Index ¶
- type APIError
- type APIErrorArgs
- type APIErrorCause
- type APIErrorEnvelope
- type APIFieldError
- type APISessionDetail
- type APISessionList
- type APIVersion
- type Attributes
- type Authenticate
- type AuthenticatorCreate
- type AuthenticatorDetail
- func (m *AuthenticatorDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m AuthenticatorDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *AuthenticatorDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *AuthenticatorDetail) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *AuthenticatorDetail) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type AuthenticatorList
- type AuthenticatorPatch
- type AuthenticatorPatchWithCurrent
- func (m *AuthenticatorPatchWithCurrent) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m AuthenticatorPatchWithCurrent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *AuthenticatorPatchWithCurrent) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *AuthenticatorPatchWithCurrent) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *AuthenticatorPatchWithCurrent) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type AuthenticatorUpdate
- type AuthenticatorUpdateWithCurrent
- func (m *AuthenticatorUpdateWithCurrent) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m AuthenticatorUpdateWithCurrent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *AuthenticatorUpdateWithCurrent) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *AuthenticatorUpdateWithCurrent) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *AuthenticatorUpdateWithCurrent) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type BaseEntity
- type CaCreate
- type CaDetail
- type CaList
- type CaPatch
- type CaUpdate
- type ConfigCreate
- type ConfigDetail
- type ConfigList
- type ConfigPatch
- type ConfigTypeCreate
- type ConfigTypeDetail
- type ConfigTypeList
- type ConfigTypePatch
- type ConfigTypeUpdate
- type ConfigTypes
- type ConfigUpdate
- type CreateCurrentAPISessionCertificateEnvelope
- type CreateEnvelope
- type CreateLocation
- type CurrentAPISessionCertificateCreate
- type CurrentAPISessionCertificateCreateResponse
- func (m *CurrentAPISessionCertificateCreateResponse) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m CurrentAPISessionCertificateCreateResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *CurrentAPISessionCertificateCreateResponse) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *CurrentAPISessionCertificateCreateResponse) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *CurrentAPISessionCertificateCreateResponse) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type CurrentAPISessionCertificateDetail
- func (m *CurrentAPISessionCertificateDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m CurrentAPISessionCertificateDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *CurrentAPISessionCertificateDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *CurrentAPISessionCertificateDetail) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *CurrentAPISessionCertificateDetail) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type CurrentAPISessionCertificateList
- type CurrentAPISessionDetail
- func (m *CurrentAPISessionDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m CurrentAPISessionDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *CurrentAPISessionDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *CurrentAPISessionDetail) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *CurrentAPISessionDetail) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type CurrentAPISessionDetailEnvelope
- type CurrentAPISessionServiceUpdateList
- type CurrentIdentityDetailEnvelope
- type DataIntegrityCheckDetail
- type DataIntegrityCheckDetailList
- type DataIntegrityCheckResultEnvelope
- type DetailAPISessionEnvelope
- type DetailAuthenticatorEnvelope
- type DetailCaEnvelope
- type DetailConfigEnvelope
- type DetailConfigTypeEnvelope
- type DetailCurrentAPISessionCertificateEnvelope
- type DetailEdgeRouterPolicyEnvelope
- type DetailEnrollmentEnvelope
- type DetailGeoRegionEnvelope
- type DetailIdentityEnvelope
- type DetailIdentityTypeEnvelope
- type DetailPostureCheckEnvelope
- func (m *DetailPostureCheckEnvelope) Data() PostureCheckDetail
- func (m *DetailPostureCheckEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m DetailPostureCheckEnvelope) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *DetailPostureCheckEnvelope) SetData(val PostureCheckDetail)
- func (m *DetailPostureCheckEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *DetailPostureCheckEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *DetailPostureCheckEnvelope) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type DetailPostureCheckTypeEnvelope
- type DetailServiceEdgePolicyEnvelope
- type DetailServiceEnvelope
- type DetailServicePolicyEnvelop
- type DetailSessionEnvelope
- type DetailSpecBodyEnvelope
- type DetailSpecEnvelope
- type DetailTerminatorEnvelope
- type DetailTransitRouterEnvelope
- type DetailedEdgeRouterEnvelope
- type DialBind
- type DialBindArray
- type EdgeRouterCreate
- type EdgeRouterDetail
- type EdgeRouterList
- type EdgeRouterPatch
- type EdgeRouterPolicyCreate
- type EdgeRouterPolicyDetail
- func (m *EdgeRouterPolicyDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m EdgeRouterPolicyDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *EdgeRouterPolicyDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *EdgeRouterPolicyDetail) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *EdgeRouterPolicyDetail) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type EdgeRouterPolicyList
- type EdgeRouterPolicyPatch
- type EdgeRouterPolicyUpdate
- type EdgeRouterUpdate
- type Empty
- type EnrollmentCerts
- type EnrollmentCertsEnvelope
- type EnrollmentDetail
- type EnrollmentList
- type EntityRef
- type EnvInfo
- type GeoRegionDetail
- type GeoRegionList
- type GetIdentityPolicyAdviceEnvelope
- type GetIdentityPostureDataEnvelope
- type IdentityAuthenticators
- type IdentityAuthenticatorsCert
- type IdentityAuthenticatorsUpdb
- type IdentityCreate
- type IdentityCreateEnrollment
- type IdentityDetail
- type IdentityEnrollments
- type IdentityEnrollmentsOtt
- type IdentityEnrollmentsOttca
- type IdentityEnrollmentsUpdb
- type IdentityList
- type IdentityPatch
- type IdentityType
- type IdentityTypeDetail
- func (m *IdentityTypeDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m IdentityTypeDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *IdentityTypeDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *IdentityTypeDetail) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *IdentityTypeDetail) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type IdentityTypeList
- type IdentityUpdate
- type Link
- type Links
- type ListAPISessionsEnvelope
- type ListAuthenticatorsEnvelope
- type ListCasEnvelope
- type ListConfigTypesEnvelope
- type ListConfigsEnvelope
- type ListCurrentAPISessionCertificatesEnvelope
- type ListCurrentAPISessionServiceUpdatesEnvelope
- type ListEdgeRouterPoliciesEnvelope
- type ListEdgeRoutersEnvelope
- type ListEnrollmentsEnvelope
- type ListGeoRegionsEnvelope
- type ListIdentitiesEnvelope
- type ListIdentityTypesEnvelope
- type ListPostureCheckEnvelope
- type ListPostureCheckTypesEnvelope
- type ListProtocols
- type ListProtocolsEnvelope
- type ListRoleAttributesEnvelope
- type ListServiceConfigsEnvelope
- type ListServiceEdgeRouterPoliciesEnvelope
- type ListServicePoliciesEnvelope
- type ListServicesEnvelope
- type ListSessionsEnvelope
- type ListSpecsEnvelope
- type ListSummaryCounts
- type ListSummaryCountsEnvelope
- type ListTerminatorsEnvelope
- type ListTransitRoutersEnvelope
- type ListVersionEnvelope
- type Meta
- type NamedRole
- type NamedRoles
- type OperatingSystem
- type OperatingSystemArray
- type OsType
- type Pagination
- type Password
- type PasswordNullable
- type PolicyAdvice
- type PostureCheckCreate
- type PostureCheckDetail
- type PostureCheckDomainCreate
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainCreate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m PostureCheckDomainCreate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainCreate) Name() *string
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainCreate) RoleAttributes() Attributes
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainCreate) SetName(val *string)
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainCreate) SetRoleAttributes(val Attributes)
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainCreate) SetTags(val Tags)
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainCreate) SetTypeID(val PostureCheckType)
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainCreate) Tags() Tags
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainCreate) TypeID() PostureCheckType
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainCreate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainCreate) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainCreate) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type PostureCheckDomainDetail
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) CreatedAt() *strfmt.DateTime
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) ID() *string
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) Links() Links
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m PostureCheckDomainDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) Name() *string
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) RoleAttributes() Attributes
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) SetCreatedAt(val *strfmt.DateTime)
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) SetID(val *string)
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) SetLinks(val Links)
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) SetName(val *string)
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) SetRoleAttributes(val Attributes)
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) SetTags(val Tags)
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) SetTypeID(val string)
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) SetUpdatedAt(val *strfmt.DateTime)
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) SetVersion(val *int64)
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) Tags() Tags
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) TypeID() string
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) UpdatedAt() *strfmt.DateTime
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) Version() *int64
- type PostureCheckDomainPatch
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainPatch) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m PostureCheckDomainPatch) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainPatch) Name() string
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainPatch) RoleAttributes() Attributes
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainPatch) SetName(val string)
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainPatch) SetRoleAttributes(val Attributes)
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainPatch) SetTags(val Tags)
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainPatch) Tags() Tags
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainPatch) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainPatch) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainPatch) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type PostureCheckDomainUpdate
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainUpdate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m PostureCheckDomainUpdate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainUpdate) Name() *string
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainUpdate) RoleAttributes() Attributes
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainUpdate) SetName(val *string)
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainUpdate) SetRoleAttributes(val Attributes)
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainUpdate) SetTags(val Tags)
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainUpdate) SetTypeID(val PostureCheckType)
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainUpdate) Tags() Tags
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainUpdate) TypeID() PostureCheckType
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainUpdate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainUpdate) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *PostureCheckDomainUpdate) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type PostureCheckList
- type PostureCheckMacAddressCreate
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressCreate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m PostureCheckMacAddressCreate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressCreate) Name() *string
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressCreate) RoleAttributes() Attributes
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressCreate) SetName(val *string)
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressCreate) SetRoleAttributes(val Attributes)
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressCreate) SetTags(val Tags)
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressCreate) SetTypeID(val PostureCheckType)
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressCreate) Tags() Tags
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressCreate) TypeID() PostureCheckType
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressCreate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressCreate) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressCreate) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type PostureCheckMacAddressDetail
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) CreatedAt() *strfmt.DateTime
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) ID() *string
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) Links() Links
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) Name() *string
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) RoleAttributes() Attributes
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) SetCreatedAt(val *strfmt.DateTime)
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) SetID(val *string)
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) SetLinks(val Links)
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) SetName(val *string)
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) SetRoleAttributes(val Attributes)
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) SetTags(val Tags)
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) SetTypeID(val string)
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) SetUpdatedAt(val *strfmt.DateTime)
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) SetVersion(val *int64)
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) Tags() Tags
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) TypeID() string
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) UpdatedAt() *strfmt.DateTime
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) Version() *int64
- type PostureCheckMacAddressPatch
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressPatch) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m PostureCheckMacAddressPatch) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressPatch) Name() string
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressPatch) RoleAttributes() Attributes
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressPatch) SetName(val string)
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressPatch) SetRoleAttributes(val Attributes)
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressPatch) SetTags(val Tags)
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressPatch) Tags() Tags
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressPatch) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressPatch) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressPatch) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate) Name() *string
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate) RoleAttributes() Attributes
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate) SetName(val *string)
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate) SetRoleAttributes(val Attributes)
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate) SetTags(val Tags)
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate) SetTypeID(val PostureCheckType)
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate) Tags() Tags
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate) TypeID() PostureCheckType
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate) Name() *string
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate) RoleAttributes() Attributes
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate) SetName(val *string)
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate) SetRoleAttributes(val Attributes)
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate) SetTags(val Tags)
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate) SetTypeID(val PostureCheckType)
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate) Tags() Tags
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate) TypeID() PostureCheckType
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) CreatedAt() *strfmt.DateTime
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) ID() *string
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) Links() Links
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) Name() *string
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) RoleAttributes() Attributes
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) SetCreatedAt(val *strfmt.DateTime)
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) SetID(val *string)
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) SetLinks(val Links)
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) SetName(val *string)
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) SetRoleAttributes(val Attributes)
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) SetTags(val Tags)
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) SetTypeID(val string)
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) SetUpdatedAt(val *strfmt.DateTime)
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) SetVersion(val *int64)
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) Tags() Tags
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) TypeID() string
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) UpdatedAt() *strfmt.DateTime
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) Version() *int64
- type PostureCheckOperatingSystemPatch
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemPatch) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m PostureCheckOperatingSystemPatch) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemPatch) Name() string
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemPatch) RoleAttributes() Attributes
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemPatch) SetName(val string)
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemPatch) SetRoleAttributes(val Attributes)
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemPatch) SetTags(val Tags)
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemPatch) Tags() Tags
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemPatch) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemPatch) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemPatch) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate) Name() *string
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate) RoleAttributes() Attributes
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate) SetName(val *string)
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate) SetRoleAttributes(val Attributes)
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate) SetTags(val Tags)
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate) SetTypeID(val PostureCheckType)
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate) Tags() Tags
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate) TypeID() PostureCheckType
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type PostureCheckPatch
- type PostureCheckProcessCreate
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessCreate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m PostureCheckProcessCreate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessCreate) Name() *string
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessCreate) RoleAttributes() Attributes
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessCreate) SetName(val *string)
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessCreate) SetRoleAttributes(val Attributes)
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessCreate) SetTags(val Tags)
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessCreate) SetTypeID(val PostureCheckType)
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessCreate) Tags() Tags
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessCreate) TypeID() PostureCheckType
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessCreate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessCreate) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessCreate) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type PostureCheckProcessDetail
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) CreatedAt() *strfmt.DateTime
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) ID() *string
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) Links() Links
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m PostureCheckProcessDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) Name() *string
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) RoleAttributes() Attributes
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) SetCreatedAt(val *strfmt.DateTime)
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) SetID(val *string)
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) SetLinks(val Links)
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) SetName(val *string)
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) SetRoleAttributes(val Attributes)
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) SetTags(val Tags)
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) SetTypeID(val string)
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) SetUpdatedAt(val *strfmt.DateTime)
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) SetVersion(val *int64)
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) Tags() Tags
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) TypeID() string
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) UpdatedAt() *strfmt.DateTime
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) Version() *int64
- type PostureCheckProcessPatch
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessPatch) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m PostureCheckProcessPatch) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessPatch) Name() string
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessPatch) RoleAttributes() Attributes
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessPatch) SetName(val string)
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessPatch) SetRoleAttributes(val Attributes)
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessPatch) SetTags(val Tags)
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessPatch) Tags() Tags
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessPatch) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessPatch) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessPatch) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type PostureCheckProcessUpdate
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessUpdate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m PostureCheckProcessUpdate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessUpdate) Name() *string
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessUpdate) RoleAttributes() Attributes
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessUpdate) SetName(val *string)
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessUpdate) SetRoleAttributes(val Attributes)
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessUpdate) SetTags(val Tags)
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessUpdate) SetTypeID(val PostureCheckType)
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessUpdate) Tags() Tags
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessUpdate) TypeID() PostureCheckType
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessUpdate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessUpdate) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *PostureCheckProcessUpdate) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type PostureCheckType
- type PostureCheckTypeDetail
- func (m *PostureCheckTypeDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m PostureCheckTypeDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *PostureCheckTypeDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *PostureCheckTypeDetail) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *PostureCheckTypeDetail) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type PostureCheckTypeList
- type PostureCheckUpdate
- type PostureData
- type PostureQueries
- type PostureQuery
- type PostureQueryProcess
- type PostureResponseCreate
- type PostureResponseDomainCreate
- func (m *PostureResponseDomainCreate) ID() *string
- func (m *PostureResponseDomainCreate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m PostureResponseDomainCreate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *PostureResponseDomainCreate) SetID(val *string)
- func (m *PostureResponseDomainCreate) SetTypeID(val PostureCheckType)
- func (m *PostureResponseDomainCreate) TypeID() PostureCheckType
- func (m *PostureResponseDomainCreate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *PostureResponseDomainCreate) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *PostureResponseDomainCreate) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type PostureResponseMacAddressCreate
- func (m *PostureResponseMacAddressCreate) ID() *string
- func (m *PostureResponseMacAddressCreate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m PostureResponseMacAddressCreate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *PostureResponseMacAddressCreate) SetID(val *string)
- func (m *PostureResponseMacAddressCreate) SetTypeID(val PostureCheckType)
- func (m *PostureResponseMacAddressCreate) TypeID() PostureCheckType
- func (m *PostureResponseMacAddressCreate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *PostureResponseMacAddressCreate) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *PostureResponseMacAddressCreate) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type PostureResponseOperatingSystemCreate
- func (m *PostureResponseOperatingSystemCreate) ID() *string
- func (m *PostureResponseOperatingSystemCreate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m PostureResponseOperatingSystemCreate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *PostureResponseOperatingSystemCreate) SetID(val *string)
- func (m *PostureResponseOperatingSystemCreate) SetTypeID(val PostureCheckType)
- func (m *PostureResponseOperatingSystemCreate) TypeID() PostureCheckType
- func (m *PostureResponseOperatingSystemCreate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *PostureResponseOperatingSystemCreate) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *PostureResponseOperatingSystemCreate) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type PostureResponseProcessCreate
- func (m *PostureResponseProcessCreate) ID() *string
- func (m *PostureResponseProcessCreate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m PostureResponseProcessCreate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *PostureResponseProcessCreate) SetID(val *string)
- func (m *PostureResponseProcessCreate) SetTypeID(val PostureCheckType)
- func (m *PostureResponseProcessCreate) TypeID() PostureCheckType
- func (m *PostureResponseProcessCreate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *PostureResponseProcessCreate) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *PostureResponseProcessCreate) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type Process
- type Protocol
- type RoleAttributesList
- type Roles
- type RouterEntityRef
- type SdkInfo
- type Semantic
- type ServiceConfigAssign
- type ServiceConfigDetail
- type ServiceConfigList
- type ServiceConfigsAssignList
- type ServiceCreate
- type ServiceDetail
- type ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyCreate
- type ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyDetail
- func (m *ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyDetail) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyDetail) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyList
- type ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyPatch
- type ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyUpdate
- type ServiceList
- type ServicePatch
- type ServicePolicyCreate
- type ServicePolicyDetail
- func (m *ServicePolicyDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m ServicePolicyDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *ServicePolicyDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *ServicePolicyDetail) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *ServicePolicyDetail) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type ServicePolicyList
- type ServicePolicyPatch
- type ServicePolicyUpdate
- type ServiceUpdate
- type SessionCreate
- type SessionCreateEnvelope
- type SessionDetail
- type SessionEdgeRouter
- type SessionList
- type SpecBodyDetail
- type SpecDetail
- type SpecList
- type Tags
- type TerminatorCost
- type TerminatorCreate
- type TerminatorDetail
- type TerminatorDetailLimited
- func (m *TerminatorDetailLimited) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m TerminatorDetailLimited) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *TerminatorDetailLimited) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *TerminatorDetailLimited) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *TerminatorDetailLimited) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type TerminatorList
- type TerminatorPatch
- type TerminatorPrecedence
- type TerminatorUpdate
- type TransitRouterCreate
- type TransitRouterDetail
- func (m *TransitRouterDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
- func (m TransitRouterDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (m *TransitRouterDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
- func (m *TransitRouterDetail) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
- func (m *TransitRouterDetail) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
- type TransitRouterList
- type TransitRouterPatch
- type TransitRouterUpdate
- type Username
- type UsernameNullable
- type Version
- type VersionInfo
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type APIError ¶
type APIError struct { // args Args *APIErrorArgs `json:"args,omitempty"` // cause Cause *APIErrorCause `json:"cause,omitempty"` // cause message CauseMessage string `json:"causeMessage,omitempty"` // code Code string `json:"code,omitempty"` // message Message string `json:"message,omitempty"` // request Id RequestID string `json:"requestId,omitempty"` }
APIError api error
swagger:model apiError
func (*APIError) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*APIError) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type APIErrorArgs ¶
APIErrorArgs api error args
swagger:model apiErrorArgs
func (*APIErrorArgs) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *APIErrorArgs) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*APIErrorArgs) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *APIErrorArgs) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type APIErrorCause ¶
type APIErrorCause struct { APIFieldError APIError }
APIErrorCause api error cause
swagger:model apiErrorCause
func (*APIErrorCause) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *APIErrorCause) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (APIErrorCause) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m APIErrorCause) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*APIErrorCause) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *APIErrorCause) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*APIErrorCause) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *APIErrorCause) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type APIErrorEnvelope ¶
type APIErrorEnvelope struct { // error // Required: true Error *APIError `json:"error"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
APIErrorEnvelope api error envelope
swagger:model apiErrorEnvelope
func (*APIErrorEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *APIErrorEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*APIErrorEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *APIErrorEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type APIFieldError ¶
type APIFieldError struct { // field Field string `json:"field,omitempty"` // reason Reason string `json:"reason,omitempty"` // value Value string `json:"value,omitempty"` }
APIFieldError api field error
swagger:model apiFieldError
func (*APIFieldError) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *APIFieldError) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*APIFieldError) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *APIFieldError) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type APISessionDetail ¶
type APISessionDetail struct { BaseEntity // config types // Required: true ConfigTypes []string `json:"configTypes"` // identity // Required: true Identity *EntityRef `json:"identity"` // identity Id // Required: true IdentityID *string `json:"identityId"` // ip address // Required: true IPAddress *string `json:"ipAddress"` // token // Required: true Token *string `json:"token"` }
APISessionDetail An API Session object
swagger:model apiSessionDetail
func (*APISessionDetail) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *APISessionDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (APISessionDetail) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m APISessionDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*APISessionDetail) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *APISessionDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*APISessionDetail) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *APISessionDetail) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type APISessionList ¶
type APISessionList []*APISessionDetail
APISessionList api session list
swagger:model apiSessionList
type APIVersion ¶ added in v0.14.42
type APIVersion struct { // path // Required: true Path *string `json:"path"` // version Version string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
APIVersion api version
swagger:model apiVersion
func (*APIVersion) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.14.42
func (m *APIVersion) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*APIVersion) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.14.42
func (m *APIVersion) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Attributes ¶
type Attributes []string
Attributes A set of strings used to loosly couple this resource to policies
swagger:model attributes
type Authenticate ¶
type Authenticate struct { // config types ConfigTypes ConfigTypes `json:"configTypes,omitempty"` // env info EnvInfo *EnvInfo `json:"envInfo,omitempty"` // password Password Password `json:"password,omitempty"` // sdk info SdkInfo *SdkInfo `json:"sdkInfo,omitempty"` // username Username Username `json:"username,omitempty"` }
Authenticate A generic authenticate object meant for use with the /authenticate path. Required fields depend on authentication method.
