
v6.4.0-ora+incompatible Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Aug 31, 2020 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 20 Imported by: 0




This section is empty.


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type AddBlobArgs

type AddBlobArgs struct {
	Path      string `positional-arg-name:"PATH"`
	BlobsPath string `positional-arg-name:"BLOBS-PATH"`

type AddBlobOpts

type AddBlobOpts struct {
	Args AddBlobArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`

	Directory DirOrCWDArg `long:"dir" description:"Release directory path if not current working directory" default:"."`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (AddBlobOpts) Execute

func (c AddBlobOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type AliasEnvArgs

type AliasEnvArgs struct {
	Alias string `positional-arg-name:"ALIAS" description:"Environment alias"`

type AliasEnvOpts

type AliasEnvOpts struct {
	Args AliasEnvArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`

	URL    string
	CACert CACertArg
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (AliasEnvOpts) Execute

func (c AliasEnvOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type AllOrInstanceGroupOrInstanceSlugArgs

type AllOrInstanceGroupOrInstanceSlugArgs struct {
	Slug boshdir.AllOrInstanceGroupOrInstanceSlug `positional-arg-name:"INSTANCE-GROUP[/INSTANCE-ID]"`

type AttachDiskArgs

type AttachDiskArgs struct {
	Slug    boshdir.InstanceSlug `positional-arg-name:"INSTANCE-GROUP/INSTANCE-ID"`
	DiskCID string               `positional-arg-name:"DISK-CID"`

type AttachDiskOpts

type AttachDiskOpts struct {
	Args AttachDiskArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`

	DiskProperties string `` /* 160-byte string literal not displayed */
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (AttachDiskOpts) Execute

func (c AttachDiskOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type BlobsOpts

type BlobsOpts struct {
	Directory DirOrCWDArg `long:"dir" description:"Release directory path if not current working directory" default:"."`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (BlobsOpts) Execute

func (c BlobsOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type BoolArg

type BoolArg bool

func (*BoolArg) UnmarshalFlag

func (v *BoolArg) UnmarshalFlag(data string) error

type BoshOpts

type BoshOpts struct {
	VersionOpt func() error `long:"version" short:"v" description:"Show CLI version"`

	ConfigPathOpt string `long:"config" description:"Config file path" env:"BOSH_CONFIG" default:"~/.bosh/config"`

	EnvironmentOpt string    `long:"environment" short:"e" description:"Director environment name or URL" env:"BOSH_ENVIRONMENT"`
	CACertOpt      CACertArg `long:"ca-cert"               description:"Director CA certificate path or value" env:"BOSH_CA_CERT"`
	Sha2           bool      `long:"sha2"                  description:"Use SHA256 checksums" env:"BOSH_SHA2"`
	Parallel       int       `long:"parallel" description:"The max number of parallel operations" default:"5"`

	// Specify client credentials
	ClientOpt       string `long:"client"        description:"Override username or UAA client"        env:"BOSH_CLIENT"`
	ClientSecretOpt string `long:"client-secret" description:"Override password or UAA client secret" env:"BOSH_CLIENT_SECRET"`

	DeploymentOpt string `long:"deployment" short:"d" description:"Deployment name" env:"BOSH_DEPLOYMENT"`

	// Output formatting
	ColumnOpt         []ColumnOpt `long:"column"                    description:"Filter to show only given column(s)"`
	JSONOpt           bool        `long:"json"                      description:"Output as JSON"`
	TTYOpt            bool        `long:"tty"                       description:"Force TTY-like output"`
	NoColorOpt        bool        `long:"no-color"                  description:"Toggle colorized output"`
	NonInteractiveOpt bool        `long:"non-interactive" short:"n" description:"Don't ask for user input" env:"BOSH_NON_INTERACTIVE"`

	Help HelpOpts `command:"help" description:"Show this help message"`

	// Environments
	Environment  EnvironmentOpts  `command:"environment"  alias:"env"  description:"Show environment"`
	Environments EnvironmentsOpts `command:"environments" alias:"envs" description:"List environments"`
	CreateEnv    CreateEnvOpts    `command:"create-env"                description:"Create or update BOSH environment"`
	DeleteEnv    DeleteEnvOpts    `command:"delete-env"                description:"Delete BOSH environment"`
	StopEnv      StopEnvOpts      `command:"stop-env"                  description:"Stop BOSH environment"`
	StartEnv     StartEnvOpts     `command:"start-env"                 description:"Start BOSH environment"`
	AliasEnv     AliasEnvOpts     `command:"alias-env"                 description:"Alias environment to save URL and CA certificate"`
	UnaliasEnv   UnaliasEnvOpts   `command:"unalias-env"               description:"Remove an aliased environment"`

	// Authentication
	LogIn  LogInOpts  `command:"log-in"  alias:"l" alias:"login"  description:"Log in"`
	LogOut LogOutOpts `command:"log-out"           alias:"logout" description:"Log out"`

	// Tasks
	Task        TaskOpts        `command:"task"         alias:"t"   description:"Show task status and start tracking its output"`
	Tasks       TasksOpts       `command:"tasks"        alias:"ts"  description:"List running or recent tasks"`
	CancelTask  CancelTaskOpts  `command:"cancel-task"  alias:"ct"  description:"Cancel task at its next checkpoint"`
	CancelTasks CancelTasksOpts `command:"cancel-tasks" alias:"cts" description:"Cancel tasks at their next checkpoints"`

	// Misc
	Locks   LocksOpts   `command:"locks"    description:"List current locks"`
	CleanUp CleanUpOpts `command:"clean-up" description:"Clean up old unused resources except orphaned disks"`
	Curl    CurlOpts    `command:"curl"     description:"Make an HTTP request to the Director"`

	// Config
	Config       ConfigOpts       `command:"config" alias:"c" description:"Show current config for either ID or both type and name"`
	Configs      ConfigsOpts      `command:"configs" alias:"cs" description:"List configs"`
	UpdateConfig UpdateConfigOpts `command:"update-config" alias:"uc" description:"Update config"`
	DeleteConfig DeleteConfigOpts `command:"delete-config" alias:"dc" description:"Delete config"`
	DiffConfig   DiffConfigOpts   `command:"diff-config" description:"Diff two configs by ID or content"`

	// Cloud config
	CloudConfig       CloudConfigOpts       `command:"cloud-config"        alias:"cc"  description:"Show current cloud config"`
	UpdateCloudConfig UpdateCloudConfigOpts `command:"update-cloud-config" alias:"ucc" description:"Update current cloud config"`

	// CPI Config
	CPIConfig       CPIConfigOpts       `command:"cpi-config"        description:"Show current CPI config"`
	UpdateCPIConfig UpdateCPIConfigOpts `command:"update-cpi-config" description:"Update current CPI config"`

