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Published: Jan 10, 2022 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 5 Imported by: 0



Package errcode defines the error codes for error messages and an explanation of what the error signifies.



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const (
	// ErrEndpointsNotFound indicates resolvable service endpoints could not be found
	ErrEndpointsNotFound = iota + 3000

	// ErrMarshallingKubernetesResource indicates that a Kubernetes resource could not be marshalled

	// ErrUnmarshallingKubernetesResource indicates that a Kubernetes resource could not be unmarshalled

Range 3000-3500 is reserved for errors related to k8s constructs (service accounts, namespaces, etc.)

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const (
	// Kind defines the kind for the error code constants
	Kind = "error_code"


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var ErrCodeMap = map[ErrCode]string{

	ErrInvalidCLIArgument: `
An invalid command line argument was passed to the application.

	ErrSettingLogLevel: `
The specified log level could not be set in the system.

	ErrFetchingControllerPod: `
The osm-controller k8s pod resource was not able to be retrieved by the system.

	ErrFetchingInjectorPod: `
The osm-injector k8s pod resource was not able to be retrieved by the system.

	ErrStartingIngressClient: `
The Ingress client created by the osm-controller to monitor Ingress resources
failed to start.

	ErrStartingReconciler: `
The Reconciler client to monitor updates and deletes to OSM's CRDs and mutating webhook
failed to start.

	ErrDedupEgressTrafficMatches: `
An error was encountered while attempting to deduplicate traffic matching attributes
(destination port, protocol, IP address etc.) used for matching egress traffic.
The applied egress policies could be conflicting with each other, and the system
was unable to process affected egress policies.

	ErrDedupEgressClusterConfigs: `
An error was encountered while attempting to deduplicate upstream clusters associated
with the egress destination.
The applied egress policies could be conflicting with each other, and the system
was unable to process affected egress policies.

	ErrInvalidEgressIPRange: `
An invalid IP address range was specified in the egress policy. The IP address range
must be specified as as a CIDR notation IP address and prefix length, like "",
as defined in RFC 4632.
The invalid IP address range was ignored by the system.

	ErrInvalidEgressMatches: `
An invalid match was specified in the egress policy.
The specified match was ignored by the system while applying the egress policy.

	ErrEgressSMIHTTPRouteGroupNotFound: `
The SMI HTTPRouteGroup resource specified as a match in an egress policy was not found.
Please verify that the specified SMI HTTPRouteGroup resource exists in the same namespace
as the egress policy referencing it as a match.

	ErrFetchingSMIHTTPRouteGroupForTrafficTarget: `
The SMI HTTPRouteGroup resources specified as a match in an SMI TrafficTarget policy was
unable to be retrieved by the system.
The associated SMI TrafficTarget policy was ignored by the system. Please verify that the
matches specified for the Traffictarget resource exist in the same namespace as the
TrafficTarget policy referencing the match.

	ErrSMIHTTPRouteGroupNoMatch: `
The SMI HTTPRouteGroup resource is invalid as it does not have any matches specified.
The SMI HTTPRouteGroup policy was ignored by the system.

	ErrMultipleSMISplitPerServiceUnsupported: `
There are multiple SMI traffic split policies associated with the same apex(root)
service specified in the policies. The system does not support this scenario so
onlt the first encountered policy is processed by the system, subsequent policies
referring the same apex service are ignored.

	ErrAddingRouteToOutboundTrafficPolicy: `
There was an error adding a route match to an outbound traffic policy representation
within the system.
The associated route was ignored by the system.

	ErrInvalidDestinationKind: `
An applied SMI TrafficTarget policy has an invalid destination kind.

	ErrInvalidSourceKind: `
An applied SMI TrafficTarget policy has an invalid source kind.

	ErrGettingInboundTrafficTargets: `
The inbound TrafficTargets composed of their routes for a given destination
ServiceIdentity could not be configured.

	ErrEndpointsNotFound: `
The system found 0 endpoints to be reached when the service's FQDN was resolved.

	ErrMarshallingKubernetesResource: `
A Kubernetes resource could not be marshalled.

	ErrUnmarshallingKubernetesResource: `
A Kubernetes resource could not be unmarshalled.

	ErrFetchingCertSecret: `
The Kubernetes secret containing the certificate could not be retrieved by the system.

