
v0.0.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Mar 6, 2018 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 19 Imported by: 43




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This section is empty.


func BuildArgsFromScript

func BuildArgsFromScript(productTaskOutputInfo ProductTaskOutputInfo, buildArgsScript string) ([]string, error)

func BuildScriptEnvVariables

func BuildScriptEnvVariables(outputInfo ProductTaskOutputInfo) map[string]string

BuildScriptEnvVariables returns a map of environment variables for the script for the builder. The returned map contains the following environment variables:

PROJECT_DIR: the root directory of project
VERSION: the version of the project
PRODUCT: the name of the product

The following environment variables are defined if the build configuration for the product is non-nil:

BUILD_DIR: the build output directory for the product ("{{OutputDir}}/{{ProductID}}/{{Version}}")
BUILD_NAME: the rendered NameTemplate for the build for this product
BUILD_OS_ARCH_COUNT: the number of OS/arch combinations for this product
BUILD_OS_ARCH_{#}: for 0 <= # < BUILD_OS_ARCHS_COUNT, contains the OS/arch for the build

func ClassifyProductParams

func ClassifyProductParams(productParams []ProductParam) (allProducts map[ProductID]struct{}, specifiedProducts map[ProductID]struct{}, dependentProducts map[ProductID]struct{})

func DistScriptEnvVariables

func DistScriptEnvVariables(distID DistID, outputInfo ProductTaskOutputInfo) map[string]string

DistScriptEnvVariables returns a map of environment variables for the script for the dister with the specified DistID in the provided output configuration. The returned map contains the following environment variables:

PROJECT_DIR: the root directory of project
VERSION: the version of the project
PRODUCT: the name of the product
DEP_PRODUCT_ID_COUNT: the number of dependent products for the product
DEP_PRODUCT_ID_{#}: for 0 <= # < DEP_PRODUCT_IDS_COUNT, contains the dependent products for the product

The following environment variables are defined if the build configuration for the product is non-nil:

BUILD_DIR: the build output directory for the product ("{{OutputDir}}/{{ProductID}}/{{Version}}")
BUILD_NAME: the rendered NameTemplate for the build for this product
BUILD_OS_ARCH_COUNT: the number of OS/arch combinations for this product
BUILD_OS_ARCH_{#}: for 0 <= # < BUILD_OS_ARCHS_COUNT, contains the OS/arch for the build

The following environment variables are defined if the dist configuration for the product is non-nil:

DIST_ID: the DistID for the current distribution
DIST_DIR: the distribution output directory for the dist ("{{ProjectDir}}/{{OutputDir}}/{{ProductID}}/{{Version}}/{{DistID}}")
DIST_WORK_DIR: the distribution work directory for the dist ("{{ProjectDir}}/{{OutputDir}}/{{ProductID}}/{{Version}}/{{DistID}}/{{NameTemplateRendered}}")
DIST_NAME: the rendered NameTemplate for the distribution
DIST_ARTIFACT_COUNT: the number of artifacts generated by the current distribution
DIST_ARTIFACT_{#}: for 0 <= # < DIST_ARTIFACT_COUNT, the name of the dist artifact generated by the current distribution

Each dependent product adds the following set of environment variables that start with "DEP_PRODUCT_ID_{#}_", where 0 <= # < DEP_PRODUCT_ID_COUNT:

The following environment variables are defined if the build configuration for the product is non-nil:

DEP_PRODUCT_ID_{#}_BUILD_DIR: the build output directory for the product ("{{OutputDir}}/{{ProductID}}/{{Version}}")
DEP_PRODUCT_ID_{#}_BUILD_NAME: the rendered NameTemplate for the build for this product
DEP_PRODUCT_ID_{#}_BUILD_OS_ARCH_COUNT: the number of OS/arch combinations for this product
DEP_PRODUCT_ID_{#}_BUILD_OS_ARCH_{##}: for 0 <= ## < BUILD_OS_ARCH_COUNT, contains the OS/arch for the build

The following environment variables are defined if the dist configuration for the product is non-nil:

DEP_PRODUCT_ID_{#}_DIST_ID_COUNT: the number of disters for this product
DEP_PRODUCT_ID_{#}_DIST_ID_{##}: for 0 <= ## < DIST_ID_COUNT, the DistID
DEP_PRODUCT_ID_{#}_DIST_ID_{##}_DIST_DIR: for 0 <= ## < DIST_ID_COUNT, the distribution output directory for the dist ("{{ProjectDir}}/{{OutputDir}}/{{ProductID}}/{{Version}}/{{DistID}}")
DEP_PRODUCT_ID_{#}_DIST_ID_{##}_DIST_WORK_DIR: for 0 <= ## < DIST_ID_COUNT, the distribution work directory for the dist ("{{ProjectDir}}/{{OutputDir}}/{{ProductID}}/{{Version}}/{{DistID}}/{{NameTemplateRendered}}")
DEP_PRODUCT_ID_{#}_DIST_ID_{##}_DIST_NAME: for 0 <= ## < DIST_ID_COUNT, the rendered NameTemplate for the distribution
DEP_PRODUCT_ID_{#}_DIST_ID_{##}_DIST_ARTIFACT_COUNT: for 0 <= ## < DIST_DISTER_IDS_COUNT, contains the number of artifacts generated by the dister
DEP_PRODUCT_ID_{#}_DIST_ID_{##}_DIST_ARTIFACT_{###}: for 0 <= ## < DIST_DISTER_IDS_COUNT and 0 <= ### < DIST_DISTER_IDS_{#}_DIST_ARTIFACTS_COUNT, contains the name of the specified dist artifact

func DryRunPrint

func DryRunPrint(w io.Writer, msg string)

func DryRunPrintln

func DryRunPrintln(w io.Writer, msg string)

func ExecutableName

func ExecutableName(productName, goos string) string

func PrintOrDryRunPrint

func PrintOrDryRunPrint(w io.Writer, msg string, dryRun bool)

func PrintlnOrDryRunPrintln

func PrintlnOrDryRunPrintln(w io.Writer, msg string, dryRun bool)

func ProductBuildArtifactPaths

func ProductBuildArtifactPaths(projectInfo ProjectInfo, productOutputInfo ProductOutputInfo) map[osarch.OSArch]string