	// Runtime config
	RuntimeConfig       RuntimeConfigOpts       `command:"runtime-config"        alias:"rc"  description:"Show current runtime config"`
	UpdateRuntimeConfig UpdateRuntimeConfigOpts `command:"update-runtime-config" alias:"urc" description:"Update current runtime config"`

	// Deployments
	Deployment       DeploymentOpts       `command:"deployment"        alias:"dep"             description:"Show deployment information"`
	Deployments      DeploymentsOpts      `command:"deployments"       alias:"ds" alias:"deps" description:"List deployments"`
	DeleteDeployment DeleteDeploymentOpts `command:"delete-deployment" alias:"deld"            description:"Delete deployment"`

	Deploy   DeployOpts   `command:"deploy"   alias:"d"   description:"Update deployment"`
	Manifest ManifestOpts `command:"manifest" alias:"man" description:"Show deployment manifest"`

	Interpolate InterpolateOpts `command:"interpolate" alias:"int" description:"Interpolates variables into a manifest"`

	// Events
	Events EventsOpts `command:"events" description:"List events"`
	Event  EventOpts  `command:"event" description:"Show event details"`

	// Stemcells
	Stemcells            StemcellsOpts              `command:"stemcells"       alias:"ss"   description:"List stemcells"`
	InspectLocalStemcell InspectStemcellTarballOpts `command:"inspect-local-stemcell"     description:"Display information from stemcell metadata"`
	UploadStemcell       UploadStemcellOpts         `command:"upload-stemcell" alias:"us"   description:"Upload stemcell"`
	DeleteStemcell       DeleteStemcellOpts         `command:"delete-stemcell" alias:"dels" description:"Delete stemcell"`
	RepackStemcell       RepackStemcellOpts         `command:"repack-stemcell"              description:"Repack stemcell"`

	// Releases
	Releases            ReleasesOpts            `command:"releases"        alias:"rs"   description:"List releases"`
	UploadRelease       UploadReleaseOpts       `command:"upload-release"  alias:"ur"   description:"Upload release"`
	ExportRelease       ExportReleaseOpts       `command:"export-release"               description:"Export the compiled release to a tarball"`
	InspectRelease      InspectReleaseOpts      `command:"inspect-release"              description:"List release contents such as jobs"`
	InspectLocalRelease InspectLocalReleaseOpts `command:"inspect-local-release"     description:"Display information from release metadata"`
	DeleteRelease       DeleteReleaseOpts       `command:"delete-release"  alias:"delr" description:"Delete release"`

	// Errands
	Errands   ErrandsOpts   `command:"errands"    alias:"es" description:"List errands"`
	RunErrand RunErrandOpts `command:"run-errand"            description:"Run errand"`

	// Disks
	Disks      DisksOpts      `command:"disks"       description:"List disks"`
	AttachDisk AttachDiskOpts `command:"attach-disk" description:"Attach disk to an instance"`
	DeleteDisk DeleteDiskOpts `command:"delete-disk" description:"Delete disk"`
	OrphanDisk OrphanDiskOpts `command:"orphan-disk" description:"Orphan disk"`

	// Networks
	Networks      NetworksOpts      `command:"networks"       description:"List networks"`
	DeleteNetwork DeleteNetworkOpts `command:"delete-network" description:"Delete network"`

	// Snapshots
	Snapshots       SnapshotsOpts       `command:"snapshots"        description:"List snapshots"`
	TakeSnapshot    TakeSnapshotOpts    `command:"take-snapshot"    description:"Take snapshot"`
	DeleteSnapshot  DeleteSnapshotOpts  `command:"delete-snapshot"  description:"Delete snapshot"`
	DeleteSnapshots DeleteSnapshotsOpts `command:"delete-snapshots" description:"Delete all snapshots in a deployment"`

	// Instances
	Instances          InstancesOpts          `command:"instances"       alias:"is"                     description:"List all instances in a deployment"`
	VMs                VMsOpts                `command:"vms"                                            description:"List all VMs in all deployments"`
	UpdateResurrection UpdateResurrectionOpts `command:"update-resurrection"                            description:"Enable/disable resurrection"`
	Ignore             IgnoreOpts             `command:"ignore"                                         description:"Ignore an instance"`
	Unignore           UnignoreOpts           `command:"unignore"                                       description:"Unignore an instance"`
	CloudCheck         CloudCheckOpts         `command:"cloud-check"     alias:"cck" alias:"cloudcheck" description:"Cloud consistency check and interactive repair"`
	OrphanedVMs        OrphanedVMsOpts        `command:"orphaned-vms"                                   description:"List all the orphaned VMs in all deployments"`

	// Instance management
	Logs     LogsOpts     `command:"logs"      description:"Fetch logs from instance(s)"`
	Start    StartOpts    `command:"start"     description:"Start instance(s)"`
	Stop     StopOpts     `command:"stop"      description:"Stop instance(s)"`
	Restart  RestartOpts  `command:"restart"   description:"Restart instance(s)"`
	Recreate RecreateOpts `command:"recreate"  description:"Recreate instance(s)"`
	DeleteVM DeleteVMOpts `command:"delete-vm" description:"Delete VM"`

	// SSH instance
	SSH SSHOpts `command:"ssh" description:"SSH into instance(s)"`
	SCP SCPOpts `command:"scp" description:"SCP to/from instance(s)"`

	// Release creation
	InitRelease     InitReleaseOpts     `command:"init-release"                description:"Initialize release"`
	ResetRelease    ResetReleaseOpts    `command:"reset-release"               description:"Reset release"`
	GenerateJob     GenerateJobOpts     `command:"generate-job"                description:"Generate job"`
	GeneratePackage GeneratePackageOpts `command:"generate-package"            description:"Generate package"`
	CreateRelease   CreateReleaseOpts   `command:"create-release"   alias:"cr" description:"Create release"`
	VendorPackage   VendorPackageOpts   `command:"vendor-package"              description:"Vendor package"`

	Sha1ifyRelease Sha1ifyReleaseOpts `command:"sha1ify-release"  description:"Convert release tarball to use SHA1"`
	Sha2ifyRelease Sha2ifyReleaseOpts `command:"sha2ify-release"  description:"Convert release tarball to use SHA256"`

	FinalizeRelease FinalizeReleaseOpts `command:"finalize-release"               description:"Create final release from dev release tarball"`

	// Blob management
	Blobs       BlobsOpts       `command:"blobs"        description:"List blobs"`
	AddBlob     AddBlobOpts     `command:"add-blob"     description:"Add blob"`
	RemoveBlob  RemoveBlobOpts  `command:"remove-blob"  description:"Remove blob"`
	SyncBlobs   SyncBlobsOpts   `command:"sync-blobs"   description:"Sync blobs"`
	UploadBlobs UploadBlobsOpts `command:"upload-blobs" description:"Upload blobs"`

	Variables VariablesOpts `command:"variables" alias:"vars" description:"List variables"`

type CACertArg

type CACertArg struct {
	Content string
	FS      boshsys.FileSystem

func (*CACertArg) UnmarshalFlag

func (a *CACertArg) UnmarshalFlag(data string) error

type CPIConfigOpts

type CPIConfigOpts struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CPIConfigOpts) Execute

func (c CPIConfigOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type CancelTaskOpts

type CancelTaskOpts struct {
	Args TaskArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CancelTaskOpts) Execute

func (c CancelTaskOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type CancelTasksOpts

type CancelTasksOpts struct {
	Types      []string `` /* 171-byte string literal not displayed */
	States     []string `long:"state" short:"s" description:"task states to cancel (queued, processing) (default: queued)" optional:"true"`
	Deployment string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CancelTasksOpts) Execute

func (c CancelTasksOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type CleanUpOpts

type CleanUpOpts struct {
	All               bool `long:"all" description:"Clean up all unused resources including all orphaned disks"`
	DryRun            bool `long:"dry-run" description:"Print out the resources that will be deleted but does not delete anything"`
	KeepOrphanedDisks bool `long:"keep-orphaned-disks" description:"Keep orphaned disks even with '--all'"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CleanUpOpts) Execute

func (c CleanUpOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type CloudCheckOpts

type CloudCheckOpts struct {
	Auto        bool     `long:"auto"       short:"a" description:"Resolve problems automatically"`
	Resolutions []string `long:"resolution"           description:"Apply resolution of given type"`
	Report      bool     `long:"report"     short:"r" description:"Only generate report; don't attempt to resolve problems"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CloudCheckOpts) Execute

func (c CloudCheckOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type CloudConfigOpts

type CloudConfigOpts struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CloudConfigOpts) Execute

func (c CloudConfigOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type ColumnOpt

type ColumnOpt struct {

func (*ColumnOpt) UnmarshalFlag

func (a *ColumnOpt) UnmarshalFlag(arg string) error

type ConfigArgs

type ConfigArgs struct {
	ID string `positional-arg-name:"ID" description:"Config ID"`

type ConfigOpts

type ConfigOpts struct {
	Args ConfigArgs `positional-args:"true"`
	Name string     `long:"name" description:"Config name"`
	Type string     `long:"type" description:"Config type"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ConfigOpts) Execute

func (c ConfigOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type ConfigsOpts

type ConfigsOpts struct {
	Name   string `long:"name" description:"Config name" optional:"true"`
	Type   string `long:"type" description:"Config type" optional:"true"`
	Recent int    `long:"recent" short:"r" description:"Number of configs to show" optional:"true" optional-value:"1" default:"1"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ConfigsOpts) Execute

func (c ConfigsOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type CreateEnvArgs

type CreateEnvArgs struct {
	Manifest FileBytesWithPathArg `positional-arg-name:"PATH" description:"Path to a manifest file"`

type CreateEnvOpts

type CreateEnvOpts struct {
	Args CreateEnvArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`
	SkipDrain               bool   `long:"skip-drain" description:"Skip running drain and pre-stop scripts"`
	StatePath               string `long:"state" value-name:"PATH" description:"State file path"`
	Recreate                bool   `long:"recreate" description:"Recreate VM in deployment"`
	RecreatePersistentDisks bool   `long:"recreate-persistent-disks" description:"Recreate persistent disks in the deployment"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateEnvOpts) Execute

func (c CreateEnvOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type CreateReleaseArgs

type CreateReleaseArgs struct {
	Manifest FileBytesWithPathArg `positional-arg-name:"PATH"`

type CreateReleaseOpts

type CreateReleaseOpts struct {
	Args CreateReleaseArgs `positional-args:"true"`

	Directory DirOrCWDArg `long:"dir" description:"Release directory path if not current working directory" default:"."`

	Name             string     `long:"name"               description:"Custom release name"`
	Version          VersionArg `long:"version"            description:"Custom release version (e.g.: 1.0.0, 1.0-beta.2+dev.10)"`
	TimestampVersion bool       `long:"timestamp-version"  description:"Create release with the timestamp as the dev version (e.g.: 1+dev.TIMESTAMP)"`

	Final   bool    `long:"final"   description:"Make it a final release"`
	Tarball FileArg `long:"tarball" description:"Create release tarball at path (e.g. /tmp/release.tgz)"`
	Force   bool    `long:"force"   description:"Ignore Git dirty state check"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CreateReleaseOpts) Execute

func (c CreateReleaseOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type CurlArgs

type CurlArgs struct {
	Path string `positional-arg-name:"PATH" description:"URL path which can include query string"`

type CurlHeader

type CurlHeader struct {
	Name  string
	Value string

func (*CurlHeader) UnmarshalFlag

func (a *CurlHeader) UnmarshalFlag(data string) error

type CurlOpts

type CurlOpts struct {
	Args CurlArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`

	Method  string       `long:"method" short:"X" description:"HTTP method" default:"GET"`
	Headers []CurlHeader `long:"header" short:"H" description:"HTTP header in 'name: value' format"`
	Body    FileBytesArg `long:"body"             description:"HTTP request body (path)"`

	ShowHeaders bool `long:"show-headers" short:"i"   description:"Show HTTP headers"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (CurlOpts) Execute

func (c CurlOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type DeleteConfigArgs

type DeleteConfigArgs struct {
	ID string `positional-arg-name:"ID" description:"Config ID"`

type DeleteConfigOpts

type DeleteConfigOpts struct {
	Args DeleteConfigArgs `positional-args:"true"`
	Type string           `long:"type" description:"Config type, e.g. 'cloud', 'runtime', or 'cpi'"`
	Name string           `long:"name" description:"Config name"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteConfigOpts) Execute

func (c DeleteConfigOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type DeleteDeploymentOpts

type DeleteDeploymentOpts struct {
	Force bool `long:"force" description:"Ignore errors"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteDeploymentOpts) Execute

func (c DeleteDeploymentOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type DeleteDiskArgs

type DeleteDiskArgs struct {
	CID string `positional-arg-name:"CID"`

type DeleteDiskOpts

type DeleteDiskOpts struct {
	Args DeleteDiskArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteDiskOpts) Execute

func (c DeleteDiskOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type DeleteEnvArgs

type DeleteEnvArgs struct {
	Manifest FileBytesWithPathArg `positional-arg-name:"PATH" description:"Path to a manifest file"`

type DeleteEnvOpts

type DeleteEnvOpts struct {
	Args DeleteEnvArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`
	SkipDrain bool   `long:"skip-drain" description:"Skip running drain and pre-stop scripts"`
	StatePath string `long:"state" value-name:"PATH" description:"State file path"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteEnvOpts) Execute

func (c DeleteEnvOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type DeleteNetworkArgs

type DeleteNetworkArgs struct {
	Name string `positional-arg-name:"name"`

type DeleteNetworkOpts

type DeleteNetworkOpts struct {
	Args DeleteNetworkArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteNetworkOpts) Execute

func (c DeleteNetworkOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type DeleteReleaseArgs

type DeleteReleaseArgs struct {
	Slug boshdir.ReleaseOrSeriesSlug `positional-arg-name:"NAME[/VERSION]"`

type DeleteReleaseOpts

type DeleteReleaseOpts struct {
	Args DeleteReleaseArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`

