This tool provides a means of securely exchanging arbitrary data with others via a Hashicorp Vault deployment. It is designed with some basic old-school UNIX in mind, and is currently meant for sharing small snippets of data as opposed to giant files.
The mechanics are fairly simple. When writing the data to Vault a context-specific token is created. This is used to store the data in a cubbyhole, and subsequently retrieve the data. The receiving party doesn't actually even need a Vault account as the provided token is the accesor.
You can download premade binaries on the releases page. These zip files contain the precompiled Go binary.
If you wish to compile it yourself, there is a Makefile which can be invoked with no target to run tests and build the various binaries.
The stash command is used to write something into Vault. If given no arguments, it will attempt to read from stdin. You can also read from a file and change a variety of options such as TTL and how many times the data may be read.
By default, you will get a normal Vault token back. You may also make use of a "short code" by passing the -short-code
lachash stash -input /tmp/cornbread_recipe.txt
echo "just kidding" | lachash stash -short-code
The pop command is used to pull something from Vault. Unless an output file is specified, the data will be written to stdout. You should probably pass in either the -token
or -short-code
options. Failure to do so will result in lachash
trying to use your normal environmental Vault credentials, which is generally not desired outside of automation contexts.
lachash pop -output /tmp/cornbread_recipe.txt -token ba3591b4-08ca-0dfd-9861-16d4957c2060
lachash pop -short-code /6a73DcaGRp5dzLQ7qdnkg
just kidding
Apache 2
The lachash tool was created by Jonathan Freedman.