HTTP Server-Timing for Gin (a HTTP web framework written in Golang)

This is a project for myself to know more about API server in Golang and Thank you for
repository go-server-timing by
mitchellh. It is my first time to play with Golang and
this is quite cool.
This is a library to build a middleware of HTTP Server-Timing for Gin, which this header
allow a server to send timing metrics from the backend to show processing times on the
browser as below:

Example usage is shown below.
func main() {
// Build router from gin-gonic/gin
router := gin.Default()
// Wrap handler with timing middleware
// Build a testing example of routing
router.GET("/", Handler)
// Run gin application
func Handler(c *gin.Context) {
// Create a wait group to wait for the response of HTTP fetches
var wg sync.WaitGroup
// Get timing header builder from the context
timing := servertiming.FromContext(c)
// Samples for testing
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
// Increment the WaitGroup counter.
// Launch a goroutine to fetch the URL.
name := fmt.Sprintf("service-%d", i)
go func(name string) {
// Imagine handler performing tasks in a goroutine
defer timing.NewMetric(name).Start().Stop()
time.Sleep(random(25, 75))
// Decrement the counter when the goroutine completes.
// Imagine blocking code in handler
m := timing.NewMetric("sql").WithDesc("SQL query").Start()
time.Sleep(random(20, 50))
// Wait for all HTTP fetches to complete.
// Write header to the response adter all fetches done
// Create response of gin
c.String(http.StatusOK, "Done. Check your browser inspector timing details.")
func random(min, max int) time.Duration {
return (time.Duration(rand.Intn(max-min) + min)) * time.Millisecond