Index ¶
- Constants
- func APIPortForLocalZone(isLBKAS bool) int32
- func AddHCPRouteLabel(target crclient.Object)
- func AddInternalRouteLabel(target crclient.Object)
- func AdvertiseAddress(hcp *hyperv1.HostedControlPlane) *string
- func AdvertiseAddressWithDefault(hcp *hyperv1.HostedControlPlane, defaultValue string) string
- func AllowedCIDRBlocks(hcp *hyperv1.HostedControlPlane) []hyperv1.CIDRBlock
- func ApplyAWSLoadBalancerSubnetsAnnotation(svc *corev1.Service, hcp *hyperv1.HostedControlPlane)
- func ApplyCloudProviderCreds(podSpec *corev1.PodSpec, cloudProvider string, ...)
- func ApplyClusterIDLabel(ep *prometheusoperatorv1.Endpoint, clusterID string)
- func ApplyClusterIDLabelToPodMonitor(ep *prometheusoperatorv1.PodMetricsEndpoint, clusterID string)
- func ApplyClusterIDLabelToRecordingRule(rule *prometheusoperatorv1.Rule, clusterID string)
- func AvailabilityProber(target string, image string, spec *corev1.PodSpec, o ...AvailabilityProberOpt)
- func BuildContainer(container *corev1.Container, buildFn func(*corev1.Container)) corev1.Container
- func BuildProjectedVolume(volume *corev1.Volume, volumeProjection []corev1.VolumeProjection, ...) corev1.Volume
- func BuildVolume(volume *corev1.Volume, buildFn func(*corev1.Volume)) corev1.Volume
- func ClusterCIDRs(clusterNetwork []hyperv1.ClusterNetworkEntry) []string
- func CollectLBMessageIfNotProvisioned(svc *corev1.Service, messageCollector events.MessageCollector) (string, error)
- func Compress(payload []byte) (*bytes.Buffer, error)
- func CompressAndEncode(payload []byte) (*bytes.Buffer, error)
- func ComputeHash(s string) string
- func ConfigOAuthEnabled(authentication *configv1.AuthenticationSpec) bool
- func ConnectsThroughInternetToControlplane(platform hyperv1.PlatformSpec) bool
- func ConvertImageRegistryOverrideStringToMap(envVar string) map[string][]string
- func ConvertOpenShiftImageRegistryOverridesToCommandLineFlag(registryOverrides map[string][]string) string
- func ConvertRegistryOverridesToCommandLineFlag(registryOverrides map[string]string) string
- func CopyConfigMap(cm, source *corev1.ConfigMap)
- func CreateTokenForServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, serviceAccount *corev1.ServiceAccount, ...) (string, error)
- func DecodeAndDecompress(payload []byte) (*bytes.Buffer, error)
- func DefaultTokenMinterResources() corev1.ResourceRequirements
- func DeleteIfNeeded(ctx context.Context, c client.Client, o client.Object) (exists bool, err error)
- func DeleteIfNeededWithOptions(ctx context.Context, c client.Client, o client.Object, ...) (exists bool, err error)
- func DeploymentAddKubevirtInfraCredentials(deployment *appsv1.Deployment)
- func DeploymentAddOpenShiftTrustedCABundleConfigMap(deployment *appsv1.Deployment)
- func DeploymentAddTrustBundleVolume(trustBundleConfigMap *corev1.LocalObjectReference, ...)