ProductBuildArtifactPaths returns a map that contains the paths to the executables created by the provided product for the provided project. The keys in the map are the OS/architecture of the executable and the values are the executable output paths for that OS/architecture. The output paths are of the form "{{ProjectDir}}/{{OutputDir}}/{{ProductID}}/{{Version}}/{{OSArch}}/{{NameTemplateRendered}}" (and if the OS is Windows, the ".exe" extension is appended).

func ProductBuildOutputDir

func ProductBuildOutputDir(projectInfo ProjectInfo, productOutputInfo ProductOutputInfo) string

ProductBuildOutputDir returns the output directory for the build outputs, which is "{{ProjectDir}}/{{OutputDir}}/{{ProductID}}/{{Version}}".

func ProductDistArtifactPaths

func ProductDistArtifactPaths(projectInfo ProjectInfo, productOutputInfo ProductOutputInfo) map[DistID][]string

ProductDistArtifactPaths returns a map from DistID to the output paths for the dist, which is "{{ProjectDir}}/{{OutputDir}}/{{ProductID}}/{{Version}}/{{DistID}}/{{Artifacts}}".

func ProductDistOutputDir

func ProductDistOutputDir(projectInfo ProjectInfo, productOutputInfo ProductOutputInfo, distID DistID) string

ProductDistOutputDir returns the output directory for the dist outputs for the dist with the given DistID, which is "{{ProjectDir}}/{{OutputDir}}/{{ProductID}}/{{Version}}/{{DistID}}".

func ProductDistWorkDirs

func ProductDistWorkDirs(projectInfo ProjectInfo, productOutputInfo ProductOutputInfo) map[DistID]string

ProductDistWorkDirs returns a map from DistID to the directory used to prepare the distribution for that DistID, which is "{{ProjectDir}}/{{OutputDir}}/{{ProductID}}/{{Version}}/{{DistID}}/{{NameTemplateRendered}}".

func ProductDistWorkDirsAndArtifactPaths

func ProductDistWorkDirsAndArtifactPaths(projectInfo ProjectInfo, productOutputInfo ProductOutputInfo) map[DistID][]string

ProductDistWorkDirsAndArtifactPaths returns a map that is the result of joining the values of the outputs of ProductDistWorkDirs and ProductDistArtifactPaths.

func ProductDockerBuildArtifactPaths

func ProductDockerBuildArtifactPaths(projectInfo ProjectInfo, productOutputInfo ProductOutputInfo) map[DockerID]map[ProductID]map[osarch.OSArch]string

ProductDockerBuildArtifactPaths returns a map that contains the paths to the locations where the input build artifacts should be placed in the Docker context directory. The DockerID key identifies the DockerBuilder, the ProductID represents the input product for that DockerBuilder, and the osarch.OSArch represents the OS/Arch for the build. Paths are of the form "{{ProjectDir}}/{{DockerID.ContextDir}}/{{DockerID.InputProductsDir}}/{{ProductID}}/build/{{OSArch}}/{{ExecutableName}}".

func ProductDockerDistArtifactPaths

func ProductDockerDistArtifactPaths(projectInfo ProjectInfo, productOutputInfo ProductOutputInfo) map[DockerID]map[ProductID]map[DistID][]string

ProductDockerDistArtifactPaths returns a map that contains the paths to the locations where the input dist artifacts should be placed in the Docker context directory. The DockerID key identifies the DockerBuilder, the ProductID represents the input product for that DockerBuilder, and the DistID represents the Dister for the product. Paths are of the form "{{ProjectDir}}/{{DockerID.ContextDir}}/{{DockerID.InputProductsDir}}/{{ProductID}}/dist/{{DistID}}/{{Artifacts}}".

func ProductIDsToStrings

func ProductIDsToStrings(in []ProductID) []string

func ProjectVersion

func ProjectVersion(projectDir, versionScriptContent string) (rVersion string, rErr error)

func RenderTemplate

func RenderTemplate(tmplContent string, data interface{}, fns ...TemplateFunction) (string, error)

func RunCommandWithVerboseOption

func RunCommandWithVerboseOption(cmd *exec.Cmd, verbose, dryRun bool, stdout io.Writer) error

func ToMapSlice

func ToMapSlice(in interface{}) (yaml.MapSlice, error)

func WriteAndExecuteScript

func WriteAndExecuteScript(projectInfo ProjectInfo, script string, additionalEnvVars map[string]string, stdOut io.Writer) (rErr error)

func WriteScript

func WriteScript(projectInfo ProjectInfo, script string) (name string, cleanup func() error, rErr error)


type BuildConfig

type BuildConfig struct {
	// NameTemplate is the template used for the executable output. The following template parameters can be used in the
	// template:
	//   * {{Product}}: the name of the product
	//   * {{Version}}: the version of the project
	// If a value is not specified, "{{Product}}" is used as the default value.
	NameTemplate *string `yaml:"name-template"`

	// OutputDir specifies the default build output directory for products executables built by the "build" task. The
	// executables generated by "build" are written to "{{OutputDir}}/{{ID}}/{{Version}}/{{OSArch}}/{{NameTemplate}}".
	// If not specified, "out/build" is used as the default value.
	OutputDir *string `yaml:"output-dir"`

	// MainPkg is the location of the main package for the product relative to the project root directory. For example,
	// "./distgo/main".
	MainPkg *string `yaml:"main-pkg"`

	// BuildArgsScript is the content of a script that is written to a file and run before this product is built
	// to provide supplemental build arguments for the product. The contents of this value are written to a file
	// with a header `#!/bin/bash` and executed. The script process inherits the environment variables of the Go
	// process. Each line of output of the script is provided to the "build" command as a separate argument. For
	// example, the following script would add the arguments "-ldflags" "-X" "main.year=$YEAR" to the build command:
	//   build-args-script: |
	//                      #!/usr/bin/env bash
	//                      YEAR=$(date +%Y)
	//                      echo "-ldflags"
	//                      echo "-X"
	//                      echo "main.year=$YEAR"
	BuildArgsScript *string `yaml:"build-args-script"`

	// VersionVar is the path to a variable that is set with the version information for the build. For example,
	// "github.com/palantir/godel/cmd/godel.Version". If specified, it is provided to the "build" command as an
	// ldflag.
	VersionVar *string `yaml:"version-var"`

	// Environment specifies values for the environment variables that should be set for the build. For example,
	// the following sets CGO to false:
	//   environment:
	//     CGO_ENABLED: "0"
	Environment *map[string]string `yaml:"environment"`