swagger:model authenticate
func (*Authenticate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *Authenticate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Authenticate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *Authenticate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type AuthenticatorCreate ¶
type AuthenticatorCreate struct { // The id of an existing identity that will be assigned this authenticator // Required: true IdentityID *string `json:"identityId"` // The type of authenticator to create; which will dictate which properties on this object are required. // Required: true Method *string `json:"method"` // The password the identity will login with, Used only for method='updb' // Required: true Password *string `json:"password"` // tags Tags Tags `json:"tags"` // The username that the identity will login with. Used only for method='updb' // Required: true Username *string `json:"username"` }
AuthenticatorCreate Creates an authenticator for a specific identity which can be used for API authentication
swagger:model authenticatorCreate
func (*AuthenticatorCreate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AuthenticatorCreate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*AuthenticatorCreate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AuthenticatorCreate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type AuthenticatorDetail ¶
type AuthenticatorDetail struct { BaseEntity // cert pem CertPem string `json:"certPem,omitempty"` // fingerprint Fingerprint string `json:"fingerprint,omitempty"` // identity // Required: true Identity *EntityRef `json:"identity"` // identity Id // Required: true IdentityID *string `json:"identityId"` // method // Required: true Method *string `json:"method"` // username Username string `json:"username,omitempty"` }
AuthenticatorDetail A singular authenticator resource
swagger:model authenticatorDetail
func (*AuthenticatorDetail) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AuthenticatorDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (AuthenticatorDetail) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AuthenticatorDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*AuthenticatorDetail) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AuthenticatorDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*AuthenticatorDetail) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *AuthenticatorDetail) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type AuthenticatorList ¶
type AuthenticatorList []*AuthenticatorDetail
AuthenticatorList An array of authenticator resources
swagger:model authenticatorList
type AuthenticatorPatch ¶
type AuthenticatorPatch struct { // password Password *PasswordNullable `json:"password,omitempty"` // tags Tags Tags `json:"tags"` // username Username *UsernameNullable `json:"username,omitempty"` }
AuthenticatorPatch All of the fields on an authenticator that may be updated
swagger:model authenticatorPatch
func (*AuthenticatorPatch) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AuthenticatorPatch) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*AuthenticatorPatch) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AuthenticatorPatch) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type AuthenticatorPatchWithCurrent ¶
type AuthenticatorPatchWithCurrent struct { AuthenticatorPatch // current password // Required: true CurrentPassword Password `json:"currentPassword"` }
AuthenticatorPatchWithCurrent All of the fields on an authenticator that may be updated
swagger:model authenticatorPatchWithCurrent
func (*AuthenticatorPatchWithCurrent) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AuthenticatorPatchWithCurrent) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (AuthenticatorPatchWithCurrent) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AuthenticatorPatchWithCurrent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*AuthenticatorPatchWithCurrent) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AuthenticatorPatchWithCurrent) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*AuthenticatorPatchWithCurrent) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *AuthenticatorPatchWithCurrent) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type AuthenticatorUpdate ¶
type AuthenticatorUpdate struct { // password // Required: true Password Password `json:"password"` // tags Tags Tags `json:"tags"` // username // Required: true Username Username `json:"username"` }
AuthenticatorUpdate All of the fields on an authenticator that will be updated
swagger:model authenticatorUpdate
func (*AuthenticatorUpdate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AuthenticatorUpdate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*AuthenticatorUpdate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AuthenticatorUpdate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type AuthenticatorUpdateWithCurrent ¶
type AuthenticatorUpdateWithCurrent struct { AuthenticatorUpdate // current password // Required: true CurrentPassword Password `json:"currentPassword"` }
AuthenticatorUpdateWithCurrent All of the fields on an authenticator that will be updated
swagger:model authenticatorUpdateWithCurrent
func (*AuthenticatorUpdateWithCurrent) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AuthenticatorUpdateWithCurrent) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (AuthenticatorUpdateWithCurrent) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m AuthenticatorUpdateWithCurrent) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*AuthenticatorUpdateWithCurrent) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *AuthenticatorUpdateWithCurrent) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*AuthenticatorUpdateWithCurrent) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *AuthenticatorUpdateWithCurrent) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type BaseEntity ¶
type BaseEntity struct { // links // Required: true Links Links `json:"_links"` // created at // Required: true // Format: date-time CreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"createdAt"` // id // Required: true ID *string `json:"id"` // tags // Required: true Tags Tags `json:"tags"` // updated at // Required: true // Format: date-time UpdatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"updatedAt"` }
BaseEntity Fields shared by all Edge API entities
swagger:model baseEntity
func (*BaseEntity) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *BaseEntity) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*BaseEntity) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *BaseEntity) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CaCreate ¶
type CaCreate struct { // cert pem // Required: true CertPem *string `json:"certPem"` // identity name format IdentityNameFormat string `json:"identityNameFormat,omitempty"` // identity roles // Required: true IdentityRoles Roles `json:"identityRoles"` // is auth enabled // Required: true IsAuthEnabled *bool `json:"isAuthEnabled"` // is auto ca enrollment enabled // Required: true IsAutoCaEnrollmentEnabled *bool `json:"isAutoCaEnrollmentEnabled"` // is ott ca enrollment enabled // Required: true IsOttCaEnrollmentEnabled *bool `json:"isOttCaEnrollmentEnabled"` // name // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` // tags Tags Tags `json:"tags"` }
CaCreate A create Certificate Authority (CA) object
swagger:model caCreate
func (*CaCreate) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CaCreate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CaDetail ¶
type CaDetail struct { BaseEntity // cert pem // Required: true CertPem *string `json:"certPem"` // fingerprint // Required: true Fingerprint *string `json:"fingerprint"` // identity name format // Required: true IdentityNameFormat *string `json:"identityNameFormat"` // identity roles // Required: true IdentityRoles Roles `json:"identityRoles"` // is auth enabled // Required: true IsAuthEnabled *bool `json:"isAuthEnabled"` // is auto ca enrollment enabled // Required: true IsAutoCaEnrollmentEnabled *bool `json:"isAutoCaEnrollmentEnabled"` // is ott ca enrollment enabled // Required: true IsOttCaEnrollmentEnabled *bool `json:"isOttCaEnrollmentEnabled"` // is verified // Required: true IsVerified *bool `json:"isVerified"` // name // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` // verification token // Format: uuid VerificationToken strfmt.UUID `json:"verificationToken,omitempty"` }
CaDetail A Certificate Authority (CA) resource
swagger:model caDetail
func (*CaDetail) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (CaDetail) MarshalJSON ¶
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*CaDetail) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CaDetail) UnmarshalJSON ¶
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type CaList ¶
type CaList []*CaDetail
CaList An array of Certificate Authority (CA) resources
swagger:model caList
type CaPatch ¶
type CaPatch struct { // identity name format IdentityNameFormat string `json:"identityNameFormat,omitempty"` // identity roles IdentityRoles Roles `json:"identityRoles"` // is auth enabled IsAuthEnabled bool `json:"isAuthEnabled,omitempty"` // is auto ca enrollment enabled IsAutoCaEnrollmentEnabled bool `json:"isAutoCaEnrollmentEnabled,omitempty"` // is ott ca enrollment enabled IsOttCaEnrollmentEnabled bool `json:"isOttCaEnrollmentEnabled,omitempty"` // name Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // tags Tags Tags `json:"tags"` }
CaPatch ca patch
swagger:model caPatch
func (*CaPatch) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CaPatch) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CaUpdate ¶
type CaUpdate struct { // identity name format IdentityNameFormat string `json:"identityNameFormat,omitempty"` // identity roles // Required: true IdentityRoles Roles `json:"identityRoles"` // is auth enabled // Required: true IsAuthEnabled *bool `json:"isAuthEnabled"` // is auto ca enrollment enabled // Required: true IsAutoCaEnrollmentEnabled *bool `json:"isAutoCaEnrollmentEnabled"` // is ott ca enrollment enabled // Required: true IsOttCaEnrollmentEnabled *bool `json:"isOttCaEnrollmentEnabled"` // name // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` // tags Tags Tags `json:"tags"` }
CaUpdate ca update
swagger:model caUpdate
func (*CaUpdate) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CaUpdate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ConfigCreate ¶
type ConfigCreate struct { // The id of a config-type that the data section will match // Required: true ConfigTypeID *string `json:"configTypeId"` // Data payload is defined by the schema of the config-type defined in the type parameter // Required: true Data interface{} `json:"data"` // name // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` // tags Tags Tags `json:"tags"` }
ConfigCreate A config create object
swagger:model configCreate
func (*ConfigCreate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConfigCreate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ConfigCreate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConfigCreate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ConfigDetail ¶
type ConfigDetail struct { BaseEntity // config type // Required: true ConfigType *EntityRef `json:"configType"` // config type Id // Required: true ConfigTypeID *string `json:"configTypeId"` // The data section of a config is based on the schema of its type // Required: true Data interface{} `json:"data"` // name // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` }
ConfigDetail A config resource
swagger:model configDetail
func (*ConfigDetail) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConfigDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (ConfigDetail) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m ConfigDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*ConfigDetail) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConfigDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ConfigDetail) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *ConfigDetail) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type ConfigList ¶
type ConfigList []*ConfigDetail
ConfigList An array of config resources
swagger:model configList
type ConfigPatch ¶
type ConfigPatch struct { // Data payload is defined by the schema of the config-type defined in the type parameter Data interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"` // name Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // tags Tags Tags `json:"tags"` }
ConfigPatch A config patch object
swagger:model configPatch
func (*ConfigPatch) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConfigPatch) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ConfigPatch) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConfigPatch) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ConfigTypeCreate ¶
type ConfigTypeCreate struct { // name // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` // A JSON schema to enforce configuration against Schema interface{} `json:"schema,omitempty"` // tags Tags Tags `json:"tags"` }
ConfigTypeCreate A config-type create object
swagger:model configTypeCreate
func (*ConfigTypeCreate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConfigTypeCreate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ConfigTypeCreate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConfigTypeCreate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ConfigTypeDetail ¶
type ConfigTypeDetail struct { BaseEntity // name // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` // A JSON schema to enforce configuration against // Required: true Schema interface{} `json:"schema"` }
ConfigTypeDetail A config-type resource
swagger:model configTypeDetail
func (*ConfigTypeDetail) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConfigTypeDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (ConfigTypeDetail) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m ConfigTypeDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*ConfigTypeDetail) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConfigTypeDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ConfigTypeDetail) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *ConfigTypeDetail) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type ConfigTypeList ¶
type ConfigTypeList []*ConfigTypeDetail
ConfigTypeList An array of config-type resources
swagger:model configTypeList
type ConfigTypePatch ¶
type ConfigTypePatch struct { // name Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // A JSON schema to enforce configuration against Schema interface{} `json:"schema,omitempty"` // tags Tags Tags `json:"tags"` }
ConfigTypePatch A config-type patch object
swagger:model configTypePatch
func (*ConfigTypePatch) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConfigTypePatch) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ConfigTypePatch) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConfigTypePatch) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ConfigTypeUpdate ¶
type ConfigTypeUpdate struct { // name // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` // A JSON schema to enforce configuration against Schema interface{} `json:"schema,omitempty"` // tags Tags Tags `json:"tags"` }
ConfigTypeUpdate A config-type update object
swagger:model configTypeUpdate
func (*ConfigTypeUpdate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConfigTypeUpdate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ConfigTypeUpdate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConfigTypeUpdate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ConfigTypes ¶
type ConfigTypes []string
ConfigTypes Specific configuration types that should be returned
swagger:model configTypes
type ConfigUpdate ¶
type ConfigUpdate struct { // Data payload is defined by the schema of the config-type defined in the type parameter // Required: true Data interface{} `json:"data"` // name // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` // tags Tags Tags `json:"tags"` }
ConfigUpdate A config update object
swagger:model configUpdate
func (*ConfigUpdate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConfigUpdate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ConfigUpdate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ConfigUpdate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CreateCurrentAPISessionCertificateEnvelope ¶ added in v0.17.30
type CreateCurrentAPISessionCertificateEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data *CurrentAPISessionCertificateCreateResponse `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
CreateCurrentAPISessionCertificateEnvelope create current Api session certificate envelope
swagger:model createCurrentApiSessionCertificateEnvelope
func (*CreateCurrentAPISessionCertificateEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.17.30
func (m *CreateCurrentAPISessionCertificateEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CreateCurrentAPISessionCertificateEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.17.30
func (m *CreateCurrentAPISessionCertificateEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CreateEnvelope ¶
type CreateEnvelope struct { // data Data *CreateLocation `json:"data,omitempty"` // meta Meta *Meta `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
CreateEnvelope create envelope
swagger:model createEnvelope
func (*CreateEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CreateEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CreateEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CreateEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CreateLocation ¶
type CreateLocation struct { // links Links Links `json:"_links"` // id ID string `json:"id,omitempty"` }
CreateLocation create location
swagger:model createLocation
func (*CreateLocation) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CreateLocation) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CreateLocation) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CreateLocation) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CurrentAPISessionCertificateCreate ¶ added in v0.17.30
type CurrentAPISessionCertificateCreate struct { // csr // Required: true Csr *string `json:"csr"` }
CurrentAPISessionCertificateCreate current Api session certificate create
swagger:model currentApiSessionCertificateCreate
func (*CurrentAPISessionCertificateCreate) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.17.30
func (m *CurrentAPISessionCertificateCreate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CurrentAPISessionCertificateCreate) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.17.30
func (m *CurrentAPISessionCertificateCreate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CurrentAPISessionCertificateCreateResponse ¶ added in v0.17.30
type CurrentAPISessionCertificateCreateResponse struct { CreateLocation // cas Cas string `json:"cas,omitempty"` // certificate // Required: true Certificate *string `json:"certificate"` }
CurrentAPISessionCertificateCreateResponse current Api session certificate create response
swagger:model currentApiSessionCertificateCreateResponse
func (*CurrentAPISessionCertificateCreateResponse) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.17.30
func (m *CurrentAPISessionCertificateCreateResponse) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (CurrentAPISessionCertificateCreateResponse) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.17.30
func (m CurrentAPISessionCertificateCreateResponse) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*CurrentAPISessionCertificateCreateResponse) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.17.30
func (m *CurrentAPISessionCertificateCreateResponse) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CurrentAPISessionCertificateCreateResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.17.30
func (m *CurrentAPISessionCertificateCreateResponse) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type CurrentAPISessionCertificateDetail ¶ added in v0.17.30
type CurrentAPISessionCertificateDetail struct { BaseEntity // certificate // Required: true Certificate *string `json:"certificate"` // fingerprint // Required: true Fingerprint *string `json:"fingerprint"` // subject // Required: true Subject *string `json:"subject"` // valid from // Required: true // Format: date-time ValidFrom *strfmt.DateTime `json:"validFrom"` // valid to // Required: true // Format: date-time ValidTo *strfmt.DateTime `json:"validTo"` }
CurrentAPISessionCertificateDetail current Api session certificate detail
swagger:model currentApiSessionCertificateDetail
func (*CurrentAPISessionCertificateDetail) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.17.30
func (m *CurrentAPISessionCertificateDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (CurrentAPISessionCertificateDetail) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.17.30
func (m CurrentAPISessionCertificateDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*CurrentAPISessionCertificateDetail) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.17.30
func (m *CurrentAPISessionCertificateDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CurrentAPISessionCertificateDetail) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.17.30
func (m *CurrentAPISessionCertificateDetail) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type CurrentAPISessionCertificateList ¶ added in v0.17.30
type CurrentAPISessionCertificateList []*CurrentAPISessionCertificateDetail
CurrentAPISessionCertificateList current Api session certificate list
swagger:model currentApiSessionCertificateList
type CurrentAPISessionDetail ¶
type CurrentAPISessionDetail struct { APISessionDetail // expires at // Required: true // Format: date-time ExpiresAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"expiresAt"` }
CurrentAPISessionDetail An API Session object for the current API session
swagger:model currentApiSessionDetail
func (*CurrentAPISessionDetail) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CurrentAPISessionDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (CurrentAPISessionDetail) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m CurrentAPISessionDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*CurrentAPISessionDetail) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CurrentAPISessionDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CurrentAPISessionDetail) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *CurrentAPISessionDetail) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type CurrentAPISessionDetailEnvelope ¶
type CurrentAPISessionDetailEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data *CurrentAPISessionDetail `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
CurrentAPISessionDetailEnvelope current API session detail envelope
swagger:model currentAPISessionDetailEnvelope
func (*CurrentAPISessionDetailEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CurrentAPISessionDetailEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CurrentAPISessionDetailEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CurrentAPISessionDetailEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CurrentAPISessionServiceUpdateList ¶ added in v0.17.34
type CurrentAPISessionServiceUpdateList struct { // last change at // Required: true // Format: date-time LastChangeAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"lastChangeAt"` }
CurrentAPISessionServiceUpdateList current Api session service update list
swagger:model CurrentApiSessionServiceUpdateList
func (*CurrentAPISessionServiceUpdateList) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.17.34
func (m *CurrentAPISessionServiceUpdateList) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CurrentAPISessionServiceUpdateList) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.17.34
func (m *CurrentAPISessionServiceUpdateList) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type CurrentIdentityDetailEnvelope ¶
type CurrentIdentityDetailEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data *IdentityDetail `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
CurrentIdentityDetailEnvelope current identity detail envelope
swagger:model currentIdentityDetailEnvelope
func (*CurrentIdentityDetailEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CurrentIdentityDetailEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*CurrentIdentityDetailEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *CurrentIdentityDetailEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DataIntegrityCheckDetail ¶ added in v0.15.28
