PGT2ACMPG translation tool
The goal of the pgt2acmpg tool is to ease the conversion between Policy Generator Templates (or PGT) and ACMPG Templates (or ACMPG)
Usage of ./pgt2acmpg:
-a OpenAPI workaround. If set, pre-renders patches for custom CRs, otherwise the OpenAPI field is used.
-c string
the optional comma delimited list of reference source CRs templates
-g optionally generates ACM policies for PGT and ACMPG templates
-i string
the PGT input file
-k string
the optional list of custom CRs requiring a schema
-n string
the optional ns.yaml file path (default "ns.yaml")
-o string
the ACMPG output Directory
-p optionally disable generating default placement bindings in ns.yaml
-s string
the optional schema for all non base CRDs
-w Optional workaround to generate placement API template containing toleration
The -g option also requires PolicyGenerator
and PolicyGenTemplate
executables in the proper subdirectory as specified by Kustomize plugin API. The
kustomize subdirectory of this project provides both executable in the correct
relative path. To use them, use the following kustomize environment variable
when running pgt2acmpg:
so for instance, an example to generate policies for PGT and ACMPG would be:
KUSTOMIZE_PLUGIN_HOME=$(pwd)/../../pgt2acmpg/kustomize pgt2acmpg -i
mydir/policygentemplates -o mydir/acmpg -s
/tmp/newptpconfig-schema.json -k PtpConfig -c /tmp/source-crs
Running from official ztp container
The pgt2acmpg executable is also part of the official ZTP container. To run the pgt2acmpg tool run the following podmand command:
podman run \
--user root:root \
-e KUSTOMIZE_PLUGIN_HOME=/kustomize-pgt2acmpg \
-v $(pwd)/output:/home/ztp:Z \
-v $(pwd)/PolicyGenerator:/kustomize-pgt2acmpg/ \
-v $(pwd)/policygentemplates:/policygentemplates:Z \
-v $(pwd)/acmpg:/acmpg:Z \ \
pgt2acmpg \
-i /policygentemplates \
-o /acmpg \
-c /policygentemplates/source-crs \
--user root:root
: overwrides the default container UID
-e KUSTOMIZE_PLUGIN_HOME=/kustomize-pgt2acmpg
: environment variable indicating the location of the kustomize plugins
-v $(pwd)/output:/home/ztp:Z
: the output directoy to retrieve the acmpg-out.yaml and pgt-out.yaml generated ACM policies
-v $(pwd)/PolicyGenerator:/kustomize-pgt2acmpg/
: mount the PolicyGenerator plugin executable see Getting the PolicyGennerator executable on how to download it.
-v $(pwd)/policygentemplates:/policygentemplates:Z
: mount for input PGT directory
-v $(pwd)/acmpg:/acmpg:Z
: mount for output ACM Policy Gen directory
: Official ZTP image
: pgt2acmpg executable
-i /policygentemplates
: PGT directory
-o /acmpg
: ACM Policy Gen directory
-c /policygentemplates/source-crs
: source CRs directory
: option to render ACM policies for PGT and ACMPG
Getting the PolicyGennerator executable
Run the multicluster-operators-subscription image with podman
podman run --name test
Ignore any erross coming from running the image. Copy the PolicyGenerator image in current directory:
podman cp test:/policy-generator/PolicyGenerator-not-fips-compliant PolicyGenerator
Example, converting PGT to ACMPG for GitOps
This example assumes that the following is available:
- a working gitops repository. For instance, consider the following directory structure:
├── policygentemplates
│ ├── common-ranGen.yaml
│ ├── group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml
│ ├── group-du-sno-validator-ranGen.yaml
│ ├── helix59.yaml
│ ├── kustomization.yaml
│ ├── ns.yaml
│ └── source-crs
│ ├── just-a-test.yaml
│ └── PtpConfigSlaveCustom.yaml
└── siteconfig
├── helix59.yaml
├── kustomization.yaml
└── sno-extra-manifest
├── 04-rh-internal-icsp.yaml
├── custom-mcp.yaml
├── enable_crun_master.yaml
└── enable_crun_worker.yaml
- a source-crs directory. With PGT there is the option to not provide the reference source-crs used by the templates. In the example above, only 2 source-crs are provided, but in fact many more are used by template. When rendering the template, argoCD would use copy the source-crs that it contains.
Get a source-crs directory matching the template release
- Retrieve the source-crs directory corresponding the the version of the template, or alternatively upgrade the template to the latest version. This is an important step, since some source-crs files could be added or deleted across releases
Verify the name of the resources patched by PGT templates
ACM template are patching resource file differently, using Kustomize and the Strategic Merge Patch. In a nutshell, Kustomize will extract the kind, name and namespace of the resource patch defined in the PGT template. With this data, kustomize will identify the correct resource in the source-crs file that is to be patched and then apply the patch. If the resource in the patch declared by the template is not found, pgt2acmpg displays a error similar to (PtpConfig resource with slave1 name and openshift-ptp was not found in source-crs):
Could not convert PGT files, err: failed to convert PGT to ACMPG, err=could not
render patches in manifest, err:failed to process the manifest at
"acmpg/source-crs/PtpConfigSlaveCustom-MCP-master.yaml": failed to
apply the patch(es) to the manifest(s) using Kustomize: no resource matches
strategic merge patch "": no
matches for Id; failed to
find unique target for patch
If renaming of the resource is needed it should be done both in the template and the source-crs directory
Update PGT template patches to support Kustomize patching strategy
Some resource need additional patch configuration for Kustomize to work:
extra directives are sometimes needed of the there is no schema available in k8s to describe a field. This is the case with the PtpConfig plugins field which can be set to any yaml file. In this case, we can only replace the content so a replace directive should be added (see Strategic Merge Patch for details):
$patch: replace plugins: e810: enableDefaultConfig: false pins: "ens7f0": "U.FL2": "0 2" "U.FL1": "0 1" "SMA2": "0 2" "SMA1": "0 1"
Optional: Create a Kustomize schema.json
This is useful if patching CRD resources containing list of objects (needed for ptp-config). Retrieve a schema.json file including the Kustomize schema for all the resources that contain lists that need to be patched intelligently. Kustomize uses strategic merge to merge patches intelligently. In case of complex CRD resources including lists, a schema is required so that Kustomize understands what is the list key. For instance the key to a list of profile could be the profile name. So the patch needs to use the name in the list to be able to find the entry to patch. See more details here
To retrieve a schema from a running kubernetes cluster, do the following:
kustomize openapi fetch
Then cut and paste the sections with the resources that need to be patched. An example of schema is at newptpconfig-schema.json.
Next, identify the list objects in the schema and select a key from the fields of the object that would be use to index the list, for instance a name. After the definition of the list, add the following text:
"x-kubernetes-patch-merge-key": "name",
"x-kubernetes-patch-strategy": "merge"
indicates the field in the object that is used to
uniquely identify it in the list in this case the name
indicates the patch strategy. Merge would merge
fields, replace would replace the object identified by the key with patch
The -s
option take a path to the schema file. The schema file can contain the
definition for multiple CRD resources. Also only CRD resources needs a schema
file. The schema definition for build-in Kubernetes resources is already part of
If the -a
option is not present, the schema file is used to create a schema.openapi file in each of the kustomization.json subdirectories. The following openapi field is added to each of the policy manifests
- path: source-crs/PtpConfigSlave.yaml
path: schema.openapi
if the -a
option is present, instead of using the openapi field, the patch is pre-rendered and becomes the content of the ACMPG template manifest's patch. This is kept as a workaround for earlier version of policy-generator-plugin that did not support patching custom CR using an openAPI schema.
if the -a
option is present, the -k
option specifies the comma separated list of objects
that need to be patched using a schema (because they contains list of objects).
The resulting pre-rendered resource definition is inserted a patch in the ACM
template. Once ACM policy-generator-plugin supports specifying a schema (see
the -k option will no longer be needed.
