Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func MarshalAWS(object *AWS, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalAWSList(list []*AWS, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalAWSShard(object *AWSShard, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalAWSShardList(list []*AWSShard, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalAWSVolume(object *AWSVolume, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalAWSVolumeList(list []*AWSVolume, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalAuditLog(object *AuditLog, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalAuditLogList(list []*AuditLog, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalAwsEtcdEncryption(object *AwsEtcdEncryption, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalAwsEtcdEncryptionList(list []*AwsEtcdEncryption, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalAzure(object *Azure, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalAzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity(object *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalAzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList(list []*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalAzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity(object *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalAzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList(list []*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalAzureList(list []*Azure, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalAzureNodesOutboundConnectivity(object *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalAzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList(list []*AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalAzureOperatorsAuthentication(object *AzureOperatorsAuthentication, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalAzureOperatorsAuthenticationList(list []*AzureOperatorsAuthentication, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalAzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities(object *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalAzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList(list []*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalAzureServiceManagedIdentity(object *AzureServiceManagedIdentity, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalAzureServiceManagedIdentityList(list []*AzureServiceManagedIdentity, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalBillingModelList(list []BillingModel, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalBooleanList(list []bool, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalByoOidc(object *ByoOidc, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalByoOidcList(list []*ByoOidc, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalCCS(object *CCS, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalCCSList(list []*CCS, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalCloudProvider(object *CloudProvider, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalCloudProviderList(list []*CloudProvider, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalCloudRegion(object *CloudRegion, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalCloudRegionList(list []*CloudRegion, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalCluster(object *Cluster, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalClusterAPI(object *ClusterAPI, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalClusterAPIList(list []*ClusterAPI, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalClusterConfigurationModeList(list []ClusterConfigurationMode, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalClusterConsole(object *ClusterConsole, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalClusterConsoleList(list []*ClusterConsole, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalClusterHealthStateList(list []ClusterHealthState, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalClusterList(list []*Cluster, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalClusterNodes(object *ClusterNodes, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalClusterNodesList(list []*ClusterNodes, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalClusterRegistryConfig(object *ClusterRegistryConfig, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalClusterRegistryConfigList(list []*ClusterRegistryConfig, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalClusterStateList(list []ClusterState, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalClusterStatus(object *ClusterStatus, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalClusterStatusList(list []*ClusterStatus, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalDNS(object *DNS, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalDNSList(list []*DNS, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalDateList(list []time.Time, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalDeleteProtection(object *DeleteProtection, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalDeleteProtectionList(list []*DeleteProtection, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalEc2MetadataHttpTokensList(list []Ec2MetadataHttpTokens, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalExternalAuthConfig(object *ExternalAuthConfig, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalExternalAuthConfigList(list []*ExternalAuthConfig, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalExternalConfiguration(object *ExternalConfiguration, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalExternalConfigurationList(list []*ExternalConfiguration, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalFloatList(list []float64, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalGCP(object *GCP, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalGCPEncryptionKey(object *GCPEncryptionKey, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalGCPEncryptionKeyList(list []*GCPEncryptionKey, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalGCPList(list []*GCP, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalGCPNetwork(object *GCPNetwork, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalGCPNetworkList(list []*GCPNetwork, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalGCPVolume(object *GCPVolume, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalGCPVolumeList(list []*GCPVolume, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalGcpAuthentication(object *GcpAuthentication, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalGcpAuthenticationList(list []*GcpAuthentication, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalGcpPrivateServiceConnect(object *GcpPrivateServiceConnect, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalGcpPrivateServiceConnectList(list []*GcpPrivateServiceConnect, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalGcpSecurity(object *GcpSecurity, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalGcpSecurityList(list []*GcpSecurity, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalHTPasswdIdentityProvider(object *HTPasswdIdentityProvider, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalHTPasswdIdentityProviderList(list []*HTPasswdIdentityProvider, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalHypershift(object *Hypershift, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalHypershiftList(list []*Hypershift, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalInstanceIAMRoles(object *InstanceIAMRoles, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalInstanceIAMRolesList(list []*InstanceIAMRoles, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalIntegerList(list []int, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalInterfaceList(list []interface{}, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalKubeletConfig(object *KubeletConfig, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalKubeletConfigList(list []*KubeletConfig, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalListeningMethodList(list []ListeningMethod, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalLongList(list []int64, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalMachinePoolAutoscaling(object *MachinePoolAutoscaling, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalMachinePoolAutoscalingList(list []*MachinePoolAutoscaling, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalMachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter(object *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalMachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList(list []*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalMachineType(object *MachineType, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalMachineTypeCategoryList(list []MachineTypeCategory, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalMachineTypeList(list []*MachineType, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalMachineTypeSizeList(list []MachineTypeSize, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalManagedService(object *ManagedService, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalManagedServiceList(list []*ManagedService, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalMetadata(object *Metadata, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalNetwork(object *Network, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalNetworkList(list []*Network, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalOidcConfig(object *OidcConfig, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalOidcConfigList(list []*OidcConfig, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalOperatorIAMRole(object *OperatorIAMRole, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalOperatorIAMRoleList(list []*OperatorIAMRole, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalPrivateLinkClusterConfiguration(object *PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalPrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList(list []*PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalPrivateLinkPrincipal(object *PrivateLinkPrincipal, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalPrivateLinkPrincipalList(list []*PrivateLinkPrincipal, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalProcessorTypeList(list []ProcessorType, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalProvisionShard(object *ProvisionShard, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalProvisionShardList(list []*ProvisionShard, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalProvisionShardTopologyList(list []ProvisionShardTopology, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalProxy(object *Proxy, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalProxyList(list []*Proxy, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalRegistryAllowlist(object *RegistryAllowlist, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalRegistryAllowlistList(list []*RegistryAllowlist, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalRegistryLocation(object *RegistryLocation, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalRegistryLocationList(list []*RegistryLocation, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalRegistrySources(object *RegistrySources, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalRegistrySourcesList(list []*RegistrySources, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalRootVolume(object *RootVolume, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalRootVolumeList(list []*RootVolume, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalSTS(object *STS, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalSTSList(list []*STS, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalServerConfig(object *ServerConfig, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalServerConfigList(list []*ServerConfig, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalStringList(list []string, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalValue(object *Value, writer io.Writer) error
- func MarshalValueList(list []*Value, writer io.Writer) error
- func ReadBooleanList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []bool
- func ReadDateList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []time.Time
- func ReadFloatList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []float64
- func ReadIntegerList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []int
- func ReadInterfaceList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []interface{}
- func ReadLongList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []int64
- func ReadStringList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []string
- func UnmarshalBooleanList(source interface{}) (items []bool, err error)
- func UnmarshalDateList(source interface{}) (items []time.Time, err error)
- func UnmarshalFloatList(source interface{}) (items []float64, err error)
- func UnmarshalIntegerList(source interface{}) (items []int, err error)
- func UnmarshalInterfaceList(source interface{}) (items []interface{}, err error)
- func UnmarshalLongList(source interface{}) (items []int64, err error)
- func UnmarshalStringList(source interface{}) (items []string, err error)
- func WriteAWS(object *AWS, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteAWSList(list []*AWS, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteAWSShard(object *AWSShard, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteAWSShardList(list []*AWSShard, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteAWSVolume(object *AWSVolume, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteAWSVolumeList(list []*AWSVolume, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteAuditLog(object *AuditLog, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteAuditLogList(list []*AuditLog, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteAwsEtcdEncryption(object *AwsEtcdEncryption, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteAwsEtcdEncryptionList(list []*AwsEtcdEncryption, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteAzure(object *Azure, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteAzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity(object *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteAzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList(list []*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteAzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity(object *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteAzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList(list []*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteAzureList(list []*Azure, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteAzureNodesOutboundConnectivity(object *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteAzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList(list []*AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteAzureOperatorsAuthentication(object *AzureOperatorsAuthentication, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteAzureOperatorsAuthenticationList(list []*AzureOperatorsAuthentication, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteAzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities(object *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteAzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList(list []*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteAzureServiceManagedIdentity(object *AzureServiceManagedIdentity, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteAzureServiceManagedIdentityList(list []*AzureServiceManagedIdentity, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteBillingModelList(list []BillingModel, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteBooleanList(list []bool, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteByoOidc(object *ByoOidc, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteByoOidcList(list []*ByoOidc, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteCCS(object *CCS, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteCCSList(list []*CCS, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteCloudProvider(object *CloudProvider, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteCloudProviderList(list []*CloudProvider, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteCloudRegion(object *CloudRegion, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteCloudRegionList(list []*CloudRegion, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteCluster(object *Cluster, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteClusterAPI(object *ClusterAPI, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteClusterAPIList(list []*ClusterAPI, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteClusterConfigurationModeList(list []ClusterConfigurationMode, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteClusterConsole(object *ClusterConsole, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteClusterConsoleList(list []*ClusterConsole, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteClusterHealthStateList(list []ClusterHealthState, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteClusterList(list []*Cluster, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteClusterNodes(object *ClusterNodes, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteClusterNodesList(list []*ClusterNodes, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteClusterRegistryConfig(object *ClusterRegistryConfig, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteClusterRegistryConfigList(list []*ClusterRegistryConfig, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteClusterStateList(list []ClusterState, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteClusterStatus(object *ClusterStatus, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteClusterStatusList(list []*ClusterStatus, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteDNS(object *DNS, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteDNSList(list []*DNS, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteDateList(list []time.Time, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteDeleteProtection(object *DeleteProtection, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteDeleteProtectionList(list []*DeleteProtection, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteEc2MetadataHttpTokensList(list []Ec2MetadataHttpTokens, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteExternalAuthConfig(object *ExternalAuthConfig, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteExternalAuthConfigList(list []*ExternalAuthConfig, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteExternalConfiguration(object *ExternalConfiguration, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteExternalConfigurationList(list []*ExternalConfiguration, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteFloatList(list []float64, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteGCP(object *GCP, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteGCPEncryptionKey(object *GCPEncryptionKey, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteGCPEncryptionKeyList(list []*GCPEncryptionKey, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteGCPList(list []*GCP, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteGCPNetwork(object *GCPNetwork, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteGCPNetworkList(list []*GCPNetwork, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteGCPVolume(object *GCPVolume, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteGCPVolumeList(list []*GCPVolume, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteGcpAuthentication(object *GcpAuthentication, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteGcpAuthenticationList(list []*GcpAuthentication, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteGcpPrivateServiceConnect(object *GcpPrivateServiceConnect, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteGcpPrivateServiceConnectList(list []*GcpPrivateServiceConnect, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteGcpSecurity(object *GcpSecurity, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteGcpSecurityList(list []*GcpSecurity, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteHTPasswdIdentityProvider(object *HTPasswdIdentityProvider, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteHTPasswdIdentityProviderList(list []*HTPasswdIdentityProvider, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteHypershift(object *Hypershift, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteHypershiftList(list []*Hypershift, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteInstanceIAMRoles(object *InstanceIAMRoles, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteInstanceIAMRolesList(list []*InstanceIAMRoles, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteIntegerList(list []int, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteInterfaceList(list []interface{}, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteKubeletConfig(object *KubeletConfig, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteKubeletConfigList(list []*KubeletConfig, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteListeningMethodList(list []ListeningMethod, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteLongList(list []int64, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteMachinePoolAutoscaling(object *MachinePoolAutoscaling, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteMachinePoolAutoscalingList(list []*MachinePoolAutoscaling, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteMachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter(object *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteMachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList(list []*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteMachineType(object *MachineType, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteMachineTypeCategoryList(list []MachineTypeCategory, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteMachineTypeList(list []*MachineType, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteMachineTypeSizeList(list []MachineTypeSize, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteManagedService(object *ManagedService, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteManagedServiceList(list []*ManagedService, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteNetwork(object *Network, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteNetworkList(list []*Network, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteOidcConfig(object *OidcConfig, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteOidcConfigList(list []*OidcConfig, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteOperatorIAMRole(object *OperatorIAMRole, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteOperatorIAMRoleList(list []*OperatorIAMRole, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WritePrivateLinkClusterConfiguration(object *PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WritePrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList(list []*PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WritePrivateLinkPrincipal(object *PrivateLinkPrincipal, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WritePrivateLinkPrincipalList(list []*PrivateLinkPrincipal, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteProcessorTypeList(list []ProcessorType, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteProvisionShard(object *ProvisionShard, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteProvisionShardList(list []*ProvisionShard, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteProvisionShardTopologyList(list []ProvisionShardTopology, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteProxy(object *Proxy, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteProxyList(list []*Proxy, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteRegistryAllowlist(object *RegistryAllowlist, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteRegistryAllowlistList(list []*RegistryAllowlist, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteRegistryLocation(object *RegistryLocation, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteRegistryLocationList(list []*RegistryLocation, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteRegistrySources(object *RegistrySources, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteRegistrySourcesList(list []*RegistrySources, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteRootVolume(object *RootVolume, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteRootVolumeList(list []*RootVolume, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteSTS(object *STS, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteSTSList(list []*STS, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteServerConfig(object *ServerConfig, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteServerConfigList(list []*ServerConfig, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteStringList(list []string, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteValue(object *Value, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- func WriteValueList(list []*Value, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
- type AWS
- func (o *AWS) AccessKeyID() string
- func (o *AWS) AccountID() string
- func (o *AWS) AdditionalAllowedPrincipals() []string
- func (o *AWS) AdditionalComputeSecurityGroupIds() []string
- func (o *AWS) AdditionalControlPlaneSecurityGroupIds() []string
- func (o *AWS) AdditionalInfraSecurityGroupIds() []string
- func (o *AWS) AuditLog() *AuditLog
- func (o *AWS) BillingAccountID() string
- func (o *AWS) Ec2MetadataHttpTokens() Ec2MetadataHttpTokens
- func (o *AWS) Empty() bool
- func (o *AWS) EtcdEncryption() *AwsEtcdEncryption
- func (o *AWS) GetAccessKeyID() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *AWS) GetAccountID() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *AWS) GetAdditionalAllowedPrincipals() (value []string, ok bool)
- func (o *AWS) GetAdditionalComputeSecurityGroupIds() (value []string, ok bool)
- func (o *AWS) GetAdditionalControlPlaneSecurityGroupIds() (value []string, ok bool)
- func (o *AWS) GetAdditionalInfraSecurityGroupIds() (value []string, ok bool)
- func (o *AWS) GetAuditLog() (value *AuditLog, ok bool)
- func (o *AWS) GetBillingAccountID() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *AWS) GetEc2MetadataHttpTokens() (value Ec2MetadataHttpTokens, ok bool)
- func (o *AWS) GetEtcdEncryption() (value *AwsEtcdEncryption, ok bool)
- func (o *AWS) GetHcpInternalCommunicationHostedZoneId() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *AWS) GetKMSKeyArn() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *AWS) GetPrivateHostedZoneID() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *AWS) GetPrivateHostedZoneRoleARN() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *AWS) GetPrivateLink() (value bool, ok bool)
- func (o *AWS) GetPrivateLinkConfiguration() (value *PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration, ok bool)
- func (o *AWS) GetSTS() (value *STS, ok bool)
- func (o *AWS) GetSecretAccessKey() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *AWS) GetSubnetIDs() (value []string, ok bool)
- func (o *AWS) GetTags() (value map[string]string, ok bool)
- func (o *AWS) GetVpcEndpointRoleArn() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *AWS) HcpInternalCommunicationHostedZoneId() string
- func (o *AWS) KMSKeyArn() string
- func (o *AWS) PrivateHostedZoneID() string
- func (o *AWS) PrivateHostedZoneRoleARN() string
- func (o *AWS) PrivateLink() bool
- func (o *AWS) PrivateLinkConfiguration() *PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration
- func (o *AWS) STS() *STS
- func (o *AWS) SecretAccessKey() string
- func (o *AWS) SubnetIDs() []string
- func (o *AWS) Tags() map[string]string
- func (o *AWS) VpcEndpointRoleArn() string
- type AWSBuilder
- func (b *AWSBuilder) AccessKeyID(value string) *AWSBuilder
- func (b *AWSBuilder) AccountID(value string) *AWSBuilder
- func (b *AWSBuilder) AdditionalAllowedPrincipals(values ...string) *AWSBuilder
- func (b *AWSBuilder) AdditionalComputeSecurityGroupIds(values ...string) *AWSBuilder
- func (b *AWSBuilder) AdditionalControlPlaneSecurityGroupIds(values ...string) *AWSBuilder
- func (b *AWSBuilder) AdditionalInfraSecurityGroupIds(values ...string) *AWSBuilder
- func (b *AWSBuilder) AuditLog(value *AuditLogBuilder) *AWSBuilder
- func (b *AWSBuilder) BillingAccountID(value string) *AWSBuilder
- func (b *AWSBuilder) Build() (object *AWS, err error)
- func (b *AWSBuilder) Copy(object *AWS) *AWSBuilder
- func (b *AWSBuilder) Ec2MetadataHttpTokens(value Ec2MetadataHttpTokens) *AWSBuilder
- func (b *AWSBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *AWSBuilder) EtcdEncryption(value *AwsEtcdEncryptionBuilder) *AWSBuilder
- func (b *AWSBuilder) HcpInternalCommunicationHostedZoneId(value string) *AWSBuilder
- func (b *AWSBuilder) KMSKeyArn(value string) *AWSBuilder
- func (b *AWSBuilder) PrivateHostedZoneID(value string) *AWSBuilder
- func (b *AWSBuilder) PrivateHostedZoneRoleARN(value string) *AWSBuilder
- func (b *AWSBuilder) PrivateLink(value bool) *AWSBuilder
- func (b *AWSBuilder) PrivateLinkConfiguration(value *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationBuilder) *AWSBuilder
- func (b *AWSBuilder) STS(value *STSBuilder) *AWSBuilder
- func (b *AWSBuilder) SecretAccessKey(value string) *AWSBuilder
- func (b *AWSBuilder) SubnetIDs(values ...string) *AWSBuilder
- func (b *AWSBuilder) Tags(value map[string]string) *AWSBuilder
- func (b *AWSBuilder) VpcEndpointRoleArn(value string) *AWSBuilder
- type AWSList
- func (l *AWSList) Each(f func(item *AWS) bool)
- func (l *AWSList) Empty() bool
- func (l *AWSList) Get(i int) *AWS
- func (l *AWSList) Items() []*AWS
- func (l *AWSList) Len() int
- func (l *AWSList) Range(f func(index int, item *AWS) bool)
- func (l *AWSList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *AWSList) SetItems(items []*AWS)
- func (l *AWSList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *AWSList) Slice() []*AWS
- type AWSListBuilder
- type AWSShard
- type AWSShardBuilder
- type AWSShardList
- func (l *AWSShardList) Each(f func(item *AWSShard) bool)
- func (l *AWSShardList) Empty() bool
- func (l *AWSShardList) Get(i int) *AWSShard
- func (l *AWSShardList) Items() []*AWSShard
- func (l *AWSShardList) Len() int
- func (l *AWSShardList) Range(f func(index int, item *AWSShard) bool)
- func (l *AWSShardList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *AWSShardList) SetItems(items []*AWSShard)
- func (l *AWSShardList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *AWSShardList) Slice() []*AWSShard
- type AWSShardListBuilder
- type AWSVolume
- type AWSVolumeBuilder
- type AWSVolumeList
- func (l *AWSVolumeList) Each(f func(item *AWSVolume) bool)
- func (l *AWSVolumeList) Empty() bool
- func (l *AWSVolumeList) Get(i int) *AWSVolume
- func (l *AWSVolumeList) Items() []*AWSVolume
- func (l *AWSVolumeList) Len() int
- func (l *AWSVolumeList) Range(f func(index int, item *AWSVolume) bool)
- func (l *AWSVolumeList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *AWSVolumeList) SetItems(items []*AWSVolume)
- func (l *AWSVolumeList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *AWSVolumeList) Slice() []*AWSVolume
- type AWSVolumeListBuilder
- type AuditLog
- type AuditLogBuilder
- type AuditLogList
- func (l *AuditLogList) Each(f func(item *AuditLog) bool)
- func (l *AuditLogList) Empty() bool
- func (l *AuditLogList) Get(i int) *AuditLog
- func (l *AuditLogList) Items() []*AuditLog
- func (l *AuditLogList) Len() int
- func (l *AuditLogList) Range(f func(index int, item *AuditLog) bool)
- func (l *AuditLogList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *AuditLogList) SetItems(items []*AuditLog)
- func (l *AuditLogList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *AuditLogList) Slice() []*AuditLog
- type AuditLogListBuilder
- type AwsEtcdEncryption
- func ReadAwsEtcdEncryption(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *AwsEtcdEncryption
- func ReadAwsEtcdEncryptionList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*AwsEtcdEncryption
- func UnmarshalAwsEtcdEncryption(source interface{}) (object *AwsEtcdEncryption, err error)
- func UnmarshalAwsEtcdEncryptionList(source interface{}) (items []*AwsEtcdEncryption, err error)
- type AwsEtcdEncryptionBuilder
- func (b *AwsEtcdEncryptionBuilder) Build() (object *AwsEtcdEncryption, err error)
- func (b *AwsEtcdEncryptionBuilder) Copy(object *AwsEtcdEncryption) *AwsEtcdEncryptionBuilder
- func (b *AwsEtcdEncryptionBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *AwsEtcdEncryptionBuilder) KMSKeyARN(value string) *AwsEtcdEncryptionBuilder
- type AwsEtcdEncryptionList
- func (l *AwsEtcdEncryptionList) Each(f func(item *AwsEtcdEncryption) bool)
- func (l *AwsEtcdEncryptionList) Empty() bool
- func (l *AwsEtcdEncryptionList) Get(i int) *AwsEtcdEncryption
- func (l *AwsEtcdEncryptionList) Items() []*AwsEtcdEncryption
- func (l *AwsEtcdEncryptionList) Len() int
- func (l *AwsEtcdEncryptionList) Range(f func(index int, item *AwsEtcdEncryption) bool)
- func (l *AwsEtcdEncryptionList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *AwsEtcdEncryptionList) SetItems(items []*AwsEtcdEncryption)
- func (l *AwsEtcdEncryptionList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *AwsEtcdEncryptionList) Slice() []*AwsEtcdEncryption
- type AwsEtcdEncryptionListBuilder
- func (b *AwsEtcdEncryptionListBuilder) Build() (list *AwsEtcdEncryptionList, err error)
- func (b *AwsEtcdEncryptionListBuilder) Copy(list *AwsEtcdEncryptionList) *AwsEtcdEncryptionListBuilder
- func (b *AwsEtcdEncryptionListBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *AwsEtcdEncryptionListBuilder) Items(values ...*AwsEtcdEncryptionBuilder) *AwsEtcdEncryptionListBuilder
- type Azure
- func (o *Azure) Empty() bool
- func (o *Azure) GetManagedResourceGroupName() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *Azure) GetNetworkSecurityGroupResourceID() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *Azure) GetNodesOutboundConnectivity() (value *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity, ok bool)
- func (o *Azure) GetOperatorsAuthentication() (value *AzureOperatorsAuthentication, ok bool)
- func (o *Azure) GetResourceGroupName() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *Azure) GetResourceName() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *Azure) GetSubnetResourceID() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *Azure) GetSubscriptionID() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *Azure) GetTenantID() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *Azure) ManagedResourceGroupName() string
- func (o *Azure) NetworkSecurityGroupResourceID() string
- func (o *Azure) NodesOutboundConnectivity() *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity
- func (o *Azure) OperatorsAuthentication() *AzureOperatorsAuthentication
- func (o *Azure) ResourceGroupName() string
- func (o *Azure) ResourceName() string
- func (o *Azure) SubnetResourceID() string
- func (o *Azure) SubscriptionID() string
- func (o *Azure) TenantID() string
- type AzureBuilder
- func (b *AzureBuilder) Build() (object *Azure, err error)
- func (b *AzureBuilder) Copy(object *Azure) *AzureBuilder
- func (b *AzureBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *AzureBuilder) ManagedResourceGroupName(value string) *AzureBuilder
- func (b *AzureBuilder) NetworkSecurityGroupResourceID(value string) *AzureBuilder
- func (b *AzureBuilder) NodesOutboundConnectivity(value *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityBuilder) *AzureBuilder
- func (b *AzureBuilder) OperatorsAuthentication(value *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationBuilder) *AzureBuilder
- func (b *AzureBuilder) ResourceGroupName(value string) *AzureBuilder
- func (b *AzureBuilder) ResourceName(value string) *AzureBuilder
- func (b *AzureBuilder) SubnetResourceID(value string) *AzureBuilder
- func (b *AzureBuilder) SubscriptionID(value string) *AzureBuilder
- func (b *AzureBuilder) TenantID(value string) *AzureBuilder
- type AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity
- func ReadAzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity
- func ReadAzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity
- func UnmarshalAzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity(source interface{}) (object *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity, err error)
- func UnmarshalAzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList(source interface{}) (items []*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity, err error)
- func (o *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity) ClientID() string
- func (o *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity) Empty() bool
- func (o *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity) GetClientID() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity) GetPrincipalID() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity) GetResourceID() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity) PrincipalID() string
- func (o *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity) ResourceID() string
- type AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder
- func (b *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder) Build() (object *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity, err error)
- func (b *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder) ClientID(value string) *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder
- func (b *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder) Copy(object *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity) *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder
- func (b *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder) PrincipalID(value string) *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder
- func (b *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder) ResourceID(value string) *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder
- type AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList
- func (l *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList) Each(f func(item *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity) bool)
- func (l *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList) Empty() bool
- func (l *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList) Get(i int) *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity
- func (l *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList) Items() []*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity
- func (l *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList) Len() int
- func (l *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList) Range(f func(index int, item *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity) bool)
- func (l *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList) SetItems(items []*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity)
- func (l *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList) Slice() []*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity
- type AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder
- func (b *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder) Build() (list *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList, err error)
- func (b *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder) Copy(list *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList) *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder
- func (b *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder) Items(values ...*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder) *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder
- type AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity
- func ReadAzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity
- func ReadAzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity
- func UnmarshalAzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity(source interface{}) (object *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity, err error)
- func UnmarshalAzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList(source interface{}) (items []*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity, err error)
- type AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder
- func (b *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder) Build() (object *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity, err error)
- func (b *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder) Copy(object *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity) *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder
- func (b *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder) ResourceID(value string) *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder
- type AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList
- func (l *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList) Each(f func(item *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity) bool)
- func (l *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList) Empty() bool
- func (l *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList) Get(i int) *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity
- func (l *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList) Items() []*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity
- func (l *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList) Len() int
- func (l *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList) Range(f func(index int, item *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity) bool)
- func (l *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList) SetItems(items []*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity)
- func (l *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList) Slice() []*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity
- type AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder
- func (b *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder) Build() (list *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList, err error)
- func (b *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder) Copy(list *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList) *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder
- func (b *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder) Items(values ...*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder) *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder
- type AzureList
- func (l *AzureList) Each(f func(item *Azure) bool)
- func (l *AzureList) Empty() bool
- func (l *AzureList) Get(i int) *Azure
- func (l *AzureList) Items() []*Azure
- func (l *AzureList) Len() int
- func (l *AzureList) Range(f func(index int, item *Azure) bool)
- func (l *AzureList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *AzureList) SetItems(items []*Azure)
- func (l *AzureList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *AzureList) Slice() []*Azure
- type AzureListBuilder
- type AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity
- func ReadAzureNodesOutboundConnectivity(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity
- func ReadAzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity
- func UnmarshalAzureNodesOutboundConnectivity(source interface{}) (object *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity, err error)
- func UnmarshalAzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList(source interface{}) (items []*AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity, err error)
- type AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityBuilder
- func (b *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityBuilder) Build() (object *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity, err error)
- func (b *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityBuilder) Copy(object *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity) *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityBuilder
- func (b *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityBuilder) OutboundType(value string) *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityBuilder
- type AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList
- func (l *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList) Each(f func(item *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity) bool)
- func (l *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList) Empty() bool
- func (l *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList) Get(i int) *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity
- func (l *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList) Items() []*AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity
- func (l *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList) Len() int
- func (l *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList) Range(f func(index int, item *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity) bool)
- func (l *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList) SetItems(items []*AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity)
- func (l *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList) Slice() []*AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity
- type AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityListBuilder
- func (b *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityListBuilder) Build() (list *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList, err error)
- func (b *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityListBuilder) Copy(list *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList) *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityListBuilder
- func (b *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityListBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityListBuilder) Items(values ...*AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityBuilder) *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityListBuilder
- type AzureOperatorsAuthentication
- func ReadAzureOperatorsAuthentication(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *AzureOperatorsAuthentication
- func ReadAzureOperatorsAuthenticationList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*AzureOperatorsAuthentication
- func UnmarshalAzureOperatorsAuthentication(source interface{}) (object *AzureOperatorsAuthentication, err error)
- func UnmarshalAzureOperatorsAuthenticationList(source interface{}) (items []*AzureOperatorsAuthentication, err error)
- type AzureOperatorsAuthenticationBuilder
- func (b *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationBuilder) Build() (object *AzureOperatorsAuthentication, err error)
- func (b *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationBuilder) Copy(object *AzureOperatorsAuthentication) *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationBuilder
- func (b *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationBuilder) ManagedIdentities(value *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder) *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationBuilder
- type AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList
- func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList) Each(f func(item *AzureOperatorsAuthentication) bool)
- func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList) Empty() bool
- func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList) Get(i int) *AzureOperatorsAuthentication
- func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList) Items() []*AzureOperatorsAuthentication
- func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList) Len() int
- func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList) Range(f func(index int, item *AzureOperatorsAuthentication) bool)
- func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList) SetItems(items []*AzureOperatorsAuthentication)
- func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList) Slice() []*AzureOperatorsAuthentication
- type AzureOperatorsAuthenticationListBuilder
- func (b *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationListBuilder) Build() (list *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList, err error)
- func (b *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationListBuilder) Copy(list *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList) *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationListBuilder
- func (b *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationListBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationListBuilder) Items(values ...*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationBuilder) *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationListBuilder
- type AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities
- func ReadAzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities
- func ReadAzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities
- func UnmarshalAzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities(source interface{}) (object *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities, err error)
- func UnmarshalAzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList(source interface{}) (items []*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities, err error)
- func (o *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities) ControlPlaneOperatorsManagedIdentities() map[string]*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity
- func (o *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities) DataPlaneOperatorsManagedIdentities() map[string]*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity
- func (o *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities) Empty() bool
- func (o *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities) GetControlPlaneOperatorsManagedIdentities() (value map[string]*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity, ok bool)
- func (o *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities) GetDataPlaneOperatorsManagedIdentities() (value map[string]*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity, ok bool)
- func (o *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities) GetManagedIdentitiesDataPlaneIdentityUrl() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities) GetServiceManagedIdentity() (value *AzureServiceManagedIdentity, ok bool)
- func (o *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities) ManagedIdentitiesDataPlaneIdentityUrl() string
- func (o *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities) ServiceManagedIdentity() *AzureServiceManagedIdentity
- type AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder
- func (b *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder) Build() (object *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities, err error)
- func (b *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder) ControlPlaneOperatorsManagedIdentities(value map[string]*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder) *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder
- func (b *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder) Copy(object *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities) *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder
- func (b *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder) DataPlaneOperatorsManagedIdentities(value map[string]*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder) *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder
- func (b *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder) ManagedIdentitiesDataPlaneIdentityUrl(value string) *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder
- func (b *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder) ServiceManagedIdentity(value *AzureServiceManagedIdentityBuilder) *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder
- type AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList
- func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList) Each(f func(item *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities) bool)
- func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList) Empty() bool
- func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList) Get(i int) *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities
- func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList) Items() []*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities
- func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList) Len() int
- func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList) Range(f func(index int, item *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities) bool)
- func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList) SetItems(items []*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities)
- func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList) Slice() []*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities
- type AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesListBuilder
- func (b *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesListBuilder) Build() (list *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList, err error)
- func (b *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesListBuilder) Copy(list *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList) *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesListBuilder
- func (b *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesListBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesListBuilder) Items(values ...*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder) *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesListBuilder
- type AzureServiceManagedIdentity
- func ReadAzureServiceManagedIdentity(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *AzureServiceManagedIdentity
- func ReadAzureServiceManagedIdentityList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*AzureServiceManagedIdentity
- func UnmarshalAzureServiceManagedIdentity(source interface{}) (object *AzureServiceManagedIdentity, err error)
- func UnmarshalAzureServiceManagedIdentityList(source interface{}) (items []*AzureServiceManagedIdentity, err error)
- func (o *AzureServiceManagedIdentity) ClientID() string
- func (o *AzureServiceManagedIdentity) Empty() bool
- func (o *AzureServiceManagedIdentity) GetClientID() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *AzureServiceManagedIdentity) GetPrincipalID() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *AzureServiceManagedIdentity) GetResourceID() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *AzureServiceManagedIdentity) PrincipalID() string
- func (o *AzureServiceManagedIdentity) ResourceID() string
- type AzureServiceManagedIdentityBuilder
- func (b *AzureServiceManagedIdentityBuilder) Build() (object *AzureServiceManagedIdentity, err error)
- func (b *AzureServiceManagedIdentityBuilder) ClientID(value string) *AzureServiceManagedIdentityBuilder
- func (b *AzureServiceManagedIdentityBuilder) Copy(object *AzureServiceManagedIdentity) *AzureServiceManagedIdentityBuilder
- func (b *AzureServiceManagedIdentityBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *AzureServiceManagedIdentityBuilder) PrincipalID(value string) *AzureServiceManagedIdentityBuilder
- func (b *AzureServiceManagedIdentityBuilder) ResourceID(value string) *AzureServiceManagedIdentityBuilder
- type AzureServiceManagedIdentityList
- func (l *AzureServiceManagedIdentityList) Each(f func(item *AzureServiceManagedIdentity) bool)
- func (l *AzureServiceManagedIdentityList) Empty() bool
- func (l *AzureServiceManagedIdentityList) Get(i int) *AzureServiceManagedIdentity
- func (l *AzureServiceManagedIdentityList) Items() []*AzureServiceManagedIdentity
- func (l *AzureServiceManagedIdentityList) Len() int
- func (l *AzureServiceManagedIdentityList) Range(f func(index int, item *AzureServiceManagedIdentity) bool)
- func (l *AzureServiceManagedIdentityList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *AzureServiceManagedIdentityList) SetItems(items []*AzureServiceManagedIdentity)
- func (l *AzureServiceManagedIdentityList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *AzureServiceManagedIdentityList) Slice() []*AzureServiceManagedIdentity
- type AzureServiceManagedIdentityListBuilder
- func (b *AzureServiceManagedIdentityListBuilder) Build() (list *AzureServiceManagedIdentityList, err error)
- func (b *AzureServiceManagedIdentityListBuilder) Copy(list *AzureServiceManagedIdentityList) *AzureServiceManagedIdentityListBuilder
- func (b *AzureServiceManagedIdentityListBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *AzureServiceManagedIdentityListBuilder) Items(values ...*AzureServiceManagedIdentityBuilder) *AzureServiceManagedIdentityListBuilder
- type BillingModel
- type ByoOidc
- type ByoOidcBuilder
- type ByoOidcList
- func (l *ByoOidcList) Each(f func(item *ByoOidc) bool)
- func (l *ByoOidcList) Empty() bool
- func (l *ByoOidcList) Get(i int) *ByoOidc
- func (l *ByoOidcList) Items() []*ByoOidc
- func (l *ByoOidcList) Len() int
- func (l *ByoOidcList) Range(f func(index int, item *ByoOidc) bool)
- func (l *ByoOidcList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *ByoOidcList) SetItems(items []*ByoOidc)
- func (l *ByoOidcList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *ByoOidcList) Slice() []*ByoOidc
- type ByoOidcListBuilder
- type CCS
- func (o *CCS) DisableSCPChecks() bool
- func (o *CCS) Empty() bool
- func (o *CCS) Enabled() bool
- func (o *CCS) GetDisableSCPChecks() (value bool, ok bool)
- func (o *CCS) GetEnabled() (value bool, ok bool)
- func (o *CCS) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *CCS) GetID() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *CCS) HREF() string
- func (o *CCS) ID() string
- func (o *CCS) Kind() string
- func (o *CCS) Link() bool
- type CCSBuilder
- func (b *CCSBuilder) Build() (object *CCS, err error)
- func (b *CCSBuilder) Copy(object *CCS) *CCSBuilder
- func (b *CCSBuilder) DisableSCPChecks(value bool) *CCSBuilder
- func (b *CCSBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *CCSBuilder) Enabled(value bool) *CCSBuilder
- func (b *CCSBuilder) HREF(value string) *CCSBuilder
- func (b *CCSBuilder) ID(value string) *CCSBuilder
- func (b *CCSBuilder) Link(value bool) *CCSBuilder
- type CCSList
- func (l *CCSList) Each(f func(item *CCS) bool)
- func (l *CCSList) Empty() bool
- func (l *CCSList) Get(i int) *CCS
- func (l *CCSList) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
- func (l *CCSList) HREF() string
- func (l *CCSList) Items() []*CCS
- func (l *CCSList) Kind() string
- func (l *CCSList) Len() int
- func (l *CCSList) Link() bool
- func (l *CCSList) Range(f func(index int, item *CCS) bool)
- func (l *CCSList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *CCSList) SetItems(items []*CCS)
- func (l *CCSList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *CCSList) Slice() []*CCS
- type CCSListBuilder
- type Client
- type CloudProvider
- func ReadCloudProvider(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *CloudProvider
- func ReadCloudProviderList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*CloudProvider
- func UnmarshalCloudProvider(source interface{}) (object *CloudProvider, err error)
- func UnmarshalCloudProviderList(source interface{}) (items []*CloudProvider, err error)
- func (o *CloudProvider) DisplayName() string
- func (o *CloudProvider) Empty() bool
- func (o *CloudProvider) GetDisplayName() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *CloudProvider) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *CloudProvider) GetID() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *CloudProvider) GetName() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *CloudProvider) GetRegions() (value []*CloudRegion, ok bool)
- func (o *CloudProvider) HREF() string
- func (o *CloudProvider) ID() string
- func (o *CloudProvider) Kind() string
- func (o *CloudProvider) Link() bool
- func (o *CloudProvider) Name() string
- func (o *CloudProvider) Regions() []*CloudRegion
- type CloudProviderBuilder
- func (b *CloudProviderBuilder) Build() (object *CloudProvider, err error)
- func (b *CloudProviderBuilder) Copy(object *CloudProvider) *CloudProviderBuilder
- func (b *CloudProviderBuilder) DisplayName(value string) *CloudProviderBuilder
- func (b *CloudProviderBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *CloudProviderBuilder) HREF(value string) *CloudProviderBuilder
- func (b *CloudProviderBuilder) ID(value string) *CloudProviderBuilder
- func (b *CloudProviderBuilder) Link(value bool) *CloudProviderBuilder
- func (b *CloudProviderBuilder) Name(value string) *CloudProviderBuilder
- func (b *CloudProviderBuilder) Regions(values ...*CloudRegionBuilder) *CloudProviderBuilder
- type CloudProviderList
- func (l *CloudProviderList) Each(f func(item *CloudProvider) bool)
- func (l *CloudProviderList) Empty() bool
- func (l *CloudProviderList) Get(i int) *CloudProvider
- func (l *CloudProviderList) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
- func (l *CloudProviderList) HREF() string
- func (l *CloudProviderList) Items() []*CloudProvider
- func (l *CloudProviderList) Kind() string
- func (l *CloudProviderList) Len() int
- func (l *CloudProviderList) Link() bool
- func (l *CloudProviderList) Range(f func(index int, item *CloudProvider) bool)
- func (l *CloudProviderList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *CloudProviderList) SetItems(items []*CloudProvider)
- func (l *CloudProviderList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *CloudProviderList) Slice() []*CloudProvider
- type CloudProviderListBuilder
- func (b *CloudProviderListBuilder) Build() (list *CloudProviderList, err error)
- func (b *CloudProviderListBuilder) Copy(list *CloudProviderList) *CloudProviderListBuilder
- func (b *CloudProviderListBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *CloudProviderListBuilder) Items(values ...*CloudProviderBuilder) *CloudProviderListBuilder
- type CloudRegion
- func (o *CloudRegion) CCSOnly() bool
- func (o *CloudRegion) CloudProvider() *v1.CloudProvider
- func (o *CloudRegion) DisplayName() string
- func (o *CloudRegion) Empty() bool
- func (o *CloudRegion) Enabled() bool
- func (o *CloudRegion) GetCCSOnly() (value bool, ok bool)
- func (o *CloudRegion) GetCloudProvider() (value *v1.CloudProvider, ok bool)
- func (o *CloudRegion) GetDisplayName() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *CloudRegion) GetEnabled() (value bool, ok bool)
- func (o *CloudRegion) GetGovCloud() (value bool, ok bool)
- func (o *CloudRegion) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *CloudRegion) GetID() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *CloudRegion) GetKMSLocationID() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *CloudRegion) GetKMSLocationName() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *CloudRegion) GetName() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *CloudRegion) GetSupportsHypershift() (value bool, ok bool)
- func (o *CloudRegion) GetSupportsMultiAZ() (value bool, ok bool)
- func (o *CloudRegion) GovCloud() bool
- func (o *CloudRegion) HREF() string
- func (o *CloudRegion) ID() string
- func (o *CloudRegion) KMSLocationID() string
- func (o *CloudRegion) KMSLocationName() string
- func (o *CloudRegion) Kind() string
- func (o *CloudRegion) Link() bool
- func (o *CloudRegion) Name() string
- func (o *CloudRegion) SupportsHypershift() bool
- func (o *CloudRegion) SupportsMultiAZ() bool
- type CloudRegionBuilder
- func (b *CloudRegionBuilder) Build() (object *CloudRegion, err error)
- func (b *CloudRegionBuilder) CCSOnly(value bool) *CloudRegionBuilder
- func (b *CloudRegionBuilder) CloudProvider(value *v1.CloudProviderBuilder) *CloudRegionBuilder
- func (b *CloudRegionBuilder) Copy(object *CloudRegion) *CloudRegionBuilder
- func (b *CloudRegionBuilder) DisplayName(value string) *CloudRegionBuilder
- func (b *CloudRegionBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *CloudRegionBuilder) Enabled(value bool) *CloudRegionBuilder
- func (b *CloudRegionBuilder) GovCloud(value bool) *CloudRegionBuilder
- func (b *CloudRegionBuilder) HREF(value string) *CloudRegionBuilder
- func (b *CloudRegionBuilder) ID(value string) *CloudRegionBuilder
- func (b *CloudRegionBuilder) KMSLocationID(value string) *CloudRegionBuilder
- func (b *CloudRegionBuilder) KMSLocationName(value string) *CloudRegionBuilder
- func (b *CloudRegionBuilder) Link(value bool) *CloudRegionBuilder
- func (b *CloudRegionBuilder) Name(value string) *CloudRegionBuilder
- func (b *CloudRegionBuilder) SupportsHypershift(value bool) *CloudRegionBuilder
- func (b *CloudRegionBuilder) SupportsMultiAZ(value bool) *CloudRegionBuilder
- type CloudRegionList
- func (l *CloudRegionList) Each(f func(item *CloudRegion) bool)
- func (l *CloudRegionList) Empty() bool
- func (l *CloudRegionList) Get(i int) *CloudRegion
- func (l *CloudRegionList) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
- func (l *CloudRegionList) HREF() string
- func (l *CloudRegionList) Items() []*CloudRegion
- func (l *CloudRegionList) Kind() string
- func (l *CloudRegionList) Len() int
- func (l *CloudRegionList) Link() bool
- func (l *CloudRegionList) Range(f func(index int, item *CloudRegion) bool)
- func (l *CloudRegionList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *CloudRegionList) SetItems(items []*CloudRegion)
- func (l *CloudRegionList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *CloudRegionList) Slice() []*CloudRegion
- type CloudRegionListBuilder
- func (b *CloudRegionListBuilder) Build() (list *CloudRegionList, err error)
- func (b *CloudRegionListBuilder) Copy(list *CloudRegionList) *CloudRegionListBuilder
- func (b *CloudRegionListBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *CloudRegionListBuilder) Items(values ...*CloudRegionBuilder) *CloudRegionListBuilder
- type Cluster
- func (o *Cluster) API() *ClusterAPI
- func (o *Cluster) AWS() *AWS
- func (o *Cluster) AWSInfrastructureAccessRoleGrants() *v1.AWSInfrastructureAccessRoleGrantList
- func (o *Cluster) AdditionalTrustBundle() string
- func (o *Cluster) Addons() *v1.AddOnInstallationList
- func (o *Cluster) Autoscaler() *v1.ClusterAutoscaler
- func (o *Cluster) Azure() *Azure
- func (o *Cluster) BillingModel() BillingModel
- func (o *Cluster) ByoOidc() *ByoOidc
- func (o *Cluster) CCS() *CCS
- func (o *Cluster) CloudProvider() *v1.CloudProvider
- func (o *Cluster) Console() *ClusterConsole
- func (o *Cluster) CreationTimestamp() time.Time
- func (o *Cluster) DNS() *DNS
- func (o *Cluster) DeleteProtection() *DeleteProtection
- func (o *Cluster) DisableUserWorkloadMonitoring() bool
- func (o *Cluster) DomainPrefix() string
- func (o *Cluster) Empty() bool
- func (o *Cluster) EtcdEncryption() bool
- func (o *Cluster) ExpirationTimestamp() time.Time
- func (o *Cluster) ExternalAuthConfig() *ExternalAuthConfig
- func (o *Cluster) ExternalConfiguration() *ExternalConfiguration
- func (o *Cluster) ExternalID() string
- func (o *Cluster) FIPS() bool
- func (o *Cluster) Flavour() *v1.Flavour
- func (o *Cluster) GCP() *GCP
- func (o *Cluster) GCPEncryptionKey() *GCPEncryptionKey
- func (o *Cluster) GCPNetwork() *GCPNetwork
- func (o *Cluster) GetAPI() (value *ClusterAPI, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetAWS() (value *AWS, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetAWSInfrastructureAccessRoleGrants() (value *v1.AWSInfrastructureAccessRoleGrantList, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetAdditionalTrustBundle() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetAddons() (value *v1.AddOnInstallationList, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetAutoscaler() (value *v1.ClusterAutoscaler, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetAzure() (value *Azure, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetBillingModel() (value BillingModel, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetByoOidc() (value *ByoOidc, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetCCS() (value *CCS, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetCloudProvider() (value *v1.CloudProvider, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetConsole() (value *ClusterConsole, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetCreationTimestamp() (value time.Time, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetDNS() (value *DNS, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetDeleteProtection() (value *DeleteProtection, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetDisableUserWorkloadMonitoring() (value bool, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetDomainPrefix() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetEtcdEncryption() (value bool, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetExpirationTimestamp() (value time.Time, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetExternalAuthConfig() (value *ExternalAuthConfig, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetExternalConfiguration() (value *ExternalConfiguration, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetExternalID() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetFIPS() (value bool, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetFlavour() (value *v1.Flavour, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetGCP() (value *GCP, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetGCPEncryptionKey() (value *GCPEncryptionKey, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetGCPNetwork() (value *GCPNetwork, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetGroups() (value *v1.GroupList, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetHealthState() (value ClusterHealthState, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetHtpasswd() (value *HTPasswdIdentityProvider, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetHypershift() (value *Hypershift, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetID() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetIdentityProviders() (value *v1.IdentityProviderList, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetInflightChecks() (value *v1.InflightCheckList, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetInfraID() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetIngresses() (value *v1.IngressList, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetKubeletConfig() (value *KubeletConfig, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetLoadBalancerQuota() (value int, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetMachinePools() (value *v1.MachinePoolList, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetManaged() (value bool, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetManagedService() (value *ManagedService, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetMultiAZ() (value bool, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetMultiArchEnabled() (value bool, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetName() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetNetwork() (value *Network, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetNodeDrainGracePeriod() (value *Value, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetNodePools() (value *v1.NodePoolList, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetNodes() (value *ClusterNodes, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetOpenshiftVersion() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetProduct() (value *v1.Product, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetProperties() (value map[string]string, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetProvisionShard() (value *ProvisionShard, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetProxy() (value *Proxy, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetRegion() (value *v1.CloudRegion, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetRegistryConfig() (value *ClusterRegistryConfig, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetState() (value ClusterState, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetStatus() (value *ClusterStatus, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetStorageQuota() (value *Value, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetSubscription() (value *v1.Subscription, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) GetVersion() (value *v1.Version, ok bool)
- func (o *Cluster) Groups() *v1.GroupList
- func (o *Cluster) HREF() string
- func (o *Cluster) HealthState() ClusterHealthState
- func (o *Cluster) Htpasswd() *HTPasswdIdentityProvider
- func (o *Cluster) Hypershift() *Hypershift
- func (o *Cluster) ID() string
- func (o *Cluster) IdentityProviders() *v1.IdentityProviderList
- func (o *Cluster) InflightChecks() *v1.InflightCheckList
- func (o *Cluster) InfraID() string
- func (o *Cluster) Ingresses() *v1.IngressList
- func (o *Cluster) Kind() string
- func (o *Cluster) KubeletConfig() *KubeletConfig
- func (o *Cluster) Link() bool
- func (o *Cluster) LoadBalancerQuota() int
- func (o *Cluster) MachinePools() *v1.MachinePoolList
- func (o *Cluster) Managed() bool
- func (o *Cluster) ManagedService() *ManagedService
- func (o *Cluster) MultiAZ() bool
- func (o *Cluster) MultiArchEnabled() bool
- func (o *Cluster) Name() string
- func (o *Cluster) Network() *Network
- func (o *Cluster) NodeDrainGracePeriod() *Value
- func (o *Cluster) NodePools() *v1.NodePoolList
- func (o *Cluster) Nodes() *ClusterNodes
- func (o *Cluster) OpenshiftVersion() string
- func (o *Cluster) Product() *v1.Product
- func (o *Cluster) Properties() map[string]string
- func (o *Cluster) ProvisionShard() *ProvisionShard
- func (o *Cluster) Proxy() *Proxy
- func (o *Cluster) Region() *v1.CloudRegion
- func (o *Cluster) RegistryConfig() *ClusterRegistryConfig
- func (o *Cluster) State() ClusterState
- func (o *Cluster) Status() *ClusterStatus
- func (o *Cluster) StorageQuota() *Value
- func (o *Cluster) Subscription() *v1.Subscription
- func (o *Cluster) Version() *v1.Version
- type ClusterAPI
- type ClusterAPIBuilder
- func (b *ClusterAPIBuilder) Build() (object *ClusterAPI, err error)
- func (b *ClusterAPIBuilder) Copy(object *ClusterAPI) *ClusterAPIBuilder
- func (b *ClusterAPIBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *ClusterAPIBuilder) Listening(value ListeningMethod) *ClusterAPIBuilder
- func (b *ClusterAPIBuilder) URL(value string) *ClusterAPIBuilder
- type ClusterAPIList
- func (l *ClusterAPIList) Each(f func(item *ClusterAPI) bool)
- func (l *ClusterAPIList) Empty() bool
- func (l *ClusterAPIList) Get(i int) *ClusterAPI
- func (l *ClusterAPIList) Items() []*ClusterAPI
- func (l *ClusterAPIList) Len() int
- func (l *ClusterAPIList) Range(f func(index int, item *ClusterAPI) bool)
- func (l *ClusterAPIList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *ClusterAPIList) SetItems(items []*ClusterAPI)
- func (l *ClusterAPIList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *ClusterAPIList) Slice() []*ClusterAPI
- type ClusterAPIListBuilder
- type ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) API(value *ClusterAPIBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) AWS(value *AWSBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) AWSInfrastructureAccessRoleGrants(value *v1.AWSInfrastructureAccessRoleGrantListBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) AdditionalTrustBundle(value string) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) Addons(value *v1.AddOnInstallationListBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) Autoscaler(value *v1.ClusterAutoscalerBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) Azure(value *AzureBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) BillingModel(value BillingModel) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) Build() (object *Cluster, err error)
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) ByoOidc(value *ByoOidcBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) CCS(value *CCSBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) CloudProvider(value *v1.CloudProviderBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) Console(value *ClusterConsoleBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) Copy(object *Cluster) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) CreationTimestamp(value time.Time) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) DNS(value *DNSBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) DeleteProtection(value *DeleteProtectionBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) DisableUserWorkloadMonitoring(value bool) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) DomainPrefix(value string) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) EtcdEncryption(value bool) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) ExpirationTimestamp(value time.Time) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) ExternalAuthConfig(value *ExternalAuthConfigBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) ExternalConfiguration(value *ExternalConfigurationBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) ExternalID(value string) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) FIPS(value bool) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) Flavour(value *v1.FlavourBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) GCP(value *GCPBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) GCPEncryptionKey(value *GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) GCPNetwork(value *GCPNetworkBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) Groups(value *v1.GroupListBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) HREF(value string) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) HealthState(value ClusterHealthState) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) Htpasswd(value *HTPasswdIdentityProviderBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) Hypershift(value *HypershiftBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) ID(value string) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) IdentityProviders(value *v1.IdentityProviderListBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) InflightChecks(value *v1.InflightCheckListBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) InfraID(value string) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) Ingresses(value *v1.IngressListBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) KubeletConfig(value *KubeletConfigBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) Link(value bool) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) LoadBalancerQuota(value int) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) MachinePools(value *v1.MachinePoolListBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) Managed(value bool) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) ManagedService(value *ManagedServiceBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) MultiAZ(value bool) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) MultiArchEnabled(value bool) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) Name(value string) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) Network(value *NetworkBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) NodeDrainGracePeriod(value *ValueBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) NodePools(value *v1.NodePoolListBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) Nodes(value *ClusterNodesBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) OpenshiftVersion(value string) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) Product(value *v1.ProductBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) Properties(value map[string]string) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) ProvisionShard(value *ProvisionShardBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) Proxy(value *ProxyBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) Region(value *v1.CloudRegionBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) RegistryConfig(value *ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) State(value ClusterState) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) Status(value *ClusterStatusBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) StorageQuota(value *ValueBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) Subscription(value *v1.SubscriptionBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- func (b *ClusterBuilder) Version(value *v1.VersionBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
- type ClusterClient
- type ClusterConfigurationMode
- type ClusterConsole
- func ReadClusterConsole(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *ClusterConsole
- func ReadClusterConsoleList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*ClusterConsole
- func UnmarshalClusterConsole(source interface{}) (object *ClusterConsole, err error)
- func UnmarshalClusterConsoleList(source interface{}) (items []*ClusterConsole, err error)
- type ClusterConsoleBuilder
- type ClusterConsoleList
- func (l *ClusterConsoleList) Each(f func(item *ClusterConsole) bool)
- func (l *ClusterConsoleList) Empty() bool
- func (l *ClusterConsoleList) Get(i int) *ClusterConsole
- func (l *ClusterConsoleList) Items() []*ClusterConsole
- func (l *ClusterConsoleList) Len() int
- func (l *ClusterConsoleList) Range(f func(index int, item *ClusterConsole) bool)
- func (l *ClusterConsoleList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *ClusterConsoleList) SetItems(items []*ClusterConsole)
- func (l *ClusterConsoleList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *ClusterConsoleList) Slice() []*ClusterConsole
- type ClusterConsoleListBuilder
- func (b *ClusterConsoleListBuilder) Build() (list *ClusterConsoleList, err error)
- func (b *ClusterConsoleListBuilder) Copy(list *ClusterConsoleList) *ClusterConsoleListBuilder
- func (b *ClusterConsoleListBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *ClusterConsoleListBuilder) Items(values ...*ClusterConsoleBuilder) *ClusterConsoleListBuilder
- type ClusterDeleteRequest
- func (r *ClusterDeleteRequest) BestEffort(value bool) *ClusterDeleteRequest
- func (r *ClusterDeleteRequest) DryRun(value bool) *ClusterDeleteRequest
- func (r *ClusterDeleteRequest) Header(name string, value interface{}) *ClusterDeleteRequest
- func (r *ClusterDeleteRequest) Impersonate(user string) *ClusterDeleteRequest
- func (r *ClusterDeleteRequest) Parameter(name string, value interface{}) *ClusterDeleteRequest
- func (r *ClusterDeleteRequest) Send() (result *ClusterDeleteResponse, err error)
- func (r *ClusterDeleteRequest) SendContext(ctx context.Context) (result *ClusterDeleteResponse, err error)
- type ClusterDeleteResponse
- type ClusterGetRequest
- func (r *ClusterGetRequest) Header(name string, value interface{}) *ClusterGetRequest
- func (r *ClusterGetRequest) Impersonate(user string) *ClusterGetRequest
- func (r *ClusterGetRequest) Parameter(name string, value interface{}) *ClusterGetRequest
- func (r *ClusterGetRequest) Send() (result *ClusterGetResponse, err error)
- func (r *ClusterGetRequest) SendContext(ctx context.Context) (result *ClusterGetResponse, err error)
- type ClusterGetResponse
- type ClusterHealthState
- type ClusterList
- func (l *ClusterList) Each(f func(item *Cluster) bool)
- func (l *ClusterList) Empty() bool
- func (l *ClusterList) Get(i int) *Cluster
- func (l *ClusterList) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
- func (l *ClusterList) HREF() string
- func (l *ClusterList) Items() []*Cluster
- func (l *ClusterList) Kind() string
- func (l *ClusterList) Len() int
- func (l *ClusterList) Link() bool
- func (l *ClusterList) Range(f func(index int, item *Cluster) bool)
- func (l *ClusterList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *ClusterList) SetItems(items []*Cluster)
- func (l *ClusterList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *ClusterList) Slice() []*Cluster
- type ClusterListBuilder
- type ClusterNodes
- func ReadClusterNodes(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *ClusterNodes
- func ReadClusterNodesList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*ClusterNodes
- func UnmarshalClusterNodes(source interface{}) (object *ClusterNodes, err error)
- func UnmarshalClusterNodesList(source interface{}) (items []*ClusterNodes, err error)
- func (o *ClusterNodes) AutoscaleCompute() *MachinePoolAutoscaling
- func (o *ClusterNodes) AvailabilityZones() []string
- func (o *ClusterNodes) Compute() int
- func (o *ClusterNodes) ComputeLabels() map[string]string
- func (o *ClusterNodes) ComputeMachineType() *MachineType
- func (o *ClusterNodes) ComputeRootVolume() *RootVolume
- func (o *ClusterNodes) Empty() bool
- func (o *ClusterNodes) GetAutoscaleCompute() (value *MachinePoolAutoscaling, ok bool)
- func (o *ClusterNodes) GetAvailabilityZones() (value []string, ok bool)
- func (o *ClusterNodes) GetCompute() (value int, ok bool)
- func (o *ClusterNodes) GetComputeLabels() (value map[string]string, ok bool)
- func (o *ClusterNodes) GetComputeMachineType() (value *MachineType, ok bool)
- func (o *ClusterNodes) GetComputeRootVolume() (value *RootVolume, ok bool)
- func (o *ClusterNodes) GetInfra() (value int, ok bool)
- func (o *ClusterNodes) GetInfraMachineType() (value *MachineType, ok bool)
- func (o *ClusterNodes) GetMaster() (value int, ok bool)
- func (o *ClusterNodes) GetMasterMachineType() (value *MachineType, ok bool)
- func (o *ClusterNodes) GetSecurityGroupFilters() (value []*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter, ok bool)
- func (o *ClusterNodes) GetTotal() (value int, ok bool)
- func (o *ClusterNodes) Infra() int
- func (o *ClusterNodes) InfraMachineType() *MachineType
- func (o *ClusterNodes) Master() int
- func (o *ClusterNodes) MasterMachineType() *MachineType
- func (o *ClusterNodes) SecurityGroupFilters() []*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter
- func (o *ClusterNodes) Total() int
- type ClusterNodesBuilder
- func (b *ClusterNodesBuilder) AutoscaleCompute(value *MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder) *ClusterNodesBuilder
- func (b *ClusterNodesBuilder) AvailabilityZones(values ...string) *ClusterNodesBuilder
- func (b *ClusterNodesBuilder) Build() (object *ClusterNodes, err error)
- func (b *ClusterNodesBuilder) Compute(value int) *ClusterNodesBuilder
- func (b *ClusterNodesBuilder) ComputeLabels(value map[string]string) *ClusterNodesBuilder
- func (b *ClusterNodesBuilder) ComputeMachineType(value *MachineTypeBuilder) *ClusterNodesBuilder
- func (b *ClusterNodesBuilder) ComputeRootVolume(value *RootVolumeBuilder) *ClusterNodesBuilder
- func (b *ClusterNodesBuilder) Copy(object *ClusterNodes) *ClusterNodesBuilder
- func (b *ClusterNodesBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *ClusterNodesBuilder) Infra(value int) *ClusterNodesBuilder
- func (b *ClusterNodesBuilder) InfraMachineType(value *MachineTypeBuilder) *ClusterNodesBuilder
- func (b *ClusterNodesBuilder) Master(value int) *ClusterNodesBuilder
- func (b *ClusterNodesBuilder) MasterMachineType(value *MachineTypeBuilder) *ClusterNodesBuilder
- func (b *ClusterNodesBuilder) SecurityGroupFilters(values ...*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterBuilder) *ClusterNodesBuilder
- func (b *ClusterNodesBuilder) Total(value int) *ClusterNodesBuilder
- type ClusterNodesList
- func (l *ClusterNodesList) Each(f func(item *ClusterNodes) bool)
- func (l *ClusterNodesList) Empty() bool
- func (l *ClusterNodesList) Get(i int) *ClusterNodes
- func (l *ClusterNodesList) Items() []*ClusterNodes
- func (l *ClusterNodesList) Len() int
- func (l *ClusterNodesList) Range(f func(index int, item *ClusterNodes) bool)
- func (l *ClusterNodesList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *ClusterNodesList) SetItems(items []*ClusterNodes)
- func (l *ClusterNodesList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *ClusterNodesList) Slice() []*ClusterNodes
- type ClusterNodesListBuilder
- func (b *ClusterNodesListBuilder) Build() (list *ClusterNodesList, err error)
- func (b *ClusterNodesListBuilder) Copy(list *ClusterNodesList) *ClusterNodesListBuilder
- func (b *ClusterNodesListBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *ClusterNodesListBuilder) Items(values ...*ClusterNodesBuilder) *ClusterNodesListBuilder
- type ClusterPollRequest
- func (r *ClusterPollRequest) Header(name string, value interface{}) *ClusterPollRequest
- func (r *ClusterPollRequest) Interval(value time.Duration) *ClusterPollRequest
- func (r *ClusterPollRequest) Parameter(name string, value interface{}) *ClusterPollRequest
- func (r *ClusterPollRequest) Predicate(value func(*ClusterGetResponse) bool) *ClusterPollRequest
- func (r *ClusterPollRequest) StartContext(ctx context.Context) (response *ClusterPollResponse, err error)
- func (r *ClusterPollRequest) Status(value int) *ClusterPollRequest
- type ClusterPollResponse
- type ClusterRegistryConfig
- func ReadClusterRegistryConfig(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *ClusterRegistryConfig
- func ReadClusterRegistryConfigList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*ClusterRegistryConfig
- func UnmarshalClusterRegistryConfig(source interface{}) (object *ClusterRegistryConfig, err error)
- func UnmarshalClusterRegistryConfigList(source interface{}) (items []*ClusterRegistryConfig, err error)
- func (o *ClusterRegistryConfig) AdditionalTrustedCa() map[string]string
- func (o *ClusterRegistryConfig) AllowedRegistriesForImport() []*RegistryLocation
- func (o *ClusterRegistryConfig) Empty() bool
- func (o *ClusterRegistryConfig) GetAdditionalTrustedCa() (value map[string]string, ok bool)
- func (o *ClusterRegistryConfig) GetAllowedRegistriesForImport() (value []*RegistryLocation, ok bool)
- func (o *ClusterRegistryConfig) GetPlatformAllowlist() (value *RegistryAllowlist, ok bool)
- func (o *ClusterRegistryConfig) GetRegistrySources() (value *RegistrySources, ok bool)
- func (o *ClusterRegistryConfig) PlatformAllowlist() *RegistryAllowlist
- func (o *ClusterRegistryConfig) RegistrySources() *RegistrySources
- type ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder
- func (b *ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder) AdditionalTrustedCa(value map[string]string) *ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder
- func (b *ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder) AllowedRegistriesForImport(values ...*RegistryLocationBuilder) *ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder
- func (b *ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder) Build() (object *ClusterRegistryConfig, err error)
- func (b *ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder) Copy(object *ClusterRegistryConfig) *ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder
- func (b *ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder) PlatformAllowlist(value *RegistryAllowlistBuilder) *ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder
- func (b *ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder) RegistrySources(value *RegistrySourcesBuilder) *ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder
- type ClusterRegistryConfigList
- func (l *ClusterRegistryConfigList) Each(f func(item *ClusterRegistryConfig) bool)
- func (l *ClusterRegistryConfigList) Empty() bool
- func (l *ClusterRegistryConfigList) Get(i int) *ClusterRegistryConfig
- func (l *ClusterRegistryConfigList) Items() []*ClusterRegistryConfig
- func (l *ClusterRegistryConfigList) Len() int
- func (l *ClusterRegistryConfigList) Range(f func(index int, item *ClusterRegistryConfig) bool)
- func (l *ClusterRegistryConfigList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *ClusterRegistryConfigList) SetItems(items []*ClusterRegistryConfig)
- func (l *ClusterRegistryConfigList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *ClusterRegistryConfigList) Slice() []*ClusterRegistryConfig
- type ClusterRegistryConfigListBuilder
- func (b *ClusterRegistryConfigListBuilder) Build() (list *ClusterRegistryConfigList, err error)
- func (b *ClusterRegistryConfigListBuilder) Copy(list *ClusterRegistryConfigList) *ClusterRegistryConfigListBuilder
- func (b *ClusterRegistryConfigListBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *ClusterRegistryConfigListBuilder) Items(values ...*ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder) *ClusterRegistryConfigListBuilder
- type ClusterState
- type ClusterStatus
- func ReadClusterStatus(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *ClusterStatus
- func ReadClusterStatusList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*ClusterStatus
- func UnmarshalClusterStatus(source interface{}) (object *ClusterStatus, err error)
- func UnmarshalClusterStatusList(source interface{}) (items []*ClusterStatus, err error)
- func (o *ClusterStatus) ConfigurationMode() ClusterConfigurationMode
- func (o *ClusterStatus) CurrentCompute() int
- func (o *ClusterStatus) DNSReady() bool
- func (o *ClusterStatus) Description() string
- func (o *ClusterStatus) Empty() bool
- func (o *ClusterStatus) GetConfigurationMode() (value ClusterConfigurationMode, ok bool)
- func (o *ClusterStatus) GetCurrentCompute() (value int, ok bool)
- func (o *ClusterStatus) GetDNSReady() (value bool, ok bool)
- func (o *ClusterStatus) GetDescription() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *ClusterStatus) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *ClusterStatus) GetID() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *ClusterStatus) GetLimitedSupportReasonCount() (value int, ok bool)
- func (o *ClusterStatus) GetOIDCReady() (value bool, ok bool)
- func (o *ClusterStatus) GetProvisionErrorCode() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *ClusterStatus) GetProvisionErrorMessage() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *ClusterStatus) GetState() (value ClusterState, ok bool)
- func (o *ClusterStatus) HREF() string
- func (o *ClusterStatus) ID() string
- func (o *ClusterStatus) Kind() string
- func (o *ClusterStatus) LimitedSupportReasonCount() int
- func (o *ClusterStatus) Link() bool
- func (o *ClusterStatus) OIDCReady() bool
- func (o *ClusterStatus) ProvisionErrorCode() string
- func (o *ClusterStatus) ProvisionErrorMessage() string
- func (o *ClusterStatus) State() ClusterState
- type ClusterStatusBuilder
- func (b *ClusterStatusBuilder) Build() (object *ClusterStatus, err error)
- func (b *ClusterStatusBuilder) ConfigurationMode(value ClusterConfigurationMode) *ClusterStatusBuilder
- func (b *ClusterStatusBuilder) Copy(object *ClusterStatus) *ClusterStatusBuilder
- func (b *ClusterStatusBuilder) CurrentCompute(value int) *ClusterStatusBuilder
- func (b *ClusterStatusBuilder) DNSReady(value bool) *ClusterStatusBuilder
- func (b *ClusterStatusBuilder) Description(value string) *ClusterStatusBuilder
- func (b *ClusterStatusBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *ClusterStatusBuilder) HREF(value string) *ClusterStatusBuilder
- func (b *ClusterStatusBuilder) ID(value string) *ClusterStatusBuilder
- func (b *ClusterStatusBuilder) LimitedSupportReasonCount(value int) *ClusterStatusBuilder
- func (b *ClusterStatusBuilder) Link(value bool) *ClusterStatusBuilder
- func (b *ClusterStatusBuilder) OIDCReady(value bool) *ClusterStatusBuilder
- func (b *ClusterStatusBuilder) ProvisionErrorCode(value string) *ClusterStatusBuilder
- func (b *ClusterStatusBuilder) ProvisionErrorMessage(value string) *ClusterStatusBuilder
- func (b *ClusterStatusBuilder) State(value ClusterState) *ClusterStatusBuilder
- type ClusterStatusClient
- type ClusterStatusGetRequest
- func (r *ClusterStatusGetRequest) Header(name string, value interface{}) *ClusterStatusGetRequest
- func (r *ClusterStatusGetRequest) Impersonate(user string) *ClusterStatusGetRequest
- func (r *ClusterStatusGetRequest) Parameter(name string, value interface{}) *ClusterStatusGetRequest
- func (r *ClusterStatusGetRequest) Send() (result *ClusterStatusGetResponse, err error)
- func (r *ClusterStatusGetRequest) SendContext(ctx context.Context) (result *ClusterStatusGetResponse, err error)
- type ClusterStatusGetResponse
- type ClusterStatusList
- func (l *ClusterStatusList) Each(f func(item *ClusterStatus) bool)
- func (l *ClusterStatusList) Empty() bool
- func (l *ClusterStatusList) Get(i int) *ClusterStatus
- func (l *ClusterStatusList) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