- func DeserializeResource(data string, resource runtime.Object, objectTyper runtime.ObjectTyper) error
- func DetermineHostedClusterPayloadArch(ctx context.Context, c client.Client, hc *hyperv1.HostedCluster, ...) (hyperv1.PayloadArchType, error)
- func EnsureOwnerRef(resource client.Object, ownerRef *metav1.OwnerReference)
- func EnsurePullSecret(serviceAccount *corev1.ServiceAccount, secretName string)
- func FindContainer(name string, containers []corev1.Container) *corev1.Container
- func FirstClusterCIDR(clusterNetwork []hyperv1.ClusterNetworkEntry) string
- func FirstServiceCIDR(serviceNetwork []hyperv1.ServiceNetworkEntry) string
- func FirstUsableIP(cidr string) (string, error)
- func GenerateReconciliationActiveCondition(pausedUntilField *string, objectGeneration int64) metav1.Condition
- func GetAdvertiseAddress(hcp *hyperv1.HostedControlPlane, ipv4DefaultAddress, ipv6DefaultAddress string) string
- func GetControlPlaneOperatorImage(ctx context.Context, hc *hyperv1.HostedCluster, ...) (string, error)
- func GetControlPlaneOperatorImageLabels(ctx context.Context, hc *hyperv1.HostedCluster, ...) (map[string]string, error)
- func GetKubeClientSet() (kubeclient.Interface, error)
- func GetMgmtClusterCPUArch(kc kubeclient.Interface) (string, error)
- func GetPayloadImage(ctx context.Context, releaseImageProvider releaseinfo.Provider, ...) (string, error)
- func GetPayloadVersion(ctx context.Context, releaseImageProvider releaseinfo.Provider, ...) (*semver.Version, error)
- func GetPullSecretBytes(ctx context.Context, c client.Client, hc *hyperv1.HostedCluster) ([]byte, error)
- func GetRegistryOverrides(ctx context.Context, ref reference.DockerImageReference, source string, ...) (*reference.DockerImageReference, bool, error)
- func GetRepoSetup(ctx context.Context, imageRef string, pullSecret []byte) (distribution.Repository, *reference.DockerImageReference, error)
- func HCControlPlaneReleaseImage(hcluster *hyperv1.HostedCluster) string
- func HCOAuthEnabled(hc *hyperv1.HostedCluster) bool
- func HCPControlPlaneReleaseImage(hcp *hyperv1.HostedControlPlane) string
- func HCPOAuthEnabled(hcp *hyperv1.HostedControlPlane) bool
- func HashBytes(data []byte) (string, error)
- func HashSimple(o interface{}) string
- func HashStruct(data interface{}) (string, error)
- func HashStructWithJSONMapper(data interface{}, mapper JSONMapper) (string, error)
- func ImageLabels(metadata *dockerv1client.DockerImageConfig) map[string]string
- func InsecureHTTPClient() *http.Client
- func IsDeploymentReady(_ context.Context, deployment *appsv1.Deployment) bool
- func IsIPv4Address(input string) (bool, error)
- func IsIPv4CIDR(input string) (bool, error)
- func IsLBKAS(hcp *hyperv1.HostedControlPlane) bool
- func IsLBKASByHC(hc *hyperv1.HostedCluster) bool
- func IsPrivateHC(hc *hyperv1.HostedCluster) bool
- func IsPrivateHCP(hcp *hyperv1.HostedControlPlane) bool
- func IsPublicHC(hc *hyperv1.HostedCluster) bool
- func IsPublicHCP(hcp *hyperv1.HostedControlPlane) bool
- func IsPublicKASWithDNS(hostedControlPlane *hyperv1.HostedControlPlane) bool
- func IsReconciliationPaused(logr logr.Logger, pausedUntilField *string) (bool, time.Duration)
- func IsRouteKAS(hcp *hyperv1.HostedControlPlane) bool
- func IsStatefulSetReady(_ context.Context, statefulSet *appsv1.StatefulSet) bool
- func KASPodPort(hcp *hyperv1.HostedControlPlane) int32
- func KASPodPortFromHostedCluster(hc *hyperv1.HostedCluster) int32
- func MachineCIDRs(machineNetwork []hyperv1.MachineNetworkEntry) []string
- func MachineNetworksToList(machineNetwork []hyperv1.MachineNetworkEntry) string
- func ParseNamespacedName(name string) types.NamespacedName
- func ParseNodeSelector(str string) map[string]string
- func PredicatesForHostedClusterAnnotationScoping(r client.Reader) predicate.Predicate
- func ProcessPausedUntilField(pausedUntilField *string, now time.Time) (isPaused bool, duration time.Duration, err error)
- func ReconcileExternalRoute(route *routev1.Route, hostname string, defaultIngressDomain string, ...) error
- func ReconcileInternalRoute(route *routev1.Route, hcName string, serviceName string) error