	ErrObtainingCertFromSecret: `
The certificate specified by name could not be obtained by key from the secret's data.

	ErrObtainingPrivateKeyFromSecret: `
The private key specified by name could not be obtained by key from the secret's data.

	ErrObtainingCertExpirationFromSecret: `
The certificate expiration specified by name could not be obtained by key from the secret's

	ErrParsingCertExpiration: `
The certificate expiration obtained from the secret's data by name could not be parsed.

	ErrCreatingCertSecret: `
The secret containing a certificate could not be created by the system.

	ErrGeneratingPrivateKey: `
A private key failed to be generated.

	ErrEncodingKeyDERtoPEM: `
The specified private key could be be could not be converted from a DER encoded key to a
PEM encoded key.

	ErrCreatingCertReq: `
The certificate request fails to be created when attempting to issue a certificate.

	ErrCreatingRootCert: `
When creating a new certificate authority, the root certificate could not be obtained by
the system.

	ErrEncodingCertDERtoPEM: `
The specified certificate could not be converted from a DER encoded certificate to a PEM
encoded certificate.

	ErrDecodingPEMCert: `
The specified PEM encoded certificate could not be decoded.

	ErrDecodingPEMPrivateKey: `
The specified PEM privateKey for the certificate authority's root certificate could not
be decoded.

	ErrIssuingCert: `
An unspecified error occurred when issuing a certificate from the certificate manager.

	ErrCreatingCert: `
An error occurred when creating a certificate to issue from the certificate manager.

	ErrInvalidCA: `
The certificate authority privided when issuing a certificate was invalid.

	ErrRotatingCert: `
The specified certificate could not be rotated.

	ErrPubSubMessageFormat: `
Failed parsing object into PubSub message.

	ErrMeshConfigInformerInitCache: `
Failed initial cache sync for MeshConfig informer.
	ErrMeshConfigStructCasting: `
Failed to cast object to MeshConfig.
	ErrMeshConfigFetchFromCache: `
Failed to fetch MeshConfig from cache with specific key.
	ErrMeshConfigMarshaling: `
Failed to marshal MeshConfig into other format.

	ErrMarshallingXDSResource: `
A XDS resource could not be marshalled.

	ErrParsingXDSCertCN: `
The XDS certificate common name could not be parsed. The CN should be of the form

	ErrFetchingPodFromCert: `
The proxy UUID obtained from parsing the XDS certificate's common name did not match
the osm-proxy-uuid label value for any pod. The pod associated with the specified Envoy
proxy could not be found.

	ErrPodBelongsToMultipleServices: `
A pod in the mesh belongs to more than one service. By Open Service Mesh convention
the number of services a pod can belong to is 1. This is a limitation we set in place
in order to make the mesh easy to understand and reason about. When a pod belongs to
more than one service XDS will not program the Envoy proxy, leaving it out of the mesh.

	ErrGettingProxyFromPod: `
The Envoy proxy data structure created by ADS to reference an Envoy proxy sidecar from
a pod's osm-proxy-uuid label could not be configured.

	ErrGRPCConnectionFailed: `
A GRPC connection failure occurred and the ADS is no longer able to receive

	ErrSendingDiscoveryResponse: `
The DiscoveryResponse configured by ADS failed to send to the Envoy proxy.

	ErrGeneratingReqResource: `
The resources to be included in the DiscoveryResponse could not be generated.

	ErrRecordingSnapshot: `
The aggregated resources generated for a DiscoveryResponse failed to be configured as
a new snapshot in the Envoy xDS Aggregate Discovery Services cache.

	ErrGettingServiceIdentity: `
The ServiceIdentity specified in the XDS certificate CN could not be obtained when
creating SDS DiscoveryRequests corresponding to all types of secrets associated with
the proxy.

	ErrStartingADSServer: `
The Aggregate Discovery Server (ADS) created by the OSM controller failed to start.

	ErrInitializingProxy: `
An Envoy proxy data structure representing a newly connected envoy proxy to the XDS
server could not be initialized.

	ErrMismatchedServiceAccount: `
The ServiceAccount referenced in the NodeID does not match the ServiceAccount
specified in the proxy certificate.
The proxy was not allowed to be a part of the mesh.