- func (l *ClusterStatusList) HREF() string
- func (l *ClusterStatusList) Items() []*ClusterStatus
- func (l *ClusterStatusList) Kind() string
- func (l *ClusterStatusList) Len() int
- func (l *ClusterStatusList) Link() bool
- func (l *ClusterStatusList) Range(f func(index int, item *ClusterStatus) bool)
- func (l *ClusterStatusList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *ClusterStatusList) SetItems(items []*ClusterStatus)
- func (l *ClusterStatusList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *ClusterStatusList) Slice() []*ClusterStatus
- type ClusterStatusListBuilder
- func (b *ClusterStatusListBuilder) Build() (list *ClusterStatusList, err error)
- func (b *ClusterStatusListBuilder) Copy(list *ClusterStatusList) *ClusterStatusListBuilder
- func (b *ClusterStatusListBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *ClusterStatusListBuilder) Items(values ...*ClusterStatusBuilder) *ClusterStatusListBuilder
- type ClusterStatusPollRequest
- func (r *ClusterStatusPollRequest) Header(name string, value interface{}) *ClusterStatusPollRequest
- func (r *ClusterStatusPollRequest) Interval(value time.Duration) *ClusterStatusPollRequest
- func (r *ClusterStatusPollRequest) Parameter(name string, value interface{}) *ClusterStatusPollRequest
- func (r *ClusterStatusPollRequest) Predicate(value func(*ClusterStatusGetResponse) bool) *ClusterStatusPollRequest
- func (r *ClusterStatusPollRequest) StartContext(ctx context.Context) (response *ClusterStatusPollResponse, err error)
- func (r *ClusterStatusPollRequest) Status(value int) *ClusterStatusPollRequest
- type ClusterStatusPollResponse
- type ClusterUpdateRequest
- func (r *ClusterUpdateRequest) Body(value *Cluster) *ClusterUpdateRequest
- func (r *ClusterUpdateRequest) Header(name string, value interface{}) *ClusterUpdateRequest
- func (r *ClusterUpdateRequest) Impersonate(user string) *ClusterUpdateRequest
- func (r *ClusterUpdateRequest) Parameter(name string, value interface{}) *ClusterUpdateRequest
- func (r *ClusterUpdateRequest) Send() (result *ClusterUpdateResponse, err error)
- func (r *ClusterUpdateRequest) SendContext(ctx context.Context) (result *ClusterUpdateResponse, err error)
- type ClusterUpdateResponse
- type ClustersAddRequest
- func (r *ClustersAddRequest) Body(value *Cluster) *ClustersAddRequest
- func (r *ClustersAddRequest) Header(name string, value interface{}) *ClustersAddRequest
- func (r *ClustersAddRequest) Impersonate(user string) *ClustersAddRequest
- func (r *ClustersAddRequest) Parameter(name string, value interface{}) *ClustersAddRequest
- func (r *ClustersAddRequest) Send() (result *ClustersAddResponse, err error)
- func (r *ClustersAddRequest) SendContext(ctx context.Context) (result *ClustersAddResponse, err error)
- type ClustersAddResponse
- type ClustersClient
- type ClustersListRequest
- func (r *ClustersListRequest) Header(name string, value interface{}) *ClustersListRequest
- func (r *ClustersListRequest) Impersonate(user string) *ClustersListRequest
- func (r *ClustersListRequest) Order(value string) *ClustersListRequest
- func (r *ClustersListRequest) Page(value int) *ClustersListRequest
- func (r *ClustersListRequest) Parameter(name string, value interface{}) *ClustersListRequest
- func (r *ClustersListRequest) Search(value string) *ClustersListRequest
- func (r *ClustersListRequest) Send() (result *ClustersListResponse, err error)
- func (r *ClustersListRequest) SendContext(ctx context.Context) (result *ClustersListResponse, err error)
- func (r *ClustersListRequest) Size(value int) *ClustersListRequest
- type ClustersListResponse
- func (r *ClustersListResponse) Error() *errors.Error
- func (r *ClustersListResponse) GetItems() (value *ClusterList, ok bool)
- func (r *ClustersListResponse) GetPage() (value int, ok bool)
- func (r *ClustersListResponse) GetSize() (value int, ok bool)
- func (r *ClustersListResponse) GetTotal() (value int, ok bool)
- func (r *ClustersListResponse) Header() http.Header
- func (r *ClustersListResponse) Items() *ClusterList
- func (r *ClustersListResponse) Page() int
- func (r *ClustersListResponse) Size() int
- func (r *ClustersListResponse) Status() int
- func (r *ClustersListResponse) Total() int
- type DNS
- type DNSBuilder
- type DNSList
- func (l *DNSList) Each(f func(item *DNS) bool)
- func (l *DNSList) Empty() bool
- func (l *DNSList) Get(i int) *DNS
- func (l *DNSList) Items() []*DNS
- func (l *DNSList) Len() int
- func (l *DNSList) Range(f func(index int, item *DNS) bool)
- func (l *DNSList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *DNSList) SetItems(items []*DNS)
- func (l *DNSList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *DNSList) Slice() []*DNS
- type DNSListBuilder
- type DeleteProtection
- func ReadDeleteProtection(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *DeleteProtection
- func ReadDeleteProtectionList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*DeleteProtection
- func UnmarshalDeleteProtection(source interface{}) (object *DeleteProtection, err error)
- func UnmarshalDeleteProtectionList(source interface{}) (items []*DeleteProtection, err error)
- type DeleteProtectionBuilder
- type DeleteProtectionList
- func (l *DeleteProtectionList) Each(f func(item *DeleteProtection) bool)
- func (l *DeleteProtectionList) Empty() bool
- func (l *DeleteProtectionList) Get(i int) *DeleteProtection
- func (l *DeleteProtectionList) Items() []*DeleteProtection
- func (l *DeleteProtectionList) Len() int
- func (l *DeleteProtectionList) Range(f func(index int, item *DeleteProtection) bool)
- func (l *DeleteProtectionList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *DeleteProtectionList) SetItems(items []*DeleteProtection)
- func (l *DeleteProtectionList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *DeleteProtectionList) Slice() []*DeleteProtection
- type DeleteProtectionListBuilder
- func (b *DeleteProtectionListBuilder) Build() (list *DeleteProtectionList, err error)
- func (b *DeleteProtectionListBuilder) Copy(list *DeleteProtectionList) *DeleteProtectionListBuilder
- func (b *DeleteProtectionListBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *DeleteProtectionListBuilder) Items(values ...*DeleteProtectionBuilder) *DeleteProtectionListBuilder
- type Ec2MetadataHttpTokens
- type ExternalAuthConfig
- func ReadExternalAuthConfig(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *ExternalAuthConfig
- func ReadExternalAuthConfigList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*ExternalAuthConfig
- func UnmarshalExternalAuthConfig(source interface{}) (object *ExternalAuthConfig, err error)
- func UnmarshalExternalAuthConfigList(source interface{}) (items []*ExternalAuthConfig, err error)
- func (o *ExternalAuthConfig) Empty() bool
- func (o *ExternalAuthConfig) Enabled() bool
- func (o *ExternalAuthConfig) ExternalAuths() *v1.ExternalAuthList
- func (o *ExternalAuthConfig) GetEnabled() (value bool, ok bool)
- func (o *ExternalAuthConfig) GetExternalAuths() (value *v1.ExternalAuthList, ok bool)
- type ExternalAuthConfigBuilder
- func (b *ExternalAuthConfigBuilder) Build() (object *ExternalAuthConfig, err error)
- func (b *ExternalAuthConfigBuilder) Copy(object *ExternalAuthConfig) *ExternalAuthConfigBuilder
- func (b *ExternalAuthConfigBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *ExternalAuthConfigBuilder) Enabled(value bool) *ExternalAuthConfigBuilder
- func (b *ExternalAuthConfigBuilder) ExternalAuths(value *v1.ExternalAuthListBuilder) *ExternalAuthConfigBuilder
- type ExternalAuthConfigList
- func (l *ExternalAuthConfigList) Each(f func(item *ExternalAuthConfig) bool)
- func (l *ExternalAuthConfigList) Empty() bool
- func (l *ExternalAuthConfigList) Get(i int) *ExternalAuthConfig
- func (l *ExternalAuthConfigList) Items() []*ExternalAuthConfig
- func (l *ExternalAuthConfigList) Len() int
- func (l *ExternalAuthConfigList) Range(f func(index int, item *ExternalAuthConfig) bool)
- func (l *ExternalAuthConfigList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *ExternalAuthConfigList) SetItems(items []*ExternalAuthConfig)
- func (l *ExternalAuthConfigList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *ExternalAuthConfigList) Slice() []*ExternalAuthConfig
- type ExternalAuthConfigListBuilder
- func (b *ExternalAuthConfigListBuilder) Build() (list *ExternalAuthConfigList, err error)
- func (b *ExternalAuthConfigListBuilder) Copy(list *ExternalAuthConfigList) *ExternalAuthConfigListBuilder
- func (b *ExternalAuthConfigListBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *ExternalAuthConfigListBuilder) Items(values ...*ExternalAuthConfigBuilder) *ExternalAuthConfigListBuilder
- type ExternalConfiguration
- func ReadExternalConfiguration(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *ExternalConfiguration
- func ReadExternalConfigurationList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*ExternalConfiguration
- func UnmarshalExternalConfiguration(source interface{}) (object *ExternalConfiguration, err error)
- func UnmarshalExternalConfigurationList(source interface{}) (items []*ExternalConfiguration, err error)
- func (o *ExternalConfiguration) Empty() bool
- func (o *ExternalConfiguration) GetLabels() (value *v1.LabelList, ok bool)
- func (o *ExternalConfiguration) GetManifests() (value *v1.ManifestList, ok bool)
- func (o *ExternalConfiguration) GetSyncsets() (value *v1.SyncsetList, ok bool)
- func (o *ExternalConfiguration) Labels() *v1.LabelList
- func (o *ExternalConfiguration) Manifests() *v1.ManifestList
- func (o *ExternalConfiguration) Syncsets() *v1.SyncsetList
- type ExternalConfigurationBuilder
- func (b *ExternalConfigurationBuilder) Build() (object *ExternalConfiguration, err error)
- func (b *ExternalConfigurationBuilder) Copy(object *ExternalConfiguration) *ExternalConfigurationBuilder
- func (b *ExternalConfigurationBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *ExternalConfigurationBuilder) Labels(value *v1.LabelListBuilder) *ExternalConfigurationBuilder
- func (b *ExternalConfigurationBuilder) Manifests(value *v1.ManifestListBuilder) *ExternalConfigurationBuilder
- func (b *ExternalConfigurationBuilder) Syncsets(value *v1.SyncsetListBuilder) *ExternalConfigurationBuilder
- type ExternalConfigurationList
- func (l *ExternalConfigurationList) Each(f func(item *ExternalConfiguration) bool)
- func (l *ExternalConfigurationList) Empty() bool
- func (l *ExternalConfigurationList) Get(i int) *ExternalConfiguration
- func (l *ExternalConfigurationList) Items() []*ExternalConfiguration
- func (l *ExternalConfigurationList) Len() int
- func (l *ExternalConfigurationList) Range(f func(index int, item *ExternalConfiguration) bool)
- func (l *ExternalConfigurationList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *ExternalConfigurationList) SetItems(items []*ExternalConfiguration)
- func (l *ExternalConfigurationList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *ExternalConfigurationList) Slice() []*ExternalConfiguration
- type ExternalConfigurationListBuilder
- func (b *ExternalConfigurationListBuilder) Build() (list *ExternalConfigurationList, err error)
- func (b *ExternalConfigurationListBuilder) Copy(list *ExternalConfigurationList) *ExternalConfigurationListBuilder
- func (b *ExternalConfigurationListBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *ExternalConfigurationListBuilder) Items(values ...*ExternalConfigurationBuilder) *ExternalConfigurationListBuilder
- type GCP
- func (o *GCP) AuthProviderX509CertURL() string
- func (o *GCP) AuthURI() string
- func (o *GCP) Authentication() *GcpAuthentication
- func (o *GCP) ClientEmail() string
- func (o *GCP) ClientID() string
- func (o *GCP) ClientX509CertURL() string
- func (o *GCP) Empty() bool
- func (o *GCP) GetAuthProviderX509CertURL() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *GCP) GetAuthURI() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *GCP) GetAuthentication() (value *GcpAuthentication, ok bool)
- func (o *GCP) GetClientEmail() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *GCP) GetClientID() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *GCP) GetClientX509CertURL() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *GCP) GetPrivateKey() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *GCP) GetPrivateKeyID() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *GCP) GetPrivateServiceConnect() (value *GcpPrivateServiceConnect, ok bool)
- func (o *GCP) GetProjectID() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *GCP) GetSecurity() (value *GcpSecurity, ok bool)
- func (o *GCP) GetTokenURI() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *GCP) GetType() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *GCP) PrivateKey() string
- func (o *GCP) PrivateKeyID() string
- func (o *GCP) PrivateServiceConnect() *GcpPrivateServiceConnect
- func (o *GCP) ProjectID() string
- func (o *GCP) Security() *GcpSecurity
- func (o *GCP) TokenURI() string
- func (o *GCP) Type() string
- type GCPBuilder
- func (b *GCPBuilder) AuthProviderX509CertURL(value string) *GCPBuilder
- func (b *GCPBuilder) AuthURI(value string) *GCPBuilder
- func (b *GCPBuilder) Authentication(value *GcpAuthenticationBuilder) *GCPBuilder
- func (b *GCPBuilder) Build() (object *GCP, err error)
- func (b *GCPBuilder) ClientEmail(value string) *GCPBuilder
- func (b *GCPBuilder) ClientID(value string) *GCPBuilder
- func (b *GCPBuilder) ClientX509CertURL(value string) *GCPBuilder
- func (b *GCPBuilder) Copy(object *GCP) *GCPBuilder
- func (b *GCPBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *GCPBuilder) PrivateKey(value string) *GCPBuilder
- func (b *GCPBuilder) PrivateKeyID(value string) *GCPBuilder
- func (b *GCPBuilder) PrivateServiceConnect(value *GcpPrivateServiceConnectBuilder) *GCPBuilder
- func (b *GCPBuilder) ProjectID(value string) *GCPBuilder
- func (b *GCPBuilder) Security(value *GcpSecurityBuilder) *GCPBuilder
- func (b *GCPBuilder) TokenURI(value string) *GCPBuilder
- func (b *GCPBuilder) Type(value string) *GCPBuilder
- type GCPEncryptionKey
- func ReadGCPEncryptionKey(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *GCPEncryptionKey
- func ReadGCPEncryptionKeyList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*GCPEncryptionKey
- func UnmarshalGCPEncryptionKey(source interface{}) (object *GCPEncryptionKey, err error)
- func UnmarshalGCPEncryptionKeyList(source interface{}) (items []*GCPEncryptionKey, err error)
- func (o *GCPEncryptionKey) Empty() bool
- func (o *GCPEncryptionKey) GetKMSKeyServiceAccount() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *GCPEncryptionKey) GetKeyLocation() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *GCPEncryptionKey) GetKeyName() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *GCPEncryptionKey) GetKeyRing() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *GCPEncryptionKey) KMSKeyServiceAccount() string
- func (o *GCPEncryptionKey) KeyLocation() string
- func (o *GCPEncryptionKey) KeyName() string
- func (o *GCPEncryptionKey) KeyRing() string
- type GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder
- func (b *GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder) Build() (object *GCPEncryptionKey, err error)
- func (b *GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder) Copy(object *GCPEncryptionKey) *GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder
- func (b *GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder) KMSKeyServiceAccount(value string) *GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder
- func (b *GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder) KeyLocation(value string) *GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder
- func (b *GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder) KeyName(value string) *GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder
- func (b *GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder) KeyRing(value string) *GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder
- type GCPEncryptionKeyList
- func (l *GCPEncryptionKeyList) Each(f func(item *GCPEncryptionKey) bool)
- func (l *GCPEncryptionKeyList) Empty() bool
- func (l *GCPEncryptionKeyList) Get(i int) *GCPEncryptionKey
- func (l *GCPEncryptionKeyList) Items() []*GCPEncryptionKey
- func (l *GCPEncryptionKeyList) Len() int
- func (l *GCPEncryptionKeyList) Range(f func(index int, item *GCPEncryptionKey) bool)
- func (l *GCPEncryptionKeyList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *GCPEncryptionKeyList) SetItems(items []*GCPEncryptionKey)
- func (l *GCPEncryptionKeyList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *GCPEncryptionKeyList) Slice() []*GCPEncryptionKey
- type GCPEncryptionKeyListBuilder
- func (b *GCPEncryptionKeyListBuilder) Build() (list *GCPEncryptionKeyList, err error)
- func (b *GCPEncryptionKeyListBuilder) Copy(list *GCPEncryptionKeyList) *GCPEncryptionKeyListBuilder
- func (b *GCPEncryptionKeyListBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *GCPEncryptionKeyListBuilder) Items(values ...*GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder) *GCPEncryptionKeyListBuilder
- type GCPList
- func (l *GCPList) Each(f func(item *GCP) bool)
- func (l *GCPList) Empty() bool
- func (l *GCPList) Get(i int) *GCP
- func (l *GCPList) Items() []*GCP
- func (l *GCPList) Len() int
- func (l *GCPList) Range(f func(index int, item *GCP) bool)
- func (l *GCPList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *GCPList) SetItems(items []*GCP)
- func (l *GCPList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *GCPList) Slice() []*GCP
- type GCPListBuilder
- type GCPNetwork
- func (o *GCPNetwork) ComputeSubnet() string
- func (o *GCPNetwork) ControlPlaneSubnet() string
- func (o *GCPNetwork) Empty() bool
- func (o *GCPNetwork) GetComputeSubnet() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *GCPNetwork) GetControlPlaneSubnet() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *GCPNetwork) GetVPCName() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *GCPNetwork) GetVPCProjectID() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *GCPNetwork) VPCName() string
- func (o *GCPNetwork) VPCProjectID() string
- type GCPNetworkBuilder
- func (b *GCPNetworkBuilder) Build() (object *GCPNetwork, err error)
- func (b *GCPNetworkBuilder) ComputeSubnet(value string) *GCPNetworkBuilder
- func (b *GCPNetworkBuilder) ControlPlaneSubnet(value string) *GCPNetworkBuilder
- func (b *GCPNetworkBuilder) Copy(object *GCPNetwork) *GCPNetworkBuilder
- func (b *GCPNetworkBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *GCPNetworkBuilder) VPCName(value string) *GCPNetworkBuilder
- func (b *GCPNetworkBuilder) VPCProjectID(value string) *GCPNetworkBuilder
- type GCPNetworkList
- func (l *GCPNetworkList) Each(f func(item *GCPNetwork) bool)
- func (l *GCPNetworkList) Empty() bool
- func (l *GCPNetworkList) Get(i int) *GCPNetwork
- func (l *GCPNetworkList) Items() []*GCPNetwork
- func (l *GCPNetworkList) Len() int
- func (l *GCPNetworkList) Range(f func(index int, item *GCPNetwork) bool)
- func (l *GCPNetworkList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *GCPNetworkList) SetItems(items []*GCPNetwork)
- func (l *GCPNetworkList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *GCPNetworkList) Slice() []*GCPNetwork
- type GCPNetworkListBuilder
- type GCPVolume
- type GCPVolumeBuilder
- type GCPVolumeList
- func (l *GCPVolumeList) Each(f func(item *GCPVolume) bool)
- func (l *GCPVolumeList) Empty() bool
- func (l *GCPVolumeList) Get(i int) *GCPVolume
- func (l *GCPVolumeList) Items() []*GCPVolume
- func (l *GCPVolumeList) Len() int
- func (l *GCPVolumeList) Range(f func(index int, item *GCPVolume) bool)
- func (l *GCPVolumeList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *GCPVolumeList) SetItems(items []*GCPVolume)
- func (l *GCPVolumeList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *GCPVolumeList) Slice() []*GCPVolume
- type GCPVolumeListBuilder
- type GcpAuthentication
- func ReadGcpAuthentication(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *GcpAuthentication
- func ReadGcpAuthenticationList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*GcpAuthentication
- func UnmarshalGcpAuthentication(source interface{}) (object *GcpAuthentication, err error)
- func UnmarshalGcpAuthenticationList(source interface{}) (items []*GcpAuthentication, err error)
- func (o *GcpAuthentication) Empty() bool
- func (o *GcpAuthentication) GetHref() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *GcpAuthentication) GetId() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *GcpAuthentication) GetKind() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *GcpAuthentication) Href() string
- func (o *GcpAuthentication) Id() string
- func (o *GcpAuthentication) Kind() string
- type GcpAuthenticationBuilder
- func (b *GcpAuthenticationBuilder) Build() (object *GcpAuthentication, err error)
- func (b *GcpAuthenticationBuilder) Copy(object *GcpAuthentication) *GcpAuthenticationBuilder
- func (b *GcpAuthenticationBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *GcpAuthenticationBuilder) Href(value string) *GcpAuthenticationBuilder
- func (b *GcpAuthenticationBuilder) Id(value string) *GcpAuthenticationBuilder
- func (b *GcpAuthenticationBuilder) Kind(value string) *GcpAuthenticationBuilder
- type GcpAuthenticationList
- func (l *GcpAuthenticationList) Each(f func(item *GcpAuthentication) bool)
- func (l *GcpAuthenticationList) Empty() bool
- func (l *GcpAuthenticationList) Get(i int) *GcpAuthentication
- func (l *GcpAuthenticationList) Items() []*GcpAuthentication
- func (l *GcpAuthenticationList) Len() int
- func (l *GcpAuthenticationList) Range(f func(index int, item *GcpAuthentication) bool)
- func (l *GcpAuthenticationList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *GcpAuthenticationList) SetItems(items []*GcpAuthentication)
- func (l *GcpAuthenticationList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *GcpAuthenticationList) Slice() []*GcpAuthentication
- type GcpAuthenticationListBuilder
- func (b *GcpAuthenticationListBuilder) Build() (list *GcpAuthenticationList, err error)
- func (b *GcpAuthenticationListBuilder) Copy(list *GcpAuthenticationList) *GcpAuthenticationListBuilder
- func (b *GcpAuthenticationListBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *GcpAuthenticationListBuilder) Items(values ...*GcpAuthenticationBuilder) *GcpAuthenticationListBuilder
- type GcpPrivateServiceConnect
- func ReadGcpPrivateServiceConnect(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *GcpPrivateServiceConnect
- func ReadGcpPrivateServiceConnectList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*GcpPrivateServiceConnect
- func UnmarshalGcpPrivateServiceConnect(source interface{}) (object *GcpPrivateServiceConnect, err error)
- func UnmarshalGcpPrivateServiceConnectList(source interface{}) (items []*GcpPrivateServiceConnect, err error)
- type GcpPrivateServiceConnectBuilder
- func (b *GcpPrivateServiceConnectBuilder) Build() (object *GcpPrivateServiceConnect, err error)
- func (b *GcpPrivateServiceConnectBuilder) Copy(object *GcpPrivateServiceConnect) *GcpPrivateServiceConnectBuilder
- func (b *GcpPrivateServiceConnectBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *GcpPrivateServiceConnectBuilder) ServiceAttachmentSubnet(value string) *GcpPrivateServiceConnectBuilder
- type GcpPrivateServiceConnectList
- func (l *GcpPrivateServiceConnectList) Each(f func(item *GcpPrivateServiceConnect) bool)
- func (l *GcpPrivateServiceConnectList) Empty() bool
- func (l *GcpPrivateServiceConnectList) Get(i int) *GcpPrivateServiceConnect
- func (l *GcpPrivateServiceConnectList) Items() []*GcpPrivateServiceConnect
- func (l *GcpPrivateServiceConnectList) Len() int
- func (l *GcpPrivateServiceConnectList) Range(f func(index int, item *GcpPrivateServiceConnect) bool)
- func (l *GcpPrivateServiceConnectList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *GcpPrivateServiceConnectList) SetItems(items []*GcpPrivateServiceConnect)
- func (l *GcpPrivateServiceConnectList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *GcpPrivateServiceConnectList) Slice() []*GcpPrivateServiceConnect
- type GcpPrivateServiceConnectListBuilder
- func (b *GcpPrivateServiceConnectListBuilder) Build() (list *GcpPrivateServiceConnectList, err error)
- func (b *GcpPrivateServiceConnectListBuilder) Copy(list *GcpPrivateServiceConnectList) *GcpPrivateServiceConnectListBuilder
- func (b *GcpPrivateServiceConnectListBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *GcpPrivateServiceConnectListBuilder) Items(values ...*GcpPrivateServiceConnectBuilder) *GcpPrivateServiceConnectListBuilder
- type GcpSecurity
- type GcpSecurityBuilder
- type GcpSecurityList
- func (l *GcpSecurityList) Each(f func(item *GcpSecurity) bool)
- func (l *GcpSecurityList) Empty() bool
- func (l *GcpSecurityList) Get(i int) *GcpSecurity
- func (l *GcpSecurityList) Items() []*GcpSecurity
- func (l *GcpSecurityList) Len() int
- func (l *GcpSecurityList) Range(f func(index int, item *GcpSecurity) bool)
- func (l *GcpSecurityList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *GcpSecurityList) SetItems(items []*GcpSecurity)
- func (l *GcpSecurityList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *GcpSecurityList) Slice() []*GcpSecurity
- type GcpSecurityListBuilder
- func (b *GcpSecurityListBuilder) Build() (list *GcpSecurityList, err error)
- func (b *GcpSecurityListBuilder) Copy(list *GcpSecurityList) *GcpSecurityListBuilder
- func (b *GcpSecurityListBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *GcpSecurityListBuilder) Items(values ...*GcpSecurityBuilder) *GcpSecurityListBuilder
- type HTPasswdIdentityProvider
- func ReadHTPasswdIdentityProvider(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *HTPasswdIdentityProvider
- func ReadHTPasswdIdentityProviderList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*HTPasswdIdentityProvider
- func UnmarshalHTPasswdIdentityProvider(source interface{}) (object *HTPasswdIdentityProvider, err error)
- func UnmarshalHTPasswdIdentityProviderList(source interface{}) (items []*HTPasswdIdentityProvider, err error)
- func (o *HTPasswdIdentityProvider) Empty() bool
- func (o *HTPasswdIdentityProvider) GetPassword() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *HTPasswdIdentityProvider) GetUsername() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *HTPasswdIdentityProvider) GetUsers() (value *v1.HTPasswdUserList, ok bool)
- func (o *HTPasswdIdentityProvider) Password() string
- func (o *HTPasswdIdentityProvider) Username() string
- func (o *HTPasswdIdentityProvider) Users() *v1.HTPasswdUserList
- type HTPasswdIdentityProviderBuilder
- func (b *HTPasswdIdentityProviderBuilder) Build() (object *HTPasswdIdentityProvider, err error)
- func (b *HTPasswdIdentityProviderBuilder) Copy(object *HTPasswdIdentityProvider) *HTPasswdIdentityProviderBuilder
- func (b *HTPasswdIdentityProviderBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *HTPasswdIdentityProviderBuilder) Password(value string) *HTPasswdIdentityProviderBuilder
- func (b *HTPasswdIdentityProviderBuilder) Username(value string) *HTPasswdIdentityProviderBuilder
- func (b *HTPasswdIdentityProviderBuilder) Users(value *v1.HTPasswdUserListBuilder) *HTPasswdIdentityProviderBuilder
- type HTPasswdIdentityProviderList
- func (l *HTPasswdIdentityProviderList) Each(f func(item *HTPasswdIdentityProvider) bool)
- func (l *HTPasswdIdentityProviderList) Empty() bool
- func (l *HTPasswdIdentityProviderList) Get(i int) *HTPasswdIdentityProvider
- func (l *HTPasswdIdentityProviderList) Items() []*HTPasswdIdentityProvider
- func (l *HTPasswdIdentityProviderList) Len() int
- func (l *HTPasswdIdentityProviderList) Range(f func(index int, item *HTPasswdIdentityProvider) bool)
- func (l *HTPasswdIdentityProviderList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *HTPasswdIdentityProviderList) SetItems(items []*HTPasswdIdentityProvider)
- func (l *HTPasswdIdentityProviderList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *HTPasswdIdentityProviderList) Slice() []*HTPasswdIdentityProvider
- type HTPasswdIdentityProviderListBuilder
- func (b *HTPasswdIdentityProviderListBuilder) Build() (list *HTPasswdIdentityProviderList, err error)
- func (b *HTPasswdIdentityProviderListBuilder) Copy(list *HTPasswdIdentityProviderList) *HTPasswdIdentityProviderListBuilder
- func (b *HTPasswdIdentityProviderListBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *HTPasswdIdentityProviderListBuilder) Items(values ...*HTPasswdIdentityProviderBuilder) *HTPasswdIdentityProviderListBuilder
- type Hypershift
- type HypershiftBuilder
- type HypershiftList
- func (l *HypershiftList) Each(f func(item *Hypershift) bool)
- func (l *HypershiftList) Empty() bool
- func (l *HypershiftList) Get(i int) *Hypershift
- func (l *HypershiftList) Items() []*Hypershift
- func (l *HypershiftList) Len() int
- func (l *HypershiftList) Range(f func(index int, item *Hypershift) bool)
- func (l *HypershiftList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *HypershiftList) SetItems(items []*Hypershift)
- func (l *HypershiftList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *HypershiftList) Slice() []*Hypershift
- type HypershiftListBuilder
- type InstanceIAMRoles
- func ReadInstanceIAMRoles(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *InstanceIAMRoles
- func ReadInstanceIAMRolesList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*InstanceIAMRoles
- func UnmarshalInstanceIAMRoles(source interface{}) (object *InstanceIAMRoles, err error)
- func UnmarshalInstanceIAMRolesList(source interface{}) (items []*InstanceIAMRoles, err error)
- type InstanceIAMRolesBuilder
- func (b *InstanceIAMRolesBuilder) Build() (object *InstanceIAMRoles, err error)
- func (b *InstanceIAMRolesBuilder) Copy(object *InstanceIAMRoles) *InstanceIAMRolesBuilder
- func (b *InstanceIAMRolesBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *InstanceIAMRolesBuilder) MasterRoleARN(value string) *InstanceIAMRolesBuilder
- func (b *InstanceIAMRolesBuilder) WorkerRoleARN(value string) *InstanceIAMRolesBuilder
- type InstanceIAMRolesList
- func (l *InstanceIAMRolesList) Each(f func(item *InstanceIAMRoles) bool)
- func (l *InstanceIAMRolesList) Empty() bool
- func (l *InstanceIAMRolesList) Get(i int) *InstanceIAMRoles
- func (l *InstanceIAMRolesList) Items() []*InstanceIAMRoles
- func (l *InstanceIAMRolesList) Len() int
- func (l *InstanceIAMRolesList) Range(f func(index int, item *InstanceIAMRoles) bool)
- func (l *InstanceIAMRolesList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *InstanceIAMRolesList) SetItems(items []*InstanceIAMRoles)
- func (l *InstanceIAMRolesList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *InstanceIAMRolesList) Slice() []*InstanceIAMRoles
- type InstanceIAMRolesListBuilder
- func (b *InstanceIAMRolesListBuilder) Build() (list *InstanceIAMRolesList, err error)
- func (b *InstanceIAMRolesListBuilder) Copy(list *InstanceIAMRolesList) *InstanceIAMRolesListBuilder
- func (b *InstanceIAMRolesListBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *InstanceIAMRolesListBuilder) Items(values ...*InstanceIAMRolesBuilder) *InstanceIAMRolesListBuilder
- type KubeletConfig
- func ReadKubeletConfig(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *KubeletConfig
- func ReadKubeletConfigList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*KubeletConfig
- func UnmarshalKubeletConfig(source interface{}) (object *KubeletConfig, err error)
- func UnmarshalKubeletConfigList(source interface{}) (items []*KubeletConfig, err error)
- func (o *KubeletConfig) Empty() bool
- func (o *KubeletConfig) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *KubeletConfig) GetID() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *KubeletConfig) GetName() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *KubeletConfig) GetPodPidsLimit() (value int, ok bool)
- func (o *KubeletConfig) HREF() string
- func (o *KubeletConfig) ID() string
- func (o *KubeletConfig) Kind() string
- func (o *KubeletConfig) Link() bool
- func (o *KubeletConfig) Name() string
- func (o *KubeletConfig) PodPidsLimit() int
- type KubeletConfigBuilder
- func (b *KubeletConfigBuilder) Build() (object *KubeletConfig, err error)
- func (b *KubeletConfigBuilder) Copy(object *KubeletConfig) *KubeletConfigBuilder
- func (b *KubeletConfigBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *KubeletConfigBuilder) HREF(value string) *KubeletConfigBuilder
- func (b *KubeletConfigBuilder) ID(value string) *KubeletConfigBuilder
- func (b *KubeletConfigBuilder) Link(value bool) *KubeletConfigBuilder
- func (b *KubeletConfigBuilder) Name(value string) *KubeletConfigBuilder
- func (b *KubeletConfigBuilder) PodPidsLimit(value int) *KubeletConfigBuilder
- type KubeletConfigList
- func (l *KubeletConfigList) Each(f func(item *KubeletConfig) bool)
- func (l *KubeletConfigList) Empty() bool
- func (l *KubeletConfigList) Get(i int) *KubeletConfig
- func (l *KubeletConfigList) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
- func (l *KubeletConfigList) HREF() string
- func (l *KubeletConfigList) Items() []*KubeletConfig
- func (l *KubeletConfigList) Kind() string
- func (l *KubeletConfigList) Len() int
- func (l *KubeletConfigList) Link() bool
- func (l *KubeletConfigList) Range(f func(index int, item *KubeletConfig) bool)
- func (l *KubeletConfigList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *KubeletConfigList) SetItems(items []*KubeletConfig)
- func (l *KubeletConfigList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *KubeletConfigList) Slice() []*KubeletConfig
- type KubeletConfigListBuilder
- func (b *KubeletConfigListBuilder) Build() (list *KubeletConfigList, err error)
- func (b *KubeletConfigListBuilder) Copy(list *KubeletConfigList) *KubeletConfigListBuilder
- func (b *KubeletConfigListBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *KubeletConfigListBuilder) Items(values ...*KubeletConfigBuilder) *KubeletConfigListBuilder
- type ListeningMethod
- type MachinePoolAutoscaling
- func ReadMachinePoolAutoscaling(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *MachinePoolAutoscaling
- func ReadMachinePoolAutoscalingList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*MachinePoolAutoscaling
- func UnmarshalMachinePoolAutoscaling(source interface{}) (object *MachinePoolAutoscaling, err error)
- func UnmarshalMachinePoolAutoscalingList(source interface{}) (items []*MachinePoolAutoscaling, err error)
- func (o *MachinePoolAutoscaling) Empty() bool
- func (o *MachinePoolAutoscaling) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *MachinePoolAutoscaling) GetID() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *MachinePoolAutoscaling) GetMaxReplicas() (value int, ok bool)
- func (o *MachinePoolAutoscaling) GetMinReplicas() (value int, ok bool)
- func (o *MachinePoolAutoscaling) HREF() string
- func (o *MachinePoolAutoscaling) ID() string
- func (o *MachinePoolAutoscaling) Kind() string
- func (o *MachinePoolAutoscaling) Link() bool
- func (o *MachinePoolAutoscaling) MaxReplicas() int
- func (o *MachinePoolAutoscaling) MinReplicas() int
- type MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder
- func (b *MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder) Build() (object *MachinePoolAutoscaling, err error)
- func (b *MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder) Copy(object *MachinePoolAutoscaling) *MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder
- func (b *MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder) HREF(value string) *MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder
- func (b *MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder) ID(value string) *MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder
- func (b *MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder) Link(value bool) *MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder
- func (b *MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder) MaxReplicas(value int) *MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder
- func (b *MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder) MinReplicas(value int) *MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder
- type MachinePoolAutoscalingList
- func (l *MachinePoolAutoscalingList) Each(f func(item *MachinePoolAutoscaling) bool)
- func (l *MachinePoolAutoscalingList) Empty() bool
- func (l *MachinePoolAutoscalingList) Get(i int) *MachinePoolAutoscaling
- func (l *MachinePoolAutoscalingList) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
- func (l *MachinePoolAutoscalingList) HREF() string
- func (l *MachinePoolAutoscalingList) Items() []*MachinePoolAutoscaling
- func (l *MachinePoolAutoscalingList) Kind() string
- func (l *MachinePoolAutoscalingList) Len() int
- func (l *MachinePoolAutoscalingList) Link() bool
- func (l *MachinePoolAutoscalingList) Range(f func(index int, item *MachinePoolAutoscaling) bool)
- func (l *MachinePoolAutoscalingList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *MachinePoolAutoscalingList) SetItems(items []*MachinePoolAutoscaling)
- func (l *MachinePoolAutoscalingList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *MachinePoolAutoscalingList) Slice() []*MachinePoolAutoscaling
- type MachinePoolAutoscalingListBuilder
- func (b *MachinePoolAutoscalingListBuilder) Build() (list *MachinePoolAutoscalingList, err error)
- func (b *MachinePoolAutoscalingListBuilder) Copy(list *MachinePoolAutoscalingList) *MachinePoolAutoscalingListBuilder
- func (b *MachinePoolAutoscalingListBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *MachinePoolAutoscalingListBuilder) Items(values ...*MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder) *MachinePoolAutoscalingListBuilder
- type MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter
- func ReadMachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter
- func ReadMachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter
- func UnmarshalMachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter(source interface{}) (object *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter, err error)
- func UnmarshalMachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList(source interface{}) (items []*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter, err error)
- func (o *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter) Empty() bool
- func (o *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter) GetName() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter) GetValue() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter) Name() string
- func (o *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter) Value() string
- type MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterBuilder
- func (b *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterBuilder) Build() (object *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter, err error)
- func (b *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterBuilder) Copy(object *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter) *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterBuilder
- func (b *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterBuilder) Name(value string) *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterBuilder
- func (b *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterBuilder) Value(value string) *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterBuilder
- type MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList
- func (l *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList) Each(f func(item *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter) bool)
- func (l *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList) Empty() bool
- func (l *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList) Get(i int) *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter
- func (l *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList) Items() []*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter
- func (l *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList) Len() int
- func (l *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList) Range(f func(index int, item *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter) bool)
- func (l *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList) SetItems(items []*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter)
- func (l *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList) Slice() []*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter
- type MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterListBuilder
- func (b *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterListBuilder) Build() (list *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList, err error)
- func (b *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterListBuilder) Copy(list *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList) *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterListBuilder
- func (b *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterListBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterListBuilder) Items(values ...*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterBuilder) *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterListBuilder
- type MachineType
- func (o *MachineType) Architecture() ProcessorType
- func (o *MachineType) CCSOnly() bool
- func (o *MachineType) CPU() *Value
- func (o *MachineType) Category() MachineTypeCategory
- func (o *MachineType) CloudProvider() *v1.CloudProvider
- func (o *MachineType) Empty() bool
- func (o *MachineType) GenericName() string
- func (o *MachineType) GetArchitecture() (value ProcessorType, ok bool)
- func (o *MachineType) GetCCSOnly() (value bool, ok bool)
- func (o *MachineType) GetCPU() (value *Value, ok bool)
- func (o *MachineType) GetCategory() (value MachineTypeCategory, ok bool)
- func (o *MachineType) GetCloudProvider() (value *v1.CloudProvider, ok bool)
- func (o *MachineType) GetGenericName() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *MachineType) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *MachineType) GetID() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *MachineType) GetMemory() (value *Value, ok bool)
- func (o *MachineType) GetName() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *MachineType) GetSize() (value MachineTypeSize, ok bool)
- func (o *MachineType) HREF() string
- func (o *MachineType) ID() string
- func (o *MachineType) Kind() string
- func (o *MachineType) Link() bool
- func (o *MachineType) Memory() *Value
- func (o *MachineType) Name() string
- func (o *MachineType) Size() MachineTypeSize
- type MachineTypeBuilder
- func (b *MachineTypeBuilder) Architecture(value ProcessorType) *MachineTypeBuilder
- func (b *MachineTypeBuilder) Build() (object *MachineType, err error)
- func (b *MachineTypeBuilder) CCSOnly(value bool) *MachineTypeBuilder
- func (b *MachineTypeBuilder) CPU(value *ValueBuilder) *MachineTypeBuilder
- func (b *MachineTypeBuilder) Category(value MachineTypeCategory) *MachineTypeBuilder
- func (b *MachineTypeBuilder) CloudProvider(value *v1.CloudProviderBuilder) *MachineTypeBuilder
- func (b *MachineTypeBuilder) Copy(object *MachineType) *MachineTypeBuilder
- func (b *MachineTypeBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *MachineTypeBuilder) GenericName(value string) *MachineTypeBuilder
- func (b *MachineTypeBuilder) HREF(value string) *MachineTypeBuilder
- func (b *MachineTypeBuilder) ID(value string) *MachineTypeBuilder
- func (b *MachineTypeBuilder) Link(value bool) *MachineTypeBuilder
- func (b *MachineTypeBuilder) Memory(value *ValueBuilder) *MachineTypeBuilder
- func (b *MachineTypeBuilder) Name(value string) *MachineTypeBuilder
- func (b *MachineTypeBuilder) Size(value MachineTypeSize) *MachineTypeBuilder
- type MachineTypeCategory
- type MachineTypeList
- func (l *MachineTypeList) Each(f func(item *MachineType) bool)
- func (l *MachineTypeList) Empty() bool
- func (l *MachineTypeList) Get(i int) *MachineType
- func (l *MachineTypeList) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
- func (l *MachineTypeList) HREF() string
- func (l *MachineTypeList) Items() []*MachineType
- func (l *MachineTypeList) Kind() string
- func (l *MachineTypeList) Len() int
- func (l *MachineTypeList) Link() bool
- func (l *MachineTypeList) Range(f func(index int, item *MachineType) bool)
- func (l *MachineTypeList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *MachineTypeList) SetItems(items []*MachineType)
- func (l *MachineTypeList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *MachineTypeList) Slice() []*MachineType
- type MachineTypeListBuilder
- func (b *MachineTypeListBuilder) Build() (list *MachineTypeList, err error)
- func (b *MachineTypeListBuilder) Copy(list *MachineTypeList) *MachineTypeListBuilder
- func (b *MachineTypeListBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *MachineTypeListBuilder) Items(values ...*MachineTypeBuilder) *MachineTypeListBuilder
- type MachineTypeSize
- type ManagedService
- func ReadManagedService(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *ManagedService
- func ReadManagedServiceList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*ManagedService
- func UnmarshalManagedService(source interface{}) (object *ManagedService, err error)
- func UnmarshalManagedServiceList(source interface{}) (items []*ManagedService, err error)
- type ManagedServiceBuilder
- type ManagedServiceList
- func (l *ManagedServiceList) Each(f func(item *ManagedService) bool)
- func (l *ManagedServiceList) Empty() bool
- func (l *ManagedServiceList) Get(i int) *ManagedService
- func (l *ManagedServiceList) Items() []*ManagedService
- func (l *ManagedServiceList) Len() int
- func (l *ManagedServiceList) Range(f func(index int, item *ManagedService) bool)
- func (l *ManagedServiceList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *ManagedServiceList) SetItems(items []*ManagedService)
- func (l *ManagedServiceList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *ManagedServiceList) Slice() []*ManagedService
- type ManagedServiceListBuilder
- func (b *ManagedServiceListBuilder) Build() (list *ManagedServiceList, err error)
- func (b *ManagedServiceListBuilder) Copy(list *ManagedServiceList) *ManagedServiceListBuilder
- func (b *ManagedServiceListBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *ManagedServiceListBuilder) Items(values ...*ManagedServiceBuilder) *ManagedServiceListBuilder
- type Metadata
- type MetadataRequest
- func (r *MetadataRequest) Header(name string, value interface{}) *MetadataRequest
- func (r *MetadataRequest) Parameter(name string, value interface{}) *MetadataRequest
- func (r *MetadataRequest) Send() (result *MetadataResponse, err error)
- func (r *MetadataRequest) SendContext(ctx context.Context) (result *MetadataResponse, err error)
- type MetadataResponse
- type Network
- func (o *Network) Empty() bool
- func (o *Network) GetHostPrefix() (value int, ok bool)
- func (o *Network) GetMachineCIDR() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *Network) GetPodCIDR() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *Network) GetServiceCIDR() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *Network) GetType() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *Network) HostPrefix() int
- func (o *Network) MachineCIDR() string
- func (o *Network) PodCIDR() string
- func (o *Network) ServiceCIDR() string
- func (o *Network) Type() string
- type NetworkBuilder
- func (b *NetworkBuilder) Build() (object *Network, err error)
- func (b *NetworkBuilder) Copy(object *Network) *NetworkBuilder
- func (b *NetworkBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *NetworkBuilder) HostPrefix(value int) *NetworkBuilder
- func (b *NetworkBuilder) MachineCIDR(value string) *NetworkBuilder
- func (b *NetworkBuilder) PodCIDR(value string) *NetworkBuilder
- func (b *NetworkBuilder) ServiceCIDR(value string) *NetworkBuilder
- func (b *NetworkBuilder) Type(value string) *NetworkBuilder
- type NetworkList
- func (l *NetworkList) Each(f func(item *Network) bool)
- func (l *NetworkList) Empty() bool
- func (l *NetworkList) Get(i int) *Network
- func (l *NetworkList) Items() []*Network
- func (l *NetworkList) Len() int
- func (l *NetworkList) Range(f func(index int, item *Network) bool)
- func (l *NetworkList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *NetworkList) SetItems(items []*Network)
- func (l *NetworkList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *NetworkList) Slice() []*Network
- type NetworkListBuilder
- type OidcConfig
- func (o *OidcConfig) CreationTimestamp() time.Time
- func (o *OidcConfig) Empty() bool
- func (o *OidcConfig) GetCreationTimestamp() (value time.Time, ok bool)
- func (o *OidcConfig) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *OidcConfig) GetID() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *OidcConfig) GetInstallerRoleArn() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *OidcConfig) GetIssuerUrl() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *OidcConfig) GetLastUpdateTimestamp() (value time.Time, ok bool)
- func (o *OidcConfig) GetLastUsedTimestamp() (value time.Time, ok bool)
- func (o *OidcConfig) GetManaged() (value bool, ok bool)
- func (o *OidcConfig) GetOrganizationId() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *OidcConfig) GetReusable() (value bool, ok bool)
- func (o *OidcConfig) GetSecretArn() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *OidcConfig) HREF() string
- func (o *OidcConfig) ID() string
- func (o *OidcConfig) InstallerRoleArn() string
- func (o *OidcConfig) IssuerUrl() string
- func (o *OidcConfig) LastUpdateTimestamp() time.Time
- func (o *OidcConfig) LastUsedTimestamp() time.Time
- func (o *OidcConfig) Managed() bool
- func (o *OidcConfig) OrganizationId() string
- func (o *OidcConfig) Reusable() bool
- func (o *OidcConfig) SecretArn() string
- type OidcConfigBuilder
- func (b *OidcConfigBuilder) Build() (object *OidcConfig, err error)
- func (b *OidcConfigBuilder) Copy(object *OidcConfig) *OidcConfigBuilder
- func (b *OidcConfigBuilder) CreationTimestamp(value time.Time) *OidcConfigBuilder
- func (b *OidcConfigBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *OidcConfigBuilder) HREF(value string) *OidcConfigBuilder
- func (b *OidcConfigBuilder) ID(value string) *OidcConfigBuilder
- func (b *OidcConfigBuilder) InstallerRoleArn(value string) *OidcConfigBuilder
- func (b *OidcConfigBuilder) IssuerUrl(value string) *OidcConfigBuilder
- func (b *OidcConfigBuilder) LastUpdateTimestamp(value time.Time) *OidcConfigBuilder
- func (b *OidcConfigBuilder) LastUsedTimestamp(value time.Time) *OidcConfigBuilder
- func (b *OidcConfigBuilder) Managed(value bool) *OidcConfigBuilder
- func (b *OidcConfigBuilder) OrganizationId(value string) *OidcConfigBuilder
- func (b *OidcConfigBuilder) Reusable(value bool) *OidcConfigBuilder
- func (b *OidcConfigBuilder) SecretArn(value string) *OidcConfigBuilder
- type OidcConfigList
- func (l *OidcConfigList) Each(f func(item *OidcConfig) bool)
- func (l *OidcConfigList) Empty() bool
- func (l *OidcConfigList) Get(i int) *OidcConfig
- func (l *OidcConfigList) Items() []*OidcConfig
- func (l *OidcConfigList) Len() int
- func (l *OidcConfigList) Range(f func(index int, item *OidcConfig) bool)
- func (l *OidcConfigList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *OidcConfigList) SetItems(items []*OidcConfig)
- func (l *OidcConfigList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *OidcConfigList) Slice() []*OidcConfig
- type OidcConfigListBuilder
- type OperatorIAMRole
- func ReadOperatorIAMRole(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *OperatorIAMRole
- func ReadOperatorIAMRoleList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*OperatorIAMRole
- func UnmarshalOperatorIAMRole(source interface{}) (object *OperatorIAMRole, err error)
- func UnmarshalOperatorIAMRoleList(source interface{}) (items []*OperatorIAMRole, err error)
- func (o *OperatorIAMRole) Empty() bool
- func (o *OperatorIAMRole) GetID() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *OperatorIAMRole) GetName() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *OperatorIAMRole) GetNamespace() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *OperatorIAMRole) GetRoleARN() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *OperatorIAMRole) GetServiceAccount() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *OperatorIAMRole) ID() string
- func (o *OperatorIAMRole) Name() string
- func (o *OperatorIAMRole) Namespace() string
- func (o *OperatorIAMRole) RoleARN() string
- func (o *OperatorIAMRole) ServiceAccount() string
- type OperatorIAMRoleBuilder
- func (b *OperatorIAMRoleBuilder) Build() (object *OperatorIAMRole, err error)
- func (b *OperatorIAMRoleBuilder) Copy(object *OperatorIAMRole) *OperatorIAMRoleBuilder
- func (b *OperatorIAMRoleBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *OperatorIAMRoleBuilder) ID(value string) *OperatorIAMRoleBuilder
- func (b *OperatorIAMRoleBuilder) Name(value string) *OperatorIAMRoleBuilder
- func (b *OperatorIAMRoleBuilder) Namespace(value string) *OperatorIAMRoleBuilder
- func (b *OperatorIAMRoleBuilder) RoleARN(value string) *OperatorIAMRoleBuilder
- func (b *OperatorIAMRoleBuilder) ServiceAccount(value string) *OperatorIAMRoleBuilder
- type OperatorIAMRoleList
- func (l *OperatorIAMRoleList) Each(f func(item *OperatorIAMRole) bool)
- func (l *OperatorIAMRoleList) Empty() bool
- func (l *OperatorIAMRoleList) Get(i int) *OperatorIAMRole
- func (l *OperatorIAMRoleList) Items() []*OperatorIAMRole
- func (l *OperatorIAMRoleList) Len() int
- func (l *OperatorIAMRoleList) Range(f func(index int, item *OperatorIAMRole) bool)
- func (l *OperatorIAMRoleList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *OperatorIAMRoleList) SetItems(items []*OperatorIAMRole)
- func (l *OperatorIAMRoleList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *OperatorIAMRoleList) Slice() []*OperatorIAMRole
- type OperatorIAMRoleListBuilder
- func (b *OperatorIAMRoleListBuilder) Build() (list *OperatorIAMRoleList, err error)
- func (b *OperatorIAMRoleListBuilder) Copy(list *OperatorIAMRoleList) *OperatorIAMRoleListBuilder
- func (b *OperatorIAMRoleListBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *OperatorIAMRoleListBuilder) Items(values ...*OperatorIAMRoleBuilder) *OperatorIAMRoleListBuilder
- type PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration
- func ReadPrivateLinkClusterConfiguration(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration
- func ReadPrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration
- func UnmarshalPrivateLinkClusterConfiguration(source interface{}) (object *PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration, err error)
- func UnmarshalPrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList(source interface{}) (items []*PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration, err error)
- type PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationBuilder
- func (b *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationBuilder) Build() (object *PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration, err error)
- func (b *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationBuilder) Copy(object *PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration) *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationBuilder
- func (b *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationBuilder) Principals(values ...*PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder) *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationBuilder
- type PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList
- func (l *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList) Each(f func(item *PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration) bool)
- func (l *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList) Empty() bool
- func (l *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList) Get(i int) *PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration
- func (l *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList) Items() []*PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration
- func (l *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList) Len() int
- func (l *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList) Range(f func(index int, item *PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration) bool)
- func (l *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList) SetItems(items []*PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration)
- func (l *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList) Slice() []*PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration
- type PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationListBuilder
- func (b *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationListBuilder) Build() (list *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList, err error)
- func (b *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationListBuilder) Copy(list *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList) *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationListBuilder
- func (b *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationListBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationListBuilder) Items(values ...*PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationBuilder) *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationListBuilder
- type PrivateLinkPrincipal
- func ReadPrivateLinkPrincipal(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *PrivateLinkPrincipal
- func ReadPrivateLinkPrincipalList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*PrivateLinkPrincipal
- func UnmarshalPrivateLinkPrincipal(source interface{}) (object *PrivateLinkPrincipal, err error)
- func UnmarshalPrivateLinkPrincipalList(source interface{}) (items []*PrivateLinkPrincipal, err error)
- func (o *PrivateLinkPrincipal) Empty() bool
- func (o *PrivateLinkPrincipal) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *PrivateLinkPrincipal) GetID() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *PrivateLinkPrincipal) GetPrincipal() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *PrivateLinkPrincipal) HREF() string
- func (o *PrivateLinkPrincipal) ID() string
- func (o *PrivateLinkPrincipal) Kind() string
- func (o *PrivateLinkPrincipal) Link() bool
- func (o *PrivateLinkPrincipal) Principal() string
- type PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder
- func (b *PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder) Build() (object *PrivateLinkPrincipal, err error)
- func (b *PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder) Copy(object *PrivateLinkPrincipal) *PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder
- func (b *PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder) HREF(value string) *PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder
- func (b *PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder) ID(value string) *PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder
- func (b *PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder) Link(value bool) *PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder
- func (b *PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder) Principal(value string) *PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder
- type PrivateLinkPrincipalList
- func (l *PrivateLinkPrincipalList) Each(f func(item *PrivateLinkPrincipal) bool)
- func (l *PrivateLinkPrincipalList) Empty() bool
- func (l *PrivateLinkPrincipalList) Get(i int) *PrivateLinkPrincipal
- func (l *PrivateLinkPrincipalList) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
- func (l *PrivateLinkPrincipalList) HREF() string
- func (l *PrivateLinkPrincipalList) Items() []*PrivateLinkPrincipal
- func (l *PrivateLinkPrincipalList) Kind() string
- func (l *PrivateLinkPrincipalList) Len() int
- func (l *PrivateLinkPrincipalList) Link() bool
- func (l *PrivateLinkPrincipalList) Range(f func(index int, item *PrivateLinkPrincipal) bool)
- func (l *PrivateLinkPrincipalList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *PrivateLinkPrincipalList) SetItems(items []*PrivateLinkPrincipal)
- func (l *PrivateLinkPrincipalList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *PrivateLinkPrincipalList) Slice() []*PrivateLinkPrincipal
- type PrivateLinkPrincipalListBuilder
- func (b *PrivateLinkPrincipalListBuilder) Build() (list *PrivateLinkPrincipalList, err error)
- func (b *PrivateLinkPrincipalListBuilder) Copy(list *PrivateLinkPrincipalList) *PrivateLinkPrincipalListBuilder
- func (b *PrivateLinkPrincipalListBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *PrivateLinkPrincipalListBuilder) Items(values ...*PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder) *PrivateLinkPrincipalListBuilder
- type ProcessorType
- type ProvisionShard
- func ReadProvisionShard(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *ProvisionShard
- func ReadProvisionShardList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*ProvisionShard
- func UnmarshalProvisionShard(source interface{}) (object *ProvisionShard, err error)
- func UnmarshalProvisionShardList(source interface{}) (items []*ProvisionShard, err error)
- func (o *ProvisionShard) AWSAccountOperatorConfig() *ServerConfig
- func (o *ProvisionShard) AWSBaseDomain() string
- func (o *ProvisionShard) CloudProvider() *v1.CloudProvider
- func (o *ProvisionShard) CreationTimestamp() time.Time
- func (o *ProvisionShard) Empty() bool
- func (o *ProvisionShard) GCPBaseDomain() string
- func (o *ProvisionShard) GCPProjectOperator() *ServerConfig
- func (o *ProvisionShard) GetAWSAccountOperatorConfig() (value *ServerConfig, ok bool)
- func (o *ProvisionShard) GetAWSBaseDomain() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *ProvisionShard) GetCloudProvider() (value *v1.CloudProvider, ok bool)
- func (o *ProvisionShard) GetCreationTimestamp() (value time.Time, ok bool)
- func (o *ProvisionShard) GetGCPBaseDomain() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *ProvisionShard) GetGCPProjectOperator() (value *ServerConfig, ok bool)
- func (o *ProvisionShard) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *ProvisionShard) GetHiveConfig() (value *ServerConfig, ok bool)
- func (o *ProvisionShard) GetHypershiftConfig() (value *ServerConfig, ok bool)
- func (o *ProvisionShard) GetID() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *ProvisionShard) GetLastUpdateTimestamp() (value time.Time, ok bool)
- func (o *ProvisionShard) GetManagementCluster() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *ProvisionShard) GetRegion() (value *v1.CloudRegion, ok bool)
- func (o *ProvisionShard) GetStatus() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *ProvisionShard) HREF() string
- func (o *ProvisionShard) HiveConfig() *ServerConfig
- func (o *ProvisionShard) HypershiftConfig() *ServerConfig
- func (o *ProvisionShard) ID() string
- func (o *ProvisionShard) Kind() string
- func (o *ProvisionShard) LastUpdateTimestamp() time.Time
- func (o *ProvisionShard) Link() bool
- func (o *ProvisionShard) ManagementCluster() string
- func (o *ProvisionShard) Region() *v1.CloudRegion
- func (o *ProvisionShard) Status() string
- type ProvisionShardBuilder
- func (b *ProvisionShardBuilder) AWSAccountOperatorConfig(value *ServerConfigBuilder) *ProvisionShardBuilder
- func (b *ProvisionShardBuilder) AWSBaseDomain(value string) *ProvisionShardBuilder
- func (b *ProvisionShardBuilder) Build() (object *ProvisionShard, err error)
- func (b *ProvisionShardBuilder) CloudProvider(value *v1.CloudProviderBuilder) *ProvisionShardBuilder
- func (b *ProvisionShardBuilder) Copy(object *ProvisionShard) *ProvisionShardBuilder
- func (b *ProvisionShardBuilder) CreationTimestamp(value time.Time) *ProvisionShardBuilder
- func (b *ProvisionShardBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *ProvisionShardBuilder) GCPBaseDomain(value string) *ProvisionShardBuilder
- func (b *ProvisionShardBuilder) GCPProjectOperator(value *ServerConfigBuilder) *ProvisionShardBuilder
- func (b *ProvisionShardBuilder) HREF(value string) *ProvisionShardBuilder
- func (b *ProvisionShardBuilder) HiveConfig(value *ServerConfigBuilder) *ProvisionShardBuilder
- func (b *ProvisionShardBuilder) HypershiftConfig(value *ServerConfigBuilder) *ProvisionShardBuilder
- func (b *ProvisionShardBuilder) ID(value string) *ProvisionShardBuilder
- func (b *ProvisionShardBuilder) LastUpdateTimestamp(value time.Time) *ProvisionShardBuilder
- func (b *ProvisionShardBuilder) Link(value bool) *ProvisionShardBuilder
- func (b *ProvisionShardBuilder) ManagementCluster(value string) *ProvisionShardBuilder
- func (b *ProvisionShardBuilder) Region(value *v1.CloudRegionBuilder) *ProvisionShardBuilder
- func (b *ProvisionShardBuilder) Status(value string) *ProvisionShardBuilder
- type ProvisionShardList
- func (l *ProvisionShardList) Each(f func(item *ProvisionShard) bool)
- func (l *ProvisionShardList) Empty() bool
- func (l *ProvisionShardList) Get(i int) *ProvisionShard
- func (l *ProvisionShardList) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
- func (l *ProvisionShardList) HREF() string
- func (l *ProvisionShardList) Items() []*ProvisionShard
- func (l *ProvisionShardList) Kind() string
- func (l *ProvisionShardList) Len() int
- func (l *ProvisionShardList) Link() bool
- func (l *ProvisionShardList) Range(f func(index int, item *ProvisionShard) bool)
- func (l *ProvisionShardList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *ProvisionShardList) SetItems(items []*ProvisionShard)
- func (l *ProvisionShardList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *ProvisionShardList) Slice() []*ProvisionShard
- type ProvisionShardListBuilder
- func (b *ProvisionShardListBuilder) Build() (list *ProvisionShardList, err error)
- func (b *ProvisionShardListBuilder) Copy(list *ProvisionShardList) *ProvisionShardListBuilder
- func (b *ProvisionShardListBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *ProvisionShardListBuilder) Items(values ...*ProvisionShardBuilder) *ProvisionShardListBuilder
- type ProvisionShardTopology
- type Proxy
- type ProxyBuilder
- func (b *ProxyBuilder) Build() (object *Proxy, err error)
- func (b *ProxyBuilder) Copy(object *Proxy) *ProxyBuilder
- func (b *ProxyBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *ProxyBuilder) HTTPProxy(value string) *ProxyBuilder
- func (b *ProxyBuilder) HTTPSProxy(value string) *ProxyBuilder
- func (b *ProxyBuilder) NoProxy(value string) *ProxyBuilder
- type ProxyList
- func (l *ProxyList) Each(f func(item *Proxy) bool)
- func (l *ProxyList) Empty() bool
- func (l *ProxyList) Get(i int) *Proxy
- func (l *ProxyList) Items() []*Proxy
- func (l *ProxyList) Len() int
- func (l *ProxyList) Range(f func(index int, item *Proxy) bool)
- func (l *ProxyList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *ProxyList) SetItems(items []*Proxy)
- func (l *ProxyList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *ProxyList) Slice() []*Proxy
- type ProxyListBuilder
- type RegistryAllowlist
- func ReadRegistryAllowlist(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *RegistryAllowlist
- func ReadRegistryAllowlistList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*RegistryAllowlist
- func UnmarshalRegistryAllowlist(source interface{}) (object *RegistryAllowlist, err error)
- func UnmarshalRegistryAllowlistList(source interface{}) (items []*RegistryAllowlist, err error)
- func (o *RegistryAllowlist) CloudProvider() *CloudProvider
- func (o *RegistryAllowlist) CreationTimestamp() time.Time
- func (o *RegistryAllowlist) Empty() bool
- func (o *RegistryAllowlist) GetCloudProvider() (value *CloudProvider, ok bool)
- func (o *RegistryAllowlist) GetCreationTimestamp() (value time.Time, ok bool)
- func (o *RegistryAllowlist) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *RegistryAllowlist) GetID() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *RegistryAllowlist) GetRegistries() (value []string, ok bool)
- func (o *RegistryAllowlist) HREF() string
- func (o *RegistryAllowlist) ID() string
- func (o *RegistryAllowlist) Kind() string
- func (o *RegistryAllowlist) Link() bool
- func (o *RegistryAllowlist) Registries() []string
- type RegistryAllowlistBuilder
- func (b *RegistryAllowlistBuilder) Build() (object *RegistryAllowlist, err error)
- func (b *RegistryAllowlistBuilder) CloudProvider(value *CloudProviderBuilder) *RegistryAllowlistBuilder
- func (b *RegistryAllowlistBuilder) Copy(object *RegistryAllowlist) *RegistryAllowlistBuilder
- func (b *RegistryAllowlistBuilder) CreationTimestamp(value time.Time) *RegistryAllowlistBuilder
- func (b *RegistryAllowlistBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *RegistryAllowlistBuilder) HREF(value string) *RegistryAllowlistBuilder
- func (b *RegistryAllowlistBuilder) ID(value string) *RegistryAllowlistBuilder
- func (b *RegistryAllowlistBuilder) Link(value bool) *RegistryAllowlistBuilder
- func (b *RegistryAllowlistBuilder) Registries(values ...string) *RegistryAllowlistBuilder
- type RegistryAllowlistList
- func (l *RegistryAllowlistList) Each(f func(item *RegistryAllowlist) bool)
- func (l *RegistryAllowlistList) Empty() bool
- func (l *RegistryAllowlistList) Get(i int) *RegistryAllowlist
- func (l *RegistryAllowlistList) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
- func (l *RegistryAllowlistList) HREF() string
- func (l *RegistryAllowlistList) Items() []*RegistryAllowlist
- func (l *RegistryAllowlistList) Kind() string
- func (l *RegistryAllowlistList) Len() int
- func (l *RegistryAllowlistList) Link() bool
- func (l *RegistryAllowlistList) Range(f func(index int, item *RegistryAllowlist) bool)
- func (l *RegistryAllowlistList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *RegistryAllowlistList) SetItems(items []*RegistryAllowlist)
- func (l *RegistryAllowlistList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *RegistryAllowlistList) Slice() []*RegistryAllowlist
- type RegistryAllowlistListBuilder
- func (b *RegistryAllowlistListBuilder) Build() (list *RegistryAllowlistList, err error)
- func (b *RegistryAllowlistListBuilder) Copy(list *RegistryAllowlistList) *RegistryAllowlistListBuilder
- func (b *RegistryAllowlistListBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *RegistryAllowlistListBuilder) Items(values ...*RegistryAllowlistBuilder) *RegistryAllowlistListBuilder
- type RegistryLocation
- func ReadRegistryLocation(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *RegistryLocation
- func ReadRegistryLocationList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*RegistryLocation
- func UnmarshalRegistryLocation(source interface{}) (object *RegistryLocation, err error)
- func UnmarshalRegistryLocationList(source interface{}) (items []*RegistryLocation, err error)
- type RegistryLocationBuilder
- func (b *RegistryLocationBuilder) Build() (object *RegistryLocation, err error)
- func (b *RegistryLocationBuilder) Copy(object *RegistryLocation) *RegistryLocationBuilder
- func (b *RegistryLocationBuilder) DomainName(value string) *RegistryLocationBuilder
- func (b *RegistryLocationBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *RegistryLocationBuilder) Insecure(value bool) *RegistryLocationBuilder
- type RegistryLocationList
- func (l *RegistryLocationList) Each(f func(item *RegistryLocation) bool)
- func (l *RegistryLocationList) Empty() bool
- func (l *RegistryLocationList) Get(i int) *RegistryLocation
- func (l *RegistryLocationList) Items() []*RegistryLocation
- func (l *RegistryLocationList) Len() int
- func (l *RegistryLocationList) Range(f func(index int, item *RegistryLocation) bool)
- func (l *RegistryLocationList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *RegistryLocationList) SetItems(items []*RegistryLocation)
- func (l *RegistryLocationList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *RegistryLocationList) Slice() []*RegistryLocation
- type RegistryLocationListBuilder
- func (b *RegistryLocationListBuilder) Build() (list *RegistryLocationList, err error)
- func (b *RegistryLocationListBuilder) Copy(list *RegistryLocationList) *RegistryLocationListBuilder
- func (b *RegistryLocationListBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *RegistryLocationListBuilder) Items(values ...*RegistryLocationBuilder) *RegistryLocationListBuilder
- type RegistrySources
- func ReadRegistrySources(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *RegistrySources
- func ReadRegistrySourcesList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*RegistrySources
- func UnmarshalRegistrySources(source interface{}) (object *RegistrySources, err error)
- func UnmarshalRegistrySourcesList(source interface{}) (items []*RegistrySources, err error)
- func (o *RegistrySources) AllowedRegistries() []string
- func (o *RegistrySources) BlockedRegistries() []string
- func (o *RegistrySources) Empty() bool
- func (o *RegistrySources) GetAllowedRegistries() (value []string, ok bool)
- func (o *RegistrySources) GetBlockedRegistries() (value []string, ok bool)
- func (o *RegistrySources) GetInsecureRegistries() (value []string, ok bool)
- func (o *RegistrySources) InsecureRegistries() []string
- type RegistrySourcesBuilder
- func (b *RegistrySourcesBuilder) AllowedRegistries(values ...string) *RegistrySourcesBuilder
- func (b *RegistrySourcesBuilder) BlockedRegistries(values ...string) *RegistrySourcesBuilder
- func (b *RegistrySourcesBuilder) Build() (object *RegistrySources, err error)
- func (b *RegistrySourcesBuilder) Copy(object *RegistrySources) *RegistrySourcesBuilder
- func (b *RegistrySourcesBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *RegistrySourcesBuilder) InsecureRegistries(values ...string) *RegistrySourcesBuilder
- type RegistrySourcesList
- func (l *RegistrySourcesList) Each(f func(item *RegistrySources) bool)
- func (l *RegistrySourcesList) Empty() bool
- func (l *RegistrySourcesList) Get(i int) *RegistrySources
- func (l *RegistrySourcesList) Items() []*RegistrySources
- func (l *RegistrySourcesList) Len() int
- func (l *RegistrySourcesList) Range(f func(index int, item *RegistrySources) bool)
- func (l *RegistrySourcesList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *RegistrySourcesList) SetItems(items []*RegistrySources)
- func (l *RegistrySourcesList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *RegistrySourcesList) Slice() []*RegistrySources
- type RegistrySourcesListBuilder
- func (b *RegistrySourcesListBuilder) Build() (list *RegistrySourcesList, err error)
- func (b *RegistrySourcesListBuilder) Copy(list *RegistrySourcesList) *RegistrySourcesListBuilder
- func (b *RegistrySourcesListBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *RegistrySourcesListBuilder) Items(values ...*RegistrySourcesBuilder) *RegistrySourcesListBuilder
- type RootVolume
- type RootVolumeBuilder
- func (b *RootVolumeBuilder) AWS(value *AWSVolumeBuilder) *RootVolumeBuilder
- func (b *RootVolumeBuilder) Build() (object *RootVolume, err error)
- func (b *RootVolumeBuilder) Copy(object *RootVolume) *RootVolumeBuilder
- func (b *RootVolumeBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *RootVolumeBuilder) GCP(value *GCPVolumeBuilder) *RootVolumeBuilder
- type RootVolumeList
- func (l *RootVolumeList) Each(f func(item *RootVolume) bool)
- func (l *RootVolumeList) Empty() bool
- func (l *RootVolumeList) Get(i int) *RootVolume
- func (l *RootVolumeList) Items() []*RootVolume
- func (l *RootVolumeList) Len() int
- func (l *RootVolumeList) Range(f func(index int, item *RootVolume) bool)
- func (l *RootVolumeList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *RootVolumeList) SetItems(items []*RootVolume)
- func (l *RootVolumeList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *RootVolumeList) Slice() []*RootVolume
- type RootVolumeListBuilder
- type STS
- func (o *STS) AutoMode() bool
- func (o *STS) Empty() bool
- func (o *STS) Enabled() bool
- func (o *STS) ExternalID() string
- func (o *STS) GetAutoMode() (value bool, ok bool)
- func (o *STS) GetEnabled() (value bool, ok bool)
- func (o *STS) GetExternalID() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *STS) GetInstanceIAMRoles() (value *InstanceIAMRoles, ok bool)
- func (o *STS) GetManagedPolicies() (value bool, ok bool)
- func (o *STS) GetOIDCEndpointURL() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *STS) GetOidcConfig() (value *OidcConfig, ok bool)
- func (o *STS) GetOperatorIAMRoles() (value []*OperatorIAMRole, ok bool)
- func (o *STS) GetOperatorRolePrefix() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *STS) GetPermissionBoundary() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *STS) GetRoleARN() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *STS) GetSupportRoleARN() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *STS) InstanceIAMRoles() *InstanceIAMRoles
- func (o *STS) ManagedPolicies() bool
- func (o *STS) OIDCEndpointURL() string
- func (o *STS) OidcConfig() *OidcConfig
- func (o *STS) OperatorIAMRoles() []*OperatorIAMRole
- func (o *STS) OperatorRolePrefix() string
- func (o *STS) PermissionBoundary() string
- func (o *STS) RoleARN() string
- func (o *STS) SupportRoleARN() string
- type STSBuilder
- func (b *STSBuilder) AutoMode(value bool) *STSBuilder
- func (b *STSBuilder) Build() (object *STS, err error)
- func (b *STSBuilder) Copy(object *STS) *STSBuilder
- func (b *STSBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *STSBuilder) Enabled(value bool) *STSBuilder
- func (b *STSBuilder) ExternalID(value string) *STSBuilder
- func (b *STSBuilder) InstanceIAMRoles(value *InstanceIAMRolesBuilder) *STSBuilder
- func (b *STSBuilder) ManagedPolicies(value bool) *STSBuilder
- func (b *STSBuilder) OIDCEndpointURL(value string) *STSBuilder
- func (b *STSBuilder) OidcConfig(value *OidcConfigBuilder) *STSBuilder
- func (b *STSBuilder) OperatorIAMRoles(values ...*OperatorIAMRoleBuilder) *STSBuilder
- func (b *STSBuilder) OperatorRolePrefix(value string) *STSBuilder
- func (b *STSBuilder) PermissionBoundary(value string) *STSBuilder
- func (b *STSBuilder) RoleARN(value string) *STSBuilder
- func (b *STSBuilder) SupportRoleARN(value string) *STSBuilder
- type STSList
- func (l *STSList) Each(f func(item *STS) bool)
- func (l *STSList) Empty() bool
- func (l *STSList) Get(i int) *STS
- func (l *STSList) Items() []*STS
- func (l *STSList) Len() int
- func (l *STSList) Range(f func(index int, item *STS) bool)
- func (l *STSList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *STSList) SetItems(items []*STS)
- func (l *STSList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *STSList) Slice() []*STS
- type STSListBuilder
- type ServerConfig
- func ReadServerConfig(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *ServerConfig
- func ReadServerConfigList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*ServerConfig
- func UnmarshalServerConfig(source interface{}) (object *ServerConfig, err error)
- func UnmarshalServerConfigList(source interface{}) (items []*ServerConfig, err error)
- func (o *ServerConfig) AWSShard() *AWSShard
- func (o *ServerConfig) Empty() bool
- func (o *ServerConfig) GetAWSShard() (value *AWSShard, ok bool)
- func (o *ServerConfig) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *ServerConfig) GetID() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *ServerConfig) GetKubeconfig() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *ServerConfig) GetServer() (value string, ok bool)
- func (o *ServerConfig) GetTopology() (value ProvisionShardTopology, ok bool)
- func (o *ServerConfig) HREF() string
- func (o *ServerConfig) ID() string
- func (o *ServerConfig) Kind() string
- func (o *ServerConfig) Kubeconfig() string
- func (o *ServerConfig) Link() bool
- func (o *ServerConfig) Server() string
- func (o *ServerConfig) Topology() ProvisionShardTopology
- type ServerConfigBuilder
- func (b *ServerConfigBuilder) AWSShard(value *AWSShardBuilder) *ServerConfigBuilder
- func (b *ServerConfigBuilder) Build() (object *ServerConfig, err error)
- func (b *ServerConfigBuilder) Copy(object *ServerConfig) *ServerConfigBuilder
- func (b *ServerConfigBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *ServerConfigBuilder) HREF(value string) *ServerConfigBuilder
- func (b *ServerConfigBuilder) ID(value string) *ServerConfigBuilder
- func (b *ServerConfigBuilder) Kubeconfig(value string) *ServerConfigBuilder
- func (b *ServerConfigBuilder) Link(value bool) *ServerConfigBuilder
- func (b *ServerConfigBuilder) Server(value string) *ServerConfigBuilder
- func (b *ServerConfigBuilder) Topology(value ProvisionShardTopology) *ServerConfigBuilder
- type ServerConfigList
- func (l *ServerConfigList) Each(f func(item *ServerConfig) bool)
- func (l *ServerConfigList) Empty() bool
- func (l *ServerConfigList) Get(i int) *ServerConfig
- func (l *ServerConfigList) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
- func (l *ServerConfigList) HREF() string
- func (l *ServerConfigList) Items() []*ServerConfig
- func (l *ServerConfigList) Kind() string
- func (l *ServerConfigList) Len() int
- func (l *ServerConfigList) Link() bool
- func (l *ServerConfigList) Range(f func(index int, item *ServerConfig) bool)
- func (l *ServerConfigList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *ServerConfigList) SetItems(items []*ServerConfig)
- func (l *ServerConfigList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *ServerConfigList) Slice() []*ServerConfig
- type ServerConfigListBuilder
- func (b *ServerConfigListBuilder) Build() (list *ServerConfigList, err error)
- func (b *ServerConfigListBuilder) Copy(list *ServerConfigList) *ServerConfigListBuilder
- func (b *ServerConfigListBuilder) Empty() bool
- func (b *ServerConfigListBuilder) Items(values ...*ServerConfigBuilder) *ServerConfigListBuilder
- type Value
- type ValueBuilder
- type ValueList
- func (l *ValueList) Each(f func(item *Value) bool)
- func (l *ValueList) Empty() bool
- func (l *ValueList) Get(i int) *Value
- func (l *ValueList) Items() []*Value
- func (l *ValueList) Len() int
- func (l *ValueList) Range(f func(index int, item *Value) bool)
- func (l *ValueList) SetHREF(href string)
- func (l *ValueList) SetItems(items []*Value)
- func (l *ValueList) SetLink(link bool)
- func (l *ValueList) Slice() []*Value
- type ValueListBuilder
Constants ¶
const AWSListKind = "AWSList"
AWSListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'AWS'.
const AWSListLinkKind = "AWSListLink"
AWSListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'AWS'.
const AWSListNilKind = "AWSListNil"
AWSNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'AWS'.
const AWSShardListKind = "AWSShardList"
AWSShardListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'AWS_shard'.
const AWSShardListLinkKind = "AWSShardListLink"
AWSShardListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'AWS_shard'.
const AWSShardListNilKind = "AWSShardListNil"
AWSShardNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'AWS_shard'.
const AWSVolumeListKind = "AWSVolumeList"
AWSVolumeListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'AWS_volume'.
const AWSVolumeListLinkKind = "AWSVolumeListLink"
AWSVolumeListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'AWS_volume'.
const AWSVolumeListNilKind = "AWSVolumeListNil"
AWSVolumeNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'AWS_volume'.
const AuditLogListKind = "AuditLogList"
AuditLogListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'audit_log'.
const AuditLogListLinkKind = "AuditLogListLink"
AuditLogListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'audit_log'.
const AuditLogListNilKind = "AuditLogListNil"
AuditLogNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'audit_log'.
const AwsEtcdEncryptionListKind = "AwsEtcdEncryptionList"
AwsEtcdEncryptionListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'aws_etcd_encryption'.
const AwsEtcdEncryptionListLinkKind = "AwsEtcdEncryptionListLink"
AwsEtcdEncryptionListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'aws_etcd_encryption'.
const AwsEtcdEncryptionListNilKind = "AwsEtcdEncryptionListNil"
AwsEtcdEncryptionNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'aws_etcd_encryption'.
const AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityListKind = "AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList"
AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'azure_control_plane_managed_identity'.
const AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityListLinkKind = "AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityListLink"
AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'azure_control_plane_managed_identity'.
const AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityListNilKind = "AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityListNil"
AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'azure_control_plane_managed_identity'.
const AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityListKind = "AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList"
AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'azure_data_plane_managed_identity'.
const AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityListLinkKind = "AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityListLink"
AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'azure_data_plane_managed_identity'.
const AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityListNilKind = "AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityListNil"
AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'azure_data_plane_managed_identity'.
const AzureListKind = "AzureList"
AzureListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'azure'.
const AzureListLinkKind = "AzureListLink"
AzureListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'azure'.
const AzureListNilKind = "AzureListNil"
AzureNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'azure'.
const AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityListKind = "AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList"
AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'azure_nodes_outbound_connectivity'.
const AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityListLinkKind = "AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityListLink"
AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'azure_nodes_outbound_connectivity'.
const AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityListNilKind = "AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityListNil"
AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'azure_nodes_outbound_connectivity'.
const AzureOperatorsAuthenticationListKind = "AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList"
AzureOperatorsAuthenticationListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'azure_operators_authentication'.
const AzureOperatorsAuthenticationListLinkKind = "AzureOperatorsAuthenticationListLink"
AzureOperatorsAuthenticationListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'azure_operators_authentication'.
const AzureOperatorsAuthenticationListNilKind = "AzureOperatorsAuthenticationListNil"
AzureOperatorsAuthenticationNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'azure_operators_authentication'.
const AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesListKind = "AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList"
AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'azure_operators_authentication_managed_identities'.
const AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesListLinkKind = "AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesListLink"
AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'azure_operators_authentication_managed_identities'.
const AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesListNilKind = "AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesListNil"
AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'azure_operators_authentication_managed_identities'.
const AzureServiceManagedIdentityListKind = "AzureServiceManagedIdentityList"
AzureServiceManagedIdentityListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'azure_service_managed_identity'.
const AzureServiceManagedIdentityListLinkKind = "AzureServiceManagedIdentityListLink"
AzureServiceManagedIdentityListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'azure_service_managed_identity'.
const AzureServiceManagedIdentityListNilKind = "AzureServiceManagedIdentityListNil"
AzureServiceManagedIdentityNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'azure_service_managed_identity'.
const ByoOidcListKind = "ByoOidcList"
ByoOidcListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'byo_oidc'.
const ByoOidcListLinkKind = "ByoOidcListLink"
ByoOidcListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'byo_oidc'.
const ByoOidcListNilKind = "ByoOidcListNil"
ByoOidcNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'byo_oidc'.
const CCSKind = "CCS"
CCSKind is the name of the type used to represent objects of type 'CCS'.
const CCSLinkKind = "CCSLink"
CCSLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to objects of type 'CCS'.
const CCSListKind = "CCSList"
CCSListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'CCS'.
const CCSListLinkKind = "CCSListLink"
CCSListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'CCS'.
const CCSListNilKind = "CCSListNil"
CCSNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'CCS'.
const CCSNilKind = "CCSNil"
CCSNilKind is the name of the type used to nil references to objects of type 'CCS'.
const CloudProviderKind = "CloudProvider"
CloudProviderKind is the name of the type used to represent objects of type 'cloud_provider'.
const CloudProviderLinkKind = "CloudProviderLink"
CloudProviderLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to objects of type 'cloud_provider'.
const CloudProviderListKind = "CloudProviderList"
CloudProviderListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'cloud_provider'.
const CloudProviderListLinkKind = "CloudProviderListLink"
CloudProviderListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'cloud_provider'.
const CloudProviderListNilKind = "CloudProviderListNil"
CloudProviderNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'cloud_provider'.
const CloudProviderNilKind = "CloudProviderNil"
CloudProviderNilKind is the name of the type used to nil references to objects of type 'cloud_provider'.
const CloudRegionKind = "CloudRegion"
CloudRegionKind is the name of the type used to represent objects of type 'cloud_region'.
const CloudRegionLinkKind = "CloudRegionLink"
CloudRegionLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to objects of type 'cloud_region'.
const CloudRegionListKind = "CloudRegionList"
CloudRegionListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'cloud_region'.
const CloudRegionListLinkKind = "CloudRegionListLink"
CloudRegionListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'cloud_region'.
const CloudRegionListNilKind = "CloudRegionListNil"
CloudRegionNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'cloud_region'.
const CloudRegionNilKind = "CloudRegionNil"
CloudRegionNilKind is the name of the type used to nil references to objects of type 'cloud_region'.
const ClusterAPIListKind = "ClusterAPIList"
ClusterAPIListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'cluster_API'.
const ClusterAPIListLinkKind = "ClusterAPIListLink"
ClusterAPIListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'cluster_API'.
const ClusterAPIListNilKind = "ClusterAPIListNil"
ClusterAPINilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'cluster_API'.
const ClusterConsoleListKind = "ClusterConsoleList"
ClusterConsoleListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'cluster_console'.
const ClusterConsoleListLinkKind = "ClusterConsoleListLink"
ClusterConsoleListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'cluster_console'.
const ClusterConsoleListNilKind = "ClusterConsoleListNil"
ClusterConsoleNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'cluster_console'.
const ClusterKind = "Cluster"
ClusterKind is the name of the type used to represent objects of type 'cluster'.
const ClusterLinkKind = "ClusterLink"
ClusterLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to objects of type 'cluster'.
const ClusterListKind = "ClusterList"
ClusterListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'cluster'.
const ClusterListLinkKind = "ClusterListLink"
ClusterListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'cluster'.
const ClusterListNilKind = "ClusterListNil"
ClusterNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'cluster'.
const ClusterNilKind = "ClusterNil"
ClusterNilKind is the name of the type used to nil references to objects of type 'cluster'.
const ClusterNodesListKind = "ClusterNodesList"
ClusterNodesListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'cluster_nodes'.
const ClusterNodesListLinkKind = "ClusterNodesListLink"
ClusterNodesListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'cluster_nodes'.
const ClusterNodesListNilKind = "ClusterNodesListNil"
ClusterNodesNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'cluster_nodes'.
const ClusterRegistryConfigListKind = "ClusterRegistryConfigList"
ClusterRegistryConfigListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'cluster_registry_config'.
const ClusterRegistryConfigListLinkKind = "ClusterRegistryConfigListLink"
ClusterRegistryConfigListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'cluster_registry_config'.
const ClusterRegistryConfigListNilKind = "ClusterRegistryConfigListNil"
ClusterRegistryConfigNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'cluster_registry_config'.
const ClusterStatusKind = "ClusterStatus"
ClusterStatusKind is the name of the type used to represent objects of type 'cluster_status'.
const ClusterStatusLinkKind = "ClusterStatusLink"
ClusterStatusLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to objects of type 'cluster_status'.
const ClusterStatusListKind = "ClusterStatusList"
ClusterStatusListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'cluster_status'.
const ClusterStatusListLinkKind = "ClusterStatusListLink"
ClusterStatusListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'cluster_status'.
const ClusterStatusListNilKind = "ClusterStatusListNil"
ClusterStatusNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'cluster_status'.
const ClusterStatusNilKind = "ClusterStatusNil"
ClusterStatusNilKind is the name of the type used to nil references to objects of type 'cluster_status'.
const DNSListKind = "DNSList"
DNSListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'DNS'.
const DNSListLinkKind = "DNSListLink"
DNSListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'DNS'.
const DNSListNilKind = "DNSListNil"
DNSNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'DNS'.
const DeleteProtectionListKind = "DeleteProtectionList"
DeleteProtectionListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'delete_protection'.
const DeleteProtectionListLinkKind = "DeleteProtectionListLink"
DeleteProtectionListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'delete_protection'.
const DeleteProtectionListNilKind = "DeleteProtectionListNil"
DeleteProtectionNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'delete_protection'.
const ExternalAuthConfigListKind = "ExternalAuthConfigList"
ExternalAuthConfigListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'external_auth_config'.
const ExternalAuthConfigListLinkKind = "ExternalAuthConfigListLink"
ExternalAuthConfigListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'external_auth_config'.
const ExternalAuthConfigListNilKind = "ExternalAuthConfigListNil"
ExternalAuthConfigNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'external_auth_config'.
const ExternalConfigurationListKind = "ExternalConfigurationList"
ExternalConfigurationListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'external_configuration'.
const ExternalConfigurationListLinkKind = "ExternalConfigurationListLink"
ExternalConfigurationListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'external_configuration'.
const ExternalConfigurationListNilKind = "ExternalConfigurationListNil"
ExternalConfigurationNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'external_configuration'.
const GCPEncryptionKeyListKind = "GCPEncryptionKeyList"
GCPEncryptionKeyListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'GCP_encryption_key'.
const GCPEncryptionKeyListLinkKind = "GCPEncryptionKeyListLink"
GCPEncryptionKeyListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'GCP_encryption_key'.
