
v0.54.0 Latest Latest

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Published: Jul 30, 2024 License: Apache-2.0



The controllers folder contains several packages related to writing kubernetes operators/controllers and their lifecycle management.


  • client
  • conditions
  • errors
  • filter
  • lifecycle

Package 'lifecycle'

Class Diagram
    class LifecycleManager {
        + Reconcile(ctx context.Context, req ctrl.Request, instance RuntimeObject) (ctrl.Result, error)
        + SetupWithManager(mgr ctrl.Manager, maxReconciles int, reconcilerName string, instance RuntimeObject, debugLabelValue string, r reconcile.Reconciler, log *logger.Logger, eventPredicates ...predicate.Predicate) error
        + NewLifecycleManager(log *logger.Logger, operatorName string, controllerName string, client client.Client, subroutines []Subroutine) *LifecycleManager

    class Subroutine {
        + Process(ctx context.Context, instance RuntimeObject) (ctrl.Result, errors.OperatorError)
        + Finalize(ctx context.Context, instance RuntimeObject) (ctrl.Result, errors.OperatorError)
        + GetName() string
        + Finalizers() []string

    class RuntimeObject {
        + runtime.Object
        + v1.Object

    LifecycleManager "1" --> "0..*" Subroutine : uses
    LifecycleManager "1" --> "1" RuntimeObject : interacts with

The purpose of this library is to simplify the process of writing an operator. This is done in the user code by creating a subroutine and implementing the Subroutine interface:

const (
    ExtensionClassSubroutineName      = "ExtensionclassDeletionSubroutine"
    ExtensionClassSubroutineCondition = "ExtensionClassReadyForDeletion"

// interface to implement
type Subroutine interface {
	Process(ctx context.Context, instance RuntimeObject) (ctrl.Result, errors.OperatorError)
	Finalize(ctx context.Context, instance RuntimeObject) (ctrl.Result, errors.OperatorError)
	GetName() string
	Finalizers() []string

type NewSubroutine struct {
	client client.Client

func (r *NewSubroutine) GetName() string {
	return ExtensionClassSubroutineName

func (r *NewSubroutine) Finalize(ctx context.Context, runtimeObj lifecycle.RuntimeObject) (ctrl.Result, errors.OperatorError) {
	return ctrl.Result{}, nil

func (r *NewSubroutine) Finalizers() []string {
	return []string{config.ExtensionClassCleanupFinalizer}

func (r *NewSubroutine) Process(ctx context.Context, runtimeObj lifecycle.RuntimeObject) (ctrl.Result, errors.OperatorError) {
	extensionClass := runtimeObj.(*extensionsV1alpha1.ExtensionClass)
    if extensionClass.Spec.Type == nil {
        return ctrl.Result{}, errors.NewOperatorError(errors.New("ExtensionClass type is not set"), true, false)
    // do something
    return ctrl.Result{}, nil

Then the user implements a Reconciler class which calls the Reconcile and SetupWithManager functions in the lifecycle package instead those in the controller runtime. The subroutines are registered and passed as parameter to the lifecycle.NewLifecycleManager call:

type NewReconciler struct {
	lifecycle *lifecycle.LifecycleManager

func NewNewReconciler(log *logger.Logger, mgr ctrl.Manager, cfg config.Config) *NewReconciler {
	subs := []lifecycle.Subroutine{}
	subs = append(subs, subroutines.NewSubroutine(mgr.GetClient()))
	return &NewReconciler{
		lifecycle: lifecycle.NewLifecycleManager(log,

func (r *NewReconciler) Reconcile(ctx context.Context, req ctrl.Request) (ctrl.Result, error) {
	return r.lifecycle.Reconcile(ctx, req, &v1alpha.CustomResource{})

func (r *NewReconciler) SetupWithManager(mgr ctrl.Manager, cfg config.Config, log *logger.Logger, eventPredicates ...predicate.Predicate) error {
	return r.lifecycle.SetupWithManager(mgr, cfg.MaxConcurrentReconciles, "reconciler-name", &v1alpha.CustomResource{}, cfg.DebugLabelValue, r, log, eventPredicates...)

Features of the lifecycle package:

  • timestamp management
  • spread reconciles
  • condition management
  • finalization and subroutine processing
  • status update
  • tracing
  • logger management
// SetupWithManager
func (l *LifecycleManager) SetupWithManager(mgr ctrl.Manager, maxReconciles int, reconcilerName string, instance RuntimeObject, debugLabelValue string, r reconcile.Reconciler, log *logger.Logger, eventPredicates ...predicate.Predicate) error

The debugLabelValue parameter enables filtering of the resources based on a label. If the label has the value passed in debugLabelValue, the resource will be reconciled in the Process function of the subroutine and all other resources will be skipped. If the value is empty string, all resources will be reconciled. This could be useful in debuging situations.

kind: CustomResource
  name: resource1
  namespace: mynamespace
  labels: test


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