	ErrGRPCStreamClosedByProxy: `
The gRPC stream was closed by the proxy and no DiscoveryRequests can be received.
The Stream Agreggated Resource server was terminated for the specified proxy.

	ErrUnexpectedXDSRequest: `
The envoy proxy has not completed the initialization phase and it is not ready
to receive broadcast updates from control plane related changes. New versions
should not be pushed if the first request has not be received.
The broadcast update was ignored for that proxy.

	ErrInvalidXDSTypeURI: `
The TypeURL of the resource being requested in the DiscoveryRequest is invalid.

	ErrParsingDiscoveryReqVersion: `
The version of the DiscoveryRequest could not be parsed by ADS.

	ErrGettingOrgDstEgressCluster: `
An Envoy egress cluster which routes traffic to its original destination could not
be configured. When a Host is not specified in the cluster config, the original
destination is used.

	ErrGettingDNSEgressCluster: `
An Envoy egress cluster that routes traffic based on the specified Host resolved
using DNS could not be configured.

	ErrObtainingUpstreamServiceCluster: `
An Envoy cluster that corresponds to a specified upstream service could not be

	ErrFetchingServiceList: `
The meshed services corresponding a specified Envoy proxy could not be listed.

	ErrDuplicateClusters: `
Multiple Envoy clusters with the same name were configured. The duplicate clusters
will not be sent to the Envoy proxy in a ClusterDiscovery response.

	ErrUnsupportedProtocolForService: `
The application protocol specified for a port is not supported for ingress
traffic. The XDS filter chain for ingress traffic to the port was not created.

	ErrBuildingRBACPolicy: `
An XDS RBAC policy could not be generated from the specified traffic target

	ErrIngressFilterChain: `
An XDS filter chain could not be constructed for ingress.

	ErrBuildingRBACPolicyForRoute: `
A traffic policy rule could not be configured as an RBAC rule on the proxy.
The corresponding rule was ignored by the system.

	ErrUnmarshallingSDSCert: `
The SDS certificate resource could not be unmarshalled.
The corresponding certificate resource was ignored by the system.

	ErrGettingServiceCertSecret: `
An XDS secret containing a TLS certificate could not be retrieved.
The corresponding secret request was ignored by the system.

	ErrGettingMeshService: `
The SDS secret does not correspond to a MeshService.

	ErrGettingK8sServiceAccount: `
The SDS secret does not correspond to a ServiceAccount.

	ErrSDSCertMismatch: `
The identity obtained from the SDS certificate request does not match the
identity of the proxy.
The corresponding certificate request was ignored by the system.

	ErrMarshallingProtoToYAML: `
A protobuf ProtoMessage could not be converted into YAML.

	ErrParsingMutatingWebhookCert: `
The mutating webhook certificate could not be parsed.
The mutating webhook HTTP server was not started.

	ErrStartingInjectionWebhookHTTPServer: `
The sidecar injection webhook HTTP server failed to start.

	ErrDecodingAdmissionReqBody: `
An AdmissionRequest could not be decoded.

	ErrParsingReqTimeout: `
The timeout from an AdmissionRequest could not be parsed.

	ErrInvalidAdmissionReqHeader: `
The AdmissionRequest's header was invalid. The content type obtained from the
header is not supported.

	ErrWritingAdmissionResp: `
The AdmissionResponse could not be written.

	ErrNilAdmissionReq: `
The AdmissionRequest was empty.

	ErrDeterminingPodInjectionEnablement: `
It could not be determined if the pod specified in the AdmissionRequest is
enabled for sidecar injection.

	ErrDeterminingNamespaceInjectionEnablement: `
It could not be determined if the namespace specified in the
AdmissionRequest is enabled for sidecar injection.

	ErrDeterminingPodPortExclusions: `
The port exclusions for a pod could not be obtained.
No port exclusions are added to the init container's spec.

	ErrCreatingMutatingWebhook: `
The MutatingWebhookConfiguration could not be created.

	ErrUpdatingMutatingWebhook: `
The MutatingWebhookConfiguration could not be updated.

	ErrReadingAdmissionReqBody: `
The AdmissionRequest body could not be read.

	ErrNilAdmissionReqBody: `
The AdmissionRequest body was nil.