const GCPEncryptionKeyListNilKind = "GCPEncryptionKeyListNil"
GCPEncryptionKeyNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'GCP_encryption_key'.
const GCPListKind = "GCPList"
GCPListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'GCP'.
const GCPListLinkKind = "GCPListLink"
GCPListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'GCP'.
const GCPListNilKind = "GCPListNil"
GCPNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'GCP'.
const GCPNetworkListKind = "GCPNetworkList"
GCPNetworkListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'GCP_network'.
const GCPNetworkListLinkKind = "GCPNetworkListLink"
GCPNetworkListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'GCP_network'.
const GCPNetworkListNilKind = "GCPNetworkListNil"
GCPNetworkNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'GCP_network'.
const GCPVolumeListKind = "GCPVolumeList"
GCPVolumeListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'GCP_volume'.
const GCPVolumeListLinkKind = "GCPVolumeListLink"
GCPVolumeListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'GCP_volume'.
const GCPVolumeListNilKind = "GCPVolumeListNil"
GCPVolumeNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'GCP_volume'.
const GcpAuthenticationListKind = "GcpAuthenticationList"
GcpAuthenticationListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'gcp_authentication'.
const GcpAuthenticationListLinkKind = "GcpAuthenticationListLink"
GcpAuthenticationListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'gcp_authentication'.
const GcpAuthenticationListNilKind = "GcpAuthenticationListNil"
GcpAuthenticationNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'gcp_authentication'.
const GcpPrivateServiceConnectListKind = "GcpPrivateServiceConnectList"
GcpPrivateServiceConnectListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'gcp_private_service_connect'.
const GcpPrivateServiceConnectListLinkKind = "GcpPrivateServiceConnectListLink"
GcpPrivateServiceConnectListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'gcp_private_service_connect'.
const GcpPrivateServiceConnectListNilKind = "GcpPrivateServiceConnectListNil"
GcpPrivateServiceConnectNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'gcp_private_service_connect'.
const GcpSecurityListKind = "GcpSecurityList"
GcpSecurityListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'gcp_security'.
const GcpSecurityListLinkKind = "GcpSecurityListLink"
GcpSecurityListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'gcp_security'.
const GcpSecurityListNilKind = "GcpSecurityListNil"
GcpSecurityNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'gcp_security'.
const HTPasswdIdentityProviderListKind = "HTPasswdIdentityProviderList"
HTPasswdIdentityProviderListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'HT_passwd_identity_provider'.
const HTPasswdIdentityProviderListLinkKind = "HTPasswdIdentityProviderListLink"
HTPasswdIdentityProviderListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'HT_passwd_identity_provider'.
const HTPasswdIdentityProviderListNilKind = "HTPasswdIdentityProviderListNil"
HTPasswdIdentityProviderNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'HT_passwd_identity_provider'.
const HypershiftListKind = "HypershiftList"
HypershiftListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'hypershift'.
const HypershiftListLinkKind = "HypershiftListLink"
HypershiftListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'hypershift'.
const HypershiftListNilKind = "HypershiftListNil"
HypershiftNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'hypershift'.
const InstanceIAMRolesListKind = "InstanceIAMRolesList"
InstanceIAMRolesListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'instance_IAM_roles'.
const InstanceIAMRolesListLinkKind = "InstanceIAMRolesListLink"
InstanceIAMRolesListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'instance_IAM_roles'.
const InstanceIAMRolesListNilKind = "InstanceIAMRolesListNil"
InstanceIAMRolesNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'instance_IAM_roles'.
const KubeletConfigKind = "KubeletConfig"
KubeletConfigKind is the name of the type used to represent objects of type 'kubelet_config'.
const KubeletConfigLinkKind = "KubeletConfigLink"
KubeletConfigLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to objects of type 'kubelet_config'.
const KubeletConfigListKind = "KubeletConfigList"
KubeletConfigListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'kubelet_config'.
const KubeletConfigListLinkKind = "KubeletConfigListLink"
KubeletConfigListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'kubelet_config'.
const KubeletConfigListNilKind = "KubeletConfigListNil"
KubeletConfigNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'kubelet_config'.
const KubeletConfigNilKind = "KubeletConfigNil"
KubeletConfigNilKind is the name of the type used to nil references to objects of type 'kubelet_config'.
const MachinePoolAutoscalingKind = "MachinePoolAutoscaling"
MachinePoolAutoscalingKind is the name of the type used to represent objects of type 'machine_pool_autoscaling'.
const MachinePoolAutoscalingLinkKind = "MachinePoolAutoscalingLink"
MachinePoolAutoscalingLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to objects of type 'machine_pool_autoscaling'.
const MachinePoolAutoscalingListKind = "MachinePoolAutoscalingList"
MachinePoolAutoscalingListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'machine_pool_autoscaling'.
const MachinePoolAutoscalingListLinkKind = "MachinePoolAutoscalingListLink"
MachinePoolAutoscalingListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'machine_pool_autoscaling'.
const MachinePoolAutoscalingListNilKind = "MachinePoolAutoscalingListNil"
MachinePoolAutoscalingNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'machine_pool_autoscaling'.
const MachinePoolAutoscalingNilKind = "MachinePoolAutoscalingNil"
MachinePoolAutoscalingNilKind is the name of the type used to nil references to objects of type 'machine_pool_autoscaling'.
const MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterListKind = "MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList"
MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'machine_pool_security_group_filter'.
const MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterListLinkKind = "MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterListLink"
MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'machine_pool_security_group_filter'.
const MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterListNilKind = "MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterListNil"
MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'machine_pool_security_group_filter'.
const MachineTypeKind = "MachineType"
MachineTypeKind is the name of the type used to represent objects of type 'machine_type'.
const MachineTypeLinkKind = "MachineTypeLink"
MachineTypeLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to objects of type 'machine_type'.
const MachineTypeListKind = "MachineTypeList"
MachineTypeListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'machine_type'.
const MachineTypeListLinkKind = "MachineTypeListLink"
MachineTypeListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'machine_type'.
const MachineTypeListNilKind = "MachineTypeListNil"
MachineTypeNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'machine_type'.
const MachineTypeNilKind = "MachineTypeNil"
MachineTypeNilKind is the name of the type used to nil references to objects of type 'machine_type'.
const ManagedServiceListKind = "ManagedServiceList"
ManagedServiceListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'managed_service'.
const ManagedServiceListLinkKind = "ManagedServiceListLink"
ManagedServiceListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'managed_service'.
const ManagedServiceListNilKind = "ManagedServiceListNil"
ManagedServiceNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'managed_service'.
const NetworkListKind = "NetworkList"
NetworkListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'network'.
const NetworkListLinkKind = "NetworkListLink"
NetworkListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'network'.
const NetworkListNilKind = "NetworkListNil"
NetworkNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'network'.
const OidcConfigListKind = "OidcConfigList"
OidcConfigListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'oidc_config'.
const OidcConfigListLinkKind = "OidcConfigListLink"
OidcConfigListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'oidc_config'.
const OidcConfigListNilKind = "OidcConfigListNil"
OidcConfigNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'oidc_config'.
const OperatorIAMRoleListKind = "OperatorIAMRoleList"
OperatorIAMRoleListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'operator_IAM_role'.
const OperatorIAMRoleListLinkKind = "OperatorIAMRoleListLink"
OperatorIAMRoleListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'operator_IAM_role'.
const OperatorIAMRoleListNilKind = "OperatorIAMRoleListNil"
OperatorIAMRoleNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'operator_IAM_role'.
const PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationListKind = "PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList"
PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'private_link_cluster_configuration'.
const PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationListLinkKind = "PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationListLink"
PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'private_link_cluster_configuration'.
const PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationListNilKind = "PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationListNil"
PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'private_link_cluster_configuration'.
const PrivateLinkPrincipalKind = "PrivateLinkPrincipal"
PrivateLinkPrincipalKind is the name of the type used to represent objects of type 'private_link_principal'.
const PrivateLinkPrincipalLinkKind = "PrivateLinkPrincipalLink"
PrivateLinkPrincipalLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to objects of type 'private_link_principal'.
const PrivateLinkPrincipalListKind = "PrivateLinkPrincipalList"
PrivateLinkPrincipalListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'private_link_principal'.
const PrivateLinkPrincipalListLinkKind = "PrivateLinkPrincipalListLink"
PrivateLinkPrincipalListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'private_link_principal'.
const PrivateLinkPrincipalListNilKind = "PrivateLinkPrincipalListNil"
PrivateLinkPrincipalNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'private_link_principal'.
const PrivateLinkPrincipalNilKind = "PrivateLinkPrincipalNil"
PrivateLinkPrincipalNilKind is the name of the type used to nil references to objects of type 'private_link_principal'.
const ProvisionShardKind = "ProvisionShard"
ProvisionShardKind is the name of the type used to represent objects of type 'provision_shard'.
const ProvisionShardLinkKind = "ProvisionShardLink"
ProvisionShardLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to objects of type 'provision_shard'.
const ProvisionShardListKind = "ProvisionShardList"
ProvisionShardListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'provision_shard'.
const ProvisionShardListLinkKind = "ProvisionShardListLink"
ProvisionShardListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'provision_shard'.
const ProvisionShardListNilKind = "ProvisionShardListNil"
ProvisionShardNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'provision_shard'.
const ProvisionShardNilKind = "ProvisionShardNil"
ProvisionShardNilKind is the name of the type used to nil references to objects of type 'provision_shard'.
const ProxyListKind = "ProxyList"
ProxyListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'proxy'.
const ProxyListLinkKind = "ProxyListLink"
ProxyListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'proxy'.
const ProxyListNilKind = "ProxyListNil"
ProxyNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'proxy'.
const RegistryAllowlistKind = "RegistryAllowlist"
RegistryAllowlistKind is the name of the type used to represent objects of type 'registry_allowlist'.
const RegistryAllowlistLinkKind = "RegistryAllowlistLink"
RegistryAllowlistLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to objects of type 'registry_allowlist'.
const RegistryAllowlistListKind = "RegistryAllowlistList"
RegistryAllowlistListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'registry_allowlist'.
const RegistryAllowlistListLinkKind = "RegistryAllowlistListLink"
RegistryAllowlistListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'registry_allowlist'.
const RegistryAllowlistListNilKind = "RegistryAllowlistListNil"
RegistryAllowlistNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'registry_allowlist'.
const RegistryAllowlistNilKind = "RegistryAllowlistNil"
RegistryAllowlistNilKind is the name of the type used to nil references to objects of type 'registry_allowlist'.
const RegistryLocationListKind = "RegistryLocationList"
RegistryLocationListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'registry_location'.
const RegistryLocationListLinkKind = "RegistryLocationListLink"
RegistryLocationListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'registry_location'.
const RegistryLocationListNilKind = "RegistryLocationListNil"
RegistryLocationNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'registry_location'.
const RegistrySourcesListKind = "RegistrySourcesList"
RegistrySourcesListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'registry_sources'.
const RegistrySourcesListLinkKind = "RegistrySourcesListLink"
RegistrySourcesListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'registry_sources'.
const RegistrySourcesListNilKind = "RegistrySourcesListNil"
RegistrySourcesNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'registry_sources'.
const RootVolumeListKind = "RootVolumeList"
RootVolumeListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'root_volume'.
const RootVolumeListLinkKind = "RootVolumeListLink"
RootVolumeListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'root_volume'.
const RootVolumeListNilKind = "RootVolumeListNil"
RootVolumeNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'root_volume'.
const STSListKind = "STSList"
STSListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'STS'.
const STSListLinkKind = "STSListLink"
STSListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'STS'.
const STSListNilKind = "STSListNil"
STSNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'STS'.
const ServerConfigKind = "ServerConfig"
ServerConfigKind is the name of the type used to represent objects of type 'server_config'.
const ServerConfigLinkKind = "ServerConfigLink"
ServerConfigLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to objects of type 'server_config'.
const ServerConfigListKind = "ServerConfigList"
ServerConfigListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'server_config'.
const ServerConfigListLinkKind = "ServerConfigListLink"
ServerConfigListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'server_config'.
const ServerConfigListNilKind = "ServerConfigListNil"
ServerConfigNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'server_config'.
const ServerConfigNilKind = "ServerConfigNil"
ServerConfigNilKind is the name of the type used to nil references to objects of type 'server_config'.
const ValueListKind = "ValueList"
ValueListKind is the name of the type used to represent list of objects of type 'value'.
const ValueListLinkKind = "ValueListLink"
ValueListLinkKind is the name of the type used to represent links to list of objects of type 'value'.
const ValueListNilKind = "ValueListNil"
ValueNilKind is the name of the type used to nil lists of objects of type 'value'.
Variables ¶
var OpenAPI = []byte{}/* 90415 elements not displayed */
OpenAPI contains the OpenAPI specification of the service in JSON.
Functions ¶
func MarshalAWS ¶
MarshalAWS writes a value of the 'AWS' type to the given writer.
func MarshalAWSList ¶
MarshalAWSList writes a list of values of the 'AWS' type to the given writer.
func MarshalAWSShard ¶
MarshalAWSShard writes a value of the 'AWS_shard' type to the given writer.
func MarshalAWSShardList ¶
MarshalAWSShardList writes a list of values of the 'AWS_shard' type to the given writer.
func MarshalAWSVolume ¶
MarshalAWSVolume writes a value of the 'AWS_volume' type to the given writer.
func MarshalAWSVolumeList ¶
MarshalAWSVolumeList writes a list of values of the 'AWS_volume' type to the given writer.
func MarshalAuditLog ¶
MarshalAuditLog writes a value of the 'audit_log' type to the given writer.
func MarshalAuditLogList ¶
MarshalAuditLogList writes a list of values of the 'audit_log' type to the given writer.
func MarshalAwsEtcdEncryption ¶
func MarshalAwsEtcdEncryption(object *AwsEtcdEncryption, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalAwsEtcdEncryption writes a value of the 'aws_etcd_encryption' type to the given writer.
func MarshalAwsEtcdEncryptionList ¶
func MarshalAwsEtcdEncryptionList(list []*AwsEtcdEncryption, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalAwsEtcdEncryptionList writes a list of values of the 'aws_etcd_encryption' type to the given writer.
func MarshalAzure ¶
MarshalAzure writes a value of the 'azure' type to the given writer.
func MarshalAzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity ¶
func MarshalAzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity(object *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalAzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity writes a value of the 'azure_control_plane_managed_identity' type to the given writer.
func MarshalAzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList ¶
func MarshalAzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList(list []*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalAzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList writes a list of values of the 'azure_control_plane_managed_identity' type to the given writer.
func MarshalAzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity ¶
func MarshalAzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity(object *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalAzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity writes a value of the 'azure_data_plane_managed_identity' type to the given writer.
func MarshalAzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList ¶
func MarshalAzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList(list []*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalAzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList writes a list of values of the 'azure_data_plane_managed_identity' type to the given writer.
func MarshalAzureList ¶
MarshalAzureList writes a list of values of the 'azure' type to the given writer.
func MarshalAzureNodesOutboundConnectivity ¶
func MarshalAzureNodesOutboundConnectivity(object *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalAzureNodesOutboundConnectivity writes a value of the 'azure_nodes_outbound_connectivity' type to the given writer.
func MarshalAzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList ¶
func MarshalAzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList(list []*AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalAzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList writes a list of values of the 'azure_nodes_outbound_connectivity' type to the given writer.
func MarshalAzureOperatorsAuthentication ¶
func MarshalAzureOperatorsAuthentication(object *AzureOperatorsAuthentication, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalAzureOperatorsAuthentication writes a value of the 'azure_operators_authentication' type to the given writer.
func MarshalAzureOperatorsAuthenticationList ¶
func MarshalAzureOperatorsAuthenticationList(list []*AzureOperatorsAuthentication, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalAzureOperatorsAuthenticationList writes a list of values of the 'azure_operators_authentication' type to the given writer.
func MarshalAzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities ¶
func MarshalAzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities(object *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalAzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities writes a value of the 'azure_operators_authentication_managed_identities' type to the given writer.
func MarshalAzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList ¶
func MarshalAzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList(list []*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalAzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList writes a list of values of the 'azure_operators_authentication_managed_identities' type to the given writer.
func MarshalAzureServiceManagedIdentity ¶
func MarshalAzureServiceManagedIdentity(object *AzureServiceManagedIdentity, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalAzureServiceManagedIdentity writes a value of the 'azure_service_managed_identity' type to the given writer.
func MarshalAzureServiceManagedIdentityList ¶
func MarshalAzureServiceManagedIdentityList(list []*AzureServiceManagedIdentity, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalAzureServiceManagedIdentityList writes a list of values of the 'azure_service_managed_identity' type to the given writer.
func MarshalBillingModelList ¶
func MarshalBillingModelList(list []BillingModel, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalBillingModelList writes a list of values of the 'billing_model' type to the given writer.
func MarshalBooleanList ¶
MarshalBooleanList writes a list of values of the 'boolean' type to the given writer.
func MarshalByoOidc ¶
MarshalByoOidc writes a value of the 'byo_oidc' type to the given writer.
func MarshalByoOidcList ¶
MarshalByoOidcList writes a list of values of the 'byo_oidc' type to the given writer.
func MarshalCCS ¶
MarshalCCS writes a value of the 'CCS' type to the given writer.
func MarshalCCSList ¶
MarshalCCSList writes a list of values of the 'CCS' type to the given writer.
func MarshalCloudProvider ¶
func MarshalCloudProvider(object *CloudProvider, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalCloudProvider writes a value of the 'cloud_provider' type to the given writer.
func MarshalCloudProviderList ¶
func MarshalCloudProviderList(list []*CloudProvider, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalCloudProviderList writes a list of values of the 'cloud_provider' type to the given writer.
func MarshalCloudRegion ¶
func MarshalCloudRegion(object *CloudRegion, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalCloudRegion writes a value of the 'cloud_region' type to the given writer.
func MarshalCloudRegionList ¶
func MarshalCloudRegionList(list []*CloudRegion, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalCloudRegionList writes a list of values of the 'cloud_region' type to the given writer.
func MarshalCluster ¶
MarshalCluster writes a value of the 'cluster' type to the given writer.
func MarshalClusterAPI ¶
func MarshalClusterAPI(object *ClusterAPI, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalClusterAPI writes a value of the 'cluster_API' type to the given writer.
func MarshalClusterAPIList ¶
func MarshalClusterAPIList(list []*ClusterAPI, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalClusterAPIList writes a list of values of the 'cluster_API' type to the given writer.
func MarshalClusterConfigurationModeList ¶
func MarshalClusterConfigurationModeList(list []ClusterConfigurationMode, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalClusterConfigurationModeList writes a list of values of the 'cluster_configuration_mode' type to the given writer.
func MarshalClusterConsole ¶
func MarshalClusterConsole(object *ClusterConsole, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalClusterConsole writes a value of the 'cluster_console' type to the given writer.
func MarshalClusterConsoleList ¶
func MarshalClusterConsoleList(list []*ClusterConsole, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalClusterConsoleList writes a list of values of the 'cluster_console' type to the given writer.
func MarshalClusterHealthStateList ¶
func MarshalClusterHealthStateList(list []ClusterHealthState, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalClusterHealthStateList writes a list of values of the 'cluster_health_state' type to the given writer.
func MarshalClusterList ¶
MarshalClusterList writes a list of values of the 'cluster' type to the given writer.
func MarshalClusterNodes ¶
func MarshalClusterNodes(object *ClusterNodes, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalClusterNodes writes a value of the 'cluster_nodes' type to the given writer.
func MarshalClusterNodesList ¶
func MarshalClusterNodesList(list []*ClusterNodes, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalClusterNodesList writes a list of values of the 'cluster_nodes' type to the given writer.
func MarshalClusterRegistryConfig ¶
func MarshalClusterRegistryConfig(object *ClusterRegistryConfig, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalClusterRegistryConfig writes a value of the 'cluster_registry_config' type to the given writer.
func MarshalClusterRegistryConfigList ¶
func MarshalClusterRegistryConfigList(list []*ClusterRegistryConfig, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalClusterRegistryConfigList writes a list of values of the 'cluster_registry_config' type to the given writer.
func MarshalClusterStateList ¶
func MarshalClusterStateList(list []ClusterState, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalClusterStateList writes a list of values of the 'cluster_state' type to the given writer.
func MarshalClusterStatus ¶
func MarshalClusterStatus(object *ClusterStatus, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalClusterStatus writes a value of the 'cluster_status' type to the given writer.
func MarshalClusterStatusList ¶
func MarshalClusterStatusList(list []*ClusterStatus, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalClusterStatusList writes a list of values of the 'cluster_status' type to the given writer.
func MarshalDNS ¶
MarshalDNS writes a value of the 'DNS' type to the given writer.
func MarshalDNSList ¶
MarshalDNSList writes a list of values of the 'DNS' type to the given writer.
func MarshalDateList ¶
MarshalDateList writes a list of values of the 'date' type to the given writer.
func MarshalDeleteProtection ¶
func MarshalDeleteProtection(object *DeleteProtection, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalDeleteProtection writes a value of the 'delete_protection' type to the given writer.
func MarshalDeleteProtectionList ¶
func MarshalDeleteProtectionList(list []*DeleteProtection, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalDeleteProtectionList writes a list of values of the 'delete_protection' type to the given writer.
func MarshalEc2MetadataHttpTokensList ¶
func MarshalEc2MetadataHttpTokensList(list []Ec2MetadataHttpTokens, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalEc2MetadataHttpTokensList writes a list of values of the 'ec_2_metadata_http_tokens' type to the given writer.
func MarshalExternalAuthConfig ¶
func MarshalExternalAuthConfig(object *ExternalAuthConfig, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalExternalAuthConfig writes a value of the 'external_auth_config' type to the given writer.
func MarshalExternalAuthConfigList ¶
func MarshalExternalAuthConfigList(list []*ExternalAuthConfig, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalExternalAuthConfigList writes a list of values of the 'external_auth_config' type to the given writer.
func MarshalExternalConfiguration ¶
func MarshalExternalConfiguration(object *ExternalConfiguration, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalExternalConfiguration writes a value of the 'external_configuration' type to the given writer.
func MarshalExternalConfigurationList ¶
func MarshalExternalConfigurationList(list []*ExternalConfiguration, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalExternalConfigurationList writes a list of values of the 'external_configuration' type to the given writer.
func MarshalFloatList ¶
MarshalFloatList writes a list of values of the 'float' type to the given writer.
func MarshalGCP ¶
MarshalGCP writes a value of the 'GCP' type to the given writer.
func MarshalGCPEncryptionKey ¶
func MarshalGCPEncryptionKey(object *GCPEncryptionKey, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalGCPEncryptionKey writes a value of the 'GCP_encryption_key' type to the given writer.
func MarshalGCPEncryptionKeyList ¶
func MarshalGCPEncryptionKeyList(list []*GCPEncryptionKey, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalGCPEncryptionKeyList writes a list of values of the 'GCP_encryption_key' type to the given writer.
func MarshalGCPList ¶
MarshalGCPList writes a list of values of the 'GCP' type to the given writer.
func MarshalGCPNetwork ¶
func MarshalGCPNetwork(object *GCPNetwork, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalGCPNetwork writes a value of the 'GCP_network' type to the given writer.
func MarshalGCPNetworkList ¶
func MarshalGCPNetworkList(list []*GCPNetwork, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalGCPNetworkList writes a list of values of the 'GCP_network' type to the given writer.
func MarshalGCPVolume ¶
MarshalGCPVolume writes a value of the 'GCP_volume' type to the given writer.
func MarshalGCPVolumeList ¶
MarshalGCPVolumeList writes a list of values of the 'GCP_volume' type to the given writer.
func MarshalGcpAuthentication ¶
func MarshalGcpAuthentication(object *GcpAuthentication, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalGcpAuthentication writes a value of the 'gcp_authentication' type to the given writer.
func MarshalGcpAuthenticationList ¶
func MarshalGcpAuthenticationList(list []*GcpAuthentication, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalGcpAuthenticationList writes a list of values of the 'gcp_authentication' type to the given writer.
func MarshalGcpPrivateServiceConnect ¶
func MarshalGcpPrivateServiceConnect(object *GcpPrivateServiceConnect, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalGcpPrivateServiceConnect writes a value of the 'gcp_private_service_connect' type to the given writer.
func MarshalGcpPrivateServiceConnectList ¶
func MarshalGcpPrivateServiceConnectList(list []*GcpPrivateServiceConnect, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalGcpPrivateServiceConnectList writes a list of values of the 'gcp_private_service_connect' type to the given writer.
func MarshalGcpSecurity ¶
func MarshalGcpSecurity(object *GcpSecurity, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalGcpSecurity writes a value of the 'gcp_security' type to the given writer.
func MarshalGcpSecurityList ¶
func MarshalGcpSecurityList(list []*GcpSecurity, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalGcpSecurityList writes a list of values of the 'gcp_security' type to the given writer.
func MarshalHTPasswdIdentityProvider ¶
func MarshalHTPasswdIdentityProvider(object *HTPasswdIdentityProvider, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalHTPasswdIdentityProvider writes a value of the 'HT_passwd_identity_provider' type to the given writer.
func MarshalHTPasswdIdentityProviderList ¶
func MarshalHTPasswdIdentityProviderList(list []*HTPasswdIdentityProvider, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalHTPasswdIdentityProviderList writes a list of values of the 'HT_passwd_identity_provider' type to the given writer.
func MarshalHypershift ¶
func MarshalHypershift(object *Hypershift, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalHypershift writes a value of the 'hypershift' type to the given writer.
func MarshalHypershiftList ¶
func MarshalHypershiftList(list []*Hypershift, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalHypershiftList writes a list of values of the 'hypershift' type to the given writer.
func MarshalInstanceIAMRoles ¶
func MarshalInstanceIAMRoles(object *InstanceIAMRoles, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalInstanceIAMRoles writes a value of the 'instance_IAM_roles' type to the given writer.
func MarshalInstanceIAMRolesList ¶
func MarshalInstanceIAMRolesList(list []*InstanceIAMRoles, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalInstanceIAMRolesList writes a list of values of the 'instance_IAM_roles' type to the given writer.
func MarshalIntegerList ¶
MarshalIntegerList writes a list of values of the 'integer' type to the given writer.
func MarshalInterfaceList ¶
MarshalInterfaceList writes a list of values of the 'interface' type to the given writer.
func MarshalKubeletConfig ¶
func MarshalKubeletConfig(object *KubeletConfig, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalKubeletConfig writes a value of the 'kubelet_config' type to the given writer.
func MarshalKubeletConfigList ¶
func MarshalKubeletConfigList(list []*KubeletConfig, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalKubeletConfigList writes a list of values of the 'kubelet_config' type to the given writer.
func MarshalListeningMethodList ¶
func MarshalListeningMethodList(list []ListeningMethod, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalListeningMethodList writes a list of values of the 'listening_method' type to the given writer.
func MarshalLongList ¶
MarshalLongList writes a list of values of the 'long' type to the given writer.
func MarshalMachinePoolAutoscaling ¶
func MarshalMachinePoolAutoscaling(object *MachinePoolAutoscaling, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalMachinePoolAutoscaling writes a value of the 'machine_pool_autoscaling' type to the given writer.
func MarshalMachinePoolAutoscalingList ¶
func MarshalMachinePoolAutoscalingList(list []*MachinePoolAutoscaling, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalMachinePoolAutoscalingList writes a list of values of the 'machine_pool_autoscaling' type to the given writer.
func MarshalMachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter ¶
func MarshalMachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter(object *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalMachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter writes a value of the 'machine_pool_security_group_filter' type to the given writer.
func MarshalMachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList ¶
func MarshalMachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList(list []*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalMachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList writes a list of values of the 'machine_pool_security_group_filter' type to the given writer.
func MarshalMachineType ¶
func MarshalMachineType(object *MachineType, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalMachineType writes a value of the 'machine_type' type to the given writer.
func MarshalMachineTypeCategoryList ¶
func MarshalMachineTypeCategoryList(list []MachineTypeCategory, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalMachineTypeCategoryList writes a list of values of the 'machine_type_category' type to the given writer.
func MarshalMachineTypeList ¶
func MarshalMachineTypeList(list []*MachineType, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalMachineTypeList writes a list of values of the 'machine_type' type to the given writer.
func MarshalMachineTypeSizeList ¶
func MarshalMachineTypeSizeList(list []MachineTypeSize, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalMachineTypeSizeList writes a list of values of the 'machine_type_size' type to the given writer.
func MarshalManagedService ¶
func MarshalManagedService(object *ManagedService, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalManagedService writes a value of the 'managed_service' type to the given writer.
func MarshalManagedServiceList ¶
func MarshalManagedServiceList(list []*ManagedService, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalManagedServiceList writes a list of values of the 'managed_service' type to the given writer.
func MarshalMetadata ¶
MarshalMetadata writes a value of the metadata type to the given target, which can be a writer or a JSON encoder.
func MarshalNetwork ¶
MarshalNetwork writes a value of the 'network' type to the given writer.
func MarshalNetworkList ¶
MarshalNetworkList writes a list of values of the 'network' type to the given writer.
func MarshalOidcConfig ¶
func MarshalOidcConfig(object *OidcConfig, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalOidcConfig writes a value of the 'oidc_config' type to the given writer.
func MarshalOidcConfigList ¶
func MarshalOidcConfigList(list []*OidcConfig, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalOidcConfigList writes a list of values of the 'oidc_config' type to the given writer.
func MarshalOperatorIAMRole ¶
func MarshalOperatorIAMRole(object *OperatorIAMRole, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalOperatorIAMRole writes a value of the 'operator_IAM_role' type to the given writer.
func MarshalOperatorIAMRoleList ¶
func MarshalOperatorIAMRoleList(list []*OperatorIAMRole, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalOperatorIAMRoleList writes a list of values of the 'operator_IAM_role' type to the given writer.
func MarshalPrivateLinkClusterConfiguration ¶
func MarshalPrivateLinkClusterConfiguration(object *PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalPrivateLinkClusterConfiguration writes a value of the 'private_link_cluster_configuration' type to the given writer.
func MarshalPrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList ¶
func MarshalPrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList(list []*PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalPrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList writes a list of values of the 'private_link_cluster_configuration' type to the given writer.
func MarshalPrivateLinkPrincipal ¶
func MarshalPrivateLinkPrincipal(object *PrivateLinkPrincipal, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalPrivateLinkPrincipal writes a value of the 'private_link_principal' type to the given writer.
func MarshalPrivateLinkPrincipalList ¶
func MarshalPrivateLinkPrincipalList(list []*PrivateLinkPrincipal, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalPrivateLinkPrincipalList writes a list of values of the 'private_link_principal' type to the given writer.
func MarshalProcessorTypeList ¶
func MarshalProcessorTypeList(list []ProcessorType, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalProcessorTypeList writes a list of values of the 'processor_type' type to the given writer.
func MarshalProvisionShard ¶
func MarshalProvisionShard(object *ProvisionShard, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalProvisionShard writes a value of the 'provision_shard' type to the given writer.
func MarshalProvisionShardList ¶
func MarshalProvisionShardList(list []*ProvisionShard, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalProvisionShardList writes a list of values of the 'provision_shard' type to the given writer.
func MarshalProvisionShardTopologyList ¶
func MarshalProvisionShardTopologyList(list []ProvisionShardTopology, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalProvisionShardTopologyList writes a list of values of the 'provision_shard_topology' type to the given writer.
func MarshalProxy ¶
MarshalProxy writes a value of the 'proxy' type to the given writer.
func MarshalProxyList ¶
MarshalProxyList writes a list of values of the 'proxy' type to the given writer.
func MarshalRegistryAllowlist ¶
func MarshalRegistryAllowlist(object *RegistryAllowlist, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalRegistryAllowlist writes a value of the 'registry_allowlist' type to the given writer.
func MarshalRegistryAllowlistList ¶
func MarshalRegistryAllowlistList(list []*RegistryAllowlist, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalRegistryAllowlistList writes a list of values of the 'registry_allowlist' type to the given writer.
func MarshalRegistryLocation ¶
func MarshalRegistryLocation(object *RegistryLocation, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalRegistryLocation writes a value of the 'registry_location' type to the given writer.
func MarshalRegistryLocationList ¶
func MarshalRegistryLocationList(list []*RegistryLocation, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalRegistryLocationList writes a list of values of the 'registry_location' type to the given writer.
func MarshalRegistrySources ¶
func MarshalRegistrySources(object *RegistrySources, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalRegistrySources writes a value of the 'registry_sources' type to the given writer.
func MarshalRegistrySourcesList ¶
func MarshalRegistrySourcesList(list []*RegistrySources, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalRegistrySourcesList writes a list of values of the 'registry_sources' type to the given writer.
func MarshalRootVolume ¶
func MarshalRootVolume(object *RootVolume, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalRootVolume writes a value of the 'root_volume' type to the given writer.
func MarshalRootVolumeList ¶
func MarshalRootVolumeList(list []*RootVolume, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalRootVolumeList writes a list of values of the 'root_volume' type to the given writer.
func MarshalSTS ¶
MarshalSTS writes a value of the 'STS' type to the given writer.
func MarshalSTSList ¶
MarshalSTSList writes a list of values of the 'STS' type to the given writer.
func MarshalServerConfig ¶
func MarshalServerConfig(object *ServerConfig, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalServerConfig writes a value of the 'server_config' type to the given writer.
func MarshalServerConfigList ¶
func MarshalServerConfigList(list []*ServerConfig, writer io.Writer) error
MarshalServerConfigList writes a list of values of the 'server_config' type to the given writer.
func MarshalStringList ¶
MarshalStringList writes a list of values of the 'string' type to the given writer.
func MarshalValue ¶
MarshalValue writes a value of the 'value' type to the given writer.
func MarshalValueList ¶
MarshalValueList writes a list of values of the 'value' type to the given writer.
func ReadBooleanList ¶
ReadBooleanList reads list of values of the ”boolean' type from the given iterator.
func ReadDateList ¶
ReadDateList reads list of values of the ”date' type from the given iterator.
func ReadFloatList ¶
ReadFloatList reads list of values of the ”float' type from the given iterator.
func ReadIntegerList ¶
ReadIntegerList reads list of values of the ”integer' type from the given iterator.
func ReadInterfaceList ¶
ReadInterfaceList reads list of values of the ”interface' type from the given iterator.
func ReadLongList ¶
ReadLongList reads list of values of the ”long' type from the given iterator.
func ReadStringList ¶
ReadStringList reads list of values of the ”string' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalBooleanList ¶
UnmarshalBooleanList reads a list of values of the 'boolean' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalDateList ¶
UnmarshalDateList reads a list of values of the 'date' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalFloatList ¶
UnmarshalFloatList reads a list of values of the 'float' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalIntegerList ¶
UnmarshalIntegerList reads a list of values of the 'integer' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalInterfaceList ¶
func UnmarshalInterfaceList(source interface{}) (items []interface{}, err error)
UnmarshalInterfaceList reads a list of values of the 'interface' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalLongList ¶
UnmarshalLongList reads a list of values of the 'long' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalStringList ¶
UnmarshalStringList reads a list of values of the 'string' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func WriteAWSList ¶
WriteAWSList writes a list of value of the 'AWS' type to the given stream.
func WriteAWSShard ¶
WriteAWSShard writes a value of the 'AWS_shard' type to the given stream.
func WriteAWSShardList ¶
WriteAWSShardList writes a list of value of the 'AWS_shard' type to the given stream.
func WriteAWSVolume ¶
WriteAWSVolume writes a value of the 'AWS_volume' type to the given stream.
func WriteAWSVolumeList ¶
WriteAWSVolumeList writes a list of value of the 'AWS_volume' type to the given stream.
func WriteAuditLog ¶
WriteAuditLog writes a value of the 'audit_log' type to the given stream.
func WriteAuditLogList ¶
WriteAuditLogList writes a list of value of the 'audit_log' type to the given stream.
func WriteAwsEtcdEncryption ¶
func WriteAwsEtcdEncryption(object *AwsEtcdEncryption, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteAwsEtcdEncryption writes a value of the 'aws_etcd_encryption' type to the given stream.
func WriteAwsEtcdEncryptionList ¶
func WriteAwsEtcdEncryptionList(list []*AwsEtcdEncryption, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteAwsEtcdEncryptionList writes a list of value of the 'aws_etcd_encryption' type to the given stream.
func WriteAzure ¶
WriteAzure writes a value of the 'azure' type to the given stream.
func WriteAzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity ¶
func WriteAzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity(object *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteAzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity writes a value of the 'azure_control_plane_managed_identity' type to the given stream.
func WriteAzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList ¶
func WriteAzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList(list []*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteAzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList writes a list of value of the 'azure_control_plane_managed_identity' type to the given stream.
func WriteAzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity ¶
func WriteAzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity(object *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteAzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity writes a value of the 'azure_data_plane_managed_identity' type to the given stream.
func WriteAzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList ¶
func WriteAzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList(list []*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteAzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList writes a list of value of the 'azure_data_plane_managed_identity' type to the given stream.
func WriteAzureList ¶
WriteAzureList writes a list of value of the 'azure' type to the given stream.
func WriteAzureNodesOutboundConnectivity ¶
func WriteAzureNodesOutboundConnectivity(object *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteAzureNodesOutboundConnectivity writes a value of the 'azure_nodes_outbound_connectivity' type to the given stream.
func WriteAzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList ¶
func WriteAzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList(list []*AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteAzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList writes a list of value of the 'azure_nodes_outbound_connectivity' type to the given stream.
func WriteAzureOperatorsAuthentication ¶
func WriteAzureOperatorsAuthentication(object *AzureOperatorsAuthentication, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteAzureOperatorsAuthentication writes a value of the 'azure_operators_authentication' type to the given stream.
func WriteAzureOperatorsAuthenticationList ¶
func WriteAzureOperatorsAuthenticationList(list []*AzureOperatorsAuthentication, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteAzureOperatorsAuthenticationList writes a list of value of the 'azure_operators_authentication' type to the given stream.
func WriteAzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities ¶
func WriteAzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities(object *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteAzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities writes a value of the 'azure_operators_authentication_managed_identities' type to the given stream.
func WriteAzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList ¶
func WriteAzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList(list []*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteAzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList writes a list of value of the 'azure_operators_authentication_managed_identities' type to the given stream.
func WriteAzureServiceManagedIdentity ¶
func WriteAzureServiceManagedIdentity(object *AzureServiceManagedIdentity, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteAzureServiceManagedIdentity writes a value of the 'azure_service_managed_identity' type to the given stream.
func WriteAzureServiceManagedIdentityList ¶
func WriteAzureServiceManagedIdentityList(list []*AzureServiceManagedIdentity, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteAzureServiceManagedIdentityList writes a list of value of the 'azure_service_managed_identity' type to the given stream.
func WriteBillingModelList ¶
func WriteBillingModelList(list []BillingModel, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteBillingModelList writes a list of value of the 'billing_model' type to the given stream.
func WriteBooleanList ¶
WriteBooleanList writes a list of value of the 'boolean' type to the given stream.
func WriteByoOidc ¶
WriteByoOidc writes a value of the 'byo_oidc' type to the given stream.
func WriteByoOidcList ¶
WriteByoOidcList writes a list of value of the 'byo_oidc' type to the given stream.
func WriteCCSList ¶
WriteCCSList writes a list of value of the 'CCS' type to the given stream.
func WriteCloudProvider ¶
func WriteCloudProvider(object *CloudProvider, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteCloudProvider writes a value of the 'cloud_provider' type to the given stream.
func WriteCloudProviderList ¶
func WriteCloudProviderList(list []*CloudProvider, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteCloudProviderList writes a list of value of the 'cloud_provider' type to the given stream.
func WriteCloudRegion ¶
func WriteCloudRegion(object *CloudRegion, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteCloudRegion writes a value of the 'cloud_region' type to the given stream.
func WriteCloudRegionList ¶
func WriteCloudRegionList(list []*CloudRegion, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteCloudRegionList writes a list of value of the 'cloud_region' type to the given stream.
func WriteCluster ¶
WriteCluster writes a value of the 'cluster' type to the given stream.
func WriteClusterAPI ¶
func WriteClusterAPI(object *ClusterAPI, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteClusterAPI writes a value of the 'cluster_API' type to the given stream.
func WriteClusterAPIList ¶
func WriteClusterAPIList(list []*ClusterAPI, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteClusterAPIList writes a list of value of the 'cluster_API' type to the given stream.
func WriteClusterConfigurationModeList ¶
func WriteClusterConfigurationModeList(list []ClusterConfigurationMode, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteClusterConfigurationModeList writes a list of value of the 'cluster_configuration_mode' type to the given stream.
func WriteClusterConsole ¶
func WriteClusterConsole(object *ClusterConsole, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteClusterConsole writes a value of the 'cluster_console' type to the given stream.
func WriteClusterConsoleList ¶
func WriteClusterConsoleList(list []*ClusterConsole, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteClusterConsoleList writes a list of value of the 'cluster_console' type to the given stream.
func WriteClusterHealthStateList ¶
func WriteClusterHealthStateList(list []ClusterHealthState, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteClusterHealthStateList writes a list of value of the 'cluster_health_state' type to the given stream.
func WriteClusterList ¶
WriteClusterList writes a list of value of the 'cluster' type to the given stream.
func WriteClusterNodes ¶
func WriteClusterNodes(object *ClusterNodes, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteClusterNodes writes a value of the 'cluster_nodes' type to the given stream.
func WriteClusterNodesList ¶
func WriteClusterNodesList(list []*ClusterNodes, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteClusterNodesList writes a list of value of the 'cluster_nodes' type to the given stream.
func WriteClusterRegistryConfig ¶
func WriteClusterRegistryConfig(object *ClusterRegistryConfig, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteClusterRegistryConfig writes a value of the 'cluster_registry_config' type to the given stream.
func WriteClusterRegistryConfigList ¶
func WriteClusterRegistryConfigList(list []*ClusterRegistryConfig, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteClusterRegistryConfigList writes a list of value of the 'cluster_registry_config' type to the given stream.
func WriteClusterStateList ¶
func WriteClusterStateList(list []ClusterState, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteClusterStateList writes a list of value of the 'cluster_state' type to the given stream.
func WriteClusterStatus ¶
func WriteClusterStatus(object *ClusterStatus, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteClusterStatus writes a value of the 'cluster_status' type to the given stream.
func WriteClusterStatusList ¶
func WriteClusterStatusList(list []*ClusterStatus, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteClusterStatusList writes a list of value of the 'cluster_status' type to the given stream.
func WriteDNSList ¶
WriteDNSList writes a list of value of the 'DNS' type to the given stream.
func WriteDateList ¶
WriteDateList writes a list of value of the 'date' type to the given stream.
func WriteDeleteProtection ¶
func WriteDeleteProtection(object *DeleteProtection, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteDeleteProtection writes a value of the 'delete_protection' type to the given stream.
func WriteDeleteProtectionList ¶
func WriteDeleteProtectionList(list []*DeleteProtection, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteDeleteProtectionList writes a list of value of the 'delete_protection' type to the given stream.
func WriteEc2MetadataHttpTokensList ¶
func WriteEc2MetadataHttpTokensList(list []Ec2MetadataHttpTokens, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteEc2MetadataHttpTokensList writes a list of value of the 'ec_2_metadata_http_tokens' type to the given stream.
func WriteExternalAuthConfig ¶
func WriteExternalAuthConfig(object *ExternalAuthConfig, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteExternalAuthConfig writes a value of the 'external_auth_config' type to the given stream.
func WriteExternalAuthConfigList ¶
func WriteExternalAuthConfigList(list []*ExternalAuthConfig, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteExternalAuthConfigList writes a list of value of the 'external_auth_config' type to the given stream.
func WriteExternalConfiguration ¶
func WriteExternalConfiguration(object *ExternalConfiguration, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteExternalConfiguration writes a value of the 'external_configuration' type to the given stream.
func WriteExternalConfigurationList ¶
func WriteExternalConfigurationList(list []*ExternalConfiguration, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteExternalConfigurationList writes a list of value of the 'external_configuration' type to the given stream.
func WriteFloatList ¶
WriteFloatList writes a list of value of the 'float' type to the given stream.
func WriteGCPEncryptionKey ¶
func WriteGCPEncryptionKey(object *GCPEncryptionKey, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteGCPEncryptionKey writes a value of the 'GCP_encryption_key' type to the given stream.
func WriteGCPEncryptionKeyList ¶
func WriteGCPEncryptionKeyList(list []*GCPEncryptionKey, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteGCPEncryptionKeyList writes a list of value of the 'GCP_encryption_key' type to the given stream.
func WriteGCPList ¶
WriteGCPList writes a list of value of the 'GCP' type to the given stream.
func WriteGCPNetwork ¶
func WriteGCPNetwork(object *GCPNetwork, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteGCPNetwork writes a value of the 'GCP_network' type to the given stream.
func WriteGCPNetworkList ¶
func WriteGCPNetworkList(list []*GCPNetwork, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteGCPNetworkList writes a list of value of the 'GCP_network' type to the given stream.
func WriteGCPVolume ¶
WriteGCPVolume writes a value of the 'GCP_volume' type to the given stream.
func WriteGCPVolumeList ¶
WriteGCPVolumeList writes a list of value of the 'GCP_volume' type to the given stream.
func WriteGcpAuthentication ¶
func WriteGcpAuthentication(object *GcpAuthentication, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteGcpAuthentication writes a value of the 'gcp_authentication' type to the given stream.
func WriteGcpAuthenticationList ¶
func WriteGcpAuthenticationList(list []*GcpAuthentication, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteGcpAuthenticationList writes a list of value of the 'gcp_authentication' type to the given stream.
func WriteGcpPrivateServiceConnect ¶
func WriteGcpPrivateServiceConnect(object *GcpPrivateServiceConnect, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteGcpPrivateServiceConnect writes a value of the 'gcp_private_service_connect' type to the given stream.
func WriteGcpPrivateServiceConnectList ¶
func WriteGcpPrivateServiceConnectList(list []*GcpPrivateServiceConnect, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteGcpPrivateServiceConnectList writes a list of value of the 'gcp_private_service_connect' type to the given stream.
func WriteGcpSecurity ¶
func WriteGcpSecurity(object *GcpSecurity, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteGcpSecurity writes a value of the 'gcp_security' type to the given stream.
func WriteGcpSecurityList ¶
func WriteGcpSecurityList(list []*GcpSecurity, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteGcpSecurityList writes a list of value of the 'gcp_security' type to the given stream.
func WriteHTPasswdIdentityProvider ¶
func WriteHTPasswdIdentityProvider(object *HTPasswdIdentityProvider, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteHTPasswdIdentityProvider writes a value of the 'HT_passwd_identity_provider' type to the given stream.
func WriteHTPasswdIdentityProviderList ¶
func WriteHTPasswdIdentityProviderList(list []*HTPasswdIdentityProvider, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteHTPasswdIdentityProviderList writes a list of value of the 'HT_passwd_identity_provider' type to the given stream.
func WriteHypershift ¶
func WriteHypershift(object *Hypershift, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteHypershift writes a value of the 'hypershift' type to the given stream.
func WriteHypershiftList ¶
func WriteHypershiftList(list []*Hypershift, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteHypershiftList writes a list of value of the 'hypershift' type to the given stream.
func WriteInstanceIAMRoles ¶
func WriteInstanceIAMRoles(object *InstanceIAMRoles, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteInstanceIAMRoles writes a value of the 'instance_IAM_roles' type to the given stream.
func WriteInstanceIAMRolesList ¶
func WriteInstanceIAMRolesList(list []*InstanceIAMRoles, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteInstanceIAMRolesList writes a list of value of the 'instance_IAM_roles' type to the given stream.
func WriteIntegerList ¶
WriteIntegerList writes a list of value of the 'integer' type to the given stream.
func WriteInterfaceList ¶
WriteInterfaceList writes a list of value of the 'interface' type to the given stream.
func WriteKubeletConfig ¶
func WriteKubeletConfig(object *KubeletConfig, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteKubeletConfig writes a value of the 'kubelet_config' type to the given stream.
func WriteKubeletConfigList ¶
func WriteKubeletConfigList(list []*KubeletConfig, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteKubeletConfigList writes a list of value of the 'kubelet_config' type to the given stream.
func WriteListeningMethodList ¶
func WriteListeningMethodList(list []ListeningMethod, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteListeningMethodList writes a list of value of the 'listening_method' type to the given stream.
func WriteLongList ¶
WriteLongList writes a list of value of the 'long' type to the given stream.
func WriteMachinePoolAutoscaling ¶
func WriteMachinePoolAutoscaling(object *MachinePoolAutoscaling, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteMachinePoolAutoscaling writes a value of the 'machine_pool_autoscaling' type to the given stream.
func WriteMachinePoolAutoscalingList ¶
func WriteMachinePoolAutoscalingList(list []*MachinePoolAutoscaling, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteMachinePoolAutoscalingList writes a list of value of the 'machine_pool_autoscaling' type to the given stream.
func WriteMachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter ¶
func WriteMachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter(object *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteMachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter writes a value of the 'machine_pool_security_group_filter' type to the given stream.
func WriteMachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList ¶
func WriteMachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList(list []*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteMachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList writes a list of value of the 'machine_pool_security_group_filter' type to the given stream.
func WriteMachineType ¶
func WriteMachineType(object *MachineType, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteMachineType writes a value of the 'machine_type' type to the given stream.
func WriteMachineTypeCategoryList ¶
func WriteMachineTypeCategoryList(list []MachineTypeCategory, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteMachineTypeCategoryList writes a list of value of the 'machine_type_category' type to the given stream.
func WriteMachineTypeList ¶
func WriteMachineTypeList(list []*MachineType, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteMachineTypeList writes a list of value of the 'machine_type' type to the given stream.
func WriteMachineTypeSizeList ¶
func WriteMachineTypeSizeList(list []MachineTypeSize, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteMachineTypeSizeList writes a list of value of the 'machine_type_size' type to the given stream.
func WriteManagedService ¶
func WriteManagedService(object *ManagedService, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteManagedService writes a value of the 'managed_service' type to the given stream.
func WriteManagedServiceList ¶
func WriteManagedServiceList(list []*ManagedService, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteManagedServiceList writes a list of value of the 'managed_service' type to the given stream.
func WriteNetwork ¶
WriteNetwork writes a value of the 'network' type to the given stream.
func WriteNetworkList ¶
WriteNetworkList writes a list of value of the 'network' type to the given stream.
func WriteOidcConfig ¶
func WriteOidcConfig(object *OidcConfig, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteOidcConfig writes a value of the 'oidc_config' type to the given stream.
func WriteOidcConfigList ¶
func WriteOidcConfigList(list []*OidcConfig, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteOidcConfigList writes a list of value of the 'oidc_config' type to the given stream.
func WriteOperatorIAMRole ¶
func WriteOperatorIAMRole(object *OperatorIAMRole, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteOperatorIAMRole writes a value of the 'operator_IAM_role' type to the given stream.
func WriteOperatorIAMRoleList ¶
func WriteOperatorIAMRoleList(list []*OperatorIAMRole, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteOperatorIAMRoleList writes a list of value of the 'operator_IAM_role' type to the given stream.
func WritePrivateLinkClusterConfiguration ¶
func WritePrivateLinkClusterConfiguration(object *PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WritePrivateLinkClusterConfiguration writes a value of the 'private_link_cluster_configuration' type to the given stream.
func WritePrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList ¶
func WritePrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList(list []*PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WritePrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList writes a list of value of the 'private_link_cluster_configuration' type to the given stream.
func WritePrivateLinkPrincipal ¶
func WritePrivateLinkPrincipal(object *PrivateLinkPrincipal, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WritePrivateLinkPrincipal writes a value of the 'private_link_principal' type to the given stream.
func WritePrivateLinkPrincipalList ¶
func WritePrivateLinkPrincipalList(list []*PrivateLinkPrincipal, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WritePrivateLinkPrincipalList writes a list of value of the 'private_link_principal' type to the given stream.
func WriteProcessorTypeList ¶
func WriteProcessorTypeList(list []ProcessorType, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteProcessorTypeList writes a list of value of the 'processor_type' type to the given stream.
func WriteProvisionShard ¶
func WriteProvisionShard(object *ProvisionShard, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteProvisionShard writes a value of the 'provision_shard' type to the given stream.
func WriteProvisionShardList ¶
func WriteProvisionShardList(list []*ProvisionShard, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteProvisionShardList writes a list of value of the 'provision_shard' type to the given stream.
func WriteProvisionShardTopologyList ¶
func WriteProvisionShardTopologyList(list []ProvisionShardTopology, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteProvisionShardTopologyList writes a list of value of the 'provision_shard_topology' type to the given stream.
func WriteProxy ¶
WriteProxy writes a value of the 'proxy' type to the given stream.
func WriteProxyList ¶
WriteProxyList writes a list of value of the 'proxy' type to the given stream.
func WriteRegistryAllowlist ¶
func WriteRegistryAllowlist(object *RegistryAllowlist, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteRegistryAllowlist writes a value of the 'registry_allowlist' type to the given stream.
func WriteRegistryAllowlistList ¶
func WriteRegistryAllowlistList(list []*RegistryAllowlist, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteRegistryAllowlistList writes a list of value of the 'registry_allowlist' type to the given stream.
func WriteRegistryLocation ¶
func WriteRegistryLocation(object *RegistryLocation, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteRegistryLocation writes a value of the 'registry_location' type to the given stream.
func WriteRegistryLocationList ¶
func WriteRegistryLocationList(list []*RegistryLocation, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteRegistryLocationList writes a list of value of the 'registry_location' type to the given stream.
func WriteRegistrySources ¶
func WriteRegistrySources(object *RegistrySources, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteRegistrySources writes a value of the 'registry_sources' type to the given stream.
func WriteRegistrySourcesList ¶
func WriteRegistrySourcesList(list []*RegistrySources, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteRegistrySourcesList writes a list of value of the 'registry_sources' type to the given stream.
func WriteRootVolume ¶
func WriteRootVolume(object *RootVolume, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteRootVolume writes a value of the 'root_volume' type to the given stream.
func WriteRootVolumeList ¶
func WriteRootVolumeList(list []*RootVolume, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteRootVolumeList writes a list of value of the 'root_volume' type to the given stream.
func WriteSTSList ¶
WriteSTSList writes a list of value of the 'STS' type to the given stream.
func WriteServerConfig ¶
func WriteServerConfig(object *ServerConfig, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteServerConfig writes a value of the 'server_config' type to the given stream.
func WriteServerConfigList ¶
func WriteServerConfigList(list []*ServerConfig, stream *jsoniter.Stream)
WriteServerConfigList writes a list of value of the 'server_config' type to the given stream.
func WriteStringList ¶
WriteStringList writes a list of value of the 'string' type to the given stream.
func WriteValue ¶
WriteValue writes a value of the 'value' type to the given stream.
func WriteValueList ¶
WriteValueList writes a list of value of the 'value' type to the given stream.
Types ¶
type AWS ¶
type AWS struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AWS represents the values of the 'AWS' type.
_Amazon Web Services_ specific settings of a cluster.
func ReadAWSList ¶
ReadAWSList reads list of values of the ”AWS' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalAWS ¶
UnmarshalAWS reads a value of the 'AWS' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalAWSList ¶
UnmarshalAWSList reads a list of values of the 'AWS' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*AWS) AccessKeyID ¶
AccessKeyID returns the value of the 'access_key_ID' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
AWS access key identifier.
func (*AWS) AccountID ¶
AccountID returns the value of the 'account_ID' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
AWS account identifier.
func (*AWS) AdditionalAllowedPrincipals ¶
AdditionalAllowedPrincipals returns the value of the 'additional_allowed_principals' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Additional allowed principal ARNs to be added to the hosted control plane's VPC Endpoint Service.
func (*AWS) AdditionalComputeSecurityGroupIds ¶
AdditionalComputeSecurityGroupIds returns the value of the 'additional_compute_security_group_ids' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Additional AWS Security Groups to be added to default worker (compute) machine pool.
func (*AWS) AdditionalControlPlaneSecurityGroupIds ¶
AdditionalControlPlaneSecurityGroupIds returns the value of the 'additional_control_plane_security_group_ids' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Additional AWS Security Groups to be added to default control plane machine pool.
func (*AWS) AdditionalInfraSecurityGroupIds ¶
AdditionalInfraSecurityGroupIds returns the value of the 'additional_infra_security_group_ids' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Additional AWS Security Groups to be added to default infra machine pool.
func (*AWS) AuditLog ¶
AuditLog returns the value of the 'audit_log' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Audit log forwarding configuration
func (*AWS) BillingAccountID ¶
BillingAccountID returns the value of the 'billing_account_ID' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
BillingAccountID is the account used for billing subscriptions purchased via the marketplace
func (*AWS) Ec2MetadataHttpTokens ¶
func (o *AWS) Ec2MetadataHttpTokens() Ec2MetadataHttpTokens
Ec2MetadataHttpTokens returns the value of the 'ec_2_metadata_http_tokens' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Which Ec2MetadataHttpTokens to use for metadata service interaction options for EC2 instances
func (*AWS) EtcdEncryption ¶
func (o *AWS) EtcdEncryption() *AwsEtcdEncryption
EtcdEncryption returns the value of the 'etcd_encryption' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Related etcd encryption configuration
func (*AWS) GetAccessKeyID ¶
GetAccessKeyID returns the value of the 'access_key_ID' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
AWS access key identifier.
func (*AWS) GetAccountID ¶
GetAccountID returns the value of the 'account_ID' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
AWS account identifier.
func (*AWS) GetAdditionalAllowedPrincipals ¶
GetAdditionalAllowedPrincipals returns the value of the 'additional_allowed_principals' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Additional allowed principal ARNs to be added to the hosted control plane's VPC Endpoint Service.
func (*AWS) GetAdditionalComputeSecurityGroupIds ¶
GetAdditionalComputeSecurityGroupIds returns the value of the 'additional_compute_security_group_ids' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Additional AWS Security Groups to be added to default worker (compute) machine pool.
func (*AWS) GetAdditionalControlPlaneSecurityGroupIds ¶
GetAdditionalControlPlaneSecurityGroupIds returns the value of the 'additional_control_plane_security_group_ids' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Additional AWS Security Groups to be added to default control plane machine pool.
func (*AWS) GetAdditionalInfraSecurityGroupIds ¶
GetAdditionalInfraSecurityGroupIds returns the value of the 'additional_infra_security_group_ids' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Additional AWS Security Groups to be added to default infra machine pool.
func (*AWS) GetAuditLog ¶
GetAuditLog returns the value of the 'audit_log' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Audit log forwarding configuration
func (*AWS) GetBillingAccountID ¶
GetBillingAccountID returns the value of the 'billing_account_ID' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
BillingAccountID is the account used for billing subscriptions purchased via the marketplace
func (*AWS) GetEc2MetadataHttpTokens ¶
func (o *AWS) GetEc2MetadataHttpTokens() (value Ec2MetadataHttpTokens, ok bool)
GetEc2MetadataHttpTokens returns the value of the 'ec_2_metadata_http_tokens' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Which Ec2MetadataHttpTokens to use for metadata service interaction options for EC2 instances
func (*AWS) GetEtcdEncryption ¶
func (o *AWS) GetEtcdEncryption() (value *AwsEtcdEncryption, ok bool)
GetEtcdEncryption returns the value of the 'etcd_encryption' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Related etcd encryption configuration
func (*AWS) GetHcpInternalCommunicationHostedZoneId ¶
GetHcpInternalCommunicationHostedZoneId returns the value of the 'hcp_internal_communication_hosted_zone_id' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
ID of local private hosted zone for hypershift internal communication.
func (*AWS) GetKMSKeyArn ¶
GetKMSKeyArn returns the value of the 'KMS_key_arn' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Customer Managed Key to encrypt EBS Volume
func (*AWS) GetPrivateHostedZoneID ¶
GetPrivateHostedZoneID returns the value of the 'private_hosted_zone_ID' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
ID of private hosted zone.
func (*AWS) GetPrivateHostedZoneRoleARN ¶
GetPrivateHostedZoneRoleARN returns the value of the 'private_hosted_zone_role_ARN' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Role ARN for private hosted zone.
func (*AWS) GetPrivateLink ¶
GetPrivateLink returns the value of the 'private_link' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Sets cluster to be inaccessible externally.
func (*AWS) GetPrivateLinkConfiguration ¶
func (o *AWS) GetPrivateLinkConfiguration() (value *PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration, ok bool)
GetPrivateLinkConfiguration returns the value of the 'private_link_configuration' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Manages additional configuration for Private Links.
func (*AWS) GetSTS ¶
GetSTS returns the value of the 'STS' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Contains the necessary attributes to support role-based authentication on AWS.
func (*AWS) GetSecretAccessKey ¶
GetSecretAccessKey returns the value of the 'secret_access_key' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
AWS secret access key.
func (*AWS) GetSubnetIDs ¶
GetSubnetIDs returns the value of the 'subnet_IDs' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The subnet ids to be used when installing the cluster.
func (*AWS) GetTags ¶
GetTags returns the value of the 'tags' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Optional keys and values that the installer will add as tags to all AWS resources it creates
func (*AWS) GetVpcEndpointRoleArn ¶
GetVpcEndpointRoleArn returns the value of the 'vpc_endpoint_role_arn' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Role ARN for VPC Endpoint Service cross account role.
func (*AWS) HcpInternalCommunicationHostedZoneId ¶
HcpInternalCommunicationHostedZoneId returns the value of the 'hcp_internal_communication_hosted_zone_id' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
ID of local private hosted zone for hypershift internal communication.
func (*AWS) KMSKeyArn ¶
KMSKeyArn returns the value of the 'KMS_key_arn' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Customer Managed Key to encrypt EBS Volume
func (*AWS) PrivateHostedZoneID ¶
PrivateHostedZoneID returns the value of the 'private_hosted_zone_ID' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
ID of private hosted zone.
func (*AWS) PrivateHostedZoneRoleARN ¶
PrivateHostedZoneRoleARN returns the value of the 'private_hosted_zone_role_ARN' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Role ARN for private hosted zone.
func (*AWS) PrivateLink ¶
PrivateLink returns the value of the 'private_link' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Sets cluster to be inaccessible externally.
func (*AWS) PrivateLinkConfiguration ¶
func (o *AWS) PrivateLinkConfiguration() *PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration
PrivateLinkConfiguration returns the value of the 'private_link_configuration' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Manages additional configuration for Private Links.
func (*AWS) STS ¶
STS returns the value of the 'STS' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Contains the necessary attributes to support role-based authentication on AWS.
func (*AWS) SecretAccessKey ¶
SecretAccessKey returns the value of the 'secret_access_key' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
AWS secret access key.
func (*AWS) SubnetIDs ¶
SubnetIDs returns the value of the 'subnet_IDs' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The subnet ids to be used when installing the cluster.
func (*AWS) Tags ¶
Tags returns the value of the 'tags' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Optional keys and values that the installer will add as tags to all AWS resources it creates
func (*AWS) VpcEndpointRoleArn ¶
VpcEndpointRoleArn returns the value of the 'vpc_endpoint_role_arn' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Role ARN for VPC Endpoint Service cross account role.
type AWSBuilder ¶
type AWSBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AWSBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'AWS' objects.
_Amazon Web Services_ specific settings of a cluster.
func (*AWSBuilder) AccessKeyID ¶
func (b *AWSBuilder) AccessKeyID(value string) *AWSBuilder
AccessKeyID sets the value of the 'access_key_ID' attribute to the given value.
func (*AWSBuilder) AccountID ¶
func (b *AWSBuilder) AccountID(value string) *AWSBuilder
AccountID sets the value of the 'account_ID' attribute to the given value.
func (*AWSBuilder) AdditionalAllowedPrincipals ¶
func (b *AWSBuilder) AdditionalAllowedPrincipals(values ...string) *AWSBuilder
AdditionalAllowedPrincipals sets the value of the 'additional_allowed_principals' attribute to the given values.
func (*AWSBuilder) AdditionalComputeSecurityGroupIds ¶
func (b *AWSBuilder) AdditionalComputeSecurityGroupIds(values ...string) *AWSBuilder
AdditionalComputeSecurityGroupIds sets the value of the 'additional_compute_security_group_ids' attribute to the given values.
func (*AWSBuilder) AdditionalControlPlaneSecurityGroupIds ¶
func (b *AWSBuilder) AdditionalControlPlaneSecurityGroupIds(values ...string) *AWSBuilder
AdditionalControlPlaneSecurityGroupIds sets the value of the 'additional_control_plane_security_group_ids' attribute to the given values.
func (*AWSBuilder) AdditionalInfraSecurityGroupIds ¶
func (b *AWSBuilder) AdditionalInfraSecurityGroupIds(values ...string) *AWSBuilder
AdditionalInfraSecurityGroupIds sets the value of the 'additional_infra_security_group_ids' attribute to the given values.
func (*AWSBuilder) AuditLog ¶
func (b *AWSBuilder) AuditLog(value *AuditLogBuilder) *AWSBuilder
AuditLog sets the value of the 'audit_log' attribute to the given value.
Contains the necessary attributes to support audit log forwarding
func (*AWSBuilder) BillingAccountID ¶
func (b *AWSBuilder) BillingAccountID(value string) *AWSBuilder
BillingAccountID sets the value of the 'billing_account_ID' attribute to the given value.
func (*AWSBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *AWSBuilder) Build() (object *AWS, err error)
Build creates a 'AWS' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*AWSBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *AWSBuilder) Copy(object *AWS) *AWSBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*AWSBuilder) Ec2MetadataHttpTokens ¶
func (b *AWSBuilder) Ec2MetadataHttpTokens(value Ec2MetadataHttpTokens) *AWSBuilder
Ec2MetadataHttpTokens sets the value of the 'ec_2_metadata_http_tokens' attribute to the given value.
Which Ec2MetadataHttpTokens to use for metadata service interaction options for EC2 instances
func (*AWSBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *AWSBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*AWSBuilder) EtcdEncryption ¶
func (b *AWSBuilder) EtcdEncryption(value *AwsEtcdEncryptionBuilder) *AWSBuilder
EtcdEncryption sets the value of the 'etcd_encryption' attribute to the given value.
Contains the necessary attributes to support etcd encryption for AWS based clusters.
func (*AWSBuilder) HcpInternalCommunicationHostedZoneId ¶
func (b *AWSBuilder) HcpInternalCommunicationHostedZoneId(value string) *AWSBuilder
HcpInternalCommunicationHostedZoneId sets the value of the 'hcp_internal_communication_hosted_zone_id' attribute to the given value.
func (*AWSBuilder) KMSKeyArn ¶
func (b *AWSBuilder) KMSKeyArn(value string) *AWSBuilder
KMSKeyArn sets the value of the 'KMS_key_arn' attribute to the given value.
func (*AWSBuilder) PrivateHostedZoneID ¶
func (b *AWSBuilder) PrivateHostedZoneID(value string) *AWSBuilder
PrivateHostedZoneID sets the value of the 'private_hosted_zone_ID' attribute to the given value.
func (*AWSBuilder) PrivateHostedZoneRoleARN ¶
func (b *AWSBuilder) PrivateHostedZoneRoleARN(value string) *AWSBuilder
PrivateHostedZoneRoleARN sets the value of the 'private_hosted_zone_role_ARN' attribute to the given value.
func (*AWSBuilder) PrivateLink ¶
func (b *AWSBuilder) PrivateLink(value bool) *AWSBuilder
PrivateLink sets the value of the 'private_link' attribute to the given value.
func (*AWSBuilder) PrivateLinkConfiguration ¶
func (b *AWSBuilder) PrivateLinkConfiguration(value *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationBuilder) *AWSBuilder
PrivateLinkConfiguration sets the value of the 'private_link_configuration' attribute to the given value.
Manages the configuration for the Private Links.
func (*AWSBuilder) STS ¶
func (b *AWSBuilder) STS(value *STSBuilder) *AWSBuilder
STS sets the value of the 'STS' attribute to the given value.
Contains the necessary attributes to support role-based authentication on AWS.
func (*AWSBuilder) SecretAccessKey ¶
func (b *AWSBuilder) SecretAccessKey(value string) *AWSBuilder
SecretAccessKey sets the value of the 'secret_access_key' attribute to the given value.
func (*AWSBuilder) SubnetIDs ¶
func (b *AWSBuilder) SubnetIDs(values ...string) *AWSBuilder
SubnetIDs sets the value of the 'subnet_IDs' attribute to the given values.
func (*AWSBuilder) Tags ¶
func (b *AWSBuilder) Tags(value map[string]string) *AWSBuilder
Tags sets the value of the 'tags' attribute to the given value.
func (*AWSBuilder) VpcEndpointRoleArn ¶
func (b *AWSBuilder) VpcEndpointRoleArn(value string) *AWSBuilder
VpcEndpointRoleArn sets the value of the 'vpc_endpoint_role_arn' attribute to the given value.
type AWSList ¶
type AWSList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AWSList is a list of values of the 'AWS' type.
func (*AWSList) Each ¶
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*AWSList) Get ¶
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*AWSList) Range ¶
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*AWSList) Slice ¶
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type AWSListBuilder ¶
type AWSListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AWSListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'AWS' objects.
func NewAWSList ¶
func NewAWSList() *AWSListBuilder
NewAWSList creates a new builder of 'AWS' objects.
func (*AWSListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *AWSListBuilder) Build() (list *AWSList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'AWS' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*AWSListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *AWSListBuilder) Copy(list *AWSList) *AWSListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*AWSListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *AWSListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*AWSListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *AWSListBuilder) Items(values ...*AWSBuilder) *AWSListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type AWSShard ¶
type AWSShard struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AWSShard represents the values of the 'AWS_shard' type.
Config for AWS provision shards
func ReadAWSShard ¶
ReadAWSShard reads a value of the 'AWS_shard' type from the given iterator.
func ReadAWSShardList ¶
ReadAWSShardList reads list of values of the ”AWS_shard' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalAWSShard ¶
UnmarshalAWSShard reads a value of the 'AWS_shard' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalAWSShardList ¶
UnmarshalAWSShardList reads a list of values of the 'AWS_shard' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*AWSShard) ECRRepositoryURLs ¶
ECRRepositoryURLs returns the value of the 'ECR_repository_URLs' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
ECR repository URLs of the provision shard
func (*AWSShard) GetECRRepositoryURLs ¶
GetECRRepositoryURLs returns the value of the 'ECR_repository_URLs' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
ECR repository URLs of the provision shard
type AWSShardBuilder ¶
type AWSShardBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AWSShardBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'AWS_shard' objects.
Config for AWS provision shards
func NewAWSShard ¶
func NewAWSShard() *AWSShardBuilder
NewAWSShard creates a new builder of 'AWS_shard' objects.
func (*AWSShardBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *AWSShardBuilder) Build() (object *AWSShard, err error)
Build creates a 'AWS_shard' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*AWSShardBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *AWSShardBuilder) Copy(object *AWSShard) *AWSShardBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*AWSShardBuilder) ECRRepositoryURLs ¶
func (b *AWSShardBuilder) ECRRepositoryURLs(values ...string) *AWSShardBuilder
ECRRepositoryURLs sets the value of the 'ECR_repository_URLs' attribute to the given values.
func (*AWSShardBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *AWSShardBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
type AWSShardList ¶
type AWSShardList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AWSShardList is a list of values of the 'AWS_shard' type.
func (*AWSShardList) Each ¶
func (l *AWSShardList) Each(f func(item *AWSShard) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*AWSShardList) Empty ¶
func (l *AWSShardList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*AWSShardList) Get ¶
func (l *AWSShardList) Get(i int) *AWSShard
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*AWSShardList) Items ¶
func (l *AWSShardList) Items() []*AWSShard
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*AWSShardList) Range ¶
func (l *AWSShardList) Range(f func(index int, item *AWSShard) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*AWSShardList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *AWSShardList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*AWSShardList) SetItems ¶
func (l *AWSShardList) SetItems(items []*AWSShard)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*AWSShardList) SetLink ¶
func (l *AWSShardList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*AWSShardList) Slice ¶
func (l *AWSShardList) Slice() []*AWSShard
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type AWSShardListBuilder ¶
type AWSShardListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AWSShardListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'AWS_shard' objects.
func NewAWSShardList ¶
func NewAWSShardList() *AWSShardListBuilder
NewAWSShardList creates a new builder of 'AWS_shard' objects.
func (*AWSShardListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *AWSShardListBuilder) Build() (list *AWSShardList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'AWS_shard' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*AWSShardListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *AWSShardListBuilder) Copy(list *AWSShardList) *AWSShardListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*AWSShardListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *AWSShardListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*AWSShardListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *AWSShardListBuilder) Items(values ...*AWSShardBuilder) *AWSShardListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type AWSVolume ¶
type AWSVolume struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AWSVolume represents the values of the 'AWS_volume' type.
Holds settings for an AWS storage volume.
func ReadAWSVolume ¶
ReadAWSVolume reads a value of the 'AWS_volume' type from the given iterator.
func ReadAWSVolumeList ¶
ReadAWSVolumeList reads list of values of the ”AWS_volume' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalAWSVolume ¶
UnmarshalAWSVolume reads a value of the 'AWS_volume' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalAWSVolumeList ¶
UnmarshalAWSVolumeList reads a list of values of the 'AWS_volume' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*AWSVolume) Empty ¶
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*AWSVolume) GetIOPS ¶
GetIOPS returns the value of the 'IOPS' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Volume provisioned IOPS.
func (*AWSVolume) GetSize ¶
GetSize returns the value of the 'size' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Volume size in Gib.
type AWSVolumeBuilder ¶
type AWSVolumeBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AWSVolumeBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'AWS_volume' objects.
Holds settings for an AWS storage volume.
func NewAWSVolume ¶
func NewAWSVolume() *AWSVolumeBuilder
NewAWSVolume creates a new builder of 'AWS_volume' objects.
func (*AWSVolumeBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *AWSVolumeBuilder) Build() (object *AWSVolume, err error)
Build creates a 'AWS_volume' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*AWSVolumeBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *AWSVolumeBuilder) Copy(object *AWSVolume) *AWSVolumeBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*AWSVolumeBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *AWSVolumeBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*AWSVolumeBuilder) IOPS ¶
func (b *AWSVolumeBuilder) IOPS(value int) *AWSVolumeBuilder
IOPS sets the value of the 'IOPS' attribute to the given value.
func (*AWSVolumeBuilder) Size ¶
func (b *AWSVolumeBuilder) Size(value int) *AWSVolumeBuilder
Size sets the value of the 'size' attribute to the given value.
type AWSVolumeList ¶
type AWSVolumeList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AWSVolumeList is a list of values of the 'AWS_volume' type.
func (*AWSVolumeList) Each ¶
func (l *AWSVolumeList) Each(f func(item *AWSVolume) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*AWSVolumeList) Empty ¶
func (l *AWSVolumeList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*AWSVolumeList) Get ¶
func (l *AWSVolumeList) Get(i int) *AWSVolume
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*AWSVolumeList) Items ¶
func (l *AWSVolumeList) Items() []*AWSVolume
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*AWSVolumeList) Range ¶
func (l *AWSVolumeList) Range(f func(index int, item *AWSVolume) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*AWSVolumeList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *AWSVolumeList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*AWSVolumeList) SetItems ¶
func (l *AWSVolumeList) SetItems(items []*AWSVolume)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*AWSVolumeList) SetLink ¶
func (l *AWSVolumeList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*AWSVolumeList) Slice ¶
func (l *AWSVolumeList) Slice() []*AWSVolume
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type AWSVolumeListBuilder ¶
type AWSVolumeListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AWSVolumeListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'AWS_volume' objects.
func NewAWSVolumeList ¶
func NewAWSVolumeList() *AWSVolumeListBuilder
NewAWSVolumeList creates a new builder of 'AWS_volume' objects.
func (*AWSVolumeListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *AWSVolumeListBuilder) Build() (list *AWSVolumeList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'AWS_volume' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*AWSVolumeListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *AWSVolumeListBuilder) Copy(list *AWSVolumeList) *AWSVolumeListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*AWSVolumeListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *AWSVolumeListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*AWSVolumeListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *AWSVolumeListBuilder) Items(values ...*AWSVolumeBuilder) *AWSVolumeListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type AuditLog ¶
type AuditLog struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AuditLog represents the values of the 'audit_log' type.
Contains the necessary attributes to support audit log forwarding
func ReadAuditLog ¶
ReadAuditLog reads a value of the 'audit_log' type from the given iterator.
func ReadAuditLogList ¶
ReadAuditLogList reads list of values of the ”audit_log' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalAuditLog ¶
UnmarshalAuditLog reads a value of the 'audit_log' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalAuditLogList ¶
UnmarshalAuditLogList reads a list of values of the 'audit_log' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*AuditLog) GetRoleArn ¶
GetRoleArn returns the value of the 'role_arn' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
ARN of the CloudWatch audit log forwarding role
type AuditLogBuilder ¶
type AuditLogBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AuditLogBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'audit_log' objects.
Contains the necessary attributes to support audit log forwarding
func NewAuditLog ¶
func NewAuditLog() *AuditLogBuilder
NewAuditLog creates a new builder of 'audit_log' objects.
func (*AuditLogBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *AuditLogBuilder) Build() (object *AuditLog, err error)
Build creates a 'audit_log' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*AuditLogBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *AuditLogBuilder) Copy(object *AuditLog) *AuditLogBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*AuditLogBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *AuditLogBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*AuditLogBuilder) RoleArn ¶
func (b *AuditLogBuilder) RoleArn(value string) *AuditLogBuilder
RoleArn sets the value of the 'role_arn' attribute to the given value.
type AuditLogList ¶
type AuditLogList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AuditLogList is a list of values of the 'audit_log' type.
func (*AuditLogList) Each ¶
func (l *AuditLogList) Each(f func(item *AuditLog) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*AuditLogList) Empty ¶
func (l *AuditLogList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*AuditLogList) Get ¶
func (l *AuditLogList) Get(i int) *AuditLog
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*AuditLogList) Items ¶
func (l *AuditLogList) Items() []*AuditLog
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*AuditLogList) Range ¶
func (l *AuditLogList) Range(f func(index int, item *AuditLog) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*AuditLogList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *AuditLogList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*AuditLogList) SetItems ¶
func (l *AuditLogList) SetItems(items []*AuditLog)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*AuditLogList) SetLink ¶
func (l *AuditLogList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*AuditLogList) Slice ¶
func (l *AuditLogList) Slice() []*AuditLog
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type AuditLogListBuilder ¶
type AuditLogListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AuditLogListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'audit_log' objects.
func NewAuditLogList ¶
func NewAuditLogList() *AuditLogListBuilder
NewAuditLogList creates a new builder of 'audit_log' objects.
func (*AuditLogListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *AuditLogListBuilder) Build() (list *AuditLogList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'audit_log' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*AuditLogListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *AuditLogListBuilder) Copy(list *AuditLogList) *AuditLogListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*AuditLogListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *AuditLogListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*AuditLogListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *AuditLogListBuilder) Items(values ...*AuditLogBuilder) *AuditLogListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type AwsEtcdEncryption ¶
type AwsEtcdEncryption struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AwsEtcdEncryption represents the values of the 'aws_etcd_encryption' type.
