Overview ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AfterReadingAllFlags(t *TestContextType)
- func AllNodesReady(c clientset.Interface, timeout time.Duration) error
- func ConformanceIt(text string, body interface{}, timeout ...float64) bool
- func CreatePV(c clientset.Interface, pv *v1.PersistentVolume) (*v1.PersistentVolume, error)
- func CreateServiceSpec(serviceName, externalName string, isHeadless bool, selector map[string]string) *v1.Service
- func CreateStatefulSetService(name string, labels map[string]string) *v1.Service
- func CreateTestingNS(baseName string, c clientset.Interface, labels map[string]string) (*v1.Namespace, error)
- func DeleteAllStatefulSets(c clientset.Interface, kc kruiseclientset.Interface, ns string)
- func DumpAllNamespaceInfo(c clientset.Interface, namespace string)
- func DumpDebugInfo(c clientset.Interface, ns string)
- func DumpEventsInNamespace(eventsLister EventsLister, namespace string)
- func ExpectEqual(actual interface{}, extra interface{}, explain ...interface{})
- func ExpectNoError(err error, explain ...interface{})
- func ExpectNoErrorWithOffset(offset int, err error, explain ...interface{})
- func ExpectNoErrorWithRetries(fn func() error, maxRetries int, explain ...interface{})
- func Failf(format string, args ...interface{})
- func FailfWithOffset(offset int, format string, args ...interface{})
- func Filter(nodeList *v1.NodeList, fn func(node v1.Node) bool)
- func FilterNodes(nodeList *v1.NodeList, fn func(node v1.Node) bool)
- func GetDefaultStorageClassName(c clientset.Interface) (string, error)
- func GetRandomReadySchedulableNode(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface) (*v1.Node, error)
- func GetReadySchedulableNodes(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface) (nodes *v1.NodeList, err error)
- func GetReadySchedulableNodesOrDie(c clientset.Interface) (nodes *v1.NodeList)
- func IsConditionSetAsExpected(node *v1.Node, conditionType v1.NodeConditionType, wantTrue bool) bool
- func IsConditionSetAsExpectedSilent(node *v1.Node, conditionType v1.NodeConditionType, wantTrue bool) bool
- func IsNodeConditionSetAsExpected(node *v1.Node, conditionType v1.NodeConditionType, wantTrue bool) bool
- func IsNodeConditionSetAsExpectedSilent(node *v1.Node, conditionType v1.NodeConditionType, wantTrue bool) bool
- func IsNodeConditionUnset(node *v1.Node, conditionType v1.NodeConditionType) bool
- func IsNodeReady(node *v1.Node) bool
- func IsNodeSchedulable(node *v1.Node) bool
- func KruiseDescribe(text string, body func()) bool
- func KubectlCmd(args ...string) *exec.Cmd
- func LoadClientset() (*clientset.Clientset, error)
- func LoadConfig() (*restclient.Config, error)
- func Logf(format string, args ...interface{})
- func NewStatefulSet(name, ns, governingSvcName string, replicas int32, ...) *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet
- func NewStatefulSetPVC(name string) v1.PersistentVolumeClaim
- func NewStatefulSetScale(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet) *appsV1beta2.Scale
- func RegisterClusterFlags(flags *flag.FlagSet)
- func RegisterCommonFlags(flags *flag.FlagSet)
- func RegisterNodeFlags()
- func RegisterProvider(name string, factory Factory)
- func RemoveCleanupAction(p CleanupActionHandle)
- func RestclientConfig(kubeContext string) (*clientcmdapi.Config, error)
- func RunCleanupActions()
- func RunHostCmd(ns, name, cmd string) (string, error)
- func RunHostCmdWithRetries(ns, name, cmd string, interval, timeout time.Duration) (string, error)
- func RunKubectl(args ...string) (string, error)
- func RunKubectlOrDie(args ...string) string
- func SkipIfNoDefaultStorageClass(c clientset.Interface) bool
- func SortStatefulPods(pods *v1.PodList)
- func UpdateStatefulSetWithRetries(kc kruiseclientset.Interface, namespace, name string, ...) (statefulSet *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, err error)
- func WaitForDefaultServiceAccountInNamespace(c clientset.Interface, namespace string) error
- func WaitForNodeSchedulable(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface, name string, timeout time.Duration, ...) bool
- func WaitForPodCondition(c clientset.Interface, ns, podName, desc string, timeout time.Duration, ...) error
- func WaitForPodNameRunningInNamespace(c clientset.Interface, podName, namespace string) error
- func WaitForPodRunningInNamespace(c clientset.Interface, pod *v1.Pod) error
- func WaitTimeoutForPodRunningInNamespace(c clientset.Interface, podName, namespace string, timeout time.Duration) error
- type BroadcastJobTester
- func (t *BroadcastJobTester) CreateBroadcastJob(job *appsv1alpha1.BroadcastJob) (*appsv1alpha1.BroadcastJob, error)
- func (t *BroadcastJobTester) GetBroadcastJob(name string) (*appsv1alpha1.BroadcastJob, error)
- func (t *BroadcastJobTester) GetPodsOfJob(job *appsv1alpha1.BroadcastJob) (pods []*v1.Pod, err error)
- func (t *BroadcastJobTester) WaitForBroadcastJobCreated(job *appsv1alpha1.BroadcastJob)
- type CleanupActionHandle
- type ClientConfigGetter
- type CloneSetTester
- func (t *CloneSetTester) CreateCloneSet(cs *appsv1alpha1.CloneSet) (*appsv1alpha1.CloneSet, error)
- func (t *CloneSetTester) DeleteCloneSet(name string) error
- func (t *CloneSetTester) DeletePod(name string) error
- func (t *CloneSetTester) GetCloneSet(name string) (*appsv1alpha1.CloneSet, error)
- func (t *CloneSetTester) GetSelectorPods(namespace string, selector *metav1.LabelSelector) ([]v1.Pod, error)
- func (t *CloneSetTester) ListImagePullJobsForCloneSet(name string) (jobs []*appsv1alpha1.ImagePullJob, err error)
- func (t *CloneSetTester) ListPVCForCloneSet() (pvcs []*v1.PersistentVolumeClaim, err error)
- func (t *CloneSetTester) ListPodsForCloneSet(name string) (pods []*v1.Pod, err error)
- func (t *CloneSetTester) NewCloneSet(name string, replicas int32, ...) *appsv1alpha1.CloneSet
- func (t *CloneSetTester) UpdateCloneSet(name string, fn func(cs *appsv1alpha1.CloneSet)) error
- type CloudConfig
- type ContainerRecreateTester
- func (t *ContainerRecreateTester) CleanAllTestResources() error
- func (t *ContainerRecreateTester) CreateCRR(crr *appsv1alpha1.ContainerRecreateRequest) (*appsv1alpha1.ContainerRecreateRequest, error)
- func (t *ContainerRecreateTester) CreateTestCloneSetAndGetPods(randStr string, replicas int32, containers []v1.Container) (pods []*v1.Pod)
- func (t *ContainerRecreateTester) GetCRR(name string) (*appsv1alpha1.ContainerRecreateRequest, error)
- func (t *ContainerRecreateTester) GetPod(name string) (*v1.Pod, error)
- type CreateTestingNSFn
- type DaemonSetTester
- func (t *DaemonSetTester) CanScheduleOnNode(node v1.Node, ds *appsv1alpha1.DaemonSet) bool
- func (t *DaemonSetTester) CheckDaemonPodOnNodes(ds *appsv1alpha1.DaemonSet, nodeNames []string) func() (bool, error)
- func (t *DaemonSetTester) CheckDaemonReady(dsName string) func() (bool, error)
- func (t *DaemonSetTester) CheckDaemonStatus(dsName string) error
- func (t *DaemonSetTester) CheckPodHasNotRecreate(oldPods, newPods []v1.Pod) bool
- func (t *DaemonSetTester) CheckPodStayInNode(oldNodeList *v1.NodeList, newNodeList *v1.NodeList) func() (bool, error)
- func (t *DaemonSetTester) CheckRunningOnAllNodes(ds *appsv1alpha1.DaemonSet) func() (bool, error)
- func (t *DaemonSetTester) CheckRunningOnNoNodes(ds *appsv1alpha1.DaemonSet) func() (bool, error)
- func (t *DaemonSetTester) ClearDaemonSetNodeLabels(c clientset.Interface) error
- func (t *DaemonSetTester) CreateDaemonSet(ds *appsv1alpha1.DaemonSet) (*appsv1alpha1.DaemonSet, error)
- func (t *DaemonSetTester) DaemonPodHasReadinessGate(pods []v1.Pod) bool
- func (t *DaemonSetTester) DeleteDaemonSet(namespace, name string)