type DataIntegrityCheckDetail struct { // description // Required: true Description *string `json:"description"` // fixed // Required: true Fixed *bool `json:"fixed"` }
DataIntegrityCheckDetail data integrity check detail
swagger:model dataIntegrityCheckDetail
func (*DataIntegrityCheckDetail) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.15.28
func (m *DataIntegrityCheckDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DataIntegrityCheckDetail) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.15.28
func (m *DataIntegrityCheckDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DataIntegrityCheckDetailList ¶ added in v0.15.28
type DataIntegrityCheckDetailList []*DataIntegrityCheckDetail
DataIntegrityCheckDetailList data integrity check detail list
swagger:model dataIntegrityCheckDetailList
type DataIntegrityCheckResultEnvelope ¶ added in v0.15.28
type DataIntegrityCheckResultEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data DataIntegrityCheckDetailList `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
DataIntegrityCheckResultEnvelope data integrity check result envelope
swagger:model dataIntegrityCheckResultEnvelope
func (*DataIntegrityCheckResultEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.15.28
func (m *DataIntegrityCheckResultEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DataIntegrityCheckResultEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.15.28
func (m *DataIntegrityCheckResultEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DetailAPISessionEnvelope ¶
type DetailAPISessionEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data *APISessionDetail `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
DetailAPISessionEnvelope detail API session envelope
swagger:model detailAPISessionEnvelope
func (*DetailAPISessionEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailAPISessionEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DetailAPISessionEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailAPISessionEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DetailAuthenticatorEnvelope ¶
type DetailAuthenticatorEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data *AuthenticatorDetail `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
DetailAuthenticatorEnvelope detail authenticator envelope
swagger:model detailAuthenticatorEnvelope
func (*DetailAuthenticatorEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailAuthenticatorEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DetailAuthenticatorEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailAuthenticatorEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DetailCaEnvelope ¶
type DetailCaEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data *CaDetail `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
DetailCaEnvelope detail ca envelope
swagger:model detailCaEnvelope
func (*DetailCaEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailCaEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DetailCaEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailCaEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DetailConfigEnvelope ¶
type DetailConfigEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data *ConfigDetail `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
DetailConfigEnvelope detail config envelope
swagger:model detailConfigEnvelope
func (*DetailConfigEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailConfigEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DetailConfigEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailConfigEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DetailConfigTypeEnvelope ¶
type DetailConfigTypeEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data *ConfigTypeDetail `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
DetailConfigTypeEnvelope detail config type envelope
swagger:model detailConfigTypeEnvelope
func (*DetailConfigTypeEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailConfigTypeEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DetailConfigTypeEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailConfigTypeEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DetailCurrentAPISessionCertificateEnvelope ¶ added in v0.17.30
type DetailCurrentAPISessionCertificateEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data *CurrentAPISessionCertificateDetail `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
DetailCurrentAPISessionCertificateEnvelope detail current Api session certificate envelope
swagger:model detailCurrentApiSessionCertificateEnvelope
func (*DetailCurrentAPISessionCertificateEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.17.30
func (m *DetailCurrentAPISessionCertificateEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DetailCurrentAPISessionCertificateEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.17.30
func (m *DetailCurrentAPISessionCertificateEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DetailEdgeRouterPolicyEnvelope ¶
type DetailEdgeRouterPolicyEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data *EdgeRouterPolicyDetail `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
DetailEdgeRouterPolicyEnvelope detail edge router policy envelope
swagger:model detailEdgeRouterPolicyEnvelope
func (*DetailEdgeRouterPolicyEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailEdgeRouterPolicyEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DetailEdgeRouterPolicyEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailEdgeRouterPolicyEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DetailEnrollmentEnvelope ¶
type DetailEnrollmentEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data *EnrollmentDetail `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
DetailEnrollmentEnvelope detail enrollment envelope
swagger:model detailEnrollmentEnvelope
func (*DetailEnrollmentEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailEnrollmentEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DetailEnrollmentEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailEnrollmentEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DetailGeoRegionEnvelope ¶
type DetailGeoRegionEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data *GeoRegionDetail `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
DetailGeoRegionEnvelope detail geo region envelope
swagger:model detailGeoRegionEnvelope
func (*DetailGeoRegionEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailGeoRegionEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DetailGeoRegionEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailGeoRegionEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DetailIdentityEnvelope ¶
type DetailIdentityEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data *IdentityDetail `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
DetailIdentityEnvelope detail identity envelope
swagger:model detailIdentityEnvelope
func (*DetailIdentityEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailIdentityEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DetailIdentityEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailIdentityEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DetailIdentityTypeEnvelope ¶
type DetailIdentityTypeEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data *IdentityTypeDetail `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
DetailIdentityTypeEnvelope detail identity type envelope
swagger:model detailIdentityTypeEnvelope
func (*DetailIdentityTypeEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailIdentityTypeEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DetailIdentityTypeEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailIdentityTypeEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DetailPostureCheckEnvelope ¶ added in v0.16.46
type DetailPostureCheckEnvelope struct { // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DetailPostureCheckEnvelope detail posture check envelope
swagger:model detailPostureCheckEnvelope
func (*DetailPostureCheckEnvelope) Data ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *DetailPostureCheckEnvelope) Data() PostureCheckDetail
Data gets the data of this base type
func (*DetailPostureCheckEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *DetailPostureCheckEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (DetailPostureCheckEnvelope) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m DetailPostureCheckEnvelope) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object with a polymorphic type to a JSON structure
func (*DetailPostureCheckEnvelope) SetData ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *DetailPostureCheckEnvelope) SetData(val PostureCheckDetail)
SetData sets the data of this base type
func (*DetailPostureCheckEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *DetailPostureCheckEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DetailPostureCheckEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *DetailPostureCheckEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object with a polymorphic type from a JSON structure
type DetailPostureCheckTypeEnvelope ¶ added in v0.16.46
type DetailPostureCheckTypeEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data *PostureCheckTypeDetail `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
DetailPostureCheckTypeEnvelope detail posture check type envelope
swagger:model detailPostureCheckTypeEnvelope
func (*DetailPostureCheckTypeEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *DetailPostureCheckTypeEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DetailPostureCheckTypeEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *DetailPostureCheckTypeEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DetailServiceEdgePolicyEnvelope ¶
type DetailServiceEdgePolicyEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data *ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyDetail `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
DetailServiceEdgePolicyEnvelope detail service edge policy envelope
swagger:model detailServiceEdgePolicyEnvelope
func (*DetailServiceEdgePolicyEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailServiceEdgePolicyEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DetailServiceEdgePolicyEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailServiceEdgePolicyEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DetailServiceEnvelope ¶
type DetailServiceEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data *ServiceDetail `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
DetailServiceEnvelope detail service envelope
swagger:model detailServiceEnvelope
func (*DetailServiceEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailServiceEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DetailServiceEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailServiceEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DetailServicePolicyEnvelop ¶
type DetailServicePolicyEnvelop struct { // data // Required: true Data *ServicePolicyDetail `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
DetailServicePolicyEnvelop detail service policy envelop
swagger:model detailServicePolicyEnvelop
func (*DetailServicePolicyEnvelop) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailServicePolicyEnvelop) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DetailServicePolicyEnvelop) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailServicePolicyEnvelop) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DetailSessionEnvelope ¶
type DetailSessionEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data *SessionDetail `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
DetailSessionEnvelope detail session envelope
swagger:model detailSessionEnvelope
func (*DetailSessionEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailSessionEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DetailSessionEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailSessionEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DetailSpecBodyEnvelope ¶
type DetailSpecBodyEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data SpecBodyDetail `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
DetailSpecBodyEnvelope detail spec body envelope
swagger:model detailSpecBodyEnvelope
func (*DetailSpecBodyEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailSpecBodyEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DetailSpecBodyEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailSpecBodyEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DetailSpecEnvelope ¶
type DetailSpecEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data *SpecDetail `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
DetailSpecEnvelope detail spec envelope
swagger:model detailSpecEnvelope
func (*DetailSpecEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailSpecEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DetailSpecEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailSpecEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DetailTerminatorEnvelope ¶
type DetailTerminatorEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data *TerminatorDetail `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
DetailTerminatorEnvelope detail terminator envelope
swagger:model detailTerminatorEnvelope
func (*DetailTerminatorEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailTerminatorEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DetailTerminatorEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailTerminatorEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DetailTransitRouterEnvelope ¶
type DetailTransitRouterEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data *TransitRouterDetail `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
DetailTransitRouterEnvelope detail transit router envelope
swagger:model detailTransitRouterEnvelope
func (*DetailTransitRouterEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailTransitRouterEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DetailTransitRouterEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailTransitRouterEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DetailedEdgeRouterEnvelope ¶
type DetailedEdgeRouterEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data *EdgeRouterDetail `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
DetailedEdgeRouterEnvelope detailed edge router envelope
swagger:model detailedEdgeRouterEnvelope
func (*DetailedEdgeRouterEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailedEdgeRouterEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*DetailedEdgeRouterEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *DetailedEdgeRouterEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type DialBindArray ¶
type DialBindArray []DialBind
DialBindArray dial bind array
swagger:model dialBindArray
type EdgeRouterCreate ¶
type EdgeRouterCreate struct { // name // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` // role attributes RoleAttributes Attributes `json:"roleAttributes"` // tags Tags Tags `json:"tags"` }
EdgeRouterCreate An edge router create object
swagger:model edgeRouterCreate
func (*EdgeRouterCreate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *EdgeRouterCreate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*EdgeRouterCreate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *EdgeRouterCreate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type EdgeRouterDetail ¶
type EdgeRouterDetail struct { BaseEntity // enrollment created at // Format: date-time EnrollmentCreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"enrollmentCreatedAt,omitempty"` // enrollment expires at // Format: date-time EnrollmentExpiresAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"enrollmentExpiresAt,omitempty"` // enrollment jwt EnrollmentJwt *string `json:"enrollmentJwt,omitempty"` // enrollment token EnrollmentToken *string `json:"enrollmentToken,omitempty"` // fingerprint Fingerprint string `json:"fingerprint,omitempty"` // hostname // Required: true Hostname *string `json:"hostname"` // is online // Required: true IsOnline *bool `json:"isOnline"` // is verified // Required: true IsVerified *bool `json:"isVerified"` // name // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` // role attributes // Required: true RoleAttributes Attributes `json:"roleAttributes"` // supported protocols // Required: true SupportedProtocols map[string]string `json:"supportedProtocols"` // version info VersionInfo *VersionInfo `json:"versionInfo,omitempty"` }
EdgeRouterDetail A detail edge router resource
swagger:model edgeRouterDetail
func (*EdgeRouterDetail) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *EdgeRouterDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (EdgeRouterDetail) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m EdgeRouterDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*EdgeRouterDetail) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *EdgeRouterDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*EdgeRouterDetail) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *EdgeRouterDetail) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type EdgeRouterList ¶
type EdgeRouterList []*EdgeRouterDetail
EdgeRouterList A list of edge router resources
swagger:model edgeRouterList
type EdgeRouterPatch ¶
type EdgeRouterPatch struct { // name Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // role attributes RoleAttributes Attributes `json:"roleAttributes"` // tags Tags Tags `json:"tags"` }
EdgeRouterPatch An edge router patch object
swagger:model edgeRouterPatch
func (*EdgeRouterPatch) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *EdgeRouterPatch) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*EdgeRouterPatch) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *EdgeRouterPatch) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type EdgeRouterPolicyCreate ¶
type EdgeRouterPolicyCreate struct { // edge router roles EdgeRouterRoles Roles `json:"edgeRouterRoles"` // identity roles IdentityRoles Roles `json:"identityRoles"` // name // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` // semantic Semantic Semantic `json:"semantic,omitempty"` // tags Tags Tags `json:"tags"` }
EdgeRouterPolicyCreate edge router policy create
swagger:model edgeRouterPolicyCreate
func (*EdgeRouterPolicyCreate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *EdgeRouterPolicyCreate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*EdgeRouterPolicyCreate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *EdgeRouterPolicyCreate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type EdgeRouterPolicyDetail ¶
type EdgeRouterPolicyDetail struct { BaseEntity // edge router roles // Required: true EdgeRouterRoles Roles `json:"edgeRouterRoles"` // edge router roles display // Required: true EdgeRouterRolesDisplay NamedRoles `json:"edgeRouterRolesDisplay"` // identity roles // Required: true IdentityRoles Roles `json:"identityRoles"` // identity roles display // Required: true IdentityRolesDisplay NamedRoles `json:"identityRolesDisplay"` // name // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` // semantic // Required: true Semantic Semantic `json:"semantic"` }
EdgeRouterPolicyDetail edge router policy detail
swagger:model edgeRouterPolicyDetail
func (*EdgeRouterPolicyDetail) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *EdgeRouterPolicyDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (EdgeRouterPolicyDetail) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m EdgeRouterPolicyDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*EdgeRouterPolicyDetail) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *EdgeRouterPolicyDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*EdgeRouterPolicyDetail) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *EdgeRouterPolicyDetail) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type EdgeRouterPolicyList ¶
type EdgeRouterPolicyList []*EdgeRouterPolicyDetail
EdgeRouterPolicyList edge router policy list
swagger:model edgeRouterPolicyList
type EdgeRouterPolicyPatch ¶
type EdgeRouterPolicyPatch struct { // edge router roles EdgeRouterRoles Roles `json:"edgeRouterRoles"` // identity roles IdentityRoles Roles `json:"identityRoles"` // name Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // semantic Semantic Semantic `json:"semantic,omitempty"` // tags Tags Tags `json:"tags"` }
EdgeRouterPolicyPatch edge router policy patch
swagger:model edgeRouterPolicyPatch
func (*EdgeRouterPolicyPatch) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *EdgeRouterPolicyPatch) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*EdgeRouterPolicyPatch) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *EdgeRouterPolicyPatch) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type EdgeRouterPolicyUpdate ¶
type EdgeRouterPolicyUpdate struct { // edge router roles EdgeRouterRoles Roles `json:"edgeRouterRoles"` // identity roles IdentityRoles Roles `json:"identityRoles"` // name // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` // semantic Semantic Semantic `json:"semantic,omitempty"` // tags Tags Tags `json:"tags"` }
EdgeRouterPolicyUpdate edge router policy update
swagger:model edgeRouterPolicyUpdate
func (*EdgeRouterPolicyUpdate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *EdgeRouterPolicyUpdate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*EdgeRouterPolicyUpdate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *EdgeRouterPolicyUpdate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type EdgeRouterUpdate ¶
type EdgeRouterUpdate struct { // name // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` // role attributes RoleAttributes Attributes `json:"roleAttributes"` // tags Tags Tags `json:"tags"` }
EdgeRouterUpdate An edge router update object
swagger:model edgeRouterUpdate
func (*EdgeRouterUpdate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *EdgeRouterUpdate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*EdgeRouterUpdate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *EdgeRouterUpdate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Empty ¶
type Empty struct { // data // Required: true Data interface{} `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
Empty empty
swagger:model empty
func (*Empty) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Empty) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type EnrollmentCerts ¶
type EnrollmentCerts struct { // A PEM encoded set of CA certificates to trust Ca string `json:"ca,omitempty"` // A PEM encoded cert for the server Cert string `json:"cert,omitempty"` // A PEM encoded set of certificates to use as the servers chain ServerCert string `json:"serverCert,omitempty"` }
EnrollmentCerts enrollment certs
swagger:model enrollmentCerts
func (*EnrollmentCerts) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *EnrollmentCerts) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*EnrollmentCerts) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *EnrollmentCerts) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type EnrollmentCertsEnvelope ¶
type EnrollmentCertsEnvelope struct { // data Data *EnrollmentCerts `json:"data,omitempty"` // meta Meta *Meta `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
EnrollmentCertsEnvelope enrollment certs envelope
swagger:model enrollmentCertsEnvelope
func (*EnrollmentCertsEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *EnrollmentCertsEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*EnrollmentCertsEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *EnrollmentCertsEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type EnrollmentDetail ¶
type EnrollmentDetail struct { BaseEntity // details // Required: true Details map[string]string `json:"details"` // edge router EdgeRouter *EntityRef `json:"edgeRouter,omitempty"` // edge router Id EdgeRouterID string `json:"edgeRouterId,omitempty"` // expires at // Required: true // Format: date-time ExpiresAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"expiresAt"` // identity Identity *EntityRef `json:"identity,omitempty"` // identity Id IdentityID string `json:"identityId,omitempty"` // method // Required: true Method *string `json:"method"` // token // Required: true Token *string `json:"token"` // transit router TransitRouter *EntityRef `json:"transitRouter,omitempty"` // transit router Id TransitRouterID string `json:"transitRouterId,omitempty"` // username Username string `json:"username,omitempty"` }
EnrollmentDetail An enrollment object. Enrolments are tied to identities and portentially a CA. Depending on the method, different fields are utilized. For example ottca enrollments use the `ca` field and updb enrollments use the username field, but not vice versa.