	Force bool `long:"force" description:"Ignore errors"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteReleaseOpts) Execute

func (c DeleteReleaseOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type DeleteSnapshotArgs

type DeleteSnapshotArgs struct {
	CID string `positional-arg-name:"CID"`

type DeleteSnapshotOpts

type DeleteSnapshotOpts struct {
	Args DeleteSnapshotArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteSnapshotOpts) Execute

func (c DeleteSnapshotOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type DeleteSnapshotsOpts

type DeleteSnapshotsOpts struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteSnapshotsOpts) Execute

func (c DeleteSnapshotsOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type DeleteStemcellArgs

type DeleteStemcellArgs struct {
	Slug boshdir.StemcellSlug `positional-arg-name:"NAME/VERSION"`

type DeleteStemcellOpts

type DeleteStemcellOpts struct {
	Args DeleteStemcellArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`

	Force bool `long:"force" description:"Ignore errors"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteStemcellOpts) Execute

func (c DeleteStemcellOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type DeleteVMArgs

type DeleteVMArgs struct {
	CID string `positional-arg-name:"CID"`

type DeleteVMOpts

type DeleteVMOpts struct {
	Args DeleteVMArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeleteVMOpts) Execute

func (c DeleteVMOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type DeployArgs

type DeployArgs struct {
	Manifest FileBytesArg `positional-arg-name:"PATH" description:"Path to a manifest file"`

type DeployOpts

type DeployOpts struct {
	Args DeployArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`


	NoRedact bool `long:"no-redact" description:"Show non-redacted manifest diff"`

	Recreate                bool                `long:"recreate"                                description:"Recreate all VMs in deployment"`
	RecreatePersistentDisks bool                `long:"recreate-persistent-disks"               description:"Recreate all persistent disks in deployment"`
	Fix                     bool                `` /* 128-byte string literal not displayed */
	FixReleases             bool                `` /* 135-byte string literal not displayed */
	SkipDrain               []boshdir.SkipDrain `` /* 180-byte string literal not displayed */

	Canaries    string `long:"canaries" description:"Override manifest values for canaries"`
	MaxInFlight string `long:"max-in-flight" description:"Override manifest values for max_in_flight"`

	DryRun bool `long:"dry-run" description:"Renders job templates without altering deployment"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeployOpts) Execute

func (c DeployOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type DeploymentOpts

type DeploymentOpts struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeploymentOpts) Execute

func (c DeploymentOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type DeploymentsOpts

type DeploymentsOpts struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DeploymentsOpts) Execute

func (c DeploymentsOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type DiffConfigOpts

type DiffConfigOpts struct {
	FromID      string       `long:"from-id" description:"ID of first config to compare"`
	ToID        string       `long:"to-id" description:"ID of second config to compare"`
	FromContent FileBytesArg `long:"from-content" description:"Path to first config file to compare"`
	ToContent   FileBytesArg `long:"to-content" description:"Path to second config file to compare"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DiffConfigOpts) Execute

func (c DiffConfigOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type DirOrCWDArg

type DirOrCWDArg struct {
	Path string

func (*DirOrCWDArg) UnmarshalFlag

func (a *DirOrCWDArg) UnmarshalFlag(data string) error

type DisksOpts

type DisksOpts struct {
	Orphaned bool `long:"orphaned" short:"o" description:"List orphaned disks"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DisksOpts) Execute

func (c DisksOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type EnvironmentOpts

type EnvironmentOpts struct {
	Details bool `long:"details" description:"Show director's certificates details"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (EnvironmentOpts) Execute

func (c EnvironmentOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type EnvironmentsOpts

type EnvironmentsOpts struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (EnvironmentsOpts) Execute

func (c EnvironmentsOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type ErrandsOpts

type ErrandsOpts struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ErrandsOpts) Execute

func (c ErrandsOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type EventArgs

type EventArgs struct {
	ID string `positional-arg-name:"ID"`

type EventOpts

type EventOpts struct {
	Args EventArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (EventOpts) Execute

func (c EventOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type EventsOpts

type EventsOpts struct {
	BeforeID   string `long:"before-id"    description:"Show events with ID less than the given ID"`
	Before     string `long:"before"       description:"Show events before the given timestamp (ex: 2016-05-08 17:26:32)"`
	After      string `long:"after"        description:"Show events after the given timestamp (ex: 2016-05-08 17:26:32)"`
	Deployment string
	Task       string `long:"task"         description:"Show events with the given task ID"`
	Instance   string `long:"instance"     description:"Show events with given instance"`
	User       string `long:"event-user"   description:"Show events with given user"`
	Action     string `long:"action"       description:"Show events with given action"`
	ObjectType string `long:"object-type"  description:"Show events with given object type"`
	ObjectName string `long:"object-name"  description:"Show events with given object name"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (EventsOpts) Execute

func (c EventsOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type ExportReleaseArgs

type ExportReleaseArgs struct {
	ReleaseSlug   boshdir.ReleaseSlug   `positional-arg-name:"NAME/VERSION"`
	OSVersionSlug boshdir.OSVersionSlug `positional-arg-name:"OS/VERSION"`

type ExportReleaseOpts

type ExportReleaseOpts struct {
	Args ExportReleaseArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`

	Directory DirOrCWDArg `long:"dir" description:"Destination directory" default:"."`