- func (t *DaemonSetTester) GetDaemonSet(name string) (*appsv1alpha1.DaemonSet, error)
- func (t *DaemonSetTester) GetNewPodsToCheckImage(label map[string]string, newImage string) func() (bool, error)
- func (t *DaemonSetTester) GetNodesToDaemonPods(label map[string]string) (map[string][]*v1.Pod, error)
- func (t *DaemonSetTester) GetPod(name string) (*v1.Pod, error)
- func (t *DaemonSetTester) ListDaemonPods(label map[string]string) (*v1.PodList, error)
- func (t *DaemonSetTester) NewDaemonSet(name string, label map[string]string, image string, ...) *appsv1alpha1.DaemonSet
- func (t *DaemonSetTester) PatchDaemonSet(name string, patchType types.PatchType, patch []byte) (*appsv1alpha1.DaemonSet, error)
- func (t *DaemonSetTester) PatchPod(name string, patchType types.PatchType, patch []byte) (*v1.Pod, error)
- func (t *DaemonSetTester) SchedulableNodes(ds *appsv1alpha1.DaemonSet) []string
- func (t *DaemonSetTester) SeparateDaemonSetNodeLabels(labels map[string]string) (map[string]string, map[string]string)
- func (t *DaemonSetTester) SetDaemonSetNodeLabels(nodeName string, labels map[string]string) (*v1.Node, error)
- func (t *DaemonSetTester) SortPodNames(podList *v1.PodList) []string
- func (t *DaemonSetTester) UpdateDaemonSet(name string, fn func(ds *appsv1alpha1.DaemonSet)) error
- func (t *DaemonSetTester) WaitFailedDaemonPodDeleted(pod *v1.Pod) func() (bool, error)
- func (t *DaemonSetTester) WaitForDaemonSetDeleted(namespace, name string)
- type DeploymentTester
- func (t *DeploymentTester) CreateDeployment(dp *appsv1.Deployment) (*appsv1.Deployment, error)
- func (t *DeploymentTester) GetDeployment(name string) (*appsv1.Deployment, error)
- func (t *DeploymentTester) GetSelectorPods(namespace string, selector *metav1.LabelSelector) ([]v1.Pod, error)
- func (t *DeploymentTester) NewDeployment(name string, replicas int32) *appsv1.Deployment
- type EphemeralJobTester
- func (t *EphemeralJobTester) CheckEphemeralJobExist(job *appsv1alpha1.EphemeralJob) bool
- func (t *EphemeralJobTester) CreateEphemeralJob(job *appsv1alpha1.EphemeralJob) *appsv1alpha1.EphemeralJob
- func (t *EphemeralJobTester) CreateTestDeployment(randStr string, replicas int32, containers []v1.Container) (pods []*v1.Pod)
- func (t *EphemeralJobTester) CreateTestEphemeralJob(randStr string, replicas, Parallelism int32, selector metav1.LabelSelector, ...) *appsv1alpha1.EphemeralJob
- func (s *EphemeralJobTester) DeleteDeployment(deployment *apps.Deployment)
- func (s *EphemeralJobTester) DeleteDeployments(namespace string)
- func (t *EphemeralJobTester) DeleteEphemeralJob(job *appsv1alpha1.EphemeralJob)
- func (s *EphemeralJobTester) DeleteEphemeralJobs(ns string)
- func (t *EphemeralJobTester) GetEphemeralJob(name string) (*appsv1alpha1.EphemeralJob, error)
- func (t *EphemeralJobTester) GetPodsByEjob(name string) ([]*v1.Pod, error)
- func (s *EphemeralJobTester) WaitForDeploymentDeleted(deployment *apps.Deployment)
- func (s *EphemeralJobTester) WaitForDeploymentRunning(deployment *apps.Deployment)
- func (t *EphemeralJobTester) WaitForEphemeralJobCreated(job *appsv1alpha1.EphemeralJob)
- func (t *EphemeralJobTester) WaitForEphemeralJobDeleted(job *appsv1alpha1.EphemeralJob)
- type EventsLister
- type Factory
- type Framework
- func (f *Framework) AddNamespacesToDelete(namespaces ...*v1.Namespace)
- func (f *Framework) AfterEach()
- func (f *Framework) BeforeEach()
- func (f *Framework) CreateNamespace(baseName string, labels map[string]string) (*v1.Namespace, error)
- func (f *Framework) PodClient() *PodClient
- func (f *Framework) WaitForPodRunning(podName string) error
- func (f *Framework) WithDisruptive() interface{}
- func (f *Framework) WithSerial() interface{}
- type ImageListPullJobTester
- func (tester *ImageListPullJobTester) CreateJob(job *appsv1alpha1.ImageListPullJob) error
- func (tester *ImageListPullJobTester) DeleteAllJobs(ns string) error
- func (tester *ImageListPullJobTester) DeleteJob(job *appsv1alpha1.ImageListPullJob) error
- func (tester *ImageListPullJobTester) FailNodeImageFast(name string) error
- func (tester *ImageListPullJobTester) GetJob(job *appsv1alpha1.ImageListPullJob) (*appsv1alpha1.ImageListPullJob, error)
- func (tester *ImageListPullJobTester) ListJobs(ns string) (*appsv1alpha1.ImageListPullJobList, error)
- type ImagePullJobTester
- func (tester *ImagePullJobTester) CreateJob(job *appsv1alpha1.ImagePullJob) error
- func (tester *ImagePullJobTester) CreateSecret(secret *v1.Secret) (*v1.Secret, error)
- func (tester *ImagePullJobTester) DeleteAllJobs(ns string) error
- func (tester *ImagePullJobTester) DeleteJob(job *appsv1alpha1.ImagePullJob) error
- func (tester *ImagePullJobTester) GetJob(job *appsv1alpha1.ImagePullJob) (*appsv1alpha1.ImagePullJob, error)
- func (tester *ImagePullJobTester) ListJobs(ns string) (*appsv1alpha1.ImagePullJobList, error)
- func (tester *ImagePullJobTester) ListSyncedSecrets(source *v1.Secret) ([]v1.Secret, error)
- func (tester *ImagePullJobTester) UpdateSecret(secret *v1.Secret) (*v1.Secret, error)
- type KubectlBuilder
- func (b KubectlBuilder) Exec() (string, error)
- func (b KubectlBuilder) ExecOrDie() string
- func (b *KubectlBuilder) WithEnv(env []string) *KubectlBuilder
- func (b KubectlBuilder) WithStdinData(data string) *KubectlBuilder
- func (b KubectlBuilder) WithStdinReader(reader io.Reader) *KubectlBuilder
- func (b *KubectlBuilder) WithTimeout(t <-chan time.Time) *KubectlBuilder
- type NodeImageTester
- func (tester *NodeImageTester) CreateFakeNodeImageIfNotPresent() error
- func (tester *NodeImageTester) DeleteFakeNodeImage() error
- func (tester *NodeImageTester) ExpectNodes() ([]*v1.Node, error)
- func (tester *NodeImageTester) GetNodeImage(name string) (*appsv1alpha1.NodeImage, error)
- func (tester *NodeImageTester) IsImageInSpec(image, nodeName string) (bool, error)
- func (tester *NodeImageTester) ListNodeImages() (*appsv1alpha1.NodeImageList, error)
- type NodeTestContextType
- type NodeTester
- type NullProvider
- func (n NullProvider) CleanupServiceResources(c clientset.Interface, loadBalancerName, region, zone string)
- func (n NullProvider) CreatePD(zone string) (string, error)
- func (n NullProvider) CreatePVSource(zone, diskName string) (*v1.PersistentVolumeSource, error)
- func (n NullProvider) DeletePD(pdName string) error
- func (n NullProvider) DeletePVSource(pvSource *v1.PersistentVolumeSource) error
- func (n NullProvider) EnableAndDisableInternalLB() (enable, disable func(svc *v1.Service))
- func (n NullProvider) EnsureLoadBalancerResourcesDeleted(ip, portRange string) error
- func (n NullProvider) FrameworkAfterEach(f *Framework)
- func (n NullProvider) FrameworkBeforeEach(f *Framework)
- func (n NullProvider) GetGroupNodes(group string) ([]string, error)
- func (n NullProvider) GroupSize(group string) (int, error)
- func (n NullProvider) LoadBalancerSrcRanges() []string
- func (n NullProvider) ResizeGroup(string, int32) error
- type Options
- type PersistentPodStateTester
- func (s *PersistentPodStateTester) AddStatefulsetLikeClusterRoleConf()
- func (s *PersistentPodStateTester) CheckStatefulsetLikeCRDExist() (bool, error)
- func (s *PersistentPodStateTester) CreateDynamicWatchWhiteList(gvks []schema.GroupVersionKind)
- func (s *PersistentPodStateTester) CreateStatefulset(sts *appsv1.StatefulSet)
- func (s *PersistentPodStateTester) CreateStatefulsetLike(sts *StatefulSetLikeTest) *StatefulSetLikeTest
- func (s *PersistentPodStateTester) CreateStatefulsetLikeCRD(namespace string)
- func (s *PersistentPodStateTester) CreateStatefulsetLikePods(sts *StatefulSetLikeTest)