- func ReconcilePodDisruptionBudget(pdb *policyv1.PodDisruptionBudget, availability hyperv1.AvailabilityPolicy)
- func RemoveContainer(name string, podSpec *corev1.PodSpec)
- func RemoveEmptyJSONField(stringData string, field string) string
- func RemoveInitContainer(name string, podSpec *corev1.PodSpec)
- func ResolveDNSHostname(ctx context.Context, hostName string) error
- func SanitizeIgnitionPayload(payload []byte) error
- func SerializeResource(resource runtime.Object, objectTyper runtime.ObjectTyper) (string, error)
- func ServiceCIDRs(serviceNetwork []hyperv1.ServiceNetworkEntry) []string
- func ServiceExternalDNSHostname(hcp *hyperv1.HostedControlPlane, serviceType hyperv1.ServiceType) string
- func ServiceExternalDNSHostnameByHC(hc *hyperv1.HostedCluster, serviceType hyperv1.ServiceType) string
- func ServicePublishingStrategyByTypeByHC(hc *hyperv1.HostedCluster, svcType hyperv1.ServiceType) *hyperv1.ServicePublishingStrategy
- func ServicePublishingStrategyByTypeForHCP(hcp *hyperv1.HostedControlPlane, svcType hyperv1.ServiceType) *hyperv1.ServicePublishingStrategy
- func ShortenName(base, suffix string, maxLength int) string
- func ShortenRouteHostnameIfNeeded(name, namespace string, baseDomain string) string
- func StringListContains(list string, s string) bool
- func UpdateContainer(name string, containers []corev1.Container, update func(c *corev1.Container))
- func UpdateVolume(name string, volumes []corev1.Volume, update func(v *corev1.Volume))
- func UpsertEnvVar(c *corev1.Container, envVar corev1.EnvVar)
- func UpsertEnvVars(c *corev1.Container, envVars []corev1.EnvVar)
- func UseDedicatedDNSForKASByHC(hc *hyperv1.HostedCluster) bool
- func UseDedicatedDNSforKAS(hcp *hyperv1.HostedControlPlane) bool
- type AvailabilityProberOpt
- type AvailabilityProberOpts
- type ContainerVolumeMounts
- type ImageMetadataProvider
- type JSONMapper
- type PodVolumeMounts
- type RegistryClientImageMetadataProvider
- func (r *RegistryClientImageMetadataProvider) GetDigest(ctx context.Context, imageRef string, pullSecret []byte) (digest.Digest, *reference.DockerImageReference, error)
- func (r *RegistryClientImageMetadataProvider) GetManifest(ctx context.Context, imageRef string, pullSecret []byte) (distribution.Manifest, error)
- func (r *RegistryClientImageMetadataProvider) GetMetadata(ctx context.Context, imageRef string, pullSecret []byte) (*dockerv1client.DockerImageConfig, []distribution.Descriptor, ...)
- func (r *RegistryClientImageMetadataProvider) GetOverride(ctx context.Context, imageRef string, pullSecret []byte) (*reference.DockerImageReference, error)
- func (r *RegistryClientImageMetadataProvider) ImageMetadata(ctx context.Context, imageRef string, pullSecret []byte) (*dockerv1client.DockerImageConfig, error)
Constants ¶
const ( KubeconfigKey = "kubeconfig" AWSCloudProviderName = "aws" )
const ( // CPOImageName is the name under which components can find the CPO image in the release image.. CPOImageName = "controlplane-operator" // CPPKIOImageName is the name under which components can find the CP PKI Operator image in the release image.. CPPKIOImageName = "controlplane-pki-operator" // AvailabilityProberImageName is the name under which components can find the availability prober // image in the release image. AvailabilityProberImageName = "availability-prober" )
const ( // DebugDeploymentsAnnotation contains a comma separated list of deployment names which should always be scaled to 0 // for development. DebugDeploymentsAnnotation = "" EnableHostedClustersAnnotationScopingEnv = "ENABLE_HOSTEDCLUSTERS_ANNOTATION_SCOPING" HostedClustersScopeAnnotationEnv = "HOSTEDCLUSTERS_SCOPE_ANNOTATION" HostedClustersScopeAnnotation = "" HostedClusterAnnotation = "" )
const HCPRouteLabel = ""
const InternalRouteLabel = ""
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func APIPortForLocalZone ¶ added in v0.1.40
APIPortForLocalZone returns the port used by processes within a private hosted cluster to communicate with the KAS via the api.<hc-name>.hypershift.local host.