	Jobs []string `long:"job" description:"Name of job to export"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ExportReleaseOpts) Execute

func (c ExportReleaseOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type FileArg

type FileArg struct {
	ExpandedPath string
	FS           boshsys.FileSystem

func (*FileArg) UnmarshalFlag

func (a *FileArg) UnmarshalFlag(data string) error

type FileBytesArg

type FileBytesArg struct {
	FS boshsys.FileSystem

	Bytes []byte

func (*FileBytesArg) UnmarshalFlag

func (a *FileBytesArg) UnmarshalFlag(data string) error

type FileBytesWithPathArg

type FileBytesWithPathArg struct {
	FS boshsys.FileSystem

	Bytes []byte
	Path  string

func (*FileBytesWithPathArg) UnmarshalFlag

func (a *FileBytesWithPathArg) UnmarshalFlag(data string) error

type FinalizeReleaseArgs

type FinalizeReleaseArgs struct {
	Path string `positional-arg-name:"PATH"`

type FinalizeReleaseOpts

type FinalizeReleaseOpts struct {
	Args FinalizeReleaseArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`

	Directory DirOrCWDArg `long:"dir" description:"Release directory path if not current working directory" default:"."`

	Name    string     `long:"name"    description:"Custom release name"`
	Version VersionArg `long:"version" description:"Custom release version (e.g.: 1.0.0, 1.0-beta.2+dev.10)"`

	Force bool `long:"force" description:"Ignore Git dirty state check"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (FinalizeReleaseOpts) Execute

func (c FinalizeReleaseOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type GatewayFlags

type GatewayFlags struct {
	UUIDGen boshuuid.Generator

	Disable bool `long:"gw-disable" description:"Disable usage of gateway connection" env:"BOSH_GW_DISABLE"`

	Username       string `long:"gw-user"        description:"Username for gateway connection" env:"BOSH_GW_USER"`
	Host           string `long:"gw-host"        description:"Host for gateway connection" env:"BOSH_GW_HOST"`
	PrivateKeyPath string `long:"gw-private-key" description:"Private key path for gateway connection" env:"BOSH_GW_PRIVATE_KEY"` // todo private file?

	SOCKS5Proxy string `long:"gw-socks5" description:"SOCKS5 URL" env:"BOSH_ALL_PROXY"`

func (GatewayFlags) AsSSHOpts

type GenerateJobArgs

type GenerateJobArgs struct {
	Name string `positional-arg-name:"NAME"`

type GenerateJobOpts

type GenerateJobOpts struct {
	Args GenerateJobArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`

	Directory DirOrCWDArg `long:"dir" description:"Release directory path if not current working directory" default:"."`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (GenerateJobOpts) Execute

func (c GenerateJobOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type GeneratePackageArgs

type GeneratePackageArgs struct {
	Name string `positional-arg-name:"NAME"`

type GeneratePackageOpts

type GeneratePackageOpts struct {
	Args GeneratePackageArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`

	Directory DirOrCWDArg `long:"dir" description:"Release directory path if not current working directory" default:"."`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (GeneratePackageOpts) Execute

func (c GeneratePackageOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type HelpOpts

type HelpOpts struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (HelpOpts) Execute

func (c HelpOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type IgnoreOpts

type IgnoreOpts struct {
	Args InstanceSlugArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (IgnoreOpts) Execute

func (c IgnoreOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type InitReleaseOpts

type InitReleaseOpts struct {
	Directory DirOrCWDArg `long:"dir" description:"Release directory path if not current working directory" default:"."`

	Git bool `long:"git" description:"Initialize git repository"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (InitReleaseOpts) Execute

func (c InitReleaseOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type InspectLocalReleaseArgs

type InspectLocalReleaseArgs struct {
	PathToRelease string `positional-arg-name:"PATH-TO-RELEASE" description:"Path to release"`

type InspectLocalReleaseOpts

type InspectLocalReleaseOpts struct {
	Args InspectLocalReleaseArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (InspectLocalReleaseOpts) Execute

func (c InspectLocalReleaseOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type InspectReleaseArgs

type InspectReleaseArgs struct {
	Slug boshdir.ReleaseSlug `positional-arg-name:"NAME/VERSION"`

type InspectReleaseOpts

type InspectReleaseOpts struct {
	Args InspectReleaseArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (InspectReleaseOpts) Execute

func (c InspectReleaseOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type InspectStemcellTarballArgs

type InspectStemcellTarballArgs struct {
	PathToStemcell string `positional-arg-name:"PATH-TO-STEMCELL" description:"Path to stemcell"`

type InspectStemcellTarballOpts

type InspectStemcellTarballOpts struct {
	Args InspectStemcellTarballArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (InspectStemcellTarballOpts) Execute

func (c InspectStemcellTarballOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type InstanceGroupOrInstanceSlugFlags

type InstanceGroupOrInstanceSlugFlags struct {
	Slugs []boshdir.InstanceGroupOrInstanceSlug `` /* 156-byte string literal not displayed */

type InstanceSlugArgs

type InstanceSlugArgs struct {
	Slug boshdir.InstanceSlug `positional-arg-name:"INSTANCE-GROUP/INSTANCE-ID"`

type InstancesOpts

type InstancesOpts struct {
	Details    bool `long:"details" short:"i" description:"Show details including VM CID, persistent disk CID, etc."`
	DNS        bool `long:"dns"               description:"Show DNS A records"`
	Vitals     bool `long:"vitals"            description:"Show vitals"`
	Processes  bool `long:"ps"      short:"p" description:"Show processes"`
	Failing    bool `long:"failing" short:"f" description:"Only show failing instances"`
	Deployment string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (InstancesOpts) Execute

func (c InstancesOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type InterpolateArgs

type InterpolateArgs struct {
	Manifest FileBytesArg `positional-arg-name:"PATH" description:"Path to a template that will be interpolated"`

type InterpolateOpts

type InterpolateOpts struct {
	Args InterpolateArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`


	Path            patch.Pointer `long:"path" value-name:"OP-PATH" description:"Extract value out of template (e.g.: /private_key)"`
	VarErrors       bool          `long:"var-errs"                  description:"Expect all variables to be found, otherwise error"`
	VarErrorsUnused bool          `long:"var-errs-unused"           description:"Expect all variables to be used, otherwise error"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (InterpolateOpts) Execute

func (c InterpolateOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type LocksOpts

type LocksOpts struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (LocksOpts) Execute

func (c LocksOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type LogInOpts

type LogInOpts struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (LogInOpts) Execute

func (c LogInOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type LogOutOpts

type LogOutOpts struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (LogOutOpts) Execute

func (c LogOutOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type LogsOpts

type LogsOpts struct {
	Args AllOrInstanceGroupOrInstanceSlugArgs `positional-args:"true"`

	Directory DirOrCWDArg `long:"dir" description:"Destination directory" default:"."`

	Follow bool `long:"follow" short:"f" description:"Follow logs via SSH"`
	Num    int  `long:"num"              description:"Last number of lines"`
	Quiet  bool `long:"quiet"  short:"q" description:"Suppresses printing of headers when multiple files are being examined"`

