Resource Bundle CURD with gRPC Client
Do the port-forward the maestro-grpc service:
$ kubectl -n maestro port-forward svc/maestro-grpc 8090 &
- Set the source ID for the manifestwork client and consumer name:
$ export SOURCE_ID=grpc
$ export CONSUMER_NAME=cluster1
- Create a resource bundle:
# create
$ go run ./grpcclient.go -source=$SOURCE_ID -consumer-name=$CONSUMER_NAME -cloudevent-file ./cloudevent.json
Note: If your gRPC server enable authentication and authorization, you'll need to provide the CA file for the server and the client's token. For example, after setting up Maestro with make e2e-test/setup
, you can retrieve the gRPC server's CA, client certificate, key, and token using the following command:
kubectl -n maestro get secret maestro-grpc-cert -o jsonpath="{\.crt}" | base64 -d > /tmp/grpc-server-ca.crt
kubectl -n maestro get secret maestro-grpc-cert -o jsonpath="{.data.client\.crt}" | base64 -d > /tmp/grpc-client-cert.crt
kubectl -n maestro get secret maestro-grpc-cert -o jsonpath="{.data.client\.key}" | base64 -d > /tmp/grpc-client-cert.key
kubectl -n maestro get secret grpc-client-token -o jsonpath="{.data.token}" | base64 -d > /tmp/grpc-client-token
You also need to create a cluster role to grant publish & subscribe permissions to the client by running this command:
$ cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: ClusterRole
name: grpc-pub-sub
- nonResourceURLs:
- /sources/${SOURCE_ID}
- pub
- sub
then you can create a resource bundle with the following command:
$ go run ./grpcclient.go -source=$SOURCE_ID -consumer-name=$CONSUMER_NAME -cloudevent-file ./cloudevent.json -grpc-server-tls=true -grpc-server= -grpc-server-ca-file=/tmp/grpc-server-ca.crt -grpc-client-token-file=/tmp/grpc-client-token
- Update the resource bundle:
$ go run ./grpcclient.go -source=$SOURCE_ID -consumer-name=$CONSUMER_NAME -cloudevent-file ./cloudevent-update.json -grpc-server-tls=true -grpc-server= -grpc-server-ca-file=/tmp/grpc-server-ca.crt -grpc-client-token-file=/tmp/grpc-client-token
- Delete the resource bundle:
$ go run ./grpcclient.go -source=$SOURCE_ID -consumer-name=$CONSUMER_NAME -cloudevent-file ./cloudevent-delete.json -grpc-server-tls=true -grpc-server= -grpc-server-ca-file=/tmp/grpc-server-ca.crt -grpc-client-token-file=/tmp/grpc-client-token