `json:"returnValue"`
	StructLogs  []StructLogRes `json:"structLogs"`

ExecutionResult groups all structured logs emitted by the EVM while replaying a transaction in debug mode as well as transaction execution status, the amount of gas used and the return value

type FutureGetTxOutResult

type FutureGetTxOutResult chan *response

type GetUtxoEntry

type GetUtxoEntry func(outpoint *modules.OutPoint) (*ptnjson.UtxoJson, error)

type InvalidParameterError

type InvalidParameterError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

InvalidParameterError describes an invalid parameter passed by the user. It corresponds to btcjson.ErrRPCInvalidParameter.

type JuryList

type JuryList struct {
	Addr []string `json:"account"`

type MediatorCreateArgs

type MediatorCreateArgs struct {

创建 mediator 所需的参数, 至少包含普通账户地址

type ParseError

type ParseError struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

ParseError describes a failed parse due to bad user input. It corresponds to btcjson.ErrRPCParse.

type PrivateAccountAPI

type PrivateAccountAPI struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

PrivateAccountAPI provides an API to access accounts managed by this node. It offers methods to create, (un)lock en list accounts. Some methods accept passwords and are therefore considered private by default.

func NewPrivateAccountAPI

func NewPrivateAccountAPI(b Backend, nonceLock *AddrLocker) *PrivateAccountAPI

NewPrivateAccountAPI create a new PrivateAccountAPI.

func (*PrivateAccountAPI) DeriveAccount

func (s *PrivateAccountAPI) DeriveAccount(url string, path string, pin *bool) (accounts.Account, error)

DeriveAccount requests a HD wallet to derive a new account, optionally pinning it for later reuse.

func (*PrivateAccountAPI) ImportRawKey

func (s *PrivateAccountAPI) ImportRawKey(privkey string, password string) (string, error)

ImportRawKey stores the given hex encoded ECDSA key into the key directory, encrypting it with the passphrase.

func (*PrivateAccountAPI) ListAccounts

func (s *PrivateAccountAPI) ListAccounts() []string

ListAccounts will return a list of addresses for accounts this node manages.

func (*PrivateAccountAPI) ListWallets

func (s *PrivateAccountAPI) ListWallets() []rawWallet

ListWallets will return a list of wallets this node manages.

func (*PrivateAccountAPI) LlistAccounts

func (s *PrivateAccountAPI) LlistAccounts() ([]string, error)

ListAccounts will return a list of addresses for accounts this node manages.

func (*PrivateAccountAPI) LockAccount

func (s *PrivateAccountAPI) LockAccount(addrStr string) bool

LockAccount will lock the account associated with the given address when it's unlocked.

func (*PrivateAccountAPI) NewAccount

func (s *PrivateAccountAPI) NewAccount(password string) (string, error)

NewAccount will create a new account and returns the address for the new account.

func (*PrivateAccountAPI) OpenWallet

func (s *PrivateAccountAPI) OpenWallet(url string, passphrase *string) error

OpenWallet initiates a hardware wallet opening procedure, establishing a USB connection and attempting to authenticate via the provided passphrase. Note, the method may return an extra challenge requiring a second open (e.g. the Trezor PIN matrix challenge).

func (*PrivateAccountAPI) SendTransaction

func (s *PrivateAccountAPI) SendTransaction(ctx context.Context, args SendTxArgs, passwd string) (common.Hash, error)

SendTransaction will create a transaction from the given arguments and tries to sign it with the key associated with args.To. If the given passwd isn't able to decrypt the key it fails.

func (*PrivateAccountAPI) Sign

func (s *PrivateAccountAPI) Sign(ctx context.Context, data hexutil.Bytes, addr string, passwd string) (hexutil.Bytes, error)

Sign calculates an PalletOne ECDSA signature for: keccack256("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n" + len(message) + message))

Note, the produced signature conforms to the secp256k1 curve R, S and V values, where the V value will be 27 or 28 for legacy reasons.

The key used to calculate the signature is decrypted with the given password.

func (*PrivateAccountAPI) SignAndSendTransaction

func (s *PrivateAccountAPI) SignAndSendTransaction(ctx context.Context, args SendTxArgs, passwd string) (common.Hash, error)

// EcRecover returns the address for the account that was used to create the signature. // Note, this function is compatible with eth_sign and personal_sign. As such it recovers // the address of: // hash = keccak256("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n"${message length}${message}) // addr = ecrecover(hash, signature) // // Note, the signature must conform to the secp256k1 curve R, S and V values, where // the V value must be be 27 or 28 for legacy reasons. // //

func (s *PrivateAccountAPI) EcRecover(ctx context.Context, data, sig hexutil.Bytes) (common.Address, error) {
	if len(sig) != 65 {
		return common.Address{}, fmt.Errorf("signature must be 65 bytes long")
	if sig[64] != 27 && sig[64] != 28 {
		return common.Address{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid PalletOne signature (V is not 27 or 28)")
	sig[64] -= 27 // Transform yellow paper V from 27/28 to 0/1

	rpk, err := crypto.Ecrecover(signHash(data), sig)
	if err != nil {
		return common.Address{}, err
	pubKey := crypto.ToECDSAPub(rpk)
	recoveredAddr := crypto.PubkeyToAddress(pubKey)
	return recoveredAddr, nil

SignAndSendTransaction was renamed to SendTransaction. This method is deprecated and will be removed in the future. It primary goal is to give clients time to update.

func (*PrivateAccountAPI) SignTransaction

func (s *PrivateAccountAPI) SignTransaction(ctx context.Context, args SendTxArgs, passwd string) (*SignTransactionResult, error)