	Jobs    []string `long:"job"   description:"Limit to only specific jobs"`
	Filters []string `long:"only"  description:"Filter logs (comma-separated)"`
	Agent   bool     `long:"agent" description:"Include only agent logs"`

	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (LogsOpts) Execute

func (c LogsOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type ManifestOpts

type ManifestOpts struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ManifestOpts) Execute

func (c ManifestOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type MessageOpts

type MessageOpts struct {
	Message string

MessageOpts is used for version and help flags

type NetworksOpts

type NetworksOpts struct {
	Orphaned bool `long:"orphaned" short:"o" description:"List orphaned networks"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (NetworksOpts) Execute

func (c NetworksOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type OpsFileArg

type OpsFileArg struct {
	FS boshsys.FileSystem

	Ops patch.Ops

func (*OpsFileArg) UnmarshalFlag

func (a *OpsFileArg) UnmarshalFlag(filePath string) error

type OpsFlags

type OpsFlags struct {
	OpsFiles []OpsFileArg `long:"ops-file" short:"o" value-name:"PATH" description:"Load manifest operations from a YAML file"`


func (OpsFlags) AsOp

func (f OpsFlags) AsOp() patch.Op

type OrphanDiskArgs

type OrphanDiskArgs struct {
	CID string `positional-arg-name:"CID"`

type OrphanDiskOpts

type OrphanDiskOpts struct {
	Args OrphanDiskArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (OrphanDiskOpts) Execute

func (c OrphanDiskOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type OrphanedVMsOpts

type OrphanedVMsOpts struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (OrphanedVMsOpts) Execute

func (c OrphanedVMsOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type RecreateOpts

type RecreateOpts struct {
	Args AllOrInstanceGroupOrInstanceSlugArgs `positional-args:"true"`

	SkipDrain bool `long:"skip-drain" description:"Skip running drain and pre-stop scripts"`
	Fix       bool `long:"fix"        description:"Recreate an instance with an unresponsive agent instead of erroring"`

	Canaries    string `long:"canaries" description:"Override manifest values for canaries"`
	MaxInFlight string `long:"max-in-flight" description:"Override manifest values for max_in_flight"`

	DryRun bool `long:"dry-run" description:"Renders job templates without altering deployment"`

	Converge   bool `long:"converge" description:"Converge the deployment state before running action (default)"`
	NoConverge bool `long:"no-converge" description:"Act only on specified instance"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (RecreateOpts) Execute

func (c RecreateOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type RedigestReleaseArgs

type RedigestReleaseArgs struct {
	Path        string  `positional-arg-name:"PATH"`
	Destination FileArg `positional-arg-name:"DESTINATION"`

type ReleasesOpts

type ReleasesOpts struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ReleasesOpts) Execute

func (c ReleasesOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type RemoveBlobArgs

type RemoveBlobArgs struct {
	BlobsPath string `positional-arg-name:"BLOBS-PATH"`

type RemoveBlobOpts

type RemoveBlobOpts struct {
	Args RemoveBlobArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`

	Directory DirOrCWDArg `long:"dir" description:"Release directory path if not current working directory" default:"."`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (RemoveBlobOpts) Execute

func (c RemoveBlobOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type RepackStemcellArgs

type RepackStemcellArgs struct {
	PathToStemcell string  `positional-arg-name:"PATH-TO-STEMCELL" description:"Path to stemcell"`
	PathToResult   FileArg `positional-arg-name:"PATH-TO-RESULT" description:"Path to repacked stemcell"`

type RepackStemcellOpts

type RepackStemcellOpts struct {
	Args            RepackStemcellArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`
	Name            string             `long:"name" description:"Repacked stemcell name"`
	CloudProperties string             `long:"cloud-properties" description:"Repacked stemcell cloud properties"`
	EmptyImage      bool               `long:"empty-image" description:"Pack zero byte file instead of image"`
	Format          []string           `long:"format" description:"Repacked stemcell formats. Can be used multiple times. Overrides existing formats."`
	Version         string             `long:"version" description:"Repacked stemcell version"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (RepackStemcellOpts) Execute

func (c RepackStemcellOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type ResetReleaseOpts

type ResetReleaseOpts struct {
	Directory DirOrCWDArg `long:"dir" description:"Release directory path if not current working directory" default:"."`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ResetReleaseOpts) Execute

func (c ResetReleaseOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type RestartOpts

type RestartOpts struct {
	Args AllOrInstanceGroupOrInstanceSlugArgs `positional-args:"true"`

	SkipDrain bool `long:"skip-drain" description:"Skip running drain and pre-stop scripts"`

	Canaries    string `long:"canaries" description:"Override manifest values for canaries"`
	MaxInFlight string `long:"max-in-flight" description:"Override manifest values for max_in_flight"`

	Converge   bool `long:"converge" description:"Converge the deployment state before running action (default)"`
	NoConverge bool `long:"no-converge" description:"Act only on specified instance"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (RestartOpts) Execute

func (c RestartOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type RunErrandArgs

type RunErrandArgs struct {
	Name string `positional-arg-name:"NAME"`

type RunErrandOpts

type RunErrandOpts struct {
	Args RunErrandArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`


	KeepAlive   bool `long:"keep-alive" description:"Use existing VM to run an errand and keep it after completion"`
	WhenChanged bool `long:"when-changed" description:"Run errand only if errand configuration has changed or if the previous run was unsuccessful"`

	DownloadLogs  bool        `long:"download-logs" description:"Download logs"`
	LogsDirectory DirOrCWDArg `long:"logs-dir" description:"Destination directory for logs" default:"."`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (RunErrandOpts) Execute

func (c RunErrandOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type RuntimeConfigOpts

type RuntimeConfigOpts struct {
	Name string `long:"name" description:"Runtime-Config name (default: '')" default:""`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (RuntimeConfigOpts) Execute

func (c RuntimeConfigOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type SCPArgs

type SCPArgs struct {
	Paths []string `positional-arg-name:"PATH"`

type SCPOpts

type SCPOpts struct {
	Args SCPArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`

	Recursive bool `` /* 149-byte string literal not displayed */

	PrivateKey FileBytesWithPathArg `long:"private-key" short:"i" description:"SSH using authorized key"`

	Username string `long:"username" short:"l" description:"Login name for authorized key" default:"vcap"`

	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (SCPOpts) Execute

func (c SCPOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type SSHOpts

type SSHOpts struct {
	Args SshSlugArgs `positional-args:"true"`

	Command []string         `long:"command" short:"c" description:"Command"`
	RawOpts TrimmedSpaceArgs `long:"opts"              description:"Options to pass through to SSH"`

	Results bool `long:"results" short:"r" description:"Collect results into a table instead of streaming"`

	PrivateKey FileBytesWithPathArg `long:"private-key" short:"i" description:"SSH using authorized key"`

	Username string `long:"username" short:"l" description:"Login name for authorized key" default:"vcap"`

	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (SSHOpts) Execute

func (c SSHOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type Sha1ifyReleaseOpts

type Sha1ifyReleaseOpts struct {
	Args RedigestReleaseArgs `positional-args:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (Sha1ifyReleaseOpts) Execute

func (c Sha1ifyReleaseOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type Sha2ifyReleaseOpts

type Sha2ifyReleaseOpts struct {
	Args RedigestReleaseArgs `positional-args:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (Sha2ifyReleaseOpts) Execute

func (c Sha2ifyReleaseOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type SnapshotsOpts

type SnapshotsOpts struct {
	Args InstanceSlugArgs `positional-args:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (SnapshotsOpts) Execute

func (c SnapshotsOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type SshSlugArgs

type SshSlugArgs struct {
	Slug boshdir.AllOrInstanceGroupOrInstanceSlug `positional-arg-name:"INSTANCE-GROUP[/INSTANCE-ID] | IP"`

type StartEnvOpts

type StartEnvOpts struct {
	Args StartStopEnvArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`
	StatePath string `long:"state" value-name:"PATH" description:"State file path"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StartEnvOpts) Execute

func (c StartEnvOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type StartOpts

type StartOpts struct {
	Args AllOrInstanceGroupOrInstanceSlugArgs `positional-args:"true"`

	Canaries    string `long:"canaries" description:"Override manifest values for canaries"`
	MaxInFlight string `long:"max-in-flight" description:"Override manifest values for max_in_flight"`
	Converge    bool   `long:"converge" description:"Converge the deployment state before running action (default)"`
	NoConverge  bool   `long:"no-converge" description:"Act only on specified instance"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StartOpts) Execute

func (c StartOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type StartStopEnvArgs

type StartStopEnvArgs struct {
	Manifest FileBytesWithPathArg `positional-arg-name:"PATH" description:"Path to a manifest file"`

type StemcellsOpts

type StemcellsOpts struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StemcellsOpts) Execute

func (c StemcellsOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type StopEnvOpts

type StopEnvOpts struct {
	Args StartStopEnvArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`
	SkipDrain bool   `long:"skip-drain" description:"Skip running drain and pre-stop scripts"`
	StatePath string `long:"state" value-name:"PATH" description:"State file path"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StopEnvOpts) Execute

func (c StopEnvOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type StopOpts

type StopOpts struct {
	Args AllOrInstanceGroupOrInstanceSlugArgs `positional-args:"true"`

	Soft bool `long:"soft" description:"Stop process only (default)"`
	Hard bool `long:"hard" description:"Delete VM (but keep persistent disk)"`

	SkipDrain bool `long:"skip-drain" description:"Skip running drain and pre-stop scripts"`

	Canaries    string `long:"canaries" description:"Override manifest values for canaries"`
	MaxInFlight string `long:"max-in-flight" description:"Override manifest values for max_in_flight"`

	Converge   bool `long:"converge" description:"Converge the deployment state before running action (default)"`
	NoConverge bool `long:"no-converge" description:"Act only on specified instance"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StopOpts) Execute

func (c StopOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type SyncBlobsOpts

type SyncBlobsOpts struct {
	Directory DirOrCWDArg `long:"dir" description:"Release directory path if not current working directory" default:"."`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (SyncBlobsOpts) Execute

func (c SyncBlobsOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type TakeSnapshotOpts

type TakeSnapshotOpts struct {
	Args InstanceSlugArgs `positional-args:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (TakeSnapshotOpts) Execute

func (c TakeSnapshotOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type TaskArgs

type TaskArgs struct {
	ID int `positional-arg-name:"ID"`

type TaskOpts

type TaskOpts struct {
	Args TaskArgs `positional-args:"true"`

	Event  bool `long:"event"  description:"Track event log"`
	CPI    bool `long:"cpi"    description:"Track CPI log"`
	Debug  bool `long:"debug"  description:"Track debug log"`
	Result bool `long:"result" description:"Track result log"`

	All        bool `long:"all" short:"a" description:"Include all task types (ssh, logs, vms, etc)"`
	Deployment string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (TaskOpts) Execute

func (c TaskOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type TasksOpts

type TasksOpts struct {
	Recent     *int `` /* 142-byte string literal not displayed */
	All        bool `long:"all" short:"a" description:"Include all task types (ssh, logs, vms, etc)"`
	Deployment string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (TasksOpts) Execute

func (c TasksOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type TrimmedSpaceArgs

type TrimmedSpaceArgs []string

func (TrimmedSpaceArgs) AsStrings

func (as TrimmedSpaceArgs) AsStrings() []string

type URLArg

type URLArg string

func (URLArg) FilePath

func (a URLArg) FilePath() string

func (URLArg) GitRepo

func (a URLArg) GitRepo() string

func (URLArg) IsEmpty

func (a URLArg) IsEmpty() bool

func (URLArg) IsGit

func (a URLArg) IsGit() bool

func (URLArg) IsRemote

func (a URLArg) IsRemote() bool

type UnaliasEnvArgs

type UnaliasEnvArgs struct {
	Alias string `positional-arg-name:"ALIAS" description:"Environment alias"`

type UnaliasEnvOpts

type UnaliasEnvOpts struct {
	Args UnaliasEnvArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (UnaliasEnvOpts) Execute

func (c UnaliasEnvOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type UnignoreOpts

type UnignoreOpts struct {
	Args InstanceSlugArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (UnignoreOpts) Execute

func (c UnignoreOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type UpdateCPIConfigArgs

type UpdateCPIConfigArgs struct {
	CPIConfig FileBytesArg `positional-arg-name:"PATH" description:"Path to a CPI config file"`

type UpdateCPIConfigOpts

type UpdateCPIConfigOpts struct {
	Args UpdateCPIConfigArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`