- func (s *PersistentPodStateTester) ListPodsInKruiseSts(sts *appsv1.StatefulSet) ([]*corev1.Pod, error)
- func (s *PersistentPodStateTester) ListPodsInNamespace(ns string) ([]*corev1.Pod, error)
- func (s *PersistentPodStateTester) NewBaseStatefulset(namespace string) *appsv1.StatefulSet
- func (s *PersistentPodStateTester) NewBaseStatefulsetLikeTest(namespace string) *StatefulSetLikeTest
- func (s *PersistentPodStateTester) UpdateStatefulset(sts *appsv1.StatefulSet)
- func (s *PersistentPodStateTester) UpdateStatefulsetLikeStatus(sts *StatefulSetLikeTest)
- func (s *PersistentPodStateTester) WaitForStatefulsetRunning(sts *appsv1.StatefulSet)
- type PodClient
- type PodProbeMarkerTester
- func (s *PodProbeMarkerTester) CreateStatefulSet(sts *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet)
- func (s *PodProbeMarkerTester) ListActivePods(ns string) ([]*corev1.Pod, error)
- func (s *PodProbeMarkerTester) NewBaseStatefulSet(namespace, randStr string) *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet
- func (s *PodProbeMarkerTester) NewPodProbeMarker(ns, randStr string) []appsv1alpha1.PodProbeMarker
- func (s *PodProbeMarkerTester) NewPodProbeMarkerForTcpCheck(ns, randStr string) []appsv1alpha1.PodProbeMarker
- func (s *PodProbeMarkerTester) NewPodProbeMarkerWithProbeImg(ns, randStr string) appsv1alpha1.PodProbeMarker
- func (s *PodProbeMarkerTester) NewStatefulSetWithProbeImg(namespace, randStr string) *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet
- func (s *PodProbeMarkerTester) WaitForStatefulSetRunning(sts *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet)
- type PodUnavailableBudgetTester
- func (t *PodUnavailableBudgetTester) CreateCloneSet(cloneset *appsv1alpha1.CloneSet) *appsv1alpha1.CloneSet
- func (t *PodUnavailableBudgetTester) CreateDeployment(deployment *apps.Deployment)
- func (t *PodUnavailableBudgetTester) CreatePub(pub *policyv1alpha1.PodUnavailableBudget) *policyv1alpha1.PodUnavailableBudget
- func (t *PodUnavailableBudgetTester) DeleteCloneSets(namespace string)
- func (t *PodUnavailableBudgetTester) DeleteDeployments(namespace string)
- func (t *PodUnavailableBudgetTester) DeletePubs(namespace string)
- func (s *PodUnavailableBudgetTester) NewBaseCloneSet(namespace string) *appsv1alpha1.CloneSet
- func (s *PodUnavailableBudgetTester) NewBaseDeployment(namespace string) *apps.Deployment
- func (t *PodUnavailableBudgetTester) NewBasePub(namespace string) *policyv1alpha1.PodUnavailableBudget
- func (t *PodUnavailableBudgetTester) WaitForCloneSetDeleted(cloneset *appsv1alpha1.CloneSet)
- func (t *PodUnavailableBudgetTester) WaitForCloneSetMinReadyAndRunning(cloneSets []*appsv1alpha1.CloneSet, minReady int32)
- func (t *PodUnavailableBudgetTester) WaitForCloneSetRunning(cloneset *appsv1alpha1.CloneSet)
- func (t *PodUnavailableBudgetTester) WaitForDeploymentDeleted(deployment *apps.Deployment)
- func (t *PodUnavailableBudgetTester) WaitForDeploymentReadyAndRunning(deployment *apps.Deployment)
- func (t *PodUnavailableBudgetTester) WaitForPubCreated(pub *policyv1alpha1.PodUnavailableBudget)
- type ProviderInterface
- type ResourceDistributionTester
- func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) CreateNamespaces(namespaces ...*corev1.Namespace)
- func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) CreateResourceDistribution(resourceDistribution *appsv1alpha1.ResourceDistribution) *appsv1alpha1.ResourceDistribution
- func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) CreateSecretResources(secrets ...*corev1.Secret)
- func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) DeleteNamespace(namespace *corev1.Namespace)
- func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) DeleteNamespaces(nsPrefix string)
- func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) DeleteResourceDistribution(resourceDistribution *appsv1alpha1.ResourceDistribution)
- func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) DeleteResourceDistributions(nsPrefix string)
- func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) DeleteSecret(namespace, name string) error
- func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) GetNamespaceForDistributor(targets *appsv1alpha1.ResourceDistributionTargets) (matchedNamespaces, unmatchedNamespaces sets.String, err error)
- func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) GetResourceDistribution(name string, mustExistAssertion bool) (*appsv1alpha1.ResourceDistribution, error)
- func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) GetSecret(namespace, name string, mustExistAssertion bool) (*corev1.Secret, error)
- func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) NewBaseNamespace(namespace string) *corev1.Namespace
- func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) NewBaseResourceDistribution(nsPrefix string) *appsv1alpha1.ResourceDistribution
- func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) UpdateNamespace(namespace *corev1.Namespace)
- func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) UpdateResourceDistribution(resourceDistribution *appsv1alpha1.ResourceDistribution)
- func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) UpdateSecret(secret *corev1.Secret) error
- func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) WaitForNamespaceCreated(namespace *corev1.Namespace)
- func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) WaitForNamespaceDeleted(namespace *corev1.Namespace)
- func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) WaitForResourceDistributionCreated(name string, timeout time.Duration)
- func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) WaitForResourceDistributionDeleted(resourceDistribution *appsv1alpha1.ResourceDistribution)
- func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) WaitForSecretCreated(namespace, name string, timeout time.Duration)
- type SidecarSetTester
- func (t *SidecarSetTester) CreateCloneSet(cloneset *appsv1alpha1.CloneSet) *appsv1alpha1.CloneSet
- func (s *SidecarSetTester) CreateDeployment(deployment *apps.Deployment)
- func (s *SidecarSetTester) CreateSidecarSet(sidecarSet *appsv1alpha1.SidecarSet) (*appsv1alpha1.SidecarSet, error)
- func (s *SidecarSetTester) DeleteDeployment(deployment *apps.Deployment)
- func (s *SidecarSetTester) DeleteDeployments(namespace string)
- func (s *SidecarSetTester) DeleteSidecarSet(sidecarSet *appsv1alpha1.SidecarSet)
- func (s *SidecarSetTester) DeleteSidecarSets()
- func (s *SidecarSetTester) GetSelectorPods(namespace string, selector *metav1.LabelSelector) ([]*corev1.Pod, error)
- func (t *SidecarSetTester) ListControllerRevisions(sidecarSet *appsv1alpha1.SidecarSet) []*apps.ControllerRevision
- func (s *SidecarSetTester) NewBaseCloneSet(namespace string) *appsv1alpha1.CloneSet
- func (s *SidecarSetTester) NewBaseDeployment(namespace string) *apps.Deployment
- func (s *SidecarSetTester) NewBaseSidecarSet(ns string) *appsv1alpha1.SidecarSet
- func (s *SidecarSetTester) UpdateDeployment(obj *apps.Deployment)
- func (s *SidecarSetTester) UpdatePod(pod *corev1.Pod)
- func (s *SidecarSetTester) UpdateSidecarSet(sidecarSet *appsv1alpha1.SidecarSet)
- func (t *SidecarSetTester) WaitForCloneSetRunning(cloneset *appsv1alpha1.CloneSet)
- func (s *SidecarSetTester) WaitForDeploymentDeleted(deployment *apps.Deployment)
- func (s *SidecarSetTester) WaitForDeploymentRunning(deployment *apps.Deployment)
- func (s *SidecarSetTester) WaitForSidecarSetCreated(sidecarSet *appsv1alpha1.SidecarSet)
- func (s *SidecarSetTester) WaitForSidecarSetDeleted(sidecarSet *appsv1alpha1.SidecarSet)
- func (s *SidecarSetTester) WaitForSidecarSetMinReadyAndUpgrade(sidecarSet *appsv1alpha1.SidecarSet, ...)