Running the conversion
Now that we have:
- prepared the PGT templates for conversion,
- extracted a schema for all resources that need it,
- located a reference source-crs directory corresponding to the PGT schema version
We can run the conversion by running the following command:
KUSTOMIZE_PLUGIN_HOME=$(pwd)/../../pgt2acmpg/kustomize pgt2acmpg -i
mydir/policygentemplates -o mydir/acmpg -s
/tmp/newptpconfig-schema.json -k PtpConfig -c
: indicates the path
to a Kustomize plugin directory structure. For convenience, pecompiled binaries
and directories are provided with this project in the kustomize subdirectory
: this is the pgt2acmpg executable
-i mydir/policygentemplates
: the source PGT templates to be converted
-o policygentemplates
: the destination ACMPG templates directory to be
-s /tmp/newptpconfig-schema.json
: the Kustomize schema containing
definitions for all objects with list that need to be patched
-k PtpConfig
the comma separated list of objects containing list that need to be patched
-c mydir/policygentemplates/source-crs,/tmp/source-crs
: the directories
containing the source-crs corresponding to the template version. In this case
the PGT directory contains some custom templates, they are added as the first
path in the list of source-crs. The reference source-crs should be added last
(any order will work, but will produce spurious "skipping" logs)
A successful conversion output looks like:
Copied source-cr at
/home/deliedit/dev/tpmv2/ztp/cnf-features-deploy/ztp/source-crs successfully
Wrote converted ACM template: policygentemplates/source-crs/DefaultCatsrc.yaml
Wrote converted ACM template:
policygentemplates/source-crs/ReduceMonitoringFootprint.yaml Wrote converted ACM
template: policygentemplates/source-crs/DefaultCatsrc.yaml Wrote converted ACM
template: policygentemplates/source-crs/DefaultCatsrc.yaml Wrote converted ACM
template: policygentemplates/source-crs/ReduceMonitoringFootprint.yaml Wrote
converted ACM template: policygentemplates/source-crs/DefaultCatsrc.yaml Wrote
converted ACM template: policygentemplates/source-crs/SriovSubscription.yaml
Wrote converted ACM template:
policygentemplates/source-crs/SriovSubscriptionNS.yaml Wrote converted ACM
template: policygentemplates/source-crs/SriovSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml Wrote
converted ACM template: policygentemplates/source-crs/SriovOperatorStatus.yaml
Wrote converted ACM template: policygentemplates/source-crs/PtpSubscription.yaml
Wrote converted ACM template:
policygentemplates/source-crs/PtpSubscriptionNS.yaml Wrote converted ACM
template: policygentemplates/source-crs/PtpSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml Wrote
converted ACM template: policygentemplates/source-crs/PtpOperatorStatus.yaml
Wrote converted ACM template: policygentemplates/source-crs/ClusterLogNS.yaml
Wrote converted ACM template:
policygentemplates/source-crs/ClusterLogOperGroup.yaml Wrote converted ACM
template: policygentemplates/source-crs/ClusterLogSubscription.yaml Wrote
converted ACM template:
policygentemplates/source-crs/ClusterLogOperatorStatus.yaml Wrote converted ACM
template: policygentemplates/source-crs/StorageNS.yaml Wrote converted ACM
