Quick start
Given sample.txt with this content
business - cup of tea
public - cup of tea
cup of tea - cup
cup of tea -- tea
cup of tea --- hot water
hot water - water
hot water -- kettle
kettle - power
cup of tea: {
type: buy
evolution: |....|....|...x..|.........|
water: {
type: build
evolution: |....|....|....|....x....|
kettle: {
type: build
evolution: |....|..x.|....|.........|
power: {
type: outsource
evolution: |....|....|....x|.........|
business: {
evolution: |....|....|..x.|.......|
public: {
evolution: |....|....|....|.x....|
cup: {
evolution: |....|....|....|.x.......|
tea: {
evolution: |....|....|....|..x......|
hot water: {
evolution: |....|....|....|...x.....|
When we execute
cat sample.txt | go run cmd/wtg2svg/main.go > sample.svg
The result is
First create the value chain
Create your value chain simply in a file (for example vc.txt
business - cup of tea
public - cup of tea
cup of tea - cup
cup of tea -- tea
cup of tea --- hot water
hot water - water
hot water -- kettle
kettle - power
Test the value chain in dot
cat vc.txt | go run cmd/wtg2dot/main.go | dot -Tsvg > vc_dot.svg
which renders in
Test the value chain in maps
cat vc.txt | go run cmd/wtg2svg/main.go > vc_wardley.svg
which renders in
Create the evolution file
You can use the dump command to generate some boilerplate for the components:
cat vc.txt | go run cmd/dump/main.go | while read line
echo "$line: {"
echo " evolution: |....|....|....|....x....|"
echo "}"
done > evolution.txt
Then adapt the file
Generate the maps
cat vc.txt evolution.txt | go run cmd/wtg2svg/main.go > map.svg