The functional tests (functests) are split across suites as follows:
0_config: should be run before other in order to config the environment, thus, deploy PerformanceProfile:
- Create PerformanceProfile
- Wait for the MCP to pick PerformanceProfile MC
- Wait for the MCP being updated
This deployment takes some time and requires reboot
1_performance: Performance performance test: Should run after config and before update ones
2_performance_update: Performance update: Update test, should run after performance ones
- Apply different PerformanceProfiles and its updates to check if changes has been applied correctly
3_performance_status: Check the status of different objects related with PAO
4_latency: Runs tests of latency measurement tools and verifies the measurements are in the expected range according to the values of the latency environment variables
5_latency_testing: Runs the tests of suite 4_Latency with different values of environment variables to validate that the main tests are properly executed, skipped, or failed when needed.
6_mustgather_testing: Check if must-gather cluster generated data is correct
Tests are executed in order of file-names
So be careful with renaming existing or adding new suites
Environment variables:
DISCOVERY_MODE: to get an already deployed performanceProfile.
If DISCOVERY_MODE set to true the suites will search for a PerformanceProfile on the cluster and use it.
If no PerformanceProfile is found, that suites will be skipped.
RESERVED_CPU_SET, ISOLATED_CPU_SET, OFFLINED_CPU_SET: strings that present the CPU sets distributed between reserved, isolated, and offlined CPU profile specifications. The runner is responsible for validating that these values are compatible with the testing environment.
When running e2e tests locally on a HyperShift platform, or in any environment that is different from the standard CI,
there are a couple of environment variables that should be set in advance:
: A const that used to configure the e2e tests for running on HyperShift.
: Represents the name of the hosted-cluster.
When running locally,
the name is the output of oc get hc <name-of-your-hosted-cluster> -n clusters --no-headers -o
: The path for the kubeconfig file of the management/hub cluster.
: The path for the kubeconfig file of the hosted cluster.
: The name of the namespace where all the control-plane components reside.
This namespace name usually is clusters-$CLUSTER_NAME