template: policygentemplates/source-crs/StorageOperGroup.yaml Wrote converted
ACM template: policygentemplates/source-crs/StorageSubscription.yaml Wrote
converted ACM template: policygentemplates/source-crs/StorageOperatorStatus.yaml
Wrote converted ACM template: policygentemplates/source-crs/AcceleratorsNS.yaml
Wrote converted ACM template:
policygentemplates/source-crs/AcceleratorsOperGroup.yaml Wrote converted ACM
template: policygentemplates/source-crs/AcceleratorsSubscription.yaml Wrote
converted ACM template:
policygentemplates/source-crs/BareMetalEventRelaySubscription.yaml Wrote
converted ACM template:
policygentemplates/source-crs/BareMetalEventRelaySubscriptionNS.yaml Wrote
converted ACM template:
Wrote converted ACM template: policygentemplates/acm-common-ranGen.yaml Wrote
converted ACM template: policygentemplates/source-crs/ClusterLogForwarder.yaml
Wrote converted ACM template: policygentemplates/source-crs/DisableOLMPprof.yaml
Wrote converted ACM template:
policygentemplates/source-crs/PtpOperatorConfigForEvent-MCP-master.yaml Wrote
converted ACM template:
policygentemplates/source-crs/PtpConfigGmWpc-MCP-master.yaml Wrote converted ACM
template: policygentemplates/source-crs/PtpConfigSlaveCustom-MCP-master.yaml
Wrote converted ACM template:
policygentemplates/source-crs/SriovOperatorConfig-MCP-master.yaml Wrote
converted ACM template: policygentemplates/source-crs/DisableSnoNetworkDiag.yaml
Wrote converted ACM template: policygentemplates/source-crs/HardwareEvent.yaml
Wrote converted ACM template:
policygentemplates/source-crs/PerformanceProfile-MCP-master.yaml Wrote converted
ACM template:
policygentemplates/source-crs/TunedPerformancePatch-MCP-master.yaml Wrote
converted ACM template: policygentemplates/source-crs/MachineConfigGeneric.yaml
Wrote converted ACM template: policygentemplates/source-crs/StorageLV.yaml Wrote
converted ACM template: policygentemplates/acm-group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml Wrote
converted ACM template:
Wrote converted ACM template:
policygentemplates/acm-group-du-sno-validator-ranGen.yaml Wrote converted ACM
template: policygentemplates/source-crs/SriovNetwork.yaml Wrote converted ACM
template: policygentemplates/source-crs/SriovNetworkNodePolicy-MCP-master.yaml
Wrote converted ACM template: policygentemplates/source-crs/SriovNetwork.yaml
Wrote converted ACM template:
policygentemplates/source-crs/SriovNetworkNodePolicy-MCP-master.yaml Wrote
converted ACM template:
policygentemplates/source-crs/SriovNetworkNodePolicy-MCP-master.yaml Wrote
converted ACM template: policygentemplates/acm-helix59.yaml Wrote Kustomization
resource: policygentemplates/ns.yaml Wrote Updated Kustomization file:
policygentemplates/kustomization.yaml Added default placement binding
The new directory structure now looks like:
├── acmpg
│ ├── acm-common-ranGen.yaml
│ └── source-crs
│ ├── AcceleratorsNS.yaml
│ ├── AcceleratorsOperatorStatus.yaml
│ ├── AcceleratorsOperGroup.yaml
│ ├── AcceleratorsSubscription.yaml
│ ├── AmqInstance.yaml
│ ├── AmqOperatorStatus.yaml
│ ├── AmqSubscriptionNS.yaml
│ ├── AmqSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml
│ ├── AmqSubscription.yaml
│ ├── BareMetalEventRelaySubscriptionNS.yaml
│ ├── BareMetalEventRelaySubscriptionOperGroup.yaml
