Intel TXT Provisioning
This Golang utility provisions the Trusted Platform Module on a Intel TXT capable machine.
Prerequisites for Usage
Supported OS: Any Linux distribution
Hardware Config: Unprovisionend Trusted Platform Module
How to Compile
Get Golang >=1.11 and export:
export GO111MODULE=on
or set it in front of every go command.
This environment variable activates modules for GO 1.11
To download all dependencies run:
<GO111MODULE=on> go mod download
Verify all downloaded dependencies run:
<GO111MODULE=on> go mod verify
To build the test suite run:
<GO111MODULE=on> go build -o txt-prov cmd/txt-prov/*.go
Create a configuration file:
Please get necessary information out of the Intel TXT documents/provisioning tools.
"Version": "0x300",
"HashAlg": "SHA256",
"PolicyType": "Any",
"MaxSINITMinVersion": "ff",
"LcpSignAlgMask": "RSA2048SHA256"
Run it as root:
./txt-prov -config lcp.json -prov
Commandline subcommands
Usage of ./txt-prov:
Define AUX index if not exists in TPM NVRAM
Delete AUX index if exists in TPM NVRAM
Define PS index if not exists in TPM NVRAM
Delete PS index if exists in TPM NVRAM
Provision PS & AUX index with LCP config
Update PS index content in TPM NVRAM
Shows current provisioned PS & AUX index in NVRAM on stdout
Shows version and license information
Further information are available via:
./txt-prov <subcommand> -h
Showing the NVRAM indices and LCP policy
NV index overview
PS NV index
Index: 0x1c10103
Attributes: PlatformCreate + PolicyWrite + PolicyDelete + AuthRead + No Do + Writte
Size: 70
AuthPolicy: 0x85b1cdcf3bb7205b0c9375f68f448b76411d3091199ced7fca5093ec76a2b6bd
AUX NV index
Index: 0x1c10102
Attributes: No Do + AuthRead + Writte + WriteSTClear + PlatformCreate + PolicyWrite + PolicyDelete
Size: 104
AuthPolicy: 0xef9a26fc22d1ae8cecff59e9481ac1ec533dbe228bec6d17930f4cb2cc5b9724
PS index LCP Policy
Version: 0x300
HashAlg: SHA256
PolicyType: Any
SINITMinVersion: 0
MaxSINITMinVersion: ff
LcpHashAlgMask: SHA256
LcpSignAlgMask: RSA2048SHA256
PolicyHash: [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31]