SignTransaction will create a transaction from the given arguments and tries to sign it with the key associated with args.To. If the given passwd isn't able to decrypt the key it fails. The transaction is returned in RLP-form, not broadcast to other nodes

func (*PrivateAccountAPI) TransferPtn

func (s *PrivateAccountAPI) TransferPtn(from, to string, amount decimal.Decimal, text *string,
	password string) (*TxExecuteResult, error)

appended by albert·gou

func (*PrivateAccountAPI) UnlockAccount

func (s *PrivateAccountAPI) UnlockAccount(addrStr string, password string, duration *uint64) (bool, error)

UnlockAccount will unlock the account associated with the given address with the given password for duration seconds. If duration is nil it will use a default of 300 seconds. It returns an indication if the account was unlocked.

type PrivateDebugAPI

type PrivateDebugAPI struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

PrivateDebugAPI is the collection of PalletOne APIs exposed over the private debugging endpoint.

func NewPrivateDebugAPI

func NewPrivateDebugAPI(b Backend) *PrivateDebugAPI

NewPrivateDebugAPI creates a new API definition for the private debug methods of the PalletOne service.

func (*PrivateDebugAPI) ChaindbCompact

func (api *PrivateDebugAPI) ChaindbCompact() error

func (*PrivateDebugAPI) ChaindbProperty

func (api *PrivateDebugAPI) ChaindbProperty(property string) (string, error)

ChaindbProperty returns leveldb properties of the chain database.

func (*PrivateDebugAPI) GetAllTokenBalance

func (api *PrivateDebugAPI) GetAllTokenBalance() map[string]uint64

func (*PrivateDebugAPI) QueryDbByKey

func (api *PrivateDebugAPI) QueryDbByKey(keyString string, keyHex string) *ptnjson.DbRowJson

func (*PrivateDebugAPI) QueryDbByPrefix

func (api *PrivateDebugAPI) QueryDbByPrefix(keyString string, keyHex string) []*ptnjson.DbRowJson

func (*PrivateDebugAPI) SaveCommon

func (api *PrivateDebugAPI) SaveCommon(keyHex string, valueHex string) error

func (*PrivateDebugAPI) SetHead

func (api *PrivateDebugAPI) SetHead(number hexutil.Uint64)

SetHead rewinds the head of the blockchain to a previous block.

type PrivateMediatorAPI

type PrivateMediatorAPI struct {

func NewPrivateMediatorAPI

func NewPrivateMediatorAPI(b Backend) *PrivateMediatorAPI

func (*PrivateMediatorAPI) Apply

func (*PrivateMediatorAPI) PayDeposit

func (a *PrivateMediatorAPI) PayDeposit(from string, amount decimal.Decimal) (*TxExecuteResult, error)

func (*PrivateMediatorAPI) Quit

func (a *PrivateMediatorAPI) Quit(medAddStr string) (*TxExecuteResult, error)

func (*PrivateMediatorAPI) Vote

func (a *PrivateMediatorAPI) Vote(voterStr string, mediatorStrs []string) (*TxExecuteResult, error)

func (*PrivateMediatorAPI) WithdrawDeposit

func (a *PrivateMediatorAPI) WithdrawDeposit(medAddStr string, amount decimal.Decimal) (*TxExecuteResult, error)

type PrivateWalletAPI

type PrivateWalletAPI struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewPrivateWalletAPI

func NewPrivateWalletAPI(b Backend) *PrivateWalletAPI

func (*PrivateWalletAPI) CreateProofOfExistenceTx

func (s *PrivateWalletAPI) CreateProofOfExistenceTx(ctx context.Context, addr string,
	mainData, extraData, reference string, password string) (common.Hash, error)

func (*PrivateWalletAPI) Forking

func (s *PrivateWalletAPI) Forking(ctx context.Context, rate uint64) uint64

func (*PrivateWalletAPI) TransferPtn

func (s *PrivateWalletAPI) TransferPtn(ctx context.Context, from string, to string,
	amount decimal.Decimal, fee decimal.Decimal, Extra string, password string, duration *uint64) (common.Hash, error)

func (*PrivateWalletAPI) TransferToken

func (s *PrivateWalletAPI) TransferToken(ctx context.Context, asset string, from string, to string,
	amount decimal.Decimal, fee decimal.Decimal, Extra string, password string, duration *uint64) (common.Hash, error)

type PublicAccountAPI

type PublicAccountAPI struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

// Inspect retrieves the content of the transaction pool and flattens it into an // easily inspectable list.

func (s *PublicTxPoolAPI) Inspect() map[string]map[string]map[string]string {
	content := map[string]map[string]map[string]string{
		"pending": make(map[string]map[string]string),
		"queued":  make(map[string]map[string]string),
	pending, queue := s.b.TxPoolContent()

	// Define a formatter to flatten a transaction into a string
	var format = func(tx *modules.Transaction) string {
		if to := tx.To(); to != nil {
			return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %v wei + %v gas × %v wei", tx.To().Hex(), tx.Value(), tx.Gas(), tx.GasPrice())
		return fmt.Sprintf("contract creation: %v wei + %v gas × %v wei", tx.Value(), tx.Gas(), tx.GasPrice())
	// Flatten the pending transactions
	for account, txs := range pending {
		dump := make(map[string]string)
		for _, tx := range txs {
			dump[fmt.Sprintf("%d", tx.Nonce())] = format(tx)
		content["pending"][account.Hex()] = dump
	// Flatten the queued transactions
	for account, txs := range queue {
		dump := make(map[string]string)
		for _, tx := range txs {
			dump[fmt.Sprintf("%d", tx.Nonce())] = format(tx)
		content["queued"][account.Hex()] = dump
	return content

PublicAccountAPI provides an API to access accounts managed by this node. It offers only methods that can retrieve accounts.

func NewPublicAccountAPI

func NewPublicAccountAPI(am *accounts.Manager) *PublicAccountAPI

NewPublicAccountAPI creates a new PublicAccountAPI.