	ErrShuttingDownValidatingWebhookHTTPServer: `
An error occurred when shutting down the validating webhook HTTP server.

	ErrStartingValidatingWebhookHTTPServer: `
The validating webhook HTTP server failed to start.

	ErrCreatingValidatingWebhook: `
The ValidatingWebhookConfiguration could not be created.

	ErrParsingValidatingWebhookCert: `
The validating webhook certificate could not be parsed.
The validating webhook HTTP server was not started.

	ErrReconcilingUpdatedCRD: `
An error occurred while reconciling the updated CRD to its original state.

	ErrReconcilingDeletedCRD: `
An error occurred while reconciling the deleted CRD.

	ErrReconcilingUpdatedMutatingWebhook: `
An error occurred while reconciling the updated mutating webhook to its original state.

	ErrReconcilingDeletedMutatingWebhook: `
An error occurred while reconciling the deleted mutating webhook.

	ErrReconcilingUpdatedValidatingWebhook: `
An error occurred while while reconciling the updated validating webhook to its original state.

	ErrReconcilingDeletedValidatingWebhook: `
An error occurred while reconciling the deleted validating webhook.

ErrCodeMap defines the mapping of error codes to their description. Note: error code description mappings must be defined in the same order as they appear in the error code definitions - from lowest to highest ranges in the order they appear within the range.


func GetErrCodeWithMetric

func GetErrCodeWithMetric(e ErrCode) string

GetErrCodeWithMetric increments the ErrCodeCounter metric for the given error code Returns the error code as a string


type ErrCode

type ErrCode int

ErrCode defines the type to represent error codes

const (
	// ErrInvalidCLIArgument indicates an invalid CLI argument
	ErrInvalidCLIArgument ErrCode = iota + 1000

	// ErrSettingLogLevel indicates the specified log level could not be set

	// ErrFetchingControllerPod indicates the osm-controller pod resource could not be fetched

	// ErrFetchingInjectorPod indicates the osm-injector pod resource could not be fetched

	// ErrStartingIngressClient indicates the Ingress client failed to start

	// ErrStartingReconciler indicates the reconciler client failed to start

Range 1000-1050 is reserved for errors related to application startup or bootstrapping

const (
	// ErrDedupEgressTrafficMatches indicates an error related to deduplicating egress traffic matches
	ErrDedupEgressTrafficMatches ErrCode = iota + 2000

	// ErrDedupEgressClusterConfigs indicates an error related to deduplicating egress cluster configs

	// ErrInvalidEgressIPRange indicates the IP address range specified in an egress policy is invalid

	// ErrInvalidEgressMatches indicates the matches specified in an egress policy is invalid

	// ErrEgressSMIHTTPRouteGroupNotFound indicates the SMI HTTPRouteGroup specified in the egress policy was not found

	// ErrFetchingSMIHTTPRouteGroupForTrafficTarget indicates the SMI HTTPRouteGroup specified as a match in an SMI
	// TrafficTarget resource was not able to be retrieved

	// ErrSMIHTTPRouteGroupNoMatch indicates the SMI HTTPRouteGroup resource has no matches specified

	// ErrMultipleSMISplitPerServiceUnsupported indicates multiple SMI split policies per service exists and is not supported

	// ErrAddingRouteToOutboundTrafficPolicy indicates there was an error adding a route to an outbound traffic policy

	// ErrGettingInboundTrafficTargets indicates the inbound traffic targets composed of its routes for a given
	// desitination ServiceIdentity could not be obtained

	// ErrInvalidDestinationKind indicates an applied SMI TrafficTarget policy has an invalid destination kind

	// ErrInvalidSourceKind	indicated an applied SMI TrafficTarget policy has an invalid source kind

Range 2000-2500 is reserved for errors related to traffic policies

const (
	// ErrFetchingCertSecret indicates a secret containing a certificate could not be fetched
	ErrFetchingCertSecret ErrCode = iota + 4000

	// ErrObtainingCertFrom indicates a certificate could not be obtained from a secret

	// ErrObtainingPrivateKeyFromSecret indicates the certificate's private key could not be obtained from a secret

	// ErrObtainingCertExpirationFromSecret indicates the certificate's expiration could not be obtained from a secret

	// ErrParsingCertExpiration indicates the certificate's expiration could not be parsed