swagger:model enrollmentDetail
func (*EnrollmentDetail) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *EnrollmentDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (EnrollmentDetail) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m EnrollmentDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*EnrollmentDetail) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *EnrollmentDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*EnrollmentDetail) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *EnrollmentDetail) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type EnrollmentList ¶
type EnrollmentList []*EnrollmentDetail
EnrollmentList An array of enrollment resources
swagger:model enrollmentList
type EntityRef ¶
type EntityRef struct { // links Links Links `json:"_links"` // entity Entity string `json:"entity,omitempty"` // id ID string `json:"id,omitempty"` // name Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
EntityRef A reference to another resource and links to interact with it
swagger:model entityRef
func (*EntityRef) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*EntityRef) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type EnvInfo ¶
type EnvInfo struct { // arch Arch string `json:"arch,omitempty"` // os Os string `json:"os,omitempty"` // os release OsRelease string `json:"osRelease,omitempty"` // os version OsVersion string `json:"osVersion,omitempty"` }
EnvInfo Environment information an authenticating client may provide
swagger:model envInfo
func (*EnvInfo) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*EnvInfo) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type GeoRegionDetail ¶
type GeoRegionDetail struct { BaseEntity // name // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` }
GeoRegionDetail geo region detail
swagger:model geoRegionDetail
func (*GeoRegionDetail) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *GeoRegionDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (GeoRegionDetail) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m GeoRegionDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*GeoRegionDetail) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *GeoRegionDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*GeoRegionDetail) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *GeoRegionDetail) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type GeoRegionList ¶
type GeoRegionList []*GeoRegionDetail
GeoRegionList geo region list
swagger:model geoRegionList
type GetIdentityPolicyAdviceEnvelope ¶
type GetIdentityPolicyAdviceEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data *PolicyAdvice `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
GetIdentityPolicyAdviceEnvelope get identity policy advice envelope
swagger:model getIdentityPolicyAdviceEnvelope
func (*GetIdentityPolicyAdviceEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *GetIdentityPolicyAdviceEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*GetIdentityPolicyAdviceEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *GetIdentityPolicyAdviceEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type GetIdentityPostureDataEnvelope ¶ added in v0.16.46
type GetIdentityPostureDataEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data PostureData `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
GetIdentityPostureDataEnvelope get identity posture data envelope
swagger:model getIdentityPostureDataEnvelope
func (*GetIdentityPostureDataEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *GetIdentityPostureDataEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*GetIdentityPostureDataEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *GetIdentityPostureDataEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type IdentityAuthenticators ¶
type IdentityAuthenticators struct { // cert Cert *IdentityAuthenticatorsCert `json:"cert,omitempty"` // updb Updb *IdentityAuthenticatorsUpdb `json:"updb,omitempty"` }
IdentityAuthenticators identity authenticators
swagger:model identityAuthenticators
func (*IdentityAuthenticators) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IdentityAuthenticators) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*IdentityAuthenticators) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IdentityAuthenticators) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type IdentityAuthenticatorsCert ¶
type IdentityAuthenticatorsCert struct { // fingerprint Fingerprint string `json:"fingerprint,omitempty"` }
IdentityAuthenticatorsCert identity authenticators cert
swagger:model IdentityAuthenticatorsCert
func (*IdentityAuthenticatorsCert) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IdentityAuthenticatorsCert) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*IdentityAuthenticatorsCert) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IdentityAuthenticatorsCert) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type IdentityAuthenticatorsUpdb ¶
type IdentityAuthenticatorsUpdb struct { // username Username string `json:"username,omitempty"` }
IdentityAuthenticatorsUpdb identity authenticators updb
swagger:model IdentityAuthenticatorsUpdb
func (*IdentityAuthenticatorsUpdb) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IdentityAuthenticatorsUpdb) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*IdentityAuthenticatorsUpdb) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IdentityAuthenticatorsUpdb) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type IdentityCreate ¶
type IdentityCreate struct { // default hosting cost DefaultHostingCost *TerminatorCost `json:"defaultHostingCost,omitempty"` // default hosting precedence DefaultHostingPrecedence TerminatorPrecedence `json:"defaultHostingPrecedence,omitempty"` // enrollment Enrollment *IdentityCreateEnrollment `json:"enrollment,omitempty"` // is admin // Required: true IsAdmin *bool `json:"isAdmin"` // name // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` // role attributes RoleAttributes Attributes `json:"roleAttributes"` // tags Tags Tags `json:"tags"` // type // Required: true Type IdentityType `json:"type"` }
IdentityCreate An identity to create
swagger:model identityCreate
func (*IdentityCreate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IdentityCreate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*IdentityCreate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IdentityCreate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type IdentityCreateEnrollment ¶
type IdentityCreateEnrollment struct { // ott Ott bool `json:"ott,omitempty"` // ottca Ottca string `json:"ottca,omitempty"` // updb Updb string `json:"updb,omitempty"` }
IdentityCreateEnrollment identity create enrollment
swagger:model IdentityCreateEnrollment
func (*IdentityCreateEnrollment) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IdentityCreateEnrollment) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*IdentityCreateEnrollment) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IdentityCreateEnrollment) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type IdentityDetail ¶
type IdentityDetail struct { BaseEntity // authenticators // Required: true Authenticators *IdentityAuthenticators `json:"authenticators"` // default hosting cost DefaultHostingCost *TerminatorCost `json:"defaultHostingCost,omitempty"` // default hosting precedence DefaultHostingPrecedence TerminatorPrecedence `json:"defaultHostingPrecedence,omitempty"` // enrollment // Required: true Enrollment *IdentityEnrollments `json:"enrollment"` // env info // Required: true EnvInfo *EnvInfo `json:"envInfo"` // has Api session // Required: true HasAPISession *bool `json:"hasApiSession"` // has edge router connection // Required: true HasEdgeRouterConnection *bool `json:"hasEdgeRouterConnection"` // is admin // Required: true IsAdmin *bool `json:"isAdmin"` // is default admin // Required: true IsDefaultAdmin *bool `json:"isDefaultAdmin"` // name // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` // role attributes // Required: true RoleAttributes Attributes `json:"roleAttributes"` // sdk info // Required: true SdkInfo *SdkInfo `json:"sdkInfo"` // type // Required: true Type *EntityRef `json:"type"` // type Id // Required: true TypeID *string `json:"typeId"` }
IdentityDetail Detail of a specific identity
swagger:model identityDetail
func (*IdentityDetail) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IdentityDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (IdentityDetail) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m IdentityDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*IdentityDetail) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IdentityDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*IdentityDetail) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *IdentityDetail) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type IdentityEnrollments ¶
type IdentityEnrollments struct { // ott Ott *IdentityEnrollmentsOtt `json:"ott,omitempty"` // ottca Ottca *IdentityEnrollmentsOttca `json:"ottca,omitempty"` // updb Updb *IdentityEnrollmentsUpdb `json:"updb,omitempty"` }
IdentityEnrollments identity enrollments
swagger:model identityEnrollments
func (*IdentityEnrollments) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IdentityEnrollments) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*IdentityEnrollments) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IdentityEnrollments) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type IdentityEnrollmentsOtt ¶
type IdentityEnrollmentsOtt struct { // expires at // Format: date-time ExpiresAt strfmt.DateTime `json:"expiresAt,omitempty"` // jwt Jwt string `json:"jwt,omitempty"` // token Token string `json:"token,omitempty"` }
IdentityEnrollmentsOtt identity enrollments ott
swagger:model IdentityEnrollmentsOtt
func (*IdentityEnrollmentsOtt) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IdentityEnrollmentsOtt) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*IdentityEnrollmentsOtt) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IdentityEnrollmentsOtt) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type IdentityEnrollmentsOttca ¶
type IdentityEnrollmentsOttca struct { // ca Ca *EntityRef `json:"ca,omitempty"` // ca Id CaID string `json:"caId,omitempty"` // expires at // Format: date-time ExpiresAt strfmt.DateTime `json:"expiresAt,omitempty"` // jwt Jwt string `json:"jwt,omitempty"` // token Token string `json:"token,omitempty"` }
IdentityEnrollmentsOttca identity enrollments ottca
swagger:model IdentityEnrollmentsOttca
func (*IdentityEnrollmentsOttca) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IdentityEnrollmentsOttca) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*IdentityEnrollmentsOttca) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IdentityEnrollmentsOttca) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type IdentityEnrollmentsUpdb ¶
type IdentityEnrollmentsUpdb struct { // expires at // Format: date-time ExpiresAt strfmt.DateTime `json:"expiresAt,omitempty"` // jwt Jwt string `json:"jwt,omitempty"` // token Token string `json:"token,omitempty"` }
IdentityEnrollmentsUpdb identity enrollments updb
swagger:model IdentityEnrollmentsUpdb
func (*IdentityEnrollmentsUpdb) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IdentityEnrollmentsUpdb) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*IdentityEnrollmentsUpdb) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IdentityEnrollmentsUpdb) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type IdentityList ¶
type IdentityList []*IdentityDetail
IdentityList A list of identities
swagger:model identityList
type IdentityPatch ¶
type IdentityPatch struct { // default hosting cost DefaultHostingCost *TerminatorCost `json:"defaultHostingCost,omitempty"` // default hosting precedence DefaultHostingPrecedence TerminatorPrecedence `json:"defaultHostingPrecedence,omitempty"` // is admin IsAdmin bool `json:"isAdmin,omitempty"` // name Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // role attributes RoleAttributes Attributes `json:"roleAttributes"` // tags Tags Tags `json:"tags"` // type Type IdentityType `json:"type,omitempty"` }
IdentityPatch identity patch
swagger:model identityPatch
func (*IdentityPatch) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IdentityPatch) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*IdentityPatch) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IdentityPatch) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type IdentityType ¶
type IdentityType string
IdentityType identity type
swagger:model identityType
const ( // IdentityTypeUser captures enum value "User" IdentityTypeUser IdentityType = "User" // IdentityTypeDevice captures enum value "Device" IdentityTypeDevice IdentityType = "Device" // IdentityTypeService captures enum value "Service" IdentityTypeService IdentityType = "Service" )
type IdentityTypeDetail ¶
type IdentityTypeDetail struct { BaseEntity // name Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` }
IdentityTypeDetail identity type detail
swagger:model identityTypeDetail
func (*IdentityTypeDetail) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IdentityTypeDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (IdentityTypeDetail) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m IdentityTypeDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*IdentityTypeDetail) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IdentityTypeDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*IdentityTypeDetail) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *IdentityTypeDetail) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type IdentityTypeList ¶
type IdentityTypeList []*IdentityDetail
IdentityTypeList identity type list
swagger:model identityTypeList
type IdentityUpdate ¶
type IdentityUpdate struct { // default hosting cost DefaultHostingCost *TerminatorCost `json:"defaultHostingCost,omitempty"` // default hosting precedence DefaultHostingPrecedence TerminatorPrecedence `json:"defaultHostingPrecedence,omitempty"` // is admin // Required: true IsAdmin *bool `json:"isAdmin"` // name // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` // role attributes RoleAttributes Attributes `json:"roleAttributes"` // tags Tags Tags `json:"tags"` // type // Required: true Type IdentityType `json:"type"` }
IdentityUpdate identity update
swagger:model identityUpdate
func (*IdentityUpdate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IdentityUpdate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*IdentityUpdate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *IdentityUpdate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Link ¶
type Link struct { // comment Comment string `json:"comment,omitempty"` // href // Required: true // Format: uri Href *strfmt.URI `json:"href"` // method Method string `json:"method,omitempty"` }
Link A link to another resource
swagger:model link
func (*Link) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Link) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ListAPISessionsEnvelope ¶
type ListAPISessionsEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data APISessionList `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
ListAPISessionsEnvelope list API sessions envelope
swagger:model listAPISessionsEnvelope
func (*ListAPISessionsEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListAPISessionsEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ListAPISessionsEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListAPISessionsEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ListAuthenticatorsEnvelope ¶
type ListAuthenticatorsEnvelope struct { // data Data AuthenticatorList `json:"data,omitempty"` // meta Meta *Meta `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
ListAuthenticatorsEnvelope list authenticators envelope
swagger:model listAuthenticatorsEnvelope
func (*ListAuthenticatorsEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListAuthenticatorsEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ListAuthenticatorsEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListAuthenticatorsEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ListCasEnvelope ¶
type ListCasEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data CaList `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
ListCasEnvelope list cas envelope
swagger:model listCasEnvelope
func (*ListCasEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListCasEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ListCasEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListCasEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ListConfigTypesEnvelope ¶
type ListConfigTypesEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data ConfigTypeList `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
ListConfigTypesEnvelope list config types envelope
swagger:model listConfigTypesEnvelope
func (*ListConfigTypesEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListConfigTypesEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ListConfigTypesEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListConfigTypesEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ListConfigsEnvelope ¶
type ListConfigsEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data ConfigList `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
ListConfigsEnvelope list configs envelope
swagger:model listConfigsEnvelope
func (*ListConfigsEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListConfigsEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ListConfigsEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListConfigsEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ListCurrentAPISessionCertificatesEnvelope ¶ added in v0.17.30
type ListCurrentAPISessionCertificatesEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data CurrentAPISessionCertificateList `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
ListCurrentAPISessionCertificatesEnvelope list current API session certificates envelope
swagger:model listCurrentAPISessionCertificatesEnvelope
func (*ListCurrentAPISessionCertificatesEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.17.30
func (m *ListCurrentAPISessionCertificatesEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ListCurrentAPISessionCertificatesEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.17.30
func (m *ListCurrentAPISessionCertificatesEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ListCurrentAPISessionServiceUpdatesEnvelope ¶ added in v0.17.34
type ListCurrentAPISessionServiceUpdatesEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data *CurrentAPISessionServiceUpdateList `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
ListCurrentAPISessionServiceUpdatesEnvelope list current Api session service updates envelope
swagger:model listCurrentApiSessionServiceUpdatesEnvelope
func (*ListCurrentAPISessionServiceUpdatesEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.17.34
func (m *ListCurrentAPISessionServiceUpdatesEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ListCurrentAPISessionServiceUpdatesEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.17.34
func (m *ListCurrentAPISessionServiceUpdatesEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ListEdgeRouterPoliciesEnvelope ¶
type ListEdgeRouterPoliciesEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data EdgeRouterPolicyList `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
ListEdgeRouterPoliciesEnvelope list edge router policies envelope
swagger:model listEdgeRouterPoliciesEnvelope
func (*ListEdgeRouterPoliciesEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListEdgeRouterPoliciesEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ListEdgeRouterPoliciesEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListEdgeRouterPoliciesEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ListEdgeRoutersEnvelope ¶
type ListEdgeRoutersEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data EdgeRouterList `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
ListEdgeRoutersEnvelope list edge routers envelope
swagger:model listEdgeRoutersEnvelope
func (*ListEdgeRoutersEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListEdgeRoutersEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ListEdgeRoutersEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListEdgeRoutersEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ListEnrollmentsEnvelope ¶
type ListEnrollmentsEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data EnrollmentList `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
ListEnrollmentsEnvelope list enrollments envelope
swagger:model listEnrollmentsEnvelope
func (*ListEnrollmentsEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListEnrollmentsEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ListEnrollmentsEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListEnrollmentsEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ListGeoRegionsEnvelope ¶
type ListGeoRegionsEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data GeoRegionList `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
ListGeoRegionsEnvelope list geo regions envelope
swagger:model listGeoRegionsEnvelope
func (*ListGeoRegionsEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListGeoRegionsEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ListGeoRegionsEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListGeoRegionsEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ListIdentitiesEnvelope ¶
type ListIdentitiesEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data IdentityList `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
ListIdentitiesEnvelope list identities envelope
swagger:model listIdentitiesEnvelope
func (*ListIdentitiesEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListIdentitiesEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ListIdentitiesEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListIdentitiesEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ListIdentityTypesEnvelope ¶
type ListIdentityTypesEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data IdentityTypeList `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
ListIdentityTypesEnvelope list identity types envelope
swagger:model listIdentityTypesEnvelope
func (*ListIdentityTypesEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListIdentityTypesEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ListIdentityTypesEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListIdentityTypesEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ListPostureCheckEnvelope ¶ added in v0.16.46
type ListPostureCheckEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data PostureCheckList `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
ListPostureCheckEnvelope list posture check envelope
swagger:model listPostureCheckEnvelope
func (*ListPostureCheckEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *ListPostureCheckEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ListPostureCheckEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *ListPostureCheckEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ListPostureCheckTypesEnvelope ¶ added in v0.16.46
type ListPostureCheckTypesEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data PostureCheckTypeList `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
ListPostureCheckTypesEnvelope list posture check types envelope
swagger:model listPostureCheckTypesEnvelope
func (*ListPostureCheckTypesEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *ListPostureCheckTypesEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ListPostureCheckTypesEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *ListPostureCheckTypesEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ListProtocolsEnvelope ¶ added in v0.17.23
type ListProtocolsEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data ListProtocols `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
ListProtocolsEnvelope list protocols envelope
swagger:model listProtocolsEnvelope
func (*ListProtocolsEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.17.23
func (m *ListProtocolsEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ListProtocolsEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.17.23
func (m *ListProtocolsEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ListRoleAttributesEnvelope ¶
type ListRoleAttributesEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data RoleAttributesList `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
ListRoleAttributesEnvelope list role attributes envelope
swagger:model listRoleAttributesEnvelope
func (*ListRoleAttributesEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListRoleAttributesEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ListRoleAttributesEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListRoleAttributesEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ListServiceConfigsEnvelope ¶
type ListServiceConfigsEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data ServiceConfigList `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
ListServiceConfigsEnvelope list service configs envelope
swagger:model listServiceConfigsEnvelope
func (*ListServiceConfigsEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListServiceConfigsEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ListServiceConfigsEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListServiceConfigsEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ListServiceEdgeRouterPoliciesEnvelope ¶
type ListServiceEdgeRouterPoliciesEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyList `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
ListServiceEdgeRouterPoliciesEnvelope list service edge router policies envelope
swagger:model listServiceEdgeRouterPoliciesEnvelope
func (*ListServiceEdgeRouterPoliciesEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListServiceEdgeRouterPoliciesEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ListServiceEdgeRouterPoliciesEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListServiceEdgeRouterPoliciesEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ListServicePoliciesEnvelope ¶
type ListServicePoliciesEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data ServicePolicyList `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
ListServicePoliciesEnvelope list service policies envelope
swagger:model listServicePoliciesEnvelope
func (*ListServicePoliciesEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListServicePoliciesEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ListServicePoliciesEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListServicePoliciesEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ListServicesEnvelope ¶
type ListServicesEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data ServiceList `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
ListServicesEnvelope list services envelope
swagger:model listServicesEnvelope
func (*ListServicesEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListServicesEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ListServicesEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListServicesEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ListSessionsEnvelope ¶
type ListSessionsEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data SessionList `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
ListSessionsEnvelope list sessions envelope
swagger:model listSessionsEnvelope
func (*ListSessionsEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListSessionsEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ListSessionsEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListSessionsEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ListSpecsEnvelope ¶
type ListSpecsEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data SpecList `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
ListSpecsEnvelope list specs envelope
swagger:model listSpecsEnvelope
func (*ListSpecsEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListSpecsEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ListSpecsEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListSpecsEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ListSummaryCountsEnvelope ¶
type ListSummaryCountsEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data ListSummaryCounts `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
ListSummaryCountsEnvelope list summary counts envelope
swagger:model listSummaryCountsEnvelope
func (*ListSummaryCountsEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListSummaryCountsEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ListSummaryCountsEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListSummaryCountsEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ListTerminatorsEnvelope ¶
type ListTerminatorsEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data TerminatorList `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
ListTerminatorsEnvelope list terminators envelope
swagger:model listTerminatorsEnvelope
func (*ListTerminatorsEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListTerminatorsEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ListTerminatorsEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListTerminatorsEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ListTransitRoutersEnvelope ¶
type ListTransitRoutersEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data TransitRouterList `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
ListTransitRoutersEnvelope list transit routers envelope
swagger:model listTransitRoutersEnvelope
func (*ListTransitRoutersEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListTransitRoutersEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ListTransitRoutersEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListTransitRoutersEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ListVersionEnvelope ¶
type ListVersionEnvelope struct { // data // Required: true Data *Version `json:"data"` // meta // Required: true Meta *Meta `json:"meta"` }
ListVersionEnvelope list version envelope
swagger:model listVersionEnvelope
func (*ListVersionEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListVersionEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ListVersionEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ListVersionEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Meta ¶
type Meta struct { // api enrolment version APIEnrolmentVersion string `json:"apiEnrolmentVersion,omitempty"` // api version APIVersion string `json:"apiVersion,omitempty"` // filterable fields FilterableFields []string `json:"filterableFields,omitempty"` // pagination Pagination *Pagination `json:"pagination,omitempty"` }
Meta meta
swagger:model meta
func (*Meta) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Meta) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NamedRole ¶ added in v0.16.32
type NamedRole struct { // name Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // role Role string `json:"role,omitempty"` }
NamedRole named role
swagger:model namedRole
func (*NamedRole) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.32
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*NamedRole) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.32
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type NamedRoles ¶ added in v0.16.32
type NamedRoles []*NamedRole
NamedRoles named roles
swagger:model namedRoles
type OperatingSystem ¶ added in v0.16.46
type OperatingSystem struct { // type // Required: true Type OsType `json:"type"` // versions // Required: true Versions []string `json:"versions"` }
OperatingSystem operating system
swagger:model operatingSystem
func (*OperatingSystem) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *OperatingSystem) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*OperatingSystem) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *OperatingSystem) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type OperatingSystemArray ¶ added in v0.16.46
type OperatingSystemArray []*OperatingSystem
OperatingSystemArray operating system array
swagger:model operatingSystemArray
type OsType ¶ added in v0.16.46
type OsType string
OsType os type
swagger:model osType
const ( // OsTypeWindows captures enum value "Windows" OsTypeWindows OsType = "Windows" // OsTypeWindowsServer captures enum value "WindowsServer" OsTypeWindowsServer OsType = "WindowsServer" // OsTypeAndroid captures enum value "Android" OsTypeAndroid OsType = "Android" // OsTypeIOS captures enum value "iOS" OsTypeIOS OsType = "iOS" // OsTypeLinux captures enum value "Linux" OsTypeLinux OsType = "Linux" // OsTypeMacOS captures enum value "macOS" OsTypeMacOS OsType = "macOS" )
type Pagination ¶
type Pagination struct { // limit // Required: true Limit *int64 `json:"limit"` // offset // Required: true Offset *int64 `json:"offset"` // total count // Required: true TotalCount *int64 `json:"totalCount"` }
Pagination pagination
swagger:model pagination
func (*Pagination) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *Pagination) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Pagination) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *Pagination) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PasswordNullable ¶
type PasswordNullable string
PasswordNullable password nullable
swagger:model password-nullable
type PolicyAdvice ¶
type PolicyAdvice struct { // common routers CommonRouters []*RouterEntityRef `json:"commonRouters"` // identity Identity *EntityRef `json:"identity,omitempty"` // identity Id IdentityID string `json:"identityId,omitempty"` // identity router count IdentityRouterCount int32 `json:"identityRouterCount,omitempty"` // is bind allowed IsBindAllowed bool `json:"isBindAllowed,omitempty"` // is dial allowed IsDialAllowed bool `json:"isDialAllowed,omitempty"` // service Service *EntityRef `json:"service,omitempty"` // service Id ServiceID string `json:"serviceId,omitempty"` // service router count ServiceRouterCount int32 `json:"serviceRouterCount,omitempty"` }
PolicyAdvice policy advice
swagger:model policyAdvice
func (*PolicyAdvice) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PolicyAdvice) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PolicyAdvice) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *PolicyAdvice) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PostureCheckCreate ¶ added in v0.16.46
type PostureCheckCreate interface { runtime.Validatable // name // Required: true Name() *string SetName(*string) // role attributes RoleAttributes() Attributes SetRoleAttributes(Attributes) // tags Tags() Tags SetTags(Tags) // type Id // Required: true TypeID() PostureCheckType SetTypeID(PostureCheckType) }
PostureCheckCreate posture check create
swagger:discriminator PostureCheckCreate typeId
func UnmarshalPostureCheckCreate ¶ added in v0.16.46
func UnmarshalPostureCheckCreate(reader io.Reader, consumer runtime.Consumer) (PostureCheckCreate, error)
UnmarshalPostureCheckCreate unmarshals polymorphic PostureCheckCreate
func UnmarshalPostureCheckCreateSlice ¶ added in v0.16.46
func UnmarshalPostureCheckCreateSlice(reader io.Reader, consumer runtime.Consumer) ([]PostureCheckCreate, error)
UnmarshalPostureCheckCreateSlice unmarshals polymorphic slices of PostureCheckCreate
type PostureCheckDetail ¶ added in v0.16.46
type PostureCheckDetail interface { runtime.Validatable // links // Required: true Links() Links SetLinks(Links) // created at // Required: true // Format: date-time CreatedAt() *strfmt.DateTime SetCreatedAt(*strfmt.DateTime) // id // Required: true ID() *string SetID(*string) // name // Required: true Name() *string SetName(*string) // role attributes // Required: true RoleAttributes() Attributes SetRoleAttributes(Attributes) // tags // Required: true Tags() Tags SetTags(Tags) // type Id // Required: true TypeID() string SetTypeID(string) // updated at // Required: true // Format: date-time UpdatedAt() *strfmt.DateTime SetUpdatedAt(*strfmt.DateTime) // version // Required: true Version() *int64 SetVersion(*int64) }
PostureCheckDetail posture check detail
swagger:discriminator PostureCheckDetail typeId
func UnmarshalPostureCheckDetail ¶ added in v0.16.46
func UnmarshalPostureCheckDetail(reader io.Reader, consumer runtime.Consumer) (PostureCheckDetail, error)
UnmarshalPostureCheckDetail unmarshals polymorphic PostureCheckDetail
func UnmarshalPostureCheckDetailSlice ¶ added in v0.16.46
func UnmarshalPostureCheckDetailSlice(reader io.Reader, consumer runtime.Consumer) ([]PostureCheckDetail, error)
UnmarshalPostureCheckDetailSlice unmarshals polymorphic slices of PostureCheckDetail
type PostureCheckDomainCreate ¶ added in v0.16.46
type PostureCheckDomainCreate struct { // domains // Required: true // Min Items: 1 Domains []string `json:"domains"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PostureCheckDomainCreate posture check domain create
swagger:model PostureCheckDomainCreate
func (*PostureCheckDomainCreate) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainCreate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (PostureCheckDomainCreate) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m PostureCheckDomainCreate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object with a polymorphic type to a JSON structure
func (*PostureCheckDomainCreate) Name ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainCreate) Name() *string
Name gets the name of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainCreate) RoleAttributes ¶ added in v0.16.48
func (m *PostureCheckDomainCreate) RoleAttributes() Attributes
RoleAttributes gets the role attributes of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainCreate) SetName ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainCreate) SetName(val *string)
SetName sets the name of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainCreate) SetRoleAttributes ¶ added in v0.16.48
func (m *PostureCheckDomainCreate) SetRoleAttributes(val Attributes)
SetRoleAttributes sets the role attributes of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainCreate) SetTags ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainCreate) SetTags(val Tags)
SetTags sets the tags of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainCreate) SetTypeID ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainCreate) SetTypeID(val PostureCheckType)
SetTypeID sets the type Id of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainCreate) Tags ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainCreate) Tags() Tags
Tags gets the tags of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainCreate) TypeID ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainCreate) TypeID() PostureCheckType
TypeID gets the type Id of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainCreate) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainCreate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PostureCheckDomainCreate) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainCreate) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object with a polymorphic type from a JSON structure
type PostureCheckDomainDetail ¶ added in v0.16.46
type PostureCheckDomainDetail struct { // domains // Required: true // Min Items: 1 Domains []string `json:"domains"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PostureCheckDomainDetail posture check domain detail
swagger:model PostureCheckDomainDetail
func (*PostureCheckDomainDetail) CreatedAt ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) CreatedAt() *strfmt.DateTime
CreatedAt gets the created at of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainDetail) ID ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) ID() *string
ID gets the id of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainDetail) Links ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) Links() Links
Links gets the links of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainDetail) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (PostureCheckDomainDetail) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m PostureCheckDomainDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object with a polymorphic type to a JSON structure
func (*PostureCheckDomainDetail) Name ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) Name() *string
Name gets the name of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainDetail) RoleAttributes ¶ added in v0.16.48
func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) RoleAttributes() Attributes
RoleAttributes gets the role attributes of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainDetail) SetCreatedAt ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) SetCreatedAt(val *strfmt.DateTime)
SetCreatedAt sets the created at of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainDetail) SetID ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) SetID(val *string)
SetID sets the id of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainDetail) SetLinks ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) SetLinks(val Links)
SetLinks sets the links of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainDetail) SetName ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) SetName(val *string)
SetName sets the name of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainDetail) SetRoleAttributes ¶ added in v0.16.48
func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) SetRoleAttributes(val Attributes)
SetRoleAttributes sets the role attributes of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainDetail) SetTags ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) SetTags(val Tags)
SetTags sets the tags of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainDetail) SetTypeID ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) SetTypeID(val string)
SetTypeID sets the type Id of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainDetail) SetUpdatedAt ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) SetUpdatedAt(val *strfmt.DateTime)
SetUpdatedAt sets the updated at of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainDetail) SetVersion ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) SetVersion(val *int64)
SetVersion sets the version of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainDetail) Tags ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) Tags() Tags
Tags gets the tags of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainDetail) TypeID ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) TypeID() string
TypeID gets the type Id of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainDetail) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PostureCheckDomainDetail) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object with a polymorphic type from a JSON structure
func (*PostureCheckDomainDetail) UpdatedAt ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) UpdatedAt() *strfmt.DateTime
UpdatedAt gets the updated at of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainDetail) Validate ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
Validate validates this posture check domain detail
func (*PostureCheckDomainDetail) Version ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainDetail) Version() *int64
Version gets the version of this subtype
type PostureCheckDomainPatch ¶ added in v0.16.46
type PostureCheckDomainPatch struct { // domains // Min Items: 1 Domains []string `json:"domains"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PostureCheckDomainPatch posture check domain patch
swagger:model PostureCheckDomainPatch
func (*PostureCheckDomainPatch) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainPatch) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (PostureCheckDomainPatch) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m PostureCheckDomainPatch) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object with a polymorphic type to a JSON structure
func (*PostureCheckDomainPatch) Name ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainPatch) Name() string
Name gets the name of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainPatch) RoleAttributes ¶ added in v0.16.48
func (m *PostureCheckDomainPatch) RoleAttributes() Attributes
RoleAttributes gets the role attributes of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainPatch) SetName ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainPatch) SetName(val string)
SetName sets the name of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainPatch) SetRoleAttributes ¶ added in v0.16.48
func (m *PostureCheckDomainPatch) SetRoleAttributes(val Attributes)
SetRoleAttributes sets the role attributes of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainPatch) SetTags ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainPatch) SetTags(val Tags)
SetTags sets the tags of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainPatch) Tags ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainPatch) Tags() Tags
Tags gets the tags of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainPatch) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainPatch) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PostureCheckDomainPatch) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainPatch) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object with a polymorphic type from a JSON structure
type PostureCheckDomainUpdate ¶ added in v0.16.46
type PostureCheckDomainUpdate struct { // domains // Required: true // Min Items: 1 Domains []string `json:"domains"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PostureCheckDomainUpdate posture check domain update
swagger:model PostureCheckDomainUpdate
func (*PostureCheckDomainUpdate) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainUpdate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (PostureCheckDomainUpdate) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m PostureCheckDomainUpdate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object with a polymorphic type to a JSON structure
func (*PostureCheckDomainUpdate) Name ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainUpdate) Name() *string
Name gets the name of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainUpdate) RoleAttributes ¶ added in v0.16.48
func (m *PostureCheckDomainUpdate) RoleAttributes() Attributes
RoleAttributes gets the role attributes of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainUpdate) SetName ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainUpdate) SetName(val *string)
SetName sets the name of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainUpdate) SetRoleAttributes ¶ added in v0.16.48
func (m *PostureCheckDomainUpdate) SetRoleAttributes(val Attributes)
SetRoleAttributes sets the role attributes of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainUpdate) SetTags ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainUpdate) SetTags(val Tags)
SetTags sets the tags of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainUpdate) SetTypeID ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainUpdate) SetTypeID(val PostureCheckType)
SetTypeID sets the type Id of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainUpdate) Tags ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainUpdate) Tags() Tags
Tags gets the tags of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainUpdate) TypeID ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainUpdate) TypeID() PostureCheckType
TypeID gets the type Id of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckDomainUpdate) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainUpdate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PostureCheckDomainUpdate) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckDomainUpdate) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object with a polymorphic type from a JSON structure
type PostureCheckList ¶ added in v0.16.46
type PostureCheckList interface { runtime.Validatable }
PostureCheckList posture check list
swagger:discriminator PostureCheckList
func UnmarshalPostureCheckList ¶ added in v0.16.46
func UnmarshalPostureCheckList(reader io.Reader, consumer runtime.Consumer) (PostureCheckList, error)
UnmarshalPostureCheckList unmarshals polymorphic PostureCheckList
func UnmarshalPostureCheckListSlice ¶ added in v0.16.46
func UnmarshalPostureCheckListSlice(reader io.Reader, consumer runtime.Consumer) ([]PostureCheckList, error)
UnmarshalPostureCheckListSlice unmarshals polymorphic slices of PostureCheckList
type PostureCheckMacAddressCreate ¶ added in v0.16.46
type PostureCheckMacAddressCreate struct { // mac addresses // Required: true // Min Items: 1 MacAddresses []string `json:"macAddresses"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PostureCheckMacAddressCreate posture check mac address create
swagger:model PostureCheckMacAddressCreate
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressCreate) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressCreate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (PostureCheckMacAddressCreate) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m PostureCheckMacAddressCreate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object with a polymorphic type to a JSON structure
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressCreate) Name ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressCreate) Name() *string
Name gets the name of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressCreate) RoleAttributes ¶ added in v0.16.48
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressCreate) RoleAttributes() Attributes
RoleAttributes gets the role attributes of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressCreate) SetName ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressCreate) SetName(val *string)
SetName sets the name of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressCreate) SetRoleAttributes ¶ added in v0.16.48
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressCreate) SetRoleAttributes(val Attributes)
SetRoleAttributes sets the role attributes of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressCreate) SetTags ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressCreate) SetTags(val Tags)
SetTags sets the tags of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressCreate) SetTypeID ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressCreate) SetTypeID(val PostureCheckType)
SetTypeID sets the type Id of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressCreate) Tags ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressCreate) Tags() Tags
Tags gets the tags of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressCreate) TypeID ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressCreate) TypeID() PostureCheckType
TypeID gets the type Id of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressCreate) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressCreate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressCreate) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressCreate) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object with a polymorphic type from a JSON structure
type PostureCheckMacAddressDetail ¶ added in v0.16.46
type PostureCheckMacAddressDetail struct { // mac addresses // Required: true // Min Items: 1 MacAddresses []string `json:"macAddresses"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PostureCheckMacAddressDetail posture check mac address detail
swagger:model PostureCheckMacAddressDetail
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) CreatedAt ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) CreatedAt() *strfmt.DateTime
CreatedAt gets the created at of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) ID ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) ID() *string
ID gets the id of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) Links ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) Links() Links
Links gets the links of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object with a polymorphic type to a JSON structure
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) Name ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) Name() *string
Name gets the name of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) RoleAttributes ¶ added in v0.16.48
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) RoleAttributes() Attributes
RoleAttributes gets the role attributes of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) SetCreatedAt ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) SetCreatedAt(val *strfmt.DateTime)
SetCreatedAt sets the created at of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) SetID ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) SetID(val *string)
SetID sets the id of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) SetLinks ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) SetLinks(val Links)
SetLinks sets the links of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) SetName ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) SetName(val *string)
SetName sets the name of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) SetRoleAttributes ¶ added in v0.16.48
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) SetRoleAttributes(val Attributes)
SetRoleAttributes sets the role attributes of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) SetTags ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) SetTags(val Tags)
SetTags sets the tags of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) SetTypeID ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) SetTypeID(val string)
SetTypeID sets the type Id of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) SetUpdatedAt ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) SetUpdatedAt(val *strfmt.DateTime)
SetUpdatedAt sets the updated at of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) SetVersion ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) SetVersion(val *int64)
SetVersion sets the version of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) Tags ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) Tags() Tags
Tags gets the tags of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) TypeID ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) TypeID() string
TypeID gets the type Id of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object with a polymorphic type from a JSON structure
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) UpdatedAt ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) UpdatedAt() *strfmt.DateTime
UpdatedAt gets the updated at of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) Validate ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
Validate validates this posture check mac address detail
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) Version ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressDetail) Version() *int64
Version gets the version of this subtype
type PostureCheckMacAddressPatch ¶ added in v0.16.46
type PostureCheckMacAddressPatch struct { // mac addresses // Min Items: 1 MacAddresses []string `json:"macAddresses"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PostureCheckMacAddressPatch posture check mac address patch
swagger:model PostureCheckMacAddressPatch
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressPatch) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressPatch) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (PostureCheckMacAddressPatch) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m PostureCheckMacAddressPatch) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object with a polymorphic type to a JSON structure
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressPatch) Name ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressPatch) Name() string
Name gets the name of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressPatch) RoleAttributes ¶ added in v0.16.48
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressPatch) RoleAttributes() Attributes
RoleAttributes gets the role attributes of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressPatch) SetName ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressPatch) SetName(val string)
SetName sets the name of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressPatch) SetRoleAttributes ¶ added in v0.16.48
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressPatch) SetRoleAttributes(val Attributes)
SetRoleAttributes sets the role attributes of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressPatch) SetTags ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressPatch) SetTags(val Tags)
SetTags sets the tags of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressPatch) Tags ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressPatch) Tags() Tags
Tags gets the tags of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressPatch) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressPatch) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressPatch) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressPatch) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object with a polymorphic type from a JSON structure
type PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate ¶ added in v0.16.46
type PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate struct { // mac addresses // Required: true // Min Items: 1 MacAddresses []string `json:"macAddresses"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate posture check mac address update
swagger:model PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object with a polymorphic type to a JSON structure
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate) Name ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate) Name() *string
Name gets the name of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate) RoleAttributes ¶ added in v0.16.48
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate) RoleAttributes() Attributes
RoleAttributes gets the role attributes of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate) SetName ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate) SetName(val *string)
SetName sets the name of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate) SetRoleAttributes ¶ added in v0.16.48
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate) SetRoleAttributes(val Attributes)
SetRoleAttributes sets the role attributes of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate) SetTags ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate) SetTags(val Tags)
SetTags sets the tags of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate) SetTypeID ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate) SetTypeID(val PostureCheckType)
SetTypeID sets the type Id of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate) Tags ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate) Tags() Tags
Tags gets the tags of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate) TypeID ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate) TypeID() PostureCheckType
TypeID gets the type Id of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckMacAddressUpdate) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object with a polymorphic type from a JSON structure
type PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate ¶ added in v0.16.46
type PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate struct { // operating systems // Required: true OperatingSystems OperatingSystemArray `json:"operatingSystems"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate posture check operating system create
swagger:model PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object with a polymorphic type to a JSON structure
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate) Name ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate) Name() *string
Name gets the name of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate) RoleAttributes ¶ added in v0.16.48
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate) RoleAttributes() Attributes
RoleAttributes gets the role attributes of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate) SetName ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate) SetName(val *string)
SetName sets the name of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate) SetRoleAttributes ¶ added in v0.16.48
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate) SetRoleAttributes(val Attributes)
SetRoleAttributes sets the role attributes of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate) SetTags ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate) SetTags(val Tags)
SetTags sets the tags of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate) SetTypeID ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate) SetTypeID(val PostureCheckType)
SetTypeID sets the type Id of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate) Tags ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate) Tags() Tags
Tags gets the tags of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate) TypeID ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate) TypeID() PostureCheckType
TypeID gets the type Id of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemCreate) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object with a polymorphic type from a JSON structure
type PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail ¶ added in v0.16.46
type PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail struct { // operating systems // Required: true OperatingSystems OperatingSystemArray `json:"operatingSystems"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail posture check operating system detail
swagger:model PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) CreatedAt ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) CreatedAt() *strfmt.DateTime
CreatedAt gets the created at of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) ID ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) ID() *string
ID gets the id of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) Links ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) Links() Links
Links gets the links of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object with a polymorphic type to a JSON structure
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) Name ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) Name() *string
Name gets the name of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) RoleAttributes ¶ added in v0.16.48
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) RoleAttributes() Attributes
RoleAttributes gets the role attributes of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) SetCreatedAt ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) SetCreatedAt(val *strfmt.DateTime)
SetCreatedAt sets the created at of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) SetID ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) SetID(val *string)
SetID sets the id of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) SetLinks ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) SetLinks(val Links)
SetLinks sets the links of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) SetName ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) SetName(val *string)
SetName sets the name of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) SetRoleAttributes ¶ added in v0.16.48
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) SetRoleAttributes(val Attributes)
SetRoleAttributes sets the role attributes of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) SetTags ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) SetTags(val Tags)
SetTags sets the tags of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) SetTypeID ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) SetTypeID(val string)
SetTypeID sets the type Id of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) SetUpdatedAt ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) SetUpdatedAt(val *strfmt.DateTime)
SetUpdatedAt sets the updated at of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) SetVersion ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) SetVersion(val *int64)
SetVersion sets the version of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) Tags ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) Tags() Tags
Tags gets the tags of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) TypeID ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) TypeID() string
TypeID gets the type Id of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object with a polymorphic type from a JSON structure
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) UpdatedAt ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) UpdatedAt() *strfmt.DateTime
UpdatedAt gets the updated at of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) Validate ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
Validate validates this posture check operating system detail
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) Version ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemDetail) Version() *int64
Version gets the version of this subtype
type PostureCheckOperatingSystemPatch ¶ added in v0.16.46
type PostureCheckOperatingSystemPatch struct { // operating systems OperatingSystems OperatingSystemArray `json:"operatingSystems,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PostureCheckOperatingSystemPatch posture check operating system patch
swagger:model PostureCheckOperatingSystemPatch
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemPatch) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemPatch) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (PostureCheckOperatingSystemPatch) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m PostureCheckOperatingSystemPatch) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object with a polymorphic type to a JSON structure
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemPatch) Name ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemPatch) Name() string
Name gets the name of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemPatch) RoleAttributes ¶ added in v0.16.48
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemPatch) RoleAttributes() Attributes
RoleAttributes gets the role attributes of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemPatch) SetName ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemPatch) SetName(val string)
SetName sets the name of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemPatch) SetRoleAttributes ¶ added in v0.16.48
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemPatch) SetRoleAttributes(val Attributes)
SetRoleAttributes sets the role attributes of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemPatch) SetTags ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemPatch) SetTags(val Tags)
SetTags sets the tags of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemPatch) Tags ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemPatch) Tags() Tags
Tags gets the tags of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemPatch) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemPatch) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemPatch) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemPatch) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object with a polymorphic type from a JSON structure
type PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate ¶ added in v0.16.46
type PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate struct { // operating systems // Required: true OperatingSystems OperatingSystemArray `json:"operatingSystems"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate posture check operating system update
swagger:model PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object with a polymorphic type to a JSON structure
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate) Name ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate) Name() *string
Name gets the name of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate) RoleAttributes ¶ added in v0.16.48
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate) RoleAttributes() Attributes
RoleAttributes gets the role attributes of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate) SetName ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate) SetName(val *string)
SetName sets the name of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate) SetRoleAttributes ¶ added in v0.16.48
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate) SetRoleAttributes(val Attributes)
SetRoleAttributes sets the role attributes of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate) SetTags ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate) SetTags(val Tags)
SetTags sets the tags of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate) SetTypeID ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate) SetTypeID(val PostureCheckType)
SetTypeID sets the type Id of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate) Tags ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate) Tags() Tags
Tags gets the tags of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate) TypeID ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate) TypeID() PostureCheckType
TypeID gets the type Id of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckOperatingSystemUpdate) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object with a polymorphic type from a JSON structure
type PostureCheckPatch ¶ added in v0.16.46
type PostureCheckPatch interface { runtime.Validatable // name Name() string SetName(string) // role attributes RoleAttributes() Attributes SetRoleAttributes(Attributes) // tags Tags() Tags SetTags(Tags) }
PostureCheckPatch posture check patch
swagger:discriminator PostureCheckPatch typeId
func UnmarshalPostureCheckPatch ¶ added in v0.16.46
func UnmarshalPostureCheckPatch(reader io.Reader, consumer runtime.Consumer) (PostureCheckPatch, error)
UnmarshalPostureCheckPatch unmarshals polymorphic PostureCheckPatch
func UnmarshalPostureCheckPatchSlice ¶ added in v0.16.46
func UnmarshalPostureCheckPatchSlice(reader io.Reader, consumer runtime.Consumer) ([]PostureCheckPatch, error)
UnmarshalPostureCheckPatchSlice unmarshals polymorphic slices of PostureCheckPatch
type PostureCheckProcessCreate ¶ added in v0.16.46
type PostureCheckProcessCreate struct { // process // Required: true Process *Process `json:"process"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PostureCheckProcessCreate posture check process create
swagger:model PostureCheckProcessCreate
func (*PostureCheckProcessCreate) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessCreate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (PostureCheckProcessCreate) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m PostureCheckProcessCreate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object with a polymorphic type to a JSON structure
func (*PostureCheckProcessCreate) Name ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessCreate) Name() *string
Name gets the name of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessCreate) RoleAttributes ¶ added in v0.16.48
func (m *PostureCheckProcessCreate) RoleAttributes() Attributes
RoleAttributes gets the role attributes of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessCreate) SetName ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessCreate) SetName(val *string)
SetName sets the name of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessCreate) SetRoleAttributes ¶ added in v0.16.48
func (m *PostureCheckProcessCreate) SetRoleAttributes(val Attributes)
SetRoleAttributes sets the role attributes of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessCreate) SetTags ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessCreate) SetTags(val Tags)
SetTags sets the tags of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessCreate) SetTypeID ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessCreate) SetTypeID(val PostureCheckType)
SetTypeID sets the type Id of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessCreate) Tags ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessCreate) Tags() Tags
Tags gets the tags of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessCreate) TypeID ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessCreate) TypeID() PostureCheckType
TypeID gets the type Id of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessCreate) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessCreate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PostureCheckProcessCreate) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessCreate) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object with a polymorphic type from a JSON structure
type PostureCheckProcessDetail ¶ added in v0.16.46
type PostureCheckProcessDetail struct { // process // Required: true Process *Process `json:"process"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PostureCheckProcessDetail posture check process detail
swagger:model PostureCheckProcessDetail
func (*PostureCheckProcessDetail) CreatedAt ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) CreatedAt() *strfmt.DateTime
CreatedAt gets the created at of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessDetail) ID ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) ID() *string
ID gets the id of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessDetail) Links ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) Links() Links
Links gets the links of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessDetail) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (PostureCheckProcessDetail) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m PostureCheckProcessDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object with a polymorphic type to a JSON structure
func (*PostureCheckProcessDetail) Name ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) Name() *string
Name gets the name of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessDetail) RoleAttributes ¶ added in v0.16.48
func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) RoleAttributes() Attributes
RoleAttributes gets the role attributes of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessDetail) SetCreatedAt ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) SetCreatedAt(val *strfmt.DateTime)
SetCreatedAt sets the created at of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessDetail) SetID ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) SetID(val *string)
SetID sets the id of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessDetail) SetLinks ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) SetLinks(val Links)
SetLinks sets the links of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessDetail) SetName ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) SetName(val *string)
SetName sets the name of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessDetail) SetRoleAttributes ¶ added in v0.16.48
func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) SetRoleAttributes(val Attributes)
SetRoleAttributes sets the role attributes of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessDetail) SetTags ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) SetTags(val Tags)
SetTags sets the tags of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessDetail) SetTypeID ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) SetTypeID(val string)
SetTypeID sets the type Id of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessDetail) SetUpdatedAt ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) SetUpdatedAt(val *strfmt.DateTime)
SetUpdatedAt sets the updated at of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessDetail) SetVersion ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) SetVersion(val *int64)
SetVersion sets the version of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessDetail) Tags ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) Tags() Tags
Tags gets the tags of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessDetail) TypeID ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) TypeID() string
TypeID gets the type Id of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessDetail) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PostureCheckProcessDetail) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object with a polymorphic type from a JSON structure
func (*PostureCheckProcessDetail) UpdatedAt ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) UpdatedAt() *strfmt.DateTime
UpdatedAt gets the updated at of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessDetail) Validate ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) Validate(formats strfmt.Registry) error
Validate validates this posture check process detail
func (*PostureCheckProcessDetail) Version ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessDetail) Version() *int64
Version gets the version of this subtype
type PostureCheckProcessPatch ¶ added in v0.16.46
type PostureCheckProcessPatch struct { // process Process *Process `json:"process,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PostureCheckProcessPatch posture check process patch
swagger:model PostureCheckProcessPatch
func (*PostureCheckProcessPatch) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessPatch) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (PostureCheckProcessPatch) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m PostureCheckProcessPatch) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object with a polymorphic type to a JSON structure
func (*PostureCheckProcessPatch) Name ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessPatch) Name() string
Name gets the name of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessPatch) RoleAttributes ¶ added in v0.16.48
func (m *PostureCheckProcessPatch) RoleAttributes() Attributes
RoleAttributes gets the role attributes of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessPatch) SetName ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessPatch) SetName(val string)
SetName sets the name of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessPatch) SetRoleAttributes ¶ added in v0.16.48
func (m *PostureCheckProcessPatch) SetRoleAttributes(val Attributes)
SetRoleAttributes sets the role attributes of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessPatch) SetTags ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessPatch) SetTags(val Tags)