func AddHCPRouteLabel ¶
func AddInternalRouteLabel ¶
func AdvertiseAddress ¶
func AdvertiseAddress(hcp *hyperv1.HostedControlPlane) *string
func AdvertiseAddressWithDefault ¶
func AdvertiseAddressWithDefault(hcp *hyperv1.HostedControlPlane, defaultValue string) string
func AllowedCIDRBlocks ¶
func AllowedCIDRBlocks(hcp *hyperv1.HostedControlPlane) []hyperv1.CIDRBlock
func ApplyAWSLoadBalancerSubnetsAnnotation ¶ added in v0.1.23
func ApplyAWSLoadBalancerSubnetsAnnotation(svc *corev1.Service, hcp *hyperv1.HostedControlPlane)
func ApplyCloudProviderCreds ¶
func ApplyClusterIDLabel ¶
func ApplyClusterIDLabel(ep *prometheusoperatorv1.Endpoint, clusterID string)
func ApplyClusterIDLabelToPodMonitor ¶
func ApplyClusterIDLabelToPodMonitor(ep *prometheusoperatorv1.PodMetricsEndpoint, clusterID string)
func ApplyClusterIDLabelToRecordingRule ¶
func ApplyClusterIDLabelToRecordingRule(rule *prometheusoperatorv1.Rule, clusterID string)
func AvailabilityProber ¶
func AvailabilityProber(target string, image string, spec *corev1.PodSpec, o ...AvailabilityProberOpt)
func BuildContainer ¶
func BuildProjectedVolume ¶ added in v0.1.34
func BuildProjectedVolume(volume *corev1.Volume, volumeProjection []corev1.VolumeProjection, buildFn func(*corev1.Volume, []corev1.VolumeProjection)) corev1.Volume
func BuildVolume ¶
func ClusterCIDRs ¶
func ClusterCIDRs(clusterNetwork []hyperv1.ClusterNetworkEntry) []string
func CompressAndEncode ¶
CompressAndEncode compresses and base-64 encodes a given byte array. Ideal for loading an arbitrary byte array into a ConfigMap or Secret.
func ComputeHash ¶
func ConfigOAuthEnabled ¶ added in v0.1.16
func ConfigOAuthEnabled(authentication *configv1.AuthenticationSpec) bool
func ConnectsThroughInternetToControlplane ¶
func ConnectsThroughInternetToControlplane(platform hyperv1.PlatformSpec) bool
HasPrivateAPIServerConnectivity determines if workloads running inside the guest cluster can access the apiserver without using the Internet.
func ConvertImageRegistryOverrideStringToMap ¶ added in v0.1.10
ConvertImageRegistryOverrideStringToMap translates the environment variable containing registry source to mirror mappings back to a map[string]string structure that can be ingested by the registry image content policies release provider
func ConvertOpenShiftImageRegistryOverridesToCommandLineFlag ¶ added in v0.1.10
func ConvertOpenShiftImageRegistryOverridesToCommandLineFlag(registryOverrides map[string][]string) string
ConvertOpenShiftImageRegistryOverridesToCommandLineFlag converts a map of image registry sources and their mirrors into a string
func ConvertRegistryOverridesToCommandLineFlag ¶ added in v0.1.10
ConvertRegistryOverridesToCommandLineFlag converts a map of registry sources and their mirrors into a string
func CopyConfigMap ¶
CopyConfigMap copies the .Data field of configMap `source` into configmap `cm`
func CreateTokenForServiceAccount ¶ added in v0.1.2
func CreateTokenForServiceAccount(ctx context.Context, serviceAccount *corev1.ServiceAccount, client *kubernetes.Clientset) (string, error)
func DecodeAndDecompress ¶
DecodeAndDecompress decompresses and base-64 decodes a given byte array. Ideal for consuming a gzipped / base64-encoded byte array from a ConfigMap or Secret.
