To build the project run
This service uses the environment variables described below. The env files have a default value if not provided ( check .env file )
Variable |
Meaning |
url of the GRPC interface of the message store |
message store API key |
ip:port to bind for the rest api, normally should be ":8013" |
port used for the channel-api grpc interface, should be 9013 |
The api key used to validated received emails, must mach what is set in the AWS Lambda |
IP & port of the GRPC interface of oasis api |
url of the frontend, needed to allow cros-site scripting |
The api key used to validated received messages and login requests |
Ping interval in seconds to monitor websocket connections |
Setting up gmail in local environment
follow the procedure in
start ngrok to tunnel to channel-api
ngrok http 8013
- create a credential of type oauth client id
- select web application as application type
- add http://localhost:3006 as authorized javascript origin
- add https://(your ngrok url)/auth as authorized redirect uri
- set GMAIL_CLIENT_ID to the client id
- set GMAIL_CLIENT_SECRET to the client secret
- set GMAIL_REDIRECT_URIS to the redirect url specified by ory
Additionally, you need to set up ory
- set up the ory tunnel as described in the oasis-frontent README
- create an API key in the ory admin console
- set ORY_API_KEY to the api key
- set ORY_SERVER_URL to http:://localhost:4000
Setting up google email forwarding in dev environment
- Go to your gmail account settings. Click on the "Forwarding and POP/IMAP" tab.
- Click on the "Add a forwarding address" button.
- Enter and click "Next".
- Login into oasis and look for an email from
- Get the verification code, go back to gmail settings, input the code, click "Verify" and then "Proceed".
- Click "Save Changes" and you're done.
Setting up google email forwarding in prod environment
- Go to your gmail account settings. Click on the "Forwarding and POP/IMAP" tab.
- Click on the "Add a forwarding address" button.
- Enter and click "Next".
- Login into oasis and look for an email from
- Get the verification code, go back to gmail settings, input the code, click "Verify" and then "Proceed".
- Click "Save Changes" and you're done.
Setting up google email forwarding in local (ninja) environment
Ngrok and aws lambda are needed for this to work:
- start ngrok to tunnel to channel-api:
ngrok http 8013
- copy the ngrok url and set it to the environment variable
of the lambda function "openline-local-sender" by doing the following:
- go to the AWS console and go to the lambda service
- select the function "openline-local-sender"
- click on the "Configuration" tab
- click on the "Environment variables" section
- For the variable with the name "OL_MAIL_CB_HOST" and the value of your ngrok url
On gmail:
- Go to your gmail account settings. Click on the "Forwarding and POP/IMAP" tab.
- Click on the "Add a forwarding address" button.
- Enter and click "Next".
- Login into oasis and look for an email from
- Get the verification code, go back to gmail settings, input the code, click "Verify" and then "Proceed".
- Click "Save Changes" and you're done.
Naming convention:
LAMBDA names: $tenant-$domain-sender:
- openline-ai-sender,
- openline-dev-sender,
S3 bucket names: ses-$emailaddress:
- ses-dev-getopenline-com,
- ses-openline-getopenline-com
SES rules: $emailaddress:
- dev-getopenline-com
- openline-getopenline-com
Region: All of our forwarding infrastructure is in ireland eu-west-2