Contains the necessary attributes to support etcd encryption for AWS based clusters.
func ReadAwsEtcdEncryption ¶
func ReadAwsEtcdEncryption(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *AwsEtcdEncryption
ReadAwsEtcdEncryption reads a value of the 'aws_etcd_encryption' type from the given iterator.
func ReadAwsEtcdEncryptionList ¶
func ReadAwsEtcdEncryptionList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*AwsEtcdEncryption
ReadAwsEtcdEncryptionList reads list of values of the ”aws_etcd_encryption' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalAwsEtcdEncryption ¶
func UnmarshalAwsEtcdEncryption(source interface{}) (object *AwsEtcdEncryption, err error)
UnmarshalAwsEtcdEncryption reads a value of the 'aws_etcd_encryption' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalAwsEtcdEncryptionList ¶
func UnmarshalAwsEtcdEncryptionList(source interface{}) (items []*AwsEtcdEncryption, err error)
UnmarshalAwsEtcdEncryptionList reads a list of values of the 'aws_etcd_encryption' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*AwsEtcdEncryption) Empty ¶
func (o *AwsEtcdEncryption) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*AwsEtcdEncryption) GetKMSKeyARN ¶
func (o *AwsEtcdEncryption) GetKMSKeyARN() (value string, ok bool)
GetKMSKeyARN returns the value of the 'KMS_key_ARN' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
ARN of the KMS to be used for the etcd encryption
func (*AwsEtcdEncryption) KMSKeyARN ¶
func (o *AwsEtcdEncryption) KMSKeyARN() string
KMSKeyARN returns the value of the 'KMS_key_ARN' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
ARN of the KMS to be used for the etcd encryption
type AwsEtcdEncryptionBuilder ¶
type AwsEtcdEncryptionBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AwsEtcdEncryptionBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'aws_etcd_encryption' objects.
Contains the necessary attributes to support etcd encryption for AWS based clusters.
func NewAwsEtcdEncryption ¶
func NewAwsEtcdEncryption() *AwsEtcdEncryptionBuilder
NewAwsEtcdEncryption creates a new builder of 'aws_etcd_encryption' objects.
func (*AwsEtcdEncryptionBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *AwsEtcdEncryptionBuilder) Build() (object *AwsEtcdEncryption, err error)
Build creates a 'aws_etcd_encryption' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*AwsEtcdEncryptionBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *AwsEtcdEncryptionBuilder) Copy(object *AwsEtcdEncryption) *AwsEtcdEncryptionBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*AwsEtcdEncryptionBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *AwsEtcdEncryptionBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*AwsEtcdEncryptionBuilder) KMSKeyARN ¶
func (b *AwsEtcdEncryptionBuilder) KMSKeyARN(value string) *AwsEtcdEncryptionBuilder
KMSKeyARN sets the value of the 'KMS_key_ARN' attribute to the given value.
type AwsEtcdEncryptionList ¶
type AwsEtcdEncryptionList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AwsEtcdEncryptionList is a list of values of the 'aws_etcd_encryption' type.
func (*AwsEtcdEncryptionList) Each ¶
func (l *AwsEtcdEncryptionList) Each(f func(item *AwsEtcdEncryption) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*AwsEtcdEncryptionList) Empty ¶
func (l *AwsEtcdEncryptionList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*AwsEtcdEncryptionList) Get ¶
func (l *AwsEtcdEncryptionList) Get(i int) *AwsEtcdEncryption
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*AwsEtcdEncryptionList) Items ¶
func (l *AwsEtcdEncryptionList) Items() []*AwsEtcdEncryption
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*AwsEtcdEncryptionList) Len ¶
func (l *AwsEtcdEncryptionList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*AwsEtcdEncryptionList) Range ¶
func (l *AwsEtcdEncryptionList) Range(f func(index int, item *AwsEtcdEncryption) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*AwsEtcdEncryptionList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *AwsEtcdEncryptionList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*AwsEtcdEncryptionList) SetItems ¶
func (l *AwsEtcdEncryptionList) SetItems(items []*AwsEtcdEncryption)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*AwsEtcdEncryptionList) SetLink ¶
func (l *AwsEtcdEncryptionList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*AwsEtcdEncryptionList) Slice ¶
func (l *AwsEtcdEncryptionList) Slice() []*AwsEtcdEncryption
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type AwsEtcdEncryptionListBuilder ¶
type AwsEtcdEncryptionListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AwsEtcdEncryptionListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'aws_etcd_encryption' objects.
func NewAwsEtcdEncryptionList ¶
func NewAwsEtcdEncryptionList() *AwsEtcdEncryptionListBuilder
NewAwsEtcdEncryptionList creates a new builder of 'aws_etcd_encryption' objects.
func (*AwsEtcdEncryptionListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *AwsEtcdEncryptionListBuilder) Build() (list *AwsEtcdEncryptionList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'aws_etcd_encryption' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*AwsEtcdEncryptionListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *AwsEtcdEncryptionListBuilder) Copy(list *AwsEtcdEncryptionList) *AwsEtcdEncryptionListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*AwsEtcdEncryptionListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *AwsEtcdEncryptionListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*AwsEtcdEncryptionListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *AwsEtcdEncryptionListBuilder) Items(values ...*AwsEtcdEncryptionBuilder) *AwsEtcdEncryptionListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type Azure ¶
type Azure struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Azure represents the values of the 'azure' type.
Microsoft Azure settings of a cluster.
func ReadAzureList ¶
ReadAzureList reads list of values of the ”azure' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalAzure ¶
UnmarshalAzure reads a value of the 'azure' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalAzureList ¶
UnmarshalAzureList reads a list of values of the 'azure' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*Azure) GetManagedResourceGroupName ¶
GetManagedResourceGroupName returns the value of the 'managed_resource_group_name' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The desired name of the Azure Resource Group where the Azure Resources related to the cluster are created. It must not previously exist. The Azure Resource Group is created with the given value, within the Azure Subscription `subscription_id` of the cluster. `managed_resource_group_name` cannot be equal to the value of `managed_resource_group`. `managed_resource_group_name` is located in the same Azure location as the cluster's region. Not to be confused with `resource_group_name`, which is the Azure Resource Group Name where the own Azure Resource associated to the cluster resides. Required during creation. Immutable.
func (*Azure) GetNetworkSecurityGroupResourceID ¶
GetNetworkSecurityGroupResourceID returns the value of the 'network_security_group_resource_ID' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The Azure Resource ID of a pre-existing Azure Network Security Group. The Network Security Group specified in network_security_group_resource_id must already be associated to the Azure Subnet `subnet_resource_id`. It is the Azure Network Security Group associated to the cluster's subnet specified in `subnet_resource_id`. `network_security_group_resource_id` must be located in the same Azure location as the cluster's region. The Azure Subscription specified as part of `network_security_group_resource_id` must be located in the same Azure Subscription as `subscription_id`. The Azure Resource Group Name specified as part of `network_security_group_resource_id` must belong to the Azure Subscription `subscription_id`, and in the same Azure location as the cluster's region. The Azure Resource Group Name specified as part of `network_security_group_resource_id` must be a different Resource Group Name than the one specified in `managed_resource_group_name`. The Azure Resource Group Name specified as part of `network_security_group_resource_id` can be the same, or a different one than the one specified in `resource_group_name`. Required during creation. Immutable.
func (*Azure) GetNodesOutboundConnectivity ¶
func (o *Azure) GetNodesOutboundConnectivity() (value *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity, ok bool)
GetNodesOutboundConnectivity returns the value of the 'nodes_outbound_connectivity' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
NodesOutboundConnectivity defines how the network outbound configuration of the Cluster's Node Pool's Nodes is performed. By default this is configured as Azure Load Balancer. This value is immutable.
func (*Azure) GetOperatorsAuthentication ¶
func (o *Azure) GetOperatorsAuthentication() (value *AzureOperatorsAuthentication, ok bool)
GetOperatorsAuthentication returns the value of the 'operators_authentication' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Defines how the operators of the cluster authenticate to Azure. Required during creation. Immutable.
func (*Azure) GetResourceGroupName ¶
GetResourceGroupName returns the value of the 'resource_group_name' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The Azure Resource Group Name of the cluster. It must be a pre-existing Azure Resource Group and it must exist within the Azure Subscription `subscription_id` of the cluster. `resource_group_name` is located in the same Azure location as the cluster's region. Required during creation. Immutable.
func (*Azure) GetResourceName ¶
GetResourceName returns the value of the 'resource_name' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The Azure Resource Name of the cluster. It must be within the Azure Resource Group Name `resource_group_name`. `resource_name` is located in the same Azure location as the cluster's region. Required during creation. Immutable.
func (*Azure) GetSubnetResourceID ¶
GetSubnetResourceID returns the value of the 'subnet_resource_ID' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The Azure Resource ID of a pre-existing Azure Subnet. It is an Azure Subnet used for the Data Plane of the cluster. `subnet_resource_id` must be located in the same Azure location as the cluster's region. The Azure Subscription specified as part of the `subnet_resource_id` must be located in the same Azure Subscription as `subscription_id`. The Azure Resource Group Name specified as part of `subnet_resource_id` must belong to the Azure Subscription `subscription_id`, and in the same Azure location as the cluster's region. The Azure Resource Group Name specified as part of `subnet_resource_id` must be a different Resource Group Name than the one specified in `managed_resource_group_name`. The Azure Resource Group Name specified as part of the `subnet_resource_id` can be the same, or a different one than the one specified in `resource_group_name`. Required during creation. Immutable.
func (*Azure) GetSubscriptionID ¶
GetSubscriptionID returns the value of the 'subscription_ID' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The Azure Subscription ID associated with the cluster. It must belong to the Microsoft Entra Tenant ID `tenant_id`. Required during creation. Immutable.
func (*Azure) GetTenantID ¶
GetTenantID returns the value of the 'tenant_ID' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The Microsoft Entra Tenant ID where the cluster belongs. Required during creation. Immutable.
func (*Azure) ManagedResourceGroupName ¶
ManagedResourceGroupName returns the value of the 'managed_resource_group_name' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The desired name of the Azure Resource Group where the Azure Resources related to the cluster are created. It must not previously exist. The Azure Resource Group is created with the given value, within the Azure Subscription `subscription_id` of the cluster. `managed_resource_group_name` cannot be equal to the value of `managed_resource_group`. `managed_resource_group_name` is located in the same Azure location as the cluster's region. Not to be confused with `resource_group_name`, which is the Azure Resource Group Name where the own Azure Resource associated to the cluster resides. Required during creation. Immutable.
func (*Azure) NetworkSecurityGroupResourceID ¶
NetworkSecurityGroupResourceID returns the value of the 'network_security_group_resource_ID' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The Azure Resource ID of a pre-existing Azure Network Security Group. The Network Security Group specified in network_security_group_resource_id must already be associated to the Azure Subnet `subnet_resource_id`. It is the Azure Network Security Group associated to the cluster's subnet specified in `subnet_resource_id`. `network_security_group_resource_id` must be located in the same Azure location as the cluster's region. The Azure Subscription specified as part of `network_security_group_resource_id` must be located in the same Azure Subscription as `subscription_id`. The Azure Resource Group Name specified as part of `network_security_group_resource_id` must belong to the Azure Subscription `subscription_id`, and in the same Azure location as the cluster's region. The Azure Resource Group Name specified as part of `network_security_group_resource_id` must be a different Resource Group Name than the one specified in `managed_resource_group_name`. The Azure Resource Group Name specified as part of `network_security_group_resource_id` can be the same, or a different one than the one specified in `resource_group_name`. Required during creation. Immutable.
func (*Azure) NodesOutboundConnectivity ¶
func (o *Azure) NodesOutboundConnectivity() *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity
NodesOutboundConnectivity returns the value of the 'nodes_outbound_connectivity' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
NodesOutboundConnectivity defines how the network outbound configuration of the Cluster's Node Pool's Nodes is performed. By default this is configured as Azure Load Balancer. This value is immutable.
func (*Azure) OperatorsAuthentication ¶
func (o *Azure) OperatorsAuthentication() *AzureOperatorsAuthentication
OperatorsAuthentication returns the value of the 'operators_authentication' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Defines how the operators of the cluster authenticate to Azure. Required during creation. Immutable.
func (*Azure) ResourceGroupName ¶
ResourceGroupName returns the value of the 'resource_group_name' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The Azure Resource Group Name of the cluster. It must be a pre-existing Azure Resource Group and it must exist within the Azure Subscription `subscription_id` of the cluster. `resource_group_name` is located in the same Azure location as the cluster's region. Required during creation. Immutable.
func (*Azure) ResourceName ¶
ResourceName returns the value of the 'resource_name' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The Azure Resource Name of the cluster. It must be within the Azure Resource Group Name `resource_group_name`. `resource_name` is located in the same Azure location as the cluster's region. Required during creation. Immutable.
func (*Azure) SubnetResourceID ¶
SubnetResourceID returns the value of the 'subnet_resource_ID' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The Azure Resource ID of a pre-existing Azure Subnet. It is an Azure Subnet used for the Data Plane of the cluster. `subnet_resource_id` must be located in the same Azure location as the cluster's region. The Azure Subscription specified as part of the `subnet_resource_id` must be located in the same Azure Subscription as `subscription_id`. The Azure Resource Group Name specified as part of `subnet_resource_id` must belong to the Azure Subscription `subscription_id`, and in the same Azure location as the cluster's region. The Azure Resource Group Name specified as part of `subnet_resource_id` must be a different Resource Group Name than the one specified in `managed_resource_group_name`. The Azure Resource Group Name specified as part of the `subnet_resource_id` can be the same, or a different one than the one specified in `resource_group_name`. Required during creation. Immutable.
func (*Azure) SubscriptionID ¶
SubscriptionID returns the value of the 'subscription_ID' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The Azure Subscription ID associated with the cluster. It must belong to the Microsoft Entra Tenant ID `tenant_id`. Required during creation. Immutable.
type AzureBuilder ¶
type AzureBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AzureBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'azure' objects.
Microsoft Azure settings of a cluster.
func (*AzureBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *AzureBuilder) Build() (object *Azure, err error)
Build creates a 'azure' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*AzureBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *AzureBuilder) Copy(object *Azure) *AzureBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*AzureBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *AzureBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*AzureBuilder) ManagedResourceGroupName ¶
func (b *AzureBuilder) ManagedResourceGroupName(value string) *AzureBuilder
ManagedResourceGroupName sets the value of the 'managed_resource_group_name' attribute to the given value.
func (*AzureBuilder) NetworkSecurityGroupResourceID ¶
func (b *AzureBuilder) NetworkSecurityGroupResourceID(value string) *AzureBuilder
NetworkSecurityGroupResourceID sets the value of the 'network_security_group_resource_ID' attribute to the given value.
func (*AzureBuilder) NodesOutboundConnectivity ¶
func (b *AzureBuilder) NodesOutboundConnectivity(value *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityBuilder) *AzureBuilder
NodesOutboundConnectivity sets the value of the 'nodes_outbound_connectivity' attribute to the given value.
The configuration of the node outbound connectivity
func (*AzureBuilder) OperatorsAuthentication ¶
func (b *AzureBuilder) OperatorsAuthentication(value *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationBuilder) *AzureBuilder
OperatorsAuthentication sets the value of the 'operators_authentication' attribute to the given value.
The configuration that the operators of the cluster have to authenticate to Azure.
func (*AzureBuilder) ResourceGroupName ¶
func (b *AzureBuilder) ResourceGroupName(value string) *AzureBuilder
ResourceGroupName sets the value of the 'resource_group_name' attribute to the given value.
func (*AzureBuilder) ResourceName ¶
func (b *AzureBuilder) ResourceName(value string) *AzureBuilder
ResourceName sets the value of the 'resource_name' attribute to the given value.
func (*AzureBuilder) SubnetResourceID ¶
func (b *AzureBuilder) SubnetResourceID(value string) *AzureBuilder
SubnetResourceID sets the value of the 'subnet_resource_ID' attribute to the given value.
func (*AzureBuilder) SubscriptionID ¶
func (b *AzureBuilder) SubscriptionID(value string) *AzureBuilder
SubscriptionID sets the value of the 'subscription_ID' attribute to the given value.
func (*AzureBuilder) TenantID ¶
func (b *AzureBuilder) TenantID(value string) *AzureBuilder
TenantID sets the value of the 'tenant_ID' attribute to the given value.
type AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity ¶
type AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity represents the values of the 'azure_control_plane_managed_identity' type.
Represents the information associated to an Azure User-Assigned Managed Identity belonging to the Control Plane of the cluster.
func ReadAzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity ¶
func ReadAzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity
ReadAzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity reads a value of the 'azure_control_plane_managed_identity' type from the given iterator.
func ReadAzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList ¶
func ReadAzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity
ReadAzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList reads list of values of the ”azure_control_plane_managed_identity' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalAzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity ¶
func UnmarshalAzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity(source interface{}) (object *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity, err error)
UnmarshalAzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity reads a value of the 'azure_control_plane_managed_identity' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalAzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList ¶
func UnmarshalAzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList(source interface{}) (items []*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity, err error)
UnmarshalAzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList reads a list of values of the 'azure_control_plane_managed_identity' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity) ClientID ¶
func (o *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity) ClientID() string
ClientID returns the value of the 'client_ID' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The Client ID associated to the Azure User-Assigned Managed Identity. Readonly.
func (*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity) Empty ¶
func (o *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity) GetClientID ¶
func (o *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity) GetClientID() (value string, ok bool)
GetClientID returns the value of the 'client_ID' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The Client ID associated to the Azure User-Assigned Managed Identity. Readonly.
func (*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity) GetPrincipalID ¶
func (o *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity) GetPrincipalID() (value string, ok bool)
GetPrincipalID returns the value of the 'principal_ID' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The Principal ID associated to the Azure User-Assigned Identity. Readonly.
func (*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity) GetResourceID ¶
func (o *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity) GetResourceID() (value string, ok bool)
GetResourceID returns the value of the 'resource_ID' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The Azure Resource ID of the Azure User-Assigned Managed Identity. The managed identity represented must exist before creating the cluster. The Azure Resource Group Name specified as part of the Resource ID must belong to the Azure Subscription specified in `.azure.subscription_id`, and in the same Azure location as the cluster's region. The Azure Resource Group Name specified as part of the Resource ID must be a different Resource Group Name than the one specified in `.azure.managed_resource_group_name`. The Azure Resource Group Name specified as part of the Resource ID can be the same, or a different one than the one specified in `.azure.resource_group_name`. Required during creation. Immutable.
func (*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity) PrincipalID ¶
func (o *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity) PrincipalID() string
PrincipalID returns the value of the 'principal_ID' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The Principal ID associated to the Azure User-Assigned Identity. Readonly.
func (*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity) ResourceID ¶
func (o *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity) ResourceID() string
ResourceID returns the value of the 'resource_ID' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The Azure Resource ID of the Azure User-Assigned Managed Identity. The managed identity represented must exist before creating the cluster. The Azure Resource Group Name specified as part of the Resource ID must belong to the Azure Subscription specified in `.azure.subscription_id`, and in the same Azure location as the cluster's region. The Azure Resource Group Name specified as part of the Resource ID must be a different Resource Group Name than the one specified in `.azure.managed_resource_group_name`. The Azure Resource Group Name specified as part of the Resource ID can be the same, or a different one than the one specified in `.azure.resource_group_name`. Required during creation. Immutable.
type AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder ¶
type AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'azure_control_plane_managed_identity' objects.
Represents the information associated to an Azure User-Assigned Managed Identity belonging to the Control Plane of the cluster.
func NewAzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity ¶
func NewAzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity() *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder
NewAzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity creates a new builder of 'azure_control_plane_managed_identity' objects.
func (*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder) Build() (object *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity, err error)
Build creates a 'azure_control_plane_managed_identity' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder) ClientID ¶
func (b *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder) ClientID(value string) *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder
ClientID sets the value of the 'client_ID' attribute to the given value.
func (*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder) Copy(object *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity) *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder) PrincipalID ¶
func (b *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder) PrincipalID(value string) *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder
PrincipalID sets the value of the 'principal_ID' attribute to the given value.
func (*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder) ResourceID ¶
func (b *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder) ResourceID(value string) *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder
ResourceID sets the value of the 'resource_ID' attribute to the given value.
type AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList ¶
type AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList is a list of values of the 'azure_control_plane_managed_identity' type.
func (*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList) Each ¶
func (l *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList) Each(f func(item *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList) Empty ¶
func (l *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList) Get ¶
func (l *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList) Get(i int) *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList) Items ¶
func (l *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList) Items() []*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList) Len ¶
func (l *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList) Range ¶
func (l *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList) Range(f func(index int, item *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList) SetItems ¶
func (l *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList) SetItems(items []*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList) SetLink ¶
func (l *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList) Slice ¶
func (l *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList) Slice() []*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder ¶
type AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'azure_control_plane_managed_identity' objects.
func NewAzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList ¶
func NewAzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList() *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder
NewAzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList creates a new builder of 'azure_control_plane_managed_identity' objects.
func (*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder) Build() (list *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'azure_control_plane_managed_identity' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder) Copy(list *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityList) *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder) Items(values ...*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder) *AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity ¶
type AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity represents the values of the 'azure_data_plane_managed_identity' type.
Represents the information associated to an Azure User-Assigned Managed Identity belonging to the Data Plane of the cluster.
func ReadAzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity ¶
func ReadAzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity
ReadAzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity reads a value of the 'azure_data_plane_managed_identity' type from the given iterator.
func ReadAzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList ¶
func ReadAzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity
ReadAzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList reads list of values of the ”azure_data_plane_managed_identity' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalAzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity ¶
func UnmarshalAzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity(source interface{}) (object *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity, err error)
UnmarshalAzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity reads a value of the 'azure_data_plane_managed_identity' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalAzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList ¶
func UnmarshalAzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList(source interface{}) (items []*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity, err error)
UnmarshalAzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList reads a list of values of the 'azure_data_plane_managed_identity' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity) Empty ¶
func (o *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity) GetResourceID ¶
func (o *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity) GetResourceID() (value string, ok bool)
GetResourceID returns the value of the 'resource_ID' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The Azure Resource ID of the Azure User-Assigned Managed Identity. The managed identity represented must exist before creating the cluster. The Azure Resource Group Name specified as part of the Resource ID must belong to the Azure Subscription specified in `.azure.subscription_id`, and in the same Azure location as the cluster's region. The Azure Resource Group Name specified as part of the Resource ID must be a different Resource Group Name than the one specified in `.azure.managed_resource_group_name`. The Azure Resource Group Name specified as part of the Resource ID can be the same, or a different one than the one specified in `.azure.resource_group_name`. Required during creation. Immutable.
func (*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity) ResourceID ¶
func (o *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity) ResourceID() string
ResourceID returns the value of the 'resource_ID' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The Azure Resource ID of the Azure User-Assigned Managed Identity. The managed identity represented must exist before creating the cluster. The Azure Resource Group Name specified as part of the Resource ID must belong to the Azure Subscription specified in `.azure.subscription_id`, and in the same Azure location as the cluster's region. The Azure Resource Group Name specified as part of the Resource ID must be a different Resource Group Name than the one specified in `.azure.managed_resource_group_name`. The Azure Resource Group Name specified as part of the Resource ID can be the same, or a different one than the one specified in `.azure.resource_group_name`. Required during creation. Immutable.
type AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder ¶
type AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'azure_data_plane_managed_identity' objects.
Represents the information associated to an Azure User-Assigned Managed Identity belonging to the Data Plane of the cluster.
func NewAzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity ¶
func NewAzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity() *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder
NewAzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity creates a new builder of 'azure_data_plane_managed_identity' objects.
func (*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder) Build() (object *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity, err error)
Build creates a 'azure_data_plane_managed_identity' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder) Copy(object *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity) *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder) ResourceID ¶
func (b *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder) ResourceID(value string) *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder
ResourceID sets the value of the 'resource_ID' attribute to the given value.
type AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList ¶
type AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList is a list of values of the 'azure_data_plane_managed_identity' type.
func (*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList) Each ¶
func (l *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList) Each(f func(item *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList) Empty ¶
func (l *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList) Get ¶
func (l *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList) Get(i int) *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList) Items ¶
func (l *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList) Items() []*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList) Len ¶
func (l *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList) Range ¶
func (l *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList) Range(f func(index int, item *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList) SetItems ¶
func (l *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList) SetItems(items []*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList) SetLink ¶
func (l *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList) Slice ¶
func (l *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList) Slice() []*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder ¶
type AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'azure_data_plane_managed_identity' objects.
func NewAzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList ¶
func NewAzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList() *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder
NewAzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList creates a new builder of 'azure_data_plane_managed_identity' objects.
func (*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder) Build() (list *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'azure_data_plane_managed_identity' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder) Copy(list *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityList) *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder) Items(values ...*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder) *AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type AzureList ¶
type AzureList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AzureList is a list of values of the 'azure' type.
func (*AzureList) Each ¶
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*AzureList) Get ¶
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*AzureList) Range ¶
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*AzureList) Slice ¶
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type AzureListBuilder ¶
type AzureListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AzureListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'azure' objects.
func NewAzureList ¶
func NewAzureList() *AzureListBuilder
NewAzureList creates a new builder of 'azure' objects.
func (*AzureListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *AzureListBuilder) Build() (list *AzureList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'azure' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*AzureListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *AzureListBuilder) Copy(list *AzureList) *AzureListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*AzureListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *AzureListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*AzureListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *AzureListBuilder) Items(values ...*AzureBuilder) *AzureListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity ¶
type AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity represents the values of the 'azure_nodes_outbound_connectivity' type.
The configuration of the node outbound connectivity
func ReadAzureNodesOutboundConnectivity ¶
func ReadAzureNodesOutboundConnectivity(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity
ReadAzureNodesOutboundConnectivity reads a value of the 'azure_nodes_outbound_connectivity' type from the given iterator.
func ReadAzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList ¶
func ReadAzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity
ReadAzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList reads list of values of the ”azure_nodes_outbound_connectivity' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalAzureNodesOutboundConnectivity ¶
func UnmarshalAzureNodesOutboundConnectivity(source interface{}) (object *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity, err error)
UnmarshalAzureNodesOutboundConnectivity reads a value of the 'azure_nodes_outbound_connectivity' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalAzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList ¶
func UnmarshalAzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList(source interface{}) (items []*AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity, err error)
UnmarshalAzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList reads a list of values of the 'azure_nodes_outbound_connectivity' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity) Empty ¶
func (o *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity) GetOutboundType ¶
func (o *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity) GetOutboundType() (value string, ok bool)
GetOutboundType returns the value of the 'outbound_type' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
OutboundType is the type of network outbound configuration. The default and only accepted value is 'load_balancer'. This value is immutable.
func (*AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity) OutboundType ¶
func (o *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity) OutboundType() string
OutboundType returns the value of the 'outbound_type' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
OutboundType is the type of network outbound configuration. The default and only accepted value is 'load_balancer'. This value is immutable.
type AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityBuilder ¶
type AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'azure_nodes_outbound_connectivity' objects.
The configuration of the node outbound connectivity
func NewAzureNodesOutboundConnectivity ¶
func NewAzureNodesOutboundConnectivity() *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityBuilder
NewAzureNodesOutboundConnectivity creates a new builder of 'azure_nodes_outbound_connectivity' objects.
func (*AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityBuilder) Build() (object *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity, err error)
Build creates a 'azure_nodes_outbound_connectivity' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityBuilder) Copy(object *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity) *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityBuilder) OutboundType ¶
func (b *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityBuilder) OutboundType(value string) *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityBuilder
OutboundType sets the value of the 'outbound_type' attribute to the given value.
type AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList ¶
type AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList is a list of values of the 'azure_nodes_outbound_connectivity' type.
func (*AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList) Each ¶
func (l *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList) Each(f func(item *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList) Empty ¶
func (l *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList) Get ¶
func (l *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList) Get(i int) *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList) Items ¶
func (l *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList) Items() []*AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList) Len ¶
func (l *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList) Range ¶
func (l *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList) Range(f func(index int, item *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList) SetItems ¶
func (l *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList) SetItems(items []*AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList) SetLink ¶
func (l *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList) Slice ¶
func (l *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList) Slice() []*AzureNodesOutboundConnectivity
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityListBuilder ¶
type AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'azure_nodes_outbound_connectivity' objects.
func NewAzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList ¶
func NewAzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList() *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityListBuilder
NewAzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList creates a new builder of 'azure_nodes_outbound_connectivity' objects.
func (*AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityListBuilder) Build() (list *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'azure_nodes_outbound_connectivity' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityListBuilder) Copy(list *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityList) *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityListBuilder) Items(values ...*AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityBuilder) *AzureNodesOutboundConnectivityListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type AzureOperatorsAuthentication ¶
type AzureOperatorsAuthentication struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AzureOperatorsAuthentication represents the values of the 'azure_operators_authentication' type.
The configuration that the operators of the cluster have to authenticate to Azure.
func ReadAzureOperatorsAuthentication ¶
func ReadAzureOperatorsAuthentication(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *AzureOperatorsAuthentication
ReadAzureOperatorsAuthentication reads a value of the 'azure_operators_authentication' type from the given iterator.
func ReadAzureOperatorsAuthenticationList ¶
func ReadAzureOperatorsAuthenticationList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*AzureOperatorsAuthentication
ReadAzureOperatorsAuthenticationList reads list of values of the ”azure_operators_authentication' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalAzureOperatorsAuthentication ¶
func UnmarshalAzureOperatorsAuthentication(source interface{}) (object *AzureOperatorsAuthentication, err error)
UnmarshalAzureOperatorsAuthentication reads a value of the 'azure_operators_authentication' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalAzureOperatorsAuthenticationList ¶
func UnmarshalAzureOperatorsAuthenticationList(source interface{}) (items []*AzureOperatorsAuthentication, err error)
UnmarshalAzureOperatorsAuthenticationList reads a list of values of the 'azure_operators_authentication' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthentication) Empty ¶
func (o *AzureOperatorsAuthentication) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthentication) GetManagedIdentities ¶
func (o *AzureOperatorsAuthentication) GetManagedIdentities() (value *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities, ok bool)
GetManagedIdentities returns the value of the 'managed_identities' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The authentication configuration to authenticate to Azure using Azure User-Assigned Managed Identities. Required during creation.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthentication) ManagedIdentities ¶
func (o *AzureOperatorsAuthentication) ManagedIdentities() *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities
ManagedIdentities returns the value of the 'managed_identities' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The authentication configuration to authenticate to Azure using Azure User-Assigned Managed Identities. Required during creation.
type AzureOperatorsAuthenticationBuilder ¶
type AzureOperatorsAuthenticationBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AzureOperatorsAuthenticationBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'azure_operators_authentication' objects.
The configuration that the operators of the cluster have to authenticate to Azure.
func NewAzureOperatorsAuthentication ¶
func NewAzureOperatorsAuthentication() *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationBuilder
NewAzureOperatorsAuthentication creates a new builder of 'azure_operators_authentication' objects.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationBuilder) Build() (object *AzureOperatorsAuthentication, err error)
Build creates a 'azure_operators_authentication' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationBuilder) Copy(object *AzureOperatorsAuthentication) *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationBuilder) ManagedIdentities ¶
func (b *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationBuilder) ManagedIdentities(value *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder) *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationBuilder
ManagedIdentities sets the value of the 'managed_identities' attribute to the given value.
Represents the information related to Azure User-Assigned managed identities needed to perform Operators authentication based on Azure User-Assigned Managed Identities
type AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList ¶
type AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList is a list of values of the 'azure_operators_authentication' type.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList) Each ¶
func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList) Each(f func(item *AzureOperatorsAuthentication) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList) Empty ¶
func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList) Get ¶
func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList) Get(i int) *AzureOperatorsAuthentication
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList) Items ¶
func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList) Items() []*AzureOperatorsAuthentication
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList) Len ¶
func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList) Range ¶
func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList) Range(f func(index int, item *AzureOperatorsAuthentication) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList) SetItems ¶
func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList) SetItems(items []*AzureOperatorsAuthentication)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList) SetLink ¶
func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList) Slice ¶
func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList) Slice() []*AzureOperatorsAuthentication
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type AzureOperatorsAuthenticationListBuilder ¶
type AzureOperatorsAuthenticationListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AzureOperatorsAuthenticationListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'azure_operators_authentication' objects.
func NewAzureOperatorsAuthenticationList ¶
func NewAzureOperatorsAuthenticationList() *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationListBuilder
NewAzureOperatorsAuthenticationList creates a new builder of 'azure_operators_authentication' objects.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationListBuilder) Build() (list *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'azure_operators_authentication' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationListBuilder) Copy(list *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationList) *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationListBuilder) Items(values ...*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationBuilder) *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities ¶
type AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities represents the values of the 'azure_operators_authentication_managed_identities' type.
Represents the information related to Azure User-Assigned managed identities needed to perform Operators authentication based on Azure User-Assigned Managed Identities
func ReadAzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities ¶
func ReadAzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities
ReadAzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities reads a value of the 'azure_operators_authentication_managed_identities' type from the given iterator.
func ReadAzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList ¶
func ReadAzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities
ReadAzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList reads list of values of the ”azure_operators_authentication_managed_identities' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalAzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities ¶
func UnmarshalAzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities(source interface{}) (object *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities, err error)
UnmarshalAzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities reads a value of the 'azure_operators_authentication_managed_identities' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalAzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList ¶
func UnmarshalAzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList(source interface{}) (items []*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities, err error)
UnmarshalAzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList reads a list of values of the 'azure_operators_authentication_managed_identities' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities) ControlPlaneOperatorsManagedIdentities ¶
func (o *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities) ControlPlaneOperatorsManagedIdentities() map[string]*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity
ControlPlaneOperatorsManagedIdentities returns the value of the 'control_plane_operators_managed_identities' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The set of Azure User-Assigned Managed Identities leveraged for the Control Plane operators of the cluster. The set of required managed identities is dependent on the Cluster's OpenShift version. Immutable
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities) DataPlaneOperatorsManagedIdentities ¶
func (o *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities) DataPlaneOperatorsManagedIdentities() map[string]*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity
DataPlaneOperatorsManagedIdentities returns the value of the 'data_plane_operators_managed_identities' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The set of Azure User-Assigned Managed Identities leveraged for the Data Plane operators of the cluster. The set of required managed identities is dependent on the Cluster's OpenShift version. Immutable.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities) Empty ¶
func (o *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities) GetControlPlaneOperatorsManagedIdentities ¶
func (o *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities) GetControlPlaneOperatorsManagedIdentities() (value map[string]*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentity, ok bool)
GetControlPlaneOperatorsManagedIdentities returns the value of the 'control_plane_operators_managed_identities' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The set of Azure User-Assigned Managed Identities leveraged for the Control Plane operators of the cluster. The set of required managed identities is dependent on the Cluster's OpenShift version. Immutable
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities) GetDataPlaneOperatorsManagedIdentities ¶
func (o *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities) GetDataPlaneOperatorsManagedIdentities() (value map[string]*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentity, ok bool)
GetDataPlaneOperatorsManagedIdentities returns the value of the 'data_plane_operators_managed_identities' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The set of Azure User-Assigned Managed Identities leveraged for the Data Plane operators of the cluster. The set of required managed identities is dependent on the Cluster's OpenShift version. Immutable.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities) GetManagedIdentitiesDataPlaneIdentityUrl ¶
func (o *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities) GetManagedIdentitiesDataPlaneIdentityUrl() (value string, ok bool)
GetManagedIdentitiesDataPlaneIdentityUrl returns the value of the 'managed_identities_data_plane_identity_url' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The Managed Identities Data Plane Identity URL associated with the cluster. It is the URL that will be used to communicate with the Managed Identities Resource Provider (MI RP). Required during creation. Immutable.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities) GetServiceManagedIdentity ¶
func (o *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities) GetServiceManagedIdentity() (value *AzureServiceManagedIdentity, ok bool)
GetServiceManagedIdentity returns the value of the 'service_managed_identity' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The Azure User-Assigned Managed Identity used to perform service level actions. Specifically:
- Add Federated Identity Credentials to the identities in `data_plane_operators_managed_identities` that belong to Data Plane Cluster Operators
- Perform permissions validation for the BYOVNet related resources associated to the Cluster
Required during creation. Immutable.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities) ManagedIdentitiesDataPlaneIdentityUrl ¶
func (o *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities) ManagedIdentitiesDataPlaneIdentityUrl() string
ManagedIdentitiesDataPlaneIdentityUrl returns the value of the 'managed_identities_data_plane_identity_url' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The Managed Identities Data Plane Identity URL associated with the cluster. It is the URL that will be used to communicate with the Managed Identities Resource Provider (MI RP). Required during creation. Immutable.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities) ServiceManagedIdentity ¶
func (o *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities) ServiceManagedIdentity() *AzureServiceManagedIdentity
ServiceManagedIdentity returns the value of the 'service_managed_identity' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The Azure User-Assigned Managed Identity used to perform service level actions. Specifically:
- Add Federated Identity Credentials to the identities in `data_plane_operators_managed_identities` that belong to Data Plane Cluster Operators
- Perform permissions validation for the BYOVNet related resources associated to the Cluster
Required during creation. Immutable.
type AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder ¶
type AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'azure_operators_authentication_managed_identities' objects.
Represents the information related to Azure User-Assigned managed identities needed to perform Operators authentication based on Azure User-Assigned Managed Identities
func NewAzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities ¶
func NewAzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities() *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder
NewAzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities creates a new builder of 'azure_operators_authentication_managed_identities' objects.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder) Build() (object *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities, err error)
Build creates a 'azure_operators_authentication_managed_identities' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder) ControlPlaneOperatorsManagedIdentities ¶
func (b *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder) ControlPlaneOperatorsManagedIdentities(value map[string]*AzureControlPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder) *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder
ControlPlaneOperatorsManagedIdentities sets the value of the 'control_plane_operators_managed_identities' attribute to the given value.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder) Copy(object *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities) *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder) DataPlaneOperatorsManagedIdentities ¶
func (b *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder) DataPlaneOperatorsManagedIdentities(value map[string]*AzureDataPlaneManagedIdentityBuilder) *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder
DataPlaneOperatorsManagedIdentities sets the value of the 'data_plane_operators_managed_identities' attribute to the given value.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder) ManagedIdentitiesDataPlaneIdentityUrl ¶
func (b *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder) ManagedIdentitiesDataPlaneIdentityUrl(value string) *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder
ManagedIdentitiesDataPlaneIdentityUrl sets the value of the 'managed_identities_data_plane_identity_url' attribute to the given value.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder) ServiceManagedIdentity ¶
func (b *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder) ServiceManagedIdentity(value *AzureServiceManagedIdentityBuilder) *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder
ServiceManagedIdentity sets the value of the 'service_managed_identity' attribute to the given value.
Represents the information associated to an Azure User-Assigned Managed Identity whose purpose is to perform service level actions.
type AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList ¶
type AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList is a list of values of the 'azure_operators_authentication_managed_identities' type.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList) Each ¶
func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList) Each(f func(item *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList) Empty ¶
func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList) Get ¶
func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList) Get(i int) *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList) Items ¶
func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList) Items() []*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList) Len ¶
func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList) Range ¶
func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList) Range(f func(index int, item *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList) SetItems ¶
func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList) SetItems(items []*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList) SetLink ¶
func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList) Slice ¶
func (l *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList) Slice() []*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentities
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesListBuilder ¶
type AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'azure_operators_authentication_managed_identities' objects.
func NewAzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList ¶
func NewAzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList() *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesListBuilder
NewAzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList creates a new builder of 'azure_operators_authentication_managed_identities' objects.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesListBuilder) Build() (list *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'azure_operators_authentication_managed_identities' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesListBuilder) Copy(list *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesList) *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesListBuilder) Items(values ...*AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesBuilder) *AzureOperatorsAuthenticationManagedIdentitiesListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type AzureServiceManagedIdentity ¶
type AzureServiceManagedIdentity struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AzureServiceManagedIdentity represents the values of the 'azure_service_managed_identity' type.
Represents the information associated to an Azure User-Assigned Managed Identity whose purpose is to perform service level actions.
func ReadAzureServiceManagedIdentity ¶
func ReadAzureServiceManagedIdentity(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *AzureServiceManagedIdentity
ReadAzureServiceManagedIdentity reads a value of the 'azure_service_managed_identity' type from the given iterator.
func ReadAzureServiceManagedIdentityList ¶
func ReadAzureServiceManagedIdentityList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*AzureServiceManagedIdentity
ReadAzureServiceManagedIdentityList reads list of values of the ”azure_service_managed_identity' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalAzureServiceManagedIdentity ¶
func UnmarshalAzureServiceManagedIdentity(source interface{}) (object *AzureServiceManagedIdentity, err error)
UnmarshalAzureServiceManagedIdentity reads a value of the 'azure_service_managed_identity' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalAzureServiceManagedIdentityList ¶
func UnmarshalAzureServiceManagedIdentityList(source interface{}) (items []*AzureServiceManagedIdentity, err error)
UnmarshalAzureServiceManagedIdentityList reads a list of values of the 'azure_service_managed_identity' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*AzureServiceManagedIdentity) ClientID ¶
func (o *AzureServiceManagedIdentity) ClientID() string
ClientID returns the value of the 'client_ID' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The Client ID associated to the Azure User-Assigned Managed Identity. Readonly.
func (*AzureServiceManagedIdentity) Empty ¶
func (o *AzureServiceManagedIdentity) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*AzureServiceManagedIdentity) GetClientID ¶
func (o *AzureServiceManagedIdentity) GetClientID() (value string, ok bool)
GetClientID returns the value of the 'client_ID' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The Client ID associated to the Azure User-Assigned Managed Identity. Readonly.
func (*AzureServiceManagedIdentity) GetPrincipalID ¶
func (o *AzureServiceManagedIdentity) GetPrincipalID() (value string, ok bool)
GetPrincipalID returns the value of the 'principal_ID' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The Principal ID associated to the Azure User-Assigned Managed Identity. Readonly.
func (*AzureServiceManagedIdentity) GetResourceID ¶
func (o *AzureServiceManagedIdentity) GetResourceID() (value string, ok bool)
GetResourceID returns the value of the 'resource_ID' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The Azure Resource ID of the Azure User-Assigned Managed Identity. The managed identity represented must exist before creating the cluster. The Azure Resource Group Name specified as part of the Resource ID must belong to the Azure Subscription specified in `.azure.subscription_id`, and in the same Azure location as the cluster's region. The Azure Resource Group Name specified as part of the Resource ID must be a different Resource Group Name than the one specified in `.azure.managed_resource_group_name`. The Azure Resource Group Name specified as part of the Resource ID can be the same, or a different one than the one specified in `.azure.resource_group_name`. Required during creation. Immutable.
func (*AzureServiceManagedIdentity) PrincipalID ¶
func (o *AzureServiceManagedIdentity) PrincipalID() string
PrincipalID returns the value of the 'principal_ID' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The Principal ID associated to the Azure User-Assigned Managed Identity. Readonly.
func (*AzureServiceManagedIdentity) ResourceID ¶
func (o *AzureServiceManagedIdentity) ResourceID() string
ResourceID returns the value of the 'resource_ID' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The Azure Resource ID of the Azure User-Assigned Managed Identity. The managed identity represented must exist before creating the cluster. The Azure Resource Group Name specified as part of the Resource ID must belong to the Azure Subscription specified in `.azure.subscription_id`, and in the same Azure location as the cluster's region. The Azure Resource Group Name specified as part of the Resource ID must be a different Resource Group Name than the one specified in `.azure.managed_resource_group_name`. The Azure Resource Group Name specified as part of the Resource ID can be the same, or a different one than the one specified in `.azure.resource_group_name`. Required during creation. Immutable.
type AzureServiceManagedIdentityBuilder ¶
type AzureServiceManagedIdentityBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AzureServiceManagedIdentityBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'azure_service_managed_identity' objects.
Represents the information associated to an Azure User-Assigned Managed Identity whose purpose is to perform service level actions.
func NewAzureServiceManagedIdentity ¶
func NewAzureServiceManagedIdentity() *AzureServiceManagedIdentityBuilder
NewAzureServiceManagedIdentity creates a new builder of 'azure_service_managed_identity' objects.
func (*AzureServiceManagedIdentityBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *AzureServiceManagedIdentityBuilder) Build() (object *AzureServiceManagedIdentity, err error)
Build creates a 'azure_service_managed_identity' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*AzureServiceManagedIdentityBuilder) ClientID ¶
func (b *AzureServiceManagedIdentityBuilder) ClientID(value string) *AzureServiceManagedIdentityBuilder
ClientID sets the value of the 'client_ID' attribute to the given value.
func (*AzureServiceManagedIdentityBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *AzureServiceManagedIdentityBuilder) Copy(object *AzureServiceManagedIdentity) *AzureServiceManagedIdentityBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*AzureServiceManagedIdentityBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *AzureServiceManagedIdentityBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*AzureServiceManagedIdentityBuilder) PrincipalID ¶
func (b *AzureServiceManagedIdentityBuilder) PrincipalID(value string) *AzureServiceManagedIdentityBuilder
PrincipalID sets the value of the 'principal_ID' attribute to the given value.
func (*AzureServiceManagedIdentityBuilder) ResourceID ¶
func (b *AzureServiceManagedIdentityBuilder) ResourceID(value string) *AzureServiceManagedIdentityBuilder
ResourceID sets the value of the 'resource_ID' attribute to the given value.
type AzureServiceManagedIdentityList ¶
type AzureServiceManagedIdentityList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AzureServiceManagedIdentityList is a list of values of the 'azure_service_managed_identity' type.
func (*AzureServiceManagedIdentityList) Each ¶
func (l *AzureServiceManagedIdentityList) Each(f func(item *AzureServiceManagedIdentity) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*AzureServiceManagedIdentityList) Empty ¶
func (l *AzureServiceManagedIdentityList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*AzureServiceManagedIdentityList) Get ¶
func (l *AzureServiceManagedIdentityList) Get(i int) *AzureServiceManagedIdentity
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*AzureServiceManagedIdentityList) Items ¶
func (l *AzureServiceManagedIdentityList) Items() []*AzureServiceManagedIdentity
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*AzureServiceManagedIdentityList) Len ¶
func (l *AzureServiceManagedIdentityList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*AzureServiceManagedIdentityList) Range ¶
func (l *AzureServiceManagedIdentityList) Range(f func(index int, item *AzureServiceManagedIdentity) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*AzureServiceManagedIdentityList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *AzureServiceManagedIdentityList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*AzureServiceManagedIdentityList) SetItems ¶
func (l *AzureServiceManagedIdentityList) SetItems(items []*AzureServiceManagedIdentity)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*AzureServiceManagedIdentityList) SetLink ¶
func (l *AzureServiceManagedIdentityList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*AzureServiceManagedIdentityList) Slice ¶
func (l *AzureServiceManagedIdentityList) Slice() []*AzureServiceManagedIdentity
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type AzureServiceManagedIdentityListBuilder ¶
type AzureServiceManagedIdentityListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
AzureServiceManagedIdentityListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'azure_service_managed_identity' objects.
func NewAzureServiceManagedIdentityList ¶
func NewAzureServiceManagedIdentityList() *AzureServiceManagedIdentityListBuilder
NewAzureServiceManagedIdentityList creates a new builder of 'azure_service_managed_identity' objects.
func (*AzureServiceManagedIdentityListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *AzureServiceManagedIdentityListBuilder) Build() (list *AzureServiceManagedIdentityList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'azure_service_managed_identity' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*AzureServiceManagedIdentityListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *AzureServiceManagedIdentityListBuilder) Copy(list *AzureServiceManagedIdentityList) *AzureServiceManagedIdentityListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*AzureServiceManagedIdentityListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *AzureServiceManagedIdentityListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*AzureServiceManagedIdentityListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *AzureServiceManagedIdentityListBuilder) Items(values ...*AzureServiceManagedIdentityBuilder) *AzureServiceManagedIdentityListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type BillingModel ¶
type BillingModel string
BillingModel represents the values of the 'billing_model' enumerated type.
const ( // BillingModel Marketplace Legacy Marketplace billing model. Currently only used for tests. Use cloud-provider specific billing models instead. BillingModelMarketplace BillingModel = "marketplace" // AWS Marketplace billing model. BillingModelMarketplaceAWS BillingModel = "marketplace-aws" // GCP Marketplace billing model. BillingModelMarketplaceGCP BillingModel = "marketplace-gcp" // RH Marketplace billing model. BillingModelMarketplaceRHM BillingModel = "marketplace-rhm" // Azure Marketplace billing model. BillingModelMarketplaceAzure BillingModel = "marketplace-azure" // Standard. This is the default billing model BillingModelStandard BillingModel = "standard" )
func ReadBillingModelList ¶
func ReadBillingModelList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []BillingModel
ReadBillingModelList reads list of values of the ”billing_model' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalBillingModelList ¶
func UnmarshalBillingModelList(source interface{}) (items []BillingModel, err error)
UnmarshalBillingModelList reads a list of values of the 'billing_model' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
type ByoOidc ¶
type ByoOidc struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ByoOidc represents the values of the 'byo_oidc' type.
ByoOidc configuration.
func ReadByoOidc ¶
ReadByoOidc reads a value of the 'byo_oidc' type from the given iterator.
func ReadByoOidcList ¶
ReadByoOidcList reads list of values of the ”byo_oidc' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalByoOidc ¶
UnmarshalByoOidc reads a value of the 'byo_oidc' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalByoOidcList ¶
UnmarshalByoOidcList reads a list of values of the 'byo_oidc' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*ByoOidc) Enabled ¶
Enabled returns the value of the 'enabled' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Boolean flag indicating if the cluster should be creating using _ByoOidc_.
By default this is `false`.
To enable it the cluster needs to be ROSA cluster and the organization of the user needs to have the `byo-oidc` feature toggle enabled.
func (*ByoOidc) GetEnabled ¶
GetEnabled returns the value of the 'enabled' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Boolean flag indicating if the cluster should be creating using _ByoOidc_.
By default this is `false`.
To enable it the cluster needs to be ROSA cluster and the organization of the user needs to have the `byo-oidc` feature toggle enabled.
type ByoOidcBuilder ¶
type ByoOidcBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ByoOidcBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'byo_oidc' objects.
ByoOidc configuration.
func NewByoOidc ¶
func NewByoOidc() *ByoOidcBuilder
NewByoOidc creates a new builder of 'byo_oidc' objects.
func (*ByoOidcBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *ByoOidcBuilder) Build() (object *ByoOidc, err error)
Build creates a 'byo_oidc' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*ByoOidcBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *ByoOidcBuilder) Copy(object *ByoOidc) *ByoOidcBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*ByoOidcBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *ByoOidcBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*ByoOidcBuilder) Enabled ¶
func (b *ByoOidcBuilder) Enabled(value bool) *ByoOidcBuilder
Enabled sets the value of the 'enabled' attribute to the given value.
type ByoOidcList ¶
type ByoOidcList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ByoOidcList is a list of values of the 'byo_oidc' type.
func (*ByoOidcList) Each ¶
func (l *ByoOidcList) Each(f func(item *ByoOidc) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*ByoOidcList) Empty ¶
func (l *ByoOidcList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*ByoOidcList) Get ¶
func (l *ByoOidcList) Get(i int) *ByoOidc
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*ByoOidcList) Items ¶
func (l *ByoOidcList) Items() []*ByoOidc
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*ByoOidcList) Range ¶
func (l *ByoOidcList) Range(f func(index int, item *ByoOidc) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*ByoOidcList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *ByoOidcList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*ByoOidcList) SetItems ¶
func (l *ByoOidcList) SetItems(items []*ByoOidc)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*ByoOidcList) SetLink ¶
func (l *ByoOidcList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*ByoOidcList) Slice ¶
func (l *ByoOidcList) Slice() []*ByoOidc
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type ByoOidcListBuilder ¶
type ByoOidcListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ByoOidcListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'byo_oidc' objects.
func NewByoOidcList ¶
func NewByoOidcList() *ByoOidcListBuilder
NewByoOidcList creates a new builder of 'byo_oidc' objects.
func (*ByoOidcListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *ByoOidcListBuilder) Build() (list *ByoOidcList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'byo_oidc' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*ByoOidcListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *ByoOidcListBuilder) Copy(list *ByoOidcList) *ByoOidcListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*ByoOidcListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *ByoOidcListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*ByoOidcListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *ByoOidcListBuilder) Items(values ...*ByoOidcBuilder) *ByoOidcListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type CCS ¶
type CCS struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CCS represents the values of the 'CCS' type.
func ReadCCSList ¶
ReadCCSList reads list of values of the ”CCS' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalCCS ¶
UnmarshalCCS reads a value of the 'CCS' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalCCSList ¶
UnmarshalCCSList reads a list of values of the 'CCS' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*CCS) DisableSCPChecks ¶
DisableSCPChecks returns the value of the 'disable_SCP_checks' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Indicates if cloud permissions checks are disabled, when attempting installation of the cluster.
func (*CCS) Enabled ¶
Enabled returns the value of the 'enabled' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Indicates if Customer Cloud Subscription is enabled on the cluster.
func (*CCS) GetDisableSCPChecks ¶
GetDisableSCPChecks returns the value of the 'disable_SCP_checks' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Indicates if cloud permissions checks are disabled, when attempting installation of the cluster.
func (*CCS) GetEnabled ¶
GetEnabled returns the value of the 'enabled' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Indicates if Customer Cloud Subscription is enabled on the cluster.
func (*CCS) GetHREF ¶
GetHREF returns the link of the object and a flag indicating if the link has a value.
type CCSBuilder ¶
type CCSBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CCSBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'CCS' objects.
func (*CCSBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *CCSBuilder) Build() (object *CCS, err error)
Build creates a 'CCS' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*CCSBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *CCSBuilder) Copy(object *CCS) *CCSBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*CCSBuilder) DisableSCPChecks ¶
func (b *CCSBuilder) DisableSCPChecks(value bool) *CCSBuilder
DisableSCPChecks sets the value of the 'disable_SCP_checks' attribute to the given value.
func (*CCSBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *CCSBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*CCSBuilder) Enabled ¶
func (b *CCSBuilder) Enabled(value bool) *CCSBuilder
Enabled sets the value of the 'enabled' attribute to the given value.
func (*CCSBuilder) HREF ¶
func (b *CCSBuilder) HREF(value string) *CCSBuilder
HREF sets the link to the object.
func (*CCSBuilder) ID ¶
func (b *CCSBuilder) ID(value string) *CCSBuilder
ID sets the identifier of the object.
func (*CCSBuilder) Link ¶
func (b *CCSBuilder) Link(value bool) *CCSBuilder
Link sets the flag that indicates if this is a link.
type CCSList ¶
type CCSList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CCSList is a list of values of the 'CCS' type.
func (*CCSList) Each ¶
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*CCSList) Get ¶
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*CCSList) GetHREF ¶
GetHREF returns the link of the list and a flag indicating if the link has a value.
func (*CCSList) Range ¶
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*CCSList) Slice ¶
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type CCSListBuilder ¶
type CCSListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CCSListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'CCS' objects.
func NewCCSList ¶
func NewCCSList() *CCSListBuilder
NewCCSList creates a new builder of 'CCS' objects.
func (*CCSListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *CCSListBuilder) Build() (list *CCSList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'CCS' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*CCSListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *CCSListBuilder) Copy(list *CCSList) *CCSListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*CCSListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *CCSListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*CCSListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *CCSListBuilder) Items(values ...*CCSBuilder) *CCSListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type Client ¶
type Client struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Client is the client of the 'root' resource.
Root of the tree of resources of the aro_hcp service.
func NewClient ¶
func NewClient(transport http.RoundTripper, path string) *Client
NewClient creates a new client for the 'root' resource using the given transport to send the requests and receive the responses.
func (*Client) Clusters ¶
func (c *Client) Clusters() *ClustersClient
Clusters returns the target 'clusters' resource.
func (*Client) Get ¶
func (c *Client) Get() *MetadataRequest
Creates a new request for the method that retrieves the metadata.
type CloudProvider ¶
type CloudProvider struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CloudProvider represents the values of the 'cloud_provider' type.
Cloud provider.
func ReadCloudProvider ¶
func ReadCloudProvider(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *CloudProvider
ReadCloudProvider reads a value of the 'cloud_provider' type from the given iterator.
func ReadCloudProviderList ¶
func ReadCloudProviderList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*CloudProvider
ReadCloudProviderList reads list of values of the ”cloud_provider' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalCloudProvider ¶
func UnmarshalCloudProvider(source interface{}) (object *CloudProvider, err error)
UnmarshalCloudProvider reads a value of the 'cloud_provider' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalCloudProviderList ¶
func UnmarshalCloudProviderList(source interface{}) (items []*CloudProvider, err error)
UnmarshalCloudProviderList reads a list of values of the 'cloud_provider' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*CloudProvider) DisplayName ¶
func (o *CloudProvider) DisplayName() string
DisplayName returns the value of the 'display_name' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Name of the cloud provider for display purposes. It can contain any characters, including spaces.
func (*CloudProvider) Empty ¶
func (o *CloudProvider) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*CloudProvider) GetDisplayName ¶
func (o *CloudProvider) GetDisplayName() (value string, ok bool)
GetDisplayName returns the value of the 'display_name' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Name of the cloud provider for display purposes. It can contain any characters, including spaces.
func (*CloudProvider) GetHREF ¶
func (o *CloudProvider) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
GetHREF returns the link of the object and a flag indicating if the link has a value.
func (*CloudProvider) GetID ¶
func (o *CloudProvider) GetID() (value string, ok bool)
GetID returns the identifier of the object and a flag indicating if the identifier has a value.
func (*CloudProvider) GetName ¶
func (o *CloudProvider) GetName() (value string, ok bool)
GetName returns the value of the 'name' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Human friendly identifier of the cloud provider, for example `aws`.
func (*CloudProvider) GetRegions ¶
func (o *CloudProvider) GetRegions() (value []*CloudRegion, ok bool)
GetRegions returns the value of the 'regions' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
(optional) Provider's regions - only included when listing providers with `fetchRegions=true`.
func (*CloudProvider) HREF ¶
func (o *CloudProvider) HREF() string
HREF returns the link to the object.
func (*CloudProvider) ID ¶
func (o *CloudProvider) ID() string
ID returns the identifier of the object.
func (*CloudProvider) Kind ¶
func (o *CloudProvider) Kind() string
Kind returns the name of the type of the object.
func (*CloudProvider) Link ¶
func (o *CloudProvider) Link() bool
Link returns true if this is a link.
func (*CloudProvider) Name ¶
func (o *CloudProvider) Name() string
Name returns the value of the 'name' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Human friendly identifier of the cloud provider, for example `aws`.
func (*CloudProvider) Regions ¶
func (o *CloudProvider) Regions() []*CloudRegion
Regions returns the value of the 'regions' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
(optional) Provider's regions - only included when listing providers with `fetchRegions=true`.
type CloudProviderBuilder ¶
type CloudProviderBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CloudProviderBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'cloud_provider' objects.
Cloud provider.
func NewCloudProvider ¶
func NewCloudProvider() *CloudProviderBuilder
NewCloudProvider creates a new builder of 'cloud_provider' objects.
func (*CloudProviderBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *CloudProviderBuilder) Build() (object *CloudProvider, err error)
Build creates a 'cloud_provider' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*CloudProviderBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *CloudProviderBuilder) Copy(object *CloudProvider) *CloudProviderBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*CloudProviderBuilder) DisplayName ¶
func (b *CloudProviderBuilder) DisplayName(value string) *CloudProviderBuilder
DisplayName sets the value of the 'display_name' attribute to the given value.
func (*CloudProviderBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *CloudProviderBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*CloudProviderBuilder) HREF ¶
func (b *CloudProviderBuilder) HREF(value string) *CloudProviderBuilder
HREF sets the link to the object.
func (*CloudProviderBuilder) ID ¶
func (b *CloudProviderBuilder) ID(value string) *CloudProviderBuilder
ID sets the identifier of the object.
func (*CloudProviderBuilder) Link ¶
func (b *CloudProviderBuilder) Link(value bool) *CloudProviderBuilder
Link sets the flag that indicates if this is a link.
func (*CloudProviderBuilder) Name ¶
func (b *CloudProviderBuilder) Name(value string) *CloudProviderBuilder
Name sets the value of the 'name' attribute to the given value.
func (*CloudProviderBuilder) Regions ¶
func (b *CloudProviderBuilder) Regions(values ...*CloudRegionBuilder) *CloudProviderBuilder
Regions sets the value of the 'regions' attribute to the given values.
type CloudProviderList ¶
type CloudProviderList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CloudProviderList is a list of values of the 'cloud_provider' type.
func (*CloudProviderList) Each ¶
func (l *CloudProviderList) Each(f func(item *CloudProvider) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*CloudProviderList) Empty ¶
func (l *CloudProviderList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*CloudProviderList) Get ¶
func (l *CloudProviderList) Get(i int) *CloudProvider
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*CloudProviderList) GetHREF ¶
func (l *CloudProviderList) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
GetHREF returns the link of the list and a flag indicating if the link has a value.
func (*CloudProviderList) HREF ¶
func (l *CloudProviderList) HREF() string
HREF returns the link to the list.
func (*CloudProviderList) Items ¶
func (l *CloudProviderList) Items() []*CloudProvider
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*CloudProviderList) Kind ¶
func (l *CloudProviderList) Kind() string
Kind returns the name of the type of the object.
func (*CloudProviderList) Len ¶
func (l *CloudProviderList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*CloudProviderList) Link ¶
func (l *CloudProviderList) Link() bool
Link returns true iif this is a link.
func (*CloudProviderList) Range ¶
func (l *CloudProviderList) Range(f func(index int, item *CloudProvider) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*CloudProviderList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *CloudProviderList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*CloudProviderList) SetItems ¶
func (l *CloudProviderList) SetItems(items []*CloudProvider)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*CloudProviderList) SetLink ¶
func (l *CloudProviderList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*CloudProviderList) Slice ¶
func (l *CloudProviderList) Slice() []*CloudProvider
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type CloudProviderListBuilder ¶
type CloudProviderListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CloudProviderListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'cloud_provider' objects.
func NewCloudProviderList ¶
func NewCloudProviderList() *CloudProviderListBuilder
NewCloudProviderList creates a new builder of 'cloud_provider' objects.
func (*CloudProviderListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *CloudProviderListBuilder) Build() (list *CloudProviderList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'cloud_provider' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*CloudProviderListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *CloudProviderListBuilder) Copy(list *CloudProviderList) *CloudProviderListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*CloudProviderListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *CloudProviderListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*CloudProviderListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *CloudProviderListBuilder) Items(values ...*CloudProviderBuilder) *CloudProviderListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type CloudRegion ¶
type CloudRegion struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CloudRegion represents the values of the 'cloud_region' type.
Description of a region of a cloud provider.
func ReadCloudRegion ¶
func ReadCloudRegion(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *CloudRegion
ReadCloudRegion reads a value of the 'cloud_region' type from the given iterator.
func ReadCloudRegionList ¶
func ReadCloudRegionList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*CloudRegion
ReadCloudRegionList reads list of values of the ”cloud_region' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalCloudRegion ¶
func UnmarshalCloudRegion(source interface{}) (object *CloudRegion, err error)
UnmarshalCloudRegion reads a value of the 'cloud_region' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalCloudRegionList ¶
func UnmarshalCloudRegionList(source interface{}) (items []*CloudRegion, err error)
UnmarshalCloudRegionList reads a list of values of the 'cloud_region' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*CloudRegion) CCSOnly ¶
func (o *CloudRegion) CCSOnly() bool
CCSOnly returns the value of the 'CCS_only' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
'true' if the region is supported only for CCS clusters, 'false' otherwise.
func (*CloudRegion) CloudProvider ¶
func (o *CloudRegion) CloudProvider() *v1.CloudProvider
CloudProvider returns the value of the 'cloud_provider' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Link to the cloud provider that the region belongs to.
func (*CloudRegion) DisplayName ¶
func (o *CloudRegion) DisplayName() string
DisplayName returns the value of the 'display_name' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Name of the region for display purposes, for example `N. Virginia`.
func (*CloudRegion) Empty ¶
func (o *CloudRegion) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*CloudRegion) Enabled ¶
func (o *CloudRegion) Enabled() bool
Enabled returns the value of the 'enabled' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Whether the region is enabled for deploying a managed cluster.
func (*CloudRegion) GetCCSOnly ¶
func (o *CloudRegion) GetCCSOnly() (value bool, ok bool)
GetCCSOnly returns the value of the 'CCS_only' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
'true' if the region is supported only for CCS clusters, 'false' otherwise.
func (*CloudRegion) GetCloudProvider ¶
func (o *CloudRegion) GetCloudProvider() (value *v1.CloudProvider, ok bool)
GetCloudProvider returns the value of the 'cloud_provider' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Link to the cloud provider that the region belongs to.
func (*CloudRegion) GetDisplayName ¶
func (o *CloudRegion) GetDisplayName() (value string, ok bool)
GetDisplayName returns the value of the 'display_name' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Name of the region for display purposes, for example `N. Virginia`.
func (*CloudRegion) GetEnabled ¶
func (o *CloudRegion) GetEnabled() (value bool, ok bool)
GetEnabled returns the value of the 'enabled' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Whether the region is enabled for deploying a managed cluster.
func (*CloudRegion) GetGovCloud ¶
func (o *CloudRegion) GetGovCloud() (value bool, ok bool)
GetGovCloud returns the value of the 'gov_cloud' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Whether the region is an AWS GovCloud region.
func (*CloudRegion) GetHREF ¶
func (o *CloudRegion) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
GetHREF returns the link of the object and a flag indicating if the link has a value.
func (*CloudRegion) GetID ¶
func (o *CloudRegion) GetID() (value string, ok bool)
GetID returns the identifier of the object and a flag indicating if the identifier has a value.
func (*CloudRegion) GetKMSLocationID ¶
func (o *CloudRegion) GetKMSLocationID() (value string, ok bool)
GetKMSLocationID returns the value of the 'KMS_location_ID' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
(GCP only) Comma-separated list of KMS location IDs that can be used with this region. E.g. "global,nam4,us". Order is not guaranteed.
func (*CloudRegion) GetKMSLocationName ¶
func (o *CloudRegion) GetKMSLocationName() (value string, ok bool)
GetKMSLocationName returns the value of the 'KMS_location_name' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
(GCP only) Comma-separated list of display names corresponding to KMSLocationID. E.g. "Global,nam4 (Iowa, South Carolina, and Oklahoma),US". Order is not guaranteed but will match KMSLocationID. Unfortunately, this API doesn't allow robust splitting - Contact if you want to rely on this.
func (*CloudRegion) GetName ¶
func (o *CloudRegion) GetName() (value string, ok bool)
GetName returns the value of the 'name' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Human friendly identifier of the region, for example `us-east-1`.
NOTE: Currently for all cloud providers and all regions `id` and `name` have exactly the same values.
func (*CloudRegion) GetSupportsHypershift ¶
func (o *CloudRegion) GetSupportsHypershift() (value bool, ok bool)
GetSupportsHypershift returns the value of the 'supports_hypershift' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
'true' if the region is supported for Hypershift deployments, 'false' otherwise.
func (*CloudRegion) GetSupportsMultiAZ ¶
func (o *CloudRegion) GetSupportsMultiAZ() (value bool, ok bool)
GetSupportsMultiAZ returns the value of the 'supports_multi_AZ' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Whether the region supports multiple availability zones.
func (*CloudRegion) GovCloud ¶
func (o *CloudRegion) GovCloud() bool
GovCloud returns the value of the 'gov_cloud' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Whether the region is an AWS GovCloud region.
func (*CloudRegion) HREF ¶
func (o *CloudRegion) HREF() string
HREF returns the link to the object.
func (*CloudRegion) ID ¶
func (o *CloudRegion) ID() string
ID returns the identifier of the object.
func (*CloudRegion) KMSLocationID ¶
func (o *CloudRegion) KMSLocationID() string
KMSLocationID returns the value of the 'KMS_location_ID' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
(GCP only) Comma-separated list of KMS location IDs that can be used with this region. E.g. "global,nam4,us". Order is not guaranteed.
func (*CloudRegion) KMSLocationName ¶
func (o *CloudRegion) KMSLocationName() string
KMSLocationName returns the value of the 'KMS_location_name' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
(GCP only) Comma-separated list of display names corresponding to KMSLocationID. E.g. "Global,nam4 (Iowa, South Carolina, and Oklahoma),US". Order is not guaranteed but will match KMSLocationID. Unfortunately, this API doesn't allow robust splitting - Contact if you want to rely on this.
func (*CloudRegion) Kind ¶
func (o *CloudRegion) Kind() string
Kind returns the name of the type of the object.
func (*CloudRegion) Name ¶
func (o *CloudRegion) Name() string
Name returns the value of the 'name' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Human friendly identifier of the region, for example `us-east-1`.
NOTE: Currently for all cloud providers and all regions `id` and `name` have exactly the same values.
func (*CloudRegion) SupportsHypershift ¶
func (o *CloudRegion) SupportsHypershift() bool
SupportsHypershift returns the value of the 'supports_hypershift' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
'true' if the region is supported for Hypershift deployments, 'false' otherwise.
func (*CloudRegion) SupportsMultiAZ ¶
func (o *CloudRegion) SupportsMultiAZ() bool
SupportsMultiAZ returns the value of the 'supports_multi_AZ' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Whether the region supports multiple availability zones.
type CloudRegionBuilder ¶
type CloudRegionBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Description of a region of a cloud provider.
func NewCloudRegion ¶
func NewCloudRegion() *CloudRegionBuilder
NewCloudRegion creates a new builder of 'cloud_region' objects.
func (*CloudRegionBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *CloudRegionBuilder) Build() (object *CloudRegion, err error)
Build creates a 'cloud_region' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*CloudRegionBuilder) CCSOnly ¶
func (b *CloudRegionBuilder) CCSOnly(value bool) *CloudRegionBuilder
CCSOnly sets the value of the 'CCS_only' attribute to the given value.
func (*CloudRegionBuilder) CloudProvider ¶
func (b *CloudRegionBuilder) CloudProvider(value *v1.CloudProviderBuilder) *CloudRegionBuilder
CloudProvider sets the value of the 'cloud_provider' attribute to the given value.
Cloud provider.
func (*CloudRegionBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *CloudRegionBuilder) Copy(object *CloudRegion) *CloudRegionBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*CloudRegionBuilder) DisplayName ¶
func (b *CloudRegionBuilder) DisplayName(value string) *CloudRegionBuilder
DisplayName sets the value of the 'display_name' attribute to the given value.
func (*CloudRegionBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *CloudRegionBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*CloudRegionBuilder) Enabled ¶
func (b *CloudRegionBuilder) Enabled(value bool) *CloudRegionBuilder
Enabled sets the value of the 'enabled' attribute to the given value.
func (*CloudRegionBuilder) GovCloud ¶
func (b *CloudRegionBuilder) GovCloud(value bool) *CloudRegionBuilder
GovCloud sets the value of the 'gov_cloud' attribute to the given value.
func (*CloudRegionBuilder) HREF ¶
func (b *CloudRegionBuilder) HREF(value string) *CloudRegionBuilder
HREF sets the link to the object.
func (*CloudRegionBuilder) ID ¶
func (b *CloudRegionBuilder) ID(value string) *CloudRegionBuilder
ID sets the identifier of the object.
func (*CloudRegionBuilder) KMSLocationID ¶
func (b *CloudRegionBuilder) KMSLocationID(value string) *CloudRegionBuilder
KMSLocationID sets the value of the 'KMS_location_ID' attribute to the given value.
func (*CloudRegionBuilder) KMSLocationName ¶
func (b *CloudRegionBuilder) KMSLocationName(value string) *CloudRegionBuilder
KMSLocationName sets the value of the 'KMS_location_name' attribute to the given value.
func (*CloudRegionBuilder) Link ¶
func (b *CloudRegionBuilder) Link(value bool) *CloudRegionBuilder
Link sets the flag that indicates if this is a link.
func (*CloudRegionBuilder) Name ¶
func (b *CloudRegionBuilder) Name(value string) *CloudRegionBuilder
Name sets the value of the 'name' attribute to the given value.
func (*CloudRegionBuilder) SupportsHypershift ¶
func (b *CloudRegionBuilder) SupportsHypershift(value bool) *CloudRegionBuilder
SupportsHypershift sets the value of the 'supports_hypershift' attribute to the given value.
func (*CloudRegionBuilder) SupportsMultiAZ ¶
func (b *CloudRegionBuilder) SupportsMultiAZ(value bool) *CloudRegionBuilder
SupportsMultiAZ sets the value of the 'supports_multi_AZ' attribute to the given value.
type CloudRegionList ¶
type CloudRegionList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CloudRegionList is a list of values of the 'cloud_region' type.
func (*CloudRegionList) Each ¶
func (l *CloudRegionList) Each(f func(item *CloudRegion) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*CloudRegionList) Empty ¶
func (l *CloudRegionList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*CloudRegionList) Get ¶
func (l *CloudRegionList) Get(i int) *CloudRegion
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*CloudRegionList) GetHREF ¶
func (l *CloudRegionList) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
GetHREF returns the link of the list and a flag indicating if the link has a value.
func (*CloudRegionList) HREF ¶
func (l *CloudRegionList) HREF() string
HREF returns the link to the list.
func (*CloudRegionList) Items ¶
func (l *CloudRegionList) Items() []*CloudRegion
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*CloudRegionList) Kind ¶
func (l *CloudRegionList) Kind() string
Kind returns the name of the type of the object.
func (*CloudRegionList) Len ¶
func (l *CloudRegionList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*CloudRegionList) Link ¶
func (l *CloudRegionList) Link() bool
Link returns true iif this is a link.
func (*CloudRegionList) Range ¶
func (l *CloudRegionList) Range(f func(index int, item *CloudRegion) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*CloudRegionList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *CloudRegionList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*CloudRegionList) SetItems ¶
func (l *CloudRegionList) SetItems(items []*CloudRegion)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*CloudRegionList) SetLink ¶
func (l *CloudRegionList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*CloudRegionList) Slice ¶
func (l *CloudRegionList) Slice() []*CloudRegion
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type CloudRegionListBuilder ¶
type CloudRegionListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CloudRegionListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'cloud_region' objects.
func NewCloudRegionList ¶
func NewCloudRegionList() *CloudRegionListBuilder
NewCloudRegionList creates a new builder of 'cloud_region' objects.
func (*CloudRegionListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *CloudRegionListBuilder) Build() (list *CloudRegionList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'cloud_region' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*CloudRegionListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *CloudRegionListBuilder) Copy(list *CloudRegionList) *CloudRegionListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*CloudRegionListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *CloudRegionListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*CloudRegionListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *CloudRegionListBuilder) Items(values ...*CloudRegionBuilder) *CloudRegionListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type Cluster ¶
type Cluster struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Cluster represents the values of the 'cluster' type.
Definition of an _OpenShift_ cluster.
The `cloud_provider` attribute is a reference to the cloud provider. When a cluster is retrieved it will be a link to the cloud provider, containing only the kind, id and href attributes:
{ "cloud_provider": { "kind": "CloudProviderLink", "id": "123", "href": "/api/clusters_mgmt/v1/cloud_providers/123" } }
When a cluster is created this is optional, and if used it should contain the identifier of the cloud provider to use:
{ "cloud_provider": { "id": "123", } }
If not included, then the cluster will be created using the default cloud provider, which is currently Amazon Web Services.
The region attribute is mandatory when a cluster is created.
The `aws.access_key_id`, `aws.secret_access_key` and `dns.base_domain` attributes are mandatory when creation a cluster with your own Amazon Web Services account.
func ReadCluster ¶
ReadCluster reads a value of the 'cluster' type from the given iterator.
func ReadClusterList ¶
ReadClusterList reads list of values of the ”cluster' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalCluster ¶
UnmarshalCluster reads a value of the 'cluster' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalClusterList ¶
UnmarshalClusterList reads a list of values of the 'cluster' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*Cluster) API ¶
func (o *Cluster) API() *ClusterAPI
API returns the value of the 'API' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Information about the API of the cluster.
func (*Cluster) AWS ¶
AWS returns the value of the 'AWS' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Amazon Web Services settings of the cluster.
func (*Cluster) AWSInfrastructureAccessRoleGrants ¶
func (o *Cluster) AWSInfrastructureAccessRoleGrants() *v1.AWSInfrastructureAccessRoleGrantList
AWSInfrastructureAccessRoleGrants returns the value of the 'AWS_infrastructure_access_role_grants' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
List of AWS infrastructure access role grants on this cluster.
func (*Cluster) AdditionalTrustBundle ¶
AdditionalTrustBundle returns the value of the 'additional_trust_bundle' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Additional trust bundle.
func (*Cluster) Addons ¶
func (o *Cluster) Addons() *v1.AddOnInstallationList
Addons returns the value of the 'addons' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
List of add-ons on this cluster.
func (*Cluster) Autoscaler ¶
func (o *Cluster) Autoscaler() *v1.ClusterAutoscaler
Autoscaler returns the value of the 'autoscaler' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Link to an optional _ClusterAutoscaler_ that is coupled with the cluster.
func (*Cluster) Azure ¶
Azure returns the value of the 'azure' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Microsoft Azure settings of the cluster.
func (*Cluster) BillingModel ¶
func (o *Cluster) BillingModel() BillingModel
BillingModel returns the value of the 'billing_model' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Billing model for cluster resources.
func (*Cluster) ByoOidc ¶
ByoOidc returns the value of the 'byo_oidc' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Contains information about BYO OIDC.
func (*Cluster) CCS ¶
CCS returns the value of the 'CCS' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Contains configuration of a Customer Cloud Subscription cluster.
func (*Cluster) CloudProvider ¶
func (o *Cluster) CloudProvider() *v1.CloudProvider
CloudProvider returns the value of the 'cloud_provider' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Link to the cloud provider where the cluster is installed.
func (*Cluster) Console ¶
func (o *Cluster) Console() *ClusterConsole
Console returns the value of the 'console' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Information about the console of the cluster.
func (*Cluster) CreationTimestamp ¶
CreationTimestamp returns the value of the 'creation_timestamp' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Date and time when the cluster was initially created, using the format defined in [RFC3339](
func (*Cluster) DNS ¶
DNS returns the value of the 'DNS' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
DNS settings of the cluster.
func (*Cluster) DeleteProtection ¶
func (o *Cluster) DeleteProtection() *DeleteProtection
DeleteProtection returns the value of the 'delete_protection' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Delete protection
func (*Cluster) DisableUserWorkloadMonitoring ¶
DisableUserWorkloadMonitoring returns the value of the 'disable_user_workload_monitoring' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Indicates whether the User workload monitoring is enabled or not It is enabled by default
func (*Cluster) DomainPrefix ¶
DomainPrefix returns the value of the 'domain_prefix' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
DomainPrefix of the cluster. This prefix is optionally assigned by the user when the cluster is created. It will appear in the Cluster's domain when the cluster is provisioned.
func (*Cluster) EtcdEncryption ¶
EtcdEncryption returns the value of the 'etcd_encryption' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Indicates whether that etcd is encrypted or not. This is set only during cluster creation.
func (*Cluster) ExpirationTimestamp ¶
ExpirationTimestamp returns the value of the 'expiration_timestamp' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Date and time when the cluster will be automatically deleted, using the format defined in [RFC3339]( If no timestamp is provided, the cluster will never expire.