func DefaultTokenMinterResources ¶ added in v0.1.49
func DefaultTokenMinterResources() corev1.ResourceRequirements
func DeleteIfNeeded ¶
func DeleteIfNeededWithOptions ¶ added in v0.1.47
func DeploymentAddKubevirtInfraCredentials ¶ added in v0.1.10
func DeploymentAddKubevirtInfraCredentials(deployment *appsv1.Deployment)
func DeploymentAddOpenShiftTrustedCABundleConfigMap ¶ added in v0.1.13
func DeploymentAddOpenShiftTrustedCABundleConfigMap(deployment *appsv1.Deployment)
func DeploymentAddTrustBundleVolume ¶
func DeploymentAddTrustBundleVolume(trustBundleConfigMap *corev1.LocalObjectReference, deployment *appsv1.Deployment)
func DeserializeResource ¶
func DetermineHostedClusterPayloadArch ¶ added in v0.1.48
func DetermineHostedClusterPayloadArch(ctx context.Context, c client.Client, hc *hyperv1.HostedCluster, imageMetadataProvider ImageMetadataProvider) (hyperv1.PayloadArchType, error)
DetermineHostedClusterPayloadArch returns the HostedCluster payload's CPU architecture type
func EnsureOwnerRef ¶
func EnsureOwnerRef(resource client.Object, ownerRef *metav1.OwnerReference)
func EnsurePullSecret ¶
func EnsurePullSecret(serviceAccount *corev1.ServiceAccount, secretName string)
func FindContainer ¶
func FirstClusterCIDR ¶
func FirstClusterCIDR(clusterNetwork []hyperv1.ClusterNetworkEntry) string
func FirstServiceCIDR ¶
func FirstServiceCIDR(serviceNetwork []hyperv1.ServiceNetworkEntry) string
func FirstUsableIP ¶ added in v0.1.10
FirstUsableIP returns the first usable IP in both, IPv4 and IPv6 stacks.
func GenerateReconciliationActiveCondition ¶
func GenerateReconciliationActiveCondition(pausedUntilField *string, objectGeneration int64) metav1.Condition
GenerateReconciliationActiveCondition will generate the resource condition that reflects the state of reconciliation on the resource.
func GetAdvertiseAddress ¶ added in v0.1.10
func GetAdvertiseAddress(hcp *hyperv1.HostedControlPlane, ipv4DefaultAddress, ipv6DefaultAddress string) string
func GetControlPlaneOperatorImage ¶ added in v0.1.55
func GetControlPlaneOperatorImage(ctx context.Context, hc *hyperv1.HostedCluster, releaseProvider releaseinfo.Provider, hypershiftOperatorImage string, pullSecret []byte) (string, error)
GetControlPlaneOperatorImage resolves the appropriate control plane operator image based on the following order of precedence (from most to least preferred):
- The image specified by the ControlPlaneOperatorImageAnnotation on the HostedCluster resource itself
- The hypershift image specified in the release payload indicated by the HostedCluster's release field
- The hypershift-operator's own image for release versions 4.9 and 4.10
- The image for release version 4.8
If no image can be found according to these rules, an error is returned.
func GetControlPlaneOperatorImageLabels ¶ added in v0.1.55
func GetControlPlaneOperatorImageLabels(ctx context.Context, hc *hyperv1.HostedCluster, controlPlaneOperatorImage string, pullSecret []byte, imageMetadataProvider ImageMetadataProvider) (map[string]string, error)
GetControlPlaneOperatorImageLabels resolves the appropriate control plane operator image labels based on the following order of precedence (from most to least preferred):
- The labels specified by the ControlPlaneOperatorImageLabelsAnnotation on the HostedCluster resource itself
- The image labels in the medata of the image as resolved by GetControlPlaneOperatorImage
func GetKubeClientSet ¶ added in v0.1.48
func GetKubeClientSet() (kubeclient.Interface, error)
func GetMgmtClusterCPUArch ¶ added in v0.1.23
func GetMgmtClusterCPUArch(kc kubeclient.Interface) (string, error)
func GetPayloadImage ¶
func GetPayloadImage(ctx context.Context, releaseImageProvider releaseinfo.Provider, hc *hyperv1.HostedCluster, component string, pullSecret []byte) (string, error)
func GetPayloadVersion ¶
func GetPayloadVersion(ctx context.Context, releaseImageProvider releaseinfo.Provider, hc *hyperv1.HostedCluster, pullSecret []byte) (*semver.Version, error)
func GetPullSecretBytes ¶ added in v0.1.48
func GetRegistryOverrides ¶ added in v0.1.10
func GetRegistryOverrides(ctx context.Context, ref reference.DockerImageReference, source string, mirror string) (*reference.DockerImageReference, bool, error)
func GetRepoSetup ¶ added in v0.1.53
func GetRepoSetup(ctx context.Context, imageRef string, pullSecret []byte) (distribution.Repository, *reference.DockerImageReference, error)
GetRepoSetup connects to a repo and pulls the imageRef's docker image information from the repo. Returns the repo and the docker image.