func (*PublicAccountAPI) Accounts

func (s *PublicAccountAPI) Accounts() []common.Address

Accounts returns the collection of accounts this node manages

type PublicBlockChainAPI

type PublicBlockChainAPI struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

PublicBlockChainAPI provides an API to access the PalletOne blockchain. It offers only methods that operate on public data that is freely available to anyone.

func NewPublicBlockChainAPI

func NewPublicBlockChainAPI(b Backend) *PublicBlockChainAPI

NewPublicBlockChainAPI creates a new PalletOne blockchain API.

func (*PublicBlockChainAPI) Call

func (s *PublicBlockChainAPI) Call(ctx context.Context, args CallArgs, blockNr rpc.BlockNumber) (hexutil.Bytes, error)

Call executes the given transaction on the state for the given block number. It doesn't make and changes in the state/blockchain and is useful to execute and retrieve values.

func (*PublicBlockChainAPI) CcstartChaincodeContainer

func (s *PublicBlockChainAPI) CcstartChaincodeContainer(ctx context.Context, deployId string, txid string) (string, error)

func (*PublicBlockChainAPI) DecodeTx

func (s *PublicBlockChainAPI) DecodeTx(ctx context.Context, hex string) (string, error)

func (*PublicBlockChainAPI) Election

func (s *PublicBlockChainAPI) Election(ctx context.Context, sid string) (string, error)

func (*PublicBlockChainAPI) EncodeTx

func (s *PublicBlockChainAPI) EncodeTx(ctx context.Context, json string) (string, error)

func (*PublicBlockChainAPI) EstimateGas

func (s *PublicBlockChainAPI) EstimateGas(ctx context.Context, args CallArgs) (hexutil.Uint64, error)

EstimateGas returns an estimate of the amount of gas needed to execute the given transaction against the current pending block.

func (*PublicBlockChainAPI) Forking

func (s *PublicBlockChainAPI) Forking(ctx context.Context, rate uint64) uint64

Start forking command.

func (*PublicBlockChainAPI) GetBalance

func (s *PublicBlockChainAPI) GetBalance(ctx context.Context, address string) (map[string]decimal.Decimal, error)

GetBalance returns the amount of wei for the given address in the state of the given block number. The rpc.LatestBlockNumber and rpc.PendingBlockNumber meta block numbers are also allowed.

func (*PublicBlockChainAPI) GetChainParameters

func (s *PublicBlockChainAPI) GetChainParameters() (*core.ChainParameters, error)

func (*PublicBlockChainAPI) GetCode

func (s *PublicBlockChainAPI) GetCode(ctx context.Context, address common.Address, blockNr rpc.BlockNumber) (hexutil.Bytes, error)

GetCode returns the code stored at the given address in the state for the given block number.

func (*PublicBlockChainAPI) GetJuryAccount

func (s *PublicBlockChainAPI) GetJuryAccount(ctx context.Context) *JuryList

func (*PublicBlockChainAPI) GetPrefix

func (s *PublicBlockChainAPI) GetPrefix(condition string) string

Query leveldb

func (*PublicBlockChainAPI) GetProofTxInfoByHash

func (s *PublicBlockChainAPI) GetProofTxInfoByHash(ctx context.Context, txhash string) ([][]byte, error)


func (*PublicBlockChainAPI) GetStorageAt

func (s *PublicBlockChainAPI) GetStorageAt(ctx context.Context, address common.Address, key string, blockNr rpc.BlockNumber) (hexutil.Bytes, error)

GetStorageAt returns the storage from the state at the given address, key and block number. The rpc.LatestBlockNumber and rpc.PendingBlockNumber meta block numbers are also allowed.

func (*PublicBlockChainAPI) GetTokenTxHistory

func (s *PublicBlockChainAPI) GetTokenTxHistory(ctx context.Context, assetStr string) ([]*ptnjson.TxHistoryJson, error)

func (*PublicBlockChainAPI) ListSysConfig

func (s *PublicBlockChainAPI) ListSysConfig() ([]*ptnjson.ConfigJson, error)

func (*PublicBlockChainAPI) ProofTransactionByHash

func (s *PublicBlockChainAPI) ProofTransactionByHash(ctx context.Context, txhash string) (string, error)

func (*PublicBlockChainAPI) ProofTransactionByRlptx

func (s *PublicBlockChainAPI) ProofTransactionByRlptx(ctx context.Context, rlptx [][]byte) (string, error)

func (*PublicBlockChainAPI) SetJuryAccount

func (s *PublicBlockChainAPI) SetJuryAccount(ctx context.Context, addr, pwd string) string

func (*PublicBlockChainAPI) StartCorsSync

func (s *PublicBlockChainAPI) StartCorsSync(ctx context.Context) (string, error)

func (*PublicBlockChainAPI) SyncUTXOByAddr

func (s *PublicBlockChainAPI) SyncUTXOByAddr(ctx context.Context, addr string) string

type PublicContractAPI

type PublicContractAPI struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewPublicContractAPI

func NewPublicContractAPI(b Backend) *PublicContractAPI

func (*PublicContractAPI) Ccdeploy

func (s *PublicContractAPI) Ccdeploy(ctx context.Context, templateId string, param []string, timeout uint32) (*ContractDeployRsp, error)

func (*PublicContractAPI) Ccdeploytx

func (s *PublicContractAPI) Ccdeploytx(ctx context.Context, from, to, daoAmount, daoFee, tplId string, param []string) (*ContractDeployRsp, error)

func (*PublicContractAPI) Ccinstall

func (s *PublicContractAPI) Ccinstall(ctx context.Context, ccname string, ccpath string, ccversion string) (hexutil.Bytes, error)

contract command install

func (*PublicContractAPI) Ccinstalltx

func (s *PublicContractAPI) Ccinstalltx(ctx context.Context, from, to, daoAmount, daoFee, tplName, path, version string, addr []string) (*ContractInstallRsp, error)