	// ErrCreatingCertSecret indicates the secret to containing a certificate could not be created

	// ErrGeneratingPrivateKey indicates a private key could not be generated

	// ErrEncodingKeyDERtoPEM indicates a private key could not be encoded from DER to PEM

	// ErrCreatingCertReq indicates a certificate request could not be created

	// ErrdeletingCertReq inicates that the issue certificate request could not be deleted

	// ErrEncodingCertDERtoPEM indicates a certificate could not be encoded from DER to PEM

	// ErrDecodingPEMCert indicates a PEM certificate could not be decoded

	// ErrDecodingPEMPrivateKey indicates a PEM private key for a certificate could not be decoded

	// ErrIssuingCert indicates a nonspecific failure to issue a certificate

	// ErrCreatingCert indicates certificate creation failed when issuing a certificate

	// ErrInvalidCA indicates an invalid certificate authority was provided when attempting to issue a certificate

	// ErrRotatingCert indicates a certificate could not be rotated

Range 4000-4100 reserved for errors related to certificate providers

const (
	// ErrMeshConfigInformerInitCache indicates failed to init cache sync for MeshConfig informer
	ErrMeshConfigInformerInitCache ErrCode = iota + 4150

	// ErrMeshConfigStructParsing indicates failed to cast object to MeshConfig

	// ErrMeshConfigFetchFromCache indicates failed to fetch MeshConfig from cache with specific key

	// ErrMeshConfigMarshaling indicates failed to marshal MeshConfig into other format like JSON

Range 4150-4200 reserved for MeshConfig related errors

const (
	// ErrMarshallingXDSResource indicates an XDS resource could not be marshalled
	ErrMarshallingXDSResource ErrCode = iota + 5000

	// ErrParsingXDSCertCN indicates the configured XDS certificate common name could not be parsed

	// ErrFetchingPodFromCert indicates the proxy UUID obtained from a certificate's common name metadata was not
	// found as a osm-proxy-uuid label value for any pod

	// ErrPodBelongsToMultipleServices indicates a pod in the mesh belongs to more than one service

	// ErrGettingProxyFromPod indicates the proxy data structure could not be obtained from the osm-proxy-uuid
	// label value on a pods

	// ErrGRPCConnectionFailed indicates discovery requests cannot be received by ADS due to a GRPC connection failure

	// ErrSendingDiscoveryResponse indicates the configured discovery response could not be sent

	// ErrGeneratingReqResource indicates the resources for the discovery response could not be generated

	// ErrRecordingSnapshot indicates the aggregated resources generate for a discovery response could not be created

	// ErrGettingServiceIdentity indicates the ServiceIdentity name encoded in the XDS certificate CN could not be
	// obtained

	// ErrStartingADSServer indicates the gPRC service failed to start

	// ERRInitializingProxy indicates an instance of the Envoy proxy that connected to the XDS server could not be
	// initialized

	// ErrMismatchedServiceAccount inicates the ServiceAccount referenced in the NodeID does not match the
	// ServiceAccount specified in the proxy certificate

	// ErrGRPCStreamClosedByProxy indicates the gRPC stream was closed by the proxy

	// ErrUnexpectedXDSRequest indicates that a proxy has not completed its init phase and is not ready to
	// receive updates

	// ErrInvalidXDSTypeURI indicates the TypeURL of the discovery request is invalid

	// ErrParsingDiscoveryReqVersion indicates the discovery request response version could not be parsed

	// ErrGettingOrgDstEgressCluster indicates that an Envoy egress cluster that routes traffic to its original destination could not be configured

	// ErrGettingDNSEgressCluster indicates that an Envoy egress cluster that routes traffic based on the specified Host resolved using DNS could not be configured

	// ErrObtainingUpstreamServiceCluster indicates an Envoy cluster corresponding to an upstream service could not be configured

	// ErrFetchingServiceList indicates the services corresponding to a specified proxy could not be listed

	// ErrDuplicateluster indicates Envoy clusters with the same name were found

	// ErrUnsupportedProtocolForService indicates a port's corresponding application protocol is not supported

	// ErrBuildingRBACPolicy indicates the XDS RBAC policy could not be created from a given traffic target policy

	// ErrIngressFilterChain indicates there an error related to an ingress filter chain

