Object References
The ObjectReference
type is provided by Kubernetes Core API
but the functions to set and find an ObjectReference
are provided in this package. This is useful if you would like
to include in the Status of your Custom Resource a list of objects
that are managed by your operator (ie. Deployments, Services, other
Custom Resources, etc.).
For example, we can add RelatedObjects
to our Status struct:
// ExampleAppStatus defines the observed state of ExampleApp
type ExampleAppStatus struct {
// RelatedObjects is a list of objects that are "interesting" or related to this operator.
RelatedObjects []corev1.ObjectReference `json:"relatedObjects,omitempty"`
Then, through Reconcile, when an object we manage has been found we can add it to
the RelatedObjects
found := &someAPI.SomeObject{}
err := r.client.Get(context.TODO(), types.NamespacedName{Name: object.Name, Namespace: object.Namespace}, found)
...handle err
// Add it to the list of RelatedObjects if found
// import "k8s.io/client-go/tools/reference"
objectRef, err := reference.GetReference(r.scheme, found)
if err != nil {
return err
objectreferencesv1.SetObjectReference(&instance.Status.RelatedObjects, *objectRef)
// Update the status
err = r.client.Status().Update(context.TODO(), instance)
...handle err
NOTE: This package specifies a minimum for what constitutes a valid object
reference. The minimum valid object reference consists of non-empty strings
for the object's: