log4j-sniffer crawls for all instances of log4j that are earlier than version 2.16 on disk within a specified directory.
It can be used to determine whether there are any vulnerable instances of log4j within a directory tree.
What this does
log4j-sniffer will scan a filesystem looking for all files of the following types based upon suffix:
- Zips: .zip
- Java archives: .jar, .war, .ear
- Tar: .tar.gz, .tgz
It will look for the following:
- Jar files matching
, including those nested within another archive
- Class files named
within Jar files or other archives
- Class files named
in other package hierarchies
If Go is available on the host system, the following command can be used to install this program:
go install github.com/palantir/log4j-sniffer@latest
This repository also publishes binaries that can be downloaded and executed.
log4j-sniffer executables compiled for linux-amd64, darwin-amd64, and darwin-arm64 architectures are available on the releases page.
This tool is intensive and is recommended to be run with low priority settings.
On Linux:
ionice -c 3 nice -n 19 log4j-sniffer crawl /path/to/a/directory
Output for vulnerable files looks as follows:
INFO [2021-12-17T14:10:10.046706-08:00] github.com/palantir/log4j-sniffer/pkg/crawl/crawler.go:50: Crawl started (runID: 0132794a-6b5a-4632-b7ee-7e92672990ee)
INFO [2021-12-17T14:10:10.053085-08:00] github.com/palantir/log4j-sniffer/pkg/crawl/report.go:44: CVE-2021-45046 detected (classNameMatched: false, classPackageAndNameMatch: true, filename: log4j-core-2.14.1.jar, jarNameInsideArchiveMatched: false, jarNameMatched: true, runID: 0132794a-6b5a-4632-b7ee-7e92672990ee) (path: examples/single_bad_version/log4j-core-2.14.1.jar)
INFO [2021-12-17T14:10:10.053327-08:00] github.com/palantir/log4j-sniffer/pkg/crawl/crawler.go:54: Crawl complete (crawlDuration: 6.867927ms, filesScanned: 1, permissionDeniedCount: 0, runID: 0132794a-6b5a-4632-b7ee-7e92672990ee)
INFO [2021-12-17T14:10:10.053455-08:00] github.com/palantir/log4j-sniffer/internal/crawler/crawl.go:46: Files affected by CVE-2021-45046 detected (runID: 0132794a-6b5a-4632-b7ee-7e92672990ee, vulnerableFileCount: 1)
With the following meaning:
- classNameMatched: there was a .class file called
- classPackageAndNameMatched: there was a .class file called
with a package of org.apache.logging.log4j.core.lookup
- jarNameInsideArchiveMatched: there was a .jar file called
inside the archive
- jarNameMatched: the file scanned was a .jar file called
- filename: the filename matched
- path: the full path on disk for the file