Maximum amount of virtual memory available in bytes
Resident memory size in bytes
Start time of the process since unix epoch in seconds
Prometheus metrics
Prometheus related counters documented here, provided by the default handler
Total number of scrapes by HTTP status code.
Code (200, 501, ...) - HTTP status code
Current number of scrapes being served. This function idempotently registers collectors for both metrics with the provided Registerer. It panics if the registration fails. The provided metrics are useful to see how many scrapes hit the monitored target (which could be from different Prometheus servers or other scrapers), and how often they overlap (which would result in more than one scrape in flight at the same time). Note that the scrapes-in-flight gauge will contain the scrape by which it is exposed, while the scrape counter will only get incremented after the scrape is complete (as only then the status code is known). For tracking scrape durations, use the "scrape_duration_seconds" gauge created by the Prometheus server upon each scrape.
Pace Bricks specific metrics
HTTP Request Metrics
pace_api_http_request_total (Counter)
Collects statistics about each microservice endpoint
Use cases:
Track API usage for business partners (ClientID)
Track error rate per service path/method (Golden Signal)
Track API usage for developers (Path and Method) for deprecations
Track request rate (Golden Signal)
Code (200, 501, ...) - HTTP status code
Method (GET, PUT, POST, ...) - HTTP method
Path ("/beta/cars", "/beta/cars/{id}", ...) - Path to the endpoint as defined in the OpenAPIv3 spec
Service (car, dtc, ...) - name of the microservice
ClientID (unknown, "XYZ") - OAuth2 ClientID to filter usage per business partner, app, cockpit, ...
Handler simply return the prometheus http handler.
The handler will expose all of the collectors and metrics
that are attached to the prometheus default registry