	// OSArchs specifies the GOOS and GOARCH pairs for which the product is built. If blank, defaults to the GOOS
	// and GOARCH of the host system at runtime.
	OSArchs *[]osarch.OSArch `yaml:"os-archs"`

func (*BuildConfig) ToParam

func (cfg *BuildConfig) ToParam(scriptIncludes string, defaultCfg BuildConfig) (BuildParam, error)

ToParam returns the BuildParam represented by the receiver *BuildConfig and the provided default BuildConfig. If a config value is specified (non-nil) in the receiver config, it is used. If a config value is not specified in the receiver config but is specified in the default config, the default config value is used. If a value is not specified in either configuration, the program-specified default value (if any) is used.

type BuildFunc

type BuildFunc func(projectInfo ProjectInfo, productParams []ProductParam, stdout io.Writer) error

func ProcessSerially

func ProcessSerially(f func(projectInfo ProjectInfo, productParam ProductParam, stdout io.Writer) error) BuildFunc

ProcessSerially returns a BuildFunc that processes each of the provided specs in order using the provided function. If the function returns an error for any of the specifications, the function immediately returns that error.

func ProcessSeriallyBatchErrors

func ProcessSeriallyBatchErrors(f func(projectInfo ProjectInfo, productParam ProductParam, stdout io.Writer) error) BuildFunc

ProcessSeriallyBatchErrors returns a BuildFunc that processes each of the provided specs in order using the provided function. If the function returns an error for any of the specifications, it is stored, but the function will will continue processing the provided specifications. The function return nil if no errors occurred; otherwise, it returns a ProductErrors error that contains the individual errors.

type BuildOutputInfo

type BuildOutputInfo struct {
	BuildNameTemplateRendered string          `json:"buildNameTemplateRendered"`
	BuildOutputDir            string          `json:"buildOutputDir"`
	OSArchs                   []osarch.OSArch `json:"osArchs"`

type BuildParam

type BuildParam struct {
	// NameTemplate is the template used for the executable output. The following template parameters can be used in the
	// template:
	//   * {{Product}}: the name of the product
	//   * {{Version}}: the version of the project
	NameTemplate string

	// OutputDir specifies the default build output directory for products executables built by the "build" task. The
	// executables generated by "build" are written to "{{OutputDir}}/{{ID}}/{{Version}}/{{OSArch}}/{{NameTemplate}}".
	OutputDir string

	// MainPkg is the location of the main package for the product relative to the project root directory. For example,
	// "distgo/main".
	MainPkg string

	// BuildArgsScript is the content of a script that is written to a file and run before this product is built
	// to provide supplemental build arguments for the product. The contents of this value are written to a file
	// and executed with the project directory as the working directory. The script process inherits the environment
	// variables of the Go process. Each line of output of the script is provided to the "build" command as a separate
	// argument. For example, the following script would add the arguments "-ldflags" "-X" "main.year=$YEAR" to the
	// build command:
	//   #!/usr/bin/env bash
	//   YEAR=$(date +%Y)
	//   echo "-ldflags"
	//   echo "-X"
	//   echo "main.year=$YEAR"
	BuildArgsScript string

	// VersionVar is the path to a variable that is set with the version information for the build. For example,
	// "github.com/palantir/godel/cmd/godel.Version". If specified, it is provided to the "build" command as an
	// ldflag.
	VersionVar string

	// Environment specifies values for the environment variables that should be set for the build. For example,
	// a value of map[string]string{"CGO_ENABLED": "0"} would build with CGo disabled.
	Environment map[string]string

	// OSArchs specifies the GOOS and GOARCH pairs for which the product is built.
	OSArchs []osarch.OSArch

func (*BuildParam) BuildArgs

func (p *BuildParam) BuildArgs(productTaskOutputInfo ProductTaskOutputInfo) ([]string, error)

func (*BuildParam) ToBuildOutputInfo

func (p *BuildParam) ToBuildOutputInfo(productID ProductID, version string) (BuildOutputInfo, error)

type ByDistID

type ByDistID []DistID

func (ByDistID) Len

func (a ByDistID) Len() int

func (ByDistID) Less

func (a ByDistID) Less(i, j int) bool

func (ByDistID) Swap

func (a ByDistID) Swap(i, j int)

type ByDockerID

type ByDockerID []DockerID

func (ByDockerID) Len

func (a ByDockerID) Len() int

func (ByDockerID) Less

func (a ByDockerID) Less(i, j int) bool

func (ByDockerID) Swap

func (a ByDockerID) Swap(i, j int)

type ByOSArchID

type ByOSArchID []OSArchID

func (ByOSArchID) Len

func (a ByOSArchID) Len() int

func (ByOSArchID) Less

func (a ByOSArchID) Less(i, j int) bool

func (ByOSArchID) Swap

func (a ByOSArchID) Swap(i, j int)

type ByProductID

type ByProductID []ProductID

func (ByProductID) Len

func (a ByProductID) Len() int

func (ByProductID) Less

func (a ByProductID) Less(i, j int) bool

func (ByProductID) Swap

func (a ByProductID) Swap(i, j int)

type DistConfig

type DistConfig struct {
	// OutputDir specifies the default distribution output directory for product distributions created by the "dist"
	// task. The distribution output directory is written to
	// "{{OutputDir}}/{{ID}}/{{Version}}/{{NameTemplate}}", and the distribution artifacts are written to
	// "{{OutputDir}}/{{ID}}/{{Version}}".
	// If a value is not specified, "out/dist" is used as the default value.
	OutputDir *string `yaml:"output-dir"`

	// Disters is the configuration for the disters for this product. The YAML representation can be a single DisterConfig
	// or a map[DistID]DisterConfig.
	Disters *DistersConfig `yaml:"disters"`

func (*DistConfig) ToParam

func (cfg *DistConfig) ToParam(scriptIncludes string, defaultCfg DistConfig, disterFactory DisterFactory) (DistParam, error)

ToParam returns the DistParam represented by the receiver *DisterConfig and the provided default DisterConfig. If a config value is specified (non-nil) in the receiver config, it is used. If a config value is not specified in the receiver config but is specified in the default config, the default config value is used. If a value is not specified in either configuration, the program-specified default value (if any) is used.