This option is unsupported.
func (*Cluster) ExternalAuthConfig ¶
func (o *Cluster) ExternalAuthConfig() *ExternalAuthConfig
ExternalAuthConfig returns the value of the 'external_auth_config' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
External authentication configuration
func (*Cluster) ExternalConfiguration ¶
func (o *Cluster) ExternalConfiguration() *ExternalConfiguration
ExternalConfiguration returns the value of the 'external_configuration' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
ExternalConfiguration shows external configuration on the cluster.
func (*Cluster) ExternalID ¶
ExternalID returns the value of the 'external_ID' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
External identifier of the cluster, generated by the installer.
func (*Cluster) FIPS ¶
FIPS returns the value of the 'FIPS' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Create cluster that uses FIPS Validated / Modules in Process cryptographic libraries.
func (*Cluster) Flavour ¶
Flavour returns the value of the 'flavour' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Link to the _flavour_ that was used to create the cluster.
func (*Cluster) GCP ¶
GCP returns the value of the 'GCP' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Google cloud platform settings of the cluster.
func (*Cluster) GCPEncryptionKey ¶
func (o *Cluster) GCPEncryptionKey() *GCPEncryptionKey
GCPEncryptionKey returns the value of the 'GCP_encryption_key' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Key used for encryption of GCP cluster nodes.
func (*Cluster) GCPNetwork ¶
func (o *Cluster) GCPNetwork() *GCPNetwork
GCPNetwork returns the value of the 'GCP_network' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
GCP Network.
func (*Cluster) GetAPI ¶
func (o *Cluster) GetAPI() (value *ClusterAPI, ok bool)
GetAPI returns the value of the 'API' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Information about the API of the cluster.
func (*Cluster) GetAWS ¶
GetAWS returns the value of the 'AWS' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Amazon Web Services settings of the cluster.
func (*Cluster) GetAWSInfrastructureAccessRoleGrants ¶
func (o *Cluster) GetAWSInfrastructureAccessRoleGrants() (value *v1.AWSInfrastructureAccessRoleGrantList, ok bool)
GetAWSInfrastructureAccessRoleGrants returns the value of the 'AWS_infrastructure_access_role_grants' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
List of AWS infrastructure access role grants on this cluster.
func (*Cluster) GetAdditionalTrustBundle ¶
GetAdditionalTrustBundle returns the value of the 'additional_trust_bundle' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Additional trust bundle.
func (*Cluster) GetAddons ¶
func (o *Cluster) GetAddons() (value *v1.AddOnInstallationList, ok bool)
GetAddons returns the value of the 'addons' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
List of add-ons on this cluster.
func (*Cluster) GetAutoscaler ¶
func (o *Cluster) GetAutoscaler() (value *v1.ClusterAutoscaler, ok bool)
GetAutoscaler returns the value of the 'autoscaler' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Link to an optional _ClusterAutoscaler_ that is coupled with the cluster.
func (*Cluster) GetAzure ¶
GetAzure returns the value of the 'azure' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Microsoft Azure settings of the cluster.
func (*Cluster) GetBillingModel ¶
func (o *Cluster) GetBillingModel() (value BillingModel, ok bool)
GetBillingModel returns the value of the 'billing_model' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Billing model for cluster resources.
func (*Cluster) GetByoOidc ¶
GetByoOidc returns the value of the 'byo_oidc' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Contains information about BYO OIDC.
func (*Cluster) GetCCS ¶
GetCCS returns the value of the 'CCS' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Contains configuration of a Customer Cloud Subscription cluster.
func (*Cluster) GetCloudProvider ¶
func (o *Cluster) GetCloudProvider() (value *v1.CloudProvider, ok bool)
GetCloudProvider returns the value of the 'cloud_provider' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Link to the cloud provider where the cluster is installed.
func (*Cluster) GetConsole ¶
func (o *Cluster) GetConsole() (value *ClusterConsole, ok bool)
GetConsole returns the value of the 'console' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Information about the console of the cluster.
func (*Cluster) GetCreationTimestamp ¶
GetCreationTimestamp returns the value of the 'creation_timestamp' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Date and time when the cluster was initially created, using the format defined in [RFC3339](
func (*Cluster) GetDNS ¶
GetDNS returns the value of the 'DNS' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
DNS settings of the cluster.
func (*Cluster) GetDeleteProtection ¶
func (o *Cluster) GetDeleteProtection() (value *DeleteProtection, ok bool)
GetDeleteProtection returns the value of the 'delete_protection' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Delete protection
func (*Cluster) GetDisableUserWorkloadMonitoring ¶
GetDisableUserWorkloadMonitoring returns the value of the 'disable_user_workload_monitoring' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Indicates whether the User workload monitoring is enabled or not It is enabled by default
func (*Cluster) GetDomainPrefix ¶
GetDomainPrefix returns the value of the 'domain_prefix' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
DomainPrefix of the cluster. This prefix is optionally assigned by the user when the cluster is created. It will appear in the Cluster's domain when the cluster is provisioned.
func (*Cluster) GetEtcdEncryption ¶
GetEtcdEncryption returns the value of the 'etcd_encryption' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Indicates whether that etcd is encrypted or not. This is set only during cluster creation.
func (*Cluster) GetExpirationTimestamp ¶
GetExpirationTimestamp returns the value of the 'expiration_timestamp' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Date and time when the cluster will be automatically deleted, using the format defined in [RFC3339]( If no timestamp is provided, the cluster will never expire.
This option is unsupported.
func (*Cluster) GetExternalAuthConfig ¶
func (o *Cluster) GetExternalAuthConfig() (value *ExternalAuthConfig, ok bool)
GetExternalAuthConfig returns the value of the 'external_auth_config' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
External authentication configuration
func (*Cluster) GetExternalConfiguration ¶
func (o *Cluster) GetExternalConfiguration() (value *ExternalConfiguration, ok bool)
GetExternalConfiguration returns the value of the 'external_configuration' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
ExternalConfiguration shows external configuration on the cluster.
func (*Cluster) GetExternalID ¶
GetExternalID returns the value of the 'external_ID' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
External identifier of the cluster, generated by the installer.
func (*Cluster) GetFIPS ¶
GetFIPS returns the value of the 'FIPS' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Create cluster that uses FIPS Validated / Modules in Process cryptographic libraries.
func (*Cluster) GetFlavour ¶
GetFlavour returns the value of the 'flavour' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Link to the _flavour_ that was used to create the cluster.
func (*Cluster) GetGCP ¶
GetGCP returns the value of the 'GCP' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Google cloud platform settings of the cluster.
func (*Cluster) GetGCPEncryptionKey ¶
func (o *Cluster) GetGCPEncryptionKey() (value *GCPEncryptionKey, ok bool)
GetGCPEncryptionKey returns the value of the 'GCP_encryption_key' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Key used for encryption of GCP cluster nodes.
func (*Cluster) GetGCPNetwork ¶
func (o *Cluster) GetGCPNetwork() (value *GCPNetwork, ok bool)
GetGCPNetwork returns the value of the 'GCP_network' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
GCP Network.
func (*Cluster) GetGroups ¶
GetGroups returns the value of the 'groups' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Link to the collection of groups of user of the cluster.
func (*Cluster) GetHREF ¶
GetHREF returns the link of the object and a flag indicating if the link has a value.
func (*Cluster) GetHealthState ¶
func (o *Cluster) GetHealthState() (value ClusterHealthState, ok bool)
GetHealthState returns the value of the 'health_state' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
HealthState indicates the overall health state of the cluster.
func (*Cluster) GetHtpasswd ¶
func (o *Cluster) GetHtpasswd() (value *HTPasswdIdentityProvider, ok bool)
GetHtpasswd returns the value of the 'htpasswd' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Details for `htpasswd` identity provider.
func (*Cluster) GetHypershift ¶
func (o *Cluster) GetHypershift() (value *Hypershift, ok bool)
GetHypershift returns the value of the 'hypershift' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Hypershift configuration.
func (*Cluster) GetID ¶
GetID returns the identifier of the object and a flag indicating if the identifier has a value.
func (*Cluster) GetIdentityProviders ¶
func (o *Cluster) GetIdentityProviders() (value *v1.IdentityProviderList, ok bool)
GetIdentityProviders returns the value of the 'identity_providers' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Link to the collection of identity providers of the cluster.
func (*Cluster) GetInflightChecks ¶
func (o *Cluster) GetInflightChecks() (value *v1.InflightCheckList, ok bool)
GetInflightChecks returns the value of the 'inflight_checks' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
List of inflight checks on this cluster.
func (*Cluster) GetInfraID ¶
GetInfraID returns the value of the 'infra_ID' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
InfraID is used for example to name the VPCs.
func (*Cluster) GetIngresses ¶
func (o *Cluster) GetIngresses() (value *v1.IngressList, ok bool)
GetIngresses returns the value of the 'ingresses' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
List of ingresses on this cluster.
func (*Cluster) GetKubeletConfig ¶
func (o *Cluster) GetKubeletConfig() (value *KubeletConfig, ok bool)
GetKubeletConfig returns the value of the 'kubelet_config' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Details of cluster-wide KubeletConfig
func (*Cluster) GetLoadBalancerQuota ¶
GetLoadBalancerQuota returns the value of the 'load_balancer_quota' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Load Balancer quota to be assigned to the cluster.
func (*Cluster) GetMachinePools ¶
func (o *Cluster) GetMachinePools() (value *v1.MachinePoolList, ok bool)
GetMachinePools returns the value of the 'machine_pools' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
List of machine pools on this cluster.
func (*Cluster) GetManaged ¶
GetManaged returns the value of the 'managed' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Flag indicating if the cluster is managed (by Red Hat) or self-managed by the user.
func (*Cluster) GetManagedService ¶
func (o *Cluster) GetManagedService() (value *ManagedService, ok bool)
GetManagedService returns the value of the 'managed_service' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Contains information about Managed Service
func (*Cluster) GetMultiAZ ¶
GetMultiAZ returns the value of the 'multi_AZ' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Flag indicating if the cluster should be created with nodes in different availability zones or all the nodes in a single one randomly selected.
func (*Cluster) GetMultiArchEnabled ¶
GetMultiArchEnabled returns the value of the 'multi_arch_enabled' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Indicate whether the cluster is enabled for multi arch workers
func (*Cluster) GetName ¶
GetName returns the value of the 'name' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Name of the cluster. This name is assigned by the user when the cluster is created. This is used to uniquely identify the cluster
func (*Cluster) GetNetwork ¶
GetNetwork returns the value of the 'network' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Network settings of the cluster.
func (*Cluster) GetNodeDrainGracePeriod ¶
GetNodeDrainGracePeriod returns the value of the 'node_drain_grace_period' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Node drain grace period.
func (*Cluster) GetNodePools ¶
func (o *Cluster) GetNodePools() (value *v1.NodePoolList, ok bool)
GetNodePools returns the value of the 'node_pools' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
List of node pools on this cluster. NodePool is a scalable set of worker nodes attached to a hosted cluster.
func (*Cluster) GetNodes ¶
func (o *Cluster) GetNodes() (value *ClusterNodes, ok bool)
GetNodes returns the value of the 'nodes' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Information about the nodes of the cluster.
func (*Cluster) GetOpenshiftVersion ¶
GetOpenshiftVersion returns the value of the 'openshift_version' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Version of _OpenShift_ installed in the cluster, for example `4.0.0-0.2`.
When retrieving a cluster this will always be reported.
When provisioning a cluster this will be ignored, as the version to deploy will be determined internally.
func (*Cluster) GetProduct ¶
GetProduct returns the value of the 'product' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Link to the product type of this cluster.
func (*Cluster) GetProperties ¶
GetProperties returns the value of the 'properties' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
User defined properties for tagging and querying.
func (*Cluster) GetProvisionShard ¶
func (o *Cluster) GetProvisionShard() (value *ProvisionShard, ok bool)
GetProvisionShard returns the value of the 'provision_shard' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
ProvisionShard contains the properties of the provision shard, including AWS and GCP related configurations
func (*Cluster) GetProxy ¶
GetProxy returns the value of the 'proxy' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
func (*Cluster) GetRegion ¶
func (o *Cluster) GetRegion() (value *v1.CloudRegion, ok bool)
GetRegion returns the value of the 'region' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Link to the cloud provider region where the cluster is installed.
func (*Cluster) GetRegistryConfig ¶
func (o *Cluster) GetRegistryConfig() (value *ClusterRegistryConfig, ok bool)
GetRegistryConfig returns the value of the 'registry_config' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Registry configuration for the cluster
func (*Cluster) GetState ¶
func (o *Cluster) GetState() (value ClusterState, ok bool)
GetState returns the value of the 'state' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Overall state of the cluster.
func (*Cluster) GetStatus ¶
func (o *Cluster) GetStatus() (value *ClusterStatus, ok bool)
GetStatus returns the value of the 'status' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Status of cluster
func (*Cluster) GetStorageQuota ¶
GetStorageQuota returns the value of the 'storage_quota' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Storage quota to be assigned to the cluster.
func (*Cluster) GetSubscription ¶
func (o *Cluster) GetSubscription() (value *v1.Subscription, ok bool)
GetSubscription returns the value of the 'subscription' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Link to the subscription that comes from the account management service when the cluster is registered.
func (*Cluster) GetVersion ¶
GetVersion returns the value of the 'version' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Link to the version of _OpenShift_ that will be used to install the cluster.
func (*Cluster) Groups ¶
Groups returns the value of the 'groups' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Link to the collection of groups of user of the cluster.
func (*Cluster) HealthState ¶
func (o *Cluster) HealthState() ClusterHealthState
HealthState returns the value of the 'health_state' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
HealthState indicates the overall health state of the cluster.
func (*Cluster) Htpasswd ¶
func (o *Cluster) Htpasswd() *HTPasswdIdentityProvider
Htpasswd returns the value of the 'htpasswd' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Details for `htpasswd` identity provider.
func (*Cluster) Hypershift ¶
func (o *Cluster) Hypershift() *Hypershift
Hypershift returns the value of the 'hypershift' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Hypershift configuration.
func (*Cluster) IdentityProviders ¶
func (o *Cluster) IdentityProviders() *v1.IdentityProviderList
IdentityProviders returns the value of the 'identity_providers' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Link to the collection of identity providers of the cluster.
func (*Cluster) InflightChecks ¶
func (o *Cluster) InflightChecks() *v1.InflightCheckList
InflightChecks returns the value of the 'inflight_checks' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
List of inflight checks on this cluster.
func (*Cluster) InfraID ¶
InfraID returns the value of the 'infra_ID' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
InfraID is used for example to name the VPCs.
func (*Cluster) Ingresses ¶
func (o *Cluster) Ingresses() *v1.IngressList
Ingresses returns the value of the 'ingresses' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
List of ingresses on this cluster.
func (*Cluster) KubeletConfig ¶
func (o *Cluster) KubeletConfig() *KubeletConfig
KubeletConfig returns the value of the 'kubelet_config' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Details of cluster-wide KubeletConfig
func (*Cluster) LoadBalancerQuota ¶
LoadBalancerQuota returns the value of the 'load_balancer_quota' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Load Balancer quota to be assigned to the cluster.
func (*Cluster) MachinePools ¶
func (o *Cluster) MachinePools() *v1.MachinePoolList
MachinePools returns the value of the 'machine_pools' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
List of machine pools on this cluster.
func (*Cluster) Managed ¶
Managed returns the value of the 'managed' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Flag indicating if the cluster is managed (by Red Hat) or self-managed by the user.
func (*Cluster) ManagedService ¶
func (o *Cluster) ManagedService() *ManagedService
ManagedService returns the value of the 'managed_service' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Contains information about Managed Service
func (*Cluster) MultiAZ ¶
MultiAZ returns the value of the 'multi_AZ' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Flag indicating if the cluster should be created with nodes in different availability zones or all the nodes in a single one randomly selected.
func (*Cluster) MultiArchEnabled ¶
MultiArchEnabled returns the value of the 'multi_arch_enabled' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Indicate whether the cluster is enabled for multi arch workers
func (*Cluster) Name ¶
Name returns the value of the 'name' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Name of the cluster. This name is assigned by the user when the cluster is created. This is used to uniquely identify the cluster
func (*Cluster) Network ¶
Network returns the value of the 'network' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Network settings of the cluster.
func (*Cluster) NodeDrainGracePeriod ¶
NodeDrainGracePeriod returns the value of the 'node_drain_grace_period' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Node drain grace period.
func (*Cluster) NodePools ¶
func (o *Cluster) NodePools() *v1.NodePoolList
NodePools returns the value of the 'node_pools' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
List of node pools on this cluster. NodePool is a scalable set of worker nodes attached to a hosted cluster.
func (*Cluster) Nodes ¶
func (o *Cluster) Nodes() *ClusterNodes
Nodes returns the value of the 'nodes' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Information about the nodes of the cluster.
func (*Cluster) OpenshiftVersion ¶
OpenshiftVersion returns the value of the 'openshift_version' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Version of _OpenShift_ installed in the cluster, for example `4.0.0-0.2`.
When retrieving a cluster this will always be reported.
When provisioning a cluster this will be ignored, as the version to deploy will be determined internally.
func (*Cluster) Product ¶
Product returns the value of the 'product' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Link to the product type of this cluster.
func (*Cluster) Properties ¶
Properties returns the value of the 'properties' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
User defined properties for tagging and querying.
func (*Cluster) ProvisionShard ¶
func (o *Cluster) ProvisionShard() *ProvisionShard
ProvisionShard returns the value of the 'provision_shard' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
ProvisionShard contains the properties of the provision shard, including AWS and GCP related configurations
func (*Cluster) Proxy ¶
Proxy returns the value of the 'proxy' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
func (*Cluster) Region ¶
func (o *Cluster) Region() *v1.CloudRegion
Region returns the value of the 'region' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Link to the cloud provider region where the cluster is installed.
func (*Cluster) RegistryConfig ¶
func (o *Cluster) RegistryConfig() *ClusterRegistryConfig
RegistryConfig returns the value of the 'registry_config' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Registry configuration for the cluster
func (*Cluster) State ¶
func (o *Cluster) State() ClusterState
State returns the value of the 'state' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Overall state of the cluster.
func (*Cluster) Status ¶
func (o *Cluster) Status() *ClusterStatus
Status returns the value of the 'status' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Status of cluster
func (*Cluster) StorageQuota ¶
StorageQuota returns the value of the 'storage_quota' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Storage quota to be assigned to the cluster.
func (*Cluster) Subscription ¶
func (o *Cluster) Subscription() *v1.Subscription
Subscription returns the value of the 'subscription' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Link to the subscription that comes from the account management service when the cluster is registered.
type ClusterAPI ¶
type ClusterAPI struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterAPI represents the values of the 'cluster_API' type.
Information about the API of a cluster.
func ReadClusterAPI ¶
func ReadClusterAPI(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *ClusterAPI
ReadClusterAPI reads a value of the 'cluster_API' type from the given iterator.
func ReadClusterAPIList ¶
func ReadClusterAPIList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*ClusterAPI
ReadClusterAPIList reads list of values of the ”cluster_API' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalClusterAPI ¶
func UnmarshalClusterAPI(source interface{}) (object *ClusterAPI, err error)
UnmarshalClusterAPI reads a value of the 'cluster_API' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalClusterAPIList ¶
func UnmarshalClusterAPIList(source interface{}) (items []*ClusterAPI, err error)
UnmarshalClusterAPIList reads a list of values of the 'cluster_API' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*ClusterAPI) Empty ¶
func (o *ClusterAPI) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*ClusterAPI) GetListening ¶
func (o *ClusterAPI) GetListening() (value ListeningMethod, ok bool)
GetListening returns the value of the 'listening' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The listening method of the API server.
func (*ClusterAPI) GetURL ¶
func (o *ClusterAPI) GetURL() (value string, ok bool)
GetURL returns the value of the 'URL' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The URL of the API server of the cluster.
func (*ClusterAPI) Listening ¶
func (o *ClusterAPI) Listening() ListeningMethod
Listening returns the value of the 'listening' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The listening method of the API server.
func (*ClusterAPI) URL ¶
func (o *ClusterAPI) URL() string
URL returns the value of the 'URL' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The URL of the API server of the cluster.
type ClusterAPIBuilder ¶
type ClusterAPIBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterAPIBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'cluster_API' objects.
Information about the API of a cluster.
func NewClusterAPI ¶
func NewClusterAPI() *ClusterAPIBuilder
NewClusterAPI creates a new builder of 'cluster_API' objects.
func (*ClusterAPIBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *ClusterAPIBuilder) Build() (object *ClusterAPI, err error)
Build creates a 'cluster_API' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*ClusterAPIBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *ClusterAPIBuilder) Copy(object *ClusterAPI) *ClusterAPIBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*ClusterAPIBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *ClusterAPIBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*ClusterAPIBuilder) Listening ¶
func (b *ClusterAPIBuilder) Listening(value ListeningMethod) *ClusterAPIBuilder
Listening sets the value of the 'listening' attribute to the given value.
Cluster components listening method.
func (*ClusterAPIBuilder) URL ¶
func (b *ClusterAPIBuilder) URL(value string) *ClusterAPIBuilder
URL sets the value of the 'URL' attribute to the given value.
type ClusterAPIList ¶
type ClusterAPIList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterAPIList is a list of values of the 'cluster_API' type.
func (*ClusterAPIList) Each ¶
func (l *ClusterAPIList) Each(f func(item *ClusterAPI) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*ClusterAPIList) Empty ¶
func (l *ClusterAPIList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*ClusterAPIList) Get ¶
func (l *ClusterAPIList) Get(i int) *ClusterAPI
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*ClusterAPIList) Items ¶
func (l *ClusterAPIList) Items() []*ClusterAPI
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*ClusterAPIList) Len ¶
func (l *ClusterAPIList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*ClusterAPIList) Range ¶
func (l *ClusterAPIList) Range(f func(index int, item *ClusterAPI) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*ClusterAPIList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *ClusterAPIList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*ClusterAPIList) SetItems ¶
func (l *ClusterAPIList) SetItems(items []*ClusterAPI)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*ClusterAPIList) SetLink ¶
func (l *ClusterAPIList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*ClusterAPIList) Slice ¶
func (l *ClusterAPIList) Slice() []*ClusterAPI
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type ClusterAPIListBuilder ¶
type ClusterAPIListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterAPIListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'cluster_API' objects.
func NewClusterAPIList ¶
func NewClusterAPIList() *ClusterAPIListBuilder
NewClusterAPIList creates a new builder of 'cluster_API' objects.
func (*ClusterAPIListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *ClusterAPIListBuilder) Build() (list *ClusterAPIList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'cluster_API' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*ClusterAPIListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *ClusterAPIListBuilder) Copy(list *ClusterAPIList) *ClusterAPIListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*ClusterAPIListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *ClusterAPIListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*ClusterAPIListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *ClusterAPIListBuilder) Items(values ...*ClusterAPIBuilder) *ClusterAPIListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type ClusterBuilder ¶
type ClusterBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'cluster' objects.
Definition of an _OpenShift_ cluster.
The `cloud_provider` attribute is a reference to the cloud provider. When a cluster is retrieved it will be a link to the cloud provider, containing only the kind, id and href attributes:
{ "cloud_provider": { "kind": "CloudProviderLink", "id": "123", "href": "/api/clusters_mgmt/v1/cloud_providers/123" } }
When a cluster is created this is optional, and if used it should contain the identifier of the cloud provider to use:
{ "cloud_provider": { "id": "123", } }
If not included, then the cluster will be created using the default cloud provider, which is currently Amazon Web Services.
The region attribute is mandatory when a cluster is created.
The `aws.access_key_id`, `aws.secret_access_key` and `dns.base_domain` attributes are mandatory when creation a cluster with your own Amazon Web Services account.
func NewCluster ¶
func NewCluster() *ClusterBuilder
NewCluster creates a new builder of 'cluster' objects.
func (*ClusterBuilder) API ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) API(value *ClusterAPIBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
API sets the value of the 'API' attribute to the given value.
Information about the API of a cluster.
func (*ClusterBuilder) AWS ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) AWS(value *AWSBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
AWS sets the value of the 'AWS' attribute to the given value.
_Amazon Web Services_ specific settings of a cluster.
func (*ClusterBuilder) AWSInfrastructureAccessRoleGrants ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) AWSInfrastructureAccessRoleGrants(value *v1.AWSInfrastructureAccessRoleGrantListBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
AWSInfrastructureAccessRoleGrants sets the value of the 'AWS_infrastructure_access_role_grants' attribute to the given values.
func (*ClusterBuilder) AdditionalTrustBundle ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) AdditionalTrustBundle(value string) *ClusterBuilder
AdditionalTrustBundle sets the value of the 'additional_trust_bundle' attribute to the given value.
func (*ClusterBuilder) Addons ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) Addons(value *v1.AddOnInstallationListBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
Addons sets the value of the 'addons' attribute to the given values.
func (*ClusterBuilder) Autoscaler ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) Autoscaler(value *v1.ClusterAutoscalerBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
Autoscaler sets the value of the 'autoscaler' attribute to the given value.
Cluster-wide autoscaling configuration.
func (*ClusterBuilder) Azure ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) Azure(value *AzureBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
Azure sets the value of the 'azure' attribute to the given value.
Microsoft Azure settings of a cluster.
func (*ClusterBuilder) BillingModel ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) BillingModel(value BillingModel) *ClusterBuilder
BillingModel sets the value of the 'billing_model' attribute to the given value.
Billing model for cluster resources.
func (*ClusterBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) Build() (object *Cluster, err error)
Build creates a 'cluster' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*ClusterBuilder) ByoOidc ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) ByoOidc(value *ByoOidcBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
ByoOidc sets the value of the 'byo_oidc' attribute to the given value.
ByoOidc configuration.
func (*ClusterBuilder) CCS ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) CCS(value *CCSBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
CCS sets the value of the 'CCS' attribute to the given value.
func (*ClusterBuilder) CloudProvider ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) CloudProvider(value *v1.CloudProviderBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
CloudProvider sets the value of the 'cloud_provider' attribute to the given value.
Cloud provider.
func (*ClusterBuilder) Console ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) Console(value *ClusterConsoleBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
Console sets the value of the 'console' attribute to the given value.
Information about the console of a cluster.
func (*ClusterBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) Copy(object *Cluster) *ClusterBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*ClusterBuilder) CreationTimestamp ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) CreationTimestamp(value time.Time) *ClusterBuilder
CreationTimestamp sets the value of the 'creation_timestamp' attribute to the given value.
func (*ClusterBuilder) DNS ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) DNS(value *DNSBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
DNS sets the value of the 'DNS' attribute to the given value.
DNS settings of the cluster.
func (*ClusterBuilder) DeleteProtection ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) DeleteProtection(value *DeleteProtectionBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
DeleteProtection sets the value of the 'delete_protection' attribute to the given value.
DeleteProtection configuration.
func (*ClusterBuilder) DisableUserWorkloadMonitoring ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) DisableUserWorkloadMonitoring(value bool) *ClusterBuilder
DisableUserWorkloadMonitoring sets the value of the 'disable_user_workload_monitoring' attribute to the given value.
func (*ClusterBuilder) DomainPrefix ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) DomainPrefix(value string) *ClusterBuilder
DomainPrefix sets the value of the 'domain_prefix' attribute to the given value.
func (*ClusterBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*ClusterBuilder) EtcdEncryption ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) EtcdEncryption(value bool) *ClusterBuilder
EtcdEncryption sets the value of the 'etcd_encryption' attribute to the given value.
func (*ClusterBuilder) ExpirationTimestamp ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) ExpirationTimestamp(value time.Time) *ClusterBuilder
ExpirationTimestamp sets the value of the 'expiration_timestamp' attribute to the given value.
func (*ClusterBuilder) ExternalAuthConfig ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) ExternalAuthConfig(value *ExternalAuthConfigBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
ExternalAuthConfig sets the value of the 'external_auth_config' attribute to the given value.
ExternalAuthConfig configuration
func (*ClusterBuilder) ExternalConfiguration ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) ExternalConfiguration(value *ExternalConfigurationBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
ExternalConfiguration sets the value of the 'external_configuration' attribute to the given value.
Representation of cluster external configuration.
func (*ClusterBuilder) ExternalID ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) ExternalID(value string) *ClusterBuilder
ExternalID sets the value of the 'external_ID' attribute to the given value.
func (*ClusterBuilder) FIPS ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) FIPS(value bool) *ClusterBuilder
FIPS sets the value of the 'FIPS' attribute to the given value.
func (*ClusterBuilder) Flavour ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) Flavour(value *v1.FlavourBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
Flavour sets the value of the 'flavour' attribute to the given value.
Set of predefined properties of a cluster. For example, a _huge_ flavour can be a cluster with 10 infra nodes and 1000 compute nodes.
func (*ClusterBuilder) GCP ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) GCP(value *GCPBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
GCP sets the value of the 'GCP' attribute to the given value.
Google cloud platform settings of a cluster.
func (*ClusterBuilder) GCPEncryptionKey ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) GCPEncryptionKey(value *GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
GCPEncryptionKey sets the value of the 'GCP_encryption_key' attribute to the given value.
GCP Encryption Key for CCS clusters.
func (*ClusterBuilder) GCPNetwork ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) GCPNetwork(value *GCPNetworkBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
GCPNetwork sets the value of the 'GCP_network' attribute to the given value.
GCP Network configuration of a cluster.
func (*ClusterBuilder) Groups ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) Groups(value *v1.GroupListBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
Groups sets the value of the 'groups' attribute to the given values.
func (*ClusterBuilder) HREF ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) HREF(value string) *ClusterBuilder
HREF sets the link to the object.
func (*ClusterBuilder) HealthState ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) HealthState(value ClusterHealthState) *ClusterBuilder
HealthState sets the value of the 'health_state' attribute to the given value.
ClusterHealthState indicates the health of a cluster.
func (*ClusterBuilder) Htpasswd ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) Htpasswd(value *HTPasswdIdentityProviderBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
Htpasswd sets the value of the 'htpasswd' attribute to the given value.
Details for `htpasswd` identity providers.
func (*ClusterBuilder) Hypershift ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) Hypershift(value *HypershiftBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
Hypershift sets the value of the 'hypershift' attribute to the given value.
Hypershift configuration.
func (*ClusterBuilder) ID ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) ID(value string) *ClusterBuilder
ID sets the identifier of the object.
func (*ClusterBuilder) IdentityProviders ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) IdentityProviders(value *v1.IdentityProviderListBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
IdentityProviders sets the value of the 'identity_providers' attribute to the given values.
func (*ClusterBuilder) InflightChecks ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) InflightChecks(value *v1.InflightCheckListBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
InflightChecks sets the value of the 'inflight_checks' attribute to the given values.
func (*ClusterBuilder) InfraID ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) InfraID(value string) *ClusterBuilder
InfraID sets the value of the 'infra_ID' attribute to the given value.
func (*ClusterBuilder) Ingresses ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) Ingresses(value *v1.IngressListBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
Ingresses sets the value of the 'ingresses' attribute to the given values.
func (*ClusterBuilder) KubeletConfig ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) KubeletConfig(value *KubeletConfigBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
KubeletConfig sets the value of the 'kubelet_config' attribute to the given value.
OCM representation of KubeletConfig, exposing the fields of Kubernetes KubeletConfig that can be managed by users
func (*ClusterBuilder) Link ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) Link(value bool) *ClusterBuilder
Link sets the flag that indicates if this is a link.
func (*ClusterBuilder) LoadBalancerQuota ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) LoadBalancerQuota(value int) *ClusterBuilder
LoadBalancerQuota sets the value of the 'load_balancer_quota' attribute to the given value.
func (*ClusterBuilder) MachinePools ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) MachinePools(value *v1.MachinePoolListBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
MachinePools sets the value of the 'machine_pools' attribute to the given values.
func (*ClusterBuilder) Managed ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) Managed(value bool) *ClusterBuilder
Managed sets the value of the 'managed' attribute to the given value.
func (*ClusterBuilder) ManagedService ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) ManagedService(value *ManagedServiceBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
ManagedService sets the value of the 'managed_service' attribute to the given value.
Contains the necessary attributes to support role-based authentication on AWS.
func (*ClusterBuilder) MultiAZ ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) MultiAZ(value bool) *ClusterBuilder
MultiAZ sets the value of the 'multi_AZ' attribute to the given value.
func (*ClusterBuilder) MultiArchEnabled ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) MultiArchEnabled(value bool) *ClusterBuilder
MultiArchEnabled sets the value of the 'multi_arch_enabled' attribute to the given value.
func (*ClusterBuilder) Name ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) Name(value string) *ClusterBuilder
Name sets the value of the 'name' attribute to the given value.
func (*ClusterBuilder) Network ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) Network(value *NetworkBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
Network sets the value of the 'network' attribute to the given value.
Network configuration of a cluster.
func (*ClusterBuilder) NodeDrainGracePeriod ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) NodeDrainGracePeriod(value *ValueBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
NodeDrainGracePeriod sets the value of the 'node_drain_grace_period' attribute to the given value.
Numeric value and the unit used to measure it.
Units are not mandatory, and they're not specified for some resources. For resources that use bytes, the accepted units are:
- 1 B = 1 byte - 1 KB = 10^3 bytes - 1 MB = 10^6 bytes - 1 GB = 10^9 bytes - 1 TB = 10^12 bytes - 1 PB = 10^15 bytes
- 1 B = 1 byte - 1 KiB = 2^10 bytes - 1 MiB = 2^20 bytes - 1 GiB = 2^30 bytes - 1 TiB = 2^40 bytes - 1 PiB = 2^50 bytes
func (*ClusterBuilder) NodePools ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) NodePools(value *v1.NodePoolListBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
NodePools sets the value of the 'node_pools' attribute to the given values.
func (*ClusterBuilder) Nodes ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) Nodes(value *ClusterNodesBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
Nodes sets the value of the 'nodes' attribute to the given value.
Counts of different classes of nodes inside a cluster.
func (*ClusterBuilder) OpenshiftVersion ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) OpenshiftVersion(value string) *ClusterBuilder
OpenshiftVersion sets the value of the 'openshift_version' attribute to the given value.
func (*ClusterBuilder) Product ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) Product(value *v1.ProductBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
Product sets the value of the 'product' attribute to the given value.
Representation of an product that can be selected as a cluster type.
func (*ClusterBuilder) Properties ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) Properties(value map[string]string) *ClusterBuilder
Properties sets the value of the 'properties' attribute to the given value.
func (*ClusterBuilder) ProvisionShard ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) ProvisionShard(value *ProvisionShardBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
ProvisionShard sets the value of the 'provision_shard' attribute to the given value.
Contains the properties of the provision shard, including AWS and GCP related configurations
func (*ClusterBuilder) Proxy ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) Proxy(value *ProxyBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
Proxy sets the value of the 'proxy' attribute to the given value.
Proxy configuration of a cluster.
func (*ClusterBuilder) Region ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) Region(value *v1.CloudRegionBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
Region sets the value of the 'region' attribute to the given value.
Description of a region of a cloud provider.
func (*ClusterBuilder) RegistryConfig ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) RegistryConfig(value *ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
RegistryConfig sets the value of the 'registry_config' attribute to the given value.
ClusterRegistryConfig describes the configuration of registries for the cluster. Its format reflects the OpenShift Image Configuration, for which docs are available on []( ```json
{ "registry_config": { "registry_sources": { "blocked_registries": [ "", "" ] } } }
func (*ClusterBuilder) State ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) State(value ClusterState) *ClusterBuilder
State sets the value of the 'state' attribute to the given value.
Overall state of a cluster.
func (*ClusterBuilder) Status ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) Status(value *ClusterStatusBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
Status sets the value of the 'status' attribute to the given value.
Detailed status of a cluster.
func (*ClusterBuilder) StorageQuota ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) StorageQuota(value *ValueBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
StorageQuota sets the value of the 'storage_quota' attribute to the given value.
Numeric value and the unit used to measure it.
Units are not mandatory, and they're not specified for some resources. For resources that use bytes, the accepted units are:
- 1 B = 1 byte - 1 KB = 10^3 bytes - 1 MB = 10^6 bytes - 1 GB = 10^9 bytes - 1 TB = 10^12 bytes - 1 PB = 10^15 bytes
- 1 B = 1 byte - 1 KiB = 2^10 bytes - 1 MiB = 2^20 bytes - 1 GiB = 2^30 bytes - 1 TiB = 2^40 bytes - 1 PiB = 2^50 bytes
func (*ClusterBuilder) Subscription ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) Subscription(value *v1.SubscriptionBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
Subscription sets the value of the 'subscription' attribute to the given value.
Definition of a subscription.
func (*ClusterBuilder) Version ¶
func (b *ClusterBuilder) Version(value *v1.VersionBuilder) *ClusterBuilder
Version sets the value of the 'version' attribute to the given value.
Representation of an _OpenShift_ version.
type ClusterClient ¶
type ClusterClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterClient is the client of the 'cluster' resource.
Manages a specific cluster.
func NewClusterClient ¶
func NewClusterClient(transport http.RoundTripper, path string) *ClusterClient
NewClusterClient creates a new client for the 'cluster' resource using the given transport to send the requests and receive the responses.
func (*ClusterClient) Delete ¶
func (c *ClusterClient) Delete() *ClusterDeleteRequest
Delete creates a request for the 'delete' method.
Deletes the cluster.
func (*ClusterClient) Get ¶
func (c *ClusterClient) Get() *ClusterGetRequest
Get creates a request for the 'get' method.
Retrieves the details of the cluster.
func (*ClusterClient) Poll ¶
func (c *ClusterClient) Poll() *ClusterPollRequest
Poll creates a request to repeatedly retrieve the object till the response has one of a given set of states and satisfies a set of predicates.
func (*ClusterClient) Status ¶ added in v0.1.458
func (c *ClusterClient) Status() *ClusterStatusClient
Status returns the target 'cluster_status' resource.
func (*ClusterClient) Update ¶
func (c *ClusterClient) Update() *ClusterUpdateRequest
Update creates a request for the 'update' method.
Updates the cluster.
type ClusterConfigurationMode ¶
type ClusterConfigurationMode string
ClusterConfigurationMode represents the values of the 'cluster_configuration_mode' enumerated type.
const ( // Full configuration (default). ClusterConfigurationModeFull ClusterConfigurationMode = "full" // Only read configuration operations are supported. // The cluster can't be deleted, reshaped, configure IDPs, add/remove users, etc. ClusterConfigurationModeReadOnly ClusterConfigurationMode = "read_only" )
func ReadClusterConfigurationModeList ¶
func ReadClusterConfigurationModeList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []ClusterConfigurationMode
ReadClusterConfigurationModeList reads list of values of the ”cluster_configuration_mode' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalClusterConfigurationModeList ¶
func UnmarshalClusterConfigurationModeList(source interface{}) (items []ClusterConfigurationMode, err error)
UnmarshalClusterConfigurationModeList reads a list of values of the 'cluster_configuration_mode' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
type ClusterConsole ¶
type ClusterConsole struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterConsole represents the values of the 'cluster_console' type.
Information about the console of a cluster.
func ReadClusterConsole ¶
func ReadClusterConsole(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *ClusterConsole
ReadClusterConsole reads a value of the 'cluster_console' type from the given iterator.
func ReadClusterConsoleList ¶
func ReadClusterConsoleList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*ClusterConsole
ReadClusterConsoleList reads list of values of the ”cluster_console' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalClusterConsole ¶
func UnmarshalClusterConsole(source interface{}) (object *ClusterConsole, err error)
UnmarshalClusterConsole reads a value of the 'cluster_console' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalClusterConsoleList ¶
func UnmarshalClusterConsoleList(source interface{}) (items []*ClusterConsole, err error)
UnmarshalClusterConsoleList reads a list of values of the 'cluster_console' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*ClusterConsole) Empty ¶
func (o *ClusterConsole) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*ClusterConsole) GetURL ¶
func (o *ClusterConsole) GetURL() (value string, ok bool)
GetURL returns the value of the 'URL' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The URL of the console of the cluster.
func (*ClusterConsole) URL ¶
func (o *ClusterConsole) URL() string
URL returns the value of the 'URL' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The URL of the console of the cluster.
type ClusterConsoleBuilder ¶
type ClusterConsoleBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterConsoleBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'cluster_console' objects.
Information about the console of a cluster.
func NewClusterConsole ¶
func NewClusterConsole() *ClusterConsoleBuilder
NewClusterConsole creates a new builder of 'cluster_console' objects.
func (*ClusterConsoleBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *ClusterConsoleBuilder) Build() (object *ClusterConsole, err error)
Build creates a 'cluster_console' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*ClusterConsoleBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *ClusterConsoleBuilder) Copy(object *ClusterConsole) *ClusterConsoleBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*ClusterConsoleBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *ClusterConsoleBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*ClusterConsoleBuilder) URL ¶
func (b *ClusterConsoleBuilder) URL(value string) *ClusterConsoleBuilder
URL sets the value of the 'URL' attribute to the given value.
type ClusterConsoleList ¶
type ClusterConsoleList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterConsoleList is a list of values of the 'cluster_console' type.
func (*ClusterConsoleList) Each ¶
func (l *ClusterConsoleList) Each(f func(item *ClusterConsole) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*ClusterConsoleList) Empty ¶
func (l *ClusterConsoleList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*ClusterConsoleList) Get ¶
func (l *ClusterConsoleList) Get(i int) *ClusterConsole
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*ClusterConsoleList) Items ¶
func (l *ClusterConsoleList) Items() []*ClusterConsole
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*ClusterConsoleList) Len ¶
func (l *ClusterConsoleList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*ClusterConsoleList) Range ¶
func (l *ClusterConsoleList) Range(f func(index int, item *ClusterConsole) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*ClusterConsoleList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *ClusterConsoleList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*ClusterConsoleList) SetItems ¶
func (l *ClusterConsoleList) SetItems(items []*ClusterConsole)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*ClusterConsoleList) SetLink ¶
func (l *ClusterConsoleList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*ClusterConsoleList) Slice ¶
func (l *ClusterConsoleList) Slice() []*ClusterConsole
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type ClusterConsoleListBuilder ¶
type ClusterConsoleListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterConsoleListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'cluster_console' objects.
func NewClusterConsoleList ¶
func NewClusterConsoleList() *ClusterConsoleListBuilder
NewClusterConsoleList creates a new builder of 'cluster_console' objects.
func (*ClusterConsoleListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *ClusterConsoleListBuilder) Build() (list *ClusterConsoleList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'cluster_console' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*ClusterConsoleListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *ClusterConsoleListBuilder) Copy(list *ClusterConsoleList) *ClusterConsoleListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*ClusterConsoleListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *ClusterConsoleListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*ClusterConsoleListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *ClusterConsoleListBuilder) Items(values ...*ClusterConsoleBuilder) *ClusterConsoleListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type ClusterDeleteRequest ¶
type ClusterDeleteRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterDeleteRequest is the request for the 'delete' method.
func (*ClusterDeleteRequest) BestEffort ¶
func (r *ClusterDeleteRequest) BestEffort(value bool) *ClusterDeleteRequest
BestEffort sets the value of the 'best_effort' parameter.
BestEffort flag is used to check if the cluster deletion should be best-effort mode or not.
func (*ClusterDeleteRequest) DryRun ¶
func (r *ClusterDeleteRequest) DryRun(value bool) *ClusterDeleteRequest
DryRun sets the value of the 'dry_run' parameter.
Dry run flag is used to check if the operation can be completed, but won't delete.
func (*ClusterDeleteRequest) Header ¶
func (r *ClusterDeleteRequest) Header(name string, value interface{}) *ClusterDeleteRequest
Header adds a request header.
func (*ClusterDeleteRequest) Impersonate ¶
func (r *ClusterDeleteRequest) Impersonate(user string) *ClusterDeleteRequest
Impersonate wraps requests on behalf of another user. Note: Services that do not support this feature may silently ignore this call.
func (*ClusterDeleteRequest) Parameter ¶
func (r *ClusterDeleteRequest) Parameter(name string, value interface{}) *ClusterDeleteRequest
Parameter adds a query parameter.
func (*ClusterDeleteRequest) Send ¶
func (r *ClusterDeleteRequest) Send() (result *ClusterDeleteResponse, err error)
Send sends this request, waits for the response, and returns it.
This is a potentially lengthy operation, as it requires network communication. Consider using a context and the SendContext method.
func (*ClusterDeleteRequest) SendContext ¶
func (r *ClusterDeleteRequest) SendContext(ctx context.Context) (result *ClusterDeleteResponse, err error)
SendContext sends this request, waits for the response, and returns it.
type ClusterDeleteResponse ¶
type ClusterDeleteResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterDeleteResponse is the response for the 'delete' method.
func (*ClusterDeleteResponse) Error ¶
func (r *ClusterDeleteResponse) Error() *errors.Error
Error returns the response error.
func (*ClusterDeleteResponse) Header ¶
func (r *ClusterDeleteResponse) Header() http.Header
Header returns header of the response.
func (*ClusterDeleteResponse) Status ¶
func (r *ClusterDeleteResponse) Status() int
Status returns the response status code.
type ClusterGetRequest ¶
type ClusterGetRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterGetRequest is the request for the 'get' method.
func (*ClusterGetRequest) Header ¶
func (r *ClusterGetRequest) Header(name string, value interface{}) *ClusterGetRequest
Header adds a request header.
func (*ClusterGetRequest) Impersonate ¶
func (r *ClusterGetRequest) Impersonate(user string) *ClusterGetRequest
Impersonate wraps requests on behalf of another user. Note: Services that do not support this feature may silently ignore this call.
func (*ClusterGetRequest) Parameter ¶
func (r *ClusterGetRequest) Parameter(name string, value interface{}) *ClusterGetRequest
Parameter adds a query parameter.
func (*ClusterGetRequest) Send ¶
func (r *ClusterGetRequest) Send() (result *ClusterGetResponse, err error)
Send sends this request, waits for the response, and returns it.
This is a potentially lengthy operation, as it requires network communication. Consider using a context and the SendContext method.
func (*ClusterGetRequest) SendContext ¶
func (r *ClusterGetRequest) SendContext(ctx context.Context) (result *ClusterGetResponse, err error)
SendContext sends this request, waits for the response, and returns it.
type ClusterGetResponse ¶
type ClusterGetResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterGetResponse is the response for the 'get' method.
func (*ClusterGetResponse) Body ¶
func (r *ClusterGetResponse) Body() *Cluster
Body returns the value of the 'body' parameter.
func (*ClusterGetResponse) Error ¶
func (r *ClusterGetResponse) Error() *errors.Error
Error returns the response error.
func (*ClusterGetResponse) GetBody ¶
func (r *ClusterGetResponse) GetBody() (value *Cluster, ok bool)
GetBody returns the value of the 'body' parameter and a flag indicating if the parameter has a value.
func (*ClusterGetResponse) Header ¶
func (r *ClusterGetResponse) Header() http.Header
Header returns header of the response.
func (*ClusterGetResponse) Status ¶
func (r *ClusterGetResponse) Status() int
Status returns the response status code.
type ClusterHealthState ¶
type ClusterHealthState string
ClusterHealthState represents the values of the 'cluster_health_state' enumerated type.
const ( // Cluster is Ready and healthy. ClusterHealthStateHealthy ClusterHealthState = "healthy" // Cluster is Ready and unhealthy. ClusterHealthStateUnhealthy ClusterHealthState = "unhealthy" // Cluster health is unknown. ClusterHealthStateUnknown ClusterHealthState = "unknown" )
func ReadClusterHealthStateList ¶
func ReadClusterHealthStateList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []ClusterHealthState
ReadClusterHealthStateList reads list of values of the ”cluster_health_state' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalClusterHealthStateList ¶
func UnmarshalClusterHealthStateList(source interface{}) (items []ClusterHealthState, err error)
UnmarshalClusterHealthStateList reads a list of values of the 'cluster_health_state' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
type ClusterList ¶
type ClusterList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterList is a list of values of the 'cluster' type.
func (*ClusterList) Each ¶
func (l *ClusterList) Each(f func(item *Cluster) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*ClusterList) Empty ¶
func (l *ClusterList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*ClusterList) Get ¶
func (l *ClusterList) Get(i int) *Cluster
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*ClusterList) GetHREF ¶
func (l *ClusterList) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
GetHREF returns the link of the list and a flag indicating if the link has a value.
func (*ClusterList) Items ¶
func (l *ClusterList) Items() []*Cluster
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*ClusterList) Kind ¶
func (l *ClusterList) Kind() string
Kind returns the name of the type of the object.
func (*ClusterList) Range ¶
func (l *ClusterList) Range(f func(index int, item *Cluster) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*ClusterList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *ClusterList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*ClusterList) SetItems ¶
func (l *ClusterList) SetItems(items []*Cluster)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*ClusterList) SetLink ¶
func (l *ClusterList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*ClusterList) Slice ¶
func (l *ClusterList) Slice() []*Cluster
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type ClusterListBuilder ¶
type ClusterListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'cluster' objects.
func NewClusterList ¶
func NewClusterList() *ClusterListBuilder
NewClusterList creates a new builder of 'cluster' objects.
func (*ClusterListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *ClusterListBuilder) Build() (list *ClusterList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'cluster' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*ClusterListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *ClusterListBuilder) Copy(list *ClusterList) *ClusterListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*ClusterListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *ClusterListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*ClusterListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *ClusterListBuilder) Items(values ...*ClusterBuilder) *ClusterListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type ClusterNodes ¶
type ClusterNodes struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterNodes represents the values of the 'cluster_nodes' type.
Counts of different classes of nodes inside a cluster.
func ReadClusterNodes ¶
func ReadClusterNodes(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *ClusterNodes
ReadClusterNodes reads a value of the 'cluster_nodes' type from the given iterator.
func ReadClusterNodesList ¶
func ReadClusterNodesList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*ClusterNodes
ReadClusterNodesList reads list of values of the ”cluster_nodes' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalClusterNodes ¶
func UnmarshalClusterNodes(source interface{}) (object *ClusterNodes, err error)
UnmarshalClusterNodes reads a value of the 'cluster_nodes' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalClusterNodesList ¶
func UnmarshalClusterNodesList(source interface{}) (items []*ClusterNodes, err error)
UnmarshalClusterNodesList reads a list of values of the 'cluster_nodes' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*ClusterNodes) AutoscaleCompute ¶
func (o *ClusterNodes) AutoscaleCompute() *MachinePoolAutoscaling
AutoscaleCompute returns the value of the 'autoscale_compute' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Details for auto-scaling the compute machine pool. Compute and AutoscaleCompute cannot be used together.
func (*ClusterNodes) AvailabilityZones ¶
func (o *ClusterNodes) AvailabilityZones() []string
AvailabilityZones returns the value of the 'availability_zones' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The availability zones upon which the nodes are created.
func (*ClusterNodes) Compute ¶
func (o *ClusterNodes) Compute() int
Compute returns the value of the 'compute' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Number of compute nodes of the cluster. Compute and AutoscaleCompute cannot be used together.
func (*ClusterNodes) ComputeLabels ¶
func (o *ClusterNodes) ComputeLabels() map[string]string
ComputeLabels returns the value of the 'compute_labels' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The labels set on the "default" compute machine pool.
func (*ClusterNodes) ComputeMachineType ¶
func (o *ClusterNodes) ComputeMachineType() *MachineType
ComputeMachineType returns the value of the 'compute_machine_type' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The compute machine type to use, for example `r5.xlarge`.
func (*ClusterNodes) ComputeRootVolume ¶
func (o *ClusterNodes) ComputeRootVolume() *RootVolume
ComputeRootVolume returns the value of the 'compute_root_volume' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The compute machine root volume capabilities.
func (*ClusterNodes) Empty ¶
func (o *ClusterNodes) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*ClusterNodes) GetAutoscaleCompute ¶
func (o *ClusterNodes) GetAutoscaleCompute() (value *MachinePoolAutoscaling, ok bool)
GetAutoscaleCompute returns the value of the 'autoscale_compute' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Details for auto-scaling the compute machine pool. Compute and AutoscaleCompute cannot be used together.
func (*ClusterNodes) GetAvailabilityZones ¶
func (o *ClusterNodes) GetAvailabilityZones() (value []string, ok bool)
GetAvailabilityZones returns the value of the 'availability_zones' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The availability zones upon which the nodes are created.
func (*ClusterNodes) GetCompute ¶
func (o *ClusterNodes) GetCompute() (value int, ok bool)
GetCompute returns the value of the 'compute' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Number of compute nodes of the cluster. Compute and AutoscaleCompute cannot be used together.
func (*ClusterNodes) GetComputeLabels ¶
func (o *ClusterNodes) GetComputeLabels() (value map[string]string, ok bool)
GetComputeLabels returns the value of the 'compute_labels' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The labels set on the "default" compute machine pool.
func (*ClusterNodes) GetComputeMachineType ¶
func (o *ClusterNodes) GetComputeMachineType() (value *MachineType, ok bool)
GetComputeMachineType returns the value of the 'compute_machine_type' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The compute machine type to use, for example `r5.xlarge`.
func (*ClusterNodes) GetComputeRootVolume ¶
func (o *ClusterNodes) GetComputeRootVolume() (value *RootVolume, ok bool)
GetComputeRootVolume returns the value of the 'compute_root_volume' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The compute machine root volume capabilities.
func (*ClusterNodes) GetInfra ¶
func (o *ClusterNodes) GetInfra() (value int, ok bool)
GetInfra returns the value of the 'infra' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Number of infrastructure nodes of the cluster.
func (*ClusterNodes) GetInfraMachineType ¶
func (o *ClusterNodes) GetInfraMachineType() (value *MachineType, ok bool)
GetInfraMachineType returns the value of the 'infra_machine_type' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The infra machine type to use, for example `r5.xlarge` (Optional).
func (*ClusterNodes) GetMaster ¶
func (o *ClusterNodes) GetMaster() (value int, ok bool)
GetMaster returns the value of the 'master' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Number of master nodes of the cluster.
func (*ClusterNodes) GetMasterMachineType ¶
func (o *ClusterNodes) GetMasterMachineType() (value *MachineType, ok bool)
GetMasterMachineType returns the value of the 'master_machine_type' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The master machine type to use, for example `r5.xlarge` (Optional).
func (*ClusterNodes) GetSecurityGroupFilters ¶
func (o *ClusterNodes) GetSecurityGroupFilters() (value []*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter, ok bool)
GetSecurityGroupFilters returns the value of the 'security_group_filters' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
List of security groups to be applied to nodes (Optional).
func (*ClusterNodes) GetTotal ¶
func (o *ClusterNodes) GetTotal() (value int, ok bool)
GetTotal returns the value of the 'total' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Total number of nodes of the cluster.
func (*ClusterNodes) Infra ¶
func (o *ClusterNodes) Infra() int
Infra returns the value of the 'infra' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Number of infrastructure nodes of the cluster.
func (*ClusterNodes) InfraMachineType ¶
func (o *ClusterNodes) InfraMachineType() *MachineType
InfraMachineType returns the value of the 'infra_machine_type' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The infra machine type to use, for example `r5.xlarge` (Optional).
func (*ClusterNodes) Master ¶
func (o *ClusterNodes) Master() int
Master returns the value of the 'master' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Number of master nodes of the cluster.
func (*ClusterNodes) MasterMachineType ¶
func (o *ClusterNodes) MasterMachineType() *MachineType
MasterMachineType returns the value of the 'master_machine_type' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The master machine type to use, for example `r5.xlarge` (Optional).
func (*ClusterNodes) SecurityGroupFilters ¶
func (o *ClusterNodes) SecurityGroupFilters() []*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter
SecurityGroupFilters returns the value of the 'security_group_filters' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
List of security groups to be applied to nodes (Optional).
func (*ClusterNodes) Total ¶
func (o *ClusterNodes) Total() int
Total returns the value of the 'total' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Total number of nodes of the cluster.
type ClusterNodesBuilder ¶
type ClusterNodesBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterNodesBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'cluster_nodes' objects.
Counts of different classes of nodes inside a cluster.
func NewClusterNodes ¶
func NewClusterNodes() *ClusterNodesBuilder
NewClusterNodes creates a new builder of 'cluster_nodes' objects.
func (*ClusterNodesBuilder) AutoscaleCompute ¶
func (b *ClusterNodesBuilder) AutoscaleCompute(value *MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder) *ClusterNodesBuilder
AutoscaleCompute sets the value of the 'autoscale_compute' attribute to the given value.
Representation of a autoscaling in a machine pool.
func (*ClusterNodesBuilder) AvailabilityZones ¶
func (b *ClusterNodesBuilder) AvailabilityZones(values ...string) *ClusterNodesBuilder
AvailabilityZones sets the value of the 'availability_zones' attribute to the given values.
func (*ClusterNodesBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *ClusterNodesBuilder) Build() (object *ClusterNodes, err error)
Build creates a 'cluster_nodes' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*ClusterNodesBuilder) Compute ¶
func (b *ClusterNodesBuilder) Compute(value int) *ClusterNodesBuilder
Compute sets the value of the 'compute' attribute to the given value.
func (*ClusterNodesBuilder) ComputeLabels ¶
func (b *ClusterNodesBuilder) ComputeLabels(value map[string]string) *ClusterNodesBuilder
ComputeLabels sets the value of the 'compute_labels' attribute to the given value.
func (*ClusterNodesBuilder) ComputeMachineType ¶
func (b *ClusterNodesBuilder) ComputeMachineType(value *MachineTypeBuilder) *ClusterNodesBuilder
ComputeMachineType sets the value of the 'compute_machine_type' attribute to the given value.
Machine type.
func (*ClusterNodesBuilder) ComputeRootVolume ¶
func (b *ClusterNodesBuilder) ComputeRootVolume(value *RootVolumeBuilder) *ClusterNodesBuilder
ComputeRootVolume sets the value of the 'compute_root_volume' attribute to the given value.
Root volume capabilities.
func (*ClusterNodesBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *ClusterNodesBuilder) Copy(object *ClusterNodes) *ClusterNodesBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*ClusterNodesBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *ClusterNodesBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*ClusterNodesBuilder) Infra ¶
func (b *ClusterNodesBuilder) Infra(value int) *ClusterNodesBuilder
Infra sets the value of the 'infra' attribute to the given value.
func (*ClusterNodesBuilder) InfraMachineType ¶
func (b *ClusterNodesBuilder) InfraMachineType(value *MachineTypeBuilder) *ClusterNodesBuilder
InfraMachineType sets the value of the 'infra_machine_type' attribute to the given value.
Machine type.
func (*ClusterNodesBuilder) Master ¶
func (b *ClusterNodesBuilder) Master(value int) *ClusterNodesBuilder
Master sets the value of the 'master' attribute to the given value.
func (*ClusterNodesBuilder) MasterMachineType ¶
func (b *ClusterNodesBuilder) MasterMachineType(value *MachineTypeBuilder) *ClusterNodesBuilder
MasterMachineType sets the value of the 'master_machine_type' attribute to the given value.
Machine type.
func (*ClusterNodesBuilder) SecurityGroupFilters ¶
func (b *ClusterNodesBuilder) SecurityGroupFilters(values ...*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterBuilder) *ClusterNodesBuilder
SecurityGroupFilters sets the value of the 'security_group_filters' attribute to the given values.
func (*ClusterNodesBuilder) Total ¶
func (b *ClusterNodesBuilder) Total(value int) *ClusterNodesBuilder
Total sets the value of the 'total' attribute to the given value.
type ClusterNodesList ¶
type ClusterNodesList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterNodesList is a list of values of the 'cluster_nodes' type.
func (*ClusterNodesList) Each ¶
func (l *ClusterNodesList) Each(f func(item *ClusterNodes) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*ClusterNodesList) Empty ¶
func (l *ClusterNodesList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*ClusterNodesList) Get ¶
func (l *ClusterNodesList) Get(i int) *ClusterNodes
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*ClusterNodesList) Items ¶
func (l *ClusterNodesList) Items() []*ClusterNodes
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*ClusterNodesList) Len ¶
func (l *ClusterNodesList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*ClusterNodesList) Range ¶
func (l *ClusterNodesList) Range(f func(index int, item *ClusterNodes) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*ClusterNodesList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *ClusterNodesList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*ClusterNodesList) SetItems ¶
func (l *ClusterNodesList) SetItems(items []*ClusterNodes)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*ClusterNodesList) SetLink ¶
func (l *ClusterNodesList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*ClusterNodesList) Slice ¶
func (l *ClusterNodesList) Slice() []*ClusterNodes
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type ClusterNodesListBuilder ¶
type ClusterNodesListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterNodesListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'cluster_nodes' objects.
func NewClusterNodesList ¶
func NewClusterNodesList() *ClusterNodesListBuilder
NewClusterNodesList creates a new builder of 'cluster_nodes' objects.
func (*ClusterNodesListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *ClusterNodesListBuilder) Build() (list *ClusterNodesList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'cluster_nodes' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*ClusterNodesListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *ClusterNodesListBuilder) Copy(list *ClusterNodesList) *ClusterNodesListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*ClusterNodesListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *ClusterNodesListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*ClusterNodesListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *ClusterNodesListBuilder) Items(values ...*ClusterNodesBuilder) *ClusterNodesListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type ClusterPollRequest ¶
type ClusterPollRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterPollRequest is the request for the Poll method.
func (*ClusterPollRequest) Header ¶
func (r *ClusterPollRequest) Header(name string, value interface{}) *ClusterPollRequest
Header adds a request header to all the requests that will be used to retrieve the object.
func (*ClusterPollRequest) Interval ¶
func (r *ClusterPollRequest) Interval(value time.Duration) *ClusterPollRequest
Interval sets the polling interval. This parameter is mandatory and must be greater than zero.
func (*ClusterPollRequest) Parameter ¶
func (r *ClusterPollRequest) Parameter(name string, value interface{}) *ClusterPollRequest
Parameter adds a query parameter to all the requests that will be used to retrieve the object.
func (*ClusterPollRequest) Predicate ¶
func (r *ClusterPollRequest) Predicate(value func(*ClusterGetResponse) bool) *ClusterPollRequest
Predicate adds a predicate that the response should satisfy be considered successful. Multiple predicates can be set calling this method multiple times. The response will be considered successful if all the predicates are satisfied.
func (*ClusterPollRequest) StartContext ¶
func (r *ClusterPollRequest) StartContext(ctx context.Context) (response *ClusterPollResponse, err error)
StartContext starts the polling loop. Responses will be considered successful if the status is one of the values specified with the Status method and if all the predicates specified with the Predicate method return nil.
The context must have a timeout or deadline, otherwise this method will immediately return an error.
func (*ClusterPollRequest) Status ¶
func (r *ClusterPollRequest) Status(value int) *ClusterPollRequest
Status set the expected status of the response. Multiple values can be set calling this method multiple times. The response will be considered successful if the status is any of those values.
type ClusterPollResponse ¶
type ClusterPollResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterPollResponse is the response for the Poll method.
func (*ClusterPollResponse) Body ¶
func (r *ClusterPollResponse) Body() *Cluster
Body returns the value of the 'body' parameter.
func (*ClusterPollResponse) Error ¶
func (r *ClusterPollResponse) Error() *errors.Error
Error returns the response error.
func (*ClusterPollResponse) GetBody ¶
func (r *ClusterPollResponse) GetBody() (value *Cluster, ok bool)
GetBody returns the value of the 'body' parameter and a flag indicating if the parameter has a value.
func (*ClusterPollResponse) Header ¶
func (r *ClusterPollResponse) Header() http.Header
Header returns header of the response.
func (*ClusterPollResponse) Status ¶
func (r *ClusterPollResponse) Status() int
Status returns the response status code.
type ClusterRegistryConfig ¶
type ClusterRegistryConfig struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterRegistryConfig represents the values of the 'cluster_registry_config' type.
ClusterRegistryConfig describes the configuration of registries for the cluster. Its format reflects the OpenShift Image Configuration, for which docs are available on []( ```json
{ "registry_config": { "registry_sources": { "blocked_registries": [ "", "" ] } } }
func ReadClusterRegistryConfig ¶
func ReadClusterRegistryConfig(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *ClusterRegistryConfig
ReadClusterRegistryConfig reads a value of the 'cluster_registry_config' type from the given iterator.
func ReadClusterRegistryConfigList ¶
func ReadClusterRegistryConfigList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*ClusterRegistryConfig
ReadClusterRegistryConfigList reads list of values of the ”cluster_registry_config' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalClusterRegistryConfig ¶
func UnmarshalClusterRegistryConfig(source interface{}) (object *ClusterRegistryConfig, err error)
UnmarshalClusterRegistryConfig reads a value of the 'cluster_registry_config' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalClusterRegistryConfigList ¶
func UnmarshalClusterRegistryConfigList(source interface{}) (items []*ClusterRegistryConfig, err error)
UnmarshalClusterRegistryConfigList reads a list of values of the 'cluster_registry_config' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*ClusterRegistryConfig) AdditionalTrustedCa ¶
func (o *ClusterRegistryConfig) AdditionalTrustedCa() map[string]string
AdditionalTrustedCa returns the value of the 'additional_trusted_ca' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
A map containing the registry hostname as the key, and the PEM-encoded certificate as the value, for each additional registry CA to trust.
func (*ClusterRegistryConfig) AllowedRegistriesForImport ¶
func (o *ClusterRegistryConfig) AllowedRegistriesForImport() []*RegistryLocation
AllowedRegistriesForImport returns the value of the 'allowed_registries_for_import' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
AllowedRegistriesForImport limits the container image registries that normal users may import images from. Set this list to the registries that you trust to contain valid Docker images and that you want applications to be able to import from. Users with permission to create Images or ImageStreamMappings via the API are not affected by this policy - typically only administrators or system integrations will have those permissions.
func (*ClusterRegistryConfig) Empty ¶
func (o *ClusterRegistryConfig) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*ClusterRegistryConfig) GetAdditionalTrustedCa ¶
func (o *ClusterRegistryConfig) GetAdditionalTrustedCa() (value map[string]string, ok bool)
GetAdditionalTrustedCa returns the value of the 'additional_trusted_ca' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
A map containing the registry hostname as the key, and the PEM-encoded certificate as the value, for each additional registry CA to trust.
func (*ClusterRegistryConfig) GetAllowedRegistriesForImport ¶
func (o *ClusterRegistryConfig) GetAllowedRegistriesForImport() (value []*RegistryLocation, ok bool)
GetAllowedRegistriesForImport returns the value of the 'allowed_registries_for_import' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
AllowedRegistriesForImport limits the container image registries that normal users may import images from. Set this list to the registries that you trust to contain valid Docker images and that you want applications to be able to import from. Users with permission to create Images or ImageStreamMappings via the API are not affected by this policy - typically only administrators or system integrations will have those permissions.
func (*ClusterRegistryConfig) GetPlatformAllowlist ¶
func (o *ClusterRegistryConfig) GetPlatformAllowlist() (value *RegistryAllowlist, ok bool)
GetPlatformAllowlist returns the value of the 'platform_allowlist' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
PlatformAllowlist contains a reference to a RegistryAllowlist which is a list of internal registries which needs to be whitelisted for the platform to work. It can be omitted at creation and updating and its lifecycle can be managed separately if needed.
func (*ClusterRegistryConfig) GetRegistrySources ¶
func (o *ClusterRegistryConfig) GetRegistrySources() (value *RegistrySources, ok bool)
GetRegistrySources returns the value of the 'registry_sources' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
RegistrySources contains configuration that determines how the container runtime should treat individual registries when accessing images for builds+pods. (e.g. whether or not to allow insecure access). It does not contain configuration for the internal cluster registry.
func (*ClusterRegistryConfig) PlatformAllowlist ¶
func (o *ClusterRegistryConfig) PlatformAllowlist() *RegistryAllowlist
PlatformAllowlist returns the value of the 'platform_allowlist' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
PlatformAllowlist contains a reference to a RegistryAllowlist which is a list of internal registries which needs to be whitelisted for the platform to work. It can be omitted at creation and updating and its lifecycle can be managed separately if needed.
func (*ClusterRegistryConfig) RegistrySources ¶
func (o *ClusterRegistryConfig) RegistrySources() *RegistrySources
RegistrySources returns the value of the 'registry_sources' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
RegistrySources contains configuration that determines how the container runtime should treat individual registries when accessing images for builds+pods. (e.g. whether or not to allow insecure access). It does not contain configuration for the internal cluster registry.
type ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder ¶
type ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'cluster_registry_config' objects.
ClusterRegistryConfig describes the configuration of registries for the cluster. Its format reflects the OpenShift Image Configuration, for which docs are available on []( ```json
{ "registry_config": { "registry_sources": { "blocked_registries": [ "", "" ] } } }
func NewClusterRegistryConfig ¶
func NewClusterRegistryConfig() *ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder
NewClusterRegistryConfig creates a new builder of 'cluster_registry_config' objects.
func (*ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder) AdditionalTrustedCa ¶
func (b *ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder) AdditionalTrustedCa(value map[string]string) *ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder
AdditionalTrustedCa sets the value of the 'additional_trusted_ca' attribute to the given value.
func (*ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder) AllowedRegistriesForImport ¶
func (b *ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder) AllowedRegistriesForImport(values ...*RegistryLocationBuilder) *ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder
AllowedRegistriesForImport sets the value of the 'allowed_registries_for_import' attribute to the given values.
func (*ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder) Build() (object *ClusterRegistryConfig, err error)
Build creates a 'cluster_registry_config' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder) Copy(object *ClusterRegistryConfig) *ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder) PlatformAllowlist ¶
func (b *ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder) PlatformAllowlist(value *RegistryAllowlistBuilder) *ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder
PlatformAllowlist sets the value of the 'platform_allowlist' attribute to the given value.
RegistryAllowlist represents a single registry allowlist.
func (*ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder) RegistrySources ¶
func (b *ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder) RegistrySources(value *RegistrySourcesBuilder) *ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder
RegistrySources sets the value of the 'registry_sources' attribute to the given value.
RegistrySources contains configuration that determines how the container runtime should treat individual registries when accessing images for builds and pods. For instance, whether or not to allow insecure access. It does not contain configuration for the internal cluster registry.
type ClusterRegistryConfigList ¶
type ClusterRegistryConfigList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterRegistryConfigList is a list of values of the 'cluster_registry_config' type.
func (*ClusterRegistryConfigList) Each ¶
func (l *ClusterRegistryConfigList) Each(f func(item *ClusterRegistryConfig) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*ClusterRegistryConfigList) Empty ¶
func (l *ClusterRegistryConfigList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*ClusterRegistryConfigList) Get ¶
func (l *ClusterRegistryConfigList) Get(i int) *ClusterRegistryConfig
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*ClusterRegistryConfigList) Items ¶
func (l *ClusterRegistryConfigList) Items() []*ClusterRegistryConfig
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*ClusterRegistryConfigList) Len ¶
func (l *ClusterRegistryConfigList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*ClusterRegistryConfigList) Range ¶
func (l *ClusterRegistryConfigList) Range(f func(index int, item *ClusterRegistryConfig) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*ClusterRegistryConfigList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *ClusterRegistryConfigList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*ClusterRegistryConfigList) SetItems ¶
func (l *ClusterRegistryConfigList) SetItems(items []*ClusterRegistryConfig)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*ClusterRegistryConfigList) SetLink ¶
func (l *ClusterRegistryConfigList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*ClusterRegistryConfigList) Slice ¶
func (l *ClusterRegistryConfigList) Slice() []*ClusterRegistryConfig
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type ClusterRegistryConfigListBuilder ¶
type ClusterRegistryConfigListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterRegistryConfigListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'cluster_registry_config' objects.
func NewClusterRegistryConfigList ¶
func NewClusterRegistryConfigList() *ClusterRegistryConfigListBuilder
NewClusterRegistryConfigList creates a new builder of 'cluster_registry_config' objects.
func (*ClusterRegistryConfigListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *ClusterRegistryConfigListBuilder) Build() (list *ClusterRegistryConfigList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'cluster_registry_config' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*ClusterRegistryConfigListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *ClusterRegistryConfigListBuilder) Copy(list *ClusterRegistryConfigList) *ClusterRegistryConfigListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*ClusterRegistryConfigListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *ClusterRegistryConfigListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*ClusterRegistryConfigListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *ClusterRegistryConfigListBuilder) Items(values ...*ClusterRegistryConfigBuilder) *ClusterRegistryConfigListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type ClusterState ¶
type ClusterState string
ClusterState represents the values of the 'cluster_state' enumerated type.
const ( // Error during installation. ClusterStateError ClusterState = "error" // The cluster will consume marginal cloud provider infrastructure but will be counted for quota. ClusterStateHibernating ClusterState = "hibernating" // The cluster is still being installed. ClusterStateInstalling ClusterState = "installing" // The cluster is pending resources before being provisioned. ClusterStatePending ClusterState = "pending" // The cluster is moving from 'Ready' state to 'Hibernating'. ClusterStatePoweringDown ClusterState = "powering_down" // The cluster is ready to use. ClusterStateReady ClusterState = "ready" // The cluster is moving from 'Hibernating' state to 'Ready'. ClusterStateResuming ClusterState = "resuming" // The cluster is being uninstalled. ClusterStateUninstalling ClusterState = "uninstalling" // The state of the cluster is unknown. ClusterStateUnknown ClusterState = "unknown" // The cluster is validating user input. ClusterStateValidating ClusterState = "validating" // The cluster is waiting for user action. ClusterStateWaiting ClusterState = "waiting" )
func ReadClusterStateList ¶
func ReadClusterStateList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []ClusterState
ReadClusterStateList reads list of values of the ”cluster_state' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalClusterStateList ¶
func UnmarshalClusterStateList(source interface{}) (items []ClusterState, err error)
UnmarshalClusterStateList reads a list of values of the 'cluster_state' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
type ClusterStatus ¶
type ClusterStatus struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterStatus represents the values of the 'cluster_status' type.
Detailed status of a cluster.
func ReadClusterStatus ¶
func ReadClusterStatus(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *ClusterStatus
ReadClusterStatus reads a value of the 'cluster_status' type from the given iterator.
func ReadClusterStatusList ¶
func ReadClusterStatusList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*ClusterStatus
ReadClusterStatusList reads list of values of the ”cluster_status' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalClusterStatus ¶
func UnmarshalClusterStatus(source interface{}) (object *ClusterStatus, err error)
UnmarshalClusterStatus reads a value of the 'cluster_status' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalClusterStatusList ¶
func UnmarshalClusterStatusList(source interface{}) (items []*ClusterStatus, err error)
UnmarshalClusterStatusList reads a list of values of the 'cluster_status' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*ClusterStatus) ConfigurationMode ¶
func (o *ClusterStatus) ConfigurationMode() ClusterConfigurationMode
ConfigurationMode returns the value of the 'configuration_mode' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Configuration mode
func (*ClusterStatus) CurrentCompute ¶
func (o *ClusterStatus) CurrentCompute() int
CurrentCompute returns the value of the 'current_compute' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Current Replicas available for a Hosted Cluster
func (*ClusterStatus) DNSReady ¶
func (o *ClusterStatus) DNSReady() bool
DNSReady returns the value of the 'DNS_ready' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
DNSReady from Provisioner
func (*ClusterStatus) Description ¶
func (o *ClusterStatus) Description() string
Description returns the value of the 'description' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Detailed description of the cluster status.
func (*ClusterStatus) Empty ¶
func (o *ClusterStatus) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*ClusterStatus) GetConfigurationMode ¶
func (o *ClusterStatus) GetConfigurationMode() (value ClusterConfigurationMode, ok bool)
GetConfigurationMode returns the value of the 'configuration_mode' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Configuration mode
func (*ClusterStatus) GetCurrentCompute ¶
func (o *ClusterStatus) GetCurrentCompute() (value int, ok bool)
GetCurrentCompute returns the value of the 'current_compute' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Current Replicas available for a Hosted Cluster
func (*ClusterStatus) GetDNSReady ¶
func (o *ClusterStatus) GetDNSReady() (value bool, ok bool)
GetDNSReady returns the value of the 'DNS_ready' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
DNSReady from Provisioner
func (*ClusterStatus) GetDescription ¶
func (o *ClusterStatus) GetDescription() (value string, ok bool)
GetDescription returns the value of the 'description' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Detailed description of the cluster status.
func (*ClusterStatus) GetHREF ¶
func (o *ClusterStatus) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
GetHREF returns the link of the object and a flag indicating if the link has a value.
func (*ClusterStatus) GetID ¶
func (o *ClusterStatus) GetID() (value string, ok bool)
GetID returns the identifier of the object and a flag indicating if the identifier has a value.
func (*ClusterStatus) GetLimitedSupportReasonCount ¶
func (o *ClusterStatus) GetLimitedSupportReasonCount() (value int, ok bool)
GetLimitedSupportReasonCount returns the value of the 'limited_support_reason_count' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Limited Support Reason Count
func (*ClusterStatus) GetOIDCReady ¶
func (o *ClusterStatus) GetOIDCReady() (value bool, ok bool)
GetOIDCReady returns the value of the 'OIDC_ready' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
OIDCReady from user configuration.
func (*ClusterStatus) GetProvisionErrorCode ¶
func (o *ClusterStatus) GetProvisionErrorCode() (value string, ok bool)
GetProvisionErrorCode returns the value of the 'provision_error_code' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Provisioning Error Code
func (*ClusterStatus) GetProvisionErrorMessage ¶
func (o *ClusterStatus) GetProvisionErrorMessage() (value string, ok bool)
GetProvisionErrorMessage returns the value of the 'provision_error_message' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Provisioning Error Message
func (*ClusterStatus) GetState ¶
func (o *ClusterStatus) GetState() (value ClusterState, ok bool)
GetState returns the value of the 'state' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The overall state of the cluster.
func (*ClusterStatus) HREF ¶
func (o *ClusterStatus) HREF() string
HREF returns the link to the object.
func (*ClusterStatus) ID ¶
func (o *ClusterStatus) ID() string
ID returns the identifier of the object.
func (*ClusterStatus) Kind ¶
func (o *ClusterStatus) Kind() string
Kind returns the name of the type of the object.
func (*ClusterStatus) LimitedSupportReasonCount ¶
func (o *ClusterStatus) LimitedSupportReasonCount() int
LimitedSupportReasonCount returns the value of the 'limited_support_reason_count' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Limited Support Reason Count
func (*ClusterStatus) Link ¶
func (o *ClusterStatus) Link() bool
Link returns true if this is a link.
func (*ClusterStatus) OIDCReady ¶
func (o *ClusterStatus) OIDCReady() bool
OIDCReady returns the value of the 'OIDC_ready' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
OIDCReady from user configuration.
func (*ClusterStatus) ProvisionErrorCode ¶
func (o *ClusterStatus) ProvisionErrorCode() string
ProvisionErrorCode returns the value of the 'provision_error_code' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Provisioning Error Code
func (*ClusterStatus) ProvisionErrorMessage ¶
func (o *ClusterStatus) ProvisionErrorMessage() string
ProvisionErrorMessage returns the value of the 'provision_error_message' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Provisioning Error Message
func (*ClusterStatus) State ¶
func (o *ClusterStatus) State() ClusterState
State returns the value of the 'state' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The overall state of the cluster.
type ClusterStatusBuilder ¶
type ClusterStatusBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterStatusBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'cluster_status' objects.