func HCControlPlaneReleaseImage ¶ added in v0.1.10
func HCControlPlaneReleaseImage(hcluster *hyperv1.HostedCluster) string
func HCOAuthEnabled ¶ added in v0.1.16
func HCOAuthEnabled(hc *hyperv1.HostedCluster) bool
func HCPControlPlaneReleaseImage ¶ added in v0.1.10
func HCPControlPlaneReleaseImage(hcp *hyperv1.HostedControlPlane) string
func HCPOAuthEnabled ¶ added in v0.1.16
func HCPOAuthEnabled(hcp *hyperv1.HostedControlPlane) bool
func HashBytes ¶ added in v0.1.55
HashBytes takes a byte array and returns a 32-bit FNV-1a hashed version of the byte array as a string
func HashSimple ¶ added in v0.1.23
func HashSimple(o interface{}) string
HashSimple takes a value, typically a string, and returns a 32-bit FNV-1a hashed version of the value as a string
func HashStruct ¶
HashStruct takes a struct and returns a 32-bit FNV-1a hashed version of the struct as a string The struct is first marshalled to JSON before hashing
func HashStructWithJSONMapper ¶ added in v0.1.55
func HashStructWithJSONMapper(data interface{}, mapper JSONMapper) (string, error)
HashStructWithJSONMapper takes a struct and returns a 32-bit FNV-1a hashed version of the struct as a string after The struct is first marshalled to JSON before hashing. You can provide a JSONMapper that transforms the marshalled JSON before computing the hash or nil if no transformation is needed.
func ImageLabels ¶
func ImageLabels(metadata *dockerv1client.DockerImageConfig) map[string]string
ImageLabels returns labels on a given image metadata
func InsecureHTTPClient ¶ added in v0.1.10
InsecureHTTPClient return a http.Client which skips server certificate verification
func IsDeploymentReady ¶
func IsDeploymentReady(_ context.Context, deployment *appsv1.Deployment) bool
func IsIPv4Address ¶ added in v0.1.53
IsIPv4Address checks if the input string is an IPv4 address.
func IsIPv4CIDR ¶ added in v0.1.53
IsIPv4CIDR checks if the input string is an IPv4 CIDR.
func IsLBKAS ¶ added in v0.1.40
func IsLBKAS(hcp *hyperv1.HostedControlPlane) bool
func IsLBKASByHC ¶ added in v0.1.40
func IsLBKASByHC(hc *hyperv1.HostedCluster) bool
func IsPrivateHC ¶
func IsPrivateHC(hc *hyperv1.HostedCluster) bool
func IsPrivateHCP ¶
func IsPrivateHCP(hcp *hyperv1.HostedControlPlane) bool
func IsPublicHC ¶ added in v0.1.10
func IsPublicHC(hc *hyperv1.HostedCluster) bool
func IsPublicHCP ¶
func IsPublicHCP(hcp *hyperv1.HostedControlPlane) bool
func IsPublicKASWithDNS ¶
func IsPublicKASWithDNS(hostedControlPlane *hyperv1.HostedControlPlane) bool
func IsReconciliationPaused ¶
IsReconciliationPaused checks the pauseUntil field to see if reconciliation on the resource should be paused and for how long.
func IsRouteKAS ¶
func IsRouteKAS(hcp *hyperv1.HostedControlPlane) bool
func IsStatefulSetReady ¶ added in v0.1.9
func IsStatefulSetReady(_ context.Context, statefulSet *appsv1.StatefulSet) bool
func KASPodPort ¶ added in v0.1.16
func KASPodPort(hcp *hyperv1.HostedControlPlane) int32
KASPodPort will retrieve the port the kube-apiserver binds on locally in the pod. This comes from hcp.Spec.Networking.APIServer.Port if set and != 443 or defaults to 6443.
func KASPodPortFromHostedCluster ¶ added in v0.1.16
func KASPodPortFromHostedCluster(hc *hyperv1.HostedCluster) int32
KASPodPortFromHostedCluster will retrieve the port the kube-apiserver binds on locally in the pod. This comes from hcp.Spec.Networking.APIServer.Port if set and != 443 or defaults to 6443.
func MachineCIDRs ¶
func MachineCIDRs(machineNetwork []hyperv1.MachineNetworkEntry) []string
func MachineNetworksToList ¶ added in v0.1.52
func MachineNetworksToList(machineNetwork []hyperv1.MachineNetworkEntry) string
MachineNetworksToList converts a list of MachineNetworkEntry to a comma separated list of CIDRs.
