cfm cli
cfm is the small utility which wrap cloud foundry cli to be able to run same command on
multiple cloud foundry.
On *nix system
You can install this via the command-line with either curl
or wget
via curl
$ sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
via wget
$ sh -c "$(wget -O -)"
On windows
You can install it by downloading the .exe
corresponding to your cpu from releases page: .
Alternatively, if you have terminal interpreting shell you can also use command line script above, it will download file in your current working dir.
From go command line
Simply run in terminal:
$ go get
You must set target with add-target
for each cloud foundry:
cfm [OPTIONS] add-target [add-target-OPTIONS]
Add cloud foundry target
Application Options:
-h, --help
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
[add-target command options]
-t, --target= Cloud foundry target
-a, --alias= set an alias to the target
Example: cfm add-target -t -a mycf
Run cf command
simply call cfm with cf valid arguments and the command will be called on each targets, example for see each orgs on targets:
$ cfm orgs
Target a particular cloud foundry
You may want to do commands for only one targets and not re-login through normal cli, to do so you can use this command:
cfm [OPTIONS] set-cf-env [set-cf-env-OPTIONS]
set your cf normal cli to targeted cloud foundry
Application Options:
-h, --help
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
[set-cf-env command options]
-t, --target= Cloud foundry target
-a, --alias= set an alias to the target
Example: cfm set-cf-env -a mycf
You can now perform command with normal cf
Use groups
You can group your target to perform command only on this group.
First you will need to add target with a group name:
cfm add-target -t -a mycf -g prod
You have no to target this group to do so use set-group
cfm set-group -g prod
you can clear the group target by call set-group without name: cfm set-group