	NoRedact bool `long:"no-redact" description:"Show non-redacted manifest diff"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (UpdateCPIConfigOpts) Execute

func (c UpdateCPIConfigOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type UpdateCloudConfigArgs

type UpdateCloudConfigArgs struct {
	CloudConfig FileBytesArg `positional-arg-name:"PATH" description:"Path to a cloud config file"`

type UpdateCloudConfigOpts

type UpdateCloudConfigOpts struct {
	Args UpdateCloudConfigArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (UpdateCloudConfigOpts) Execute

func (c UpdateCloudConfigOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type UpdateConfigArgs

type UpdateConfigArgs struct {
	Config FileBytesArg `positional-arg-name:"PATH" description:"Path to a YAML config file"`

type UpdateConfigOpts

type UpdateConfigOpts struct {
	Args             UpdateConfigArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`
	Type             string           `long:"type" required:"true" description:"Config type, e.g. 'cloud', 'runtime', or 'cpi'"`
	Name             string           `long:"name" required:"true" description:"Config name"`
	ExpectedLatestId string           `long:"expected-latest-id" description:"Expected ID of latest config"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (UpdateConfigOpts) Execute

func (c UpdateConfigOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type UpdateResurrectionArgs

type UpdateResurrectionArgs struct {
	Enabled BoolArg `positional-arg-name:"on|off"`

type UpdateResurrectionOpts

type UpdateResurrectionOpts struct {
	Args UpdateResurrectionArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (UpdateResurrectionOpts) Execute

func (c UpdateResurrectionOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type UpdateRuntimeConfigArgs

type UpdateRuntimeConfigArgs struct {
	RuntimeConfig FileBytesArg `positional-arg-name:"PATH" description:"Path to a runtime config file"`

type UpdateRuntimeConfigOpts

type UpdateRuntimeConfigOpts struct {
	Args UpdateRuntimeConfigArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`

	NoRedact    bool   `long:"no-redact" description:"Show non-redacted manifest diff"`
	Name        string `long:"name" description:"Runtime-Config name (default: '')" default:""`
	FixReleases bool   `long:"fix-releases" description:"Reupload releases in config and replace corrupt or missing jobs/packages"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (UpdateRuntimeConfigOpts) Execute

func (c UpdateRuntimeConfigOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type UploadBlobsOpts

type UploadBlobsOpts struct {
	Directory DirOrCWDArg `long:"dir" description:"Release directory path if not current working directory" default:"."`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (UploadBlobsOpts) Execute

func (c UploadBlobsOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type UploadReleaseArgs

type UploadReleaseArgs struct {
	URL URLArg `positional-arg-name:"URL" description:"Path to a local file or URL"`

type UploadReleaseOpts

type UploadReleaseOpts struct {
	Args UploadReleaseArgs `positional-args:"true"`

	Directory DirOrCWDArg `long:"dir" description:"Release directory path if not current working directory" default:"."`

	Rebase bool `long:"rebase" description:"Rebases this release onto the latest version known by the Director"`

	Fix bool `long:"fix" description:"Replaces corrupt and missing jobs and packages"`

	Name    string     `long:"name"     description:"Name used in existence check (is not used with local release file)"`
	Version VersionArg `long:"version"  description:"Version used in existence check (is not used with local release file)"`

	SHA1 string `long:"sha1" description:"SHA1 of the remote release (is not used with local files)"`

	Stemcell boshdir.OSVersionSlug `` /* 128-byte string literal not displayed */

	Release boshrel.Release
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (UploadReleaseOpts) Execute

func (c UploadReleaseOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type UploadStemcellArgs

type UploadStemcellArgs struct {
	URL URLArg `positional-arg-name:"URL" description:"Path to a local file or URL"`

type UploadStemcellOpts

type UploadStemcellOpts struct {
	Args UploadStemcellArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`

	Fix bool `long:"fix" description:"Replaces the stemcell if already exists"`

	Name    string     `long:"name"     description:"Name used in existence check (is not used with local stemcell file)"`
	Version VersionArg `long:"version"  description:"Version used in existence check (is not used with local stemcell file)"`

	SHA1 string `long:"sha1" description:"SHA1 of the remote stemcell (is not used with local files)"`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (UploadStemcellOpts) Execute

func (c UploadStemcellOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type VMsOpts

type VMsOpts struct {
	DNS             bool `long:"dns"               description:"Show DNS A records"`
	Vitals          bool `long:"vitals"            description:"Show vitals"`
	CloudProperties bool `long:"cloud-properties"  description:"Show cloud properties"`
	Deployment      string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (VMsOpts) Execute

func (c VMsOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type VarFlags

type VarFlags struct {
	VarKVs      []boshtpl.VarKV       `long:"var"        short:"v" value-name:"VAR=VALUE" description:"Set variable"`
	VarFiles    []boshtpl.VarFileArg  `long:"var-file"             value-name:"VAR=PATH"  description:"Set variable to file contents"`
	VarsFiles   []boshtpl.VarsFileArg `long:"vars-file"  short:"l" value-name:"PATH"      description:"Load variables from a YAML file"`
	VarsEnvs    []boshtpl.VarsEnvArg  `` /* 140-byte string literal not displayed */
	VarsFSStore VarsFSStore           `long:"vars-store"           value-name:"PATH"      description:"Load/save variables from/to a YAML file"`


func (VarFlags) AsVariables

func (f VarFlags) AsVariables() boshtpl.Variables

type VariablesOpts

type VariablesOpts struct {
	Deployment string
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (VariablesOpts) Execute

func (c VariablesOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type VarsCertLoader

type VarsCertLoader struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewVarsCertLoader

func NewVarsCertLoader(vars boshtpl.Variables) VarsCertLoader

func (VarsCertLoader) LoadCerts

func (l VarsCertLoader) LoadCerts(name string) (*x509.Certificate, *rsa.PrivateKey, error)

type VarsFSStore

type VarsFSStore struct {
	FS boshsys.FileSystem

	ValueGeneratorFactory cfgtypes.ValueGeneratorFactory
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (VarsFSStore) Get

func (s VarsFSStore) Get(varDef boshtpl.VariableDefinition) (interface{}, bool, error)

func (VarsFSStore) IsSet

func (s VarsFSStore) IsSet() bool

func (VarsFSStore) List

func (*VarsFSStore) UnmarshalFlag

func (s *VarsFSStore) UnmarshalFlag(data string) error

type VendorPackageArgs

type VendorPackageArgs struct {
	PackageName string      `positional-arg-name:"PACKAGE"`
	URL         DirOrCWDArg `positional-arg-name:"SRC-DIR" default:"."`

type VendorPackageOpts

type VendorPackageOpts struct {
	Args VendorPackageArgs `positional-args:"true" required:"true"`

	Directory DirOrCWDArg `long:"dir" description:"Release directory path if not current working directory" default:"."`
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (VendorPackageOpts) Execute

func (c VendorPackageOpts) Execute(_ []string) error

Execute is necessary for each command to be goflags.Commander

type VersionArg

type VersionArg semver.Version

func (*VersionArg) UnmarshalFlag

func (a *VersionArg) UnmarshalFlag(data string) error

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Keyboard shortcuts

? : This menu
/ : Search site
f or F : Jump to
y or Y : Canonical URL