type DistID

type DistID string

type DistOutputInfo

type DistOutputInfo struct {
	DistNameTemplateRendered string   `json:"distNameTemplateRendered"`
	DistArtifactNames        []string `json:"distArtifactNames"`

type DistOutputInfos

type DistOutputInfos struct {
	DistOutputDir string                    `json:"distOutputDir"`
	DistIDs       []DistID                  `json:"distIds"`
	DistInfos     map[DistID]DistOutputInfo `json:"distInfos"`

type DistParam

type DistParam struct {
	// OutputDir specifies the default distribution output directory for product distributions created by the "dist"
	// task. The distribution output directory is written to
	// "{{OutputDir}}/{{ID}}/{{Version}}/{{DistID}}/{{NameTemplate}}", and the distribution artifacts are written to
	// "{{OutputDir}}/{{ID}}/{{Version}}/{{DistID}}".
	OutputDir string

	// DistParams contains the dist params for this distribution.
	DistParams map[DistID]DisterParam

func (*DistParam) ToDistOutputInfos

func (p *DistParam) ToDistOutputInfos(productID ProductID, version string) (DistOutputInfos, error)

type Dister

type Dister interface {
	// TypeName returns the type of this dister.
	TypeName() (string, error)

	// Artifacts returns the names of the artifacts generated by running RunDist.
	Artifacts(renderedName string) ([]string, error)

	// RunDist runs the distribution task. The provided DistID specifies the ID for the current dister and the
	// ProductTaskOutputInfo contains all of the output information for the product. When this function is called, the
	// DistWorkDir for the product should have already been created and the dist script should have already been run.
	// Running this function should populate the DistWorkDir with any files and/or directories required for the
	// distribution. However, the dist artifacts themselves should not be created. May return a value that is the
	// JSON-serialized bytes that is provided as the runDistResult parameter to GenerateDistArtifacts.
	RunDist(distID DistID, productTaskOutputInfo ProductTaskOutputInfo) ([]byte, error)

	// GenerateDistArtifacts generates the dist artifact outputs from the DistWorkDir for the distribution. The
	// runDistResult argument contains the JSON-serialized bytes returned by the RunDist call. The DistWorkDir contains
	// the output generated by RunDist. The outputs written by GenerateDistArtifacts should match the artifacts returned
	// by the Artifacts function.
	GenerateDistArtifacts(distID DistID, productTaskOutputInfo ProductTaskOutputInfo, runDistResult []byte) error

type DisterConfig

type DisterConfig struct {
	// Type is the type of the dister. This field must be non-nil and non-empty and resolve to a valid Dister.
	Type *string `yaml:"type"`

	// Config is the YAML configuration content for the dister.
	Config *yaml.MapSlice `yaml:"config"`

	// NameTemplate is the template used for the executable output. The following template parameters can be used in the
	// template:
	//   * {{Product}}: the name of the product.
	//   * {{Version}}: the version of the project.
	// If a value is not specified, "{{Product}}-{{Version}}" is used as the default value.
	NameTemplate *string `yaml:"name-template"`

	// Script is the content of a script that is written to file a file and run after the initial distribution
	// process but before the artifact generation process. The content of this value is written to a file and executed
	// with the project directory as the working directory. The script process inherits the environment variables of the
	// Go process and also has the following environment variables defined:
	//   PROJECT_DIR: the root directory of project.
	//   VERSION: the version of the project.
	//   PRODUCT: the name of the product.
	//   DEP_PRODUCT_IDS: the IDs of the dependent products for the product, where each item is delimited by a colon.
	// The following environment variables are defined if the build configuration for the product is non-nil:
	//   BUILD_DIR: the build output directory for the product ("{{OutputDir}}/{{ID}}/{{Version}}").
	//   BUILD_NAME: the rendered NameTemplate for the build for this project.
	//   OS_ARCHS: the OS/Arch combinations for this product, where each item is delimited by a colon.
	// The following environment variables are defined if the dist configuration for the product is non-nil:
	//   DIST_DIR: the distribution output directory for the product ("{{OutputDir}}/{{ID}}/{{Version}}").
	//   DIST_NAME: the rendered NameTemplate for the distribution.
	//   DIST_ARTIFACTS: the dist artifacts for the product, where each item is delimited by a colon.
	// Each dependent product adds the following set of environment variables that start with "{{ID}}_":
	// The following environment variables are defined if the build configuration for the product is non-nil:
	//   {{ID}}_BUILD_DIR: the build output directory for the product ("{{OutputDir}}/{{ID}}/{{Version}}").
	//   {{ID}}_BUILD_NAME: the rendered NameTemplate for the build for this project.
	//   {{ID}}_OS_ARCHS: the OS/Arch combinations for this product, where each item is delimited by a colon.
	// The following environment variables are defined if the dist configuration for the product is non-nil:
	//   {{ID}}_DIST_DIR: the distribution output directory for the product ("{{OutputDir}}/{{ID}}/{{Version}}").
	//   {{ID}}_DIST_NAME: the rendered NameTemplate for the distribution.
	//   {{ID}}_DIST_ARTIFACTS: the dist artifacts for the product, where each item is delimited by a colon.
	Script *string `yaml:"script"`

func (*DisterConfig) ToParam

func (cfg *DisterConfig) ToParam(defaultCfg DisterConfig, scriptIncludes string, disterFactory DisterFactory) (DisterParam, error)

type DisterFactory

type DisterFactory interface {
	NewDister(typeName string, cfgYMLBytes []byte) (Dister, error)

type DisterParam

type DisterParam struct {
	// NameTemplate is the template used for the dist output. The following template parameters can be used in the
	// template:
	//   * {{Product}}: the name of the product
	//   * {{Version}}: the version of the project
	NameTemplate string