contract tx

func (*PublicContractAPI) Ccinvoke

func (s *PublicContractAPI) Ccinvoke(ctx context.Context, contractAddr string, param []string, timeout uint32) (string, error)

func (*PublicContractAPI) CcinvokeToken

func (s *PublicContractAPI) CcinvokeToken(ctx context.Context, from, to, toToken, daoAmount, daoFee, assetToken, amountToken, deployId string, param []string) (*ContractDeployRsp, error)

func (*PublicContractAPI) Ccinvoketx

func (s *PublicContractAPI) Ccinvoketx(ctx context.Context, from, to, daoAmount, daoFee, deployId string, param []string, certID string, timeout string) (*ContractDeployRsp, error)

func (*PublicContractAPI) CcinvoketxPass

func (s *PublicContractAPI) CcinvoketxPass(ctx context.Context, from, to, daoAmount, daoFee, deployId string, param []string, password string, duration *uint64, certID string) (string, error)

func (*PublicContractAPI) Ccquery

func (s *PublicContractAPI) Ccquery(ctx context.Context, contractAddr string, param []string, timeout uint32) (string, error)

func (*PublicContractAPI) Ccstop

func (s *PublicContractAPI) Ccstop(ctx context.Context, contractAddr string) error

func (*PublicContractAPI) Ccstoptx

func (s *PublicContractAPI) Ccstoptx(ctx context.Context, from, to, daoAmount, daoFee, contractId, deleteImage string) (string, error)

func (*PublicContractAPI) DepositContractInvoke

func (s *PublicContractAPI) DepositContractInvoke(ctx context.Context, from, to, daoAmount, daoFee string,
	param []string) (string, error)

func (*PublicContractAPI) DepositContractQuery

func (s *PublicContractAPI) DepositContractQuery(ctx context.Context, param []string) (string, error)

func (*PublicContractAPI) GetContractState

func (s *PublicContractAPI) GetContractState(contractid []byte, key string) ([]byte, *modules.StateVersion, error)

func (*PublicContractAPI) GetContractsByTpl

func (s *PublicContractAPI) GetContractsByTpl(ctx context.Context, tplId string) ([]*ptnjson.ContractJson, error)

func (*PublicContractAPI) ListAllContractTemplates

func (s *PublicContractAPI) ListAllContractTemplates(ctx context.Context) ([]*ptnjson.ContractTemplateJson, error)

func (*PublicContractAPI) ListAllContracts

func (s *PublicContractAPI) ListAllContracts(ctx context.Context) ([]*ptnjson.ContractJson, error)

func (*PublicContractAPI) SysConfigContractInvoke

func (s *PublicContractAPI) SysConfigContractInvoke(ctx context.Context, from, to, daoAmount, daoFee string,
	param []string) (string, error)

func (*PublicContractAPI) SysConfigContractQuery

func (s *PublicContractAPI) SysConfigContractQuery(ctx context.Context, param []string) (string, error)

type PublicDagAPI

type PublicDagAPI struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewPublicDagAPI

func NewPublicDagAPI(b Backend) *PublicDagAPI

func (*PublicDagAPI) GetAddrOutpoints

func (s *PublicDagAPI) GetAddrOutpoints(ctx context.Context, addr string) (string, error)

func (*PublicDagAPI) GetAddrUtxos

func (s *PublicDagAPI) GetAddrUtxos(ctx context.Context, addr string) (string, error)

func (*PublicDagAPI) GetAllUtxos

func (s *PublicDagAPI) GetAllUtxos(ctx context.Context) (string, error)

func (*PublicDagAPI) GetCommon

func (s *PublicDagAPI) GetCommon(ctx context.Context, key string) ([]byte, error)

func (*PublicDagAPI) GetCommonByPrefix

func (s *PublicDagAPI) GetCommonByPrefix(ctx context.Context, prefix string) (string, error)

func (*PublicDagAPI) GetFastUnitIndex

func (s *PublicDagAPI) GetFastUnitIndex(ctx context.Context, assetid string) string

func (*PublicDagAPI) GetHeaderByHash

func (s *PublicDagAPI) GetHeaderByHash(ctx context.Context, condition string) (string, error)

func (*PublicDagAPI) GetHeaderByNumber

func (s *PublicDagAPI) GetHeaderByNumber(ctx context.Context, condition string) (string, error)

func (*PublicDagAPI) GetHexCommon

func (s *PublicDagAPI) GetHexCommon(ctx context.Context, key string) (string, error)

func (*PublicDagAPI) GetTransactionsByTxid

func (s *PublicDagAPI) GetTransactionsByTxid(ctx context.Context, txid string) (*ptnjson.GetTxIdResult, error)

func (*PublicDagAPI) GetTxByHash

func (s *PublicDagAPI) GetTxByHash(ctx context.Context, hashHex string) (string, error)

func (*PublicDagAPI) GetTxByReqId

func (s *PublicDagAPI) GetTxByReqId(ctx context.Context, hashHex string) (string, error)

func (*PublicDagAPI) GetTxHashByReqId

func (s *PublicDagAPI) GetTxHashByReqId(ctx context.Context, hashHex string) (string, error)

func (*PublicDagAPI) GetTxPoolTxByHash

func (s *PublicDagAPI) GetTxPoolTxByHash(ctx context.Context, hex string) (string, error)