func ParseNamespacedName ¶
func ParseNamespacedName(name string) types.NamespacedName
ParseNamespacedName expects a string with the format "namespace/name" and returns the proper types.NamespacedName. This is useful when watching a CR annotated with the format above to requeue the CR described in the annotation.
func ParseNodeSelector ¶ added in v0.1.22
ParseNodeSelector parses a comma separated string of key=value pairs into a map
func PredicatesForHostedClusterAnnotationScoping ¶ added in v0.1.24
PredicatesForHostedClusterAnnotationScoping returns predicate filters for all event types that will ignore incoming event requests for resources in which the parent hostedcluster does not match the "scope" annotation specified in the HOSTEDCLUSTERS_SCOPE_ANNOTATION env var. If not defined or empty, the default behavior is to accept all events for hostedclusters that do not have the annotation. The ENABLE_HOSTEDCLUSTERS_ANNOTATION_SCOPING env var must also be set to "true" to enable the scoping feature.
func ProcessPausedUntilField ¶
func ProcessPausedUntilField(pausedUntilField *string, now time.Time) (isPaused bool, duration time.Duration, err error)
ProcessPausedUntilField checks the pauseUntil field to see if reconciliation on the resource should be paused. Input can either be a date in RFC3339 format, or a Boolean. It returns a Boolean isPaused, a duration and an error. If the input is a date, a duration!=0 is returned so consumers can choose to requeueAfter it.
func ReconcileExternalRoute ¶
func ReconcileInternalRoute ¶
func ReconcilePodDisruptionBudget ¶ added in v0.1.23
func ReconcilePodDisruptionBudget(pdb *policyv1.PodDisruptionBudget, availability hyperv1.AvailabilityPolicy)
func RemoveContainer ¶ added in v0.1.51
func RemoveEmptyJSONField ¶ added in v0.1.55
RemoveEmptyJSONField removes a field from a given JSON if it's empty regardless of its position
func RemoveInitContainer ¶ added in v0.1.51
func ResolveDNSHostname ¶
ResolveDNSHostname receives a hostname string and tries to resolve it. Returns error if the host can't be resolved.
func SanitizeIgnitionPayload ¶ added in v0.1.48
SanitizeIgnitionPayload make sure the IgnitionPayload is valid and does not contain inconsistencies.
func SerializeResource ¶
func ServiceCIDRs ¶
func ServiceCIDRs(serviceNetwork []hyperv1.ServiceNetworkEntry) []string
func ServiceExternalDNSHostname ¶
func ServiceExternalDNSHostname(hcp *hyperv1.HostedControlPlane, serviceType hyperv1.ServiceType) string
func ServiceExternalDNSHostnameByHC ¶ added in v0.1.10
func ServiceExternalDNSHostnameByHC(hc *hyperv1.HostedCluster, serviceType hyperv1.ServiceType) string
func ServicePublishingStrategyByTypeByHC ¶
func ServicePublishingStrategyByTypeByHC(hc *hyperv1.HostedCluster, svcType hyperv1.ServiceType) *hyperv1.ServicePublishingStrategy
func ServicePublishingStrategyByTypeForHCP ¶
func ServicePublishingStrategyByTypeForHCP(hcp *hyperv1.HostedControlPlane, svcType hyperv1.ServiceType) *hyperv1.ServicePublishingStrategy
func ShortenName ¶ added in v0.1.40
ShortenName returns a name given a base ("deployment-5") and a suffix ("deploy") It will first attempt to join them with a dash. If the resulting name is longer than maxLength: if the suffix is too long, it will truncate the base name and add an 8-character hash of the [base]-[suffix] string. If the suffix is not too long, it will truncate the base, add the hash of the base and return [base]-hash-[suffix] Source: openshift/origin v3.9.0 pkg/api/apihelpers/namer.go
func ShortenRouteHostnameIfNeeded ¶
ShortenRouteHostnameIfNeeded will return a shortened hostname if the route hostname will exceed the allowed DNS name size. If the hostname is not too long, an empty string is returned so that the default can be used.
func StringListContains ¶
Contains checks if a comma-delimited string contains a specific string.