	// Script is the content of a script that is written to file a file and run after the initial distribution
	// process but before the artifact generation process. The contents of this value are written to a file and executed
	// with the project directory as the working directory. The script process inherits the environment variables of the
	// Go process and also has the following environment variables defined:
	//   PROJECT_DIR: the root directory of project.
	//   VERSION: the version of the project.
	//   PRODUCT: the name of the product.
	//   DEP_PRODUCT_IDS: the IDs of the dependent products for the product, where each item is delimited by a colon.
	// The following environment variables are defined if the build configuration for the product is non-nil:
	//   BUILD_DIR: the build output directory for the product ("{{OutputDir}}/{{ID}}/{{Version}}").
	//   BUILD_NAME: the rendered NameTemplate for the build for this project.
	//   OS_ARCHS: the OS/Arch combinations for this product, where each item is delimited by a colon.
	// The following environment variables are defined if the dist configuration for the product is non-nil:
	//   DIST_DIR: the distribution output directory for the product ("{{OutputDir}}/{{ID}}/{{Version}}").
	//   DIST_NAME: the rendered NameTemplate for the distribution.
	//   DIST_ARTIFACTS: the dist artifacts for the product, where each item is delimited by a colon.
	// Each dependent product adds the following set of environment variables that start with "{{ID}}_":
	// The following environment variables are defined if the build configuration for the product is non-nil:
	//   {{ID}}_BUILD_DIR: the build output directory for the product ("{{OutputDir}}/{{ID}}/{{Version}}").
	//   {{ID}}_BUILD_NAME: the rendered NameTemplate for the build for this project.
	//   {{ID}}_OS_ARCHS: the OS/Arch combinations for this product, where each item is delimited by a colon.
	// The following environment variables are defined if the dist configuration for the product is non-nil:
	//   {{ID}}_DIST_DIR: the distribution output directory for the product ("{{OutputDir}}/{{ID}}/{{Version}}").
	//   {{ID}}_DIST_NAME: the rendered NameTemplate for the distribution.
	//   {{ID}}_DIST_ARTIFACTS: the dist artifacts for the product, where each item is delimited by a colon.
	Script string

	// Dister is the Dister that performs the dist operation for this parameter.
	Dister Dister

func (*DisterParam) ToDistOutputInfo

func (p *DisterParam) ToDistOutputInfo(productID ProductID, version string) (DistOutputInfo, error)

type DistersConfig

type DistersConfig map[DistID]DisterConfig

func (*DistersConfig) ToParam

func (cfgs *DistersConfig) ToParam(defaultCfg *DistersConfig, scriptIncludes string, disterFactory DisterFactory) (map[DistID]DisterParam, error)

func (*DistersConfig) UnmarshalYAML

func (cfgs *DistersConfig) UnmarshalYAML(unmarshal func(interface{}) error) error

type DockerBuilder

type DockerBuilder interface {
	// TypeName returns the type of this DockerBuilder.
	TypeName() (string, error)

	// RunDockerBuild runs the Docker build task.
	RunDockerBuild(dockerID DockerID, productTaskOutputInfo ProductTaskOutputInfo, verbose, dryRun bool, stdout io.Writer) error

type DockerBuilderConfig

type DockerBuilderConfig struct {
	// Type is the type of the DockerBuilder. This field must be non-nil and non-empty and resolve to a valid DockerBuilder.
	Type *string `yaml:"type"`
	// Config is the YAML configuration content for the DockerBuilder.
	Config *yaml.MapSlice `yaml:"config"`
	// DockerfilePath is the path to the Dockerfile that is used to build the Docker image. The path is interpreted
	// relative to ContextDir. The content of the Dockerfile supports using Go templates. The following template
	// parameters can be used in the template:
	//   * {{Product}}: the name of the product
	//   * {{Version}}: the version of the project
	//   * {{ProductTaskOutputInfo}}: the ProductTaskOutputInfo struct
	DockerfilePath *string `yaml:"dockerfile-path"`
	ContextDir     *string `yaml:"context-dir"`
	// InputProductsDir is the directory in the context dir in which input products are written.
	InputProductsDir *string `yaml:"input-products-dir"`
	// InputBuilds specifies the products whose build outputs should be made available to the Docker build task. The
	// specified products will be hard-linked into the context directory. The referenced products must be this product
	// or one of its declared dependencies.
	InputBuilds *[]ProductBuildID `yaml:"input-builds"`
	// InputDists specifies the products whose dist outputs should be made available to the Docker build task. The
	// specified dists will be hard-linked into the context directory. The referenced products must be this product
	// or one of its declared dependencies.
	InputDists   *[]ProductDistID `yaml:"input-dists"`
	TagTemplates *[]string        `yaml:"tag-templates"`

func (*DockerBuilderConfig) ToParam

func (cfg *DockerBuilderConfig) ToParam(defaultCfg DockerBuilderConfig, dockerBuilderFactory DockerBuilderFactory) (DockerBuilderParam, error)

type DockerBuilderFactory

type DockerBuilderFactory interface {
	NewDockerBuilder(typeName string, cfgYMLBytes []byte) (DockerBuilder, error)

type DockerBuilderOutputInfo

type DockerBuilderOutputInfo struct {
	ContextDir       string                              `json:"contextDir"`
	DockerfilePath   string                              `json:"dockerfilePath"`
	InputProductsDir string                              `json:"inputProductsDir"`
	RenderedTags     []string                            `json:"renderedDockerTags"`
	InputBuilds      map[ProductID]map[OSArchID]struct{} `json:"inputBuilds"`
	InputDists       map[ProductID]map[DistID]struct{}   `json:"inputDists"`

func (*DockerBuilderOutputInfo) InputBuildOSArchs

func (doi *DockerBuilderOutputInfo) InputBuildOSArchs(productID ProductID) []OSArchID

func (*DockerBuilderOutputInfo) InputBuildProductIDs

func (doi *DockerBuilderOutputInfo) InputBuildProductIDs() []ProductID

func (*DockerBuilderOutputInfo) InputDistDistIDs

func (doi *DockerBuilderOutputInfo) InputDistDistIDs(productID ProductID) []DistID

func (*DockerBuilderOutputInfo) InputDistProductIDs

func (doi *DockerBuilderOutputInfo) InputDistProductIDs() []ProductID

type DockerBuilderParam

type DockerBuilderParam struct {
	// DockerBuilder is the builder used to build the Docker image.
	DockerBuilder DockerBuilder

	// DockerfilePath is the path to the Dockerfile that is used to build the Docker image. The path is interpreted
	// relative to ContextDir. The content of the Dockerfile supports using Go templates. The following template
	// parameters can be used in the template:
	//   * {{Product}}: the name of the product
	//   * {{Version}}: the version of the project
	//   * {{InputBuildArtifact(productID, osArch string) (string, error)}}: the path to the build artifact for the specified input product
	//   * {{InputDistArtifacts(productID, distID string) ([]string, error)}}: the paths to the dist artifacts for the specified input product
	//   * {{Tags(productID, dockerID string) ([]string, error)}}: the tags for the specified Docker image
	DockerfilePath string

	// ContextDir is the Docker context directory for building the Docker image.
	ContextDir string

	// Name of directory within ContextDir in which dependencies are linked.
	InputProductsDir string

	// InputBuilds stores the ProductBuildIDs for the input builds. The IDs must be unique and in expanded form.
	InputBuilds []ProductBuildID