GetTxPoolTxByHash returns the pool transaction for the given hash

func (*PublicDagAPI) GetTxSearchEntry

func (s *PublicDagAPI) GetTxSearchEntry(ctx context.Context, hashHex string) (string, error)

func (*PublicDagAPI) GetUnitByHash

func (s *PublicDagAPI) GetUnitByHash(ctx context.Context, condition string) string

func (*PublicDagAPI) GetUnitByNumber

func (s *PublicDagAPI) GetUnitByNumber(ctx context.Context, condition string) string

func (*PublicDagAPI) GetUnitSummaryByNumber

func (s *PublicDagAPI) GetUnitSummaryByNumber(ctx context.Context, condition string) string

func (*PublicDagAPI) GetUnitTxsHashHex

func (s *PublicDagAPI) GetUnitTxsHashHex(ctx context.Context, hashHex string) (string, error)

func (*PublicDagAPI) GetUnitTxsInfo

func (s *PublicDagAPI) GetUnitTxsInfo(ctx context.Context, hashHex string) (string, error)

func (*PublicDagAPI) GetUnitsByIndex

func (s *PublicDagAPI) GetUnitsByIndex(ctx context.Context, start, end decimal.Decimal, asset string) string


func (*PublicDagAPI) GetUnstableUnits

func (s *PublicDagAPI) GetUnstableUnits() []*ptnjson.UnitSummaryJson

SaveTokenInfo save a token ,return hex key.

func (s *PublicDagAPI) SaveTokenInfo(ctx context.Context, name, token, creator string) (string, error) {
	//info to token
	info := modules.NewTokenInfo(name, token, creator)

	item, err := s.b.SaveTokenInfo(info)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err

	this := NewPublicReturnInfo("save_token_info", item)
	result_json, _ := json.Marshal(this)
	return string(result_json), nil


func (*PublicDagAPI) HeadUnitHash

func (s *PublicDagAPI) HeadUnitHash() string

func (*PublicDagAPI) HeadUnitNum

func (s *PublicDagAPI) HeadUnitNum() uint64

func (*PublicDagAPI) HeadUnitTime

func (s *PublicDagAPI) HeadUnitTime() string

func (*PublicDagAPI) StableUnitNum

func (s *PublicDagAPI) StableUnitNum() uint64

type PublicDebugAPI

type PublicDebugAPI struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

// PendingTransactions returns the transactions that are in the transaction pool and have a from address that is one of // the accounts this node manages.

func (s *PublicTransactionPoolAPI) PendingTransactions() ([]*RPCTransaction, error) {
	pending, err := s.b.GetPoolTransactions()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	transactions := make([]*RPCTransaction, 0, len(pending))
	for _, tx := range pending {
		var signer types.Signer = types.HomesteadSigner{}
		if tx.Protected() {
			//signer = types.NewEIP155Signer(tx.ChainId())
		from, _ := types.Sender(signer, tx)
		if _, err := s.b.AccountManager().Find(accounts.Account{Address: from}); err == nil {
			transactions = append(transactions, newRPCPendingTransaction(tx))
	return transactions, nil

// Resend accepts an existing transaction and a new gas price and limit. It will remove // the given transaction from the pool and reinsert it with the new gas price and limit.

func (s *PublicTransactionPoolAPI) Resend(ctx context.Context, sendArgs SendTxArgs, gasPrice *hexutil.Big, gasLimit *hexutil.Uint64) (common.Hash, error) {
	if sendArgs.Nonce == nil {
		return common.Hash{}, fmt.Errorf("missing transaction nonce in transaction spec")
	if err := sendArgs.setDefaults(ctx, s.b); err != nil {
		return common.Hash{}, err
	matchTx := sendArgs.toTransaction()
	pending, err := s.b.GetPoolTransactions()
	if err != nil {
		return common.Hash{}, err

	for _, p := range pending {
		var signer types.Signer = types.HomesteadSigner{}
		if p.Protected() {
			//signer = types.NewEIP155Signer(p.ChainId())
		wantSigHash := signer.Hash(matchTx)

		if pFrom, err := types.Sender(signer, p); err == nil && pFrom == sendArgs.From && signer.Hash(p) == wantSigHash {
			// Match. Re-sign and send the transaction.
			if gasPrice != nil && (*big.Int)(gasPrice).Sign() != 0 {
				sendArgs.GasPrice = gasPrice
			if gasLimit != nil && *gasLimit != 0 {
				sendArgs.Gas = gasLimit
			signedTx, err := s.sign(sendArgs.From, sendArgs.toTransaction())
			if err != nil {
				return common.Hash{}, err
			if err = s.b.SendTx(ctx, signedTx); err != nil {
				return common.Hash{}, err
			return signedTx.Hash(), nil

	return common.Hash{}, fmt.Errorf("Transaction %#x not found", matchTx.Hash())

PublicDebugAPI is the collection of PalletOne APIs exposed over the public debugging endpoint.

func NewPublicDebugAPI

func NewPublicDebugAPI(b Backend) *PublicDebugAPI

NewPublicDebugAPI creates a new API definition for the public debug methods of the PalletOne service.

func (*PublicDebugAPI) GetProtocolVersion

func (api *PublicDebugAPI) GetProtocolVersion() int

type PublicMediatorAPI

type PublicMediatorAPI struct {

func NewPublicMediatorAPI

func NewPublicMediatorAPI(b Backend) *PublicMediatorAPI

func (*PublicMediatorAPI) GetDeposit

func (a *PublicMediatorAPI) GetDeposit(addStr string) (*deposit.MediatorDeposit, error)

func (*PublicMediatorAPI) GetInfo

func (a *PublicMediatorAPI) GetInfo(addStr string) (*modules.MediatorInfo, error)

func (*PublicMediatorAPI) GetNextUpdateTime

func (a *PublicMediatorAPI) GetNextUpdateTime() string

func (*PublicMediatorAPI) GetVoted

func (a *PublicMediatorAPI) GetVoted(addStr string) ([]string, error)

func (*PublicMediatorAPI) IsActive

func (a *PublicMediatorAPI) IsActive(addStr string) (bool, error)