func UpdateContainer ¶ added in v0.1.49
func UpdateVolume ¶ added in v0.1.49
func UpsertEnvVars ¶ added in v0.1.56
func UseDedicatedDNSForKASByHC ¶
func UseDedicatedDNSForKASByHC(hc *hyperv1.HostedCluster) bool
func UseDedicatedDNSforKAS ¶
func UseDedicatedDNSforKAS(hcp *hyperv1.HostedControlPlane) bool
Types ¶
type AvailabilityProberOpt ¶
type AvailabilityProberOpt func(*AvailabilityProberOpts)
func WithOptions ¶ added in v0.1.49
func WithOptions(opts *AvailabilityProberOpts) AvailabilityProberOpt
type AvailabilityProberOpts ¶
type ContainerVolumeMounts ¶
type ImageMetadataProvider ¶
type ImageMetadataProvider interface { ImageMetadata(ctx context.Context, imageRef string, pullSecret []byte) (*dockerv1client.DockerImageConfig, error) GetManifest(ctx context.Context, imageRef string, pullSecret []byte) (distribution.Manifest, error) GetDigest(ctx context.Context, imageRef string, pullSecret []byte) (digest.Digest, *reference.DockerImageReference, error) GetMetadata(ctx context.Context, imageRef string, pullSecret []byte) (*dockerv1client.DockerImageConfig, []distribution.Descriptor, distribution.BlobStore, error) GetOverride(ctx context.Context, imageRef string, pullSecret []byte) (*reference.DockerImageReference, error) }
type JSONMapper ¶ added in v0.1.55
func NewOmitFieldIfEmptyJSONMapper ¶ added in v0.1.55
func NewOmitFieldIfEmptyJSONMapper(field string) JSONMapper
NewOmitFieldIfEmptyJSONMapper is a JSONMapper that omits the given field in case it was empty.
type PodVolumeMounts ¶
type PodVolumeMounts map[string]ContainerVolumeMounts
func (PodVolumeMounts) ContainerMounts ¶
func (m PodVolumeMounts) ContainerMounts(container string) []corev1.VolumeMount
func (PodVolumeMounts) Path ¶
func (m PodVolumeMounts) Path(container, volume string) string
type RegistryClientImageMetadataProvider ¶
type RegistryClientImageMetadataProvider struct {
OpenShiftImageRegistryOverrides map[string][]string
func (*RegistryClientImageMetadataProvider) GetDigest ¶ added in v0.1.53
func (r *RegistryClientImageMetadataProvider) GetDigest(ctx context.Context, imageRef string, pullSecret []byte) (digest.Digest, *reference.DockerImageReference, error)
func (*RegistryClientImageMetadataProvider) GetManifest ¶ added in v0.1.53
func (r *RegistryClientImageMetadataProvider) GetManifest(ctx context.Context, imageRef string, pullSecret []byte) (distribution.Manifest, error)
GetManifest returns the manifest for a given image using the given pull secret to authenticate. This lookup uses a cache based on the image digest. If The reference of the image contains a digest (which is the mainline case for images in a release payload), the digest is parsed from the image reference and then used to lookup the manifest in the cache and return it with the ImageOverrides already included.
func (*RegistryClientImageMetadataProvider) GetMetadata ¶ added in v0.1.53
func (r *RegistryClientImageMetadataProvider) GetMetadata(ctx context.Context, imageRef string, pullSecret []byte) (*dockerv1client.DockerImageConfig, []distribution.Descriptor, distribution.BlobStore, error)
func (*RegistryClientImageMetadataProvider) GetOverride ¶ added in v0.1.53
func (r *RegistryClientImageMetadataProvider) GetOverride(ctx context.Context, imageRef string, pullSecret []byte) (*reference.DockerImageReference, error)
GetOverride returns the image reference override based on the source/mirrors in the ICSPs/IDMSs
func (*RegistryClientImageMetadataProvider) ImageMetadata ¶
func (r *RegistryClientImageMetadataProvider) ImageMetadata(ctx context.Context, imageRef string, pullSecret []byte) (*dockerv1client.DockerImageConfig, error)
ImageMetadata returns metadata for a given image using the given pull secret to authenticate. This lookup uses a cache based on the image digest. If the reference of the image contains a digest (which is the mainline case for images in a release payload), the digest is parsed from the image reference and then used to lookup image metadata in the cache. When the image reference does not contain a digest, a lookup is made to the registry to fetch the digest of the image that the tag refers to. This is because the actual image that the tag is referring to could have changed. Once a digest is obtained, the cache is checked so that no further fetching occurs. Only if both cache lookups fail, the image metadata is fetched and stored in the cache.