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Published: Jan 18, 2025 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 20 Imported by: 0



@openapi 3.0.0

@openapi 3.0.0



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func BulkUploadEmailsForVerification

func BulkUploadEmailsForVerification(services *cosapi_services.Services) gin.HandlerFunc

@Summary Upload emails for bulk verification @Description Initiates bulk verification process for emails from CSV file @Tags Email Verification @Accept multipart/form-data @Produce json @Param file formData file true "CSV file containing email addresses" @Param emailColumn formData string false "CSV column containing emails" default(first column) @Param verifyCatchAll formData bool false "Verify catch-all domains" default(true) @Success 200 {object} BulkUploadResponse "Bulk verification initiated" @Failure 400 {object} handlers.ErrorResponse "Invalid file format or missing parameters" @Failure 401 {object} handlers.ErrorResponse "Unauthorized - Missing or invalid API key" @Failure 500 {object} handlers.ErrorResponse "Internal server error" @Router /verify/v1/email/bulk [post] @Security ApiKeyAuth

func DownloadBulkEmailVerificationResults

func DownloadBulkEmailVerificationResults(services *cosapi_services.Services) gin.HandlerFunc

@Summary Download bulk verification results @Description Downloads CSV file containing detailed verification results @Tags Email Verification @Accept json @Produce text/csv @Param requestId path string true "Bulk verification job ID" format(uuid) @Success 200 {file} csv "CSV file containing verification results" @Failure 400 {object} handlers.ErrorResponse "Invalid job ID" @Failure 401 {object} handlers.ErrorResponse "Unauthorized - Missing or invalid API key" @Failure 404 {object} handlers.ErrorResponse "Results not found" @Failure 500 {object} handlers.ErrorResponse "Internal server error" @Router /verify/v1/email/bulk/results/{requestId}/download [get] @Security ApiKeyAuth

func GetBulkEmailVerificationResults

func GetBulkEmailVerificationResults(services *cosapi_services.Services) gin.HandlerFunc

@Summary Get bulk verification results @Description Retrieves results or status of bulk verification job @Tags Email Verification @Accept json @Produce json @Param requestId path string true "Bulk verification job ID" format(uuid) @Success 200 {object} BulkResultsResponse "Verification results or status" @Failure 400 {object} handlers.ErrorResponse "Invalid job ID" @Failure 401 {object} handlers.ErrorResponse "Unauthorized - Missing or invalid API key" @Failure 404 {object} handlers.ErrorResponse "Job not found" @Failure 500 {object} handlers.ErrorResponse "Internal server error" @Router /verify/v1/email/bulk/results/{requestId} [get] @Security ApiKeyAuth

func IpIntelligence

func IpIntelligence(services *cosapi_services.Services) gin.HandlerFunc

@Summary Get IP intelligence data @Description Retrieves comprehensive information about an IP address including threats, geolocation, and network details @Tags IP Intelligence @Accept json @Produce json @Param address query string true "IP address to analyze" pattern(^(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$) @Success 200 {object} IpIntelligenceResponse "IP intelligence data retrieved successfully" @Failure 400 {object} handlers.ErrorResponse "Invalid IP address format" @Failure 401 {object} handlers.ErrorResponse "Unauthorized - Missing or invalid API key" @Failure 500 {object} handlers.ErrorResponse "Internal server error" @Router /verify/v1/ip [get] @Security ApiKeyAuth

func VerifyEmailAddress

func VerifyEmailAddress(services *cosapi_services.Services) gin.HandlerFunc

@Summary Verify single email address @Description Performs comprehensive validation of a single email address @Tags Email Verification @Accept json @Produce json @Param address query string true "Email address to verify" format(email) @Param verifyCatchAll query bool false "Verify catch-all domain" default(true) @Success 200 {object} EmailVerificationResponse "Email verification results" @Failure 400 {object} handlers.ErrorResponse "Invalid email format or missing parameters" @Failure 401 {object} handlers.ErrorResponse "Unauthorized - Missing or invalid API key" @Failure 500 {object} handlers.ErrorResponse "Internal server error" @Router /verify/v1/email [get] @Security ApiKeyAuth


type BulkResultsDetails

type BulkResultsDetails struct {
	// Total number of emails processed
	// required: true
	// minimum: 0
	TotalEmails int `json:"totalEmails" example:"1000"`

	// Number of deliverable emails
	// required: true
	// minimum: 0
	Deliverable int `json:"deliverable" example:"950"`

	// Number of undeliverable emails
	// required: true
	// minimum: 0
	Undeliverable int `json:"undeliverable" example:"45"`