	// InputDists stores the ProductDistIDs for the input dists. The IDs must be unique and in expanded form.
	InputDists []ProductDistID

	// TagTemplates contains the templates for the tags that will be used to tat the image generated by this builder.
	// The tag should be the form that would be provided to the "docker tag" command -- for example,
	// "fedora/httpd:version1.0" or "myregistryhost:5000/fedora/httpd:version1.0".
	// The tag templates are rendered using Go templates. The following template parameters can be used in the template:
	//   * {{Product}}: the name of the product
	//   * {{Version}}: the version of the project
	//   * {{Repository}}: the Docker repository
	TagTemplates []string

func (*DockerBuilderParam) ToDockerBuilderOutputInfo

func (p *DockerBuilderParam) ToDockerBuilderOutputInfo(productID ProductID, version, repository string) (DockerBuilderOutputInfo, error)

type DockerBuildersConfig

type DockerBuildersConfig map[DockerID]DockerBuilderConfig

func (*DockerBuildersConfig) ToParam

func (cfgs *DockerBuildersConfig) ToParam(defaultCfg *DockerBuildersConfig, dockerBuilderFactory DockerBuilderFactory) (map[DockerID]DockerBuilderParam, error)

type DockerConfig

type DockerConfig struct {
	// Repository is the repository that is made available to the tag and Dockerfile templates.
	Repository *string `yaml:"repository"`

	// DockerBuilderParams contains the Docker params for this distribution.
	DockerBuildersConfig *DockerBuildersConfig `yaml:"docker-builders"`

func (*DockerConfig) ToParam

func (cfg *DockerConfig) ToParam(defaultCfg DockerConfig, dockerBuilderFactory DockerBuilderFactory) (DockerParam, error)

type DockerID

type DockerID string

type DockerOutputInfos

type DockerOutputInfos struct {
	DockerIDs                []DockerID                           `json:"dockerIds"`
	Repository               string                               `json:"repository"`
	DockerBuilderOutputInfos map[DockerID]DockerBuilderOutputInfo `json:"dockerBuilderOutputInfos"`

type DockerParam

type DockerParam struct {
	// Repository is the Docker repository. This value is made available to TagTemplates as {{Repository}}.
	Repository string

	// DockerBuilderParams contains the Docker params for this distribution.
	DockerBuilderParams map[DockerID]DockerBuilderParam

func (*DockerParam) ToDockerOutputInfos

func (p *DockerParam) ToDockerOutputInfos(productID ProductID, version string) (DockerOutputInfos, error)

type FlagType

type FlagType int

FlagType represents the type of a flag (string, boolean, etc.). Currently only string flags are supported.

const (
	StringFlag FlagType = iota

type OSArchID

type OSArchID string

type ProcessFunc

type ProcessFunc func(f func(projectInfo ProjectInfo, productParam ProductParam, stdout io.Writer) error) BuildFunc

type ProductBuildID

type ProductBuildID string

ProductBuildID identifies a product or a specific build for a product. A ProductBuildID is one of the following:

  • {{ProductID}} (e.g. "foo"), which specifies that all OS/Archs for the product should be built
  • {{ProductID}}.{{OSArch}} (e.g. "foo.darwin-amd64"), which specifies that the specified OS/Arch for the specified product should be built

func NewProductBuildID

func NewProductBuildID(productID ProductID, osArch osarch.OSArch) ProductBuildID

func ToProductBuildIDs

func ToProductBuildIDs(in []string) []ProductBuildID

func (ProductBuildID) Parse

func (id ProductBuildID) Parse() (ProductID, osarch.OSArch, error)

type ProductConfig

type ProductConfig struct {
	// Build specifies the build configuration for the product.
	Build *BuildConfig `yaml:"build"`

	// Run specifies the run configuration for the product.
	Run *RunConfig `yaml:"run"`

	// Dist specifies the dist configuration for the product.
	Dist *DistConfig `yaml:"dist"`

	// Publish specifies the dist configuration for the product.
	Publish *PublishConfig `yaml:"publish"`

	// Docker specifies the Docker configuration for the product.
	Docker *DockerConfig `yaml:"docker"`

	// Dependencies specifies the first-level dependencies of this product. Stores the IDs of the products.
	Dependencies *[]ProductID `yaml:"dependencies"`

ProductConfig represents user-specified configuration on how to build a specific product.

func (*ProductConfig) ToParam

func (cfg *ProductConfig) ToParam(productID ProductID, scriptIncludes string, defaultCfg ProductConfig, disterFactory DisterFactory, dockerBuilderFactory DockerBuilderFactory) (ProductParam, error)

type ProductDistID

type ProductDistID string

ProductDistID identifies a product or a specific dist for a product. A ProductDistID is one of the following:

  • {{ProductID}} (e.g. "foo"), which specifies that all dists for the product should be built
  • {{ProductID}}.{{DistID}} (e.g. "foo.os-arch-bin"), which specifies that the specified DistID for the specified product should be built

func NewProductDistID

func NewProductDistID(productID ProductID, distID DistID) ProductDistID

func ToProductDistIDs

func ToProductDistIDs(in []string) []ProductDistID

func (ProductDistID) Parse

func (id ProductDistID) Parse() (ProductID, DistID)

type ProductDockerID

type ProductDockerID string

ProductDockerID identifies a product or a specific Docker builder for a product. A ProductDockerID is one of the following:

  • {{ProductID}} (e.g. "foo"), which specifies that all Docker images for the product should be built
  • {{ProductID}}.{{DockerID}} (e.g. "foo.prod-docker"), which specifies that the specified DockerID for the specified product should be built

func NewProductDockerID

func NewProductDockerID(productID ProductID, dockerID DockerID) ProductDockerID

func ToProductDockerIDs

func ToProductDockerIDs(in []string) []ProductDockerID

func (ProductDockerID) Parse

func (id ProductDockerID) Parse() (ProductID, DockerID)

type ProductErrors

type ProductErrors struct {
	Errors map[ProductID]error

func (*ProductErrors) Error

func (e *ProductErrors) Error() string

type ProductID

type ProductID string

func ToProductIDs

func ToProductIDs(in []string) []ProductID

func TopoSortProductParams

func TopoSortProductParams(projectParam ProjectParam, allProducts map[ProductID]struct{}) (map[ProductID]ProductParam, []ProductID, error)

type ProductOutputInfo

type ProductOutputInfo struct {
	ID                ProductID          `json:"productId"`
	BuildOutputInfo   *BuildOutputInfo   `json:"buildOutputInfo"`
	DistOutputInfos   *DistOutputInfos   `json:"distOutputInfos"`
	PublishOutputInfo *PublishOutputInfo `json:"publishOutputInfo"`
	DockerOutputInfos *DockerOutputInfos `json:"dockerOutputInfos"`

type ProductParam

type ProductParam struct {
	// ID is the unique identifier for this product. Its value comes from the key for the product in the Products map in
	// the configuration.
	ID ProductID