SetTags sets the tags of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessPatch) Tags ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessPatch) Tags() Tags
Tags gets the tags of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessPatch) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessPatch) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PostureCheckProcessPatch) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessPatch) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object with a polymorphic type from a JSON structure
type PostureCheckProcessUpdate ¶ added in v0.16.46
type PostureCheckProcessUpdate struct { // process // Required: true Process *Process `json:"process"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PostureCheckProcessUpdate posture check process update
swagger:model PostureCheckProcessUpdate
func (*PostureCheckProcessUpdate) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessUpdate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (PostureCheckProcessUpdate) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m PostureCheckProcessUpdate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object with a polymorphic type to a JSON structure
func (*PostureCheckProcessUpdate) Name ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessUpdate) Name() *string
Name gets the name of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessUpdate) RoleAttributes ¶ added in v0.16.48
func (m *PostureCheckProcessUpdate) RoleAttributes() Attributes
RoleAttributes gets the role attributes of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessUpdate) SetName ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessUpdate) SetName(val *string)
SetName sets the name of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessUpdate) SetRoleAttributes ¶ added in v0.16.48
func (m *PostureCheckProcessUpdate) SetRoleAttributes(val Attributes)
SetRoleAttributes sets the role attributes of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessUpdate) SetTags ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessUpdate) SetTags(val Tags)
SetTags sets the tags of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessUpdate) SetTypeID ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessUpdate) SetTypeID(val PostureCheckType)
SetTypeID sets the type Id of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessUpdate) Tags ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessUpdate) Tags() Tags
Tags gets the tags of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessUpdate) TypeID ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessUpdate) TypeID() PostureCheckType
TypeID gets the type Id of this subtype
func (*PostureCheckProcessUpdate) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessUpdate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PostureCheckProcessUpdate) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckProcessUpdate) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object with a polymorphic type from a JSON structure
type PostureCheckType ¶ added in v0.16.46
type PostureCheckType string
PostureCheckType posture check type
swagger:model postureCheckType
const ( // PostureCheckTypeOS captures enum value "OS" PostureCheckTypeOS PostureCheckType = "OS" // PostureCheckTypePROCESS captures enum value "PROCESS" PostureCheckTypePROCESS PostureCheckType = "PROCESS" // PostureCheckTypeDOMAIN captures enum value "DOMAIN" PostureCheckTypeDOMAIN PostureCheckType = "DOMAIN" // PostureCheckTypeMAC captures enum value "MAC" PostureCheckTypeMAC PostureCheckType = "MAC" )
type PostureCheckTypeDetail ¶ added in v0.16.46
type PostureCheckTypeDetail struct { BaseEntity // name // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` // operating systems // Required: true OperatingSystems OperatingSystemArray `json:"operatingSystems"` // version // Required: true Version *string `json:"version"` }
PostureCheckTypeDetail posture check type detail
swagger:model PostureCheckTypeDetail
func (*PostureCheckTypeDetail) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckTypeDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (PostureCheckTypeDetail) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m PostureCheckTypeDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*PostureCheckTypeDetail) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckTypeDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PostureCheckTypeDetail) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureCheckTypeDetail) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type PostureCheckTypeList ¶ added in v0.16.46
type PostureCheckTypeList []*PostureCheckTypeDetail
PostureCheckTypeList posture check type list
swagger:model PostureCheckTypeList
type PostureCheckUpdate ¶ added in v0.16.46
type PostureCheckUpdate interface { runtime.Validatable // name // Required: true Name() *string SetName(*string) // role attributes RoleAttributes() Attributes SetRoleAttributes(Attributes) // tags Tags() Tags SetTags(Tags) // type Id TypeID() PostureCheckType SetTypeID(PostureCheckType) }
PostureCheckUpdate posture check update
swagger:discriminator PostureCheckUpdate typeId
func UnmarshalPostureCheckUpdate ¶ added in v0.16.46
func UnmarshalPostureCheckUpdate(reader io.Reader, consumer runtime.Consumer) (PostureCheckUpdate, error)
UnmarshalPostureCheckUpdate unmarshals polymorphic PostureCheckUpdate
func UnmarshalPostureCheckUpdateSlice ¶ added in v0.16.46
func UnmarshalPostureCheckUpdateSlice(reader io.Reader, consumer runtime.Consumer) ([]PostureCheckUpdate, error)
UnmarshalPostureCheckUpdateSlice unmarshals polymorphic slices of PostureCheckUpdate
type PostureData ¶ added in v0.16.46
type PostureData interface{}
PostureData posture data
swagger:model postureData
type PostureQueries ¶ added in v0.17.5
type PostureQueries struct { // is passing // Required: true IsPassing *bool `json:"isPassing"` // policy Id // Required: true PolicyID *string `json:"policyId"` // posture queries // Required: true PostureQueries []*PostureQuery `json:"postureQueries"` }
PostureQueries posture queries
swagger:model postureQueries
func (*PostureQueries) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.17.5
func (m *PostureQueries) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PostureQueries) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.17.5
func (m *PostureQueries) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PostureQuery ¶ added in v0.16.46
type PostureQuery struct { BaseEntity // is passing // Required: true IsPassing *bool `json:"isPassing"` // process Process *PostureQueryProcess `json:"process,omitempty"` // query type // Required: true QueryType PostureCheckType `json:"queryType"` }
PostureQuery posture query
swagger:model postureQuery
func (*PostureQuery) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureQuery) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (PostureQuery) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m PostureQuery) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*PostureQuery) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureQuery) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PostureQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.16.46
func (m *PostureQuery) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type PostureQueryProcess ¶ added in v0.17.5
type PostureQueryProcess struct { // os type OsType OsType `json:"osType,omitempty"` // path Path string `json:"path,omitempty"` }
PostureQueryProcess posture query process
swagger:model postureQueryProcess
func (*PostureQueryProcess) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.17.5
func (m *PostureQueryProcess) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PostureQueryProcess) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.17.5
func (m *PostureQueryProcess) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type PostureResponseCreate ¶ added in v0.17.5
type PostureResponseCreate interface { runtime.Validatable // id // Required: true ID() *string SetID(*string) // type Id // Required: true TypeID() PostureCheckType SetTypeID(PostureCheckType) }
PostureResponseCreate posture response create
swagger:discriminator PostureResponseCreate typeId
func UnmarshalPostureResponseCreate ¶ added in v0.17.5
func UnmarshalPostureResponseCreate(reader io.Reader, consumer runtime.Consumer) (PostureResponseCreate, error)
UnmarshalPostureResponseCreate unmarshals polymorphic PostureResponseCreate
func UnmarshalPostureResponseCreateSlice ¶ added in v0.17.5
func UnmarshalPostureResponseCreateSlice(reader io.Reader, consumer runtime.Consumer) ([]PostureResponseCreate, error)
UnmarshalPostureResponseCreateSlice unmarshals polymorphic slices of PostureResponseCreate
type PostureResponseDomainCreate ¶ added in v0.17.5
type PostureResponseDomainCreate struct { // domain // Required: true Domain *string `json:"domain"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PostureResponseDomainCreate posture response domain create
swagger:model PostureResponseDomainCreate
func (*PostureResponseDomainCreate) ID ¶ added in v0.17.5
func (m *PostureResponseDomainCreate) ID() *string
ID gets the id of this subtype
func (*PostureResponseDomainCreate) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.17.5
func (m *PostureResponseDomainCreate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (PostureResponseDomainCreate) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.17.5
func (m PostureResponseDomainCreate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object with a polymorphic type to a JSON structure
func (*PostureResponseDomainCreate) SetID ¶ added in v0.17.5
func (m *PostureResponseDomainCreate) SetID(val *string)
SetID sets the id of this subtype
func (*PostureResponseDomainCreate) SetTypeID ¶ added in v0.17.5
func (m *PostureResponseDomainCreate) SetTypeID(val PostureCheckType)
SetTypeID sets the type Id of this subtype
func (*PostureResponseDomainCreate) TypeID ¶ added in v0.17.5
func (m *PostureResponseDomainCreate) TypeID() PostureCheckType
TypeID gets the type Id of this subtype
func (*PostureResponseDomainCreate) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.17.5
func (m *PostureResponseDomainCreate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PostureResponseDomainCreate) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.17.5
func (m *PostureResponseDomainCreate) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object with a polymorphic type from a JSON structure
type PostureResponseMacAddressCreate ¶ added in v0.17.5
type PostureResponseMacAddressCreate struct { // mac addresses // Required: true MacAddresses []string `json:"macAddresses"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PostureResponseMacAddressCreate posture response mac address create
swagger:model PostureResponseMacAddressCreate
func (*PostureResponseMacAddressCreate) ID ¶ added in v0.17.5
func (m *PostureResponseMacAddressCreate) ID() *string
ID gets the id of this subtype
func (*PostureResponseMacAddressCreate) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.17.5
func (m *PostureResponseMacAddressCreate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (PostureResponseMacAddressCreate) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.17.5
func (m PostureResponseMacAddressCreate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object with a polymorphic type to a JSON structure
func (*PostureResponseMacAddressCreate) SetID ¶ added in v0.17.5
func (m *PostureResponseMacAddressCreate) SetID(val *string)
SetID sets the id of this subtype
func (*PostureResponseMacAddressCreate) SetTypeID ¶ added in v0.17.5
func (m *PostureResponseMacAddressCreate) SetTypeID(val PostureCheckType)
SetTypeID sets the type Id of this subtype
func (*PostureResponseMacAddressCreate) TypeID ¶ added in v0.17.5
func (m *PostureResponseMacAddressCreate) TypeID() PostureCheckType
TypeID gets the type Id of this subtype
func (*PostureResponseMacAddressCreate) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.17.5
func (m *PostureResponseMacAddressCreate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PostureResponseMacAddressCreate) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.17.5
func (m *PostureResponseMacAddressCreate) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object with a polymorphic type from a JSON structure
type PostureResponseOperatingSystemCreate ¶ added in v0.17.5
type PostureResponseOperatingSystemCreate struct { // build Build string `json:"build,omitempty"` // type // Required: true Type *string `json:"type"` // version // Required: true Version *string `json:"version"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PostureResponseOperatingSystemCreate posture response operating system create
swagger:model PostureResponseOperatingSystemCreate
func (*PostureResponseOperatingSystemCreate) ID ¶ added in v0.17.5
func (m *PostureResponseOperatingSystemCreate) ID() *string
ID gets the id of this subtype
func (*PostureResponseOperatingSystemCreate) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.17.5
func (m *PostureResponseOperatingSystemCreate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (PostureResponseOperatingSystemCreate) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.17.5
func (m PostureResponseOperatingSystemCreate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object with a polymorphic type to a JSON structure
func (*PostureResponseOperatingSystemCreate) SetID ¶ added in v0.17.5
func (m *PostureResponseOperatingSystemCreate) SetID(val *string)
SetID sets the id of this subtype
func (*PostureResponseOperatingSystemCreate) SetTypeID ¶ added in v0.17.5
func (m *PostureResponseOperatingSystemCreate) SetTypeID(val PostureCheckType)
SetTypeID sets the type Id of this subtype
func (*PostureResponseOperatingSystemCreate) TypeID ¶ added in v0.17.5
func (m *PostureResponseOperatingSystemCreate) TypeID() PostureCheckType
TypeID gets the type Id of this subtype
func (*PostureResponseOperatingSystemCreate) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.17.5
func (m *PostureResponseOperatingSystemCreate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PostureResponseOperatingSystemCreate) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.17.5
func (m *PostureResponseOperatingSystemCreate) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object with a polymorphic type from a JSON structure
type PostureResponseProcessCreate ¶ added in v0.17.5
type PostureResponseProcessCreate struct { // hash Hash string `json:"hash,omitempty"` // is running IsRunning bool `json:"isRunning,omitempty"` // signer fingerprints SignerFingerprints []string `json:"signerFingerprints"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PostureResponseProcessCreate posture response process create
swagger:model PostureResponseProcessCreate
func (*PostureResponseProcessCreate) ID ¶ added in v0.17.5
func (m *PostureResponseProcessCreate) ID() *string
ID gets the id of this subtype
func (*PostureResponseProcessCreate) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.17.5
func (m *PostureResponseProcessCreate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (PostureResponseProcessCreate) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.17.5
func (m PostureResponseProcessCreate) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object with a polymorphic type to a JSON structure
func (*PostureResponseProcessCreate) SetID ¶ added in v0.17.5
func (m *PostureResponseProcessCreate) SetID(val *string)
SetID sets the id of this subtype
func (*PostureResponseProcessCreate) SetTypeID ¶ added in v0.17.5
func (m *PostureResponseProcessCreate) SetTypeID(val PostureCheckType)
SetTypeID sets the type Id of this subtype
func (*PostureResponseProcessCreate) TypeID ¶ added in v0.17.5
func (m *PostureResponseProcessCreate) TypeID() PostureCheckType
TypeID gets the type Id of this subtype
func (*PostureResponseProcessCreate) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.17.5
func (m *PostureResponseProcessCreate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*PostureResponseProcessCreate) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.17.5
func (m *PostureResponseProcessCreate) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object with a polymorphic type from a JSON structure
type Process ¶ added in v0.16.46
type Process struct { // hashes Hashes []string `json:"hashes"` // os type // Required: true OsType OsType `json:"osType"` // path // Required: true Path *string `json:"path"` // signer fingerprint SignerFingerprint string `json:"signerFingerprint,omitempty"` }
Process process
swagger:model process
func (*Process) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Process) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.46
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type Protocol ¶ added in v0.17.23
type Protocol struct { // address // Required: true Address *string `json:"address"` }
Protocol protocol
swagger:model protocol
func (*Protocol) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.17.23
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Protocol) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.17.23
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type RoleAttributesList ¶
type RoleAttributesList []string
RoleAttributesList An array of role attributes
swagger:model roleAttributesList
type RouterEntityRef ¶
type RouterEntityRef struct { EntityRef // is online // Required: true IsOnline *bool `json:"isOnline"` }
RouterEntityRef router entity ref
swagger:model routerEntityRef
func (*RouterEntityRef) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *RouterEntityRef) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (RouterEntityRef) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m RouterEntityRef) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*RouterEntityRef) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *RouterEntityRef) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*RouterEntityRef) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *RouterEntityRef) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type SdkInfo ¶
type SdkInfo struct { // branch Branch string `json:"branch,omitempty"` // revision Revision string `json:"revision,omitempty"` // type Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` // version Version string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
SdkInfo SDK information an authenticating client may provide
swagger:model sdkInfo
func (*SdkInfo) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SdkInfo) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ServiceConfigAssign ¶
type ServiceConfigAssign struct { // config Id // Required: true ConfigID *string `json:"configId"` // service Id // Required: true ServiceID *string `json:"serviceId"` }
ServiceConfigAssign service config assign
swagger:model serviceConfigAssign
func (*ServiceConfigAssign) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ServiceConfigAssign) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ServiceConfigAssign) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ServiceConfigAssign) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ServiceConfigDetail ¶
type ServiceConfigDetail struct { // config // Required: true Config *EntityRef `json:"config"` // config Id // Required: true ConfigID *string `json:"configId"` // service // Required: true Service *EntityRef `json:"service"` // service Id // Required: true ServiceID *string `json:"serviceId"` }
ServiceConfigDetail service config detail
swagger:model serviceConfigDetail
func (*ServiceConfigDetail) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ServiceConfigDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ServiceConfigDetail) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ServiceConfigDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ServiceConfigList ¶
type ServiceConfigList []*ServiceConfigDetail
ServiceConfigList service config list
swagger:model serviceConfigList
type ServiceConfigsAssignList ¶
type ServiceConfigsAssignList []*ServiceConfigAssign
ServiceConfigsAssignList service configs assign list
swagger:model serviceConfigsAssignList
type ServiceCreate ¶
type ServiceCreate struct { // configs Configs []string `json:"configs"` // encryption required // Required: true EncryptionRequired *bool `json:"encryptionRequired"` // name // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` // role attributes RoleAttributes []string `json:"roleAttributes"` // tags Tags Tags `json:"tags"` // terminator strategy TerminatorStrategy string `json:"terminatorStrategy,omitempty"` }
ServiceCreate service create
swagger:model serviceCreate
func (*ServiceCreate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ServiceCreate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ServiceCreate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ServiceCreate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ServiceDetail ¶
type ServiceDetail struct { BaseEntity // map of config data for this service keyed by the config type name. Only configs of the types requested will be returned. // Required: true Config map[string]map[string]interface{} `json:"config"` // configs // Required: true Configs []string `json:"configs"` // encryption required // Required: true EncryptionRequired *bool `json:"encryptionRequired"` // name // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` // permissions // Required: true Permissions DialBindArray `json:"permissions"` // posture queries // Required: true PostureQueries []*PostureQueries `json:"postureQueries"` // role attributes // Required: true RoleAttributes Attributes `json:"roleAttributes"` // terminator strategy // Required: true TerminatorStrategy *string `json:"terminatorStrategy"` }
ServiceDetail service detail
swagger:model serviceDetail
func (*ServiceDetail) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ServiceDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (ServiceDetail) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m ServiceDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*ServiceDetail) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ServiceDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ServiceDetail) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *ServiceDetail) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyCreate ¶
type ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyCreate struct { // edge router roles EdgeRouterRoles Roles `json:"edgeRouterRoles"` // name // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` // semantic Semantic Semantic `json:"semantic,omitempty"` // service roles ServiceRoles Roles `json:"serviceRoles"` // tags Tags Tags `json:"tags"` }
ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyCreate service edge router policy create
swagger:model serviceEdgeRouterPolicyCreate
func (*ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyCreate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyCreate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyCreate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyCreate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyDetail ¶
type ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyDetail struct { BaseEntity // edge router roles // Required: true EdgeRouterRoles Roles `json:"edgeRouterRoles"` // edge router roles display // Required: true EdgeRouterRolesDisplay NamedRoles `json:"edgeRouterRolesDisplay"` // name // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` // semantic // Required: true Semantic Semantic `json:"semantic"` // service roles // Required: true ServiceRoles Roles `json:"serviceRoles"` // service roles display // Required: true ServiceRolesDisplay NamedRoles `json:"serviceRolesDisplay"` }
ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyDetail service edge router policy detail
swagger:model serviceEdgeRouterPolicyDetail
func (*ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyDetail) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyDetail) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyDetail) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyDetail) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyDetail) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyList ¶
type ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyList []*ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyDetail
ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyList service edge router policy list
swagger:model serviceEdgeRouterPolicyList
type ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyPatch ¶
type ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyPatch struct { // edge router roles EdgeRouterRoles Roles `json:"edgeRouterRoles"` // name Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // semantic Semantic Semantic `json:"semantic,omitempty"` // service roles ServiceRoles Roles `json:"serviceRoles"` // tags Tags Tags `json:"tags"` }
ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyPatch service edge router policy patch
swagger:model serviceEdgeRouterPolicyPatch
func (*ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyPatch) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyPatch) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyPatch) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyPatch) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyUpdate ¶
type ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyUpdate struct { // edge router roles EdgeRouterRoles Roles `json:"edgeRouterRoles"` // name // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` // semantic Semantic Semantic `json:"semantic,omitempty"` // service roles ServiceRoles Roles `json:"serviceRoles"` // tags Tags Tags `json:"tags"` }
ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyUpdate service edge router policy update
swagger:model serviceEdgeRouterPolicyUpdate
func (*ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyUpdate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyUpdate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyUpdate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ServiceEdgeRouterPolicyUpdate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ServiceList ¶
