Chat Example
This application shows how to use the websocket package to implement a simple web chat application.
Running the example
The example requires a working Go development environment. The Getting Started page describes how to install the development environment.
Once you have Go up and running, you can download, build and run the example using the following commands.
$ go get
$ cd `go list -f '{{.Dir}}'`
$ go run *.go
To use the chat example, open http://localhost:8080/ in your browser.
The server application defines two types, Client
and Hub
. The server
creates an instance of the Client
type for each websocket connection. A
acts as an intermediary between the websocket connection and a single
instance of the Hub
type. The Hub
maintains a set of registered clients and
broadcasts messages to the clients.
The application runs one goroutine for the Hub
and two goroutines for each
. The goroutines communicate with each other using channels. The Hub
has channels for registering clients, unregistering clients and broadcasting
messages. A Client
has a buffered channel of outbound messages. One of the
client's goroutines reads messages from this channel and writes the messages to
the websocket. The other client goroutine reads messages from the websocket and
sends them to the hub.
The code for the Hub
type is in
The application's main
function starts the hub's run
method as a goroutine.
Clients send requests to the hub using the register
, unregister
The hub registers clients by adding the client pointer as a key in the
map. The map value is always true.
The unregister code is a little more complicated. In addition to deleting the
client pointer from the clients
map, the hub closes the clients's send
channel to signal the client that no more messages will be sent to the client.
The hub handles messages by looping over the registered clients and sending the
message to the client's send
channel. If the client's send
buffer is full,
then the hub assumes that the client is dead or stuck. In this case, the hub
unregisters the client and closes the websocket.
The code for the Client
type is in client.go.
The serveWs
function is registered by the application's main
function as
an HTTP handler. The handler upgrades the HTTP connection to the WebSocket
protocol, creates a client, registers the client with the hub and schedules the
client to be unregistered using a defer statement.
Next, the HTTP handler starts the client's writePump
method as a goroutine.
This method transfers messages from the client's send channel to the websocket
connection. The writer method exits when the channel is closed by the hub or
there's an error writing to the websocket connection.
Finally, the HTTP handler calls the client's readPump
method. This method
transfers inbound messages from the websocket to the hub.
WebSocket connections support one concurrent reader and one concurrent
writer. The
application ensures that these concurrency requirements are met by executing
all reads from the readPump
goroutine and all writes from the writePump
To improve efficiency under high load, the writePump
function coalesces
pending chat messages in the send
channel to a single WebSocket message. This
reduces the number of system calls and the amount of data sent over the
The frontend code is in home.html.
On document load, the script checks for websocket functionality in the browser. If websocket functionality is available, then the script opens a connection to the server and registers a callback to handle messages from the server. The callback appends the message to the chat log using the appendLog function.
To allow the user to manually scroll through the chat log without interruption
from new messages, the appendLog
function checks the scroll position before
adding new content. If the chat log is scrolled to the bottom, then the
function scrolls new content into view after adding the content. Otherwise, the
scroll position is not changed.
The form handler writes the user input to the websocket and clears the input field.
There is no documentation for this package.