Documentation ¶
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Constants ¶
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const ( // LabelSuite is the label for all the tests in this suite. LabelSuite = "talm" // LabelBackupTestCases is the label for a particular test file. LabelBackupTestCases = "backup" // LabelBatchingTestCases is the label for a particular test file. LabelBatchingTestCases = "batching" // LabelBlockingCRTestCases is the label for a particular test file. LabelBlockingCRTestCases = "blockingcr" // LabelCanaryTestCases is the label for a particular test file. LabelCanaryTestCases = "canary" // LabelPreCacheTestCases is the label for a particular test file. LabelPreCacheTestCases = "precache" // LabelMissingSpokeTestCases is the label for a set of batching test cases. LabelMissingSpokeTestCases = "missingspoke" // LabelMissingPolicyTestCases is the label for a set of batching test cases. LabelMissingPolicyTestCases = "missingpolicy" // LabelCatalogSourceTestCases is the label for a set of batching test cases. LabelCatalogSourceTestCases = "catalogsource" // LabelTempNamespaceTestCases is the label for a set of batching test cases. LabelTempNamespaceTestCases = "tempnamespace" // TestNamespace is the testing namespace created on the hub. TestNamespace = "talm-test" // TemporaryNamespace is a temporary namespace for testing created on the spokes. TemporaryNamespace = "talm-namespace-temp" // CguName is the name for the test talm cgu. CguName = "talm-cgu" // PolicyName is the name for the test talm policy. PolicyName = "talm-policy" // PolicySetName is the name for the test talm policy set. PolicySetName = "talm-policyset" // PlacementRuleName is the name for the test talm placement rule. PlacementRuleName = "talm-placementrule" // PlacementBindingName is the name for the test talm placement binding. PlacementBindingName = "talm-placementbinding" // CatalogSourceName is the name for the test talm catalog source. CatalogSourceName = "talm-catsrc" // PreCachingConfigName is the name for the test talm pre caching config. PreCachingConfigName = "talm-precachingconfig" // NonExistentPolicyName is the name for non-existent policies. NonExistentPolicyName = "non-existent-policy" // NonExistentClusterName is the name for non-existent clusters. NonExistentClusterName = "non-existent-cluster" // TalmPodLabelSelector is the label selector to find talm pods. TalmPodLabelSelector = "pod-template-hash" // TalmCompleteLabel is the label applied during talm after completion. TalmCompleteLabel = "talmcomplete" // OpenshiftLoggingNamespace is the namespace where logging pods are. OpenshiftLoggingNamespace = "openshift-logging" // BackupPath is the path the temporary filesystem is mounted to. BackupPath = "/var/recovery" // RANTestPath is where the temporary filesystem file is. RANTestPath = "/var/ran-test-talm-recovery" // FSSize is the size of the temporary filesystem. FSSize = "100M" // ClustersSelectedType is the type for a CGU condition. ClustersSelectedType = "ClustersSelected" // ValidatedType is the type for a CGU condition. ValidatedType = "Validated" // PreCacheValidType is the type for a CGU condition. PreCacheValidType = "PrecacheSpecValid" // PreCacheSucceededType is the type for a CGU condition. PreCacheSucceededType = "PrecachingSuceeded" // ReadyType is the type for a CGU condition. ReadyType = "Ready" // SucceededType is the type for a CGU condition. SucceededType = "Succeeded" // ProgressingType is the type for a CGU condition. ProgressingType = "Progressing" // CompletedReason is the reason for a CGU condition. CompletedReason = "Completed" // TimedOutReason is the reason for a CGU condition. TimedOutReason = "TimedOut" // UpgradeCompletedReason is the reason for a CGU condition. UpgradeCompletedReason = "UpgradeCompleted" // PartiallyDoneReason is the reason for a CGU condition. PartiallyDoneReason = "PartiallyDone" // TalmTimeoutMessage is the message for a CGU condition. TalmTimeoutMessage = "Policy remediation took too long" // TalmCanaryTimeoutMessage is the message for a CGU condition. TalmCanaryTimeoutMessage = "Policy remediation took too long on canary clusters" // TalmBlockedMessage is the message for a CGU condition. TalmBlockedMessage = "Blocking CRs that are not completed: [%s]" // TalmMissingCRMessage is the message for a CGU condition. TalmMissingCRMessage = "Missing blocking CRs: [%s]" // PreCacheValidMessage is the message for a CGU condition. PreCacheValidMessage = "Precaching spec is valid and consistent" // PreCachePartialFailMessage is the message for a CGU condition. PreCachePartialFailMessage = "Precaching failed for 1 clusters" // PreCacheContainerName is the name of the pre cache container. PreCacheContainerName = "pre-cache-container" // PreCachePodLabel is the label for the pre cache pod. PreCachePodLabel = "job-name=pre-cache" // PreCacheSpokeNS is the namespace from the pre cache test. PreCacheSpokeNS = "openshift-talo-pre-cache" // PreCacheOverrideName is the name of the config map for excluding images from precaching. PreCacheOverrideName = "cluster-group-upgrade-overrides" // PreCacheInvalidImage is a nonexistent image to use for pre caching tests. PreCacheInvalidImage = `` + `sha256:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000` // SpokeImageDeleteCommand is the command to delete the excluded pre cache image. SpokeImageDeleteCommand = `podman images --noheading --filter "label=name=%s" --format {{.ID}}|` + `xargs podman rmi --force` // SpokeImageListCommand is the command to generate a list of cached images on the spoke cluster. SpokeImageListCommand = `podman images --noheading --filter "label=name=%s"` // SpokeImageGetNameCommand is the command to get the name of an image. SpokeImageGetNameCommand = `podman images --noheading %s --format {{}}` // PrometheusPodName is the name of the prometheus pod. PrometheusPodName = "prometheus-k8s-0" // PrometheusNamespace is the namespace for prometheus. PrometheusNamespace = "openshift-monitoring" // TalmBackupNamespace is the namespace that the CGU operator uses when running backups. TalmBackupNamespace = "openshift-talo-backup" // MasterNodeSelector when used in a label selector finds all master nodes. MasterNodeSelector = "" // TalmDefaultReconcileTime is the default time for talm to reconcile. TalmDefaultReconcileTime = 5 * time.Minute // TalmSystemStablizationTime is the default time to wait for talm to settle. TalmSystemStablizationTime = 15 * time.Second // LogLevel is the verbosity of glog statements in this test suite. LogLevel glog.Level = 90 )
Variables ¶
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var ( // Labels represents the range of labels that can be used for test cases selection. Labels = append(ranparam.Labels, LabelSuite) // ReporterHubNamespacesToDump tells to the reporter which namespaces on the hub to collect pod logs from. ReporterHubNamespacesToDump = map[string]string{ TestNamespace: "", ranparam.OpenshiftOperatorNamespace: "", } // ReporterSpokeNamespacesToDump tells the reporter which namespaces on the spokes to collect pod logs from. ReporterSpokeNamespacesToDump = map[string]string{ TemporaryNamespace: "", PreCacheSpokeNS: "", TalmBackupNamespace: "", } // ReporterHubCRsToDump is the CRs the reporter should dump on the hub. ReporterHubCRsToDump = []k8sreporter.CRData{ {Cr: &corev1.NamespaceList{}}, {Cr: &corev1.PodList{}}, {Cr: &cguv1alpha1.ClusterGroupUpgradeList{}, Namespace: ptr.To(TestNamespace)}, {Cr: &cguv1alpha1.PreCachingConfigList{}, Namespace: ptr.To(TestNamespace)}, {Cr: &policiesv1.PolicyList{}, Namespace: ptr.To(TestNamespace)}, {Cr: &policiesv1.PlacementBindingList{}, Namespace: ptr.To(TestNamespace)}, {Cr: &placementrulev1.PlacementRuleList{}, Namespace: ptr.To(TestNamespace)}, {Cr: &policiesv1beta1.PolicySetList{}, Namespace: ptr.To(TestNamespace)}, } // ReporterSpokeCRsToDump is the CRs the reporter should dump on the spokes. ReporterSpokeCRsToDump = []k8sreporter.CRData{ {Cr: &corev1.NamespaceList{}}, {Cr: &corev1.PodList{}}, {Cr: &olmv1alpha1.CatalogSourceList{}, Namespace: ptr.To(TemporaryNamespace)}, } // TalmNonExistentClusterMessage is the condition message for when a cluster is non-existent. TalmNonExistentClusterMessage = fmt.Sprintf( "Unable to select clusters: cluster %s is not a ManagedCluster", NonExistentClusterName) // TalmNonExistentPolicyMessage is the condition message for when a policy is non-existent. TalmNonExistentPolicyMessage = fmt.Sprintf("Missing managed policies: [%s]", NonExistentPolicyName) // CguTimeoutReasonCondition is the condition when the CGU has timed out. CguTimeoutReasonCondition = metav1.Condition{Type: SucceededType, Reason: TimedOutReason} // CguTimeoutMessageCondition is the condition when the CGU has timed out since policy remidation took too long. CguTimeoutMessageCondition = metav1.Condition{Type: SucceededType, Message: TalmTimeoutMessage} // CguTimeoutCanaryCondition is the condition when the CGU has timed out due to canary policy remediation. CguTimeoutCanaryCondition = metav1.Condition{Type: SucceededType, Message: TalmCanaryTimeoutMessage} // CguSuccessfulFinishCondition is the condition when the CGU has completed. CguSuccessfulFinishCondition = metav1.Condition{Type: SucceededType, Reason: CompletedReason} // CguSucceededCondition is the condition when the CGU has succeeded for any reason. CguSucceededCondition = metav1.Condition{Type: SucceededType, Status: metav1.ConditionTrue} // CguNonExistentClusterCondition is the condition when the CGU has a non-existent cluster. CguNonExistentClusterCondition = metav1.Condition{Type: ClustersSelectedType, Message: TalmNonExistentClusterMessage} // CguNonExistentPolicyCondition is the condition when the CGU has a non-existent policy. CguNonExistentPolicyCondition = metav1.Condition{Type: ValidatedType, Message: TalmNonExistentPolicyMessage} // CguPreCacheValidCondition is the condition when the CGU pre-caching is valid. CguPreCacheValidCondition = metav1.Condition{ Type: PreCacheValidType, Status: metav1.ConditionTrue, Message: PreCacheValidMessage, } // CguPreCachePartialCondition is the condition when the CGU pre-caching could only partially complete. CguPreCachePartialCondition = metav1.Condition{ Type: PreCacheSucceededType, Status: metav1.ConditionTrue, Message: PreCachePartialFailMessage, Reason: PartiallyDoneReason, } )
Functions ¶
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Types ¶
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