│ ├── BareMetalEventRelaySubscription.yaml
│ ├── ClusterLogCatSource.yaml
│ ├── ClusterLogForwarder.yaml
│ ├── ClusterLogNS.yaml
│ ├── ClusterLogOperatorStatus.yaml
│ ├── ClusterLogOperGroup.yaml
│ ├── ClusterLogServiceAccountAuditBinding.yaml
│ ├── ClusterLogServiceAccountInfrastructureBinding.yaml
│ ├── ClusterLogServiceAccount.yaml
│ ├── ClusterLogSubscription.yaml
│ ├── ClusterVersion.yaml
│ ├── ConsoleOperatorDisable.yaml
│ ├── DefaultCatsrc.yaml
│ ├── DisableOLMPprof.yaml
│ ├── DisableSnoNetworkDiag.yaml
│ ├── DisconnectedICSP.yaml
│ ├── extra-manifest
│ │ ├── 01-container-mount-ns-and-kubelet-conf-master.yaml
│ │ ├── 01-container-mount-ns-and-kubelet-conf-worker.yaml
│ │ ├── 03-sctp-machine-config-master.yaml
│ │ ├── 03-sctp-machine-config-worker.yaml
│ │ ├── 05-kdump-config-master.yaml
│ │ ├── 05-kdump-config-worker.yaml
│ │ ├── 06-kdump-master.yaml
│ │ ├── 06-kdump-worker.yaml
│ │ ├── 07-sriov-related-kernel-args-master.yaml
│ │ ├── 07-sriov-related-kernel-args-worker.yaml
│ │ ├── 08-set-rcu-normal-master.yaml
│ │ ├── 08-set-rcu-normal-worker.yaml
│ │ ├── 09-openshift-marketplace-ns.yaml
│ │ ├── 99-crio-disable-wipe-master.yaml
│ │ ├── 99-crio-disable-wipe-worker.yaml
│ │ ├── 99-sync-time-once-master.yaml
│ │ ├── 99-sync-time-once-worker.yaml
│ │ ├── disk-encryption.yaml.tmpl
│ │ ├── enable-cgroups-v1.yaml
│ │ ├── image-registry-partition-mc.yaml.tmpl
│ │ └── workload
│ │ ├── 03-workload-partitioning.yaml
│ │ ├── crio.conf
│ │ └── kubelet.conf
│ ├── HardwareEvent.yaml
│ ├── ImageBasedUpgrade.yaml
│ ├── ImageRegistryConfig.yaml
│ ├── ImageRegistryPV.yaml
│ ├── ImageSignature.yaml
│ ├── just-a-test.yaml
│ ├── LVMOperatorStatus.yaml
│ ├── MachineConfigContainerMountNS.yaml
│ ├── MachineConfigGeneric.yaml
│ ├── MachineConfigPool.yaml
│ ├── MachineConfigSctp.yaml
│ ├── optional-extra-manifest
│ │ ├── enable-crun-master.yaml
│ │ └── enable-crun-worker.yaml
│ ├── PaoOperatorStatus.yaml
│ ├── PaoSubscriptionCatalogSource.yaml
│ ├── PaoSubscriptionNS.yaml
│ ├── PaoSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml
│ ├── PaoSubscription.yaml
│ ├── PerformanceProfile-SetSelector.yaml
│ ├── PerformanceProfile.yaml
│ ├── PtpCatSource.yaml
│ ├── PtpConfigBoundary.yaml
│ ├── PtpConfigDualCardGmWpc.yaml
│ ├── PtpConfigGmWpc-MCP-master.yaml
│ ├── PtpConfigGmWpc.yaml
│ ├── PtpConfigMaster.yaml
│ ├── PtpConfigSlaveCustom-MCP-master.yaml
│ ├── PtpConfigSlaveCustom.yaml
│ ├── PtpConfigSlaveCvl.yaml
│ ├── PtpConfigSlave.yaml
│ ├── PtpOperatorConfigForEvent-MCP-master.yaml
│ ├── PtpOperatorConfigForEvent-SetSelector.yaml
│ ├── PtpOperatorConfigForEvent.yaml
│ ├── PtpOperatorConfig-SetSelector.yaml
│ ├── PtpOperatorConfig.yaml
│ ├── PtpOperatorStatus.yaml
│ ├── PtpSubscriptionNS.yaml
│ ├── PtpSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml
│ ├── PtpSubscription.yaml
│ ├──
│ ├── ReduceMonitoringFootprint.yaml
│ ├── SriovCatSource.yaml
│ ├── SriovFecClusterConfig.yaml
│ ├── SriovNetworkNodePolicy-SetSelector.yaml
│ ├── SriovNetworkNodePolicy.yaml
│ ├── SriovNetwork.yaml
│ ├── SriovOperatorConfig-SetSelector.yaml
│ ├── SriovOperatorConfig.yaml
│ ├── SriovOperatorStatus.yaml
│ ├── SriovSubscriptionNS.yaml
│ ├── SriovSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml
│ ├── SriovSubscription.yaml
│ ├── StorageCatSource.yaml
│ ├── StorageClass.yaml
│ ├── StorageLocalVolume.yaml
│ ├── StorageLVMCluster.yaml
│ ├── StorageLVMSubscriptionNS.yaml
│ ├── StorageLVMSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml
│ ├── StorageLVMSubscription.yaml
│ ├── StorageLV.yaml
│ ├── StorageNS.yaml
│ ├── StorageOperatorStatus.yaml
│ ├── StorageOperGroup.yaml
│ ├── StoragePVC.yaml
│ ├── StoragePV.yaml
│ ├── StorageSubscription.yaml
│ ├── TunedPerformancePatch.yaml
│ └── validatorCRs
│ ├── informDuValidatorMaster.yaml
│ ├── informDuValidatorWorker.yaml
│ └── informDuValidator.yaml
├── policygentemplates
│ ├── acm-common-ranGen.yaml
│ ├── acm-group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml
│ ├── acm-group-du-sno-validator-ranGen.yaml
│ ├── acm-helix59.yaml
│ ├── common-ranGen.yaml
│ ├── group-du-sno-ranGen.yaml
│ ├── group-du-sno-validator-ranGen.yaml
│ ├── helix59.yaml
│ ├── kustomization.yaml
│ ├── ns.yaml
│ └── source-crs
│ ├── AcceleratorsNS.yaml
│ ├── AcceleratorsOperatorStatus.yaml
│ ├── AcceleratorsOperGroup.yaml
│ ├── AcceleratorsSubscription.yaml
│ ├── AmqInstance.yaml
│ ├── AmqOperatorStatus.yaml
│ ├── AmqSubscriptionNS.yaml
│ ├── AmqSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml
│ ├── AmqSubscription.yaml
│ ├── BareMetalEventRelaySubscriptionNS.yaml
│ ├── BareMetalEventRelaySubscriptionOperGroup.yaml
│ ├── BareMetalEventRelaySubscription.yaml
│ ├── ClusterLogCatSource.yaml
│ ├── ClusterLogForwarder.yaml
│ ├── ClusterLogNS.yaml
│ ├── ClusterLogOperatorStatus.yaml
│ ├── ClusterLogOperGroup.yaml
│ ├── ClusterLogServiceAccountAuditBinding.yaml
│ ├── ClusterLogServiceAccountInfrastructureBinding.yaml
│ ├── ClusterLogServiceAccount.yaml
│ ├── ClusterLogSubscription.yaml
│ ├── ClusterVersion.yaml
│ ├── ConsoleOperatorDisable.yaml
│ ├── DefaultCatsrc.yaml
│ ├── DisableOLMPprof.yaml
│ ├── DisableSnoNetworkDiag.yaml
│ ├── DisconnectedICSP.yaml
│ ├── extra-manifest
│ │ ├── 01-container-mount-ns-and-kubelet-conf-master.yaml
│ │ ├── 01-container-mount-ns-and-kubelet-conf-worker.yaml
│ │ ├── 03-sctp-machine-config-master.yaml
│ │ ├── 03-sctp-machine-config-worker.yaml
│ │ ├── 05-kdump-config-master.yaml
│ │ ├── 05-kdump-config-worker.yaml
│ │ ├── 06-kdump-master.yaml
│ │ ├── 06-kdump-worker.yaml
│ │ ├── 07-sriov-related-kernel-args-master.yaml
│ │ ├── 07-sriov-related-kernel-args-worker.yaml
│ │ ├── 08-set-rcu-normal-master.yaml
│ │ ├── 08-set-rcu-normal-worker.yaml
│ │ ├── 09-openshift-marketplace-ns.yaml
│ │ ├── 99-crio-disable-wipe-master.yaml
│ │ ├── 99-crio-disable-wipe-worker.yaml
│ │ ├── 99-sync-time-once-master.yaml
│ │ ├── 99-sync-time-once-worker.yaml
│ │ ├── disk-encryption.yaml.tmpl
│ │ ├── enable-cgroups-v1.yaml
│ │ ├── image-registry-partition-mc.yaml.tmpl
│ │ └── workload
│ │ ├── 03-workload-partitioning.yaml
│ │ ├── crio.conf
│ │ └── kubelet.conf
│ ├── HardwareEvent.yaml
│ ├── ImageBasedUpgrade.yaml
│ ├── ImageRegistryConfig.yaml
│ ├── ImageRegistryPV.yaml
│ ├── ImageSignature.yaml
│ ├── just-a-test.yaml
│ ├── LVMOperatorStatus.yaml
│ ├── MachineConfigContainerMountNS.yaml
│ ├── MachineConfigGeneric.yaml
│ ├── MachineConfigPool.yaml
│ ├── MachineConfigSctp.yaml
│ ├── optional-extra-manifest
│ │ ├── enable-crun-master.yaml