	// Build specifies the build configuration for the product.
	Build *BuildParam

	// Run specifies the run configuration for the product.
	Run *RunParam

	// Dist specifies the dist configuration for the product.
	Dist *DistParam

	// Publish specifies the publish configuration for the product.
	Publish *PublishParam

	// Docker specifies the Docker configuration for the product.
	Docker *DockerParam

	// FirstLevelDependencies stores the IDs of the products that are declared as dependencies of this product.
	FirstLevelDependencies []ProductID

	// AllDependencies stores all of the dependent products of this product. It is a result of expanding all of the
	// dependencies in FirstLevelDependencies.
	AllDependencies map[ProductID]ProductParam

func ProductParamsForBuildProductArgs

func ProductParamsForBuildProductArgs(inputProducts map[ProductID]ProductParam, productBuildIDs ...ProductBuildID) ([]ProductParam, error)

ProductParamsForBuildProductArgs returns the ProductParams from the provided inputProducts for the specified ProductBuildIDs. The ProductParam values in the returned slice will reflect the items specified by the build IDs. For example, if the project defines a product "foo" with OS-Archs "darwin-amd64" and "linux-amd64" and the productBuildID is "foo.darwin-amd64", the returned ProductParam will only contain "darwin-amd64" in the build configuration. Returns an error if any of the productBuildID values cannot be resolved to a configuration in the provided inputProducts.

func ProductParamsForDistProductArgs

func ProductParamsForDistProductArgs(inputProducts map[ProductID]ProductParam, productDistIDs ...ProductDistID) ([]ProductParam, error)

ProductParamsForDistProductArgs returns the ProductParams from the provided inputProducts for the specified productDistIDs. The ProductParam values in the returned slice will reflect the items specified by the dister IDs. For example, if the project defines a product "foo" with DistParams "os-arch-bin" and "manual" and the productDistID is "foo.os-arch-bin", the returned ProductParam will only contain "os-arch-bin" in the dist configuration. Returns an error if any of the productDistID values cannot be resolved to a configuration in the provided inputProducts.

func ProductParamsForDockerProductArgs

func ProductParamsForDockerProductArgs(inputProducts map[ProductID]ProductParam, productDockerIDs ...ProductDockerID) ([]ProductParam, error)

ProductParamsForDockerProductArgs returns the ProductParams from the provided inputProducts for the specified productDockerIDs. The ProductParam values in the returned slice will reflect the items specified by the DockerIDs. For example, if the project defines a product "foo" with DockerBuilderParams "docker-prod" and "docker-dev" and the productDockerID is "foo.docker-prod", the returned ProductParam will only contain "docker-prod" in the Docker configuration. Returns an error if any of the productDockerID values cannot be resolved to a configuration in the provided project.

func ProductParamsForProductArgs

func ProductParamsForProductArgs(inputProducts map[ProductID]ProductParam, productIDs ...ProductID) ([]ProductParam, error)

ProductParamsForProductArgs returns the ProductParams from the provided inputProducts for the specified ProductIDs.

Returns an error if any of the ProductID values cannot be resolved to a configuration in the provided inputProducts.

func (*ProductParam) AllDependenciesSortedIDs

func (p *ProductParam) AllDependenciesSortedIDs() []ProductID

func (*ProductParam) AllProductParams

func (p *ProductParam) AllProductParams() []ProductParam

func (*ProductParam) ToProductOutputInfo

func (p *ProductParam) ToProductOutputInfo(version string) (ProductOutputInfo, error)

type ProductTaskOutputInfo

type ProductTaskOutputInfo struct {
	Project ProjectInfo                     `json:"project"`
	Product ProductOutputInfo               `json:"product"`
	Deps    map[ProductID]ProductOutputInfo `json:"deps"`

func ToProductTaskOutputInfo

func ToProductTaskOutputInfo(projectInfo ProjectInfo, productParam ProductParam) (ProductTaskOutputInfo, error)

func (*ProductTaskOutputInfo) AllProductOutputInfos

func (p *ProductTaskOutputInfo) AllProductOutputInfos() []ProductOutputInfo

func (*ProductTaskOutputInfo) AllProductOutputInfosMap

func (p *ProductTaskOutputInfo) AllProductOutputInfosMap() map[ProductID]ProductOutputInfo

func (*ProductTaskOutputInfo) POM

func (p *ProductTaskOutputInfo) POM(groupID string) (string, string, error)

func (*ProductTaskOutputInfo) ProductBuildArtifactPaths

func (p *ProductTaskOutputInfo) ProductBuildArtifactPaths() map[osarch.OSArch]string

func (*ProductTaskOutputInfo) ProductBuildOutputDir

func (p *ProductTaskOutputInfo) ProductBuildOutputDir() string

func (*ProductTaskOutputInfo) ProductDistArtifactPaths

func (p *ProductTaskOutputInfo) ProductDistArtifactPaths() map[DistID][]string

func (*ProductTaskOutputInfo) ProductDistOutputDir

func (p *ProductTaskOutputInfo) ProductDistOutputDir(distID DistID) string

func (*ProductTaskOutputInfo) ProductDistWorkDirs

func (p *ProductTaskOutputInfo) ProductDistWorkDirs() map[DistID]string

func (*ProductTaskOutputInfo) ProductDistWorkDirsAndArtifactPaths

func (p *ProductTaskOutputInfo) ProductDistWorkDirsAndArtifactPaths() map[DistID][]string

func (*ProductTaskOutputInfo) ProductDockerBuildArtifactPaths

func (p *ProductTaskOutputInfo) ProductDockerBuildArtifactPaths() map[DockerID]map[ProductID]map[osarch.OSArch]string

func (*ProductTaskOutputInfo) ProductDockerDistArtifactPaths

func (p *ProductTaskOutputInfo) ProductDockerDistArtifactPaths() map[DockerID]map[ProductID]map[DistID][]string

type ProjectConfig

type ProjectConfig struct {
	// Products maps product names to configurations.
	Products map[ProductID]ProductConfig `yaml:"products"`