Detailed status of a cluster.
func NewClusterStatus ¶
func NewClusterStatus() *ClusterStatusBuilder
NewClusterStatus creates a new builder of 'cluster_status' objects.
func (*ClusterStatusBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *ClusterStatusBuilder) Build() (object *ClusterStatus, err error)
Build creates a 'cluster_status' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*ClusterStatusBuilder) ConfigurationMode ¶
func (b *ClusterStatusBuilder) ConfigurationMode(value ClusterConfigurationMode) *ClusterStatusBuilder
ConfigurationMode sets the value of the 'configuration_mode' attribute to the given value.
Configuration mode of a cluster.
func (*ClusterStatusBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *ClusterStatusBuilder) Copy(object *ClusterStatus) *ClusterStatusBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*ClusterStatusBuilder) CurrentCompute ¶
func (b *ClusterStatusBuilder) CurrentCompute(value int) *ClusterStatusBuilder
CurrentCompute sets the value of the 'current_compute' attribute to the given value.
func (*ClusterStatusBuilder) DNSReady ¶
func (b *ClusterStatusBuilder) DNSReady(value bool) *ClusterStatusBuilder
DNSReady sets the value of the 'DNS_ready' attribute to the given value.
func (*ClusterStatusBuilder) Description ¶
func (b *ClusterStatusBuilder) Description(value string) *ClusterStatusBuilder
Description sets the value of the 'description' attribute to the given value.
func (*ClusterStatusBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *ClusterStatusBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*ClusterStatusBuilder) HREF ¶
func (b *ClusterStatusBuilder) HREF(value string) *ClusterStatusBuilder
HREF sets the link to the object.
func (*ClusterStatusBuilder) ID ¶
func (b *ClusterStatusBuilder) ID(value string) *ClusterStatusBuilder
ID sets the identifier of the object.
func (*ClusterStatusBuilder) LimitedSupportReasonCount ¶
func (b *ClusterStatusBuilder) LimitedSupportReasonCount(value int) *ClusterStatusBuilder
LimitedSupportReasonCount sets the value of the 'limited_support_reason_count' attribute to the given value.
func (*ClusterStatusBuilder) Link ¶
func (b *ClusterStatusBuilder) Link(value bool) *ClusterStatusBuilder
Link sets the flag that indicates if this is a link.
func (*ClusterStatusBuilder) OIDCReady ¶
func (b *ClusterStatusBuilder) OIDCReady(value bool) *ClusterStatusBuilder
OIDCReady sets the value of the 'OIDC_ready' attribute to the given value.
func (*ClusterStatusBuilder) ProvisionErrorCode ¶
func (b *ClusterStatusBuilder) ProvisionErrorCode(value string) *ClusterStatusBuilder
ProvisionErrorCode sets the value of the 'provision_error_code' attribute to the given value.
func (*ClusterStatusBuilder) ProvisionErrorMessage ¶
func (b *ClusterStatusBuilder) ProvisionErrorMessage(value string) *ClusterStatusBuilder
ProvisionErrorMessage sets the value of the 'provision_error_message' attribute to the given value.
func (*ClusterStatusBuilder) State ¶
func (b *ClusterStatusBuilder) State(value ClusterState) *ClusterStatusBuilder
State sets the value of the 'state' attribute to the given value.
Overall state of a cluster.
type ClusterStatusClient ¶ added in v0.1.458
type ClusterStatusClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterStatusClient is the client of the 'cluster_status' resource.
Provides detailed information about the status of an specific cluster.
func NewClusterStatusClient ¶ added in v0.1.458
func NewClusterStatusClient(transport http.RoundTripper, path string) *ClusterStatusClient
NewClusterStatusClient creates a new client for the 'cluster_status' resource using the given transport to send the requests and receive the responses.
func (*ClusterStatusClient) Get ¶ added in v0.1.458
func (c *ClusterStatusClient) Get() *ClusterStatusGetRequest
Get creates a request for the 'get' method.
func (*ClusterStatusClient) Poll ¶ added in v0.1.458
func (c *ClusterStatusClient) Poll() *ClusterStatusPollRequest
Poll creates a request to repeatedly retrieve the object till the response has one of a given set of states and satisfies a set of predicates.
type ClusterStatusGetRequest ¶ added in v0.1.458
type ClusterStatusGetRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterStatusGetRequest is the request for the 'get' method.
func (*ClusterStatusGetRequest) Header ¶ added in v0.1.458
func (r *ClusterStatusGetRequest) Header(name string, value interface{}) *ClusterStatusGetRequest
Header adds a request header.
func (*ClusterStatusGetRequest) Impersonate ¶ added in v0.1.458
func (r *ClusterStatusGetRequest) Impersonate(user string) *ClusterStatusGetRequest
Impersonate wraps requests on behalf of another user. Note: Services that do not support this feature may silently ignore this call.
func (*ClusterStatusGetRequest) Parameter ¶ added in v0.1.458
func (r *ClusterStatusGetRequest) Parameter(name string, value interface{}) *ClusterStatusGetRequest
Parameter adds a query parameter.
func (*ClusterStatusGetRequest) Send ¶ added in v0.1.458
func (r *ClusterStatusGetRequest) Send() (result *ClusterStatusGetResponse, err error)
Send sends this request, waits for the response, and returns it.
This is a potentially lengthy operation, as it requires network communication. Consider using a context and the SendContext method.
func (*ClusterStatusGetRequest) SendContext ¶ added in v0.1.458
func (r *ClusterStatusGetRequest) SendContext(ctx context.Context) (result *ClusterStatusGetResponse, err error)
SendContext sends this request, waits for the response, and returns it.
type ClusterStatusGetResponse ¶ added in v0.1.458
type ClusterStatusGetResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterStatusGetResponse is the response for the 'get' method.
func (*ClusterStatusGetResponse) Body ¶ added in v0.1.458
func (r *ClusterStatusGetResponse) Body() *ClusterStatus
Body returns the value of the 'body' parameter.
func (*ClusterStatusGetResponse) Error ¶ added in v0.1.458
func (r *ClusterStatusGetResponse) Error() *errors.Error
Error returns the response error.
func (*ClusterStatusGetResponse) GetBody ¶ added in v0.1.458
func (r *ClusterStatusGetResponse) GetBody() (value *ClusterStatus, ok bool)
GetBody returns the value of the 'body' parameter and a flag indicating if the parameter has a value.
func (*ClusterStatusGetResponse) Header ¶ added in v0.1.458
func (r *ClusterStatusGetResponse) Header() http.Header
Header returns header of the response.
func (*ClusterStatusGetResponse) Status ¶ added in v0.1.458
func (r *ClusterStatusGetResponse) Status() int
Status returns the response status code.
type ClusterStatusList ¶
type ClusterStatusList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterStatusList is a list of values of the 'cluster_status' type.
func (*ClusterStatusList) Each ¶
func (l *ClusterStatusList) Each(f func(item *ClusterStatus) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*ClusterStatusList) Empty ¶
func (l *ClusterStatusList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*ClusterStatusList) Get ¶
func (l *ClusterStatusList) Get(i int) *ClusterStatus
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*ClusterStatusList) GetHREF ¶
func (l *ClusterStatusList) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
GetHREF returns the link of the list and a flag indicating if the link has a value.
func (*ClusterStatusList) HREF ¶
func (l *ClusterStatusList) HREF() string
HREF returns the link to the list.
func (*ClusterStatusList) Items ¶
func (l *ClusterStatusList) Items() []*ClusterStatus
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*ClusterStatusList) Kind ¶
func (l *ClusterStatusList) Kind() string
Kind returns the name of the type of the object.
func (*ClusterStatusList) Len ¶
func (l *ClusterStatusList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*ClusterStatusList) Link ¶
func (l *ClusterStatusList) Link() bool
Link returns true iif this is a link.
func (*ClusterStatusList) Range ¶
func (l *ClusterStatusList) Range(f func(index int, item *ClusterStatus) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*ClusterStatusList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *ClusterStatusList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*ClusterStatusList) SetItems ¶
func (l *ClusterStatusList) SetItems(items []*ClusterStatus)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*ClusterStatusList) SetLink ¶
func (l *ClusterStatusList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*ClusterStatusList) Slice ¶
func (l *ClusterStatusList) Slice() []*ClusterStatus
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type ClusterStatusListBuilder ¶
type ClusterStatusListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterStatusListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'cluster_status' objects.
func NewClusterStatusList ¶
func NewClusterStatusList() *ClusterStatusListBuilder
NewClusterStatusList creates a new builder of 'cluster_status' objects.
func (*ClusterStatusListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *ClusterStatusListBuilder) Build() (list *ClusterStatusList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'cluster_status' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*ClusterStatusListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *ClusterStatusListBuilder) Copy(list *ClusterStatusList) *ClusterStatusListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*ClusterStatusListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *ClusterStatusListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*ClusterStatusListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *ClusterStatusListBuilder) Items(values ...*ClusterStatusBuilder) *ClusterStatusListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type ClusterStatusPollRequest ¶ added in v0.1.458
type ClusterStatusPollRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterStatusPollRequest is the request for the Poll method.
func (*ClusterStatusPollRequest) Header ¶ added in v0.1.458
func (r *ClusterStatusPollRequest) Header(name string, value interface{}) *ClusterStatusPollRequest
Header adds a request header to all the requests that will be used to retrieve the object.
func (*ClusterStatusPollRequest) Interval ¶ added in v0.1.458
func (r *ClusterStatusPollRequest) Interval(value time.Duration) *ClusterStatusPollRequest
Interval sets the polling interval. This parameter is mandatory and must be greater than zero.
func (*ClusterStatusPollRequest) Parameter ¶ added in v0.1.458
func (r *ClusterStatusPollRequest) Parameter(name string, value interface{}) *ClusterStatusPollRequest
Parameter adds a query parameter to all the requests that will be used to retrieve the object.
func (*ClusterStatusPollRequest) Predicate ¶ added in v0.1.458
func (r *ClusterStatusPollRequest) Predicate(value func(*ClusterStatusGetResponse) bool) *ClusterStatusPollRequest
Predicate adds a predicate that the response should satisfy be considered successful. Multiple predicates can be set calling this method multiple times. The response will be considered successful if all the predicates are satisfied.
func (*ClusterStatusPollRequest) StartContext ¶ added in v0.1.458
func (r *ClusterStatusPollRequest) StartContext(ctx context.Context) (response *ClusterStatusPollResponse, err error)
StartContext starts the polling loop. Responses will be considered successful if the status is one of the values specified with the Status method and if all the predicates specified with the Predicate method return nil.
The context must have a timeout or deadline, otherwise this method will immediately return an error.
func (*ClusterStatusPollRequest) Status ¶ added in v0.1.458
func (r *ClusterStatusPollRequest) Status(value int) *ClusterStatusPollRequest
Status set the expected status of the response. Multiple values can be set calling this method multiple times. The response will be considered successful if the status is any of those values.
type ClusterStatusPollResponse ¶ added in v0.1.458
type ClusterStatusPollResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterStatusPollResponse is the response for the Poll method.
func (*ClusterStatusPollResponse) Body ¶ added in v0.1.458
func (r *ClusterStatusPollResponse) Body() *ClusterStatus
Body returns the value of the 'body' parameter.
func (*ClusterStatusPollResponse) Error ¶ added in v0.1.458
func (r *ClusterStatusPollResponse) Error() *errors.Error
Error returns the response error.
func (*ClusterStatusPollResponse) GetBody ¶ added in v0.1.458
func (r *ClusterStatusPollResponse) GetBody() (value *ClusterStatus, ok bool)
GetBody returns the value of the 'body' parameter and a flag indicating if the parameter has a value.
func (*ClusterStatusPollResponse) Header ¶ added in v0.1.458
func (r *ClusterStatusPollResponse) Header() http.Header
Header returns header of the response.
func (*ClusterStatusPollResponse) Status ¶ added in v0.1.458
func (r *ClusterStatusPollResponse) Status() int
Status returns the response status code.
type ClusterUpdateRequest ¶
type ClusterUpdateRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterUpdateRequest is the request for the 'update' method.
func (*ClusterUpdateRequest) Body ¶
func (r *ClusterUpdateRequest) Body(value *Cluster) *ClusterUpdateRequest
Body sets the value of the 'body' parameter.
func (*ClusterUpdateRequest) Header ¶
func (r *ClusterUpdateRequest) Header(name string, value interface{}) *ClusterUpdateRequest
Header adds a request header.
func (*ClusterUpdateRequest) Impersonate ¶
func (r *ClusterUpdateRequest) Impersonate(user string) *ClusterUpdateRequest
Impersonate wraps requests on behalf of another user. Note: Services that do not support this feature may silently ignore this call.
func (*ClusterUpdateRequest) Parameter ¶
func (r *ClusterUpdateRequest) Parameter(name string, value interface{}) *ClusterUpdateRequest
Parameter adds a query parameter.
func (*ClusterUpdateRequest) Send ¶
func (r *ClusterUpdateRequest) Send() (result *ClusterUpdateResponse, err error)
Send sends this request, waits for the response, and returns it.
This is a potentially lengthy operation, as it requires network communication. Consider using a context and the SendContext method.
func (*ClusterUpdateRequest) SendContext ¶
func (r *ClusterUpdateRequest) SendContext(ctx context.Context) (result *ClusterUpdateResponse, err error)
SendContext sends this request, waits for the response, and returns it.
type ClusterUpdateResponse ¶
type ClusterUpdateResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClusterUpdateResponse is the response for the 'update' method.
func (*ClusterUpdateResponse) Body ¶
func (r *ClusterUpdateResponse) Body() *Cluster
Body returns the value of the 'body' parameter.
func (*ClusterUpdateResponse) Error ¶
func (r *ClusterUpdateResponse) Error() *errors.Error
Error returns the response error.
func (*ClusterUpdateResponse) GetBody ¶
func (r *ClusterUpdateResponse) GetBody() (value *Cluster, ok bool)
GetBody returns the value of the 'body' parameter and a flag indicating if the parameter has a value.
func (*ClusterUpdateResponse) Header ¶
func (r *ClusterUpdateResponse) Header() http.Header
Header returns header of the response.
func (*ClusterUpdateResponse) Status ¶
func (r *ClusterUpdateResponse) Status() int
Status returns the response status code.
type ClustersAddRequest ¶
type ClustersAddRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClustersAddRequest is the request for the 'add' method.
func (*ClustersAddRequest) Body ¶
func (r *ClustersAddRequest) Body(value *Cluster) *ClustersAddRequest
Body sets the value of the 'body' parameter.
Description of the cluster.
func (*ClustersAddRequest) Header ¶
func (r *ClustersAddRequest) Header(name string, value interface{}) *ClustersAddRequest
Header adds a request header.
func (*ClustersAddRequest) Impersonate ¶
func (r *ClustersAddRequest) Impersonate(user string) *ClustersAddRequest
Impersonate wraps requests on behalf of another user. Note: Services that do not support this feature may silently ignore this call.
func (*ClustersAddRequest) Parameter ¶
func (r *ClustersAddRequest) Parameter(name string, value interface{}) *ClustersAddRequest
Parameter adds a query parameter.
func (*ClustersAddRequest) Send ¶
func (r *ClustersAddRequest) Send() (result *ClustersAddResponse, err error)
Send sends this request, waits for the response, and returns it.
This is a potentially lengthy operation, as it requires network communication. Consider using a context and the SendContext method.
func (*ClustersAddRequest) SendContext ¶
func (r *ClustersAddRequest) SendContext(ctx context.Context) (result *ClustersAddResponse, err error)
SendContext sends this request, waits for the response, and returns it.
type ClustersAddResponse ¶
type ClustersAddResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClustersAddResponse is the response for the 'add' method.
func (*ClustersAddResponse) Body ¶
func (r *ClustersAddResponse) Body() *Cluster
Body returns the value of the 'body' parameter.
Description of the cluster.
func (*ClustersAddResponse) Error ¶
func (r *ClustersAddResponse) Error() *errors.Error
Error returns the response error.
func (*ClustersAddResponse) GetBody ¶
func (r *ClustersAddResponse) GetBody() (value *Cluster, ok bool)
GetBody returns the value of the 'body' parameter and a flag indicating if the parameter has a value.
Description of the cluster.
func (*ClustersAddResponse) Header ¶
func (r *ClustersAddResponse) Header() http.Header
Header returns header of the response.
func (*ClustersAddResponse) Status ¶
func (r *ClustersAddResponse) Status() int
Status returns the response status code.
type ClustersClient ¶
type ClustersClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClustersClient is the client of the 'clusters' resource.
Manages the collection of aro_hcp clusters.
func NewClustersClient ¶
func NewClustersClient(transport http.RoundTripper, path string) *ClustersClient
NewClustersClient creates a new client for the 'clusters' resource using the given transport to send the requests and receive the responses.
func (*ClustersClient) Add ¶
func (c *ClustersClient) Add() *ClustersAddRequest
Add creates a request for the 'add' method.
Provision a new cluster and add it to the collection of clusters.
See the `register_cluster` method for adding an existing cluster.
func (*ClustersClient) Cluster ¶
func (c *ClustersClient) Cluster(id string) *ClusterClient
Cluster returns the target 'cluster' resource for the given identifier.
Returns a reference to the service that manages an specific cluster.
func (*ClustersClient) List ¶
func (c *ClustersClient) List() *ClustersListRequest
List creates a request for the 'list' method.
Retrieves the list of clusters.
type ClustersListRequest ¶
type ClustersListRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClustersListRequest is the request for the 'list' method.
func (*ClustersListRequest) Header ¶
func (r *ClustersListRequest) Header(name string, value interface{}) *ClustersListRequest
Header adds a request header.
func (*ClustersListRequest) Impersonate ¶
func (r *ClustersListRequest) Impersonate(user string) *ClustersListRequest
Impersonate wraps requests on behalf of another user. Note: Services that do not support this feature may silently ignore this call.
func (*ClustersListRequest) Order ¶
func (r *ClustersListRequest) Order(value string) *ClustersListRequest
Order sets the value of the 'order' parameter.
Order criteria.
The syntax of this parameter is similar to the syntax of the _order by_ clause of a SQL statement, but using the names of the attributes of the cluster instead of the names of the columns of a table. For example, in order to sort the clusters descending by region identifier the value should be:
```sql desc ```
If the parameter isn't provided, or if the value is empty, then the order of the results is undefined.
func (*ClustersListRequest) Page ¶
func (r *ClustersListRequest) Page(value int) *ClustersListRequest
Page sets the value of the 'page' parameter.
Index of the requested page, where one corresponds to the first page.
func (*ClustersListRequest) Parameter ¶
func (r *ClustersListRequest) Parameter(name string, value interface{}) *ClustersListRequest
Parameter adds a query parameter.
func (*ClustersListRequest) Search ¶
func (r *ClustersListRequest) Search(value string) *ClustersListRequest
Search sets the value of the 'search' parameter.
Search criteria.
The syntax of this parameter is similar to the syntax of the _where_ clause of a SQL statement, but using the names of the attributes of the cluster instead of the names of the columns of a table. For example, in order to retrieve all the clusters with a name starting with `my` in the `us-east-1` region the value should be:
```sql name like 'my%' and = 'us-east-1' ```
If the parameter isn't provided, or if the value is empty, then all the clusters that the user has permission to see will be returned.
func (*ClustersListRequest) Send ¶
func (r *ClustersListRequest) Send() (result *ClustersListResponse, err error)
Send sends this request, waits for the response, and returns it.
This is a potentially lengthy operation, as it requires network communication. Consider using a context and the SendContext method.
func (*ClustersListRequest) SendContext ¶
func (r *ClustersListRequest) SendContext(ctx context.Context) (result *ClustersListResponse, err error)
SendContext sends this request, waits for the response, and returns it.
func (*ClustersListRequest) Size ¶
func (r *ClustersListRequest) Size(value int) *ClustersListRequest
Size sets the value of the 'size' parameter.
Maximum number of items that will be contained in the returned page.
type ClustersListResponse ¶
type ClustersListResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ClustersListResponse is the response for the 'list' method.
func (*ClustersListResponse) Error ¶
func (r *ClustersListResponse) Error() *errors.Error
Error returns the response error.
func (*ClustersListResponse) GetItems ¶
func (r *ClustersListResponse) GetItems() (value *ClusterList, ok bool)
GetItems returns the value of the 'items' parameter and a flag indicating if the parameter has a value.
Retrieved list of clusters.
func (*ClustersListResponse) GetPage ¶
func (r *ClustersListResponse) GetPage() (value int, ok bool)
GetPage returns the value of the 'page' parameter and a flag indicating if the parameter has a value.
Index of the requested page, where one corresponds to the first page.
func (*ClustersListResponse) GetSize ¶
func (r *ClustersListResponse) GetSize() (value int, ok bool)
GetSize returns the value of the 'size' parameter and a flag indicating if the parameter has a value.
Maximum number of items that will be contained in the returned page.
func (*ClustersListResponse) GetTotal ¶
func (r *ClustersListResponse) GetTotal() (value int, ok bool)
GetTotal returns the value of the 'total' parameter and a flag indicating if the parameter has a value.
Total number of items of the collection that match the search criteria, regardless of the size of the page.
func (*ClustersListResponse) Header ¶
func (r *ClustersListResponse) Header() http.Header
Header returns header of the response.
func (*ClustersListResponse) Items ¶
func (r *ClustersListResponse) Items() *ClusterList
Items returns the value of the 'items' parameter.
Retrieved list of clusters.
func (*ClustersListResponse) Page ¶
func (r *ClustersListResponse) Page() int
Page returns the value of the 'page' parameter.
Index of the requested page, where one corresponds to the first page.
func (*ClustersListResponse) Size ¶
func (r *ClustersListResponse) Size() int
Size returns the value of the 'size' parameter.
Maximum number of items that will be contained in the returned page.
func (*ClustersListResponse) Status ¶
func (r *ClustersListResponse) Status() int
Status returns the response status code.
func (*ClustersListResponse) Total ¶
func (r *ClustersListResponse) Total() int
Total returns the value of the 'total' parameter.
Total number of items of the collection that match the search criteria, regardless of the size of the page.
type DNS ¶
type DNS struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DNS represents the values of the 'DNS' type.
DNS settings of the cluster.
func ReadDNSList ¶
ReadDNSList reads list of values of the ”DNS' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalDNS ¶
UnmarshalDNS reads a value of the 'DNS' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalDNSList ¶
UnmarshalDNSList reads a list of values of the 'DNS' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*DNS) BaseDomain ¶
BaseDomain returns the value of the 'base_domain' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Base DNS domain of the cluster.
During the installation of the cluster it is necessary to create multiple DNS records. They will be created as sub-domains of this domain. For example, if the domain_prefix of the cluster is `mycluster` and the base domain is `` then the following DNS records will be created:
``` ```
The exact number, type and names of the created DNS record depends on the characteristics of the cluster, and may be different for different versions of _OpenShift_. Please don't rely on them. For example, to find what is the URL of the Kubernetes API server of the cluster don't assume that it will be ``. Instead of that use this API to retrieve the description of the cluster, and get it from the `api.url` attribute. For example, if the identifier of the cluster is `123` send a request like this:
```http GET /api/clusters_mgmt/v1/clusters/123 HTTP/1.1 ```
That will return a response like this, including the `api.url` attribute:
{ "kind": "Cluster", "id": "123", "href": "/api/clusters_mgmt/v1/clusters/123", "api": { "url": "" }, ... }
When the cluster is created in Amazon Web Services it is necessary to create this base DNS domain in advance, using AWS Route53 (
func (*DNS) GetBaseDomain ¶
GetBaseDomain returns the value of the 'base_domain' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Base DNS domain of the cluster.
During the installation of the cluster it is necessary to create multiple DNS records. They will be created as sub-domains of this domain. For example, if the domain_prefix of the cluster is `mycluster` and the base domain is `` then the following DNS records will be created:
``` ```
The exact number, type and names of the created DNS record depends on the characteristics of the cluster, and may be different for different versions of _OpenShift_. Please don't rely on them. For example, to find what is the URL of the Kubernetes API server of the cluster don't assume that it will be ``. Instead of that use this API to retrieve the description of the cluster, and get it from the `api.url` attribute. For example, if the identifier of the cluster is `123` send a request like this:
```http GET /api/clusters_mgmt/v1/clusters/123 HTTP/1.1 ```
That will return a response like this, including the `api.url` attribute:
{ "kind": "Cluster", "id": "123", "href": "/api/clusters_mgmt/v1/clusters/123", "api": { "url": "" }, ... }
When the cluster is created in Amazon Web Services it is necessary to create this base DNS domain in advance, using AWS Route53 (
type DNSBuilder ¶
type DNSBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DNSBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'DNS' objects.
DNS settings of the cluster.
func (*DNSBuilder) BaseDomain ¶
func (b *DNSBuilder) BaseDomain(value string) *DNSBuilder
BaseDomain sets the value of the 'base_domain' attribute to the given value.
func (*DNSBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *DNSBuilder) Build() (object *DNS, err error)
Build creates a 'DNS' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*DNSBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *DNSBuilder) Copy(object *DNS) *DNSBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*DNSBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *DNSBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
type DNSList ¶
type DNSList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DNSList is a list of values of the 'DNS' type.
func (*DNSList) Each ¶
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*DNSList) Get ¶
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*DNSList) Range ¶
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*DNSList) Slice ¶
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type DNSListBuilder ¶
type DNSListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DNSListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'DNS' objects.
func NewDNSList ¶
func NewDNSList() *DNSListBuilder
NewDNSList creates a new builder of 'DNS' objects.
func (*DNSListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *DNSListBuilder) Build() (list *DNSList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'DNS' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*DNSListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *DNSListBuilder) Copy(list *DNSList) *DNSListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*DNSListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *DNSListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*DNSListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *DNSListBuilder) Items(values ...*DNSBuilder) *DNSListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type DeleteProtection ¶
type DeleteProtection struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DeleteProtection represents the values of the 'delete_protection' type.
DeleteProtection configuration.
func ReadDeleteProtection ¶
func ReadDeleteProtection(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *DeleteProtection
ReadDeleteProtection reads a value of the 'delete_protection' type from the given iterator.
func ReadDeleteProtectionList ¶
func ReadDeleteProtectionList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*DeleteProtection
ReadDeleteProtectionList reads list of values of the ”delete_protection' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalDeleteProtection ¶
func UnmarshalDeleteProtection(source interface{}) (object *DeleteProtection, err error)
UnmarshalDeleteProtection reads a value of the 'delete_protection' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalDeleteProtectionList ¶
func UnmarshalDeleteProtectionList(source interface{}) (items []*DeleteProtection, err error)
UnmarshalDeleteProtectionList reads a list of values of the 'delete_protection' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*DeleteProtection) Empty ¶
func (o *DeleteProtection) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*DeleteProtection) Enabled ¶
func (o *DeleteProtection) Enabled() bool
Enabled returns the value of the 'enabled' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Boolean flag indicating if the cluster should be be using _DeleteProtection_.
By default this is `false`.
To enable it a SREP needs to patch the value through OCM API
func (*DeleteProtection) GetEnabled ¶
func (o *DeleteProtection) GetEnabled() (value bool, ok bool)
GetEnabled returns the value of the 'enabled' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Boolean flag indicating if the cluster should be be using _DeleteProtection_.
By default this is `false`.
To enable it a SREP needs to patch the value through OCM API
type DeleteProtectionBuilder ¶
type DeleteProtectionBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DeleteProtectionBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'delete_protection' objects.
DeleteProtection configuration.
func NewDeleteProtection ¶
func NewDeleteProtection() *DeleteProtectionBuilder
NewDeleteProtection creates a new builder of 'delete_protection' objects.
func (*DeleteProtectionBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *DeleteProtectionBuilder) Build() (object *DeleteProtection, err error)
Build creates a 'delete_protection' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*DeleteProtectionBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *DeleteProtectionBuilder) Copy(object *DeleteProtection) *DeleteProtectionBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*DeleteProtectionBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *DeleteProtectionBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*DeleteProtectionBuilder) Enabled ¶
func (b *DeleteProtectionBuilder) Enabled(value bool) *DeleteProtectionBuilder
Enabled sets the value of the 'enabled' attribute to the given value.
type DeleteProtectionList ¶
type DeleteProtectionList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DeleteProtectionList is a list of values of the 'delete_protection' type.
func (*DeleteProtectionList) Each ¶
func (l *DeleteProtectionList) Each(f func(item *DeleteProtection) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*DeleteProtectionList) Empty ¶
func (l *DeleteProtectionList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*DeleteProtectionList) Get ¶
func (l *DeleteProtectionList) Get(i int) *DeleteProtection
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*DeleteProtectionList) Items ¶
func (l *DeleteProtectionList) Items() []*DeleteProtection
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*DeleteProtectionList) Len ¶
func (l *DeleteProtectionList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*DeleteProtectionList) Range ¶
func (l *DeleteProtectionList) Range(f func(index int, item *DeleteProtection) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*DeleteProtectionList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *DeleteProtectionList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*DeleteProtectionList) SetItems ¶
func (l *DeleteProtectionList) SetItems(items []*DeleteProtection)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*DeleteProtectionList) SetLink ¶
func (l *DeleteProtectionList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*DeleteProtectionList) Slice ¶
func (l *DeleteProtectionList) Slice() []*DeleteProtection
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type DeleteProtectionListBuilder ¶
type DeleteProtectionListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DeleteProtectionListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'delete_protection' objects.
func NewDeleteProtectionList ¶
func NewDeleteProtectionList() *DeleteProtectionListBuilder
NewDeleteProtectionList creates a new builder of 'delete_protection' objects.
func (*DeleteProtectionListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *DeleteProtectionListBuilder) Build() (list *DeleteProtectionList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'delete_protection' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*DeleteProtectionListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *DeleteProtectionListBuilder) Copy(list *DeleteProtectionList) *DeleteProtectionListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*DeleteProtectionListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *DeleteProtectionListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*DeleteProtectionListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *DeleteProtectionListBuilder) Items(values ...*DeleteProtectionBuilder) *DeleteProtectionListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type Ec2MetadataHttpTokens ¶
type Ec2MetadataHttpTokens string
Ec2MetadataHttpTokens represents the values of the 'ec_2_metadata_http_tokens' enumerated type.
const ( // imdsv2 is optional Ec2MetadataHttpTokensOptional Ec2MetadataHttpTokens = "optional" // imdsv2 is required Ec2MetadataHttpTokensRequired Ec2MetadataHttpTokens = "required" )
func ReadEc2MetadataHttpTokensList ¶
func ReadEc2MetadataHttpTokensList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []Ec2MetadataHttpTokens
ReadEc2MetadataHttpTokensList reads list of values of the ”ec_2_metadata_http_tokens' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalEc2MetadataHttpTokensList ¶
func UnmarshalEc2MetadataHttpTokensList(source interface{}) (items []Ec2MetadataHttpTokens, err error)
UnmarshalEc2MetadataHttpTokensList reads a list of values of the 'ec_2_metadata_http_tokens' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
type ExternalAuthConfig ¶
type ExternalAuthConfig struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ExternalAuthConfig represents the values of the 'external_auth_config' type.
ExternalAuthConfig configuration
func ReadExternalAuthConfig ¶
func ReadExternalAuthConfig(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *ExternalAuthConfig
ReadExternalAuthConfig reads a value of the 'external_auth_config' type from the given iterator.
func ReadExternalAuthConfigList ¶
func ReadExternalAuthConfigList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*ExternalAuthConfig
ReadExternalAuthConfigList reads list of values of the ”external_auth_config' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalExternalAuthConfig ¶
func UnmarshalExternalAuthConfig(source interface{}) (object *ExternalAuthConfig, err error)
UnmarshalExternalAuthConfig reads a value of the 'external_auth_config' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalExternalAuthConfigList ¶
func UnmarshalExternalAuthConfigList(source interface{}) (items []*ExternalAuthConfig, err error)
UnmarshalExternalAuthConfigList reads a list of values of the 'external_auth_config' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*ExternalAuthConfig) Empty ¶
func (o *ExternalAuthConfig) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*ExternalAuthConfig) Enabled ¶
func (o *ExternalAuthConfig) Enabled() bool
Enabled returns the value of the 'enabled' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Boolean flag indicating if the cluster should use an external authentication configuration.
By default this is false.
To enable it the cluster needs to be ROSA HCP cluster and the organization of the user needs to have the `external-authentication` feature toggle enabled.
func (*ExternalAuthConfig) ExternalAuths ¶
func (o *ExternalAuthConfig) ExternalAuths() *v1.ExternalAuthList
ExternalAuths returns the value of the 'external_auths' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
func (*ExternalAuthConfig) GetEnabled ¶
func (o *ExternalAuthConfig) GetEnabled() (value bool, ok bool)
GetEnabled returns the value of the 'enabled' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Boolean flag indicating if the cluster should use an external authentication configuration.
By default this is false.
To enable it the cluster needs to be ROSA HCP cluster and the organization of the user needs to have the `external-authentication` feature toggle enabled.
func (*ExternalAuthConfig) GetExternalAuths ¶
func (o *ExternalAuthConfig) GetExternalAuths() (value *v1.ExternalAuthList, ok bool)
GetExternalAuths returns the value of the 'external_auths' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
type ExternalAuthConfigBuilder ¶
type ExternalAuthConfigBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ExternalAuthConfigBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'external_auth_config' objects.
ExternalAuthConfig configuration
func NewExternalAuthConfig ¶
func NewExternalAuthConfig() *ExternalAuthConfigBuilder
NewExternalAuthConfig creates a new builder of 'external_auth_config' objects.
func (*ExternalAuthConfigBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *ExternalAuthConfigBuilder) Build() (object *ExternalAuthConfig, err error)
Build creates a 'external_auth_config' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*ExternalAuthConfigBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *ExternalAuthConfigBuilder) Copy(object *ExternalAuthConfig) *ExternalAuthConfigBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*ExternalAuthConfigBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *ExternalAuthConfigBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*ExternalAuthConfigBuilder) Enabled ¶
func (b *ExternalAuthConfigBuilder) Enabled(value bool) *ExternalAuthConfigBuilder
Enabled sets the value of the 'enabled' attribute to the given value.
func (*ExternalAuthConfigBuilder) ExternalAuths ¶
func (b *ExternalAuthConfigBuilder) ExternalAuths(value *v1.ExternalAuthListBuilder) *ExternalAuthConfigBuilder
ExternalAuths sets the value of the 'external_auths' attribute to the given values.
type ExternalAuthConfigList ¶
type ExternalAuthConfigList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ExternalAuthConfigList is a list of values of the 'external_auth_config' type.
func (*ExternalAuthConfigList) Each ¶
func (l *ExternalAuthConfigList) Each(f func(item *ExternalAuthConfig) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*ExternalAuthConfigList) Empty ¶
func (l *ExternalAuthConfigList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*ExternalAuthConfigList) Get ¶
func (l *ExternalAuthConfigList) Get(i int) *ExternalAuthConfig
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*ExternalAuthConfigList) Items ¶
func (l *ExternalAuthConfigList) Items() []*ExternalAuthConfig
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*ExternalAuthConfigList) Len ¶
func (l *ExternalAuthConfigList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*ExternalAuthConfigList) Range ¶
func (l *ExternalAuthConfigList) Range(f func(index int, item *ExternalAuthConfig) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*ExternalAuthConfigList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *ExternalAuthConfigList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*ExternalAuthConfigList) SetItems ¶
func (l *ExternalAuthConfigList) SetItems(items []*ExternalAuthConfig)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*ExternalAuthConfigList) SetLink ¶
func (l *ExternalAuthConfigList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*ExternalAuthConfigList) Slice ¶
func (l *ExternalAuthConfigList) Slice() []*ExternalAuthConfig
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type ExternalAuthConfigListBuilder ¶
type ExternalAuthConfigListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ExternalAuthConfigListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'external_auth_config' objects.
func NewExternalAuthConfigList ¶
func NewExternalAuthConfigList() *ExternalAuthConfigListBuilder
NewExternalAuthConfigList creates a new builder of 'external_auth_config' objects.
func (*ExternalAuthConfigListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *ExternalAuthConfigListBuilder) Build() (list *ExternalAuthConfigList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'external_auth_config' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*ExternalAuthConfigListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *ExternalAuthConfigListBuilder) Copy(list *ExternalAuthConfigList) *ExternalAuthConfigListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*ExternalAuthConfigListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *ExternalAuthConfigListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*ExternalAuthConfigListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *ExternalAuthConfigListBuilder) Items(values ...*ExternalAuthConfigBuilder) *ExternalAuthConfigListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type ExternalConfiguration ¶
type ExternalConfiguration struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ExternalConfiguration represents the values of the 'external_configuration' type.
Representation of cluster external configuration.
func ReadExternalConfiguration ¶
func ReadExternalConfiguration(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *ExternalConfiguration
ReadExternalConfiguration reads a value of the 'external_configuration' type from the given iterator.
func ReadExternalConfigurationList ¶
func ReadExternalConfigurationList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*ExternalConfiguration
ReadExternalConfigurationList reads list of values of the ”external_configuration' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalExternalConfiguration ¶
func UnmarshalExternalConfiguration(source interface{}) (object *ExternalConfiguration, err error)
UnmarshalExternalConfiguration reads a value of the 'external_configuration' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalExternalConfigurationList ¶
func UnmarshalExternalConfigurationList(source interface{}) (items []*ExternalConfiguration, err error)
UnmarshalExternalConfigurationList reads a list of values of the 'external_configuration' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*ExternalConfiguration) Empty ¶
func (o *ExternalConfiguration) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*ExternalConfiguration) GetLabels ¶
func (o *ExternalConfiguration) GetLabels() (value *v1.LabelList, ok bool)
GetLabels returns the value of the 'labels' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
list of labels externally configured on the clusterdeployment.
func (*ExternalConfiguration) GetManifests ¶
func (o *ExternalConfiguration) GetManifests() (value *v1.ManifestList, ok bool)
GetManifests returns the value of the 'manifests' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
list of manifest externally configured for a hosted cluster.
func (*ExternalConfiguration) GetSyncsets ¶
func (o *ExternalConfiguration) GetSyncsets() (value *v1.SyncsetList, ok bool)
GetSyncsets returns the value of the 'syncsets' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
list of syncsets externally configured on the cluster.
func (*ExternalConfiguration) Labels ¶
func (o *ExternalConfiguration) Labels() *v1.LabelList
Labels returns the value of the 'labels' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
list of labels externally configured on the clusterdeployment.
func (*ExternalConfiguration) Manifests ¶
func (o *ExternalConfiguration) Manifests() *v1.ManifestList
Manifests returns the value of the 'manifests' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
list of manifest externally configured for a hosted cluster.
func (*ExternalConfiguration) Syncsets ¶
func (o *ExternalConfiguration) Syncsets() *v1.SyncsetList
Syncsets returns the value of the 'syncsets' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
list of syncsets externally configured on the cluster.
type ExternalConfigurationBuilder ¶
type ExternalConfigurationBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ExternalConfigurationBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'external_configuration' objects.
Representation of cluster external configuration.
func NewExternalConfiguration ¶
func NewExternalConfiguration() *ExternalConfigurationBuilder
NewExternalConfiguration creates a new builder of 'external_configuration' objects.
func (*ExternalConfigurationBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *ExternalConfigurationBuilder) Build() (object *ExternalConfiguration, err error)
Build creates a 'external_configuration' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*ExternalConfigurationBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *ExternalConfigurationBuilder) Copy(object *ExternalConfiguration) *ExternalConfigurationBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*ExternalConfigurationBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *ExternalConfigurationBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*ExternalConfigurationBuilder) Labels ¶
func (b *ExternalConfigurationBuilder) Labels(value *v1.LabelListBuilder) *ExternalConfigurationBuilder
Labels sets the value of the 'labels' attribute to the given values.
func (*ExternalConfigurationBuilder) Manifests ¶
func (b *ExternalConfigurationBuilder) Manifests(value *v1.ManifestListBuilder) *ExternalConfigurationBuilder
Manifests sets the value of the 'manifests' attribute to the given values.
func (*ExternalConfigurationBuilder) Syncsets ¶
func (b *ExternalConfigurationBuilder) Syncsets(value *v1.SyncsetListBuilder) *ExternalConfigurationBuilder
Syncsets sets the value of the 'syncsets' attribute to the given values.
type ExternalConfigurationList ¶
type ExternalConfigurationList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ExternalConfigurationList is a list of values of the 'external_configuration' type.
func (*ExternalConfigurationList) Each ¶
func (l *ExternalConfigurationList) Each(f func(item *ExternalConfiguration) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*ExternalConfigurationList) Empty ¶
func (l *ExternalConfigurationList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*ExternalConfigurationList) Get ¶
func (l *ExternalConfigurationList) Get(i int) *ExternalConfiguration
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*ExternalConfigurationList) Items ¶
func (l *ExternalConfigurationList) Items() []*ExternalConfiguration
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*ExternalConfigurationList) Len ¶
func (l *ExternalConfigurationList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*ExternalConfigurationList) Range ¶
func (l *ExternalConfigurationList) Range(f func(index int, item *ExternalConfiguration) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*ExternalConfigurationList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *ExternalConfigurationList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*ExternalConfigurationList) SetItems ¶
func (l *ExternalConfigurationList) SetItems(items []*ExternalConfiguration)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*ExternalConfigurationList) SetLink ¶
func (l *ExternalConfigurationList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*ExternalConfigurationList) Slice ¶
func (l *ExternalConfigurationList) Slice() []*ExternalConfiguration
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type ExternalConfigurationListBuilder ¶
type ExternalConfigurationListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ExternalConfigurationListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'external_configuration' objects.
func NewExternalConfigurationList ¶
func NewExternalConfigurationList() *ExternalConfigurationListBuilder
NewExternalConfigurationList creates a new builder of 'external_configuration' objects.
func (*ExternalConfigurationListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *ExternalConfigurationListBuilder) Build() (list *ExternalConfigurationList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'external_configuration' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*ExternalConfigurationListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *ExternalConfigurationListBuilder) Copy(list *ExternalConfigurationList) *ExternalConfigurationListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*ExternalConfigurationListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *ExternalConfigurationListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*ExternalConfigurationListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *ExternalConfigurationListBuilder) Items(values ...*ExternalConfigurationBuilder) *ExternalConfigurationListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type GCP ¶
type GCP struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GCP represents the values of the 'GCP' type.
Google cloud platform settings of a cluster.
func ReadGCPList ¶
ReadGCPList reads list of values of the ”GCP' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalGCP ¶
UnmarshalGCP reads a value of the 'GCP' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalGCPList ¶
UnmarshalGCPList reads a list of values of the 'GCP' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*GCP) AuthProviderX509CertURL ¶
AuthProviderX509CertURL returns the value of the 'auth_provider_X509_cert_URL' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
GCP Authentication provider x509 certificate url
func (*GCP) AuthURI ¶
AuthURI returns the value of the 'auth_URI' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
GCP authentication uri
func (*GCP) Authentication ¶
func (o *GCP) Authentication() *GcpAuthentication
Authentication returns the value of the 'authentication' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
GCP Authentication Method
func (*GCP) ClientEmail ¶
ClientEmail returns the value of the 'client_email' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
GCP client email
func (*GCP) ClientID ¶
ClientID returns the value of the 'client_ID' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
GCP client identifier
func (*GCP) ClientX509CertURL ¶
ClientX509CertURL returns the value of the 'client_X509_cert_URL' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
GCP client x509 certificate url
func (*GCP) GetAuthProviderX509CertURL ¶
GetAuthProviderX509CertURL returns the value of the 'auth_provider_X509_cert_URL' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
GCP Authentication provider x509 certificate url
func (*GCP) GetAuthURI ¶
GetAuthURI returns the value of the 'auth_URI' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
GCP authentication uri
func (*GCP) GetAuthentication ¶
func (o *GCP) GetAuthentication() (value *GcpAuthentication, ok bool)
GetAuthentication returns the value of the 'authentication' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
GCP Authentication Method
func (*GCP) GetClientEmail ¶
GetClientEmail returns the value of the 'client_email' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
GCP client email
func (*GCP) GetClientID ¶
GetClientID returns the value of the 'client_ID' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
GCP client identifier
func (*GCP) GetClientX509CertURL ¶
GetClientX509CertURL returns the value of the 'client_X509_cert_URL' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
GCP client x509 certificate url
func (*GCP) GetPrivateKey ¶
GetPrivateKey returns the value of the 'private_key' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
GCP private key
func (*GCP) GetPrivateKeyID ¶
GetPrivateKeyID returns the value of the 'private_key_ID' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
GCP private key identifier
func (*GCP) GetPrivateServiceConnect ¶
func (o *GCP) GetPrivateServiceConnect() (value *GcpPrivateServiceConnect, ok bool)
GetPrivateServiceConnect returns the value of the 'private_service_connect' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
GCP PrivateServiceConnect configuration
func (*GCP) GetProjectID ¶
GetProjectID returns the value of the 'project_ID' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
GCP project identifier.
func (*GCP) GetSecurity ¶
func (o *GCP) GetSecurity() (value *GcpSecurity, ok bool)
GetSecurity returns the value of the 'security' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
GCP Security Settings
func (*GCP) GetTokenURI ¶
GetTokenURI returns the value of the 'token_URI' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
GCP token uri
func (*GCP) GetType ¶
GetType returns the value of the 'type' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
GCP the type of the service the key belongs to
func (*GCP) PrivateKey ¶
PrivateKey returns the value of the 'private_key' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
GCP private key
func (*GCP) PrivateKeyID ¶
PrivateKeyID returns the value of the 'private_key_ID' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
GCP private key identifier
func (*GCP) PrivateServiceConnect ¶
func (o *GCP) PrivateServiceConnect() *GcpPrivateServiceConnect
PrivateServiceConnect returns the value of the 'private_service_connect' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
GCP PrivateServiceConnect configuration
func (*GCP) ProjectID ¶
ProjectID returns the value of the 'project_ID' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
GCP project identifier.
func (*GCP) Security ¶
func (o *GCP) Security() *GcpSecurity
Security returns the value of the 'security' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
GCP Security Settings
type GCPBuilder ¶
type GCPBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GCPBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'GCP' objects.
Google cloud platform settings of a cluster.
func (*GCPBuilder) AuthProviderX509CertURL ¶
func (b *GCPBuilder) AuthProviderX509CertURL(value string) *GCPBuilder
AuthProviderX509CertURL sets the value of the 'auth_provider_X509_cert_URL' attribute to the given value.
func (*GCPBuilder) AuthURI ¶
func (b *GCPBuilder) AuthURI(value string) *GCPBuilder
AuthURI sets the value of the 'auth_URI' attribute to the given value.
func (*GCPBuilder) Authentication ¶
func (b *GCPBuilder) Authentication(value *GcpAuthenticationBuilder) *GCPBuilder
Authentication sets the value of the 'authentication' attribute to the given value.
Google cloud platform authentication method of a cluster.
func (*GCPBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *GCPBuilder) Build() (object *GCP, err error)
Build creates a 'GCP' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*GCPBuilder) ClientEmail ¶
func (b *GCPBuilder) ClientEmail(value string) *GCPBuilder
ClientEmail sets the value of the 'client_email' attribute to the given value.
func (*GCPBuilder) ClientID ¶
func (b *GCPBuilder) ClientID(value string) *GCPBuilder
ClientID sets the value of the 'client_ID' attribute to the given value.
func (*GCPBuilder) ClientX509CertURL ¶
func (b *GCPBuilder) ClientX509CertURL(value string) *GCPBuilder
ClientX509CertURL sets the value of the 'client_X509_cert_URL' attribute to the given value.
func (*GCPBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *GCPBuilder) Copy(object *GCP) *GCPBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*GCPBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *GCPBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*GCPBuilder) PrivateKey ¶
func (b *GCPBuilder) PrivateKey(value string) *GCPBuilder
PrivateKey sets the value of the 'private_key' attribute to the given value.
func (*GCPBuilder) PrivateKeyID ¶
func (b *GCPBuilder) PrivateKeyID(value string) *GCPBuilder
PrivateKeyID sets the value of the 'private_key_ID' attribute to the given value.
func (*GCPBuilder) PrivateServiceConnect ¶
func (b *GCPBuilder) PrivateServiceConnect(value *GcpPrivateServiceConnectBuilder) *GCPBuilder
PrivateServiceConnect sets the value of the 'private_service_connect' attribute to the given value.
Google cloud platform private service connect configuration of a cluster.
func (*GCPBuilder) ProjectID ¶
func (b *GCPBuilder) ProjectID(value string) *GCPBuilder
ProjectID sets the value of the 'project_ID' attribute to the given value.
func (*GCPBuilder) Security ¶
func (b *GCPBuilder) Security(value *GcpSecurityBuilder) *GCPBuilder
Security sets the value of the 'security' attribute to the given value.
Google cloud platform security settings of a cluster.
func (*GCPBuilder) TokenURI ¶
func (b *GCPBuilder) TokenURI(value string) *GCPBuilder
TokenURI sets the value of the 'token_URI' attribute to the given value.
func (*GCPBuilder) Type ¶
func (b *GCPBuilder) Type(value string) *GCPBuilder
Type sets the value of the 'type' attribute to the given value.
type GCPEncryptionKey ¶
type GCPEncryptionKey struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GCPEncryptionKey represents the values of the 'GCP_encryption_key' type.
GCP Encryption Key for CCS clusters.
func ReadGCPEncryptionKey ¶
func ReadGCPEncryptionKey(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *GCPEncryptionKey
ReadGCPEncryptionKey reads a value of the 'GCP_encryption_key' type from the given iterator.
func ReadGCPEncryptionKeyList ¶
func ReadGCPEncryptionKeyList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*GCPEncryptionKey
ReadGCPEncryptionKeyList reads list of values of the ”GCP_encryption_key' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalGCPEncryptionKey ¶
func UnmarshalGCPEncryptionKey(source interface{}) (object *GCPEncryptionKey, err error)
UnmarshalGCPEncryptionKey reads a value of the 'GCP_encryption_key' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalGCPEncryptionKeyList ¶
func UnmarshalGCPEncryptionKeyList(source interface{}) (items []*GCPEncryptionKey, err error)
UnmarshalGCPEncryptionKeyList reads a list of values of the 'GCP_encryption_key' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*GCPEncryptionKey) Empty ¶
func (o *GCPEncryptionKey) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*GCPEncryptionKey) GetKMSKeyServiceAccount ¶
func (o *GCPEncryptionKey) GetKMSKeyServiceAccount() (value string, ok bool)
GetKMSKeyServiceAccount returns the value of the 'KMS_key_service_account' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Service account used to access the KMS key
func (*GCPEncryptionKey) GetKeyLocation ¶
func (o *GCPEncryptionKey) GetKeyLocation() (value string, ok bool)
GetKeyLocation returns the value of the 'key_location' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Location of the encryption key ring
func (*GCPEncryptionKey) GetKeyName ¶
func (o *GCPEncryptionKey) GetKeyName() (value string, ok bool)
GetKeyName returns the value of the 'key_name' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Name of the encryption key
func (*GCPEncryptionKey) GetKeyRing ¶
func (o *GCPEncryptionKey) GetKeyRing() (value string, ok bool)
GetKeyRing returns the value of the 'key_ring' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Name of the key ring the encryption key is located on
func (*GCPEncryptionKey) KMSKeyServiceAccount ¶
func (o *GCPEncryptionKey) KMSKeyServiceAccount() string
KMSKeyServiceAccount returns the value of the 'KMS_key_service_account' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Service account used to access the KMS key
func (*GCPEncryptionKey) KeyLocation ¶
func (o *GCPEncryptionKey) KeyLocation() string
KeyLocation returns the value of the 'key_location' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Location of the encryption key ring
func (*GCPEncryptionKey) KeyName ¶
func (o *GCPEncryptionKey) KeyName() string
KeyName returns the value of the 'key_name' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Name of the encryption key
func (*GCPEncryptionKey) KeyRing ¶
func (o *GCPEncryptionKey) KeyRing() string
KeyRing returns the value of the 'key_ring' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Name of the key ring the encryption key is located on
type GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder ¶
type GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'GCP_encryption_key' objects.
GCP Encryption Key for CCS clusters.
func NewGCPEncryptionKey ¶
func NewGCPEncryptionKey() *GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder
NewGCPEncryptionKey creates a new builder of 'GCP_encryption_key' objects.
func (*GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder) Build() (object *GCPEncryptionKey, err error)
Build creates a 'GCP_encryption_key' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder) Copy(object *GCPEncryptionKey) *GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder) KMSKeyServiceAccount ¶
func (b *GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder) KMSKeyServiceAccount(value string) *GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder
KMSKeyServiceAccount sets the value of the 'KMS_key_service_account' attribute to the given value.
func (*GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder) KeyLocation ¶
func (b *GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder) KeyLocation(value string) *GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder
KeyLocation sets the value of the 'key_location' attribute to the given value.
func (*GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder) KeyName ¶
func (b *GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder) KeyName(value string) *GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder
KeyName sets the value of the 'key_name' attribute to the given value.
func (*GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder) KeyRing ¶
func (b *GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder) KeyRing(value string) *GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder
KeyRing sets the value of the 'key_ring' attribute to the given value.
type GCPEncryptionKeyList ¶
type GCPEncryptionKeyList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GCPEncryptionKeyList is a list of values of the 'GCP_encryption_key' type.
func (*GCPEncryptionKeyList) Each ¶
func (l *GCPEncryptionKeyList) Each(f func(item *GCPEncryptionKey) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*GCPEncryptionKeyList) Empty ¶
func (l *GCPEncryptionKeyList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*GCPEncryptionKeyList) Get ¶
func (l *GCPEncryptionKeyList) Get(i int) *GCPEncryptionKey
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*GCPEncryptionKeyList) Items ¶
func (l *GCPEncryptionKeyList) Items() []*GCPEncryptionKey
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*GCPEncryptionKeyList) Len ¶
func (l *GCPEncryptionKeyList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*GCPEncryptionKeyList) Range ¶
func (l *GCPEncryptionKeyList) Range(f func(index int, item *GCPEncryptionKey) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*GCPEncryptionKeyList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *GCPEncryptionKeyList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*GCPEncryptionKeyList) SetItems ¶
func (l *GCPEncryptionKeyList) SetItems(items []*GCPEncryptionKey)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*GCPEncryptionKeyList) SetLink ¶
func (l *GCPEncryptionKeyList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*GCPEncryptionKeyList) Slice ¶
func (l *GCPEncryptionKeyList) Slice() []*GCPEncryptionKey
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type GCPEncryptionKeyListBuilder ¶
type GCPEncryptionKeyListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GCPEncryptionKeyListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'GCP_encryption_key' objects.
func NewGCPEncryptionKeyList ¶
func NewGCPEncryptionKeyList() *GCPEncryptionKeyListBuilder
NewGCPEncryptionKeyList creates a new builder of 'GCP_encryption_key' objects.
func (*GCPEncryptionKeyListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *GCPEncryptionKeyListBuilder) Build() (list *GCPEncryptionKeyList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'GCP_encryption_key' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*GCPEncryptionKeyListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *GCPEncryptionKeyListBuilder) Copy(list *GCPEncryptionKeyList) *GCPEncryptionKeyListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*GCPEncryptionKeyListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *GCPEncryptionKeyListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*GCPEncryptionKeyListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *GCPEncryptionKeyListBuilder) Items(values ...*GCPEncryptionKeyBuilder) *GCPEncryptionKeyListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type GCPList ¶
type GCPList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GCPList is a list of values of the 'GCP' type.
func (*GCPList) Each ¶
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*GCPList) Get ¶
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*GCPList) Range ¶
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*GCPList) Slice ¶
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type GCPListBuilder ¶
type GCPListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GCPListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'GCP' objects.
func NewGCPList ¶
func NewGCPList() *GCPListBuilder
NewGCPList creates a new builder of 'GCP' objects.
func (*GCPListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *GCPListBuilder) Build() (list *GCPList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'GCP' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*GCPListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *GCPListBuilder) Copy(list *GCPList) *GCPListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*GCPListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *GCPListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*GCPListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *GCPListBuilder) Items(values ...*GCPBuilder) *GCPListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type GCPNetwork ¶
type GCPNetwork struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GCPNetwork represents the values of the 'GCP_network' type.
GCP Network configuration of a cluster.
func ReadGCPNetwork ¶
func ReadGCPNetwork(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *GCPNetwork
ReadGCPNetwork reads a value of the 'GCP_network' type from the given iterator.
func ReadGCPNetworkList ¶
func ReadGCPNetworkList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*GCPNetwork
ReadGCPNetworkList reads list of values of the ”GCP_network' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalGCPNetwork ¶
func UnmarshalGCPNetwork(source interface{}) (object *GCPNetwork, err error)
UnmarshalGCPNetwork reads a value of the 'GCP_network' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalGCPNetworkList ¶
func UnmarshalGCPNetworkList(source interface{}) (items []*GCPNetwork, err error)
UnmarshalGCPNetworkList reads a list of values of the 'GCP_network' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*GCPNetwork) ComputeSubnet ¶
func (o *GCPNetwork) ComputeSubnet() string
ComputeSubnet returns the value of the 'compute_subnet' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Compute subnet used by the cluster.
func (*GCPNetwork) ControlPlaneSubnet ¶
func (o *GCPNetwork) ControlPlaneSubnet() string
ControlPlaneSubnet returns the value of the 'control_plane_subnet' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Control plane subnet used by the cluster.
func (*GCPNetwork) Empty ¶
func (o *GCPNetwork) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*GCPNetwork) GetComputeSubnet ¶
func (o *GCPNetwork) GetComputeSubnet() (value string, ok bool)
GetComputeSubnet returns the value of the 'compute_subnet' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Compute subnet used by the cluster.
func (*GCPNetwork) GetControlPlaneSubnet ¶
func (o *GCPNetwork) GetControlPlaneSubnet() (value string, ok bool)
GetControlPlaneSubnet returns the value of the 'control_plane_subnet' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Control plane subnet used by the cluster.
func (*GCPNetwork) GetVPCName ¶
func (o *GCPNetwork) GetVPCName() (value string, ok bool)
GetVPCName returns the value of the 'VPC_name' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
VPC mame used by the cluster.
func (*GCPNetwork) GetVPCProjectID ¶
func (o *GCPNetwork) GetVPCProjectID() (value string, ok bool)
GetVPCProjectID returns the value of the 'VPC_project_ID' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The name of the host project where the shared VPC exists.
func (*GCPNetwork) VPCName ¶
func (o *GCPNetwork) VPCName() string
VPCName returns the value of the 'VPC_name' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
VPC mame used by the cluster.
func (*GCPNetwork) VPCProjectID ¶
func (o *GCPNetwork) VPCProjectID() string
VPCProjectID returns the value of the 'VPC_project_ID' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The name of the host project where the shared VPC exists.
type GCPNetworkBuilder ¶
type GCPNetworkBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GCPNetworkBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'GCP_network' objects.
GCP Network configuration of a cluster.
func NewGCPNetwork ¶
func NewGCPNetwork() *GCPNetworkBuilder
NewGCPNetwork creates a new builder of 'GCP_network' objects.
func (*GCPNetworkBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *GCPNetworkBuilder) Build() (object *GCPNetwork, err error)
Build creates a 'GCP_network' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*GCPNetworkBuilder) ComputeSubnet ¶
func (b *GCPNetworkBuilder) ComputeSubnet(value string) *GCPNetworkBuilder
ComputeSubnet sets the value of the 'compute_subnet' attribute to the given value.
func (*GCPNetworkBuilder) ControlPlaneSubnet ¶
func (b *GCPNetworkBuilder) ControlPlaneSubnet(value string) *GCPNetworkBuilder
ControlPlaneSubnet sets the value of the 'control_plane_subnet' attribute to the given value.
func (*GCPNetworkBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *GCPNetworkBuilder) Copy(object *GCPNetwork) *GCPNetworkBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*GCPNetworkBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *GCPNetworkBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*GCPNetworkBuilder) VPCName ¶
func (b *GCPNetworkBuilder) VPCName(value string) *GCPNetworkBuilder
VPCName sets the value of the 'VPC_name' attribute to the given value.
func (*GCPNetworkBuilder) VPCProjectID ¶
func (b *GCPNetworkBuilder) VPCProjectID(value string) *GCPNetworkBuilder
VPCProjectID sets the value of the 'VPC_project_ID' attribute to the given value.
type GCPNetworkList ¶
type GCPNetworkList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GCPNetworkList is a list of values of the 'GCP_network' type.
func (*GCPNetworkList) Each ¶
func (l *GCPNetworkList) Each(f func(item *GCPNetwork) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*GCPNetworkList) Empty ¶
func (l *GCPNetworkList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*GCPNetworkList) Get ¶
func (l *GCPNetworkList) Get(i int) *GCPNetwork
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*GCPNetworkList) Items ¶
func (l *GCPNetworkList) Items() []*GCPNetwork
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*GCPNetworkList) Len ¶
func (l *GCPNetworkList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*GCPNetworkList) Range ¶
func (l *GCPNetworkList) Range(f func(index int, item *GCPNetwork) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*GCPNetworkList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *GCPNetworkList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*GCPNetworkList) SetItems ¶
func (l *GCPNetworkList) SetItems(items []*GCPNetwork)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*GCPNetworkList) SetLink ¶
func (l *GCPNetworkList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*GCPNetworkList) Slice ¶
func (l *GCPNetworkList) Slice() []*GCPNetwork
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type GCPNetworkListBuilder ¶
type GCPNetworkListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GCPNetworkListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'GCP_network' objects.
func NewGCPNetworkList ¶
func NewGCPNetworkList() *GCPNetworkListBuilder
NewGCPNetworkList creates a new builder of 'GCP_network' objects.
func (*GCPNetworkListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *GCPNetworkListBuilder) Build() (list *GCPNetworkList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'GCP_network' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*GCPNetworkListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *GCPNetworkListBuilder) Copy(list *GCPNetworkList) *GCPNetworkListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*GCPNetworkListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *GCPNetworkListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*GCPNetworkListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *GCPNetworkListBuilder) Items(values ...*GCPNetworkBuilder) *GCPNetworkListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type GCPVolume ¶
type GCPVolume struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GCPVolume represents the values of the 'GCP_volume' type.
Holds settings for an GCP storage volume.
func ReadGCPVolume ¶
ReadGCPVolume reads a value of the 'GCP_volume' type from the given iterator.
func ReadGCPVolumeList ¶
ReadGCPVolumeList reads list of values of the ”GCP_volume' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalGCPVolume ¶
UnmarshalGCPVolume reads a value of the 'GCP_volume' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalGCPVolumeList ¶
UnmarshalGCPVolumeList reads a list of values of the 'GCP_volume' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*GCPVolume) Empty ¶
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
type GCPVolumeBuilder ¶
type GCPVolumeBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GCPVolumeBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'GCP_volume' objects.
Holds settings for an GCP storage volume.
func NewGCPVolume ¶
func NewGCPVolume() *GCPVolumeBuilder
NewGCPVolume creates a new builder of 'GCP_volume' objects.
func (*GCPVolumeBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *GCPVolumeBuilder) Build() (object *GCPVolume, err error)
Build creates a 'GCP_volume' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*GCPVolumeBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *GCPVolumeBuilder) Copy(object *GCPVolume) *GCPVolumeBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*GCPVolumeBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *GCPVolumeBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*GCPVolumeBuilder) Size ¶
func (b *GCPVolumeBuilder) Size(value int) *GCPVolumeBuilder
Size sets the value of the 'size' attribute to the given value.
type GCPVolumeList ¶
type GCPVolumeList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GCPVolumeList is a list of values of the 'GCP_volume' type.
func (*GCPVolumeList) Each ¶
func (l *GCPVolumeList) Each(f func(item *GCPVolume) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*GCPVolumeList) Empty ¶
func (l *GCPVolumeList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*GCPVolumeList) Get ¶
func (l *GCPVolumeList) Get(i int) *GCPVolume
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*GCPVolumeList) Items ¶
func (l *GCPVolumeList) Items() []*GCPVolume
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*GCPVolumeList) Range ¶
func (l *GCPVolumeList) Range(f func(index int, item *GCPVolume) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*GCPVolumeList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *GCPVolumeList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*GCPVolumeList) SetItems ¶
func (l *GCPVolumeList) SetItems(items []*GCPVolume)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*GCPVolumeList) SetLink ¶
func (l *GCPVolumeList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*GCPVolumeList) Slice ¶
func (l *GCPVolumeList) Slice() []*GCPVolume
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type GCPVolumeListBuilder ¶
type GCPVolumeListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GCPVolumeListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'GCP_volume' objects.
func NewGCPVolumeList ¶
func NewGCPVolumeList() *GCPVolumeListBuilder
NewGCPVolumeList creates a new builder of 'GCP_volume' objects.
func (*GCPVolumeListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *GCPVolumeListBuilder) Build() (list *GCPVolumeList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'GCP_volume' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*GCPVolumeListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *GCPVolumeListBuilder) Copy(list *GCPVolumeList) *GCPVolumeListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*GCPVolumeListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *GCPVolumeListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*GCPVolumeListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *GCPVolumeListBuilder) Items(values ...*GCPVolumeBuilder) *GCPVolumeListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type GcpAuthentication ¶
type GcpAuthentication struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GcpAuthentication represents the values of the 'gcp_authentication' type.
Google cloud platform authentication method of a cluster.
func ReadGcpAuthentication ¶
func ReadGcpAuthentication(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *GcpAuthentication
ReadGcpAuthentication reads a value of the 'gcp_authentication' type from the given iterator.
func ReadGcpAuthenticationList ¶
func ReadGcpAuthenticationList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*GcpAuthentication
ReadGcpAuthenticationList reads list of values of the ”gcp_authentication' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalGcpAuthentication ¶
func UnmarshalGcpAuthentication(source interface{}) (object *GcpAuthentication, err error)
UnmarshalGcpAuthentication reads a value of the 'gcp_authentication' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalGcpAuthenticationList ¶
func UnmarshalGcpAuthenticationList(source interface{}) (items []*GcpAuthentication, err error)
UnmarshalGcpAuthenticationList reads a list of values of the 'gcp_authentication' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*GcpAuthentication) Empty ¶
func (o *GcpAuthentication) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*GcpAuthentication) GetHref ¶
func (o *GcpAuthentication) GetHref() (value string, ok bool)
GetHref returns the value of the 'href' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Self link
func (*GcpAuthentication) GetId ¶
func (o *GcpAuthentication) GetId() (value string, ok bool)
GetId returns the value of the 'id' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Unique identifier of the object
func (*GcpAuthentication) GetKind ¶
func (o *GcpAuthentication) GetKind() (value string, ok bool)
GetKind returns the value of the 'kind' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Indicates the type of this object
func (*GcpAuthentication) Href ¶
func (o *GcpAuthentication) Href() string
Href returns the value of the 'href' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Self link
func (*GcpAuthentication) Id ¶
func (o *GcpAuthentication) Id() string
Id returns the value of the 'id' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Unique identifier of the object
func (*GcpAuthentication) Kind ¶
func (o *GcpAuthentication) Kind() string
Kind returns the value of the 'kind' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Indicates the type of this object
type GcpAuthenticationBuilder ¶
type GcpAuthenticationBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GcpAuthenticationBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'gcp_authentication' objects.
Google cloud platform authentication method of a cluster.
func NewGcpAuthentication ¶
func NewGcpAuthentication() *GcpAuthenticationBuilder
NewGcpAuthentication creates a new builder of 'gcp_authentication' objects.
func (*GcpAuthenticationBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *GcpAuthenticationBuilder) Build() (object *GcpAuthentication, err error)
Build creates a 'gcp_authentication' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*GcpAuthenticationBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *GcpAuthenticationBuilder) Copy(object *GcpAuthentication) *GcpAuthenticationBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*GcpAuthenticationBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *GcpAuthenticationBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*GcpAuthenticationBuilder) Href ¶
func (b *GcpAuthenticationBuilder) Href(value string) *GcpAuthenticationBuilder
Href sets the value of the 'href' attribute to the given value.
func (*GcpAuthenticationBuilder) Id ¶
func (b *GcpAuthenticationBuilder) Id(value string) *GcpAuthenticationBuilder
Id sets the value of the 'id' attribute to the given value.
func (*GcpAuthenticationBuilder) Kind ¶
func (b *GcpAuthenticationBuilder) Kind(value string) *GcpAuthenticationBuilder
Kind sets the value of the 'kind' attribute to the given value.
type GcpAuthenticationList ¶
type GcpAuthenticationList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GcpAuthenticationList is a list of values of the 'gcp_authentication' type.
func (*GcpAuthenticationList) Each ¶
func (l *GcpAuthenticationList) Each(f func(item *GcpAuthentication) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*GcpAuthenticationList) Empty ¶
func (l *GcpAuthenticationList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*GcpAuthenticationList) Get ¶
func (l *GcpAuthenticationList) Get(i int) *GcpAuthentication
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*GcpAuthenticationList) Items ¶
func (l *GcpAuthenticationList) Items() []*GcpAuthentication
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*GcpAuthenticationList) Len ¶
func (l *GcpAuthenticationList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*GcpAuthenticationList) Range ¶
func (l *GcpAuthenticationList) Range(f func(index int, item *GcpAuthentication) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*GcpAuthenticationList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *GcpAuthenticationList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*GcpAuthenticationList) SetItems ¶
func (l *GcpAuthenticationList) SetItems(items []*GcpAuthentication)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*GcpAuthenticationList) SetLink ¶
func (l *GcpAuthenticationList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*GcpAuthenticationList) Slice ¶
func (l *GcpAuthenticationList) Slice() []*GcpAuthentication
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type GcpAuthenticationListBuilder ¶
type GcpAuthenticationListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GcpAuthenticationListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'gcp_authentication' objects.
func NewGcpAuthenticationList ¶
func NewGcpAuthenticationList() *GcpAuthenticationListBuilder
NewGcpAuthenticationList creates a new builder of 'gcp_authentication' objects.
func (*GcpAuthenticationListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *GcpAuthenticationListBuilder) Build() (list *GcpAuthenticationList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'gcp_authentication' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*GcpAuthenticationListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *GcpAuthenticationListBuilder) Copy(list *GcpAuthenticationList) *GcpAuthenticationListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*GcpAuthenticationListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *GcpAuthenticationListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*GcpAuthenticationListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *GcpAuthenticationListBuilder) Items(values ...*GcpAuthenticationBuilder) *GcpAuthenticationListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type GcpPrivateServiceConnect ¶
type GcpPrivateServiceConnect struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GcpPrivateServiceConnect represents the values of the 'gcp_private_service_connect' type.
Google cloud platform private service connect configuration of a cluster.
func ReadGcpPrivateServiceConnect ¶
func ReadGcpPrivateServiceConnect(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *GcpPrivateServiceConnect
ReadGcpPrivateServiceConnect reads a value of the 'gcp_private_service_connect' type from the given iterator.
func ReadGcpPrivateServiceConnectList ¶
func ReadGcpPrivateServiceConnectList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*GcpPrivateServiceConnect
ReadGcpPrivateServiceConnectList reads list of values of the ”gcp_private_service_connect' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalGcpPrivateServiceConnect ¶
func UnmarshalGcpPrivateServiceConnect(source interface{}) (object *GcpPrivateServiceConnect, err error)
UnmarshalGcpPrivateServiceConnect reads a value of the 'gcp_private_service_connect' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalGcpPrivateServiceConnectList ¶
func UnmarshalGcpPrivateServiceConnectList(source interface{}) (items []*GcpPrivateServiceConnect, err error)
UnmarshalGcpPrivateServiceConnectList reads a list of values of the 'gcp_private_service_connect' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*GcpPrivateServiceConnect) Empty ¶
func (o *GcpPrivateServiceConnect) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*GcpPrivateServiceConnect) GetServiceAttachmentSubnet ¶
func (o *GcpPrivateServiceConnect) GetServiceAttachmentSubnet() (value string, ok bool)
GetServiceAttachmentSubnet returns the value of the 'service_attachment_subnet' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The name of the subnet where the PSC service attachment is created
func (*GcpPrivateServiceConnect) ServiceAttachmentSubnet ¶
func (o *GcpPrivateServiceConnect) ServiceAttachmentSubnet() string
ServiceAttachmentSubnet returns the value of the 'service_attachment_subnet' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The name of the subnet where the PSC service attachment is created
type GcpPrivateServiceConnectBuilder ¶
type GcpPrivateServiceConnectBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GcpPrivateServiceConnectBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'gcp_private_service_connect' objects.
Google cloud platform private service connect configuration of a cluster.
func NewGcpPrivateServiceConnect ¶
func NewGcpPrivateServiceConnect() *GcpPrivateServiceConnectBuilder
NewGcpPrivateServiceConnect creates a new builder of 'gcp_private_service_connect' objects.
func (*GcpPrivateServiceConnectBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *GcpPrivateServiceConnectBuilder) Build() (object *GcpPrivateServiceConnect, err error)
Build creates a 'gcp_private_service_connect' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*GcpPrivateServiceConnectBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *GcpPrivateServiceConnectBuilder) Copy(object *GcpPrivateServiceConnect) *GcpPrivateServiceConnectBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*GcpPrivateServiceConnectBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *GcpPrivateServiceConnectBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*GcpPrivateServiceConnectBuilder) ServiceAttachmentSubnet ¶
func (b *GcpPrivateServiceConnectBuilder) ServiceAttachmentSubnet(value string) *GcpPrivateServiceConnectBuilder
ServiceAttachmentSubnet sets the value of the 'service_attachment_subnet' attribute to the given value.
type GcpPrivateServiceConnectList ¶
type GcpPrivateServiceConnectList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GcpPrivateServiceConnectList is a list of values of the 'gcp_private_service_connect' type.
func (*GcpPrivateServiceConnectList) Each ¶
func (l *GcpPrivateServiceConnectList) Each(f func(item *GcpPrivateServiceConnect) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*GcpPrivateServiceConnectList) Empty ¶
func (l *GcpPrivateServiceConnectList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*GcpPrivateServiceConnectList) Get ¶
func (l *GcpPrivateServiceConnectList) Get(i int) *GcpPrivateServiceConnect
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*GcpPrivateServiceConnectList) Items ¶
func (l *GcpPrivateServiceConnectList) Items() []*GcpPrivateServiceConnect
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*GcpPrivateServiceConnectList) Len ¶
func (l *GcpPrivateServiceConnectList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*GcpPrivateServiceConnectList) Range ¶
func (l *GcpPrivateServiceConnectList) Range(f func(index int, item *GcpPrivateServiceConnect) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*GcpPrivateServiceConnectList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *GcpPrivateServiceConnectList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*GcpPrivateServiceConnectList) SetItems ¶
func (l *GcpPrivateServiceConnectList) SetItems(items []*GcpPrivateServiceConnect)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*GcpPrivateServiceConnectList) SetLink ¶
func (l *GcpPrivateServiceConnectList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*GcpPrivateServiceConnectList) Slice ¶
func (l *GcpPrivateServiceConnectList) Slice() []*GcpPrivateServiceConnect
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type GcpPrivateServiceConnectListBuilder ¶
type GcpPrivateServiceConnectListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GcpPrivateServiceConnectListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'gcp_private_service_connect' objects.
func NewGcpPrivateServiceConnectList ¶
func NewGcpPrivateServiceConnectList() *GcpPrivateServiceConnectListBuilder
NewGcpPrivateServiceConnectList creates a new builder of 'gcp_private_service_connect' objects.
func (*GcpPrivateServiceConnectListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *GcpPrivateServiceConnectListBuilder) Build() (list *GcpPrivateServiceConnectList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'gcp_private_service_connect' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*GcpPrivateServiceConnectListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *GcpPrivateServiceConnectListBuilder) Copy(list *GcpPrivateServiceConnectList) *GcpPrivateServiceConnectListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*GcpPrivateServiceConnectListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *GcpPrivateServiceConnectListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*GcpPrivateServiceConnectListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *GcpPrivateServiceConnectListBuilder) Items(values ...*GcpPrivateServiceConnectBuilder) *GcpPrivateServiceConnectListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type GcpSecurity ¶
type GcpSecurity struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GcpSecurity represents the values of the 'gcp_security' type.
Google cloud platform security settings of a cluster.
func ReadGcpSecurity ¶
func ReadGcpSecurity(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *GcpSecurity
ReadGcpSecurity reads a value of the 'gcp_security' type from the given iterator.
func ReadGcpSecurityList ¶
func ReadGcpSecurityList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*GcpSecurity
ReadGcpSecurityList reads list of values of the ”gcp_security' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalGcpSecurity ¶
func UnmarshalGcpSecurity(source interface{}) (object *GcpSecurity, err error)
UnmarshalGcpSecurity reads a value of the 'gcp_security' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalGcpSecurityList ¶
func UnmarshalGcpSecurityList(source interface{}) (items []*GcpSecurity, err error)
UnmarshalGcpSecurityList reads a list of values of the 'gcp_security' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*GcpSecurity) Empty ¶
func (o *GcpSecurity) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*GcpSecurity) GetSecureBoot ¶
func (o *GcpSecurity) GetSecureBoot() (value bool, ok bool)
GetSecureBoot returns the value of the 'secure_boot' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Determines if Shielded VM feature "Secure Boot" should be set for the nodes of the cluster.
func (*GcpSecurity) SecureBoot ¶
func (o *GcpSecurity) SecureBoot() bool
SecureBoot returns the value of the 'secure_boot' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Determines if Shielded VM feature "Secure Boot" should be set for the nodes of the cluster.
type GcpSecurityBuilder ¶
type GcpSecurityBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GcpSecurityBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'gcp_security' objects.