│ │ └── enable-crun-worker.yaml
│ ├── PaoOperatorStatus.yaml
│ ├── PaoSubscriptionCatalogSource.yaml
│ ├── PaoSubscriptionNS.yaml
│ ├── PaoSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml
│ ├── PaoSubscription.yaml
│ ├── PerformanceProfile-MCP-master.yaml
│ ├── PerformanceProfile-SetSelector.yaml
│ ├── PerformanceProfile.yaml
│ ├── PtpCatSource.yaml
│ ├── PtpConfigBoundary.yaml
│ ├── PtpConfigDualCardGmWpc.yaml
│ ├── PtpConfigGmWpc-MCP-master.yaml
│ ├── PtpConfigGmWpc.yaml
│ ├── PtpConfigMaster.yaml
│ ├── PtpConfigSlaveCustom-MCP-master.yaml
│ ├── PtpConfigSlaveCustom.yaml
│ ├── PtpConfigSlaveCvl.yaml
│ ├── PtpConfigSlave.yaml
│ ├── PtpOperatorConfigForEvent-MCP-master.yaml
│ ├── PtpOperatorConfigForEvent-SetSelector.yaml
│ ├── PtpOperatorConfigForEvent.yaml
│ ├── PtpOperatorConfig-SetSelector.yaml
│ ├── PtpOperatorConfig.yaml
│ ├── PtpOperatorStatus.yaml
│ ├── PtpSubscriptionNS.yaml
│ ├── PtpSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml
│ ├── PtpSubscription.yaml
│ ├──
│ ├── ReduceMonitoringFootprint.yaml
│ ├── SriovCatSource.yaml
│ ├── SriovFecClusterConfig.yaml
│ ├── SriovNetworkNodePolicy-MCP-master.yaml
│ ├── SriovNetworkNodePolicy-SetSelector.yaml
│ ├── SriovNetworkNodePolicy.yaml
│ ├── SriovNetwork.yaml
│ ├── SriovOperatorConfig-MCP-master.yaml
│ ├── SriovOperatorConfig-SetSelector.yaml
│ ├── SriovOperatorConfig.yaml
│ ├── SriovOperatorStatus.yaml
│ ├── SriovSubscriptionNS.yaml
│ ├── SriovSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml
│ ├── SriovSubscription.yaml
│ ├── StorageCatSource.yaml
│ ├── StorageClass.yaml
│ ├── StorageLocalVolume.yaml
│ ├── StorageLVMCluster.yaml
│ ├── StorageLVMSubscriptionNS.yaml
│ ├── StorageLVMSubscriptionOperGroup.yaml
│ ├── StorageLVMSubscription.yaml
│ ├── StorageLV.yaml
│ ├── StorageNS.yaml
│ ├── StorageOperatorStatus.yaml
│ ├── StorageOperGroup.yaml
│ ├── StoragePVC.yaml
│ ├── StoragePV.yaml
│ ├── StorageSubscription.yaml
│ ├── TunedPerformancePatch-MCP-master.yaml
│ ├── TunedPerformancePatch.yaml
│ └── validatorCRs
│ ├── informDuValidatorMaster.yaml
│ ├── informDuValidator-MCP-master.yaml
│ ├── informDuValidatorWorker.yaml
│ └── informDuValidator.yaml
└── siteconfig
├── helix59.yaml
├── kustomization.yaml
└── sno-extra-manifest
├── 04-rh-internal-icsp.yaml
├── custom-mcp.yaml
├── enable_crun_master.yaml
└── enable_crun_worker.yaml
Finding conversions errors
To catch conversion errors early on, the -g option allow generating ACM policies
for both PGT and ACMPG templates. This option required a properly configured
Kustomize plugin home directory using the KUSTOMIZE_PLUGIN_HOME
A working directory including binaries for PGT and ACMPG templates is provided with this project at kustomize. To use it set the environment variable to:
After running the conversion, 2 files are generated in the same directory as where pgt2acmpg ran:
: these are the policies generated by the old PGT templates using Kustomize RAN policygen pluginacmpg-out.yaml
: these are the policies generated by the translated ACMPG templates using Kustomize ACM policy generator plugin
Use a comparison diff tool to compare the two. Most fields should match except for placement API objects and PGT Template variable that are not expanded.