	// URL to download detailed results
	// required: true
	// format: uri
	DownloadURL string `` /* 129-byte string literal not displayed */

BulkResultsDetails represents detailed bulk verification results @Description Detailed statistics for bulk verification results

type BulkResultsResponse

type BulkResultsResponse struct {
	// Unique job identifier
	// required: true
	// format: uuid
	JobID string `json:"jobId" example:"550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000"`

	// Processing status
	// required: true
	// enum: processing,completed
	Status string `json:"status" example:"completed"`

	// Original filename
	// required: true
	FileName string `json:"fileName" example:"emails.csv"`

	// Progress message
	// required: true
	Message string `json:"message" example:"Completed 1000 of 1000 emails"`

	// Verification results if completed
	// required: false
	Results *BulkResultsDetails `json:"results,omitempty"`

	// Estimated completion timestamp
	// required: true
	EstimatedCompletionTs int64 `json:"estimatedCompletionTs" example:"1694030400"`

BulkResultsResponse represents bulk verification results @Description Response containing bulk verification results or status

type BulkUploadResponse

type BulkUploadResponse struct {
	// Status message
	// required: true
	Message string `json:"message" example:"File uploaded successfully"`

	// Unique job identifier
	// required: true
	// format: uuid
	JobID string `json:"jobId" example:"550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000"`

	// URL to check verification results
	// required: true
	// format: uri
	ResultURL string `json:"resultUrl" example:""`

	// Estimated completion timestamp
	// required: true
	EstimatedCompletionTs float64 `json:"estimatedCompletionTs" example:"1694030400"`

BulkUploadResponse represents bulk verification job initiation response @Description Response after initiating bulk email verification

type EmailVerificationRecord

type EmailVerificationRecord struct {
	// Email address that was verified
	// required: true
	// format: email
	EmailAddress string `json:"emailAddress" example:""`

	// Deliverability status
	// required: true
	// enum: true,false,unknown
	Deliverable string `json:"deliverable" example:"true"`

	// Email service provider
	// required: false
	Provider string `json:"provider" example:"gmail"`

	// Security gateway provider
	// required: false
	SecureGatewayProvider string `json:"secureGatewayProvider" example:"Proofpoint"`

	// Indicates if email is considered risky
	// required: true
	IsRisky bool `json:"isRisky" example:"false"`

	// Indicates if domain is catch-all
	// required: true
	IsCatchAll bool `json:"isCatchAll" example:"false"`

	// Risk assessment details
	// required: true
	Risk EmailVerificationRisk `json:"risk"`

	// Syntax validation details
	// required: true
	Syntax EmailVerificationSyntax `json:"syntax"`

	// Alternative email address if available
	// required: false
	// format: email
	AlternateEmail string `json:"alternateEmail,omitempty" example:""`

EmailVerificationRecord represents detailed email verification results @Description Detailed validation results for an email address

type EmailVerificationResponse

type EmailVerificationResponse struct {
	// Inherits standard response fields
	// Email verification details
	// required: true
	Email EmailVerificationRecord `json:"email,omitempty"`

EmailVerificationResponse represents the email verification response @Description Response for single email verification including detailed validation results

type EmailVerificationRisk

type EmailVerificationRisk struct {
	// Indicates if email is behind a firewall
	// required: true
	IsFirewalled bool `json:"isFirewalled" example:"false"`

	// Indicates if email is a role account
	// required: true
	IsRoleMailbox bool `json:"isRoleMailbox" example:"false"`

	// Indicates if email is system-generated
	// required: true
	IsSystemGenerated bool `json:"isSystemGenerated" example:"false"`

	// Indicates if email uses a free provider
	// required: true
	IsFreeProvider bool `json:"isFreeProvider" example:"true"`

	// Indicates if mailbox is full
	// required: true
	IsMailboxFull bool `json:"isMailboxFull" example:"false"`

	// Indicates if domain is primary
	// required: true
	IsPrimaryDomain bool `json:"isPrimaryDomain" example:"true"`

EmailVerificationRisk represents risk assessment details @Description Risk factors associated with the email address

type EmailVerificationSyntax

type EmailVerificationSyntax struct {
	// Indicates if email syntax is valid
	// required: true
	IsValid bool `json:"isValid" example:"true"`

	// Domain part of email
	// required: true
	Domain string `json:"domain" example:""`

	// Local part of email
	// required: true
	User string `json:"user" example:"example"`

EmailVerificationSyntax represents syntax validation results @Description Email syntax validation details

type IpIntelligenceGeolocation

type IpIntelligenceGeolocation struct {
	// City name
	// required: false
	City string `json:"city" example:"Berlin"`