type ServiceList []*ServiceDetail
ServiceList service list
swagger:model serviceList
type ServicePatch ¶
type ServicePatch struct { // configs Configs []string `json:"configs"` // encryption required EncryptionRequired bool `json:"encryptionRequired,omitempty"` // name Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // role attributes RoleAttributes []string `json:"roleAttributes"` // tags Tags Tags `json:"tags"` // terminator strategy TerminatorStrategy string `json:"terminatorStrategy,omitempty"` }
ServicePatch service patch
swagger:model servicePatch
func (*ServicePatch) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ServicePatch) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ServicePatch) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ServicePatch) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ServicePolicyCreate ¶
type ServicePolicyCreate struct { // identity roles IdentityRoles Roles `json:"identityRoles"` // name // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` // posture check roles PostureCheckRoles Roles `json:"postureCheckRoles"` // semantic Semantic Semantic `json:"semantic,omitempty"` // service roles ServiceRoles Roles `json:"serviceRoles"` // tags Tags Tags `json:"tags"` // type // Required: true Type DialBind `json:"type"` }
ServicePolicyCreate service policy create
swagger:model servicePolicyCreate
func (*ServicePolicyCreate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ServicePolicyCreate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ServicePolicyCreate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ServicePolicyCreate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ServicePolicyDetail ¶
type ServicePolicyDetail struct { BaseEntity // identity roles // Required: true IdentityRoles Roles `json:"identityRoles"` // identity roles display // Required: true IdentityRolesDisplay NamedRoles `json:"identityRolesDisplay"` // name // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` // posture check roles // Required: true PostureCheckRoles Roles `json:"postureCheckRoles"` // posture check roles display // Required: true PostureCheckRolesDisplay NamedRoles `json:"postureCheckRolesDisplay"` // semantic // Required: true Semantic Semantic `json:"semantic"` // service roles // Required: true ServiceRoles Roles `json:"serviceRoles"` // service roles display // Required: true ServiceRolesDisplay NamedRoles `json:"serviceRolesDisplay"` // type // Required: true Type DialBind `json:"type"` }
ServicePolicyDetail service policy detail
swagger:model servicePolicyDetail
func (*ServicePolicyDetail) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ServicePolicyDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (ServicePolicyDetail) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m ServicePolicyDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*ServicePolicyDetail) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ServicePolicyDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ServicePolicyDetail) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *ServicePolicyDetail) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type ServicePolicyList ¶
type ServicePolicyList []*ServicePolicyDetail
ServicePolicyList service policy list
swagger:model servicePolicyList
type ServicePolicyPatch ¶
type ServicePolicyPatch struct { // identity roles IdentityRoles Roles `json:"identityRoles"` // name Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // posture check roles PostureCheckRoles Roles `json:"postureCheckRoles"` // semantic Semantic Semantic `json:"semantic,omitempty"` // service roles ServiceRoles Roles `json:"serviceRoles"` // tags Tags Tags `json:"tags"` // type Type DialBind `json:"type,omitempty"` }
ServicePolicyPatch service policy patch
swagger:model servicePolicyPatch
func (*ServicePolicyPatch) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ServicePolicyPatch) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ServicePolicyPatch) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ServicePolicyPatch) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ServicePolicyUpdate ¶
type ServicePolicyUpdate struct { // identity roles IdentityRoles Roles `json:"identityRoles"` // name // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` // posture check roles PostureCheckRoles Roles `json:"postureCheckRoles"` // semantic Semantic Semantic `json:"semantic,omitempty"` // service roles ServiceRoles Roles `json:"serviceRoles"` // tags Tags Tags `json:"tags"` // type // Required: true Type DialBind `json:"type"` }
ServicePolicyUpdate service policy update
swagger:model servicePolicyUpdate
func (*ServicePolicyUpdate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ServicePolicyUpdate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ServicePolicyUpdate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ServicePolicyUpdate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type ServiceUpdate ¶
type ServiceUpdate struct { // configs Configs []string `json:"configs"` // encryption required EncryptionRequired bool `json:"encryptionRequired,omitempty"` // name // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` // role attributes RoleAttributes []string `json:"roleAttributes"` // tags Tags Tags `json:"tags"` // terminator strategy TerminatorStrategy string `json:"terminatorStrategy,omitempty"` }
ServiceUpdate service update
swagger:model serviceUpdate
func (*ServiceUpdate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ServiceUpdate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*ServiceUpdate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *ServiceUpdate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SessionCreate ¶
type SessionCreate struct { // service Id ServiceID string `json:"serviceId,omitempty"` // tags Tags Tags `json:"tags"` // type Type DialBind `json:"type,omitempty"` }
SessionCreate session create
swagger:model sessionCreate
func (*SessionCreate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SessionCreate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SessionCreate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SessionCreate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SessionCreateEnvelope ¶
type SessionCreateEnvelope struct { // data Data *SessionDetail `json:"data,omitempty"` // meta Meta *Meta `json:"meta,omitempty"` }
SessionCreateEnvelope session create envelope
swagger:model sessionCreateEnvelope
func (*SessionCreateEnvelope) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SessionCreateEnvelope) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SessionCreateEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SessionCreateEnvelope) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SessionDetail ¶
type SessionDetail struct { BaseEntity // api session // Required: true APISession *EntityRef `json:"apiSession"` // api session Id // Required: true APISessionID *string `json:"apiSessionId"` // edge routers // Required: true EdgeRouters []*SessionEdgeRouter `json:"edgeRouters"` // service // Required: true Service *EntityRef `json:"service"` // service Id // Required: true ServiceID *string `json:"serviceId"` // token // Required: true Token *string `json:"token"` // type // Required: true Type DialBind `json:"type"` }
SessionDetail session detail
swagger:model sessionDetail
func (*SessionDetail) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SessionDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (SessionDetail) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m SessionDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*SessionDetail) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SessionDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SessionDetail) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *SessionDetail) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type SessionEdgeRouter ¶
type SessionEdgeRouter struct { // hostname Hostname string `json:"hostname,omitempty"` // name Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // urls Urls map[string]string `json:"urls,omitempty"` }
SessionEdgeRouter session edge router
swagger:model sessionEdgeRouter
func (*SessionEdgeRouter) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SessionEdgeRouter) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SessionEdgeRouter) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SessionEdgeRouter) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type SessionList ¶
type SessionList []*SessionDetail
SessionList session list
swagger:model sessionList
type SpecBodyDetail ¶
type SpecBodyDetail string
SpecBodyDetail spec body detail
swagger:model specBodyDetail
type SpecDetail ¶
type SpecDetail struct { BaseEntity // name // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` }
SpecDetail spec detail
swagger:model specDetail
func (*SpecDetail) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SpecDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (SpecDetail) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m SpecDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*SpecDetail) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *SpecDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*SpecDetail) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *SpecDetail) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type Tags ¶
type Tags map[string]interface{}
Tags A map of user defined fields and values. The values are limited to the following types/values: null, string, boolean
swagger:model tags
type TerminatorCost ¶
type TerminatorCost int64
TerminatorCost terminator cost
swagger:model terminatorCost
type TerminatorCreate ¶
type TerminatorCreate struct { // address // Required: true Address *string `json:"address"` // binding // Required: true Binding *string `json:"binding"` // cost Cost *TerminatorCost `json:"cost,omitempty"` // identity Identity string `json:"identity,omitempty"` // identity secret // Format: byte IdentitySecret strfmt.Base64 `json:"identitySecret,omitempty"` // precedence Precedence TerminatorPrecedence `json:"precedence,omitempty"` // router // Required: true Router *string `json:"router"` // service // Required: true Service *string `json:"service"` // tags Tags Tags `json:"tags"` }
TerminatorCreate terminator create
swagger:model terminatorCreate
func (*TerminatorCreate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *TerminatorCreate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*TerminatorCreate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *TerminatorCreate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type TerminatorDetail ¶
type TerminatorDetail struct { BaseEntity // address // Required: true Address *string `json:"address"` // binding // Required: true Binding *string `json:"binding"` // cost // Required: true Cost *TerminatorCost `json:"cost"` // dynamic cost // Required: true DynamicCost *TerminatorCost `json:"dynamicCost"` // identity // Required: true Identity *string `json:"identity"` // precedence // Required: true Precedence TerminatorPrecedence `json:"precedence"` // router // Required: true Router *EntityRef `json:"router"` // router Id // Required: true RouterID *string `json:"routerId"` // service // Required: true Service *EntityRef `json:"service"` // service Id // Required: true ServiceID *string `json:"serviceId"` }
TerminatorDetail terminator detail
swagger:model terminatorDetail
func (*TerminatorDetail) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *TerminatorDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (TerminatorDetail) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m TerminatorDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*TerminatorDetail) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *TerminatorDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*TerminatorDetail) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *TerminatorDetail) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type TerminatorDetailLimited ¶ added in v0.17.21
type TerminatorDetailLimited struct { BaseEntity // identity // Required: true Identity *string `json:"identity"` // router Id // Required: true RouterID *string `json:"routerId"` // service // Required: true Service *EntityRef `json:"service"` // service Id // Required: true ServiceID *string `json:"serviceId"` }
TerminatorDetailLimited terminator detail limited
swagger:model terminatorDetailLimited
func (*TerminatorDetailLimited) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.17.21
func (m *TerminatorDetailLimited) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (TerminatorDetailLimited) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.17.21
func (m TerminatorDetailLimited) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*TerminatorDetailLimited) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.17.21
func (m *TerminatorDetailLimited) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*TerminatorDetailLimited) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.17.21
func (m *TerminatorDetailLimited) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type TerminatorList ¶
type TerminatorList []*TerminatorDetail
TerminatorList terminator list
swagger:model terminatorList
type TerminatorPatch ¶
type TerminatorPatch struct { // address Address string `json:"address,omitempty"` // binding Binding string `json:"binding,omitempty"` // cost Cost *TerminatorCost `json:"cost,omitempty"` // precedence Precedence TerminatorPrecedence `json:"precedence,omitempty"` // router Router string `json:"router,omitempty"` // service Service string `json:"service,omitempty"` // tags Tags Tags `json:"tags"` }
TerminatorPatch terminator patch
swagger:model terminatorPatch
func (*TerminatorPatch) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *TerminatorPatch) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*TerminatorPatch) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *TerminatorPatch) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type TerminatorPrecedence ¶
type TerminatorPrecedence string
TerminatorPrecedence terminator precedence
swagger:model terminatorPrecedence
const ( // TerminatorPrecedenceDefault captures enum value "default" TerminatorPrecedenceDefault TerminatorPrecedence = "default" // TerminatorPrecedenceRequired captures enum value "required" TerminatorPrecedenceRequired TerminatorPrecedence = "required" // TerminatorPrecedenceFailed captures enum value "failed" TerminatorPrecedenceFailed TerminatorPrecedence = "failed" )
type TerminatorUpdate ¶
type TerminatorUpdate struct { // address // Required: true Address *string `json:"address"` // binding // Required: true Binding *string `json:"binding"` // cost Cost *TerminatorCost `json:"cost,omitempty"` // precedence Precedence TerminatorPrecedence `json:"precedence,omitempty"` // router // Required: true Router *string `json:"router"` // service // Required: true Service *string `json:"service"` // tags Tags Tags `json:"tags"` }
TerminatorUpdate terminator update
swagger:model terminatorUpdate
func (*TerminatorUpdate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *TerminatorUpdate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*TerminatorUpdate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *TerminatorUpdate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type TransitRouterCreate ¶
type TransitRouterCreate struct { // name // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` // tags Tags Tags `json:"tags"` }
TransitRouterCreate transit router create
swagger:model transitRouterCreate
func (*TransitRouterCreate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *TransitRouterCreate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*TransitRouterCreate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *TransitRouterCreate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type TransitRouterDetail ¶
type TransitRouterDetail struct { BaseEntity // enrollment created at // Format: date-time EnrollmentCreatedAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"enrollmentCreatedAt,omitempty"` // enrollment expires at // Format: date-time EnrollmentExpiresAt *strfmt.DateTime `json:"enrollmentExpiresAt,omitempty"` // enrollment jwt EnrollmentJwt *string `json:"enrollmentJwt,omitempty"` // enrollment token EnrollmentToken *string `json:"enrollmentToken,omitempty"` // fingerprint // Required: true Fingerprint *string `json:"fingerprint"` // is online // Required: true IsOnline *bool `json:"isOnline"` // is verified // Required: true IsVerified *bool `json:"isVerified"` // name // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` }
TransitRouterDetail transit router detail
swagger:model transitRouterDetail
func (*TransitRouterDetail) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *TransitRouterDetail) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (TransitRouterDetail) MarshalJSON ¶
func (m TransitRouterDetail) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
MarshalJSON marshals this object to a JSON structure
func (*TransitRouterDetail) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *TransitRouterDetail) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*TransitRouterDetail) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (m *TransitRouterDetail) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON unmarshals this object from a JSON structure
type TransitRouterList ¶
type TransitRouterList []*TransitRouterDetail
TransitRouterList transit router list
swagger:model transitRouterList
type TransitRouterPatch ¶
type TransitRouterPatch struct { // name Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` // tags Tags Tags `json:"tags"` }
TransitRouterPatch transit router patch
swagger:model transitRouterPatch
func (*TransitRouterPatch) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *TransitRouterPatch) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*TransitRouterPatch) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *TransitRouterPatch) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type TransitRouterUpdate ¶
type TransitRouterUpdate struct { // name // Required: true Name *string `json:"name"` // tags Tags Tags `json:"tags"` }
TransitRouterUpdate transit router update
swagger:model transitRouterUpdate
func (*TransitRouterUpdate) MarshalBinary ¶
func (m *TransitRouterUpdate) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*TransitRouterUpdate) UnmarshalBinary ¶
func (m *TransitRouterUpdate) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type UsernameNullable ¶
type UsernameNullable string
UsernameNullable username nullable
swagger:model username-nullable
type Version ¶
type Version struct { // api versions APIVersions map[string]map[string]APIVersion `json:"apiVersions,omitempty"` // build date BuildDate string `json:"buildDate,omitempty"` // revision Revision string `json:"revision,omitempty"` // runtime version RuntimeVersion string `json:"runtimeVersion,omitempty"` // version Version string `json:"version,omitempty"` }
Version version
swagger:model version
func (*Version) MarshalBinary ¶
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*Version) UnmarshalBinary ¶
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
type VersionInfo ¶ added in v0.16.35
type VersionInfo struct { // arch // Required: true Arch *string `json:"arch"` // buil date // Required: true BuilDate *string `json:"builDate"` // os // Required: true Os *string `json:"os"` // revision // Required: true Revision *string `json:"revision"` // version // Required: true Version *string `json:"version"` }
VersionInfo version info
swagger:model versionInfo
func (*VersionInfo) MarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.35
func (m *VersionInfo) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error)
MarshalBinary interface implementation
func (*VersionInfo) UnmarshalBinary ¶ added in v0.16.35
func (m *VersionInfo) UnmarshalBinary(b []byte) error
UnmarshalBinary interface implementation
Source Files
- api_error.go
- api_error_args.go
- api_error_cause.go
- api_error_envelope.go
- api_field_error.go
- api_session_detail.go
- api_session_list.go
- api_version.go
- attributes.go
- authenticate.go
- authenticator_create.go
- authenticator_detail.go
- authenticator_list.go
- authenticator_patch.go
- authenticator_patch_with_current.go
- authenticator_update.go
- authenticator_update_with_current.go
- base_entity.go
- ca_create.go
- ca_detail.go
- ca_list.go
- ca_patch.go
- ca_update.go
- config_create.go
- config_detail.go
- config_list.go
- config_patch.go
- config_type_create.go
- config_type_detail.go
- config_type_list.go
- config_type_patch.go
- config_type_update.go
- config_types.go
- config_update.go
- create_current_api_session_certificate_envelope.go
- create_envelope.go
- create_location.go
- current_api_session_certificate_create.go
- current_api_session_certificate_create_response.go
- current_api_session_certificate_detail.go
- current_api_session_certificate_list.go
- current_api_session_detail.go
- current_api_session_detail_envelope.go
- current_api_session_service_update_list.go
- current_identity_detail_envelope.go
- data_integrity_check_detail.go
- data_integrity_check_detail_list.go
- data_integrity_check_result_envelope.go
- detail_api_session_envelope.go
- detail_authenticator_envelope.go
- detail_ca_envelope.go
- detail_config_envelope.go
- detail_config_type_envelope.go
- detail_current_api_session_certificate_envelope.go
- detail_edge_router_policy_envelope.go
- detail_enrollment_envelope.go
- detail_geo_region_envelope.go
- detail_identity_envelope.go
- detail_identity_type_envelope.go
- detail_posture_check_envelope.go
- detail_posture_check_type_envelope.go
- detail_service_edge_policy_envelope.go
- detail_service_envelope.go
- detail_service_policy_envelop.go
- detail_session_envelope.go
- detail_spec_body_envelope.go
- detail_spec_envelope.go
- detail_terminator_envelope.go
- detail_transit_router_envelope.go
- detailed_edge_router_envelope.go
- dial_bind.go
- dial_bind_array.go
- edge_router_create.go
- edge_router_detail.go
- edge_router_list.go
- edge_router_patch.go
- edge_router_policy_create.go
- edge_router_policy_detail.go
- edge_router_policy_list.go
- edge_router_policy_patch.go
- edge_router_policy_update.go
- edge_router_update.go
- empty.go
- enrollment_certs.go
- enrollment_certs_envelope.go
- enrollment_detail.go
- enrollment_list.go
- entity_ref.go
- env_info.go
- geo_region_detail.go
- geo_region_list.go
- get_identity_policy_advice_envelope.go
- get_identity_posture_data_envelope.go
- identity_authenticators.go
- identity_create.go
- identity_detail.go
- identity_enrollments.go
- identity_list.go
- identity_patch.go
- identity_type.go
- identity_type_detail.go
- identity_type_list.go
- identity_update.go
- link.go
- links.go
- list_api_sessions_envelope.go
- list_authenticators_envelope.go
- list_cas_envelope.go
- list_config_types_envelope.go
- list_configs_envelope.go
- list_current_api_session_certificates_envelope.go
- list_current_api_session_service_updates_envelope.go
- list_edge_router_policies_envelope.go
- list_edge_routers_envelope.go
- list_enrollments_envelope.go
- list_geo_regions_envelope.go
- list_identities_envelope.go
- list_identity_types_envelope.go
- list_posture_check_envelope.go
- list_posture_check_types_envelope.go
- list_protocols.go
- list_protocols_envelope.go
- list_role_attributes_envelope.go
- list_service_configs_envelope.go
- list_service_edge_router_policies_envelope.go
- list_service_policies_envelope.go
- list_services_envelope.go
- list_sessions_envelope.go
- list_specs_envelope.go
- list_summary_counts.go
- list_summary_counts_envelope.go
- list_terminators_envelope.go
- list_transit_routers_envelope.go
- list_version_envelope.go
- meta.go
- named_role.go
- named_roles.go
- operating_system.go
- operating_system_array.go
- os_type.go
- pagination.go
- password.go
- password_nullable.go
- policy_advice.go
- posture_check_create.go
- posture_check_detail.go
- posture_check_domain_create.go
- posture_check_domain_detail.go
- posture_check_domain_patch.go
- posture_check_domain_update.go
- posture_check_list.go
- posture_check_mac_address_create.go
- posture_check_mac_address_detail.go
- posture_check_mac_address_patch.go
- posture_check_mac_address_update.go
- posture_check_operating_system_create.go
- posture_check_operating_system_detail.go
- posture_check_operating_system_patch.go
- posture_check_operating_system_update.go
- posture_check_patch.go
- posture_check_process_create.go
- posture_check_process_detail.go
- posture_check_process_patch.go
- posture_check_process_update.go
- posture_check_type.go
- posture_check_type_detail.go
- posture_check_type_list.go
- posture_check_update.go
- posture_data.go
- posture_queries.go
- posture_query.go
- posture_query_process.go
- posture_response_create.go
- posture_response_domain_create.go
- posture_response_mac_address_create.go
- posture_response_operating_system_create.go
- posture_response_process_create.go
- process.go
- protocol.go
- role_attributes_list.go
- roles.go
- router_entity_ref.go
- sdk_info.go
- semantic.go
- service_config_assign.go
- service_config_detail.go
- service_config_list.go
- service_configs_assign_list.go
- service_create.go
- service_detail.go
- service_edge_router_policy_create.go
- service_edge_router_policy_detail.go
- service_edge_router_policy_list.go
- service_edge_router_policy_patch.go
- service_edge_router_policy_update.go
- service_list.go
- service_patch.go
- service_policy_create.go
- service_policy_detail.go
- service_policy_list.go
- service_policy_patch.go
- service_policy_update.go
- service_update.go
- session_create.go
- session_create_envelope.go
- session_detail.go
- session_edge_router.go
- session_list.go
- spec_body_detail.go
- spec_detail.go
- spec_list.go
- tags.go
- terminator_cost.go
- terminator_create.go
- terminator_detail.go
- terminator_detail_limited.go
- terminator_list.go
- terminator_patch.go
- terminator_precedence.go
- terminator_update.go
- transit_router_create.go
- transit_router_detail.go
- transit_router_list.go
- transit_router_patch.go
- transit_router_update.go
- username.go
- username_nullable.go
- version.go
- version_info.go