Mary Read
Provides a echo router wrapper with extra functionality like database initialization and util working middleware to be
shared between microservices.
Also helps to fight global warming acting as Mary Read.
Provides an app with default tools:
import "
// ...
app := maryread.Default()
// You can access to the new echo router by app.Router()
// app.Router().Use()
// app.Router().GET()...
Custom App
Returns an app with tools configured via options:
import "
// ...
e := echo.New()
// e.GET()....
options := maryread.AppOptions{
Router: RouterOptions{
Router: router
Available Middleware
import ""
Body Dump
Adds the default Bodydump echo middleware for request with the header X-Bodydump not empty.
e := echo.New()
It relies in the logger echo-midlleware (see below)
After this, all request with the X-Bodydump will use the zero logger functionality in this package to log both request & response bodies.
e := echo.New()
SigningKey: []byte(testJWTSecret),
Adds the zero logger to the echo context. It generates a child that:
- Adds the requestID if the requestID (the one in this package or the one prodived by echo) as a string param.
- Adds the userID if you uses the JWT echo middleware a a string params. At now, it spects the ID to be in the ID claim.
- Uses a pretty zerolog parser.
- Changes the log level for a single request if you send the X-Loglevel header set to a valid zerolog level value (trace, debug, info ...)
e := echo.New()
// Inside a handler or middleware...
RequestID(c) # It returns the generated requestID
Returns the generated requestID if you use the echo requestID middleware
Request Logger
e := echo.New()
It relies in the provided logger functionality, like the body dump middleware. Use the zerologger and the echo requestLogger middleware to log request info.
TODO list
[] Migrate current middleware to fit the echo provided middleware (a default initializer and an initializer with options... perhaps other initializer with default config overrides by env vars...)
[] Decouple auth middleware from firebase. Use the echo middleware with custom (parse) functions.
[] Use the echo.NewHTTPError to return errors that echo will understand, so return c.JSON(...) will not be used and code become clearest.
[] Add auth and sqlx middleware to readme. Remember to say to people must import desired driver in the file that they use to load the middleare, Examples:
- _ ""
- _ ""
- or another driver supported by sql (and goose if you want automigrations)
[] Add Must<shortcut> to app, in order to panic if can obtain required object, as in dbx.
[] Add test to middleware shortcuts.
[] WARNING: If you want´t to use the datadog/sqlmock db mock in your test, please, deactivate the automigration feature or use the in memory sqlite3 driver (see the automigration test). We couldn't infer the Execs and transactions that goose made to the database in an Up command, so it will panic with no acction expecteds.