Detailed background on this code can be found on this blog post.
bleve-bench is a program to test the impact of batch size and sharding on indexing performance of the bleve library.
Building and Running
Building bleve-bench requires Go 1.3 or later. gvm is a great tool for managing your version of Go.
Download and run bleve-bench like so (tested on 64-bit Kubuntu 14.04):
mkdir bleve-bench # Or any directory of your choice.
cd bleve-bench/
export GOPATH=$PWD
go get -v
go install
$GOPATH/bin/bench -h
Executing the last command will show the various options. An example run is shown below.
$ $GOPATH/bin/bench -docs testdata.txt -maxprocs 8 -shards 50 -batchSize 100
Opening docs file testdata.txt
100000 documents read for indexing.
Commencing indexing. GOMAXPROCS: 8, batch size: 100, shards: 50.
Indexing operation took 3.479690221s
100000 documents indexed.
Indexing rate: 28738 docs/sec.
Each line in the test data file is read and indexed as a distinct document. Any previously indexed data is deleted before indexing begins.