- func (s *SidecarSetTester) WaitForSidecarSetUpgradeComplete(sidecarSet *appsv1alpha1.SidecarSet, ...)
- type StatefulSetLikeStatusSpec
- type StatefulSetLikeTest
- type StatefulSetLikeTestList
- type StatefulSetLikeTestSpec
- type StatefulSetTester
- func (s *StatefulSetTester) BreakHTTPProbe(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet) error
- func (s *StatefulSetTester) BreakPodHTTPProbe(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, pod *v1.Pod) error
- func (s *StatefulSetTester) CheckHostname(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet) error
- func (s *StatefulSetTester) CheckMount(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, mountPath string) error
- func (s *StatefulSetTester) CheckServiceName(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, expectedServiceName string) error
- func (s *StatefulSetTester) ConfirmStatefulPodCount(count int, ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, timeout time.Duration, hard bool)
- func (s *StatefulSetTester) CreateStatefulSet(manifestPath, ns string) *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet
- func (s *StatefulSetTester) DeleteStatefulPodAtIndex(index int, ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet)
- func (s *StatefulSetTester) ExecInStatefulPods(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, cmd string) error
- func (s *StatefulSetTester) GetPodList(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet) *v1.PodList
- func (s *StatefulSetTester) GetStatefulSet(namespace, name string) *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet
- func (s *StatefulSetTester) PauseNewPods(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet)
- func (s *StatefulSetTester) Restart(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet)
- func (s *StatefulSetTester) RestoreHTTPProbe(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet) error
- func (s *StatefulSetTester) RestorePodHTTPProbe(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, pod *v1.Pod) error
- func (s *StatefulSetTester) ResumeNextPod(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet)
- func (s *StatefulSetTester) Saturate(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet)
- func (s *StatefulSetTester) Scale(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, count int32) (*appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, error)
- func (s *StatefulSetTester) SetHTTPProbe(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet)
- func (s *StatefulSetTester) SortStatefulPods(pods *v1.PodList)
- func (s *StatefulSetTester) UpdateReplicas(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, count int32)
- func (s *StatefulSetTester) VerifyPodAtIndex(index int, ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, verify VerifyStatefulPodFunc)
- func (s *StatefulSetTester) WaitForPartitionedRollingUpdate(set *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet) (*appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, *v1.PodList)
- func (s *StatefulSetTester) WaitForPodNotReady(set *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, podName string) (*appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, *v1.PodList)
- func (s *StatefulSetTester) WaitForPodReady(set *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, podName string) (*appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, *v1.PodList)
- func (s *StatefulSetTester) WaitForPodUpdatedAndRunning(set *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, podName string, currentRevision string) (*appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, *v1.PodList)
- func (s *StatefulSetTester) WaitForRollingUpdate(set *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet) (*appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, *v1.PodList)
- func (s *StatefulSetTester) WaitForRunning(numPodsRunning, numPodsReady int32, ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet)
- func (s *StatefulSetTester) WaitForRunningAndNotReady(numStatefulPods int32, ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet)
- func (s *StatefulSetTester) WaitForRunningAndReady(numStatefulPods int32, ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet)
- func (s *StatefulSetTester) WaitForState(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, ...)
- func (s *StatefulSetTester) WaitForStatus(set *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet) *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet
- func (s *StatefulSetTester) WaitForStatusReadyReplicas(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, expectedReplicas int32)
- func (s *StatefulSetTester) WaitForStatusReplicas(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, expectedReplicas int32)
- type TestContextType
- type TestDataSummary
- type UnitedDeploymentManager
- type UnitedDeploymentTester
- type VerifyStatefulPodFunc
- type WorkloadSpreadTester
- func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) CreateCloneSet(cloneSet *appsv1alpha1.CloneSet) *appsv1alpha1.CloneSet
- func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) CreateDeployment(deployment *appsv1.Deployment) *appsv1.Deployment
- func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) CreateJob(job *batchv1.Job) *batchv1.Job
- func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) CreateService(svc *corev1.Service)
- func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) CreateStatefulSet(statefulSet *appsv1alpha1.StatefulSet) *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet
- func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) CreateWorkloadSpread(workloadSpread *appsv1alpha1.WorkloadSpread) *appsv1alpha1.WorkloadSpread
- func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) GetCloneSet(namespace, name string) (*appsv1alpha1.CloneSet, error)
- func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) GetSelectorPods(namespace string, selector *metav1.LabelSelector) ([]corev1.Pod, error)
- func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) GetWorkloadSpread(namespace, name string) (*appsv1alpha1.WorkloadSpread, error)
- func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) NewBaseCloneSet(namespace string) *appsv1alpha1.CloneSet
- func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) NewBaseDeployment(namespace string) *appsv1.Deployment
- func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) NewBaseHeadlessStatefulSet(namespace string) (*appsv1alpha1.StatefulSet, *corev1.Service)
- func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) NewBaseJob(namespace string) *batchv1.Job
- func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) NewWorkloadSpread(namespace, name string, targetRef *appsv1alpha1.TargetReference, ...) *appsv1alpha1.WorkloadSpread
- func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) SetNodeLabel(c clientset.Interface, node *corev1.Node, key, value string)
- func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) UpdateCloneSet(cloneSet *appsv1alpha1.CloneSet)
- func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) UpdateDeployment(deployment *appsv1.Deployment)
- func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) UpdateWorkloadSpread(workloadSpread *appsv1alpha1.WorkloadSpread)
- func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) WaitForCloneSetRunReplicas(cloneSet *appsv1alpha1.CloneSet, replicas int32)
- func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) WaitForCloneSetRunning(cloneSet *appsv1alpha1.CloneSet)
- func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) WaitForDeploymentRunning(deployment *appsv1.Deployment)
- func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) WaitForStatefulSetRunning(statefulSet *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet)
- func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) WaitForWorkloadSpreadRunning(ws *appsv1alpha1.WorkloadSpread)
- func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) WaitJobCompleted(job *batchv1.Job)
- func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) WaiteCloneSetUpdate(cloneSet *appsv1alpha1.CloneSet)
- func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) WaiteDeploymentUpdate(deployment *appsv1.Deployment)
Constants ¶
const ( // DaemonSetRetryPeriod indicates poll interval for DaemonSet tests DaemonSetRetryPeriod = 1 * time.Second // DaemonSetRetryTimeout indicates timeout interval for DaemonSet operations DaemonSetRetryTimeout = 5 * time.Minute DaemonSetLabelPrefix = "daemonset-" DaemonSetNameLabel = DaemonSetLabelPrefix + "name" DaemonSetColorLabel = DaemonSetLabelPrefix + "color" )
const ( // StatefulSetPoll indicates poll interval for StatefulSet tests StatefulSetPoll = 3 * time.Second // StatefulSetTimeout indicates timeout interval for StatefulSet operations StatefulSetTimeout = 10 * time.Minute // StatefulPodTimeout indicates timeout for stateful pods to change state StatefulPodTimeout = 5 * time.Minute )
const ( // PodListTimeout indicates how long to wait for the pod to be listable PodListTimeout = time.Minute // PodStartTimeout indicates that initial pod start can be delayed O(minutes) by slow docker pulls // TODO: Make this 30 seconds once #4566 is resolved. PodStartTimeout = 5 * time.Minute // PodStartShortTimeout is same as `PodStartTimeout` to wait for the pod to be started, but shorter. // Use it case by case when we are sure pod start will not be delayed // minutes by slow docker pulls or something else. PodStartShortTimeout = 2 * time.Minute // PodDeleteTimeout indicates how long to wait for a pod to be deleted PodDeleteTimeout = 5 * time.Minute // PodEventTimeout is how much we wait for a pod event to occur. PodEventTimeout = 2 * time.Minute // NamespaceCleanupTimeout indicates: // If there are any orphaned namespaces to clean up, this test is running // on a long lived cluster. A long wait here is preferably to spurious test // failures caused by leaked resources from a previous test run. NamespaceCleanupTimeout = 15 * time.Minute // ServiceStartTimeout indicates how long to wait for a service endpoint to be resolvable. ServiceStartTimeout = 3 * time.Minute // Poll indicates how often to Poll pods, nodes and claims. Poll = 2 * time.Second // ServiceAccountProvisionTimeout indicates a service account provision timeout. // service accounts are provisioned after namespace creation // a service account is required to support pod creation in a namespace as part of admission control ServiceAccountProvisionTimeout = 2 * time.Minute // SingleCallTimeout indicates how long to try single API calls (like 'get' or 'list'). Used to prevent // transient failures from failing tests. // TODO: client should not apply this timeout to Watch calls. Increased from 30s until that is fixed. SingleCallTimeout = 5 * time.Minute // NodeReadyInitialTimeout indicates how long nodes have to be "ready" when a test begins. They should already // be "ready" before the test starts, so this is small. NodeReadyInitialTimeout = 20 * time.Second // PodReadyBeforeTimeout indicates how long pods have to be "ready" when a test begins. PodReadyBeforeTimeout = 5 * time.Minute // ClaimProvisionTimeout indicates how long claims have to become dynamically provisioned ClaimProvisionTimeout = 5 * time.Minute // ClaimProvisionShortTimeout is same as `ClaimProvisionTimeout` to wait for claim to be dynamically provisioned, but shorter. // Use it case by case when we are sure this timeout is enough. ClaimProvisionShortTimeout = 1 * time.Minute // ClaimBindingTimeout indicates how long claims have to become bound ClaimBindingTimeout = 3 * time.Minute // ClaimDeletingTimeout indicates how long claims have to become deleted ClaimDeletingTimeout = 3 * time.Minute // PVReclaimingTimeout indicates how long PVs have to beome reclaimed PVReclaimingTimeout = 3 * time.Minute // PVBindingTimeout indicates how long PVs have to become bound PVBindingTimeout = 3 * time.Minute // PVDeletingTimeout indicates how long PVs have to become deleted PVDeletingTimeout = 3 * time.Minute // RestartNodeReadyAgainTimeout indicates how long a node is allowed to become "Ready" after it is restarted before // the test is considered failed. RestartNodeReadyAgainTimeout = 5 * time.Minute // RestartPodReadyAgainTimeout indicates how long a pod is allowed to become "running" and "ready" after a node // restart before test is considered failed. RestartPodReadyAgainTimeout = 5 * time.Minute )
const (
DefaultNamespaceDeletionTimeout = 5 * time.Minute
const (
E2eFakeKey = "kruise-e2e-fake"
const (
// Allow fake NodeImage with no Node related, just for tests
FakeNodeImageLabelKey = ""
Variables ¶
var ( // UnreachableTaintTemplate is the taint for when a node becomes unreachable. UnreachableTaintTemplate = &v1.Taint{ Key: v1.TaintNodeUnreachable, Effect: v1.TaintEffectNoExecute, } // NotReadyTaintTemplate is the taint for when a node doesn't ready. NotReadyTaintTemplate = &v1.Taint{ Key: v1.TaintNodeNotReady, Effect: v1.TaintEffectNoExecute, } )
var RunID = uuid.NewUUID()
RunID is a unique identifier of the e2e run
var StatefulSetLikeTestKind = kruiseappsv1beta1.GroupVersion.WithKind("StatefulSetLikeTest")
Functions ¶
func AfterReadingAllFlags ¶
func AfterReadingAllFlags(t *TestContextType)
AfterReadingAllFlags makes changes to the context after all flags have been read.
func AllNodesReady ¶
AllNodesReady checks whether all registered nodes are ready. TODO: we should change the AllNodesReady call in AfterEach to WaitForAllNodesHealthy, and figure out how to do it in a configurable way, as we can't expect all setups to run default test add-ons.
func ConformanceIt ¶
ConformanceIt is a wrapper function for ginkgo It. Adds "[Conformance]" tag and makes static analysis easier.
func CreatePV ¶
func CreatePV(c clientset.Interface, pv *v1.PersistentVolume) (*v1.PersistentVolume, error)
CreatePV creates the PV resource. Fails test on error.
func CreateServiceSpec ¶
func CreateServiceSpec(serviceName, externalName string, isHeadless bool, selector map[string]string) *v1.Service
CreateServiceSpec creates service spec
func CreateStatefulSetService ¶
CreateStatefulSetService creates a Headless Service with Name name and Selector set to match labels.
func CreateTestingNS ¶
func CreateTestingNS(baseName string, c clientset.Interface, labels map[string]string) (*v1.Namespace, error)
CreateTestingNS should be used by every test, note that we append a common prefix to the provided test name. Please see NewFramework instead of using this directly.
func DeleteAllStatefulSets ¶
func DeleteAllStatefulSets(c clientset.Interface, kc kruiseclientset.Interface, ns string)
DeleteAllStatefulSets deletes all StatefulSet API Objects in Namespace ns.
func DumpAllNamespaceInfo ¶
DumpAllNamespaceInfo is used to dump all namespace info
func DumpDebugInfo ¶
DumpDebugInfo dumps debug info
func DumpEventsInNamespace ¶
func DumpEventsInNamespace(eventsLister EventsLister, namespace string)
DumpEventsInNamespace dump events in namespace
func ExpectEqual ¶ added in v0.8.0
func ExpectEqual(actual interface{}, extra interface{}, explain ...interface{})
ExpectEqual expects the specified two are the same, otherwise an exception raises
func ExpectNoError ¶
func ExpectNoError(err error, explain ...interface{})
ExpectNoError checks if "err" is set
func ExpectNoErrorWithOffset ¶
ExpectNoErrorWithOffset checks if "err" is set, and if so, fails assertion while logging the error at "offset" levels above its caller (for example, for call chain f -> g -> ExpectNoErrorWithOffset(1, ...) error would be logged for "f").
func ExpectNoErrorWithRetries ¶
ExpectNoErrorWithRetries checks if "err" is set with retries
func FailfWithOffset ¶
FailfWithOffset calls "Fail" and logs the error at "offset" levels above its caller (for example, for call chain f -> g -> FailfWithOffset(1, ...) error would be logged for "f").
func Filter ¶ added in v1.7.0
Filter filters nodes in NodeList in place, removing nodes that do not satisfy the given condition
func FilterNodes ¶
FilterNodes filters nodes in NodeList in place, removing nodes that do not satisfy the given condition TODO: consider merging with pkg/client/cache.NodeLister
func GetDefaultStorageClassName ¶ added in v1.1.0
GetDefaultStorageClassName returns default storageClass or return error
func GetRandomReadySchedulableNode ¶ added in v1.7.0
GetRandomReadySchedulableNode gets a single randomly-selected node which is available for running pods on. If there are no available nodes it will return an error.
func GetReadySchedulableNodes ¶ added in v1.7.0
func GetReadySchedulableNodes(ctx context.Context, c clientset.Interface) (nodes *v1.NodeList, err error)
GetReadySchedulableNodes addresses the common use case of getting nodes you can do work on. 1) Needs to be schedulable. 2) Needs to be ready. If EITHER 1 or 2 is not true, most tests will want to ignore the node entirely. If there are no nodes that are both ready and schedulable, this will return an error.
func GetReadySchedulableNodesOrDie ¶
GetReadySchedulableNodesOrDie addresses the common use case of getting nodes you can do work on. 1) Needs to be schedulable. 2) Needs to be ready. If EITHER 1 or 2 is not true, most tests will want to ignore the node entirely.
func IsConditionSetAsExpected ¶ added in v1.7.0
func IsConditionSetAsExpected(node *v1.Node, conditionType v1.NodeConditionType, wantTrue bool) bool
IsConditionSetAsExpected returns a wantTrue value if the node has a match to the conditionType, otherwise returns an opposite value of the wantTrue with detailed logging.
func IsConditionSetAsExpectedSilent ¶ added in v1.7.0
func IsConditionSetAsExpectedSilent(node *v1.Node, conditionType v1.NodeConditionType, wantTrue bool) bool
IsConditionSetAsExpectedSilent returns a wantTrue value if the node has a match to the conditionType, otherwise returns an opposite value of the wantTrue.
func IsNodeConditionSetAsExpected ¶
func IsNodeConditionSetAsExpected(node *v1.Node, conditionType v1.NodeConditionType, wantTrue bool) bool
IsNodeConditionSetAsExpected indicate if node is ready
func IsNodeConditionSetAsExpectedSilent ¶
func IsNodeConditionSetAsExpectedSilent(node *v1.Node, conditionType v1.NodeConditionType, wantTrue bool) bool
IsNodeConditionSetAsExpectedSilent indicate if node is ready with silent
func IsNodeConditionUnset ¶
func IsNodeConditionUnset(node *v1.Node, conditionType v1.NodeConditionType) bool
IsNodeConditionUnset indicate if set condition
func IsNodeReady ¶ added in v1.7.0
IsNodeReady returns true if: 1) it's Ready condition is set to true 2) doesn't have NetworkUnavailable condition set to true
func IsNodeSchedulable ¶ added in v1.7.0
IsNodeSchedulable returns true if: 1) doesn't have "unschedulable" field set 2) it also returns true from IsNodeReady
func KruiseDescribe ¶
KruiseDescribe is a wrapper function for ginkgo describe. Adds namespacing.
func KubectlCmd ¶
KubectlCmd runs the kubectl executable through the wrapper script.
func LoadClientset ¶
LoadClientset loads config of client set
func NewStatefulSet ¶
func NewStatefulSet(name, ns, governingSvcName string, replicas int32, statefulPodMounts []v1.VolumeMount, podMounts []v1.VolumeMount, labels map[string]string) *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet
NewStatefulSet creates a new NGINX StatefulSet for testing. The StatefulSet is named name, is in namespace ns, statefulPodsMounts are the mounts that will be backed by PVs. podsMounts are the mounts that are mounted directly to the Pod. labels are the labels that will be usd for the StatefulSet selector.
func NewStatefulSetPVC ¶
func NewStatefulSetPVC(name string) v1.PersistentVolumeClaim
NewStatefulSetPVC returns a PersistentVolumeClaim named name, for testing StatefulSets.
func NewStatefulSetScale ¶
func NewStatefulSetScale(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet) *appsV1beta2.Scale
NewStatefulSetScale creates a new StatefulSet scale subresource and returns it
func RegisterClusterFlags ¶
RegisterClusterFlags registers flags specific to the cluster e2e test suite.
func RegisterCommonFlags ¶
RegisterCommonFlags registers flags common to all e2e test suites.
func RegisterNodeFlags ¶
func RegisterNodeFlags()
RegisterNodeFlags registers flags specific to the node e2e test suite.
func RegisterProvider ¶
RegisterProvider is expected to be called during application init, typically by an init function in a provider package.
func RemoveCleanupAction ¶
func RemoveCleanupAction(p CleanupActionHandle)
RemoveCleanupAction removes a function that was installed by AddCleanupAction.
func RestclientConfig ¶
func RestclientConfig(kubeContext string) (*clientcmdapi.Config, error)
RestclientConfig loads config
func RunCleanupActions ¶
func RunCleanupActions()
RunCleanupActions runs all functions installed by AddCleanupAction. It does not remove them (see RemoveCleanupAction) but it does run unlocked, so they may remove themselves.
func RunHostCmd ¶
RunHostCmd runs the given cmd in the context of the given pod using `kubectl exec` inside of a shell.
func RunHostCmdWithRetries ¶
RunHostCmdWithRetries calls RunHostCmd and retries all errors until it succeeds or the specified timeout expires. This can be used with idempotent commands to deflake transient Node issues.
func RunKubectl ¶
RunKubectl is a convenience wrapper over KubectlBuilder
func RunKubectlOrDie ¶
RunKubectlOrDie is a convenience wrapper over KubectlBuilder
func SkipIfNoDefaultStorageClass ¶ added in v1.1.0
SkipIfNoDefaultStorageClass skips tests if no default SC can be found.
func SortStatefulPods ¶ added in v1.7.0
func UpdateStatefulSetWithRetries ¶
func UpdateStatefulSetWithRetries(kc kruiseclientset.Interface, namespace, name string, applyUpdate updateStatefulSetFunc) (statefulSet *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, err error)
UpdateStatefulSetWithRetries update StatefulSet with retries
func WaitForDefaultServiceAccountInNamespace ¶
WaitForDefaultServiceAccountInNamespace waits for the default service account to be provisioned the default service account is what is associated with pods when they do not specify a service account as a result, pods are not able to be provisioned in a namespace until the service account is provisioned
func WaitForNodeSchedulable ¶ added in v1.7.0
func WaitForPodCondition ¶
func WaitForPodCondition(c clientset.Interface, ns, podName, desc string, timeout time.Duration, condition podCondition) error
WaitForPodCondition waits until pod satisfied condition
func WaitForPodNameRunningInNamespace ¶
WaitForPodNameRunningInNamespace waits default amount of time (PodStartTimeout) for the specified pod to become running. Returns an error if timeout occurs first, or pod goes in to failed state.
func WaitForPodRunningInNamespace ¶
WaitForPodRunningInNamespace waits default amount of time (PodStartTimeout) for the specified pod to become running. Returns an error if timeout occurs first, or pod goes in to failed state.
Types ¶
type BroadcastJobTester ¶ added in v0.8.1
type BroadcastJobTester struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewBroadcastJobTester ¶ added in v0.8.1
func NewBroadcastJobTester(c clientset.Interface, kc kruiseclientset.Interface, ns string) *BroadcastJobTester
func (*BroadcastJobTester) CreateBroadcastJob ¶ added in v0.8.1
func (t *BroadcastJobTester) CreateBroadcastJob(job *appsv1alpha1.BroadcastJob) (*appsv1alpha1.BroadcastJob, error)
func (*BroadcastJobTester) GetBroadcastJob ¶ added in v0.8.1
func (t *BroadcastJobTester) GetBroadcastJob(name string) (*appsv1alpha1.BroadcastJob, error)
func (*BroadcastJobTester) GetPodsOfJob ¶ added in v0.8.1
func (t *BroadcastJobTester) GetPodsOfJob(job *appsv1alpha1.BroadcastJob) (pods []*v1.Pod, err error)
func (*BroadcastJobTester) WaitForBroadcastJobCreated ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (t *BroadcastJobTester) WaitForBroadcastJobCreated(job *appsv1alpha1.BroadcastJob)
type CleanupActionHandle ¶
type CleanupActionHandle *int
CleanupActionHandle defines a type for cleanup action handle
func AddCleanupAction ¶
func AddCleanupAction(fn func()) CleanupActionHandle
AddCleanupAction installs a function that will be called in the event of the whole test being terminated. This allows arbitrary pieces of the overall test to hook into SynchronizedAfterSuite().
type ClientConfigGetter ¶
type ClientConfigGetter func() (*restclient.Config, error)
ClientConfigGetter gets client config
type CloneSetTester ¶ added in v0.8.0
type CloneSetTester struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewCloneSetTester ¶ added in v0.8.0
func NewCloneSetTester(c clientset.Interface, kc kruiseclientset.Interface, ns string) *CloneSetTester
func (*CloneSetTester) CreateCloneSet ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (t *CloneSetTester) CreateCloneSet(cs *appsv1alpha1.CloneSet) (*appsv1alpha1.CloneSet, error)
func (*CloneSetTester) DeleteCloneSet ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (t *CloneSetTester) DeleteCloneSet(name string) error
func (*CloneSetTester) DeletePod ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (t *CloneSetTester) DeletePod(name string) error
func (*CloneSetTester) GetCloneSet ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (t *CloneSetTester) GetCloneSet(name string) (*appsv1alpha1.CloneSet, error)
func (*CloneSetTester) GetSelectorPods ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (t *CloneSetTester) GetSelectorPods(namespace string, selector *metav1.LabelSelector) ([]v1.Pod, error)
func (*CloneSetTester) ListImagePullJobsForCloneSet ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (t *CloneSetTester) ListImagePullJobsForCloneSet(name string) (jobs []*appsv1alpha1.ImagePullJob, err error)
func (*CloneSetTester) ListPVCForCloneSet ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (t *CloneSetTester) ListPVCForCloneSet() (pvcs []*v1.PersistentVolumeClaim, err error)
func (*CloneSetTester) ListPodsForCloneSet ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (t *CloneSetTester) ListPodsForCloneSet(name string) (pods []*v1.Pod, err error)
func (*CloneSetTester) NewCloneSet ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (t *CloneSetTester) NewCloneSet(name string, replicas int32, updateStrategy appsv1alpha1.CloneSetUpdateStrategy) *appsv1alpha1.CloneSet
func (*CloneSetTester) UpdateCloneSet ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (t *CloneSetTester) UpdateCloneSet(name string, fn func(cs *appsv1alpha1.CloneSet)) error
type CloudConfig ¶
type CloudConfig struct { APIEndpoint string ProjectID string Zone string // for multizone tests, arbitrarily chosen zone Region string MultiZone bool MultiMaster bool Cluster string MasterName string NodeInstanceGroup string // comma-delimited list of groups' names NumNodes int ClusterIPRange string ClusterTag string Network string ConfigFile string // for azure and openstack NodeTag string MasterTag string Provider ProviderInterface }
CloudConfig defines some config
type ContainerRecreateTester ¶ added in v0.9.0
type ContainerRecreateTester struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewContainerRecreateTester ¶ added in v0.9.0
func NewContainerRecreateTester(c clientset.Interface, kc kruiseclientset.Interface, ns string) *ContainerRecreateTester
func (*ContainerRecreateTester) CleanAllTestResources ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (t *ContainerRecreateTester) CleanAllTestResources() error
func (*ContainerRecreateTester) CreateCRR ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (t *ContainerRecreateTester) CreateCRR(crr *appsv1alpha1.ContainerRecreateRequest) (*appsv1alpha1.ContainerRecreateRequest, error)
func (*ContainerRecreateTester) CreateTestCloneSetAndGetPods ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (*ContainerRecreateTester) GetCRR ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (t *ContainerRecreateTester) GetCRR(name string) (*appsv1alpha1.ContainerRecreateRequest, error)
type CreateTestingNSFn ¶
type CreateTestingNSFn func(baseName string, c clientset.Interface, labels map[string]string) (*v1.Namespace, error)
CreateTestingNSFn defines a function to create test
type DaemonSetTester ¶ added in v0.9.0
type DaemonSetTester struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewDaemonSetTester ¶ added in v0.9.0