Google cloud platform security settings of a cluster.
func NewGcpSecurity ¶
func NewGcpSecurity() *GcpSecurityBuilder
NewGcpSecurity creates a new builder of 'gcp_security' objects.
func (*GcpSecurityBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *GcpSecurityBuilder) Build() (object *GcpSecurity, err error)
Build creates a 'gcp_security' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*GcpSecurityBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *GcpSecurityBuilder) Copy(object *GcpSecurity) *GcpSecurityBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*GcpSecurityBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *GcpSecurityBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*GcpSecurityBuilder) SecureBoot ¶
func (b *GcpSecurityBuilder) SecureBoot(value bool) *GcpSecurityBuilder
SecureBoot sets the value of the 'secure_boot' attribute to the given value.
type GcpSecurityList ¶
type GcpSecurityList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GcpSecurityList is a list of values of the 'gcp_security' type.
func (*GcpSecurityList) Each ¶
func (l *GcpSecurityList) Each(f func(item *GcpSecurity) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*GcpSecurityList) Empty ¶
func (l *GcpSecurityList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*GcpSecurityList) Get ¶
func (l *GcpSecurityList) Get(i int) *GcpSecurity
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*GcpSecurityList) Items ¶
func (l *GcpSecurityList) Items() []*GcpSecurity
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*GcpSecurityList) Len ¶
func (l *GcpSecurityList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*GcpSecurityList) Range ¶
func (l *GcpSecurityList) Range(f func(index int, item *GcpSecurity) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*GcpSecurityList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *GcpSecurityList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*GcpSecurityList) SetItems ¶
func (l *GcpSecurityList) SetItems(items []*GcpSecurity)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*GcpSecurityList) SetLink ¶
func (l *GcpSecurityList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*GcpSecurityList) Slice ¶
func (l *GcpSecurityList) Slice() []*GcpSecurity
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type GcpSecurityListBuilder ¶
type GcpSecurityListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
GcpSecurityListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'gcp_security' objects.
func NewGcpSecurityList ¶
func NewGcpSecurityList() *GcpSecurityListBuilder
NewGcpSecurityList creates a new builder of 'gcp_security' objects.
func (*GcpSecurityListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *GcpSecurityListBuilder) Build() (list *GcpSecurityList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'gcp_security' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*GcpSecurityListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *GcpSecurityListBuilder) Copy(list *GcpSecurityList) *GcpSecurityListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*GcpSecurityListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *GcpSecurityListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*GcpSecurityListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *GcpSecurityListBuilder) Items(values ...*GcpSecurityBuilder) *GcpSecurityListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type HTPasswdIdentityProvider ¶
type HTPasswdIdentityProvider struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
HTPasswdIdentityProvider represents the values of the 'HT_passwd_identity_provider' type.
Details for `htpasswd` identity providers.
func ReadHTPasswdIdentityProvider ¶
func ReadHTPasswdIdentityProvider(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *HTPasswdIdentityProvider
ReadHTPasswdIdentityProvider reads a value of the 'HT_passwd_identity_provider' type from the given iterator.
func ReadHTPasswdIdentityProviderList ¶
func ReadHTPasswdIdentityProviderList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*HTPasswdIdentityProvider
ReadHTPasswdIdentityProviderList reads list of values of the ”HT_passwd_identity_provider' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalHTPasswdIdentityProvider ¶
func UnmarshalHTPasswdIdentityProvider(source interface{}) (object *HTPasswdIdentityProvider, err error)
UnmarshalHTPasswdIdentityProvider reads a value of the 'HT_passwd_identity_provider' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalHTPasswdIdentityProviderList ¶
func UnmarshalHTPasswdIdentityProviderList(source interface{}) (items []*HTPasswdIdentityProvider, err error)
UnmarshalHTPasswdIdentityProviderList reads a list of values of the 'HT_passwd_identity_provider' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*HTPasswdIdentityProvider) Empty ¶
func (o *HTPasswdIdentityProvider) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*HTPasswdIdentityProvider) GetPassword ¶
func (o *HTPasswdIdentityProvider) GetPassword() (value string, ok bool)
GetPassword returns the value of the 'password' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Password to be used in the _HTPasswd_ data file.
func (*HTPasswdIdentityProvider) GetUsername ¶
func (o *HTPasswdIdentityProvider) GetUsername() (value string, ok bool)
GetUsername returns the value of the 'username' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Username to be used in the _HTPasswd_ data file.
func (*HTPasswdIdentityProvider) GetUsers ¶
func (o *HTPasswdIdentityProvider) GetUsers() (value *v1.HTPasswdUserList, ok bool)
GetUsers returns the value of the 'users' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Link to the collection of _HTPasswd_ users.
func (*HTPasswdIdentityProvider) Password ¶
func (o *HTPasswdIdentityProvider) Password() string
Password returns the value of the 'password' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Password to be used in the _HTPasswd_ data file.
func (*HTPasswdIdentityProvider) Username ¶
func (o *HTPasswdIdentityProvider) Username() string
Username returns the value of the 'username' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Username to be used in the _HTPasswd_ data file.
func (*HTPasswdIdentityProvider) Users ¶
func (o *HTPasswdIdentityProvider) Users() *v1.HTPasswdUserList
Users returns the value of the 'users' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Link to the collection of _HTPasswd_ users.
type HTPasswdIdentityProviderBuilder ¶
type HTPasswdIdentityProviderBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
HTPasswdIdentityProviderBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'HT_passwd_identity_provider' objects.
Details for `htpasswd` identity providers.
func NewHTPasswdIdentityProvider ¶
func NewHTPasswdIdentityProvider() *HTPasswdIdentityProviderBuilder
NewHTPasswdIdentityProvider creates a new builder of 'HT_passwd_identity_provider' objects.
func (*HTPasswdIdentityProviderBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *HTPasswdIdentityProviderBuilder) Build() (object *HTPasswdIdentityProvider, err error)
Build creates a 'HT_passwd_identity_provider' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*HTPasswdIdentityProviderBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *HTPasswdIdentityProviderBuilder) Copy(object *HTPasswdIdentityProvider) *HTPasswdIdentityProviderBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*HTPasswdIdentityProviderBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *HTPasswdIdentityProviderBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*HTPasswdIdentityProviderBuilder) Password ¶
func (b *HTPasswdIdentityProviderBuilder) Password(value string) *HTPasswdIdentityProviderBuilder
Password sets the value of the 'password' attribute to the given value.
func (*HTPasswdIdentityProviderBuilder) Username ¶
func (b *HTPasswdIdentityProviderBuilder) Username(value string) *HTPasswdIdentityProviderBuilder
Username sets the value of the 'username' attribute to the given value.
func (*HTPasswdIdentityProviderBuilder) Users ¶
func (b *HTPasswdIdentityProviderBuilder) Users(value *v1.HTPasswdUserListBuilder) *HTPasswdIdentityProviderBuilder
Users sets the value of the 'users' attribute to the given values.
type HTPasswdIdentityProviderList ¶
type HTPasswdIdentityProviderList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
HTPasswdIdentityProviderList is a list of values of the 'HT_passwd_identity_provider' type.
func (*HTPasswdIdentityProviderList) Each ¶
func (l *HTPasswdIdentityProviderList) Each(f func(item *HTPasswdIdentityProvider) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*HTPasswdIdentityProviderList) Empty ¶
func (l *HTPasswdIdentityProviderList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*HTPasswdIdentityProviderList) Get ¶
func (l *HTPasswdIdentityProviderList) Get(i int) *HTPasswdIdentityProvider
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*HTPasswdIdentityProviderList) Items ¶
func (l *HTPasswdIdentityProviderList) Items() []*HTPasswdIdentityProvider
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*HTPasswdIdentityProviderList) Len ¶
func (l *HTPasswdIdentityProviderList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*HTPasswdIdentityProviderList) Range ¶
func (l *HTPasswdIdentityProviderList) Range(f func(index int, item *HTPasswdIdentityProvider) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*HTPasswdIdentityProviderList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *HTPasswdIdentityProviderList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*HTPasswdIdentityProviderList) SetItems ¶
func (l *HTPasswdIdentityProviderList) SetItems(items []*HTPasswdIdentityProvider)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*HTPasswdIdentityProviderList) SetLink ¶
func (l *HTPasswdIdentityProviderList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*HTPasswdIdentityProviderList) Slice ¶
func (l *HTPasswdIdentityProviderList) Slice() []*HTPasswdIdentityProvider
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type HTPasswdIdentityProviderListBuilder ¶
type HTPasswdIdentityProviderListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
HTPasswdIdentityProviderListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'HT_passwd_identity_provider' objects.
func NewHTPasswdIdentityProviderList ¶
func NewHTPasswdIdentityProviderList() *HTPasswdIdentityProviderListBuilder
NewHTPasswdIdentityProviderList creates a new builder of 'HT_passwd_identity_provider' objects.
func (*HTPasswdIdentityProviderListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *HTPasswdIdentityProviderListBuilder) Build() (list *HTPasswdIdentityProviderList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'HT_passwd_identity_provider' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*HTPasswdIdentityProviderListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *HTPasswdIdentityProviderListBuilder) Copy(list *HTPasswdIdentityProviderList) *HTPasswdIdentityProviderListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*HTPasswdIdentityProviderListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *HTPasswdIdentityProviderListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*HTPasswdIdentityProviderListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *HTPasswdIdentityProviderListBuilder) Items(values ...*HTPasswdIdentityProviderBuilder) *HTPasswdIdentityProviderListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type Hypershift ¶
type Hypershift struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Hypershift represents the values of the 'hypershift' type.
Hypershift configuration.
func ReadHypershift ¶
func ReadHypershift(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *Hypershift
ReadHypershift reads a value of the 'hypershift' type from the given iterator.
func ReadHypershiftList ¶
func ReadHypershiftList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*Hypershift
ReadHypershiftList reads list of values of the ”hypershift' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalHypershift ¶
func UnmarshalHypershift(source interface{}) (object *Hypershift, err error)
UnmarshalHypershift reads a value of the 'hypershift' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalHypershiftList ¶
func UnmarshalHypershiftList(source interface{}) (items []*Hypershift, err error)
UnmarshalHypershiftList reads a list of values of the 'hypershift' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*Hypershift) Empty ¶
func (o *Hypershift) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*Hypershift) Enabled ¶
func (o *Hypershift) Enabled() bool
Enabled returns the value of the 'enabled' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Boolean flag indicating if the cluster should be creating using _Hypershift_.
By default this is `false`.
To enable it the cluster needs to be ROSA cluster and the organization of the user needs to have the `hypershift` capability enabled.
func (*Hypershift) GetEnabled ¶
func (o *Hypershift) GetEnabled() (value bool, ok bool)
GetEnabled returns the value of the 'enabled' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Boolean flag indicating if the cluster should be creating using _Hypershift_.
By default this is `false`.
To enable it the cluster needs to be ROSA cluster and the organization of the user needs to have the `hypershift` capability enabled.
type HypershiftBuilder ¶
type HypershiftBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
HypershiftBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'hypershift' objects.
Hypershift configuration.
func NewHypershift ¶
func NewHypershift() *HypershiftBuilder
NewHypershift creates a new builder of 'hypershift' objects.
func (*HypershiftBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *HypershiftBuilder) Build() (object *Hypershift, err error)
Build creates a 'hypershift' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*HypershiftBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *HypershiftBuilder) Copy(object *Hypershift) *HypershiftBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*HypershiftBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *HypershiftBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*HypershiftBuilder) Enabled ¶
func (b *HypershiftBuilder) Enabled(value bool) *HypershiftBuilder
Enabled sets the value of the 'enabled' attribute to the given value.
type HypershiftList ¶
type HypershiftList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
HypershiftList is a list of values of the 'hypershift' type.
func (*HypershiftList) Each ¶
func (l *HypershiftList) Each(f func(item *Hypershift) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*HypershiftList) Empty ¶
func (l *HypershiftList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*HypershiftList) Get ¶
func (l *HypershiftList) Get(i int) *Hypershift
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*HypershiftList) Items ¶
func (l *HypershiftList) Items() []*Hypershift
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*HypershiftList) Len ¶
func (l *HypershiftList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*HypershiftList) Range ¶
func (l *HypershiftList) Range(f func(index int, item *Hypershift) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*HypershiftList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *HypershiftList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*HypershiftList) SetItems ¶
func (l *HypershiftList) SetItems(items []*Hypershift)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*HypershiftList) SetLink ¶
func (l *HypershiftList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*HypershiftList) Slice ¶
func (l *HypershiftList) Slice() []*Hypershift
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type HypershiftListBuilder ¶
type HypershiftListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
HypershiftListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'hypershift' objects.
func NewHypershiftList ¶
func NewHypershiftList() *HypershiftListBuilder
NewHypershiftList creates a new builder of 'hypershift' objects.
func (*HypershiftListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *HypershiftListBuilder) Build() (list *HypershiftList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'hypershift' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*HypershiftListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *HypershiftListBuilder) Copy(list *HypershiftList) *HypershiftListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*HypershiftListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *HypershiftListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*HypershiftListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *HypershiftListBuilder) Items(values ...*HypershiftBuilder) *HypershiftListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type InstanceIAMRoles ¶
type InstanceIAMRoles struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
InstanceIAMRoles represents the values of the 'instance_IAM_roles' type.
Contains the necessary attributes to support role-based authentication on AWS.
func ReadInstanceIAMRoles ¶
func ReadInstanceIAMRoles(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *InstanceIAMRoles
ReadInstanceIAMRoles reads a value of the 'instance_IAM_roles' type from the given iterator.
func ReadInstanceIAMRolesList ¶
func ReadInstanceIAMRolesList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*InstanceIAMRoles
ReadInstanceIAMRolesList reads list of values of the ”instance_IAM_roles' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalInstanceIAMRoles ¶
func UnmarshalInstanceIAMRoles(source interface{}) (object *InstanceIAMRoles, err error)
UnmarshalInstanceIAMRoles reads a value of the 'instance_IAM_roles' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalInstanceIAMRolesList ¶
func UnmarshalInstanceIAMRolesList(source interface{}) (items []*InstanceIAMRoles, err error)
UnmarshalInstanceIAMRolesList reads a list of values of the 'instance_IAM_roles' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*InstanceIAMRoles) Empty ¶
func (o *InstanceIAMRoles) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*InstanceIAMRoles) GetMasterRoleARN ¶
func (o *InstanceIAMRoles) GetMasterRoleARN() (value string, ok bool)
GetMasterRoleARN returns the value of the 'master_role_ARN' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The IAM role ARN that will be attached to master instances
func (*InstanceIAMRoles) GetWorkerRoleARN ¶
func (o *InstanceIAMRoles) GetWorkerRoleARN() (value string, ok bool)
GetWorkerRoleARN returns the value of the 'worker_role_ARN' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The IAM role ARN that will be attached to worker instances
func (*InstanceIAMRoles) MasterRoleARN ¶
func (o *InstanceIAMRoles) MasterRoleARN() string
MasterRoleARN returns the value of the 'master_role_ARN' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The IAM role ARN that will be attached to master instances
func (*InstanceIAMRoles) WorkerRoleARN ¶
func (o *InstanceIAMRoles) WorkerRoleARN() string
WorkerRoleARN returns the value of the 'worker_role_ARN' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The IAM role ARN that will be attached to worker instances
type InstanceIAMRolesBuilder ¶
type InstanceIAMRolesBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
InstanceIAMRolesBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'instance_IAM_roles' objects.
Contains the necessary attributes to support role-based authentication on AWS.
func NewInstanceIAMRoles ¶
func NewInstanceIAMRoles() *InstanceIAMRolesBuilder
NewInstanceIAMRoles creates a new builder of 'instance_IAM_roles' objects.
func (*InstanceIAMRolesBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *InstanceIAMRolesBuilder) Build() (object *InstanceIAMRoles, err error)
Build creates a 'instance_IAM_roles' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*InstanceIAMRolesBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *InstanceIAMRolesBuilder) Copy(object *InstanceIAMRoles) *InstanceIAMRolesBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*InstanceIAMRolesBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *InstanceIAMRolesBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*InstanceIAMRolesBuilder) MasterRoleARN ¶
func (b *InstanceIAMRolesBuilder) MasterRoleARN(value string) *InstanceIAMRolesBuilder
MasterRoleARN sets the value of the 'master_role_ARN' attribute to the given value.
func (*InstanceIAMRolesBuilder) WorkerRoleARN ¶
func (b *InstanceIAMRolesBuilder) WorkerRoleARN(value string) *InstanceIAMRolesBuilder
WorkerRoleARN sets the value of the 'worker_role_ARN' attribute to the given value.
type InstanceIAMRolesList ¶
type InstanceIAMRolesList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
InstanceIAMRolesList is a list of values of the 'instance_IAM_roles' type.
func (*InstanceIAMRolesList) Each ¶
func (l *InstanceIAMRolesList) Each(f func(item *InstanceIAMRoles) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*InstanceIAMRolesList) Empty ¶
func (l *InstanceIAMRolesList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*InstanceIAMRolesList) Get ¶
func (l *InstanceIAMRolesList) Get(i int) *InstanceIAMRoles
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*InstanceIAMRolesList) Items ¶
func (l *InstanceIAMRolesList) Items() []*InstanceIAMRoles
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*InstanceIAMRolesList) Len ¶
func (l *InstanceIAMRolesList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*InstanceIAMRolesList) Range ¶
func (l *InstanceIAMRolesList) Range(f func(index int, item *InstanceIAMRoles) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*InstanceIAMRolesList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *InstanceIAMRolesList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*InstanceIAMRolesList) SetItems ¶
func (l *InstanceIAMRolesList) SetItems(items []*InstanceIAMRoles)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*InstanceIAMRolesList) SetLink ¶
func (l *InstanceIAMRolesList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*InstanceIAMRolesList) Slice ¶
func (l *InstanceIAMRolesList) Slice() []*InstanceIAMRoles
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type InstanceIAMRolesListBuilder ¶
type InstanceIAMRolesListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
InstanceIAMRolesListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'instance_IAM_roles' objects.
func NewInstanceIAMRolesList ¶
func NewInstanceIAMRolesList() *InstanceIAMRolesListBuilder
NewInstanceIAMRolesList creates a new builder of 'instance_IAM_roles' objects.
func (*InstanceIAMRolesListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *InstanceIAMRolesListBuilder) Build() (list *InstanceIAMRolesList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'instance_IAM_roles' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*InstanceIAMRolesListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *InstanceIAMRolesListBuilder) Copy(list *InstanceIAMRolesList) *InstanceIAMRolesListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*InstanceIAMRolesListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *InstanceIAMRolesListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*InstanceIAMRolesListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *InstanceIAMRolesListBuilder) Items(values ...*InstanceIAMRolesBuilder) *InstanceIAMRolesListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type KubeletConfig ¶
type KubeletConfig struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
KubeletConfig represents the values of the 'kubelet_config' type.
OCM representation of KubeletConfig, exposing the fields of Kubernetes KubeletConfig that can be managed by users
func ReadKubeletConfig ¶
func ReadKubeletConfig(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *KubeletConfig
ReadKubeletConfig reads a value of the 'kubelet_config' type from the given iterator.
func ReadKubeletConfigList ¶
func ReadKubeletConfigList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*KubeletConfig
ReadKubeletConfigList reads list of values of the ”kubelet_config' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalKubeletConfig ¶
func UnmarshalKubeletConfig(source interface{}) (object *KubeletConfig, err error)
UnmarshalKubeletConfig reads a value of the 'kubelet_config' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalKubeletConfigList ¶
func UnmarshalKubeletConfigList(source interface{}) (items []*KubeletConfig, err error)
UnmarshalKubeletConfigList reads a list of values of the 'kubelet_config' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*KubeletConfig) Empty ¶
func (o *KubeletConfig) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*KubeletConfig) GetHREF ¶
func (o *KubeletConfig) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
GetHREF returns the link of the object and a flag indicating if the link has a value.
func (*KubeletConfig) GetID ¶
func (o *KubeletConfig) GetID() (value string, ok bool)
GetID returns the identifier of the object and a flag indicating if the identifier has a value.
func (*KubeletConfig) GetName ¶
func (o *KubeletConfig) GetName() (value string, ok bool)
GetName returns the value of the 'name' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Allows the user to specify the name to be used to identify this KubeletConfig. Optional. A name will be generated if not provided.
func (*KubeletConfig) GetPodPidsLimit ¶
func (o *KubeletConfig) GetPodPidsLimit() (value int, ok bool)
GetPodPidsLimit returns the value of the 'pod_pids_limit' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Allows the user to specify the podPidsLimit to be applied via KubeletConfig. Useful if workloads have greater PIDs limit requirements than the OCP default.
func (*KubeletConfig) HREF ¶
func (o *KubeletConfig) HREF() string
HREF returns the link to the object.
func (*KubeletConfig) ID ¶
func (o *KubeletConfig) ID() string
ID returns the identifier of the object.
func (*KubeletConfig) Kind ¶
func (o *KubeletConfig) Kind() string
Kind returns the name of the type of the object.
func (*KubeletConfig) Link ¶
func (o *KubeletConfig) Link() bool
Link returns true if this is a link.
func (*KubeletConfig) Name ¶
func (o *KubeletConfig) Name() string
Name returns the value of the 'name' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Allows the user to specify the name to be used to identify this KubeletConfig. Optional. A name will be generated if not provided.
func (*KubeletConfig) PodPidsLimit ¶
func (o *KubeletConfig) PodPidsLimit() int
PodPidsLimit returns the value of the 'pod_pids_limit' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Allows the user to specify the podPidsLimit to be applied via KubeletConfig. Useful if workloads have greater PIDs limit requirements than the OCP default.
type KubeletConfigBuilder ¶
type KubeletConfigBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
KubeletConfigBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'kubelet_config' objects.
OCM representation of KubeletConfig, exposing the fields of Kubernetes KubeletConfig that can be managed by users
func NewKubeletConfig ¶
func NewKubeletConfig() *KubeletConfigBuilder
NewKubeletConfig creates a new builder of 'kubelet_config' objects.
func (*KubeletConfigBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *KubeletConfigBuilder) Build() (object *KubeletConfig, err error)
Build creates a 'kubelet_config' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*KubeletConfigBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *KubeletConfigBuilder) Copy(object *KubeletConfig) *KubeletConfigBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*KubeletConfigBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *KubeletConfigBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*KubeletConfigBuilder) HREF ¶
func (b *KubeletConfigBuilder) HREF(value string) *KubeletConfigBuilder
HREF sets the link to the object.
func (*KubeletConfigBuilder) ID ¶
func (b *KubeletConfigBuilder) ID(value string) *KubeletConfigBuilder
ID sets the identifier of the object.
func (*KubeletConfigBuilder) Link ¶
func (b *KubeletConfigBuilder) Link(value bool) *KubeletConfigBuilder
Link sets the flag that indicates if this is a link.
func (*KubeletConfigBuilder) Name ¶
func (b *KubeletConfigBuilder) Name(value string) *KubeletConfigBuilder
Name sets the value of the 'name' attribute to the given value.
func (*KubeletConfigBuilder) PodPidsLimit ¶
func (b *KubeletConfigBuilder) PodPidsLimit(value int) *KubeletConfigBuilder
PodPidsLimit sets the value of the 'pod_pids_limit' attribute to the given value.
type KubeletConfigList ¶
type KubeletConfigList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
KubeletConfigList is a list of values of the 'kubelet_config' type.
func (*KubeletConfigList) Each ¶
func (l *KubeletConfigList) Each(f func(item *KubeletConfig) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*KubeletConfigList) Empty ¶
func (l *KubeletConfigList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*KubeletConfigList) Get ¶
func (l *KubeletConfigList) Get(i int) *KubeletConfig
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*KubeletConfigList) GetHREF ¶
func (l *KubeletConfigList) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
GetHREF returns the link of the list and a flag indicating if the link has a value.
func (*KubeletConfigList) HREF ¶
func (l *KubeletConfigList) HREF() string
HREF returns the link to the list.
func (*KubeletConfigList) Items ¶
func (l *KubeletConfigList) Items() []*KubeletConfig
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*KubeletConfigList) Kind ¶
func (l *KubeletConfigList) Kind() string
Kind returns the name of the type of the object.
func (*KubeletConfigList) Len ¶
func (l *KubeletConfigList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*KubeletConfigList) Link ¶
func (l *KubeletConfigList) Link() bool
Link returns true iif this is a link.
func (*KubeletConfigList) Range ¶
func (l *KubeletConfigList) Range(f func(index int, item *KubeletConfig) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*KubeletConfigList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *KubeletConfigList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*KubeletConfigList) SetItems ¶
func (l *KubeletConfigList) SetItems(items []*KubeletConfig)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*KubeletConfigList) SetLink ¶
func (l *KubeletConfigList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*KubeletConfigList) Slice ¶
func (l *KubeletConfigList) Slice() []*KubeletConfig
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type KubeletConfigListBuilder ¶
type KubeletConfigListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
KubeletConfigListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'kubelet_config' objects.
func NewKubeletConfigList ¶
func NewKubeletConfigList() *KubeletConfigListBuilder
NewKubeletConfigList creates a new builder of 'kubelet_config' objects.
func (*KubeletConfigListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *KubeletConfigListBuilder) Build() (list *KubeletConfigList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'kubelet_config' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*KubeletConfigListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *KubeletConfigListBuilder) Copy(list *KubeletConfigList) *KubeletConfigListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*KubeletConfigListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *KubeletConfigListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*KubeletConfigListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *KubeletConfigListBuilder) Items(values ...*KubeletConfigBuilder) *KubeletConfigListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type ListeningMethod ¶
type ListeningMethod string
ListeningMethod represents the values of the 'listening_method' enumerated type.
const ( // Uses both external and internal traffic. ListeningMethodExternal ListeningMethod = "external" // Uses only internal traffic. ListeningMethodInternal ListeningMethod = "internal" )
func ReadListeningMethodList ¶
func ReadListeningMethodList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []ListeningMethod
ReadListeningMethodList reads list of values of the ”listening_method' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalListeningMethodList ¶
func UnmarshalListeningMethodList(source interface{}) (items []ListeningMethod, err error)
UnmarshalListeningMethodList reads a list of values of the 'listening_method' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
type MachinePoolAutoscaling ¶
type MachinePoolAutoscaling struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MachinePoolAutoscaling represents the values of the 'machine_pool_autoscaling' type.
Representation of a autoscaling in a machine pool.
func ReadMachinePoolAutoscaling ¶
func ReadMachinePoolAutoscaling(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *MachinePoolAutoscaling
ReadMachinePoolAutoscaling reads a value of the 'machine_pool_autoscaling' type from the given iterator.
func ReadMachinePoolAutoscalingList ¶
func ReadMachinePoolAutoscalingList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*MachinePoolAutoscaling
ReadMachinePoolAutoscalingList reads list of values of the ”machine_pool_autoscaling' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalMachinePoolAutoscaling ¶
func UnmarshalMachinePoolAutoscaling(source interface{}) (object *MachinePoolAutoscaling, err error)
UnmarshalMachinePoolAutoscaling reads a value of the 'machine_pool_autoscaling' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalMachinePoolAutoscalingList ¶
func UnmarshalMachinePoolAutoscalingList(source interface{}) (items []*MachinePoolAutoscaling, err error)
UnmarshalMachinePoolAutoscalingList reads a list of values of the 'machine_pool_autoscaling' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*MachinePoolAutoscaling) Empty ¶
func (o *MachinePoolAutoscaling) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*MachinePoolAutoscaling) GetHREF ¶
func (o *MachinePoolAutoscaling) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
GetHREF returns the link of the object and a flag indicating if the link has a value.
func (*MachinePoolAutoscaling) GetID ¶
func (o *MachinePoolAutoscaling) GetID() (value string, ok bool)
GetID returns the identifier of the object and a flag indicating if the identifier has a value.
func (*MachinePoolAutoscaling) GetMaxReplicas ¶
func (o *MachinePoolAutoscaling) GetMaxReplicas() (value int, ok bool)
GetMaxReplicas returns the value of the 'max_replicas' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The maximum number of replicas for the machine pool.
func (*MachinePoolAutoscaling) GetMinReplicas ¶
func (o *MachinePoolAutoscaling) GetMinReplicas() (value int, ok bool)
GetMinReplicas returns the value of the 'min_replicas' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The minimum number of replicas for the machine pool.
func (*MachinePoolAutoscaling) HREF ¶
func (o *MachinePoolAutoscaling) HREF() string
HREF returns the link to the object.
func (*MachinePoolAutoscaling) ID ¶
func (o *MachinePoolAutoscaling) ID() string
ID returns the identifier of the object.
func (*MachinePoolAutoscaling) Kind ¶
func (o *MachinePoolAutoscaling) Kind() string
Kind returns the name of the type of the object.
func (*MachinePoolAutoscaling) Link ¶
func (o *MachinePoolAutoscaling) Link() bool
Link returns true if this is a link.
func (*MachinePoolAutoscaling) MaxReplicas ¶
func (o *MachinePoolAutoscaling) MaxReplicas() int
MaxReplicas returns the value of the 'max_replicas' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The maximum number of replicas for the machine pool.
func (*MachinePoolAutoscaling) MinReplicas ¶
func (o *MachinePoolAutoscaling) MinReplicas() int
MinReplicas returns the value of the 'min_replicas' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The minimum number of replicas for the machine pool.
type MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder ¶
type MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'machine_pool_autoscaling' objects.
Representation of a autoscaling in a machine pool.
func NewMachinePoolAutoscaling ¶
func NewMachinePoolAutoscaling() *MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder
NewMachinePoolAutoscaling creates a new builder of 'machine_pool_autoscaling' objects.
func (*MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder) Build() (object *MachinePoolAutoscaling, err error)
Build creates a 'machine_pool_autoscaling' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder) Copy(object *MachinePoolAutoscaling) *MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder) HREF ¶
func (b *MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder) HREF(value string) *MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder
HREF sets the link to the object.
func (*MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder) ID ¶
func (b *MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder) ID(value string) *MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder
ID sets the identifier of the object.
func (*MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder) Link ¶
func (b *MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder) Link(value bool) *MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder
Link sets the flag that indicates if this is a link.
func (*MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder) MaxReplicas ¶
func (b *MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder) MaxReplicas(value int) *MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder
MaxReplicas sets the value of the 'max_replicas' attribute to the given value.
func (*MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder) MinReplicas ¶
func (b *MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder) MinReplicas(value int) *MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder
MinReplicas sets the value of the 'min_replicas' attribute to the given value.
type MachinePoolAutoscalingList ¶
type MachinePoolAutoscalingList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MachinePoolAutoscalingList is a list of values of the 'machine_pool_autoscaling' type.
func (*MachinePoolAutoscalingList) Each ¶
func (l *MachinePoolAutoscalingList) Each(f func(item *MachinePoolAutoscaling) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*MachinePoolAutoscalingList) Empty ¶
func (l *MachinePoolAutoscalingList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*MachinePoolAutoscalingList) Get ¶
func (l *MachinePoolAutoscalingList) Get(i int) *MachinePoolAutoscaling
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*MachinePoolAutoscalingList) GetHREF ¶
func (l *MachinePoolAutoscalingList) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
GetHREF returns the link of the list and a flag indicating if the link has a value.
func (*MachinePoolAutoscalingList) HREF ¶
func (l *MachinePoolAutoscalingList) HREF() string
HREF returns the link to the list.
func (*MachinePoolAutoscalingList) Items ¶
func (l *MachinePoolAutoscalingList) Items() []*MachinePoolAutoscaling
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*MachinePoolAutoscalingList) Kind ¶
func (l *MachinePoolAutoscalingList) Kind() string
Kind returns the name of the type of the object.
func (*MachinePoolAutoscalingList) Len ¶
func (l *MachinePoolAutoscalingList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*MachinePoolAutoscalingList) Link ¶
func (l *MachinePoolAutoscalingList) Link() bool
Link returns true iif this is a link.
func (*MachinePoolAutoscalingList) Range ¶
func (l *MachinePoolAutoscalingList) Range(f func(index int, item *MachinePoolAutoscaling) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*MachinePoolAutoscalingList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *MachinePoolAutoscalingList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*MachinePoolAutoscalingList) SetItems ¶
func (l *MachinePoolAutoscalingList) SetItems(items []*MachinePoolAutoscaling)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*MachinePoolAutoscalingList) SetLink ¶
func (l *MachinePoolAutoscalingList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*MachinePoolAutoscalingList) Slice ¶
func (l *MachinePoolAutoscalingList) Slice() []*MachinePoolAutoscaling
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type MachinePoolAutoscalingListBuilder ¶
type MachinePoolAutoscalingListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MachinePoolAutoscalingListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'machine_pool_autoscaling' objects.
func NewMachinePoolAutoscalingList ¶
func NewMachinePoolAutoscalingList() *MachinePoolAutoscalingListBuilder
NewMachinePoolAutoscalingList creates a new builder of 'machine_pool_autoscaling' objects.
func (*MachinePoolAutoscalingListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *MachinePoolAutoscalingListBuilder) Build() (list *MachinePoolAutoscalingList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'machine_pool_autoscaling' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*MachinePoolAutoscalingListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *MachinePoolAutoscalingListBuilder) Copy(list *MachinePoolAutoscalingList) *MachinePoolAutoscalingListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*MachinePoolAutoscalingListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *MachinePoolAutoscalingListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*MachinePoolAutoscalingListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *MachinePoolAutoscalingListBuilder) Items(values ...*MachinePoolAutoscalingBuilder) *MachinePoolAutoscalingListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter ¶
type MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter represents the values of the 'machine_pool_security_group_filter' type.
Security Group Filter object, containing name of the filter tag and value of the filter tag
func ReadMachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter ¶
func ReadMachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter
ReadMachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter reads a value of the 'machine_pool_security_group_filter' type from the given iterator.
func ReadMachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList ¶
func ReadMachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter
ReadMachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList reads list of values of the ”machine_pool_security_group_filter' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalMachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter ¶
func UnmarshalMachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter(source interface{}) (object *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter, err error)
UnmarshalMachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter reads a value of the 'machine_pool_security_group_filter' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalMachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList ¶
func UnmarshalMachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList(source interface{}) (items []*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter, err error)
UnmarshalMachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList reads a list of values of the 'machine_pool_security_group_filter' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter) Empty ¶
func (o *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter) GetName ¶
func (o *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter) GetName() (value string, ok bool)
GetName returns the value of the 'name' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
func (*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter) GetValue ¶
func (o *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter) GetValue() (value string, ok bool)
GetValue returns the value of the 'value' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
func (*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter) Name ¶
func (o *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter) Name() string
Name returns the value of the 'name' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
func (*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter) Value ¶
func (o *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter) Value() string
Value returns the value of the 'value' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
type MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterBuilder ¶
type MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'machine_pool_security_group_filter' objects.
Security Group Filter object, containing name of the filter tag and value of the filter tag
func NewMachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter ¶
func NewMachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter() *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterBuilder
NewMachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter creates a new builder of 'machine_pool_security_group_filter' objects.
func (*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterBuilder) Build() (object *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter, err error)
Build creates a 'machine_pool_security_group_filter' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterBuilder) Copy(object *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter) *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterBuilder) Name ¶
func (b *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterBuilder) Name(value string) *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterBuilder
Name sets the value of the 'name' attribute to the given value.
func (*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterBuilder) Value ¶
func (b *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterBuilder) Value(value string) *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterBuilder
Value sets the value of the 'value' attribute to the given value.
type MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList ¶
type MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList is a list of values of the 'machine_pool_security_group_filter' type.
func (*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList) Each ¶
func (l *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList) Each(f func(item *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList) Empty ¶
func (l *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList) Get ¶
func (l *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList) Get(i int) *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList) Items ¶
func (l *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList) Items() []*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList) Len ¶
func (l *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList) Range ¶
func (l *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList) Range(f func(index int, item *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList) SetItems ¶
func (l *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList) SetItems(items []*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList) SetLink ¶
func (l *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList) Slice ¶
func (l *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList) Slice() []*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilter
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterListBuilder ¶
type MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'machine_pool_security_group_filter' objects.
func NewMachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList ¶
func NewMachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList() *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterListBuilder
NewMachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList creates a new builder of 'machine_pool_security_group_filter' objects.
func (*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterListBuilder) Build() (list *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'machine_pool_security_group_filter' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterListBuilder) Copy(list *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterList) *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterListBuilder) Items(values ...*MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterBuilder) *MachinePoolSecurityGroupFilterListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type MachineType ¶
type MachineType struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MachineType represents the values of the 'machine_type' type.
Machine type.
func ReadMachineType ¶
func ReadMachineType(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *MachineType
ReadMachineType reads a value of the 'machine_type' type from the given iterator.
func ReadMachineTypeList ¶
func ReadMachineTypeList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*MachineType
ReadMachineTypeList reads list of values of the ”machine_type' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalMachineType ¶
func UnmarshalMachineType(source interface{}) (object *MachineType, err error)
UnmarshalMachineType reads a value of the 'machine_type' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalMachineTypeList ¶
func UnmarshalMachineTypeList(source interface{}) (items []*MachineType, err error)
UnmarshalMachineTypeList reads a list of values of the 'machine_type' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*MachineType) Architecture ¶
func (o *MachineType) Architecture() ProcessorType
Architecture returns the value of the 'architecture' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The architecture of the machine type.
func (*MachineType) CCSOnly ¶
func (o *MachineType) CCSOnly() bool
CCSOnly returns the value of the 'CCS_only' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
'true' if the instance type is supported only for CCS clusters, 'false' otherwise.
func (*MachineType) CPU ¶
func (o *MachineType) CPU() *Value
CPU returns the value of the 'CPU' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The amount of cpu's of the machine type.
func (*MachineType) Category ¶
func (o *MachineType) Category() MachineTypeCategory
Category returns the value of the 'category' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The category which the machine type is suitable for.
func (*MachineType) CloudProvider ¶
func (o *MachineType) CloudProvider() *v1.CloudProvider
CloudProvider returns the value of the 'cloud_provider' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Link to the cloud provider that the machine type belongs to.
func (*MachineType) Empty ¶
func (o *MachineType) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*MachineType) GenericName ¶
func (o *MachineType) GenericName() string
GenericName returns the value of the 'generic_name' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Generic name for quota purposes, for example `highmem-4`. Cloud provider agnostic - many values are shared between "similar" machine types on different providers. Corresponds to `resource_name` values in "compute.node" quota cost data.
func (*MachineType) GetArchitecture ¶
func (o *MachineType) GetArchitecture() (value ProcessorType, ok bool)
GetArchitecture returns the value of the 'architecture' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The architecture of the machine type.
func (*MachineType) GetCCSOnly ¶
func (o *MachineType) GetCCSOnly() (value bool, ok bool)
GetCCSOnly returns the value of the 'CCS_only' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
'true' if the instance type is supported only for CCS clusters, 'false' otherwise.
func (*MachineType) GetCPU ¶
func (o *MachineType) GetCPU() (value *Value, ok bool)
GetCPU returns the value of the 'CPU' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The amount of cpu's of the machine type.
func (*MachineType) GetCategory ¶
func (o *MachineType) GetCategory() (value MachineTypeCategory, ok bool)
GetCategory returns the value of the 'category' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The category which the machine type is suitable for.
func (*MachineType) GetCloudProvider ¶
func (o *MachineType) GetCloudProvider() (value *v1.CloudProvider, ok bool)
GetCloudProvider returns the value of the 'cloud_provider' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Link to the cloud provider that the machine type belongs to.
func (*MachineType) GetGenericName ¶
func (o *MachineType) GetGenericName() (value string, ok bool)
GetGenericName returns the value of the 'generic_name' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Generic name for quota purposes, for example `highmem-4`. Cloud provider agnostic - many values are shared between "similar" machine types on different providers. Corresponds to `resource_name` values in "compute.node" quota cost data.
func (*MachineType) GetHREF ¶
func (o *MachineType) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
GetHREF returns the link of the object and a flag indicating if the link has a value.
func (*MachineType) GetID ¶
func (o *MachineType) GetID() (value string, ok bool)
GetID returns the identifier of the object and a flag indicating if the identifier has a value.
func (*MachineType) GetMemory ¶
func (o *MachineType) GetMemory() (value *Value, ok bool)
GetMemory returns the value of the 'memory' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The amount of memory of the machine type.
func (*MachineType) GetName ¶
func (o *MachineType) GetName() (value string, ok bool)
GetName returns the value of the 'name' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Human friendly identifier of the machine type, for example `r5.xlarge - Memory Optimized`.
func (*MachineType) GetSize ¶
func (o *MachineType) GetSize() (value MachineTypeSize, ok bool)
GetSize returns the value of the 'size' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The size of the machine type.
func (*MachineType) HREF ¶
func (o *MachineType) HREF() string
HREF returns the link to the object.
func (*MachineType) ID ¶
func (o *MachineType) ID() string
ID returns the identifier of the object.
func (*MachineType) Kind ¶
func (o *MachineType) Kind() string
Kind returns the name of the type of the object.
func (*MachineType) Memory ¶
func (o *MachineType) Memory() *Value
Memory returns the value of the 'memory' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The amount of memory of the machine type.
func (*MachineType) Name ¶
func (o *MachineType) Name() string
Name returns the value of the 'name' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Human friendly identifier of the machine type, for example `r5.xlarge - Memory Optimized`.
func (*MachineType) Size ¶
func (o *MachineType) Size() MachineTypeSize
Size returns the value of the 'size' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The size of the machine type.
type MachineTypeBuilder ¶
type MachineTypeBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Machine type.
func NewMachineType ¶
func NewMachineType() *MachineTypeBuilder
NewMachineType creates a new builder of 'machine_type' objects.
func (*MachineTypeBuilder) Architecture ¶
func (b *MachineTypeBuilder) Architecture(value ProcessorType) *MachineTypeBuilder
Architecture sets the value of the 'architecture' attribute to the given value.
Processor type category.
func (*MachineTypeBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *MachineTypeBuilder) Build() (object *MachineType, err error)
Build creates a 'machine_type' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*MachineTypeBuilder) CCSOnly ¶
func (b *MachineTypeBuilder) CCSOnly(value bool) *MachineTypeBuilder
CCSOnly sets the value of the 'CCS_only' attribute to the given value.
func (*MachineTypeBuilder) CPU ¶
func (b *MachineTypeBuilder) CPU(value *ValueBuilder) *MachineTypeBuilder
CPU sets the value of the 'CPU' attribute to the given value.
Numeric value and the unit used to measure it.
Units are not mandatory, and they're not specified for some resources. For resources that use bytes, the accepted units are:
- 1 B = 1 byte - 1 KB = 10^3 bytes - 1 MB = 10^6 bytes - 1 GB = 10^9 bytes - 1 TB = 10^12 bytes - 1 PB = 10^15 bytes
- 1 B = 1 byte - 1 KiB = 2^10 bytes - 1 MiB = 2^20 bytes - 1 GiB = 2^30 bytes - 1 TiB = 2^40 bytes - 1 PiB = 2^50 bytes
func (*MachineTypeBuilder) Category ¶
func (b *MachineTypeBuilder) Category(value MachineTypeCategory) *MachineTypeBuilder
Category sets the value of the 'category' attribute to the given value.
Machine type category.
func (*MachineTypeBuilder) CloudProvider ¶
func (b *MachineTypeBuilder) CloudProvider(value *v1.CloudProviderBuilder) *MachineTypeBuilder
CloudProvider sets the value of the 'cloud_provider' attribute to the given value.
Cloud provider.
func (*MachineTypeBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *MachineTypeBuilder) Copy(object *MachineType) *MachineTypeBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*MachineTypeBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *MachineTypeBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*MachineTypeBuilder) GenericName ¶
func (b *MachineTypeBuilder) GenericName(value string) *MachineTypeBuilder
GenericName sets the value of the 'generic_name' attribute to the given value.
func (*MachineTypeBuilder) HREF ¶
func (b *MachineTypeBuilder) HREF(value string) *MachineTypeBuilder
HREF sets the link to the object.
func (*MachineTypeBuilder) ID ¶
func (b *MachineTypeBuilder) ID(value string) *MachineTypeBuilder
ID sets the identifier of the object.
func (*MachineTypeBuilder) Link ¶
func (b *MachineTypeBuilder) Link(value bool) *MachineTypeBuilder
Link sets the flag that indicates if this is a link.
func (*MachineTypeBuilder) Memory ¶
func (b *MachineTypeBuilder) Memory(value *ValueBuilder) *MachineTypeBuilder
Memory sets the value of the 'memory' attribute to the given value.
Numeric value and the unit used to measure it.
Units are not mandatory, and they're not specified for some resources. For resources that use bytes, the accepted units are:
- 1 B = 1 byte - 1 KB = 10^3 bytes - 1 MB = 10^6 bytes - 1 GB = 10^9 bytes - 1 TB = 10^12 bytes - 1 PB = 10^15 bytes
- 1 B = 1 byte - 1 KiB = 2^10 bytes - 1 MiB = 2^20 bytes - 1 GiB = 2^30 bytes - 1 TiB = 2^40 bytes - 1 PiB = 2^50 bytes
func (*MachineTypeBuilder) Name ¶
func (b *MachineTypeBuilder) Name(value string) *MachineTypeBuilder
Name sets the value of the 'name' attribute to the given value.
func (*MachineTypeBuilder) Size ¶
func (b *MachineTypeBuilder) Size(value MachineTypeSize) *MachineTypeBuilder
Size sets the value of the 'size' attribute to the given value.
Machine type size.
type MachineTypeCategory ¶
type MachineTypeCategory string
MachineTypeCategory represents the values of the 'machine_type_category' enumerated type.
const ( // Accelerated Computing machine type. MachineTypeCategoryAcceleratedComputing MachineTypeCategory = "accelerated_computing" // Compute Optimized machine type. MachineTypeCategoryComputeOptimized MachineTypeCategory = "compute_optimized" // General Purpose machine type. MachineTypeCategoryGeneralPurpose MachineTypeCategory = "general_purpose" // Memory Optimized machine type. MachineTypeCategoryMemoryOptimized MachineTypeCategory = "memory_optimized" )
func ReadMachineTypeCategoryList ¶
func ReadMachineTypeCategoryList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []MachineTypeCategory
ReadMachineTypeCategoryList reads list of values of the ”machine_type_category' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalMachineTypeCategoryList ¶
func UnmarshalMachineTypeCategoryList(source interface{}) (items []MachineTypeCategory, err error)
UnmarshalMachineTypeCategoryList reads a list of values of the 'machine_type_category' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
type MachineTypeList ¶
type MachineTypeList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MachineTypeList is a list of values of the 'machine_type' type.
func (*MachineTypeList) Each ¶
func (l *MachineTypeList) Each(f func(item *MachineType) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*MachineTypeList) Empty ¶
func (l *MachineTypeList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*MachineTypeList) Get ¶
func (l *MachineTypeList) Get(i int) *MachineType
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*MachineTypeList) GetHREF ¶
func (l *MachineTypeList) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
GetHREF returns the link of the list and a flag indicating if the link has a value.
func (*MachineTypeList) HREF ¶
func (l *MachineTypeList) HREF() string
HREF returns the link to the list.
func (*MachineTypeList) Items ¶
func (l *MachineTypeList) Items() []*MachineType
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*MachineTypeList) Kind ¶
func (l *MachineTypeList) Kind() string
Kind returns the name of the type of the object.
func (*MachineTypeList) Len ¶
func (l *MachineTypeList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*MachineTypeList) Link ¶
func (l *MachineTypeList) Link() bool
Link returns true iif this is a link.
func (*MachineTypeList) Range ¶
func (l *MachineTypeList) Range(f func(index int, item *MachineType) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*MachineTypeList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *MachineTypeList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*MachineTypeList) SetItems ¶
func (l *MachineTypeList) SetItems(items []*MachineType)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*MachineTypeList) SetLink ¶
func (l *MachineTypeList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*MachineTypeList) Slice ¶
func (l *MachineTypeList) Slice() []*MachineType
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type MachineTypeListBuilder ¶
type MachineTypeListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MachineTypeListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'machine_type' objects.
func NewMachineTypeList ¶
func NewMachineTypeList() *MachineTypeListBuilder
NewMachineTypeList creates a new builder of 'machine_type' objects.
func (*MachineTypeListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *MachineTypeListBuilder) Build() (list *MachineTypeList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'machine_type' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*MachineTypeListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *MachineTypeListBuilder) Copy(list *MachineTypeList) *MachineTypeListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*MachineTypeListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *MachineTypeListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*MachineTypeListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *MachineTypeListBuilder) Items(values ...*MachineTypeBuilder) *MachineTypeListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type MachineTypeSize ¶
type MachineTypeSize string
MachineTypeSize represents the values of the 'machine_type_size' enumerated type.
const ( // Large machine type (e.g. c5.4xlarge, custom-16-65536) MachineTypeSizeLarge MachineTypeSize = "large" // Medium machine type (e.g. r5.2xlarge, custom-8-32768) MachineTypeSizeMedium MachineTypeSize = "medium" // Small machine type (e.g. m5.xlarge, custom-4-16384) MachineTypeSizeSmall MachineTypeSize = "small" )
func ReadMachineTypeSizeList ¶
func ReadMachineTypeSizeList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []MachineTypeSize
ReadMachineTypeSizeList reads list of values of the ”machine_type_size' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalMachineTypeSizeList ¶
func UnmarshalMachineTypeSizeList(source interface{}) (items []MachineTypeSize, err error)
UnmarshalMachineTypeSizeList reads a list of values of the 'machine_type_size' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
type ManagedService ¶
type ManagedService struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ManagedService represents the values of the 'managed_service' type.
Contains the necessary attributes to support role-based authentication on AWS.
func ReadManagedService ¶
func ReadManagedService(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *ManagedService
ReadManagedService reads a value of the 'managed_service' type from the given iterator.
func ReadManagedServiceList ¶
func ReadManagedServiceList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*ManagedService
ReadManagedServiceList reads list of values of the ”managed_service' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalManagedService ¶
func UnmarshalManagedService(source interface{}) (object *ManagedService, err error)
UnmarshalManagedService reads a value of the 'managed_service' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalManagedServiceList ¶
func UnmarshalManagedServiceList(source interface{}) (items []*ManagedService, err error)
UnmarshalManagedServiceList reads a list of values of the 'managed_service' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*ManagedService) Empty ¶
func (o *ManagedService) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*ManagedService) Enabled ¶
func (o *ManagedService) Enabled() bool
Enabled returns the value of the 'enabled' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Indicates whether the cluster belongs to a managed service This should only be set by the "Managed Service" service. clusters with this set can only be modified by the "Managed Service" service.
func (*ManagedService) GetEnabled ¶
func (o *ManagedService) GetEnabled() (value bool, ok bool)
GetEnabled returns the value of the 'enabled' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Indicates whether the cluster belongs to a managed service This should only be set by the "Managed Service" service. clusters with this set can only be modified by the "Managed Service" service.
type ManagedServiceBuilder ¶
type ManagedServiceBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ManagedServiceBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'managed_service' objects.
Contains the necessary attributes to support role-based authentication on AWS.
func NewManagedService ¶
func NewManagedService() *ManagedServiceBuilder
NewManagedService creates a new builder of 'managed_service' objects.
func (*ManagedServiceBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *ManagedServiceBuilder) Build() (object *ManagedService, err error)
Build creates a 'managed_service' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*ManagedServiceBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *ManagedServiceBuilder) Copy(object *ManagedService) *ManagedServiceBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*ManagedServiceBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *ManagedServiceBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*ManagedServiceBuilder) Enabled ¶
func (b *ManagedServiceBuilder) Enabled(value bool) *ManagedServiceBuilder
Enabled sets the value of the 'enabled' attribute to the given value.
type ManagedServiceList ¶
type ManagedServiceList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ManagedServiceList is a list of values of the 'managed_service' type.
func (*ManagedServiceList) Each ¶
func (l *ManagedServiceList) Each(f func(item *ManagedService) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*ManagedServiceList) Empty ¶
func (l *ManagedServiceList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*ManagedServiceList) Get ¶
func (l *ManagedServiceList) Get(i int) *ManagedService
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*ManagedServiceList) Items ¶
func (l *ManagedServiceList) Items() []*ManagedService
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*ManagedServiceList) Len ¶
func (l *ManagedServiceList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*ManagedServiceList) Range ¶
func (l *ManagedServiceList) Range(f func(index int, item *ManagedService) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*ManagedServiceList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *ManagedServiceList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*ManagedServiceList) SetItems ¶
func (l *ManagedServiceList) SetItems(items []*ManagedService)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*ManagedServiceList) SetLink ¶
func (l *ManagedServiceList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*ManagedServiceList) Slice ¶
func (l *ManagedServiceList) Slice() []*ManagedService
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type ManagedServiceListBuilder ¶
type ManagedServiceListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ManagedServiceListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'managed_service' objects.
func NewManagedServiceList ¶
func NewManagedServiceList() *ManagedServiceListBuilder
NewManagedServiceList creates a new builder of 'managed_service' objects.
func (*ManagedServiceListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *ManagedServiceListBuilder) Build() (list *ManagedServiceList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'managed_service' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*ManagedServiceListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *ManagedServiceListBuilder) Copy(list *ManagedServiceList) *ManagedServiceListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*ManagedServiceListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *ManagedServiceListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*ManagedServiceListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *ManagedServiceListBuilder) Items(values ...*ManagedServiceBuilder) *ManagedServiceListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type Metadata ¶
type Metadata struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Metadata contains the version metadata.
func UnmarshalMetadata ¶
UnmarshalMetadata reads a value of the metadata type from the given source, which which can be a reader, a slice of byte or a string.
func (*Metadata) GetServerVersion ¶
GetServerVersion returns the value of the server version and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
func (*Metadata) ServerVersion ¶
ServerVersion returns the version of the server.
type MetadataRequest ¶
type MetadataRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MetadataRequest is the request to retrieve the metadata.
func (*MetadataRequest) Header ¶
func (r *MetadataRequest) Header(name string, value interface{}) *MetadataRequest
Header adds a request header.
func (*MetadataRequest) Parameter ¶
func (r *MetadataRequest) Parameter(name string, value interface{}) *MetadataRequest
Parameter adds a query parameter.
func (*MetadataRequest) Send ¶
func (r *MetadataRequest) Send() (result *MetadataResponse, err error)
Send sends the metadata request, waits for the response, and returns it.
This is a potentially lengthy operation, as it requires network communication. Consider using a context and the SendContext method.
func (*MetadataRequest) SendContext ¶
func (r *MetadataRequest) SendContext(ctx context.Context) (result *MetadataResponse, err error)
SendContext sends the metadata request, waits for the response, and returns it.
type MetadataResponse ¶
type MetadataResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MetadataResponse is the response for the metadata request.
func (*MetadataResponse) Body ¶
func (r *MetadataResponse) Body() *Metadata
Body returns the response body.
func (*MetadataResponse) Error ¶
func (r *MetadataResponse) Error() *errors.Error
Error returns the response error.
func (*MetadataResponse) Header ¶
func (r *MetadataResponse) Header() http.Header
Header returns header of the response.
func (*MetadataResponse) Status ¶
func (r *MetadataResponse) Status() int
Status returns the response status code.
type Network ¶
type Network struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Network represents the values of the 'network' type.
Network configuration of a cluster.
func ReadNetwork ¶
ReadNetwork reads a value of the 'network' type from the given iterator.
func ReadNetworkList ¶
ReadNetworkList reads list of values of the ”network' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalNetwork ¶
UnmarshalNetwork reads a value of the 'network' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalNetworkList ¶
UnmarshalNetworkList reads a list of values of the 'network' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*Network) GetHostPrefix ¶
GetHostPrefix returns the value of the 'host_prefix' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Network host prefix which is defaulted to `23` if not specified.
func (*Network) GetMachineCIDR ¶
GetMachineCIDR returns the value of the 'machine_CIDR' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
IP address block from which to assign machine IP addresses, for example ``.
func (*Network) GetPodCIDR ¶
GetPodCIDR returns the value of the 'pod_CIDR' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
IP address block from which to assign pod IP addresses, for example ``.
func (*Network) GetServiceCIDR ¶
GetServiceCIDR returns the value of the 'service_CIDR' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
IP address block from which to assign service IP addresses, for example ``.
func (*Network) GetType ¶
GetType returns the value of the 'type' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The main controller responsible for rendering the core networking components.
func (*Network) HostPrefix ¶
HostPrefix returns the value of the 'host_prefix' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Network host prefix which is defaulted to `23` if not specified.
func (*Network) MachineCIDR ¶
MachineCIDR returns the value of the 'machine_CIDR' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
IP address block from which to assign machine IP addresses, for example ``.
func (*Network) PodCIDR ¶
PodCIDR returns the value of the 'pod_CIDR' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
IP address block from which to assign pod IP addresses, for example ``.
func (*Network) ServiceCIDR ¶
ServiceCIDR returns the value of the 'service_CIDR' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
IP address block from which to assign service IP addresses, for example ``.
type NetworkBuilder ¶
type NetworkBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NetworkBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'network' objects.
Network configuration of a cluster.
func NewNetwork ¶
func NewNetwork() *NetworkBuilder
NewNetwork creates a new builder of 'network' objects.
func (*NetworkBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *NetworkBuilder) Build() (object *Network, err error)
Build creates a 'network' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*NetworkBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *NetworkBuilder) Copy(object *Network) *NetworkBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*NetworkBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *NetworkBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*NetworkBuilder) HostPrefix ¶
func (b *NetworkBuilder) HostPrefix(value int) *NetworkBuilder
HostPrefix sets the value of the 'host_prefix' attribute to the given value.
func (*NetworkBuilder) MachineCIDR ¶
func (b *NetworkBuilder) MachineCIDR(value string) *NetworkBuilder
MachineCIDR sets the value of the 'machine_CIDR' attribute to the given value.
func (*NetworkBuilder) PodCIDR ¶
func (b *NetworkBuilder) PodCIDR(value string) *NetworkBuilder
PodCIDR sets the value of the 'pod_CIDR' attribute to the given value.
func (*NetworkBuilder) ServiceCIDR ¶
func (b *NetworkBuilder) ServiceCIDR(value string) *NetworkBuilder
ServiceCIDR sets the value of the 'service_CIDR' attribute to the given value.
func (*NetworkBuilder) Type ¶
func (b *NetworkBuilder) Type(value string) *NetworkBuilder
Type sets the value of the 'type' attribute to the given value.
type NetworkList ¶
type NetworkList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NetworkList is a list of values of the 'network' type.
func (*NetworkList) Each ¶
func (l *NetworkList) Each(f func(item *Network) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*NetworkList) Empty ¶
func (l *NetworkList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*NetworkList) Get ¶
func (l *NetworkList) Get(i int) *Network
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*NetworkList) Items ¶
func (l *NetworkList) Items() []*Network
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*NetworkList) Range ¶
func (l *NetworkList) Range(f func(index int, item *Network) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*NetworkList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *NetworkList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*NetworkList) SetItems ¶
func (l *NetworkList) SetItems(items []*Network)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*NetworkList) SetLink ¶
func (l *NetworkList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*NetworkList) Slice ¶
func (l *NetworkList) Slice() []*Network
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type NetworkListBuilder ¶
type NetworkListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
NetworkListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'network' objects.
func NewNetworkList ¶
func NewNetworkList() *NetworkListBuilder
NewNetworkList creates a new builder of 'network' objects.
func (*NetworkListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *NetworkListBuilder) Build() (list *NetworkList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'network' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*NetworkListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *NetworkListBuilder) Copy(list *NetworkList) *NetworkListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*NetworkListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *NetworkListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*NetworkListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *NetworkListBuilder) Items(values ...*NetworkBuilder) *NetworkListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type OidcConfig ¶
type OidcConfig struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OidcConfig represents the values of the 'oidc_config' type.
Contains the necessary attributes to support oidc configuration hosting under Red Hat or registering a Customer's byo oidc config.
func ReadOidcConfig ¶
func ReadOidcConfig(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *OidcConfig
ReadOidcConfig reads a value of the 'oidc_config' type from the given iterator.
func ReadOidcConfigList ¶
func ReadOidcConfigList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*OidcConfig
ReadOidcConfigList reads list of values of the ”oidc_config' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalOidcConfig ¶
func UnmarshalOidcConfig(source interface{}) (object *OidcConfig, err error)
UnmarshalOidcConfig reads a value of the 'oidc_config' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalOidcConfigList ¶
func UnmarshalOidcConfigList(source interface{}) (items []*OidcConfig, err error)
UnmarshalOidcConfigList reads a list of values of the 'oidc_config' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*OidcConfig) CreationTimestamp ¶
func (o *OidcConfig) CreationTimestamp() time.Time
CreationTimestamp returns the value of the 'creation_timestamp' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Creation timestamp, filled in response.
func (*OidcConfig) Empty ¶
func (o *OidcConfig) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*OidcConfig) GetCreationTimestamp ¶
func (o *OidcConfig) GetCreationTimestamp() (value time.Time, ok bool)
GetCreationTimestamp returns the value of the 'creation_timestamp' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Creation timestamp, filled in response.
func (*OidcConfig) GetHREF ¶
func (o *OidcConfig) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
GetHREF returns the value of the 'HREF' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
HREF for the oidc config, filled in response.
func (*OidcConfig) GetID ¶
func (o *OidcConfig) GetID() (value string, ok bool)
GetID returns the value of the 'ID' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
ID for the oidc config, filled in response.
func (*OidcConfig) GetInstallerRoleArn ¶
func (o *OidcConfig) GetInstallerRoleArn() (value string, ok bool)
GetInstallerRoleArn returns the value of the 'installer_role_arn' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
ARN of the AWS role to assume when installing the cluster as to reveal the secret, supplied in request. It is only to be used in Unmanaged Oidc Config.
func (*OidcConfig) GetIssuerUrl ¶
func (o *OidcConfig) GetIssuerUrl() (value string, ok bool)
GetIssuerUrl returns the value of the 'issuer_url' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Issuer URL, filled in response when Managed and supplied in Unmanaged.
func (*OidcConfig) GetLastUpdateTimestamp ¶
func (o *OidcConfig) GetLastUpdateTimestamp() (value time.Time, ok bool)
GetLastUpdateTimestamp returns the value of the 'last_update_timestamp' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Last update timestamp, filled when patching a valid attribute of this oidc config.
func (*OidcConfig) GetLastUsedTimestamp ¶
func (o *OidcConfig) GetLastUsedTimestamp() (value time.Time, ok bool)
GetLastUsedTimestamp returns the value of the 'last_used_timestamp' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Last used timestamp, filled by the latest cluster that used this oidc config.
func (*OidcConfig) GetManaged ¶
func (o *OidcConfig) GetManaged() (value bool, ok bool)
GetManaged returns the value of the 'managed' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Indicates whether it is Managed or Unmanaged (Customer hosted).
func (*OidcConfig) GetOrganizationId ¶
func (o *OidcConfig) GetOrganizationId() (value string, ok bool)
GetOrganizationId returns the value of the 'organization_id' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Organization ID, filled in response respecting token provided.
func (*OidcConfig) GetReusable ¶
func (o *OidcConfig) GetReusable() (value bool, ok bool)
GetReusable returns the value of the 'reusable' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Indicates whether the Oidc Config can be reused.
func (*OidcConfig) GetSecretArn ¶
func (o *OidcConfig) GetSecretArn() (value string, ok bool)
GetSecretArn returns the value of the 'secret_arn' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Secrets Manager ARN for the OIDC private key, supplied in request. It is only to be used in Unmanaged Oidc Config.
func (*OidcConfig) HREF ¶
func (o *OidcConfig) HREF() string
HREF returns the value of the 'HREF' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
HREF for the oidc config, filled in response.
func (*OidcConfig) ID ¶
func (o *OidcConfig) ID() string
ID returns the value of the 'ID' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
ID for the oidc config, filled in response.
func (*OidcConfig) InstallerRoleArn ¶
func (o *OidcConfig) InstallerRoleArn() string
InstallerRoleArn returns the value of the 'installer_role_arn' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
ARN of the AWS role to assume when installing the cluster as to reveal the secret, supplied in request. It is only to be used in Unmanaged Oidc Config.
func (*OidcConfig) IssuerUrl ¶
func (o *OidcConfig) IssuerUrl() string
IssuerUrl returns the value of the 'issuer_url' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Issuer URL, filled in response when Managed and supplied in Unmanaged.
func (*OidcConfig) LastUpdateTimestamp ¶
func (o *OidcConfig) LastUpdateTimestamp() time.Time
LastUpdateTimestamp returns the value of the 'last_update_timestamp' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Last update timestamp, filled when patching a valid attribute of this oidc config.
func (*OidcConfig) LastUsedTimestamp ¶
func (o *OidcConfig) LastUsedTimestamp() time.Time
LastUsedTimestamp returns the value of the 'last_used_timestamp' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Last used timestamp, filled by the latest cluster that used this oidc config.
func (*OidcConfig) Managed ¶
func (o *OidcConfig) Managed() bool
Managed returns the value of the 'managed' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Indicates whether it is Managed or Unmanaged (Customer hosted).
func (*OidcConfig) OrganizationId ¶
func (o *OidcConfig) OrganizationId() string
OrganizationId returns the value of the 'organization_id' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Organization ID, filled in response respecting token provided.
func (*OidcConfig) Reusable ¶
func (o *OidcConfig) Reusable() bool
Reusable returns the value of the 'reusable' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Indicates whether the Oidc Config can be reused.
func (*OidcConfig) SecretArn ¶
func (o *OidcConfig) SecretArn() string
SecretArn returns the value of the 'secret_arn' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Secrets Manager ARN for the OIDC private key, supplied in request. It is only to be used in Unmanaged Oidc Config.
type OidcConfigBuilder ¶
type OidcConfigBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OidcConfigBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'oidc_config' objects.
Contains the necessary attributes to support oidc configuration hosting under Red Hat or registering a Customer's byo oidc config.
func NewOidcConfig ¶
func NewOidcConfig() *OidcConfigBuilder
NewOidcConfig creates a new builder of 'oidc_config' objects.
func (*OidcConfigBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *OidcConfigBuilder) Build() (object *OidcConfig, err error)
Build creates a 'oidc_config' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*OidcConfigBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *OidcConfigBuilder) Copy(object *OidcConfig) *OidcConfigBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*OidcConfigBuilder) CreationTimestamp ¶
func (b *OidcConfigBuilder) CreationTimestamp(value time.Time) *OidcConfigBuilder
CreationTimestamp sets the value of the 'creation_timestamp' attribute to the given value.
func (*OidcConfigBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *OidcConfigBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*OidcConfigBuilder) HREF ¶
func (b *OidcConfigBuilder) HREF(value string) *OidcConfigBuilder
HREF sets the value of the 'HREF' attribute to the given value.
func (*OidcConfigBuilder) ID ¶
func (b *OidcConfigBuilder) ID(value string) *OidcConfigBuilder
ID sets the value of the 'ID' attribute to the given value.
func (*OidcConfigBuilder) InstallerRoleArn ¶
func (b *OidcConfigBuilder) InstallerRoleArn(value string) *OidcConfigBuilder
InstallerRoleArn sets the value of the 'installer_role_arn' attribute to the given value.
func (*OidcConfigBuilder) IssuerUrl ¶
func (b *OidcConfigBuilder) IssuerUrl(value string) *OidcConfigBuilder
IssuerUrl sets the value of the 'issuer_url' attribute to the given value.
func (*OidcConfigBuilder) LastUpdateTimestamp ¶
func (b *OidcConfigBuilder) LastUpdateTimestamp(value time.Time) *OidcConfigBuilder
LastUpdateTimestamp sets the value of the 'last_update_timestamp' attribute to the given value.
func (*OidcConfigBuilder) LastUsedTimestamp ¶
func (b *OidcConfigBuilder) LastUsedTimestamp(value time.Time) *OidcConfigBuilder
LastUsedTimestamp sets the value of the 'last_used_timestamp' attribute to the given value.
func (*OidcConfigBuilder) Managed ¶
func (b *OidcConfigBuilder) Managed(value bool) *OidcConfigBuilder
Managed sets the value of the 'managed' attribute to the given value.
func (*OidcConfigBuilder) OrganizationId ¶
func (b *OidcConfigBuilder) OrganizationId(value string) *OidcConfigBuilder
OrganizationId sets the value of the 'organization_id' attribute to the given value.
func (*OidcConfigBuilder) Reusable ¶
func (b *OidcConfigBuilder) Reusable(value bool) *OidcConfigBuilder
Reusable sets the value of the 'reusable' attribute to the given value.
func (*OidcConfigBuilder) SecretArn ¶
func (b *OidcConfigBuilder) SecretArn(value string) *OidcConfigBuilder
SecretArn sets the value of the 'secret_arn' attribute to the given value.
type OidcConfigList ¶
type OidcConfigList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OidcConfigList is a list of values of the 'oidc_config' type.
func (*OidcConfigList) Each ¶
func (l *OidcConfigList) Each(f func(item *OidcConfig) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*OidcConfigList) Empty ¶
func (l *OidcConfigList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*OidcConfigList) Get ¶
func (l *OidcConfigList) Get(i int) *OidcConfig
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*OidcConfigList) Items ¶
func (l *OidcConfigList) Items() []*OidcConfig
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*OidcConfigList) Len ¶
func (l *OidcConfigList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*OidcConfigList) Range ¶
func (l *OidcConfigList) Range(f func(index int, item *OidcConfig) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*OidcConfigList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *OidcConfigList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*OidcConfigList) SetItems ¶
func (l *OidcConfigList) SetItems(items []*OidcConfig)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*OidcConfigList) SetLink ¶
func (l *OidcConfigList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*OidcConfigList) Slice ¶
func (l *OidcConfigList) Slice() []*OidcConfig
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type OidcConfigListBuilder ¶
type OidcConfigListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OidcConfigListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'oidc_config' objects.
func NewOidcConfigList ¶
func NewOidcConfigList() *OidcConfigListBuilder
NewOidcConfigList creates a new builder of 'oidc_config' objects.
func (*OidcConfigListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *OidcConfigListBuilder) Build() (list *OidcConfigList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'oidc_config' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*OidcConfigListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *OidcConfigListBuilder) Copy(list *OidcConfigList) *OidcConfigListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*OidcConfigListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *OidcConfigListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*OidcConfigListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *OidcConfigListBuilder) Items(values ...*OidcConfigBuilder) *OidcConfigListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type OperatorIAMRole ¶
type OperatorIAMRole struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OperatorIAMRole represents the values of the 'operator_IAM_role' type.
Contains the necessary attributes to allow each operator to access the necessary AWS resources
func ReadOperatorIAMRole ¶
func ReadOperatorIAMRole(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *OperatorIAMRole
ReadOperatorIAMRole reads a value of the 'operator_IAM_role' type from the given iterator.
func ReadOperatorIAMRoleList ¶
func ReadOperatorIAMRoleList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*OperatorIAMRole
ReadOperatorIAMRoleList reads list of values of the ”operator_IAM_role' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalOperatorIAMRole ¶
func UnmarshalOperatorIAMRole(source interface{}) (object *OperatorIAMRole, err error)
UnmarshalOperatorIAMRole reads a value of the 'operator_IAM_role' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalOperatorIAMRoleList ¶
func UnmarshalOperatorIAMRoleList(source interface{}) (items []*OperatorIAMRole, err error)
UnmarshalOperatorIAMRoleList reads a list of values of the 'operator_IAM_role' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*OperatorIAMRole) Empty ¶
func (o *OperatorIAMRole) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*OperatorIAMRole) GetID ¶
func (o *OperatorIAMRole) GetID() (value string, ok bool)
GetID returns the value of the 'ID' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Randomly-generated ID to identify the operator role
func (*OperatorIAMRole) GetName ¶
func (o *OperatorIAMRole) GetName() (value string, ok bool)
GetName returns the value of the 'name' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Name of the credentials secret used to access cloud resources
func (*OperatorIAMRole) GetNamespace ¶
func (o *OperatorIAMRole) GetNamespace() (value string, ok bool)
GetNamespace returns the value of the 'namespace' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Namespace where the credentials secret lives in the cluster
func (*OperatorIAMRole) GetRoleARN ¶
func (o *OperatorIAMRole) GetRoleARN() (value string, ok bool)
GetRoleARN returns the value of the 'role_ARN' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Role to assume when accessing AWS resources
func (*OperatorIAMRole) GetServiceAccount ¶
func (o *OperatorIAMRole) GetServiceAccount() (value string, ok bool)
GetServiceAccount returns the value of the 'service_account' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Service account name to use when authenticating
func (*OperatorIAMRole) ID ¶
func (o *OperatorIAMRole) ID() string
ID returns the value of the 'ID' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Randomly-generated ID to identify the operator role
func (*OperatorIAMRole) Name ¶
func (o *OperatorIAMRole) Name() string
Name returns the value of the 'name' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Name of the credentials secret used to access cloud resources
func (*OperatorIAMRole) Namespace ¶
func (o *OperatorIAMRole) Namespace() string
Namespace returns the value of the 'namespace' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Namespace where the credentials secret lives in the cluster
func (*OperatorIAMRole) RoleARN ¶
func (o *OperatorIAMRole) RoleARN() string
RoleARN returns the value of the 'role_ARN' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Role to assume when accessing AWS resources
func (*OperatorIAMRole) ServiceAccount ¶
func (o *OperatorIAMRole) ServiceAccount() string
ServiceAccount returns the value of the 'service_account' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Service account name to use when authenticating
type OperatorIAMRoleBuilder ¶
type OperatorIAMRoleBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OperatorIAMRoleBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'operator_IAM_role' objects.
Contains the necessary attributes to allow each operator to access the necessary AWS resources
func NewOperatorIAMRole ¶
func NewOperatorIAMRole() *OperatorIAMRoleBuilder
NewOperatorIAMRole creates a new builder of 'operator_IAM_role' objects.
func (*OperatorIAMRoleBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *OperatorIAMRoleBuilder) Build() (object *OperatorIAMRole, err error)
Build creates a 'operator_IAM_role' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*OperatorIAMRoleBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *OperatorIAMRoleBuilder) Copy(object *OperatorIAMRole) *OperatorIAMRoleBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*OperatorIAMRoleBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *OperatorIAMRoleBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*OperatorIAMRoleBuilder) ID ¶
func (b *OperatorIAMRoleBuilder) ID(value string) *OperatorIAMRoleBuilder
ID sets the value of the 'ID' attribute to the given value.
func (*OperatorIAMRoleBuilder) Name ¶
func (b *OperatorIAMRoleBuilder) Name(value string) *OperatorIAMRoleBuilder
Name sets the value of the 'name' attribute to the given value.
func (*OperatorIAMRoleBuilder) Namespace ¶
func (b *OperatorIAMRoleBuilder) Namespace(value string) *OperatorIAMRoleBuilder
Namespace sets the value of the 'namespace' attribute to the given value.
func (*OperatorIAMRoleBuilder) RoleARN ¶
func (b *OperatorIAMRoleBuilder) RoleARN(value string) *OperatorIAMRoleBuilder
RoleARN sets the value of the 'role_ARN' attribute to the given value.
func (*OperatorIAMRoleBuilder) ServiceAccount ¶
func (b *OperatorIAMRoleBuilder) ServiceAccount(value string) *OperatorIAMRoleBuilder
ServiceAccount sets the value of the 'service_account' attribute to the given value.
type OperatorIAMRoleList ¶
type OperatorIAMRoleList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OperatorIAMRoleList is a list of values of the 'operator_IAM_role' type.
func (*OperatorIAMRoleList) Each ¶
func (l *OperatorIAMRoleList) Each(f func(item *OperatorIAMRole) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*OperatorIAMRoleList) Empty ¶
func (l *OperatorIAMRoleList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*OperatorIAMRoleList) Get ¶
func (l *OperatorIAMRoleList) Get(i int) *OperatorIAMRole
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*OperatorIAMRoleList) Items ¶
func (l *OperatorIAMRoleList) Items() []*OperatorIAMRole
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*OperatorIAMRoleList) Len ¶
func (l *OperatorIAMRoleList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*OperatorIAMRoleList) Range ¶
func (l *OperatorIAMRoleList) Range(f func(index int, item *OperatorIAMRole) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*OperatorIAMRoleList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *OperatorIAMRoleList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*OperatorIAMRoleList) SetItems ¶
func (l *OperatorIAMRoleList) SetItems(items []*OperatorIAMRole)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*OperatorIAMRoleList) SetLink ¶
func (l *OperatorIAMRoleList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*OperatorIAMRoleList) Slice ¶
func (l *OperatorIAMRoleList) Slice() []*OperatorIAMRole
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type OperatorIAMRoleListBuilder ¶
type OperatorIAMRoleListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
OperatorIAMRoleListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'operator_IAM_role' objects.
func NewOperatorIAMRoleList ¶
func NewOperatorIAMRoleList() *OperatorIAMRoleListBuilder
NewOperatorIAMRoleList creates a new builder of 'operator_IAM_role' objects.
func (*OperatorIAMRoleListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *OperatorIAMRoleListBuilder) Build() (list *OperatorIAMRoleList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'operator_IAM_role' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*OperatorIAMRoleListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *OperatorIAMRoleListBuilder) Copy(list *OperatorIAMRoleList) *OperatorIAMRoleListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*OperatorIAMRoleListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *OperatorIAMRoleListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*OperatorIAMRoleListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *OperatorIAMRoleListBuilder) Items(values ...*OperatorIAMRoleBuilder) *OperatorIAMRoleListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration ¶
type PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration represents the values of the 'private_link_cluster_configuration' type.
Manages the configuration for the Private Links.
func ReadPrivateLinkClusterConfiguration ¶
func ReadPrivateLinkClusterConfiguration(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration
ReadPrivateLinkClusterConfiguration reads a value of the 'private_link_cluster_configuration' type from the given iterator.
func ReadPrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList ¶
func ReadPrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration
ReadPrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList reads list of values of the ”private_link_cluster_configuration' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalPrivateLinkClusterConfiguration ¶
func UnmarshalPrivateLinkClusterConfiguration(source interface{}) (object *PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration, err error)
UnmarshalPrivateLinkClusterConfiguration reads a value of the 'private_link_cluster_configuration' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalPrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList ¶
func UnmarshalPrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList(source interface{}) (items []*PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration, err error)
UnmarshalPrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList reads a list of values of the 'private_link_cluster_configuration' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration) Empty ¶
func (o *PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration) GetPrincipals ¶
func (o *PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration) GetPrincipals() (value []*PrivateLinkPrincipal, ok bool)
GetPrincipals returns the value of the 'principals' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
List of additional principals for the Private Link
func (*PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration) Principals ¶
func (o *PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration) Principals() []*PrivateLinkPrincipal
Principals returns the value of the 'principals' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
List of additional principals for the Private Link
type PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationBuilder ¶
type PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'private_link_cluster_configuration' objects.
