A concourse resource for push and download files from/to artifactory with semver.
Source Configuration
url: Required. Artifactory base url
repository: Required. Directory to watch, read and write files
filter: Optional. Filter files in repository that match given regxp
use named groups to extract content from filename and customize version sorting:
?P<version>: sort as semver
?P<asc>: sort alphabetically, asc
?P<desc>: sort alphabetically, desc
when property is not set:
all files in given repository path are considered
artifactory's last modified timestamp is used for versioning
when property is set:
only files matching filter regex are considered
given <version>, asc or desc named groups are used for versioning
artifactory's last modified timestamp is used when none of version, asc or desc
are present in filter named groups
user: Optional. Artifactory username.
password: Optional. Artifactory password.
ssh_key: Optional. Artifactory ssh key.
log_level: Default: ERROR Set the verbosity of logs, other values are: ERROR, WARN, DEBUG.
ca_cert: Optional. Pass a certificate to access to your artifactory.
props: Optional. Set of props to filter in check command and always include for out command
given with the following format:
- value1
- value2
prop2: [ "value" ]
threads: Default: 3 Number of transfer threads for in and out commands.
check: Check for new files.
Find all files in repository matching the filter ordered according to used named groups
version (semver), asc (alphabetically), desc (reverse alphabetically) or ordered by the
modified timestamp if no group is given.
in: Download a file from Artifactory
min_split: Default: 5120 The minimum size permitted for splitting. Files larger than the
specified number will be split into equally sized split_count segments. Any files smaller than
the specified number will be downloaded in a single thread. If set to -1, files are not split.
split_count: Default: 3 The number of segments into which each file should be split for
download (provided the artifact is over --min-split in size). To download each file in a
single thread, set to 0.
props_filename: Optional. When given, download properties associated to file and write it
to given filename. File is written as YAML with the same format as source.props.
out: Upload a file to artifactory.
directory: Required. Upload files from given directory that match source.filter. When
multiple files match, they are all uploaded and version and meta refers to last matching file.
props: Optional. Additional properties to add to uploaded file merged with source.props.
Properties take precedence over source.props on collisions and given with the same format
as source.props
props_filename: Optional. Load additional properties from given yaml file merged with
source.props and params.props. Defined properties takes precedence on collisions and given
with the same format as source.props.
- name: artifactory
type: docker-image
repository: orangeopensource/artifactory-resource
- name: artifactory-resource
type: artifactory
url: https://my.artifactory.com
user: myuser
password: mypassword
repository: bosh_release/credhub/
filter: "credhub-v(?P<version>)\\.tgz"
- name: build-rootfs
# will fetch last available version of /bosh_release/credhub/credhub-*.tgz
# and will download properties in ./spec.yml
get: artifactory-resource
props_filename: spec.yml
# some task that create ./output/credhub-v8.9.10.tgz
task: { ... }
# will upload ./output/credhub-v8.9.10.tgz to /bosh_release/credhub/credhub-v8.9.10.tgz
# and will set property built_by=concourse
put: artifactory-resource
directory: ./output/
props_filename: inject.yml
- concourse