This webhook overrules the configured image locations in pods. A mapping table is used to map between public registries and an internal url
deplyoment and configuration
Use the deploy/deploy.sh script in this repo. This script is testen with VMware TKGI 1.8.1 (formerly known as PKS).
When running the script a configure json needs to be specified. The config json should follow this format:
"defaultDomain": "registry-1.docker.io",
"domainMapping": {
"registry-1.docker.io": "internal-docker.example.internal",
"quay.io": "internal-quay.example.internal"
- defaultDomain is optional. If no default domain is given then registry-1.docker.io will be used as the default domain.
- the defaultDomain should ALWAYS be present in the domainMapping as well. Even if you omit th edefaultdomain setting you should put registry-1.docker.io in the domainMapping
- The domain Mapping is simply a key/value list of externel and internal registry domain names. In the above example, if you pull an image from quay.io; let's say quaiy.io/ubuntu then the image will be overwritten as internal-quay.example.internal/ubunt
namespace labels
The webhook config that comes in the deploy folder will only be active on namespaces with a label: APP_NAME: enabled. APP_NAME is the app name you configured when running the deploy.sh script.