airCross - SFA for VMWare AirWatch
airCross is a communication framework for navigating the various WMWare AirWatch authentication endpoints, allowing for enumeration and single-factor authentication attacks.
airCross <method> [OPTIONS] <dom/endpoint> <file>
airCross -h | -help
airCross -v
Global Options:
-h, -help Show usage
-a User-Agent for request [default: Agent/]
-t Application threads [default: 10]
-u Airwatch username
-p AirWatch password
-d Enable debug output
-r Disable randomize device ID
-udid Device UDID value
-dom Domain to Execute discovery against
-email User email used for enumeration
-gid AirWatch GroupID Value
-sgid AirWatch sub-GroupID Value
-sint AirWatch sub-GroupID INT value (Associated to multiple groups)
-proxy SOCKS5 proxy IP and port for traffic tunneling (aka
-sleep Sleep time between requests (in seconds) [default: 0s]
<endpoint> AirWatch endpoint FQDN
<dom> Discovery domain
<file> Line divided file containing GroupID or UserID values
gid-disco GroupID discovery query
gid-val GroupID validation query
gid-brute GroupID brute-force enumeration
auth-boxer Boxer single-factor authentication attack
auth-reg Boxer registration single-factor authentication attack
auth-val AirWatch single-factor credential validation attack
auth-gid Boxer authentication across multi-group tenants
Attack Methods
airCross offers a variable selector of methods that can be leveraged against an AirWatch solution. These leverage and/or enumerate an authentication GroupID and perform authentication attacks against a list of provided usernames.
This is a discovery process to automatically enumerate and collect the authentication endpoint and GroupID information for a specific domain.
This method will query the following APIs:
- https:///DeviceManagement/Enrollment/EmailDiscovery
Examples: To perform discovery against AirWatch's discovery API:
airCross gid-disco <domain> ""
To perfom HTML disclosure of GroupID details from a known endpoint:
airCross gid-disco -email test@<domain> -u test -p test <endpoint> ""
This method collects validation details of the discovered GroupID. GroupID authentication has been observed to be performed against a single production value or, in some circumstances, authentication is performed against a list of sub-domain groups. This method will identify the presence of multiple sub-groups and/or provide validation details of the GroupID value.
[*] Endpoint <endpoint> contains X groups
[*] Run gid-val method for full listing
Executing the gid-val request against the discovered GroupID and endpoint will list all defined sub-groups. Additionally, long/summarized GroupID names will be provided.
This method will query the following API:
- https:///deviceservices/enrollment/
- https:///deviceservices/enrollment/
Examples: To validate a specific GroupID:
airCross gid-val -gid <GroupID> <endpoint> ""
Some GroupID values contain sub-groupings across various security groups. To validate this information run gid-val against a target sub-group:
airCross gid-val -gid <GroupID> -sgid <SubGroup> -sint <SubGroup-INT> <endpoint> ""
SubGroup listings from gid-val are denoted with an integer value attributed to the subGroup that would additionally need to be provided in the options request.
This method allows brute forcing GroupID values against a known AirWatch endpoint.
This method will query the following API:
- https:///deviceservices/
Examples: Execution of gid-brute requires a line delminiated file containing GroupID values to attempt to validate against a known AirWatch endpoint.
airCross gid-brute -u <username> -p <password> <endpoint> <GroupID-file>
This method allows brute forcing user authentication requests, targeting a known AirWatch endpoint and GroupID, against the AirWatch Boxer API.
This method will query the following API:
- https:///deviceservices/
Examples: Execution of auth-boxer requires a line delminiated file containing username values to attempt to validate against a known AirWatch endpoint.
airCross auth-boxer -gid <GroupID> -p <password> <endpoint> <Username-file>
In a configuration including sub-groups, the sub-group shortname would be supplied under the GID option.
airCross auth-boxer -gid <subGroup-short> -p <password> <endpoint> <Username-file>
Sub-group listings from gid-val are denoted with an integer value attributed to the sub-group that would additionally need to be provided in the options request.
This method allows brute forcing user authentication requests, targeting a known AirWatch endpoint and GroupID, against the AirWatch Boxer API.
This method will query the following API:
- https:///deviceservices/
Examples: Execution of auth-boxer requires a line delminiated file containing username values to attempt to validate against a known AirWatch endpoint.
airCross auth-reg -gid <GroupID> -p <password> <endpoint> <Username-file>
In a configuration including sub-groups, the sub-group shortname would be supplied under the GID option.
airCross auth-reg -gid <subGroup-short> -p <password> <endpoint> <Username-file>
Sub-group listings from gid-val are denoted with an integer value attributed to the sub-group that would additionally need to be provided in the options request.
This method allows brute forcing user authentication requests, targeting a known AirWatch endpoint and GroupID, against the AirWatch HUB registration API.
This method will query the following API:
- https:///deviceservices/enrollment/
Examples: Execution of auth-val requires a line delminiated file containing username values to attempt to validate against a known AirWatch endpoint.
airCross auth-val -gid <GroupID> -p <password> <endpoint> <Username-file>
In a configuration including sub-groups, the sub-group shortname would be supplied under the GID option.
airCross auth-val -gid <GroupID> -sgid <SubGroup> -sint <SubGroup-INT> <endpoint> -p <password> <Username-file>
Sub-group listings from gid-val are denoted with an integer value attributed to the sub-group that would additionally need to be provided in the options request.
This method allows single account authentication checks against each sub-group definition. This method can be used to validate user access and/or registration permissions to each sub-group attributed to the primary GroupID.
This method will query the following API:
- https:///deviceservices/
Examples: Execution of auth-gid requires a username/password combinations to leverage as an authentication attempt to each sub-group.
airCross.go auth-gid -gid <GroupID> -u <user> -p <password> <endpoint> ""
There is no documentation for this package.