func (*PublicMediatorAPI) IsApproved

func (a *PublicMediatorAPI) IsApproved(addStr string) (string, error)

func (*PublicMediatorAPI) IsInList

func (a *PublicMediatorAPI) IsInList(addStr string) (bool, error)

func (*PublicMediatorAPI) ListActives

func (a *PublicMediatorAPI) ListActives() []string

func (*PublicMediatorAPI) ListAll

func (a *PublicMediatorAPI) ListAll() []string

func (*PublicMediatorAPI) ListVoteResults

func (a *PublicMediatorAPI) ListVoteResults() map[string]uint64

func (*PublicMediatorAPI) LookupMediatorInfo

func (a *PublicMediatorAPI) LookupMediatorInfo() []*modules.MediatorInfo

type PublicNetAPI

type PublicNetAPI struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

PublicNetAPI offers network related RPC methods

func NewPublicNetAPI

func NewPublicNetAPI(net *p2p.Server, networkVersion uint64) *PublicNetAPI

NewPublicNetAPI creates a new net API instance.

func (*PublicNetAPI) Listening

func (s *PublicNetAPI) Listening() bool

Listening returns an indication if the node is listening for network connections.

func (*PublicNetAPI) PeerCount

func (s *PublicNetAPI) PeerCount() hexutil.Uint

PeerCount returns the number of connected peers

func (*PublicNetAPI) Version

func (s *PublicNetAPI) Version() string

Version returns the current ethereum protocol version.

type PublicPalletOneAPI

type PublicPalletOneAPI struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

PublicPalletOneAPI provides an API to access PalletOne related information. It offers only methods that operate on public data that is freely available to anyone.

func NewPublicPalletOneAPI

func NewPublicPalletOneAPI(b Backend) *PublicPalletOneAPI

NewPublicPalletOneAPI creates a new PalletOne protocol API.

func (*PublicPalletOneAPI) GasPrice

func (s *PublicPalletOneAPI) GasPrice(ctx context.Context) (*big.Int, error)

GasPrice returns a suggestion for a gas price.

func (*PublicPalletOneAPI) ProtocolVersion

func (s *PublicPalletOneAPI) ProtocolVersion() hexutil.Uint

ProtocolVersion returns the current PalletOne protocol version this node supports

func (*PublicPalletOneAPI) Syncing

func (s *PublicPalletOneAPI) Syncing() (interface{}, error)

Syncing returns false in case the node is currently not syncing with the network. It can be up to date or has not yet received the latest block headers from its pears. In case it is synchronizing: - startingBlock: block number this node started to synchronise from - currentBlock: block number this node is currently importing - highestBlock: block number of the highest block header this node has received from peers - pulledStates: number of state entries processed until now - knownStates: number of known state entries that still need to be pulled

type PublicReturnInfo

type PublicReturnInfo struct {
	Item string      `json:"item"`
	Info interface{} `json:"info"`
	Hex  string      `json:"hex"`

func NewPublicReturnInfo

func NewPublicReturnInfo(name string, info interface{}) *PublicReturnInfo

func NewPublicReturnInfoWithHex

func NewPublicReturnInfoWithHex(name string, info interface{}, rlpData []byte) *PublicReturnInfo

type PublicTransactionPoolAPI

type PublicTransactionPoolAPI struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

// newRPCTransactionFromBlockIndex returns a transaction that will serialize to the RPC representation.

func newRPCTransactionFromBlockIndex(b *types.Block, index uint64) *RPCTransaction {
	txs := b.Transactions()
	if index >= uint64(len(txs)) {
		return nil
	return newRPCTransaction(txs[index], b.Hash(), b.NumberU64(), index)

// newRPCRawTransactionFromBlockIndex returns the bytes of a transaction given a block and a transaction index.

func newRPCRawTransactionFromBlockIndex(b *types.Block, index uint64) hexutil.Bytes {
	txs := b.Transactions()
	if index >= uint64(len(txs)) {
		return nil
	blob, _ := rlp.EncodeToBytes(txs[index])
	return blob

// newRPCTransactionFromBlockHash returns a transaction that will serialize to the RPC representation.

func newRPCTransactionFromBlockHash(b *types.Block, hash common.Hash) *RPCTransaction {
	for idx, tx := range b.Transactions() {
		if tx.Hash() == hash {
			return newRPCTransactionFromBlockIndex(b, uint64(idx))
	return nil

PublicTransactionPoolAPI exposes methods for the RPC interface

func NewPublicTransactionPoolAPI

func NewPublicTransactionPoolAPI(b Backend, nonceLock *AddrLocker) *PublicTransactionPoolAPI

NewPublicTransactionPoolAPI creates a new RPC service with methods specific for the transaction pool.

func (*PublicTransactionPoolAPI) BatchSign

func (s *PublicTransactionPoolAPI) BatchSign(ctx context.Context, txid string, fromAddress, toAddress string, amount int, count int, password string) ([]string, error)


func (*PublicTransactionPoolAPI) CmdCreateTransaction

func (s *PublicTransactionPoolAPI) CmdCreateTransaction(ctx context.Context, from string, to string, amount, fee decimal.Decimal) (string, error)

func (*PublicTransactionPoolAPI) GetAddrOutpoints

func (s *PublicTransactionPoolAPI) GetAddrOutpoints(ctx context.Context, addr string) (string, error)

func (*PublicTransactionPoolAPI) GetAddrUtxos

func (s *PublicTransactionPoolAPI) GetAddrUtxos(ctx context.Context, addr string) (string, error)

func (*PublicTransactionPoolAPI) GetAllUtxos

func (s *PublicTransactionPoolAPI) GetAllUtxos(ctx context.Context) (string, error)

func (*PublicTransactionPoolAPI) GetBlockTransactionCountByNumber

func (s *PublicTransactionPoolAPI) GetBlockTransactionCountByNumber(ctx context.Context, blockNr rpc.BlockNumber) *hexutil.Uint