	// ProductDefaults specifies the default values that should be used for unspecified values in the products map. If a
	// field in a top-level key in a "ProductConfig" value in the "Products" map is nil and the corresponding value in
	// ProductDefaults is non-nil, the value in ProductDefaults is used.
	ProductDefaults ProductConfig `yaml:"product-defaults"`

	// ScriptIncludes specifies a string that is appended to every script that is written out. Can be used to define
	// functions or constants for all scripts.
	ScriptIncludes string `yaml:"script-includes"`

	// VersionFunc is a shell script that specifies how the "version" string is generated for a project. If specified,
	// the content of the string is written to a temporary file and executed with the project directory as the working
	// directory. The first line of the output is used as the version for the project (and if the output is blank,
	// "unspecified" is used). If VersionFunc is blank, the output of the git.ProjectVersion function is used.
	VersionScript string `yaml:"version-script"`

	// Exclude matches the paths to exclude when determining the projects to build.
	Exclude matcher.NamesPathsCfg `yaml:"exclude"`

func LoadConfig

func LoadConfig(cfgBytes []byte) (ProjectConfig, error)

func LoadConfigFromFile

func LoadConfigFromFile(cfgFile string) (ProjectConfig, error)

func (*ProjectConfig) ToParam

func (cfg *ProjectConfig) ToParam(projectDir string, disterFactory DisterFactory, defaultDisterCfg DisterConfig, dockerBuilderFactory DockerBuilderFactory) (ProjectParam, error)

type ProjectInfo

type ProjectInfo struct {
	ProjectDir string `json:"projectDir"`
	Version    string `json:"version"`

type ProjectParam

type ProjectParam struct {
	// Products contains the parameters for the defined products.
	Products map[ProductID]ProductParam

	// ScriptIncludes specifies a string that is appended to every script that is written out. Can be used to define
	// functions or constants for all scripts.
	ScriptIncludes string

	// VersionFunc is a shell script that specifies how the "version" string is generated for a project. If specified,
	// the content of the string is written to a temporary file and executed with the project directory as the working
	// directory. The first line of the output is used as the version for the project (and if the output is blank,
	// "unspecified" is used). If VersionFunc is blank, the output of the git.ProjectVersion function is used.
	VersionScript string

	// Exclude is a matcher that matches any directories that should be ignored as main files. Only relevant if products
	// are not specified.
	Exclude matcher.Matcher

func (*ProjectParam) ProjectInfo

func (p *ProjectParam) ProjectInfo(projectDir string) (ProjectInfo, error)

type PublishConfig

type PublishConfig struct {
	// GroupID is the product-specific configuration equivalent to the global GroupID configuration.
	GroupID *string `yaml:"group-id"`

	// PublishInfo contains extra configuration for the publish operation. The key is the type of publish and the value
	// is the configuration for that publish operation type.
	PublishInfo *map[PublishID]yaml.MapSlice `yaml:"info"`

func (*PublishConfig) ToParam

func (cfg *PublishConfig) ToParam(defaultCfg PublishConfig) (PublishParam, error)

type PublishID

type PublishID string

type PublishOutputInfo

type PublishOutputInfo struct {
	GroupID string `json:"groupId"`

type PublishParam

type PublishParam struct {
	// GroupID is the Maven group ID used for the publish operation.
	GroupID string

	// PublishInfo contains extra configuration for the publish operation. The key is the type of publish and the value
	// is the raw YAML configuration for that publish operation type.
	PublishInfo map[PublishID][]byte

func (*PublishParam) ToPublishOutputInfo

func (p *PublishParam) ToPublishOutputInfo() PublishOutputInfo

type Publisher

type Publisher interface {
	// TypeName returns the type of this publisher.
	TypeName() (string, error)

	// Flags returns the flags provided by this Publisher.
	Flags() ([]PublisherFlag, error)

	// RunPublish runs the publish task. When this function is called, the distribution artifacts for the product should
	// already exist. If dryRun is true, then the task should print the operations that would occur without actually
	// executing them.
	RunPublish(productTaskOutputInfo ProductTaskOutputInfo, cfgYML []byte, flagVals map[PublisherFlagName]interface{}, dryRun bool, stdout io.Writer) error

type PublisherFlag

type PublisherFlag struct {
	Name        PublisherFlagName
	Description string
	Type        FlagType

func (PublisherFlag) AddFlag

func (f PublisherFlag) AddFlag(fset *pflag.FlagSet) (interface{}, error)

AddFlag adds the flag represented by PublisherFlag to the provided pflag.FlagSet. Returns the pointer to the value that can be used to retrieve the value.

func (PublisherFlag) GetFlagValue

func (f PublisherFlag) GetFlagValue(fset *pflag.FlagSet) (interface{}, error)

func (PublisherFlag) ToFlagArgs

func (f PublisherFlag) ToFlagArgs(flagVal interface{}) ([]string, error)

ToFlagArgs takes the input parameter (which should be the value returned by calling AddFlag for the receiver) and returns a string slice that reconstructs the flag arguments for the given flag.

type PublisherFlagName

type PublisherFlagName string

type RunConfig

type RunConfig struct {
	// Args contain the arguments provided to the product when invoked using the "run" task.
	Args *[]string `yaml:"args"`

func (*RunConfig) ToParam

func (cfg *RunConfig) ToParam(defaultCfg RunConfig) RunParam

ToParam returns the RunParam represented by the receiver *RunConfig and the provided default RunConfig. If a config value is specified (non-nil) in the receiver config, it is used. If a config value is not specified in the receiver config but is specified in the default config, the default config value is used. If a value is not specified in either configuration, the program-specified default value (if any) is used.

type RunParam

type RunParam struct {
	// Args contain the arguments provided to the product when invoked using the "run" task.
	Args []string

type TemplateFunction

type TemplateFunction func(fnMap template.FuncMap)

func GroupIDTemplateFunction

func GroupIDTemplateFunction(groupID string) TemplateFunction

func ProductTemplateFunction

func ProductTemplateFunction(productID ProductID) TemplateFunction

func RepositoryTemplateFunction

func RepositoryTemplateFunction(repository string) TemplateFunction

func TemplateValueFunction

func TemplateValueFunction(key string, val interface{}) TemplateFunction

func VersionTemplateFunction

func VersionTemplateFunction(version string) TemplateFunction


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