The Configure GoAlert Operator (CGAO) is used to automate integrating OpenShift clusters with GoAlert. This operator is designed to run on Hive clusters.
High level design
To onboard clusters:
- Create a GoalertIntegration CR
- Create a Goalert Integration controller that watches for changes to GoalertIntegration CRs, and also for changes to appropriately labeled ClusterDeployment CRs.
- For each GoalertIntegration CR, it will get a list of matching ClusterDeployments that have the
field set to true.
- For each of these ClusterDeployments, the operator will leverage GraphQL to create 2 new services in Goalert, one for high alerts and one for low alerts, each with the cluster UID as name
- For the high alerts service, the operator will make an api call to generate an integration key and a heartbeat api endpoint. The service will be attached to the SREP High alerts escalation policy
- For the low alerts service, the operator will only create a new integration key
- The operator will then create a secret in the cluster which contains the integration keys and heartbeat api endpoint required to communicate with Goalert Web application.
To off-board clusters:
- Controller will check the finalizer on ClusterDeployments when a cluster gets deleted and will remove all services and alerts in Goalert and objects created by the operator.
Development and Testing
Changes made to the operator should be tested and validated before a PR is submitted and approved.
Your test process should include:
- Validating the operator image builds and has no CVE's introduced
- Validating the operator runs and new features/bug fixes work
- Validating all tests, including Prow tests, pass
Much of this has been simplified through boilerplate, for the rest there are manifests and make commands!
Build and push the operator image to your Quay repo
# It is not recommended to set your password in plain text like this
# Use a password manager like `pass` or even `read -rs REGISTRY_TOKEN` first, the below is just an example to show what is needed
Deploy the operator to a test cluster
Note: The below commands expect you to have a running cluster and access to it. If using backplane, you will most likely need to add the --as backplane-cluster-admin
command flag
- Create hive CRDs. To do so, clone hive repo and run
$ oc apply -f config/crds
- Create the operator CRD:
oc create -f deploy/crds/goalert.managed.openshift.io_goalertintegrations.yaml
- Update the deployment for the image to run:
# deploy/04-operator.yaml
- name: configure-goalert-operator
image: <IMAGE_TAG>
- Create the namespace:
oc create ns configure-goalert-operator
- Deploy the operator:
oc create -f deploy/
- Create test user in Goalert
- Create secret with Goalert test user credentials
apiVersion: v1
USERNAME: bXktYXBpLWtleQ== #echo -n <username> | base64
kind: Secret
name: goalert-secret
namespace: configure-goalert-operator
type: Opaque
Create ClusterDeployment
doesn't start reconciling clusters until spec.installed
is set to true
You can create a dummy ClusterDeployment by copying a real one from an active hive. Warning: deleting the copied CD may trigger the deletion of the AWS objects of the real CD. Set the following spec to keep hive from deprovisioning the resources
preserveOnDelete: true
real-hive$ oc get cd -n <namespace> <cdname> -o yaml > /tmp/fake-clusterdeployment.yaml
$ oc create namespace fake-cluster-namespace
$ oc apply -f /tmp/fake-clusterdeployment.yaml
If present, set spec.installed
to true.
$ oc edit clusterdeployment fake-cluster -n fake-cluster-namespace
Delete ClusterDeployment
To trigger configure-goalert-operator
to remove the service in Goalert, delete the clusterdeployment.
$ oc delete clusterdeployment fake-cluster -n fake-cluster-namespace
You may need to remove dangling finalizers from the clusterdeployment
$ oc edit clusterdeployment fake-cluster -n fake-cluster-namespace
Remove the operator
- Delete the deployment and related manifests:
oc delete -f deploy/
- Delete the CRD:
oc delete -f deploy/crds/goalert.managed.openshift.io_goalertintegrations.yaml
- Delete the namespace:
oc delete ns configure-goalert-operator
Run Tests
- Go Tests:
make go-test
- Prow Coverage test:
make container-coverage
- Prow Validate test:
make container-validate
- Prow Lint test:
make container-lint
- Prow Test:
make container-test
If using VScode, you can use the following launch.json
file with delve installed for debugging the operator:
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "configure-goalert-operator",
"type": "go",
"request": "launch",
"mode": "auto",
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/main.go",
"env": {
"GOALERT_ENDPOINT_URL": "<Goalert endpoint>"
"KUBECONFIG": "<kubeconfig of cluster to run against>"
"args": []