GetBlockTransactionCountByNumber returns the number of transactions in the block with the given block number.

func (*PublicTransactionPoolAPI) GetTransactionCount

func (s *PublicTransactionPoolAPI) GetTransactionCount(ctx context.Context, address common.Address, blockNr rpc.BlockNumber) (*hexutil.Uint64, error)

// GetBlockTransactionCountByHash returns the number of transactions in the block with the given hash.

func (s *PublicTransactionPoolAPI) GetBlockTransactionCountByHash(ctx context.Context, blockHash common.Hash) *hexutil.Uint {
	if block, _ := s.b.GetBlock(ctx, blockHash); block != nil {
		n := hexutil.Uint(len(block.Transactions()))
		return &n
	return nil

// GetTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex returns the transaction for the given block number and index.

func (s *PublicTransactionPoolAPI) GetTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex(ctx context.Context, blockNr rpc.BlockNumber, index hexutil.Uint) *RPCTransaction {
	if block, _ := s.b.BlockByNumber(ctx, blockNr); block != nil {
		return newRPCTransactionFromBlockIndex(block, uint64(index))
	return nil

// GetTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex returns the transaction for the given block hash and index.

func (s *PublicTransactionPoolAPI) GetTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex(ctx context.Context, blockHash common.Hash, index hexutil.Uint) *RPCTransaction {
	if block, _ := s.b.GetBlock(ctx, blockHash); block != nil {
		return newRPCTransactionFromBlockIndex(block, uint64(index))
	return nil

// GetRawTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex returns the bytes of the transaction for the given block number and index.

func (s *PublicTransactionPoolAPI) GetRawTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex(ctx context.Context, blockNr rpc.BlockNumber, index hexutil.Uint) hexutil.Bytes {
	if block, _ := s.b.BlockByNumber(ctx, blockNr); block != nil {
		return newRPCRawTransactionFromBlockIndex(block, uint64(index))
	return nil

// GetRawTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex returns the bytes of the transaction for the given block hash and index.

func (s *PublicTransactionPoolAPI) GetRawTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex(ctx context.Context, blockHash common.Hash, index hexutil.Uint) hexutil.Bytes {
	if block, _ := s.b.GetBlock(ctx, blockHash); block != nil {
		return newRPCRawTransactionFromBlockIndex(block, uint64(index))
	return nil

GetTransactionCount returns the number of transactions the given address has sent for the given block number

func (*PublicTransactionPoolAPI) GetTransactionsByTxid

func (s *PublicTransactionPoolAPI) GetTransactionsByTxid(ctx context.Context, txid string) (*ptnjson.GetTxIdResult, error)

func (*PublicTransactionPoolAPI) GetTxHashByReqId

func (s *PublicTransactionPoolAPI) GetTxHashByReqId(ctx context.Context, hashHex string) (string, error)

func (*PublicTransactionPoolAPI) GetTxPoolTxByHash

func (s *PublicTransactionPoolAPI) GetTxPoolTxByHash(ctx context.Context, hex string) (string, error)

GetTxPoolTxByHash returns the pool transaction for the given hash

func (*PublicTransactionPoolAPI) SendJsonTransaction

func (s *PublicTransactionPoolAPI) SendJsonTransaction(ctx context.Context, jsonStr string) (common.Hash, error)

SendJsonTransaction will add the signed transaction jsonto the transaction pool. The sender is responsible for signing the transaction and using the correct nonce.

func (*PublicTransactionPoolAPI) SendRawTransaction

func (s *PublicTransactionPoolAPI) SendRawTransaction(ctx context.Context, encodedTx string) (common.Hash, error)

SendRawTransaction will add the signed transaction to the transaction pool. The sender is responsible for signing the transaction and using the correct nonce.

func (*PublicTransactionPoolAPI) SendTransaction

func (s *PublicTransactionPoolAPI) SendTransaction(ctx context.Context, args SendTxArgs) (common.Hash, error)

SendTransaction creates a transaction for the given argument, sign it and submit it to the transaction pool.

func (*PublicTransactionPoolAPI) Sign

Sign calculates an ECDSA signature for: keccack256("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n" + len(message) + message).

Note, the produced signature conforms to the secp256k1 curve R, S and V values, where the V value will be 27 or 28 for legacy reasons.

The account associated with addr must be unlocked.

func (*PublicTransactionPoolAPI) SignRawTransaction

func (s *PublicTransactionPoolAPI) SignRawTransaction(ctx context.Context, params string, hashtype string, password string, duration *uint64) (ptnjson.SignRawTransactionResult, error)

sign rawtranscation create raw transction

func (*PublicTransactionPoolAPI) SignTransaction

SignTransaction will sign the given transaction with the from account. The node needs to have the private key of the account corresponding with the given from address and it needs to be unlocked.

type PublicTxPoolAPI

type PublicTxPoolAPI struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

PublicTxPoolAPI offers and API for the transaction pool. It only operates on data that is non confidential.

func NewPublicTxPoolAPI

func NewPublicTxPoolAPI(b Backend) *PublicTxPoolAPI

NewPublicTxPoolAPI creates a new tx pool service that gives information about the transaction pool.

func (*PublicTxPoolAPI) Content

func (s *PublicTxPoolAPI) Content() map[string]map[string]*RPCTransaction

Content returns the transactions contained within the transaction pool.

func (*PublicTxPoolAPI) Pending

func (s *PublicTxPoolAPI) Pending() ([]*ptnjson.TxPoolPendingJson, error)

func (*PublicTxPoolAPI) Queue

func (s *PublicTxPoolAPI) Queue() map[common.Hash]*modules.Transaction

func (*PublicTxPoolAPI) Status

func (s *PublicTxPoolAPI) Status() map[string]hexutil.Uint

Status returns the number of pending and queued transaction in the pool.

type PublicWalletAPI

type PublicWalletAPI struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewPublicWalletAPI

func NewPublicWalletAPI(b Backend) *PublicWalletAPI

func (*PublicWalletAPI) CreateProofTransaction

func (s *PublicWalletAPI) CreateProofTransaction(ctx context.Context, params string, password string) (common.Hash, error)

func (*PublicWalletAPI) CreateRawTransaction

func (s *PublicWalletAPI) CreateRawTransaction(ctx context.Context, from string, to string, amount, fee decimal.Decimal) (string, error)

func (*PublicWalletAPI) Forking

func (s *PublicWalletAPI) Forking(ctx context.Context, rate uint64) uint64

Start forking command.

func (*PublicWalletAPI) GetAddrTxHistory

func (s *PublicWalletAPI) GetAddrTxHistory(ctx context.Context, addr string) ([]*ptnjson.TxHistoryJson, error)

func (*PublicWalletAPI) GetAddrUtxos

func (s *PublicWalletAPI) GetAddrUtxos(ctx context.Context, addr string) (string, error)

func (*PublicWalletAPI) GetAllTokenInfo

func (s *PublicWalletAPI) GetAllTokenInfo(ctx context.Context) (string, error)

func (*PublicWalletAPI) GetBalance

func (s *PublicWalletAPI) GetBalance(ctx context.Context, address string) (map[string]decimal.Decimal, error)

func (*PublicWalletAPI) GetFileInfoByFileHash

func (s *PublicWalletAPI) GetFileInfoByFileHash(ctx context.Context, filehash string) (string, error)

func (*PublicWalletAPI) GetFileInfoByTxid

func (s *PublicWalletAPI) GetFileInfoByTxid(ctx context.Context, txid string) (string, error)

func (*PublicWalletAPI) GetOneTokenInfo

func (s *PublicWalletAPI) GetOneTokenInfo(ctx context.Context, symbol string) (string, error)

func (*PublicWalletAPI) GetProofOfExistencesByRef

func (s *PublicWalletAPI) GetProofOfExistencesByRef(ctx context.Context, reference string) ([]*ptnjson.ProofOfExistenceJson, error)

func (*PublicWalletAPI) GetPtnTestCoin

func (s *PublicWalletAPI) GetPtnTestCoin(ctx context.Context, from string, to string, amount, password string, duration *uint64) (common.Hash, error)

sign rawtranscation create raw transction

func (*PublicWalletAPI) SendRawTransaction

func (s *PublicWalletAPI) SendRawTransaction(ctx context.Context, params string) (common.Hash, error)

walletSendTransaction will add the signed transaction to the transaction pool. The sender is responsible for signing the transaction and using the correct nonce.

func (*PublicWalletAPI) SendRlpTransaction

func (s *PublicWalletAPI) SendRlpTransaction(ctx context.Context, encodedTx string) (common.Hash, error)

type RPCTransaction

type RPCTransaction struct {
	//UnitHash common.Hash `json:"unit_Hash"`
	//From      common.Address `json:"from"`
	UnitIndex uint64      `json:"unit_index"`
	Hash      common.Hash `json:"hash"`

	TransactionIndex hexutil.Uint `json:"transaction_index"`

RPCTransaction represents a transaction that will serialize to the RPC representation of a transaction

type SendTxArgs

type SendTxArgs struct {
	From     common.Address  `json:"from"`
	To       *common.Address `json:"to"`
	Gas      *hexutil.Uint64 `json:"gas"`
	GasPrice *hexutil.Big    `json:"gasPrice"`
	Value    *hexutil.Big    `json:"value"`
	Nonce    *hexutil.Uint64 `json:"nonce"`
	// We accept "data" and "input" for backwards-compatibility reasons. "input" is the
	// newer name and should be preferred by clients.
	Data  *hexutil.Bytes `json:"data"`
	Input *hexutil.Bytes `json:"input"`

SendTxArgs represents the arguments to sumbit a new transaction into the transaction pool.

type SignTransactionParams

type SignTransactionParams struct {
	RawTx  string `json:"rawtx"`
	Inputs []struct {
		Txid         string `json:"txid"`
		Vout         uint32 `json:"vout"`
		MessageIndex uint32 `json:"messageindex"`
		ScriptPubKey string `json:"scriptPubKey"`
		RedeemScript string `json:"redeemScript"`
	} `json:"rawtxinput"`
	PrivKeys []string `json:"privkeys"`
	Flags    string   `jsonrpcdefault:"\"ALL\""`

type SignTransactionResult

type SignTransactionResult struct {
	Raw hexutil.Bytes        `json:"raw"`
	Tx  *modules.Transaction `json:"tx"`

SignTransactionResult represents a RLP encoded signed transaction.

type SignatureError

type SignatureError struct {
	InputIndex uint32
	Error      error

type StructLogRes

type StructLogRes struct {
	Pc      uint64             `json:"pc"`
	Op      string             `json:"op"`
	Gas     uint64             `json:"gas"`
	GasCost uint64             `json:"gasCost"`
	Depth   int                `json:"depth"`
	Error   error              `json:"error,omitempty"`
	Stack   *[]string          `json:"stack,omitempty"`
	Memory  *[]string          `json:"memory,omitempty"`
	Storage *map[string]string `json:"storage,omitempty"`

StructLogRes stores a structured log emitted by the EVM while replaying a transaction in debug mode

type TxExecuteResult

type TxExecuteResult struct {
	TxContent string      `json:"txContent"`
	TxHash    common.Hash `json:"txHash"`
	TxSize    string      `json:"txSize"`
	TxFee     string      `json:"txFee"`
	Tip       string      `json:"tip"`
	Warning   string      `json:"warning"`


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