	// ErrBuildingRBACPolicyForRoute indicates a traffic policy rule could not be configured as an RBAC rule on a proxy

	// ErrUnmarshallingSDSCert indicates the SDS certificate resource could not be unmarshalled

	// ErrGettingServiceCertSecret indicates a XDS secret containing a TLS certificate could not be retrieved

	// ErrGettingMeshService indicates a SDS secret does not correspond to a MeshService

	// ErrGettingK8sServiceAccount indicates a SDS secret does not correspond to a ServiceAccount

	// ErrSDSCertMismatch indicates the indentity obtained from the SDSCert request does not match the identity of the proxy

Range 5000-5500 reserved for errors related to Envoy XDS control plane

const (
	// ErrMarshallingProtoToYAML indicates a ProtoMessage could not be converted into YAML
	ErrMarshallingProtoToYAML ErrCode = iota + 6100

	// ErrParsingMutatingWebhookCert indicates the mutating webhook certificate could not be parsed

	// ErrStartingInjectionWebhookHTTPServer indicates the sidecar injection webhook HTTP server failed to start

	// ErrDecodingAdmissionReqBody indicates the admission request received by the mutating webhook could not be decoded

	// ErrParsingReqTimeout indicates an admission request timeout could not be parsed

	// ErrInvalidAdmissionReqHeader indicates the received admission request's header was invalid

	// ErrWritingAdmissionResp indicates the response to an admission request could not be written

	// ErrNilAdmissionReq indicates the received admission request was nil

	// ErrDeterminingPodInjectionEnablement indicates the enablement of a pod for sidecar injection could not be determined

	// ErrDeterminingNamespaceInjectionEnablement indicates the enablement of a namespace for sidecar injection could not
	// be determined

	// ErrDeterminingPodPortExclusions indicates the oubound port exclusions for a pod could not be obtained

	// ErrReadingAdmissionReqBody indicates the AdmissionRequest body could not be read

	// ErrNilAdmissionReqBody indicates the admissionRequest body was nil

	// ErrCreatingMutatingWebhook indicates the MutatingWebhookConfiguration could not be created

	// ErrUpdatingMutatingWebhook indicates the MutatingWebhookConfiguration could not be updated

Range 6000-6500 reserved for errors related to the OSM Injector

const (
	// ErrShuttingDownValidatingWebhookHTTPServer indicates an error occurred when shutting down the validating webhook
	// HTTP server
	ErrShuttingDownValidatingWebhookHTTPServer ErrCode = iota + 6700

	// ErrStartingValidatingWebhookHTTPServer indicates the validating webhook HTTP server failed to start

	// ErrParsingWebhookCert indicates the validating webhook certificate could not be parsed

	// ErrCreatingValidatingWebhook indicates the ValidatingWebhookConfiguration could not be created

Range 6700-6800 reserved for errors related to the validating webhook

const (
	// ErrReconcilingUpdatedCRD indicates an error occurred when OSM Reconciler failed to update a modified CRD
	ErrReconcilingUpdatedCRD ErrCode = iota + 7000

	// ErrReconcilingDeletedCRD indicates an error occurred when OSM Reconciler failed to add a deleted CRD

	// ErrReconcilingUpdatedMutatingWebhook indicates an error occurred when OSM Reconciler failed to update the mutating webhook

	// ErrReconcilingDeletedMutatingWebhook indicates an error occurred when OSM Reconciler failed to add a deleted mutating webhook

	// ErrReconcilingUpdatedValidatingWebhook indicates an error occurred when OSM Reconciler failed to update the validating webhook

	// ErrReconcilingDeletedValidatingWebhook indicates an error occurred when OSM Reconciler failed to add a deleted validating webhook

Range 7000-7100 reserved for errors related to OSM Reconciler

const (
	// ErrPubSubMessageFormat indicates error when parsing an object to a pubsub message
	ErrPubSubMessageFormat ErrCode = iota + 4100

Range 4100-4150 reserved for PubSub system

func FromStr

func FromStr(e string) (ErrCode, error)

FromStr returns the ErrCode representation for the given error code string Ex. E1000 is converted to ErrInvalidCLIArgument

func (ErrCode) String

func (e ErrCode) String() string

String returns the error code as a string, ex. E1000

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