
Replace your Twitter profile banner with an image
that contains your profile statistics

Run from Source
Note: Environment variables should be in .env
make run
Build and Run with Docker
Note: Environment variables should be in .env
docker build . -t verbose-twit-banner
docker run --env-file=.env verbose-twit-banner
Build a Binary
make build
Executable will be created as verbose-twit-banner.
Ways of Operation
Run in an Interval
Parameter -interval=<string>
can be used
to make the program run in a loop.
The banner image will be updated
in the specified time interval (e.g. 5m).
Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"),
"ms", "s", "m", "h".
Read-only mode
Parameter -dry-run
can be used
to make the program output an image.
Could be useful if you want to see
what image it would output
without replacing your banner image
Another advantage of this method is that you don't need
Twitter Access Key & Secret
so you can run it on anyone's Twitter account.
You'll need to create a Project on Twitter to get access to the API
Obtaining App Consumer Key & Secret
Consumer Key & Secret are for accessing public Twitter profile statistics.
These are used in OAuth 2.0 authentication with Twitter.
API calls made using this set of credentials:
Obtaining Access Token & Secret
Access Token & Secret are for uploading the generated banner to your Twitter profile.
These are used in OAuth 1.1 authentication with Twitter.
API call made using this set of credentials:
The binary has a few parameters.
Some of them also have equivalent environment variables.
Command Line Parameters
Use -h
to find out about the available parameters:
./verbose-twit-banner -h
Environment Variables
File named .env.dist contains
all the available environment variables.
Instead of setting these environment variables
you can also copy the .env.dist
file into .env
make test
More info
Program showcase