func NewDaemonSetTester(c clientset.Interface, kc kruiseclientset.Interface, ns string) *DaemonSetTester
func (*DaemonSetTester) CanScheduleOnNode ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (t *DaemonSetTester) CanScheduleOnNode(node v1.Node, ds *appsv1alpha1.DaemonSet) bool
func (*DaemonSetTester) CheckDaemonPodOnNodes ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (t *DaemonSetTester) CheckDaemonPodOnNodes(ds *appsv1alpha1.DaemonSet, nodeNames []string) func() (bool, error)
func (*DaemonSetTester) CheckDaemonReady ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (t *DaemonSetTester) CheckDaemonReady(dsName string) func() (bool, error)
func (*DaemonSetTester) CheckDaemonStatus ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (t *DaemonSetTester) CheckDaemonStatus(dsName string) error
func (*DaemonSetTester) CheckPodHasNotRecreate ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (t *DaemonSetTester) CheckPodHasNotRecreate(oldPods, newPods []v1.Pod) bool
func (*DaemonSetTester) CheckPodStayInNode ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (*DaemonSetTester) CheckRunningOnAllNodes ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (t *DaemonSetTester) CheckRunningOnAllNodes(ds *appsv1alpha1.DaemonSet) func() (bool, error)
func (*DaemonSetTester) CheckRunningOnNoNodes ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (t *DaemonSetTester) CheckRunningOnNoNodes(ds *appsv1alpha1.DaemonSet) func() (bool, error)
func (*DaemonSetTester) ClearDaemonSetNodeLabels ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (t *DaemonSetTester) ClearDaemonSetNodeLabels(c clientset.Interface) error
func (*DaemonSetTester) CreateDaemonSet ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (t *DaemonSetTester) CreateDaemonSet(ds *appsv1alpha1.DaemonSet) (*appsv1alpha1.DaemonSet, error)
func (*DaemonSetTester) DaemonPodHasReadinessGate ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (t *DaemonSetTester) DaemonPodHasReadinessGate(pods []v1.Pod) bool
func (*DaemonSetTester) DeleteDaemonSet ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (t *DaemonSetTester) DeleteDaemonSet(namespace, name string)
func (*DaemonSetTester) GetDaemonSet ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (t *DaemonSetTester) GetDaemonSet(name string) (*appsv1alpha1.DaemonSet, error)
func (*DaemonSetTester) GetNewPodsToCheckImage ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (*DaemonSetTester) GetNodesToDaemonPods ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (*DaemonSetTester) GetPod ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *DaemonSetTester) GetPod(name string) (*v1.Pod, error)
func (*DaemonSetTester) ListDaemonPods ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (*DaemonSetTester) NewDaemonSet ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (t *DaemonSetTester) NewDaemonSet(name string, label map[string]string, image string, updateStrategy appsv1alpha1.DaemonSetUpdateStrategy) *appsv1alpha1.DaemonSet
func (*DaemonSetTester) PatchDaemonSet ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (t *DaemonSetTester) PatchDaemonSet(name string, patchType types.PatchType, patch []byte) (*appsv1alpha1.DaemonSet, error)
func (*DaemonSetTester) SchedulableNodes ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (t *DaemonSetTester) SchedulableNodes(ds *appsv1alpha1.DaemonSet) []string
func (*DaemonSetTester) SeparateDaemonSetNodeLabels ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (*DaemonSetTester) SetDaemonSetNodeLabels ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (*DaemonSetTester) SortPodNames ¶ added in v1.1.0
func (t *DaemonSetTester) SortPodNames(podList *v1.PodList) []string
func (*DaemonSetTester) UpdateDaemonSet ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (t *DaemonSetTester) UpdateDaemonSet(name string, fn func(ds *appsv1alpha1.DaemonSet)) error
func (*DaemonSetTester) WaitFailedDaemonPodDeleted ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (t *DaemonSetTester) WaitFailedDaemonPodDeleted(pod *v1.Pod) func() (bool, error)
func (*DaemonSetTester) WaitForDaemonSetDeleted ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (t *DaemonSetTester) WaitForDaemonSetDeleted(namespace, name string)
type DeploymentTester ¶ added in v1.0.0
type DeploymentTester struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewDeploymentTester ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewDeploymentTester(c clientset.Interface, ns string) *DeploymentTester
func (*DeploymentTester) CreateDeployment ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (t *DeploymentTester) CreateDeployment(dp *appsv1.Deployment) (*appsv1.Deployment, error)
func (*DeploymentTester) GetDeployment ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (t *DeploymentTester) GetDeployment(name string) (*appsv1.Deployment, error)
func (*DeploymentTester) GetSelectorPods ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (t *DeploymentTester) GetSelectorPods(namespace string, selector *metav1.LabelSelector) ([]v1.Pod, error)
func (*DeploymentTester) NewDeployment ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (t *DeploymentTester) NewDeployment(name string, replicas int32) *appsv1.Deployment
type EphemeralJobTester ¶ added in v1.0.0
type EphemeralJobTester struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewEphemeralJobTester ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewEphemeralJobTester(c clientset.Interface, kc kruiseclientset.Interface, ns string) *EphemeralJobTester
func (*EphemeralJobTester) CheckEphemeralJobExist ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (t *EphemeralJobTester) CheckEphemeralJobExist(job *appsv1alpha1.EphemeralJob) bool
func (*EphemeralJobTester) CreateEphemeralJob ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (t *EphemeralJobTester) CreateEphemeralJob(job *appsv1alpha1.EphemeralJob) *appsv1alpha1.EphemeralJob
func (*EphemeralJobTester) CreateTestDeployment ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (*EphemeralJobTester) CreateTestEphemeralJob ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (t *EphemeralJobTester) CreateTestEphemeralJob(randStr string, replicas, Parallelism int32, selector metav1.LabelSelector, containers []v1.EphemeralContainer) *appsv1alpha1.EphemeralJob
func (*EphemeralJobTester) DeleteDeployment ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (s *EphemeralJobTester) DeleteDeployment(deployment *apps.Deployment)
func (*EphemeralJobTester) DeleteDeployments ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (s *EphemeralJobTester) DeleteDeployments(namespace string)
func (*EphemeralJobTester) DeleteEphemeralJob ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (t *EphemeralJobTester) DeleteEphemeralJob(job *appsv1alpha1.EphemeralJob)
func (*EphemeralJobTester) DeleteEphemeralJobs ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (s *EphemeralJobTester) DeleteEphemeralJobs(ns string)
func (*EphemeralJobTester) GetEphemeralJob ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (t *EphemeralJobTester) GetEphemeralJob(name string) (*appsv1alpha1.EphemeralJob, error)
func (*EphemeralJobTester) GetPodsByEjob ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (t *EphemeralJobTester) GetPodsByEjob(name string) ([]*v1.Pod, error)
func (*EphemeralJobTester) WaitForDeploymentDeleted ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (s *EphemeralJobTester) WaitForDeploymentDeleted(deployment *apps.Deployment)
func (*EphemeralJobTester) WaitForDeploymentRunning ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (s *EphemeralJobTester) WaitForDeploymentRunning(deployment *apps.Deployment)
func (*EphemeralJobTester) WaitForEphemeralJobCreated ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (t *EphemeralJobTester) WaitForEphemeralJobCreated(job *appsv1alpha1.EphemeralJob)
func (*EphemeralJobTester) WaitForEphemeralJobDeleted ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (t *EphemeralJobTester) WaitForEphemeralJobDeleted(job *appsv1alpha1.EphemeralJob)
type EventsLister ¶
EventsLister defines a event listener
type Factory ¶
type Factory func() (ProviderInterface, error)
Factory represents the factory pattern
type Framework ¶
type Framework struct { BaseName string // Set together with creating the ClientSet and the namespace. // Guaranteed to be unique in the cluster even when running the same // test multiple times in parallel. UniqueName string KruiseClientSet kruiseclientset.Interface ClientSet clientset.Interface ApiExtensionsClientSet apiextensionsclientset.Interface DynamicClient dynamic.Interface ScalesGetter scaleclient.ScalesGetter SkipNamespaceCreation bool // Whether to skip creating a namespace Namespace *v1.Namespace // Every test has at least one namespace unless creation is skipped NamespaceDeletionTimeout time.Duration SkipPrivilegedPSPBinding bool // Whether to skip creating a binding to the privileged PSP in the test namespace // configuration for framework's client Options Options // Place where various additional data is stored during test run to be printed to ReportDir, // or stdout if ReportDir is not set once test ends. TestSummaries []TestDataSummary AfterEachActions []func() // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Framework supports common operations used by e2e tests; it will keep a client & a namespace for you. Eventual goal is to merge this with integration test framework.