Manages the configuration for the Private Links.
func NewPrivateLinkClusterConfiguration ¶
func NewPrivateLinkClusterConfiguration() *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationBuilder
NewPrivateLinkClusterConfiguration creates a new builder of 'private_link_cluster_configuration' objects.
func (*PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationBuilder) Build() (object *PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration, err error)
Build creates a 'private_link_cluster_configuration' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationBuilder) Copy(object *PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration) *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationBuilder) Principals ¶
func (b *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationBuilder) Principals(values ...*PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder) *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationBuilder
Principals sets the value of the 'principals' attribute to the given values.
type PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList ¶
type PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList is a list of values of the 'private_link_cluster_configuration' type.
func (*PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList) Each ¶
func (l *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList) Each(f func(item *PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList) Empty ¶
func (l *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList) Get ¶
func (l *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList) Get(i int) *PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList) Items ¶
func (l *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList) Items() []*PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList) Len ¶
func (l *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList) Range ¶
func (l *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList) Range(f func(index int, item *PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList) SetItems ¶
func (l *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList) SetItems(items []*PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList) SetLink ¶
func (l *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList) Slice ¶
func (l *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList) Slice() []*PrivateLinkClusterConfiguration
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationListBuilder ¶
type PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'private_link_cluster_configuration' objects.
func NewPrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList ¶
func NewPrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList() *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationListBuilder
NewPrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList creates a new builder of 'private_link_cluster_configuration' objects.
func (*PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationListBuilder) Build() (list *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'private_link_cluster_configuration' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationListBuilder) Copy(list *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationList) *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationListBuilder) Items(values ...*PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationBuilder) *PrivateLinkClusterConfigurationListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type PrivateLinkPrincipal ¶
type PrivateLinkPrincipal struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PrivateLinkPrincipal represents the values of the 'private_link_principal' type.
func ReadPrivateLinkPrincipal ¶
func ReadPrivateLinkPrincipal(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *PrivateLinkPrincipal
ReadPrivateLinkPrincipal reads a value of the 'private_link_principal' type from the given iterator.
func ReadPrivateLinkPrincipalList ¶
func ReadPrivateLinkPrincipalList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*PrivateLinkPrincipal
ReadPrivateLinkPrincipalList reads list of values of the ”private_link_principal' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalPrivateLinkPrincipal ¶
func UnmarshalPrivateLinkPrincipal(source interface{}) (object *PrivateLinkPrincipal, err error)
UnmarshalPrivateLinkPrincipal reads a value of the 'private_link_principal' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalPrivateLinkPrincipalList ¶
func UnmarshalPrivateLinkPrincipalList(source interface{}) (items []*PrivateLinkPrincipal, err error)
UnmarshalPrivateLinkPrincipalList reads a list of values of the 'private_link_principal' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*PrivateLinkPrincipal) Empty ¶
func (o *PrivateLinkPrincipal) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*PrivateLinkPrincipal) GetHREF ¶
func (o *PrivateLinkPrincipal) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
GetHREF returns the link of the object and a flag indicating if the link has a value.
func (*PrivateLinkPrincipal) GetID ¶
func (o *PrivateLinkPrincipal) GetID() (value string, ok bool)
GetID returns the identifier of the object and a flag indicating if the identifier has a value.
func (*PrivateLinkPrincipal) GetPrincipal ¶
func (o *PrivateLinkPrincipal) GetPrincipal() (value string, ok bool)
GetPrincipal returns the value of the 'principal' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
ARN for a principal that is allowed for this Private Link.
func (*PrivateLinkPrincipal) HREF ¶
func (o *PrivateLinkPrincipal) HREF() string
HREF returns the link to the object.
func (*PrivateLinkPrincipal) ID ¶
func (o *PrivateLinkPrincipal) ID() string
ID returns the identifier of the object.
func (*PrivateLinkPrincipal) Kind ¶
func (o *PrivateLinkPrincipal) Kind() string
Kind returns the name of the type of the object.
func (*PrivateLinkPrincipal) Link ¶
func (o *PrivateLinkPrincipal) Link() bool
Link returns true if this is a link.
func (*PrivateLinkPrincipal) Principal ¶
func (o *PrivateLinkPrincipal) Principal() string
Principal returns the value of the 'principal' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
ARN for a principal that is allowed for this Private Link.
type PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder ¶
type PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'private_link_principal' objects.
func NewPrivateLinkPrincipal ¶
func NewPrivateLinkPrincipal() *PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder
NewPrivateLinkPrincipal creates a new builder of 'private_link_principal' objects.
func (*PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder) Build() (object *PrivateLinkPrincipal, err error)
Build creates a 'private_link_principal' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder) Copy(object *PrivateLinkPrincipal) *PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder) HREF ¶
func (b *PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder) HREF(value string) *PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder
HREF sets the link to the object.
func (*PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder) ID ¶
func (b *PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder) ID(value string) *PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder
ID sets the identifier of the object.
func (*PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder) Link ¶
func (b *PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder) Link(value bool) *PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder
Link sets the flag that indicates if this is a link.
func (*PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder) Principal ¶
func (b *PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder) Principal(value string) *PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder
Principal sets the value of the 'principal' attribute to the given value.
type PrivateLinkPrincipalList ¶
type PrivateLinkPrincipalList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PrivateLinkPrincipalList is a list of values of the 'private_link_principal' type.
func (*PrivateLinkPrincipalList) Each ¶
func (l *PrivateLinkPrincipalList) Each(f func(item *PrivateLinkPrincipal) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*PrivateLinkPrincipalList) Empty ¶
func (l *PrivateLinkPrincipalList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*PrivateLinkPrincipalList) Get ¶
func (l *PrivateLinkPrincipalList) Get(i int) *PrivateLinkPrincipal
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*PrivateLinkPrincipalList) GetHREF ¶
func (l *PrivateLinkPrincipalList) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
GetHREF returns the link of the list and a flag indicating if the link has a value.
func (*PrivateLinkPrincipalList) HREF ¶
func (l *PrivateLinkPrincipalList) HREF() string
HREF returns the link to the list.
func (*PrivateLinkPrincipalList) Items ¶
func (l *PrivateLinkPrincipalList) Items() []*PrivateLinkPrincipal
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*PrivateLinkPrincipalList) Kind ¶
func (l *PrivateLinkPrincipalList) Kind() string
Kind returns the name of the type of the object.
func (*PrivateLinkPrincipalList) Len ¶
func (l *PrivateLinkPrincipalList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*PrivateLinkPrincipalList) Link ¶
func (l *PrivateLinkPrincipalList) Link() bool
Link returns true iif this is a link.
func (*PrivateLinkPrincipalList) Range ¶
func (l *PrivateLinkPrincipalList) Range(f func(index int, item *PrivateLinkPrincipal) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*PrivateLinkPrincipalList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *PrivateLinkPrincipalList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*PrivateLinkPrincipalList) SetItems ¶
func (l *PrivateLinkPrincipalList) SetItems(items []*PrivateLinkPrincipal)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*PrivateLinkPrincipalList) SetLink ¶
func (l *PrivateLinkPrincipalList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*PrivateLinkPrincipalList) Slice ¶
func (l *PrivateLinkPrincipalList) Slice() []*PrivateLinkPrincipal
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type PrivateLinkPrincipalListBuilder ¶
type PrivateLinkPrincipalListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PrivateLinkPrincipalListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'private_link_principal' objects.
func NewPrivateLinkPrincipalList ¶
func NewPrivateLinkPrincipalList() *PrivateLinkPrincipalListBuilder
NewPrivateLinkPrincipalList creates a new builder of 'private_link_principal' objects.
func (*PrivateLinkPrincipalListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *PrivateLinkPrincipalListBuilder) Build() (list *PrivateLinkPrincipalList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'private_link_principal' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*PrivateLinkPrincipalListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *PrivateLinkPrincipalListBuilder) Copy(list *PrivateLinkPrincipalList) *PrivateLinkPrincipalListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*PrivateLinkPrincipalListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *PrivateLinkPrincipalListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*PrivateLinkPrincipalListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *PrivateLinkPrincipalListBuilder) Items(values ...*PrivateLinkPrincipalBuilder) *PrivateLinkPrincipalListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type ProcessorType ¶
type ProcessorType string
ProcessorType represents the values of the 'processor_type' enumerated type.
const ( // Amd64 ProcessorTypeAMD64 ProcessorType = "amd64" // Arm64 ProcessorTypeARM64 ProcessorType = "arm64" )
func ReadProcessorTypeList ¶
func ReadProcessorTypeList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []ProcessorType
ReadProcessorTypeList reads list of values of the ”processor_type' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalProcessorTypeList ¶
func UnmarshalProcessorTypeList(source interface{}) (items []ProcessorType, err error)
UnmarshalProcessorTypeList reads a list of values of the 'processor_type' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
type ProvisionShard ¶
type ProvisionShard struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ProvisionShard represents the values of the 'provision_shard' type.
Contains the properties of the provision shard, including AWS and GCP related configurations
func ReadProvisionShard ¶
func ReadProvisionShard(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *ProvisionShard
ReadProvisionShard reads a value of the 'provision_shard' type from the given iterator.
func ReadProvisionShardList ¶
func ReadProvisionShardList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*ProvisionShard
ReadProvisionShardList reads list of values of the ”provision_shard' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalProvisionShard ¶
func UnmarshalProvisionShard(source interface{}) (object *ProvisionShard, err error)
UnmarshalProvisionShard reads a value of the 'provision_shard' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalProvisionShardList ¶
func UnmarshalProvisionShardList(source interface{}) (items []*ProvisionShard, err error)
UnmarshalProvisionShardList reads a list of values of the 'provision_shard' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*ProvisionShard) AWSAccountOperatorConfig ¶
func (o *ProvisionShard) AWSAccountOperatorConfig() *ServerConfig
AWSAccountOperatorConfig returns the value of the 'AWS_account_operator_config' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Contains the configuration for the AWS account operator.
func (*ProvisionShard) AWSBaseDomain ¶
func (o *ProvisionShard) AWSBaseDomain() string
AWSBaseDomain returns the value of the 'AWS_base_domain' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Contains the AWS base domain.
func (*ProvisionShard) CloudProvider ¶
func (o *ProvisionShard) CloudProvider() *v1.CloudProvider
CloudProvider returns the value of the 'cloud_provider' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Contains the cloud provider name.
func (*ProvisionShard) CreationTimestamp ¶
func (o *ProvisionShard) CreationTimestamp() time.Time
CreationTimestamp returns the value of the 'creation_timestamp' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Date and time when the provision shard was initially created, using the format defined in [RFC3339](
func (*ProvisionShard) Empty ¶
func (o *ProvisionShard) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*ProvisionShard) GCPBaseDomain ¶
func (o *ProvisionShard) GCPBaseDomain() string
GCPBaseDomain returns the value of the 'GCP_base_domain' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Contains the GCP base domain.
func (*ProvisionShard) GCPProjectOperator ¶
func (o *ProvisionShard) GCPProjectOperator() *ServerConfig
GCPProjectOperator returns the value of the 'GCP_project_operator' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Contains the configuration for the GCP project operator.
func (*ProvisionShard) GetAWSAccountOperatorConfig ¶
func (o *ProvisionShard) GetAWSAccountOperatorConfig() (value *ServerConfig, ok bool)
GetAWSAccountOperatorConfig returns the value of the 'AWS_account_operator_config' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Contains the configuration for the AWS account operator.
func (*ProvisionShard) GetAWSBaseDomain ¶
func (o *ProvisionShard) GetAWSBaseDomain() (value string, ok bool)
GetAWSBaseDomain returns the value of the 'AWS_base_domain' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Contains the AWS base domain.
func (*ProvisionShard) GetCloudProvider ¶
func (o *ProvisionShard) GetCloudProvider() (value *v1.CloudProvider, ok bool)
GetCloudProvider returns the value of the 'cloud_provider' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Contains the cloud provider name.
func (*ProvisionShard) GetCreationTimestamp ¶
func (o *ProvisionShard) GetCreationTimestamp() (value time.Time, ok bool)
GetCreationTimestamp returns the value of the 'creation_timestamp' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Date and time when the provision shard was initially created, using the format defined in [RFC3339](
func (*ProvisionShard) GetGCPBaseDomain ¶
func (o *ProvisionShard) GetGCPBaseDomain() (value string, ok bool)
GetGCPBaseDomain returns the value of the 'GCP_base_domain' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Contains the GCP base domain.
func (*ProvisionShard) GetGCPProjectOperator ¶
func (o *ProvisionShard) GetGCPProjectOperator() (value *ServerConfig, ok bool)
GetGCPProjectOperator returns the value of the 'GCP_project_operator' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Contains the configuration for the GCP project operator.
func (*ProvisionShard) GetHREF ¶
func (o *ProvisionShard) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
GetHREF returns the link of the object and a flag indicating if the link has a value.
func (*ProvisionShard) GetHiveConfig ¶
func (o *ProvisionShard) GetHiveConfig() (value *ServerConfig, ok bool)
GetHiveConfig returns the value of the 'hive_config' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Contains the configuration for Hive.
func (*ProvisionShard) GetHypershiftConfig ¶
func (o *ProvisionShard) GetHypershiftConfig() (value *ServerConfig, ok bool)
GetHypershiftConfig returns the value of the 'hypershift_config' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Contains the configuration for Hypershift.
func (*ProvisionShard) GetID ¶
func (o *ProvisionShard) GetID() (value string, ok bool)
GetID returns the identifier of the object and a flag indicating if the identifier has a value.
func (*ProvisionShard) GetLastUpdateTimestamp ¶
func (o *ProvisionShard) GetLastUpdateTimestamp() (value time.Time, ok bool)
GetLastUpdateTimestamp returns the value of the 'last_update_timestamp' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Date and time when the provision shard was last updated, using the format defined in [RFC3339](
func (*ProvisionShard) GetManagementCluster ¶
func (o *ProvisionShard) GetManagementCluster() (value string, ok bool)
GetManagementCluster returns the value of the 'management_cluster' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Contains the name of the management cluster for Hypershift clusters that are assigned to this shard. This field is populated by OCM, and must not be overwritten via API.
func (*ProvisionShard) GetRegion ¶
func (o *ProvisionShard) GetRegion() (value *v1.CloudRegion, ok bool)
GetRegion returns the value of the 'region' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Contains the cloud-provider region in which the provisioner spins up the cluster.
func (*ProvisionShard) GetStatus ¶
func (o *ProvisionShard) GetStatus() (value string, ok bool)
GetStatus returns the value of the 'status' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Status of the provision shard. Possible values: active/maintenance/offline.
func (*ProvisionShard) HREF ¶
func (o *ProvisionShard) HREF() string
HREF returns the link to the object.
func (*ProvisionShard) HiveConfig ¶
func (o *ProvisionShard) HiveConfig() *ServerConfig
HiveConfig returns the value of the 'hive_config' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Contains the configuration for Hive.
func (*ProvisionShard) HypershiftConfig ¶
func (o *ProvisionShard) HypershiftConfig() *ServerConfig
HypershiftConfig returns the value of the 'hypershift_config' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Contains the configuration for Hypershift.
func (*ProvisionShard) ID ¶
func (o *ProvisionShard) ID() string
ID returns the identifier of the object.
func (*ProvisionShard) Kind ¶
func (o *ProvisionShard) Kind() string
Kind returns the name of the type of the object.
func (*ProvisionShard) LastUpdateTimestamp ¶
func (o *ProvisionShard) LastUpdateTimestamp() time.Time
LastUpdateTimestamp returns the value of the 'last_update_timestamp' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Date and time when the provision shard was last updated, using the format defined in [RFC3339](
func (*ProvisionShard) Link ¶
func (o *ProvisionShard) Link() bool
Link returns true if this is a link.
func (*ProvisionShard) ManagementCluster ¶
func (o *ProvisionShard) ManagementCluster() string
ManagementCluster returns the value of the 'management_cluster' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Contains the name of the management cluster for Hypershift clusters that are assigned to this shard. This field is populated by OCM, and must not be overwritten via API.
func (*ProvisionShard) Region ¶
func (o *ProvisionShard) Region() *v1.CloudRegion
Region returns the value of the 'region' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Contains the cloud-provider region in which the provisioner spins up the cluster.
func (*ProvisionShard) Status ¶
func (o *ProvisionShard) Status() string
Status returns the value of the 'status' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Status of the provision shard. Possible values: active/maintenance/offline.
type ProvisionShardBuilder ¶
type ProvisionShardBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ProvisionShardBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'provision_shard' objects.
Contains the properties of the provision shard, including AWS and GCP related configurations
func NewProvisionShard ¶
func NewProvisionShard() *ProvisionShardBuilder
NewProvisionShard creates a new builder of 'provision_shard' objects.
func (*ProvisionShardBuilder) AWSAccountOperatorConfig ¶
func (b *ProvisionShardBuilder) AWSAccountOperatorConfig(value *ServerConfigBuilder) *ProvisionShardBuilder
AWSAccountOperatorConfig sets the value of the 'AWS_account_operator_config' attribute to the given value.
Representation of a server config
func (*ProvisionShardBuilder) AWSBaseDomain ¶
func (b *ProvisionShardBuilder) AWSBaseDomain(value string) *ProvisionShardBuilder
AWSBaseDomain sets the value of the 'AWS_base_domain' attribute to the given value.
func (*ProvisionShardBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *ProvisionShardBuilder) Build() (object *ProvisionShard, err error)
Build creates a 'provision_shard' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*ProvisionShardBuilder) CloudProvider ¶
func (b *ProvisionShardBuilder) CloudProvider(value *v1.CloudProviderBuilder) *ProvisionShardBuilder
CloudProvider sets the value of the 'cloud_provider' attribute to the given value.
Cloud provider.
func (*ProvisionShardBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *ProvisionShardBuilder) Copy(object *ProvisionShard) *ProvisionShardBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*ProvisionShardBuilder) CreationTimestamp ¶
func (b *ProvisionShardBuilder) CreationTimestamp(value time.Time) *ProvisionShardBuilder
CreationTimestamp sets the value of the 'creation_timestamp' attribute to the given value.
func (*ProvisionShardBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *ProvisionShardBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*ProvisionShardBuilder) GCPBaseDomain ¶
func (b *ProvisionShardBuilder) GCPBaseDomain(value string) *ProvisionShardBuilder
GCPBaseDomain sets the value of the 'GCP_base_domain' attribute to the given value.
func (*ProvisionShardBuilder) GCPProjectOperator ¶
func (b *ProvisionShardBuilder) GCPProjectOperator(value *ServerConfigBuilder) *ProvisionShardBuilder
GCPProjectOperator sets the value of the 'GCP_project_operator' attribute to the given value.
Representation of a server config
func (*ProvisionShardBuilder) HREF ¶
func (b *ProvisionShardBuilder) HREF(value string) *ProvisionShardBuilder
HREF sets the link to the object.
func (*ProvisionShardBuilder) HiveConfig ¶
func (b *ProvisionShardBuilder) HiveConfig(value *ServerConfigBuilder) *ProvisionShardBuilder
HiveConfig sets the value of the 'hive_config' attribute to the given value.
Representation of a server config
func (*ProvisionShardBuilder) HypershiftConfig ¶
func (b *ProvisionShardBuilder) HypershiftConfig(value *ServerConfigBuilder) *ProvisionShardBuilder
HypershiftConfig sets the value of the 'hypershift_config' attribute to the given value.
Representation of a server config
func (*ProvisionShardBuilder) ID ¶
func (b *ProvisionShardBuilder) ID(value string) *ProvisionShardBuilder
ID sets the identifier of the object.
func (*ProvisionShardBuilder) LastUpdateTimestamp ¶
func (b *ProvisionShardBuilder) LastUpdateTimestamp(value time.Time) *ProvisionShardBuilder
LastUpdateTimestamp sets the value of the 'last_update_timestamp' attribute to the given value.
func (*ProvisionShardBuilder) Link ¶
func (b *ProvisionShardBuilder) Link(value bool) *ProvisionShardBuilder
Link sets the flag that indicates if this is a link.
func (*ProvisionShardBuilder) ManagementCluster ¶
func (b *ProvisionShardBuilder) ManagementCluster(value string) *ProvisionShardBuilder
ManagementCluster sets the value of the 'management_cluster' attribute to the given value.
func (*ProvisionShardBuilder) Region ¶
func (b *ProvisionShardBuilder) Region(value *v1.CloudRegionBuilder) *ProvisionShardBuilder
Region sets the value of the 'region' attribute to the given value.
Description of a region of a cloud provider.
func (*ProvisionShardBuilder) Status ¶
func (b *ProvisionShardBuilder) Status(value string) *ProvisionShardBuilder
Status sets the value of the 'status' attribute to the given value.
type ProvisionShardList ¶
type ProvisionShardList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ProvisionShardList is a list of values of the 'provision_shard' type.
func (*ProvisionShardList) Each ¶
func (l *ProvisionShardList) Each(f func(item *ProvisionShard) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*ProvisionShardList) Empty ¶
func (l *ProvisionShardList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*ProvisionShardList) Get ¶
func (l *ProvisionShardList) Get(i int) *ProvisionShard
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*ProvisionShardList) GetHREF ¶
func (l *ProvisionShardList) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
GetHREF returns the link of the list and a flag indicating if the link has a value.
func (*ProvisionShardList) HREF ¶
func (l *ProvisionShardList) HREF() string
HREF returns the link to the list.
func (*ProvisionShardList) Items ¶
func (l *ProvisionShardList) Items() []*ProvisionShard
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*ProvisionShardList) Kind ¶
func (l *ProvisionShardList) Kind() string
Kind returns the name of the type of the object.
func (*ProvisionShardList) Len ¶
func (l *ProvisionShardList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*ProvisionShardList) Link ¶
func (l *ProvisionShardList) Link() bool
Link returns true iif this is a link.
func (*ProvisionShardList) Range ¶
func (l *ProvisionShardList) Range(f func(index int, item *ProvisionShard) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*ProvisionShardList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *ProvisionShardList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*ProvisionShardList) SetItems ¶
func (l *ProvisionShardList) SetItems(items []*ProvisionShard)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*ProvisionShardList) SetLink ¶
func (l *ProvisionShardList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*ProvisionShardList) Slice ¶
func (l *ProvisionShardList) Slice() []*ProvisionShard
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type ProvisionShardListBuilder ¶
type ProvisionShardListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ProvisionShardListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'provision_shard' objects.
func NewProvisionShardList ¶
func NewProvisionShardList() *ProvisionShardListBuilder
NewProvisionShardList creates a new builder of 'provision_shard' objects.
func (*ProvisionShardListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *ProvisionShardListBuilder) Build() (list *ProvisionShardList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'provision_shard' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*ProvisionShardListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *ProvisionShardListBuilder) Copy(list *ProvisionShardList) *ProvisionShardListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*ProvisionShardListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *ProvisionShardListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*ProvisionShardListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *ProvisionShardListBuilder) Items(values ...*ProvisionShardBuilder) *ProvisionShardListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type ProvisionShardTopology ¶
type ProvisionShardTopology string
ProvisionShardTopology represents the values of the 'provision_shard_topology' enumerated type.
const ( // Provision shard for hosted clusters is configured in a "dedicated" topology. ProvisionShardTopologyDedicated ProvisionShardTopology = "dedicated" )
func ReadProvisionShardTopologyList ¶
func ReadProvisionShardTopologyList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []ProvisionShardTopology
ReadProvisionShardTopologyList reads list of values of the ”provision_shard_topology' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalProvisionShardTopologyList ¶
func UnmarshalProvisionShardTopologyList(source interface{}) (items []ProvisionShardTopology, err error)
UnmarshalProvisionShardTopologyList reads a list of values of the 'provision_shard_topology' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
type Proxy ¶
type Proxy struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Proxy represents the values of the 'proxy' type.
Proxy configuration of a cluster.
func ReadProxyList ¶
ReadProxyList reads list of values of the ”proxy' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalProxy ¶
UnmarshalProxy reads a value of the 'proxy' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalProxyList ¶
UnmarshalProxyList reads a list of values of the 'proxy' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*Proxy) GetHTTPProxy ¶
GetHTTPProxy returns the value of the 'HTTP_proxy' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
HTTPProxy is the URL of the proxy for HTTP requests.
func (*Proxy) GetHTTPSProxy ¶
GetHTTPSProxy returns the value of the 'HTTPS_proxy' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
HTTPSProxy is the URL of the proxy for HTTPS requests.
func (*Proxy) GetNoProxy ¶
GetNoProxy returns the value of the 'no_proxy' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
NoProxy is a comma-separated list of domains and CIDRs for which the proxy should not be used
func (*Proxy) HTTPProxy ¶
HTTPProxy returns the value of the 'HTTP_proxy' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
HTTPProxy is the URL of the proxy for HTTP requests.
func (*Proxy) HTTPSProxy ¶
HTTPSProxy returns the value of the 'HTTPS_proxy' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
HTTPSProxy is the URL of the proxy for HTTPS requests.
type ProxyBuilder ¶
type ProxyBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ProxyBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'proxy' objects.
Proxy configuration of a cluster.
func (*ProxyBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *ProxyBuilder) Build() (object *Proxy, err error)
Build creates a 'proxy' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*ProxyBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *ProxyBuilder) Copy(object *Proxy) *ProxyBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*ProxyBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *ProxyBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*ProxyBuilder) HTTPProxy ¶
func (b *ProxyBuilder) HTTPProxy(value string) *ProxyBuilder
HTTPProxy sets the value of the 'HTTP_proxy' attribute to the given value.
func (*ProxyBuilder) HTTPSProxy ¶
func (b *ProxyBuilder) HTTPSProxy(value string) *ProxyBuilder
HTTPSProxy sets the value of the 'HTTPS_proxy' attribute to the given value.
func (*ProxyBuilder) NoProxy ¶
func (b *ProxyBuilder) NoProxy(value string) *ProxyBuilder
NoProxy sets the value of the 'no_proxy' attribute to the given value.
type ProxyList ¶
type ProxyList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ProxyList is a list of values of the 'proxy' type.
func (*ProxyList) Each ¶
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*ProxyList) Get ¶
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*ProxyList) Range ¶
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*ProxyList) Slice ¶
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type ProxyListBuilder ¶
type ProxyListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ProxyListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'proxy' objects.
func NewProxyList ¶
func NewProxyList() *ProxyListBuilder
NewProxyList creates a new builder of 'proxy' objects.
func (*ProxyListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *ProxyListBuilder) Build() (list *ProxyList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'proxy' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*ProxyListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *ProxyListBuilder) Copy(list *ProxyList) *ProxyListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*ProxyListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *ProxyListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*ProxyListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *ProxyListBuilder) Items(values ...*ProxyBuilder) *ProxyListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type RegistryAllowlist ¶
type RegistryAllowlist struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RegistryAllowlist represents the values of the 'registry_allowlist' type.
RegistryAllowlist represents a single registry allowlist.
func ReadRegistryAllowlist ¶
func ReadRegistryAllowlist(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *RegistryAllowlist
ReadRegistryAllowlist reads a value of the 'registry_allowlist' type from the given iterator.
func ReadRegistryAllowlistList ¶
func ReadRegistryAllowlistList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*RegistryAllowlist
ReadRegistryAllowlistList reads list of values of the ”registry_allowlist' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalRegistryAllowlist ¶
func UnmarshalRegistryAllowlist(source interface{}) (object *RegistryAllowlist, err error)
UnmarshalRegistryAllowlist reads a value of the 'registry_allowlist' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalRegistryAllowlistList ¶
func UnmarshalRegistryAllowlistList(source interface{}) (items []*RegistryAllowlist, err error)
UnmarshalRegistryAllowlistList reads a list of values of the 'registry_allowlist' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*RegistryAllowlist) CloudProvider ¶
func (o *RegistryAllowlist) CloudProvider() *CloudProvider
CloudProvider returns the value of the 'cloud_provider' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
CloudProvider is the cloud provider for which this allowlist is valid.
func (*RegistryAllowlist) CreationTimestamp ¶
func (o *RegistryAllowlist) CreationTimestamp() time.Time
CreationTimestamp returns the value of the 'creation_timestamp' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
CreationTimestamp is the date and time when the allow list has been created.
func (*RegistryAllowlist) Empty ¶
func (o *RegistryAllowlist) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*RegistryAllowlist) GetCloudProvider ¶
func (o *RegistryAllowlist) GetCloudProvider() (value *CloudProvider, ok bool)
GetCloudProvider returns the value of the 'cloud_provider' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
CloudProvider is the cloud provider for which this allowlist is valid.
func (*RegistryAllowlist) GetCreationTimestamp ¶
func (o *RegistryAllowlist) GetCreationTimestamp() (value time.Time, ok bool)
GetCreationTimestamp returns the value of the 'creation_timestamp' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
CreationTimestamp is the date and time when the allow list has been created.
func (*RegistryAllowlist) GetHREF ¶
func (o *RegistryAllowlist) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
GetHREF returns the link of the object and a flag indicating if the link has a value.
func (*RegistryAllowlist) GetID ¶
func (o *RegistryAllowlist) GetID() (value string, ok bool)
GetID returns the identifier of the object and a flag indicating if the identifier has a value.
func (*RegistryAllowlist) GetRegistries ¶
func (o *RegistryAllowlist) GetRegistries() (value []string, ok bool)
GetRegistries returns the value of the 'registries' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Registries is the list of registries contained in this Allowlist.
func (*RegistryAllowlist) HREF ¶
func (o *RegistryAllowlist) HREF() string
HREF returns the link to the object.
func (*RegistryAllowlist) ID ¶
func (o *RegistryAllowlist) ID() string
ID returns the identifier of the object.
func (*RegistryAllowlist) Kind ¶
func (o *RegistryAllowlist) Kind() string
Kind returns the name of the type of the object.
func (*RegistryAllowlist) Link ¶
func (o *RegistryAllowlist) Link() bool
Link returns true if this is a link.
func (*RegistryAllowlist) Registries ¶
func (o *RegistryAllowlist) Registries() []string
Registries returns the value of the 'registries' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Registries is the list of registries contained in this Allowlist.
type RegistryAllowlistBuilder ¶
type RegistryAllowlistBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RegistryAllowlistBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'registry_allowlist' objects.
RegistryAllowlist represents a single registry allowlist.
func NewRegistryAllowlist ¶
func NewRegistryAllowlist() *RegistryAllowlistBuilder
NewRegistryAllowlist creates a new builder of 'registry_allowlist' objects.
func (*RegistryAllowlistBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *RegistryAllowlistBuilder) Build() (object *RegistryAllowlist, err error)
Build creates a 'registry_allowlist' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*RegistryAllowlistBuilder) CloudProvider ¶
func (b *RegistryAllowlistBuilder) CloudProvider(value *CloudProviderBuilder) *RegistryAllowlistBuilder
CloudProvider sets the value of the 'cloud_provider' attribute to the given value.
Cloud provider.
func (*RegistryAllowlistBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *RegistryAllowlistBuilder) Copy(object *RegistryAllowlist) *RegistryAllowlistBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*RegistryAllowlistBuilder) CreationTimestamp ¶
func (b *RegistryAllowlistBuilder) CreationTimestamp(value time.Time) *RegistryAllowlistBuilder
CreationTimestamp sets the value of the 'creation_timestamp' attribute to the given value.
func (*RegistryAllowlistBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *RegistryAllowlistBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*RegistryAllowlistBuilder) HREF ¶
func (b *RegistryAllowlistBuilder) HREF(value string) *RegistryAllowlistBuilder
HREF sets the link to the object.
func (*RegistryAllowlistBuilder) ID ¶
func (b *RegistryAllowlistBuilder) ID(value string) *RegistryAllowlistBuilder
ID sets the identifier of the object.
func (*RegistryAllowlistBuilder) Link ¶
func (b *RegistryAllowlistBuilder) Link(value bool) *RegistryAllowlistBuilder
Link sets the flag that indicates if this is a link.
func (*RegistryAllowlistBuilder) Registries ¶
func (b *RegistryAllowlistBuilder) Registries(values ...string) *RegistryAllowlistBuilder
Registries sets the value of the 'registries' attribute to the given values.
type RegistryAllowlistList ¶
type RegistryAllowlistList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RegistryAllowlistList is a list of values of the 'registry_allowlist' type.
func (*RegistryAllowlistList) Each ¶
func (l *RegistryAllowlistList) Each(f func(item *RegistryAllowlist) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*RegistryAllowlistList) Empty ¶
func (l *RegistryAllowlistList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*RegistryAllowlistList) Get ¶
func (l *RegistryAllowlistList) Get(i int) *RegistryAllowlist
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*RegistryAllowlistList) GetHREF ¶
func (l *RegistryAllowlistList) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
GetHREF returns the link of the list and a flag indicating if the link has a value.
func (*RegistryAllowlistList) HREF ¶
func (l *RegistryAllowlistList) HREF() string
HREF returns the link to the list.
func (*RegistryAllowlistList) Items ¶
func (l *RegistryAllowlistList) Items() []*RegistryAllowlist
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*RegistryAllowlistList) Kind ¶
func (l *RegistryAllowlistList) Kind() string
Kind returns the name of the type of the object.
func (*RegistryAllowlistList) Len ¶
func (l *RegistryAllowlistList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*RegistryAllowlistList) Link ¶
func (l *RegistryAllowlistList) Link() bool
Link returns true iif this is a link.
func (*RegistryAllowlistList) Range ¶
func (l *RegistryAllowlistList) Range(f func(index int, item *RegistryAllowlist) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*RegistryAllowlistList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *RegistryAllowlistList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*RegistryAllowlistList) SetItems ¶
func (l *RegistryAllowlistList) SetItems(items []*RegistryAllowlist)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*RegistryAllowlistList) SetLink ¶
func (l *RegistryAllowlistList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*RegistryAllowlistList) Slice ¶
func (l *RegistryAllowlistList) Slice() []*RegistryAllowlist
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type RegistryAllowlistListBuilder ¶
type RegistryAllowlistListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RegistryAllowlistListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'registry_allowlist' objects.
func NewRegistryAllowlistList ¶
func NewRegistryAllowlistList() *RegistryAllowlistListBuilder
NewRegistryAllowlistList creates a new builder of 'registry_allowlist' objects.
func (*RegistryAllowlistListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *RegistryAllowlistListBuilder) Build() (list *RegistryAllowlistList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'registry_allowlist' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*RegistryAllowlistListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *RegistryAllowlistListBuilder) Copy(list *RegistryAllowlistList) *RegistryAllowlistListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*RegistryAllowlistListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *RegistryAllowlistListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*RegistryAllowlistListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *RegistryAllowlistListBuilder) Items(values ...*RegistryAllowlistBuilder) *RegistryAllowlistListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type RegistryLocation ¶
type RegistryLocation struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RegistryLocation represents the values of the 'registry_location' type.
RegistryLocation contains a location of the registry specified by the registry domain name. The domain name might include wildcards, like '*' or '??'.
func ReadRegistryLocation ¶
func ReadRegistryLocation(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *RegistryLocation
ReadRegistryLocation reads a value of the 'registry_location' type from the given iterator.
func ReadRegistryLocationList ¶
func ReadRegistryLocationList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*RegistryLocation
ReadRegistryLocationList reads list of values of the ”registry_location' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalRegistryLocation ¶
func UnmarshalRegistryLocation(source interface{}) (object *RegistryLocation, err error)
UnmarshalRegistryLocation reads a value of the 'registry_location' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalRegistryLocationList ¶
func UnmarshalRegistryLocationList(source interface{}) (items []*RegistryLocation, err error)
UnmarshalRegistryLocationList reads a list of values of the 'registry_location' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*RegistryLocation) DomainName ¶
func (o *RegistryLocation) DomainName() string
DomainName returns the value of the 'domain_name' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
domainName specifies a domain name for the registry In case the registry use non-standard (80 or 443) port, the port should be included in the domain name as well.
func (*RegistryLocation) Empty ¶
func (o *RegistryLocation) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*RegistryLocation) GetDomainName ¶
func (o *RegistryLocation) GetDomainName() (value string, ok bool)
GetDomainName returns the value of the 'domain_name' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
domainName specifies a domain name for the registry In case the registry use non-standard (80 or 443) port, the port should be included in the domain name as well.
func (*RegistryLocation) GetInsecure ¶
func (o *RegistryLocation) GetInsecure() (value bool, ok bool)
GetInsecure returns the value of the 'insecure' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
insecure indicates whether the registry is secure (https) or insecure (http) By default (if not specified) the registry is assumed as secure.
func (*RegistryLocation) Insecure ¶
func (o *RegistryLocation) Insecure() bool
Insecure returns the value of the 'insecure' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
insecure indicates whether the registry is secure (https) or insecure (http) By default (if not specified) the registry is assumed as secure.
type RegistryLocationBuilder ¶
type RegistryLocationBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RegistryLocationBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'registry_location' objects.
RegistryLocation contains a location of the registry specified by the registry domain name. The domain name might include wildcards, like '*' or '??'.
func NewRegistryLocation ¶
func NewRegistryLocation() *RegistryLocationBuilder
NewRegistryLocation creates a new builder of 'registry_location' objects.
func (*RegistryLocationBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *RegistryLocationBuilder) Build() (object *RegistryLocation, err error)
Build creates a 'registry_location' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*RegistryLocationBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *RegistryLocationBuilder) Copy(object *RegistryLocation) *RegistryLocationBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*RegistryLocationBuilder) DomainName ¶
func (b *RegistryLocationBuilder) DomainName(value string) *RegistryLocationBuilder
DomainName sets the value of the 'domain_name' attribute to the given value.
func (*RegistryLocationBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *RegistryLocationBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*RegistryLocationBuilder) Insecure ¶
func (b *RegistryLocationBuilder) Insecure(value bool) *RegistryLocationBuilder
Insecure sets the value of the 'insecure' attribute to the given value.
type RegistryLocationList ¶
type RegistryLocationList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RegistryLocationList is a list of values of the 'registry_location' type.
func (*RegistryLocationList) Each ¶
func (l *RegistryLocationList) Each(f func(item *RegistryLocation) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*RegistryLocationList) Empty ¶
func (l *RegistryLocationList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*RegistryLocationList) Get ¶
func (l *RegistryLocationList) Get(i int) *RegistryLocation
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*RegistryLocationList) Items ¶
func (l *RegistryLocationList) Items() []*RegistryLocation
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*RegistryLocationList) Len ¶
func (l *RegistryLocationList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*RegistryLocationList) Range ¶
func (l *RegistryLocationList) Range(f func(index int, item *RegistryLocation) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*RegistryLocationList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *RegistryLocationList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*RegistryLocationList) SetItems ¶
func (l *RegistryLocationList) SetItems(items []*RegistryLocation)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*RegistryLocationList) SetLink ¶
func (l *RegistryLocationList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*RegistryLocationList) Slice ¶
func (l *RegistryLocationList) Slice() []*RegistryLocation
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type RegistryLocationListBuilder ¶
type RegistryLocationListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RegistryLocationListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'registry_location' objects.
func NewRegistryLocationList ¶
func NewRegistryLocationList() *RegistryLocationListBuilder
NewRegistryLocationList creates a new builder of 'registry_location' objects.
func (*RegistryLocationListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *RegistryLocationListBuilder) Build() (list *RegistryLocationList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'registry_location' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*RegistryLocationListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *RegistryLocationListBuilder) Copy(list *RegistryLocationList) *RegistryLocationListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*RegistryLocationListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *RegistryLocationListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*RegistryLocationListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *RegistryLocationListBuilder) Items(values ...*RegistryLocationBuilder) *RegistryLocationListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type RegistrySources ¶
type RegistrySources struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RegistrySources represents the values of the 'registry_sources' type.
RegistrySources contains configuration that determines how the container runtime should treat individual registries when accessing images for builds and pods. For instance, whether or not to allow insecure access. It does not contain configuration for the internal cluster registry.
func ReadRegistrySources ¶
func ReadRegistrySources(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *RegistrySources
ReadRegistrySources reads a value of the 'registry_sources' type from the given iterator.
func ReadRegistrySourcesList ¶
func ReadRegistrySourcesList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*RegistrySources
ReadRegistrySourcesList reads list of values of the ”registry_sources' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalRegistrySources ¶
func UnmarshalRegistrySources(source interface{}) (object *RegistrySources, err error)
UnmarshalRegistrySources reads a value of the 'registry_sources' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalRegistrySourcesList ¶
func UnmarshalRegistrySourcesList(source interface{}) (items []*RegistrySources, err error)
UnmarshalRegistrySourcesList reads a list of values of the 'registry_sources' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*RegistrySources) AllowedRegistries ¶
func (o *RegistrySources) AllowedRegistries() []string
AllowedRegistries returns the value of the 'allowed_registries' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
AllowedRegistries: registries for which image pull and push actions are allowed. To specify all subdomains, add the asterisk (*) wildcard character as a prefix to the domain name. For example, * You can specify an individual repository within a registry. For example: All other registries are blocked. Mutually exclusive with `BlockedRegistries`
func (*RegistrySources) BlockedRegistries ¶
func (o *RegistrySources) BlockedRegistries() []string
BlockedRegistries returns the value of the 'blocked_registries' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
BlockedRegistries: registries for which image pull and push actions are denied. To specify all subdomains, add the asterisk (*) wildcard character as a prefix to the domain name. For example, * You can specify an individual repository within a registry. For example: All other registries are allowed. Mutually exclusive with `AllowedRegistries`
func (*RegistrySources) Empty ¶
func (o *RegistrySources) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*RegistrySources) GetAllowedRegistries ¶
func (o *RegistrySources) GetAllowedRegistries() (value []string, ok bool)
GetAllowedRegistries returns the value of the 'allowed_registries' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
AllowedRegistries: registries for which image pull and push actions are allowed. To specify all subdomains, add the asterisk (*) wildcard character as a prefix to the domain name. For example, * You can specify an individual repository within a registry. For example: All other registries are blocked. Mutually exclusive with `BlockedRegistries`
func (*RegistrySources) GetBlockedRegistries ¶
func (o *RegistrySources) GetBlockedRegistries() (value []string, ok bool)
GetBlockedRegistries returns the value of the 'blocked_registries' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
BlockedRegistries: registries for which image pull and push actions are denied. To specify all subdomains, add the asterisk (*) wildcard character as a prefix to the domain name. For example, * You can specify an individual repository within a registry. For example: All other registries are allowed. Mutually exclusive with `AllowedRegistries`
func (*RegistrySources) GetInsecureRegistries ¶
func (o *RegistrySources) GetInsecureRegistries() (value []string, ok bool)
GetInsecureRegistries returns the value of the 'insecure_registries' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
InsecureRegistries are registries which do not have a valid TLS certificate or only support HTTP connections. To specify all subdomains, add the asterisk (*) wildcard character as a prefix to the domain name. For example, * You can specify an individual repository within a registry. For example:
func (*RegistrySources) InsecureRegistries ¶
func (o *RegistrySources) InsecureRegistries() []string
InsecureRegistries returns the value of the 'insecure_registries' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
InsecureRegistries are registries which do not have a valid TLS certificate or only support HTTP connections. To specify all subdomains, add the asterisk (*) wildcard character as a prefix to the domain name. For example, * You can specify an individual repository within a registry. For example:
type RegistrySourcesBuilder ¶
type RegistrySourcesBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RegistrySourcesBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'registry_sources' objects.
RegistrySources contains configuration that determines how the container runtime should treat individual registries when accessing images for builds and pods. For instance, whether or not to allow insecure access. It does not contain configuration for the internal cluster registry.
func NewRegistrySources ¶
func NewRegistrySources() *RegistrySourcesBuilder
NewRegistrySources creates a new builder of 'registry_sources' objects.
func (*RegistrySourcesBuilder) AllowedRegistries ¶
func (b *RegistrySourcesBuilder) AllowedRegistries(values ...string) *RegistrySourcesBuilder
AllowedRegistries sets the value of the 'allowed_registries' attribute to the given values.
func (*RegistrySourcesBuilder) BlockedRegistries ¶
func (b *RegistrySourcesBuilder) BlockedRegistries(values ...string) *RegistrySourcesBuilder
BlockedRegistries sets the value of the 'blocked_registries' attribute to the given values.
func (*RegistrySourcesBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *RegistrySourcesBuilder) Build() (object *RegistrySources, err error)
Build creates a 'registry_sources' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*RegistrySourcesBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *RegistrySourcesBuilder) Copy(object *RegistrySources) *RegistrySourcesBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*RegistrySourcesBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *RegistrySourcesBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*RegistrySourcesBuilder) InsecureRegistries ¶
func (b *RegistrySourcesBuilder) InsecureRegistries(values ...string) *RegistrySourcesBuilder
InsecureRegistries sets the value of the 'insecure_registries' attribute to the given values.
type RegistrySourcesList ¶
type RegistrySourcesList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RegistrySourcesList is a list of values of the 'registry_sources' type.
func (*RegistrySourcesList) Each ¶
func (l *RegistrySourcesList) Each(f func(item *RegistrySources) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*RegistrySourcesList) Empty ¶
func (l *RegistrySourcesList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*RegistrySourcesList) Get ¶
func (l *RegistrySourcesList) Get(i int) *RegistrySources
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*RegistrySourcesList) Items ¶
func (l *RegistrySourcesList) Items() []*RegistrySources
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*RegistrySourcesList) Len ¶
func (l *RegistrySourcesList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*RegistrySourcesList) Range ¶
func (l *RegistrySourcesList) Range(f func(index int, item *RegistrySources) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*RegistrySourcesList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *RegistrySourcesList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*RegistrySourcesList) SetItems ¶
func (l *RegistrySourcesList) SetItems(items []*RegistrySources)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*RegistrySourcesList) SetLink ¶
func (l *RegistrySourcesList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*RegistrySourcesList) Slice ¶
func (l *RegistrySourcesList) Slice() []*RegistrySources
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type RegistrySourcesListBuilder ¶
type RegistrySourcesListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RegistrySourcesListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'registry_sources' objects.
func NewRegistrySourcesList ¶
func NewRegistrySourcesList() *RegistrySourcesListBuilder
NewRegistrySourcesList creates a new builder of 'registry_sources' objects.
func (*RegistrySourcesListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *RegistrySourcesListBuilder) Build() (list *RegistrySourcesList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'registry_sources' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*RegistrySourcesListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *RegistrySourcesListBuilder) Copy(list *RegistrySourcesList) *RegistrySourcesListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*RegistrySourcesListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *RegistrySourcesListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*RegistrySourcesListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *RegistrySourcesListBuilder) Items(values ...*RegistrySourcesBuilder) *RegistrySourcesListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type RootVolume ¶
type RootVolume struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RootVolume represents the values of the 'root_volume' type.
Root volume capabilities.
func ReadRootVolume ¶
func ReadRootVolume(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *RootVolume
ReadRootVolume reads a value of the 'root_volume' type from the given iterator.
func ReadRootVolumeList ¶
func ReadRootVolumeList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*RootVolume
ReadRootVolumeList reads list of values of the ”root_volume' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalRootVolume ¶
func UnmarshalRootVolume(source interface{}) (object *RootVolume, err error)
UnmarshalRootVolume reads a value of the 'root_volume' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalRootVolumeList ¶
func UnmarshalRootVolumeList(source interface{}) (items []*RootVolume, err error)
UnmarshalRootVolumeList reads a list of values of the 'root_volume' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*RootVolume) AWS ¶
func (o *RootVolume) AWS() *AWSVolume
AWS returns the value of the 'AWS' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
AWS volume specification
func (*RootVolume) Empty ¶
func (o *RootVolume) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*RootVolume) GCP ¶
func (o *RootVolume) GCP() *GCPVolume
GCP returns the value of the 'GCP' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
GCP Volume specification
func (*RootVolume) GetAWS ¶
func (o *RootVolume) GetAWS() (value *AWSVolume, ok bool)
GetAWS returns the value of the 'AWS' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
AWS volume specification
func (*RootVolume) GetGCP ¶
func (o *RootVolume) GetGCP() (value *GCPVolume, ok bool)
GetGCP returns the value of the 'GCP' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
GCP Volume specification
type RootVolumeBuilder ¶
type RootVolumeBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RootVolumeBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'root_volume' objects.
Root volume capabilities.
func NewRootVolume ¶
func NewRootVolume() *RootVolumeBuilder
NewRootVolume creates a new builder of 'root_volume' objects.
func (*RootVolumeBuilder) AWS ¶
func (b *RootVolumeBuilder) AWS(value *AWSVolumeBuilder) *RootVolumeBuilder
AWS sets the value of the 'AWS' attribute to the given value.
Holds settings for an AWS storage volume.
func (*RootVolumeBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *RootVolumeBuilder) Build() (object *RootVolume, err error)
Build creates a 'root_volume' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*RootVolumeBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *RootVolumeBuilder) Copy(object *RootVolume) *RootVolumeBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*RootVolumeBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *RootVolumeBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*RootVolumeBuilder) GCP ¶
func (b *RootVolumeBuilder) GCP(value *GCPVolumeBuilder) *RootVolumeBuilder
GCP sets the value of the 'GCP' attribute to the given value.
Holds settings for an GCP storage volume.
type RootVolumeList ¶
type RootVolumeList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RootVolumeList is a list of values of the 'root_volume' type.
func (*RootVolumeList) Each ¶
func (l *RootVolumeList) Each(f func(item *RootVolume) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*RootVolumeList) Empty ¶
func (l *RootVolumeList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*RootVolumeList) Get ¶
func (l *RootVolumeList) Get(i int) *RootVolume
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*RootVolumeList) Items ¶
func (l *RootVolumeList) Items() []*RootVolume
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*RootVolumeList) Len ¶
func (l *RootVolumeList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*RootVolumeList) Range ¶
func (l *RootVolumeList) Range(f func(index int, item *RootVolume) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*RootVolumeList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *RootVolumeList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*RootVolumeList) SetItems ¶
func (l *RootVolumeList) SetItems(items []*RootVolume)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*RootVolumeList) SetLink ¶
func (l *RootVolumeList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*RootVolumeList) Slice ¶
func (l *RootVolumeList) Slice() []*RootVolume
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type RootVolumeListBuilder ¶
type RootVolumeListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RootVolumeListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'root_volume' objects.
func NewRootVolumeList ¶
func NewRootVolumeList() *RootVolumeListBuilder
NewRootVolumeList creates a new builder of 'root_volume' objects.
func (*RootVolumeListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *RootVolumeListBuilder) Build() (list *RootVolumeList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'root_volume' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*RootVolumeListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *RootVolumeListBuilder) Copy(list *RootVolumeList) *RootVolumeListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*RootVolumeListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *RootVolumeListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*RootVolumeListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *RootVolumeListBuilder) Items(values ...*RootVolumeBuilder) *RootVolumeListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type STS ¶
type STS struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
STS represents the values of the 'STS' type.
Contains the necessary attributes to support role-based authentication on AWS.
func ReadSTSList ¶
ReadSTSList reads list of values of the ”STS' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalSTS ¶
UnmarshalSTS reads a value of the 'STS' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalSTSList ¶
UnmarshalSTSList reads a list of values of the 'STS' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*STS) AutoMode ¶
AutoMode returns the value of the 'auto_mode' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Auto creation mode for cluster - OCM will create the operator roles and OIDC provider. false by default.
func (*STS) Enabled ¶
Enabled returns the value of the 'enabled' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
If STS is enabled or disabled
func (*STS) ExternalID ¶
ExternalID returns the value of the 'external_ID' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Optional unique identifier when assuming role in another account
func (*STS) GetAutoMode ¶
GetAutoMode returns the value of the 'auto_mode' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Auto creation mode for cluster - OCM will create the operator roles and OIDC provider. false by default.
func (*STS) GetEnabled ¶
GetEnabled returns the value of the 'enabled' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
If STS is enabled or disabled
func (*STS) GetExternalID ¶
GetExternalID returns the value of the 'external_ID' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Optional unique identifier when assuming role in another account
func (*STS) GetInstanceIAMRoles ¶
func (o *STS) GetInstanceIAMRoles() (value *InstanceIAMRoles, ok bool)
GetInstanceIAMRoles returns the value of the 'instance_IAM_roles' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Instance IAM roles to use for the instance profiles of the master and worker instances
func (*STS) GetManagedPolicies ¶
GetManagedPolicies returns the value of the 'managed_policies' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
If true, cluster account and operator roles have managed policies attached.
func (*STS) GetOIDCEndpointURL ¶
GetOIDCEndpointURL returns the value of the 'OIDC_endpoint_URL' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
URL of the location where OIDC configuration and keys are available
func (*STS) GetOidcConfig ¶
func (o *STS) GetOidcConfig() (value *OidcConfig, ok bool)
GetOidcConfig returns the value of the 'oidc_config' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Registered Oidc Config, if available holds information related to the oidc config.
func (*STS) GetOperatorIAMRoles ¶
func (o *STS) GetOperatorIAMRoles() (value []*OperatorIAMRole, ok bool)
GetOperatorIAMRoles returns the value of the 'operator_IAM_roles' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
List of roles necessary to access the AWS resources of the various operators used during installation
func (*STS) GetOperatorRolePrefix ¶
GetOperatorRolePrefix returns the value of the 'operator_role_prefix' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Optional user provided prefix for operator roles.
func (*STS) GetPermissionBoundary ¶
GetPermissionBoundary returns the value of the 'permission_boundary' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Optional user provided permission boundary.
func (*STS) GetRoleARN ¶
GetRoleARN returns the value of the 'role_ARN' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
ARN of the AWS role to assume when installing the cluster
func (*STS) GetSupportRoleARN ¶
GetSupportRoleARN returns the value of the 'support_role_ARN' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
ARN of the AWS role used by SREs to access the cluster AWS account in order to provide support
func (*STS) InstanceIAMRoles ¶
func (o *STS) InstanceIAMRoles() *InstanceIAMRoles
InstanceIAMRoles returns the value of the 'instance_IAM_roles' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Instance IAM roles to use for the instance profiles of the master and worker instances
func (*STS) ManagedPolicies ¶
ManagedPolicies returns the value of the 'managed_policies' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
If true, cluster account and operator roles have managed policies attached.
func (*STS) OIDCEndpointURL ¶
OIDCEndpointURL returns the value of the 'OIDC_endpoint_URL' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
URL of the location where OIDC configuration and keys are available
func (*STS) OidcConfig ¶
func (o *STS) OidcConfig() *OidcConfig
OidcConfig returns the value of the 'oidc_config' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Registered Oidc Config, if available holds information related to the oidc config.
func (*STS) OperatorIAMRoles ¶
func (o *STS) OperatorIAMRoles() []*OperatorIAMRole
OperatorIAMRoles returns the value of the 'operator_IAM_roles' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
List of roles necessary to access the AWS resources of the various operators used during installation
func (*STS) OperatorRolePrefix ¶
OperatorRolePrefix returns the value of the 'operator_role_prefix' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Optional user provided prefix for operator roles.
func (*STS) PermissionBoundary ¶
PermissionBoundary returns the value of the 'permission_boundary' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Optional user provided permission boundary.
func (*STS) RoleARN ¶
RoleARN returns the value of the 'role_ARN' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
ARN of the AWS role to assume when installing the cluster
func (*STS) SupportRoleARN ¶
SupportRoleARN returns the value of the 'support_role_ARN' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
ARN of the AWS role used by SREs to access the cluster AWS account in order to provide support
type STSBuilder ¶
type STSBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
STSBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'STS' objects.
Contains the necessary attributes to support role-based authentication on AWS.
func (*STSBuilder) AutoMode ¶
func (b *STSBuilder) AutoMode(value bool) *STSBuilder
AutoMode sets the value of the 'auto_mode' attribute to the given value.
func (*STSBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *STSBuilder) Build() (object *STS, err error)
Build creates a 'STS' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*STSBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *STSBuilder) Copy(object *STS) *STSBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*STSBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *STSBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*STSBuilder) Enabled ¶
func (b *STSBuilder) Enabled(value bool) *STSBuilder
Enabled sets the value of the 'enabled' attribute to the given value.
func (*STSBuilder) ExternalID ¶
func (b *STSBuilder) ExternalID(value string) *STSBuilder
ExternalID sets the value of the 'external_ID' attribute to the given value.
func (*STSBuilder) InstanceIAMRoles ¶
func (b *STSBuilder) InstanceIAMRoles(value *InstanceIAMRolesBuilder) *STSBuilder
InstanceIAMRoles sets the value of the 'instance_IAM_roles' attribute to the given value.
Contains the necessary attributes to support role-based authentication on AWS.
func (*STSBuilder) ManagedPolicies ¶
func (b *STSBuilder) ManagedPolicies(value bool) *STSBuilder
ManagedPolicies sets the value of the 'managed_policies' attribute to the given value.
func (*STSBuilder) OIDCEndpointURL ¶
func (b *STSBuilder) OIDCEndpointURL(value string) *STSBuilder
OIDCEndpointURL sets the value of the 'OIDC_endpoint_URL' attribute to the given value.
func (*STSBuilder) OidcConfig ¶
func (b *STSBuilder) OidcConfig(value *OidcConfigBuilder) *STSBuilder
OidcConfig sets the value of the 'oidc_config' attribute to the given value.
Contains the necessary attributes to support oidc configuration hosting under Red Hat or registering a Customer's byo oidc config.
func (*STSBuilder) OperatorIAMRoles ¶
func (b *STSBuilder) OperatorIAMRoles(values ...*OperatorIAMRoleBuilder) *STSBuilder
OperatorIAMRoles sets the value of the 'operator_IAM_roles' attribute to the given values.
func (*STSBuilder) OperatorRolePrefix ¶
func (b *STSBuilder) OperatorRolePrefix(value string) *STSBuilder
OperatorRolePrefix sets the value of the 'operator_role_prefix' attribute to the given value.
func (*STSBuilder) PermissionBoundary ¶
func (b *STSBuilder) PermissionBoundary(value string) *STSBuilder
PermissionBoundary sets the value of the 'permission_boundary' attribute to the given value.
func (*STSBuilder) RoleARN ¶
func (b *STSBuilder) RoleARN(value string) *STSBuilder
RoleARN sets the value of the 'role_ARN' attribute to the given value.
func (*STSBuilder) SupportRoleARN ¶
func (b *STSBuilder) SupportRoleARN(value string) *STSBuilder
SupportRoleARN sets the value of the 'support_role_ARN' attribute to the given value.
type STSList ¶
type STSList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
STSList is a list of values of the 'STS' type.
func (*STSList) Each ¶
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*STSList) Get ¶
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*STSList) Range ¶
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*STSList) Slice ¶
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type STSListBuilder ¶
type STSListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
STSListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'STS' objects.
func NewSTSList ¶
func NewSTSList() *STSListBuilder
NewSTSList creates a new builder of 'STS' objects.
func (*STSListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *STSListBuilder) Build() (list *STSList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'STS' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*STSListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *STSListBuilder) Copy(list *STSList) *STSListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*STSListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *STSListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*STSListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *STSListBuilder) Items(values ...*STSBuilder) *STSListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type ServerConfig ¶
type ServerConfig struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ServerConfig represents the values of the 'server_config' type.
Representation of a server config
func ReadServerConfig ¶
func ReadServerConfig(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) *ServerConfig
ReadServerConfig reads a value of the 'server_config' type from the given iterator.
func ReadServerConfigList ¶
func ReadServerConfigList(iterator *jsoniter.Iterator) []*ServerConfig
ReadServerConfigList reads list of values of the ”server_config' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalServerConfig ¶
func UnmarshalServerConfig(source interface{}) (object *ServerConfig, err error)
UnmarshalServerConfig reads a value of the 'server_config' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalServerConfigList ¶
func UnmarshalServerConfigList(source interface{}) (items []*ServerConfig, err error)
UnmarshalServerConfigList reads a list of values of the 'server_config' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*ServerConfig) AWSShard ¶
func (o *ServerConfig) AWSShard() *AWSShard
AWSShard returns the value of the 'AWS_shard' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
Config for AWS provision shards
func (*ServerConfig) Empty ¶
func (o *ServerConfig) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the object is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*ServerConfig) GetAWSShard ¶
func (o *ServerConfig) GetAWSShard() (value *AWSShard, ok bool)
GetAWSShard returns the value of the 'AWS_shard' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Config for AWS provision shards
func (*ServerConfig) GetHREF ¶
func (o *ServerConfig) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
GetHREF returns the link of the object and a flag indicating if the link has a value.
func (*ServerConfig) GetID ¶
func (o *ServerConfig) GetID() (value string, ok bool)
GetID returns the identifier of the object and a flag indicating if the identifier has a value.
func (*ServerConfig) GetKubeconfig ¶
func (o *ServerConfig) GetKubeconfig() (value string, ok bool)
GetKubeconfig returns the value of the 'kubeconfig' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The kubeconfig of the server.
func (*ServerConfig) GetServer ¶
func (o *ServerConfig) GetServer() (value string, ok bool)
GetServer returns the value of the 'server' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The URL of the server.
func (*ServerConfig) GetTopology ¶
func (o *ServerConfig) GetTopology() (value ProvisionShardTopology, ok bool)
GetTopology returns the value of the 'topology' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
The topology of a provision shard (Optional).
func (*ServerConfig) HREF ¶
func (o *ServerConfig) HREF() string
HREF returns the link to the object.
func (*ServerConfig) ID ¶
func (o *ServerConfig) ID() string
ID returns the identifier of the object.
func (*ServerConfig) Kind ¶
func (o *ServerConfig) Kind() string
Kind returns the name of the type of the object.
func (*ServerConfig) Kubeconfig ¶
func (o *ServerConfig) Kubeconfig() string
Kubeconfig returns the value of the 'kubeconfig' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The kubeconfig of the server.
func (*ServerConfig) Link ¶
func (o *ServerConfig) Link() bool
Link returns true if this is a link.
func (*ServerConfig) Server ¶
func (o *ServerConfig) Server() string
Server returns the value of the 'server' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The URL of the server.
func (*ServerConfig) Topology ¶
func (o *ServerConfig) Topology() ProvisionShardTopology
Topology returns the value of the 'topology' attribute, or the zero value of the type if the attribute doesn't have a value.
The topology of a provision shard (Optional).
type ServerConfigBuilder ¶
type ServerConfigBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ServerConfigBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'server_config' objects.
Representation of a server config
func NewServerConfig ¶
func NewServerConfig() *ServerConfigBuilder
NewServerConfig creates a new builder of 'server_config' objects.
func (*ServerConfigBuilder) AWSShard ¶
func (b *ServerConfigBuilder) AWSShard(value *AWSShardBuilder) *ServerConfigBuilder
AWSShard sets the value of the 'AWS_shard' attribute to the given value.
Config for AWS provision shards
func (*ServerConfigBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *ServerConfigBuilder) Build() (object *ServerConfig, err error)
Build creates a 'server_config' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*ServerConfigBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *ServerConfigBuilder) Copy(object *ServerConfig) *ServerConfigBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*ServerConfigBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *ServerConfigBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*ServerConfigBuilder) HREF ¶
func (b *ServerConfigBuilder) HREF(value string) *ServerConfigBuilder
HREF sets the link to the object.
func (*ServerConfigBuilder) ID ¶
func (b *ServerConfigBuilder) ID(value string) *ServerConfigBuilder
ID sets the identifier of the object.
func (*ServerConfigBuilder) Kubeconfig ¶
func (b *ServerConfigBuilder) Kubeconfig(value string) *ServerConfigBuilder
Kubeconfig sets the value of the 'kubeconfig' attribute to the given value.
func (*ServerConfigBuilder) Link ¶
func (b *ServerConfigBuilder) Link(value bool) *ServerConfigBuilder
Link sets the flag that indicates if this is a link.
func (*ServerConfigBuilder) Server ¶
func (b *ServerConfigBuilder) Server(value string) *ServerConfigBuilder
Server sets the value of the 'server' attribute to the given value.
func (*ServerConfigBuilder) Topology ¶
func (b *ServerConfigBuilder) Topology(value ProvisionShardTopology) *ServerConfigBuilder
Topology sets the value of the 'topology' attribute to the given value.
type ServerConfigList ¶
type ServerConfigList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ServerConfigList is a list of values of the 'server_config' type.
func (*ServerConfigList) Each ¶
func (l *ServerConfigList) Each(f func(item *ServerConfig) bool)
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*ServerConfigList) Empty ¶
func (l *ServerConfigList) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*ServerConfigList) Get ¶
func (l *ServerConfigList) Get(i int) *ServerConfig
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*ServerConfigList) GetHREF ¶
func (l *ServerConfigList) GetHREF() (value string, ok bool)
GetHREF returns the link of the list and a flag indicating if the link has a value.
func (*ServerConfigList) HREF ¶
func (l *ServerConfigList) HREF() string
HREF returns the link to the list.
func (*ServerConfigList) Items ¶
func (l *ServerConfigList) Items() []*ServerConfig
Items returns the items of the list.
func (*ServerConfigList) Kind ¶
func (l *ServerConfigList) Kind() string
Kind returns the name of the type of the object.
func (*ServerConfigList) Len ¶
func (l *ServerConfigList) Len() int
Len returns the length of the list.
func (*ServerConfigList) Link ¶
func (l *ServerConfigList) Link() bool
Link returns true iif this is a link.
func (*ServerConfigList) Range ¶
func (l *ServerConfigList) Range(f func(index int, item *ServerConfig) bool)
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*ServerConfigList) SetHREF ¶
func (l *ServerConfigList) SetHREF(href string)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*ServerConfigList) SetItems ¶
func (l *ServerConfigList) SetItems(items []*ServerConfig)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*ServerConfigList) SetLink ¶
func (l *ServerConfigList) SetLink(link bool)
Items sets the items of the list.
func (*ServerConfigList) Slice ¶
func (l *ServerConfigList) Slice() []*ServerConfig
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type ServerConfigListBuilder ¶
type ServerConfigListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ServerConfigListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'server_config' objects.
func NewServerConfigList ¶
func NewServerConfigList() *ServerConfigListBuilder
NewServerConfigList creates a new builder of 'server_config' objects.
func (*ServerConfigListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *ServerConfigListBuilder) Build() (list *ServerConfigList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'server_config' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*ServerConfigListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *ServerConfigListBuilder) Copy(list *ServerConfigList) *ServerConfigListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*ServerConfigListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *ServerConfigListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*ServerConfigListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *ServerConfigListBuilder) Items(values ...*ServerConfigBuilder) *ServerConfigListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
type Value ¶
type Value struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Value represents the values of the 'value' type.
Numeric value and the unit used to measure it.
Units are not mandatory, and they're not specified for some resources. For resources that use bytes, the accepted units are:
- 1 B = 1 byte - 1 KB = 10^3 bytes - 1 MB = 10^6 bytes - 1 GB = 10^9 bytes - 1 TB = 10^12 bytes - 1 PB = 10^15 bytes
- 1 B = 1 byte - 1 KiB = 2^10 bytes - 1 MiB = 2^20 bytes - 1 GiB = 2^30 bytes - 1 TiB = 2^40 bytes - 1 PiB = 2^50 bytes
func ReadValueList ¶
ReadValueList reads list of values of the ”value' type from the given iterator.
func UnmarshalValue ¶
UnmarshalValue reads a value of the 'value' type from the given source, which can be an slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func UnmarshalValueList ¶
UnmarshalValueList reads a list of values of the 'value' type from the given source, which can be a slice of bytes, a string or a reader.
func (*Value) GetUnit ¶
GetUnit returns the value of the 'unit' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Name of the unit used to measure the value.
func (*Value) GetValue ¶
GetValue returns the value of the 'value' attribute and a flag indicating if the attribute has a value.
Numeric value.
type ValueBuilder ¶
type ValueBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ValueBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'value' objects.
Numeric value and the unit used to measure it.
Units are not mandatory, and they're not specified for some resources. For resources that use bytes, the accepted units are:
- 1 B = 1 byte - 1 KB = 10^3 bytes - 1 MB = 10^6 bytes - 1 GB = 10^9 bytes - 1 TB = 10^12 bytes - 1 PB = 10^15 bytes
- 1 B = 1 byte - 1 KiB = 2^10 bytes - 1 MiB = 2^20 bytes - 1 GiB = 2^30 bytes - 1 TiB = 2^40 bytes - 1 PiB = 2^50 bytes
func (*ValueBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *ValueBuilder) Build() (object *Value, err error)
Build creates a 'value' object using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*ValueBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *ValueBuilder) Copy(object *Value) *ValueBuilder
Copy copies the attributes of the given object into this builder, discarding any previous values.
func (*ValueBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *ValueBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the builder is empty, i.e. no attribute has a value.
func (*ValueBuilder) Unit ¶
func (b *ValueBuilder) Unit(value string) *ValueBuilder
Unit sets the value of the 'unit' attribute to the given value.
func (*ValueBuilder) Value ¶
func (b *ValueBuilder) Value(value float64) *ValueBuilder
Value sets the value of the 'value' attribute to the given value.
type ValueList ¶
type ValueList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ValueList is a list of values of the 'value' type.
func (*ValueList) Each ¶
Each runs the given function for each item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*ValueList) Get ¶
Get returns the item of the list with the given index. If there is no item with that index it returns nil.
func (*ValueList) Range ¶
Range runs the given function for each index and item of the list, in order. If the function returns false the iteration stops, otherwise it continues till all the elements of the list have been processed.
func (*ValueList) Slice ¶
Slice returns an slice containing the items of the list. The returned slice is a copy of the one used internally, so it can be modified without affecting the internal representation.
If you don't need to modify the returned slice consider using the Each or Range functions, as they don't need to allocate a new slice.
type ValueListBuilder ¶
type ValueListBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ValueListBuilder contains the data and logic needed to build 'value' objects.
func NewValueList ¶
func NewValueList() *ValueListBuilder
NewValueList creates a new builder of 'value' objects.
func (*ValueListBuilder) Build ¶
func (b *ValueListBuilder) Build() (list *ValueList, err error)
Build creates a list of 'value' objects using the configuration stored in the builder.
func (*ValueListBuilder) Copy ¶
func (b *ValueListBuilder) Copy(list *ValueList) *ValueListBuilder
Copy copies the items of the given list into this builder, discarding any previous items.
func (*ValueListBuilder) Empty ¶
func (b *ValueListBuilder) Empty() bool
Empty returns true if the list is empty.
func (*ValueListBuilder) Items ¶
func (b *ValueListBuilder) Items(values ...*ValueBuilder) *ValueListBuilder
Items sets the items of the list.
Source Files
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- audit_log_list_builder.go
- audit_log_list_type_json.go
- audit_log_type.go
- audit_log_type_json.go
- aws_builder.go
- aws_etcd_encryption_builder.go
- aws_etcd_encryption_list_builder.go
- aws_etcd_encryption_list_type_json.go
- aws_etcd_encryption_type.go
- aws_etcd_encryption_type_json.go
- aws_list_builder.go
- aws_list_type_json.go
- aws_shard_builder.go
- aws_shard_list_builder.go
- aws_shard_list_type_json.go
- aws_shard_type.go
- aws_shard_type_json.go
- aws_type.go
- aws_type_json.go
- aws_volume_builder.go
- aws_volume_list_builder.go
- aws_volume_list_type_json.go
- aws_volume_type.go
- aws_volume_type_json.go
- azure_builder.go
- azure_control_plane_managed_identity_builder.go
- azure_control_plane_managed_identity_list_builder.go
- azure_control_plane_managed_identity_list_type_json.go
- azure_control_plane_managed_identity_type.go
- azure_control_plane_managed_identity_type_json.go
- azure_data_plane_managed_identity_builder.go
- azure_data_plane_managed_identity_list_builder.go
- azure_data_plane_managed_identity_list_type_json.go
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- azure_list_type_json.go
- azure_nodes_outbound_connectivity_builder.go
- azure_nodes_outbound_connectivity_list_builder.go
- azure_nodes_outbound_connectivity_list_type_json.go
- azure_nodes_outbound_connectivity_type.go
- azure_nodes_outbound_connectivity_type_json.go
- azure_operators_authentication_builder.go
- azure_operators_authentication_list_builder.go
- azure_operators_authentication_list_type_json.go
- azure_operators_authentication_managed_identities_builder.go
- azure_operators_authentication_managed_identities_list_builder.go
- azure_operators_authentication_managed_identities_list_type_json.go
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- azure_operators_authentication_managed_identities_type_json.go
- azure_operators_authentication_type.go
- azure_operators_authentication_type_json.go
- azure_service_managed_identity_builder.go
- azure_service_managed_identity_list_builder.go
- azure_service_managed_identity_list_type_json.go
- azure_service_managed_identity_type.go
- azure_service_managed_identity_type_json.go
- azure_type.go
- azure_type_json.go
- billing_model_list_type_json.go
- billing_model_type.go
- boolean_list_type_json.go
- byo_oidc_builder.go
- byo_oidc_list_builder.go
- byo_oidc_list_type_json.go
- byo_oidc_type.go
- byo_oidc_type_json.go
- ccs_builder.go
- ccs_list_builder.go
- ccs_list_type_json.go
- ccs_type.go
- ccs_type_json.go
- cloud_provider_builder.go
- cloud_provider_list_builder.go
- cloud_provider_list_type_json.go
- cloud_provider_type.go
- cloud_provider_type_json.go
- cloud_region_builder.go
- cloud_region_list_builder.go
- cloud_region_list_type_json.go
- cloud_region_type.go
- cloud_region_type_json.go
- cluster_api_builder.go
- cluster_api_list_builder.go
- cluster_api_list_type_json.go
- cluster_api_type.go
- cluster_api_type_json.go
- cluster_builder.go
- cluster_client.go
- cluster_configuration_mode_list_type_json.go
- cluster_configuration_mode_type.go
- cluster_console_builder.go
- cluster_console_list_builder.go
- cluster_console_list_type_json.go
- cluster_console_type.go
- cluster_console_type_json.go
- cluster_health_state_list_type_json.go
- cluster_health_state_type.go
- cluster_list_builder.go
- cluster_list_type_json.go
- cluster_nodes_builder.go
- cluster_nodes_list_builder.go
- cluster_nodes_list_type_json.go
- cluster_nodes_type.go
- cluster_nodes_type_json.go
- cluster_registry_config_builder.go
- cluster_registry_config_list_builder.go
- cluster_registry_config_list_type_json.go
- cluster_registry_config_type.go
- cluster_registry_config_type_json.go
- cluster_resource_json.go
- cluster_state_list_type_json.go
- cluster_state_type.go
- cluster_status_builder.go
- cluster_status_client.go
- cluster_status_list_builder.go
- cluster_status_list_type_json.go
- cluster_status_resource_json.go
- cluster_status_type.go
- cluster_status_type_json.go
- cluster_type.go
- cluster_type_json.go
- clusters_client.go
- clusters_resource_json.go
- date_list_type_json.go
- delete_protection_builder.go
- delete_protection_list_builder.go
- delete_protection_list_type_json.go
- delete_protection_type.go
- delete_protection_type_json.go
- dns_builder.go
- dns_list_builder.go
- dns_list_type_json.go
- dns_type.go
- dns_type_json.go
- ec_2_metadata_http_tokens_list_type_json.go
- ec_2_metadata_http_tokens_type.go
- errors.go
- external_auth_config_builder.go
- external_auth_config_list_builder.go
- external_auth_config_list_type_json.go
- external_auth_config_type.go
- external_auth_config_type_json.go
- external_configuration_builder.go
- external_configuration_list_builder.go
- external_configuration_list_type_json.go
- external_configuration_type.go
- external_configuration_type_json.go
- float_list_type_json.go
- gcp_authentication_builder.go
- gcp_authentication_list_builder.go
- gcp_authentication_list_type_json.go
- gcp_authentication_type.go
- gcp_authentication_type_json.go
- gcp_builder.go
- gcp_encryption_key_builder.go
- gcp_encryption_key_list_builder.go
- gcp_encryption_key_list_type_json.go
- gcp_encryption_key_type.go
- gcp_encryption_key_type_json.go
- gcp_list_builder.go
- gcp_list_type_json.go
- gcp_network_builder.go
- gcp_network_list_builder.go
- gcp_network_list_type_json.go
- gcp_network_type.go
- gcp_network_type_json.go
- gcp_private_service_connect_builder.go
- gcp_private_service_connect_list_builder.go
- gcp_private_service_connect_list_type_json.go
- gcp_private_service_connect_type.go
- gcp_private_service_connect_type_json.go
- gcp_security_builder.go
- gcp_security_list_builder.go
- gcp_security_list_type_json.go
- gcp_security_type.go
- gcp_security_type_json.go
- gcp_type.go
- gcp_type_json.go
- gcp_volume_builder.go
- gcp_volume_list_builder.go
- gcp_volume_list_type_json.go
- gcp_volume_type.go
- gcp_volume_type_json.go
- ht_passwd_identity_provider_builder.go
- ht_passwd_identity_provider_list_builder.go
- ht_passwd_identity_provider_list_type_json.go
- ht_passwd_identity_provider_type.go
- ht_passwd_identity_provider_type_json.go
- hypershift_builder.go
- hypershift_list_builder.go
- hypershift_list_type_json.go
- hypershift_type.go
- hypershift_type_json.go
- instance_iam_roles_builder.go
- instance_iam_roles_list_builder.go
- instance_iam_roles_list_type_json.go
- instance_iam_roles_type.go
- instance_iam_roles_type_json.go
- integer_list_type_json.go
- interface_list_type_json.go
- kubelet_config_builder.go
- kubelet_config_list_builder.go
- kubelet_config_list_type_json.go
- kubelet_config_type.go
- kubelet_config_type_json.go
- listening_method_list_type_json.go
- listening_method_type.go
- long_list_type_json.go
- machine_pool_autoscaling_builder.go
- machine_pool_autoscaling_list_builder.go
- machine_pool_autoscaling_list_type_json.go
- machine_pool_autoscaling_type.go
- machine_pool_autoscaling_type_json.go
- machine_pool_security_group_filter_builder.go
- machine_pool_security_group_filter_list_builder.go
- machine_pool_security_group_filter_list_type_json.go
- machine_pool_security_group_filter_type.go
- machine_pool_security_group_filter_type_json.go
- machine_type_builder.go
- machine_type_category_list_type_json.go
- machine_type_category_type.go
- machine_type_list_builder.go
- machine_type_list_type_json.go
- machine_type_size_list_type_json.go
- machine_type_size_type.go
- machine_type_type.go
- machine_type_type_json.go
- managed_service_builder.go
- managed_service_list_builder.go
- managed_service_list_type_json.go
- managed_service_type.go
- managed_service_type_json.go
- metadata_client.go
- metadata_reader.go
- metadata_type.go
- network_builder.go
- network_list_builder.go
- network_list_type_json.go
- network_type.go
- network_type_json.go
- oidc_config_builder.go
- oidc_config_list_builder.go
- oidc_config_list_type_json.go
- oidc_config_type.go
- oidc_config_type_json.go
- openapi.go
- operator_iam_role_builder.go
- operator_iam_role_list_builder.go
- operator_iam_role_list_type_json.go
- operator_iam_role_type.go
- operator_iam_role_type_json.go
- private_link_cluster_configuration_builder.go
- private_link_cluster_configuration_list_builder.go
- private_link_cluster_configuration_list_type_json.go
- private_link_cluster_configuration_type.go
- private_link_cluster_configuration_type_json.go
- private_link_principal_builder.go
- private_link_principal_list_builder.go
- private_link_principal_list_type_json.go
- private_link_principal_type.go
- private_link_principal_type_json.go
- processor_type_list_type_json.go
- processor_type_type.go
- provision_shard_builder.go
- provision_shard_list_builder.go
- provision_shard_list_type_json.go
- provision_shard_topology_list_type_json.go
- provision_shard_topology_type.go
- provision_shard_type.go
- provision_shard_type_json.go
- proxy_builder.go
- proxy_list_builder.go
- proxy_list_type_json.go
- proxy_type.go
- proxy_type_json.go
- registry_allowlist_builder.go
- registry_allowlist_list_builder.go
- registry_allowlist_list_type_json.go
- registry_allowlist_type.go
- registry_allowlist_type_json.go
- registry_location_builder.go
- registry_location_list_builder.go
- registry_location_list_type_json.go
- registry_location_type.go
- registry_location_type_json.go
- registry_sources_builder.go
- registry_sources_list_builder.go
- registry_sources_list_type_json.go
- registry_sources_type.go
- registry_sources_type_json.go
- root_client.go
- root_resource_json.go
- root_volume_builder.go
- root_volume_list_builder.go
- root_volume_list_type_json.go
- root_volume_type.go
- root_volume_type_json.go
- server_config_builder.go
- server_config_list_builder.go
- server_config_list_type_json.go
- server_config_type.go
- server_config_type_json.go
- string_list_type_json.go
- sts_builder.go
- sts_list_builder.go
- sts_list_type_json.go
- sts_type.go
- sts_type_json.go
- value_builder.go
- value_list_builder.go
- value_list_type_json.go
- value_type.go
- value_type_json.go