After fixing any remaining issues, the conversion is complete.
Telling ArgoCD where to find the new ACM templates
By default the current template directory is named policygentemplates. The name
of the directory read by the ArgoCD app can be changed following the
instructions at
Configuring the hub cluster with ArgoCD.
See section
Modify the two ArgoCD applications, out/argocd/deployment/clusters-app.yaml
You can also just delete the old policygentemplates directory and then rename the new acmpg deirectory to policygentemplates. ArgoCD would find the new ACM templates the old directory.
conversion mechanism
Convert simple fields
The apiVersion
, kind
, metadata->name
, namespace
, and binding rules
mapped as follow between the PGT and ACMPG templates
Convert PGT policies to ACMPG policies
In PGT, the policies are listed under the sourceFiles field. To each file name in the list is associated a single policy. The same policy can be mapped to different file names
In ACMPG Templates, the policies are listed under the policies field. The files implementing the policies are listed under the policies->manifests section. See the converted ACMPG Template policy below. So in short in ACM policies we have a list of policies with a list of manifests. In PGT we have a list of source files that are tagged with a policy name,
The manifest name and path is changed as follows:
.yaml --> source-crs/PtpConfigSlave
The policy wave is retrieved from the first manifest defined in the policy. All manifest must have the same wave number
policyAnnotations: "10"
is set to inform
Policy patches
PGT and ACMPG templates can apply patches to reference manifest using Kustomize merge method. PGT can arbitrarily merge CRDs containing list of objects but not ACMPG. See the following issue in the policy-generator-plugin project: As a workaround, pgt2acmpg supports passing a open API schema that allows kustomizing CRDs that contain list of objects such as in PtpConfig. In addition to the schema, pgt2acmpg also needs a list of CRD kinds that should be pre-kustomized. Internally, pgt2acmpg will use the schema to Kustomize the reference manifest with the patches contained in the policy. The resulting "Kustomized" manifest is used to create a new patch that will render properly when using policy-generator-plugin without an open API schema.
- Take this example of PGT for a PTP policy:
policies-pgt.yaml - The same policy converted with prerendering of patches to ACMPG is:
policies-acmPGPreRender.yaml - If not using pre-rendering we en up with the following incorrect ACMPG Template since policy-generator-plugin cannot Kustomize the PtpConfig CRD: policies-acmPG.yaml
In the picture below, the lines in yellow were merged from the original patch,
the lines in grey are coming untouched from the source manifest.
MCP field
The PGT contains a MCP field indicating whether the it applies to worker
" nodes. PGT manifest contain a $mcp
that must be replaced by a
or worker
string when the PGT manifest is converted to ACMPG.
pgt2acmpg generates new versions of manifests depending of whether they are used
for master
of worker
For instance, a PGT declaring a mcp field equal to worker will generate extra
manifest files for the manifest containing the $mcp
string. If the
.yaml manifest contains a $mcp
keyword, a new manifest is
generated for the ACMPG named source-crs/PtpConfigSlave
-MCP-worker.yaml. The
new path is properly referenced in the ACMPG template.
Miscellaneous $names in manifests
Some manifests contain $name
, $namespace
, etc... These keywords are used by
PGT but are overwritten by the patch merging mechanism defined by
so they can be ignored.
Placement API Workaround
Currently, the the managedCluster resource is first created with the following taint:
- effect: NoSelect
As a result, the ACM placement API will not select it until the managed cluster
is available. As a workaround, the pgt2am translator can generate a placement
manifest that would include a
toleration using the -w option
There is no documentation for this package.
Path | Synopsis |
The content of this file was mainly pulled from the Open Cluster Management project at
The content of this file was mainly pulled from the Open Cluster Management project at |
The content of this file was copied from
The content of this file was copied from |