Project to control firewalld via Telegram.
Allows you to add and remove ip to the trusted zone firewalld.
Сan make a completely invisible server.
Socks5 Proxy Support.
#System requirements
Need support in the operating system Linux - Firewalld, DBUS
If you get error 100 you need to install DBUS.
Config File - appcnf.json
- go get github.com/ozmy/telewall
- go build github.com/ozmy/telewall
- Change config appcnf.json, in TelegramUserList use UserName in Telegram without "@"
- Copy bin file and appcnf.json to /opt/telewall or change WorkingDirectory settings in telewall.service file
- Copy file telewall.service to /etc/systemd/system/
- systemctl enable telewall
- systemctl start telewall
- Send command command to bot
Bot Commands
(no case sensetive)
- E - enable ip
- D - disable ip
- L - disable all ip
- S - Status. List ip address in Trusted Zone
- p - Panic Mode On (default panic 1 min)
- R - Reload Firewall
- F - Full Reload Firewall
- H - Help
You may copy, distribute and modify the software provided that modifications are described and licensed for free under LGPL-3. Derivatives works (including modifications or anything statically linked to the library) can only be redistributed under LGPL-3, but applications that use the library don't have to be.