	// Country name
	// required: true
	Country string `json:"country" example:"Germany"`

	// ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
	// required: true
	// pattern: ^[A-Z]{2}$
	CountryIso string `json:"countryIso" example:"DE"`

	// Indicates if country is in the European Union
	// required: true
	IsEuropeanUnion bool `json:"isEuropeanUnion" example:"true"`

IpIntelligenceGeolocation represents geolocation data @Description Geographic location information for the IP address

type IpIntelligenceNetwork

type IpIntelligenceNetwork struct {
	// Autonomous System Number
	// required: true
	// pattern: ^AS\d+$
	ASN string `json:"asn" example:"AS12345"`

	// Network name
	// required: true
	Name string `json:"name" example:"ISP Name"`

	// Network domain
	// required: false
	Domain string `json:"domain" example:""`

	// Network route (CIDR notation)
	// required: true
	// pattern: ^(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}/\d{1,2}$
	Route string `json:"route" example:""`

	// Network type
	// required: true
	// enum: business,hosting,isp,education,government
	Type string `json:"type" example:"business"`

IpIntelligenceNetwork represents network data @Description Network information for the IP address

type IpIntelligenceOrganization

type IpIntelligenceOrganization struct {
	// Organization name
	// required: false
	Name string `json:"name" example:"Company Name"`

	// Organization domain
	// required: false
	Domain string `json:"domain" example:""`

	// LinkedIn profile URL
	// required: false
	// format: uri
	LinkedIn string `json:"linkedin" example:""`

IpIntelligenceOrganization represents organization data @Description Organization information associated with the IP address

type IpIntelligenceRecord

type IpIntelligenceRecord struct {
	// IP address being analyzed
	// required: true
	// pattern: ^(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}$
	IPAddress string `json:"ipAddress" example:""`

	// Threat intelligence information
	// required: true
	Threats IpIntelligenceThreats `json:"threats"`

	// Geolocation information
	// required: true
	Geolocation IpIntelligenceGeolocation `json:"geolocation"`

	// Timezone information
	// required: true
	TimeZone IpIntelligenceTimeZone `json:"time_zone"`

	// Network information
	// required: true
	Network IpIntelligenceNetwork `json:"network"`

	// Organization information
	// required: false
	Organization IpIntelligenceOrganization `json:"organization"`

IpIntelligenceRecord represents detailed IP information @Description Comprehensive information about an IP address

type IpIntelligenceResponse

type IpIntelligenceResponse struct {
	// Inherits standard response fields
	// IP intelligence details
	// required: true
	IP IpIntelligenceRecord `json:"ip,omitempty"`

IpIntelligenceResponse represents the IP intelligence response @Description Response containing IP intelligence data including threats, geolocation, and network information

type IpIntelligenceThreats

type IpIntelligenceThreats struct {
	// Indicates if IP is a proxy
	// required: true
	IsProxy bool `json:"isProxy" example:"false"`

	// Indicates if IP is a VPN
	// required: true
	IsVpn bool `json:"isVpn" example:"false"`

	// Indicates if IP is a TOR exit node
	// required: true
	IsTor bool `json:"isTor" example:"false"`

	// Indicates if IP is unallocated
	// required: true
	IsUnallocated bool `json:"isUnallocated" example:"false"`

	// Indicates if IP belongs to a datacenter
	// required: true
	IsDatacenter bool `json:"isDatacenter" example:"false"`

	// Indicates if IP is a cloud relay
	// required: true
	IsCloudRelay bool `json:"isCloudRelay" example:"false"`

	// Indicates if IP belongs to a mobile network
	// required: true
	IsMobile bool `json:"isMobile" example:"false"`

IpIntelligenceThreats represents threat intelligence data @Description Threat intelligence indicators for the IP address

type IpIntelligenceTimeZone

type IpIntelligenceTimeZone struct {
	// IANA timezone name
	// required: true
	// example: Europe/Berlin
	Name string `json:"name"`

	// Timezone abbreviation
	// required: true
	// example: CET
	Abbr string `json:"abbr"`

	// UTC offset
	// required: true
	// pattern: ^[+-]\d{4}$
	Offset string `json:"offset" example:"+0100"`

	// Indicates if daylight saving time is active
	// required: true
	IsDst bool `json:"is_dst" example:"true"`

	// Current time in the timezone
	// required: true
	// format: date-time
	CurrentTime time.Time `json:"current_time" example:"2024-09-10T14:00:00+01:00"`

IpIntelligenceTimeZone represents timezone data @Description Timezone information for the IP address location

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