func NewDefaultFramework ¶
NewDefaultFramework makes a new framework and sets up a BeforeEach/AfterEach for you (you can write additional before/after each functions).
func NewFramework ¶
NewFramework makes a new framework and sets up a BeforeEach/AfterEach
func (*Framework) AddNamespacesToDelete ¶
AddNamespacesToDelete adds one or more namespaces to be deleted when the test completes.
func (*Framework) AfterEach ¶
func (f *Framework) AfterEach()
AfterEach deletes the namespace, after reading its events.
func (*Framework) BeforeEach ¶
func (f *Framework) BeforeEach()
BeforeEach gets a client and makes a namespace.
func (*Framework) CreateNamespace ¶
func (f *Framework) CreateNamespace(baseName string, labels map[string]string) (*v1.Namespace, error)
CreateNamespace is used to create namespace
func (*Framework) PodClient ¶
PodClient is convenience method for getting a pod client interface in the framework's namespace, possibly applying test-suite specific transformations to the pod spec, e.g. for node e2e pod scheduling.
func (*Framework) WaitForPodRunning ¶
WaitForPodRunning waits for the pod to run in the namespace.
func (*Framework) WithDisruptive ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (f *Framework) WithDisruptive() interface{}
WithDisruptive is a shorthand for the corresponding package function.
func (*Framework) WithSerial ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (f *Framework) WithSerial() interface{}
WithSerial is a shorthand for the corresponding package function.
type ImageListPullJobTester ¶ added in v1.5.0
type ImageListPullJobTester struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewImageListPullJobTester ¶ added in v1.5.0
func NewImageListPullJobTester(c clientset.Interface, kc kruiseclientset.Interface) *ImageListPullJobTester
func (*ImageListPullJobTester) CreateJob ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (tester *ImageListPullJobTester) CreateJob(job *appsv1alpha1.ImageListPullJob) error
func (*ImageListPullJobTester) DeleteAllJobs ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (tester *ImageListPullJobTester) DeleteAllJobs(ns string) error
func (*ImageListPullJobTester) DeleteJob ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (tester *ImageListPullJobTester) DeleteJob(job *appsv1alpha1.ImageListPullJob) error
func (*ImageListPullJobTester) FailNodeImageFast ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (tester *ImageListPullJobTester) FailNodeImageFast(name string) error
func (*ImageListPullJobTester) GetJob ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (tester *ImageListPullJobTester) GetJob(job *appsv1alpha1.ImageListPullJob) (*appsv1alpha1.ImageListPullJob, error)
func (*ImageListPullJobTester) ListJobs ¶ added in v1.5.0
func (tester *ImageListPullJobTester) ListJobs(ns string) (*appsv1alpha1.ImageListPullJobList, error)
type ImagePullJobTester ¶ added in v0.8.0
type ImagePullJobTester struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewImagePullJobTester ¶ added in v0.8.0
func NewImagePullJobTester(c clientset.Interface, kc kruiseclientset.Interface) *ImagePullJobTester
func (*ImagePullJobTester) CreateJob ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (tester *ImagePullJobTester) CreateJob(job *appsv1alpha1.ImagePullJob) error
func (*ImagePullJobTester) CreateSecret ¶ added in v1.4.2
func (*ImagePullJobTester) DeleteAllJobs ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (tester *ImagePullJobTester) DeleteAllJobs(ns string) error
func (*ImagePullJobTester) DeleteJob ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (tester *ImagePullJobTester) DeleteJob(job *appsv1alpha1.ImagePullJob) error
func (*ImagePullJobTester) GetJob ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (tester *ImagePullJobTester) GetJob(job *appsv1alpha1.ImagePullJob) (*appsv1alpha1.ImagePullJob, error)
func (*ImagePullJobTester) ListJobs ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (tester *ImagePullJobTester) ListJobs(ns string) (*appsv1alpha1.ImagePullJobList, error)
func (*ImagePullJobTester) ListSyncedSecrets ¶ added in v1.4.2
func (*ImagePullJobTester) UpdateSecret ¶ added in v1.4.2
type KubectlBuilder ¶
type KubectlBuilder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
KubectlBuilder is used to build, customize and execute a kubectl Command. Add more functions to customize the builder as needed.
func NewKubectlCommand ¶
func NewKubectlCommand(args ...string) *KubectlBuilder
NewKubectlCommand return a KubectlBuilder
func (KubectlBuilder) ExecOrDie ¶
func (b KubectlBuilder) ExecOrDie() string
ExecOrDie indicates execute or die
func (*KubectlBuilder) WithEnv ¶
func (b *KubectlBuilder) WithEnv(env []string) *KubectlBuilder
WithEnv sets env
func (KubectlBuilder) WithStdinData ¶
func (b KubectlBuilder) WithStdinData(data string) *KubectlBuilder
WithStdinData sets stdin data
func (KubectlBuilder) WithStdinReader ¶
func (b KubectlBuilder) WithStdinReader(reader io.Reader) *KubectlBuilder
WithStdinReader sets stdin reader
func (*KubectlBuilder) WithTimeout ¶
func (b *KubectlBuilder) WithTimeout(t <-chan time.Time) *KubectlBuilder
WithTimeout sets timeout
type NodeImageTester ¶ added in v0.8.0
type NodeImageTester struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNodeImageTester ¶ added in v0.8.0
func NewNodeImageTester(c clientset.Interface, kc kruiseclientset.Interface) *NodeImageTester
func (*NodeImageTester) CreateFakeNodeImageIfNotPresent ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (tester *NodeImageTester) CreateFakeNodeImageIfNotPresent() error
func (*NodeImageTester) DeleteFakeNodeImage ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (tester *NodeImageTester) DeleteFakeNodeImage() error
func (*NodeImageTester) ExpectNodes ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (tester *NodeImageTester) ExpectNodes() ([]*v1.Node, error)
func (*NodeImageTester) GetNodeImage ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (tester *NodeImageTester) GetNodeImage(name string) (*appsv1alpha1.NodeImage, error)
func (*NodeImageTester) IsImageInSpec ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (tester *NodeImageTester) IsImageInSpec(image, nodeName string) (bool, error)
func (*NodeImageTester) ListNodeImages ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (tester *NodeImageTester) ListNodeImages() (*appsv1alpha1.NodeImageList, error)
type NodeTestContextType ¶
type NodeTestContextType struct { // NodeE2E indicates whether it is running node e2e. NodeE2E bool // Name of the node to run tests on. NodeName string // NodeConformance indicates whether the test is running in node conformance mode. NodeConformance bool // PrepullImages indicates whether node e2e framework should prepull images. PrepullImages bool // ImageDescription is the description of the image on which the test is running. ImageDescription string // SystemSpecName is the name of the system spec (e.g., gke) that's used in // the node e2e test. If empty, the default one (system.DefaultSpec) is // used. The system specs are in test/e2e_node/system/specs/. SystemSpecName string // ExtraEnvs is a map of environment names to values. ExtraEnvs map[string]string }
NodeTestContextType is part of TestContextType, it is shared by all node e2e test.
type NodeTester ¶ added in v0.8.1
type NodeTester struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewNodeTester ¶ added in v0.8.1
func NewNodeTester(c clientset.Interface) *NodeTester
func (*NodeTester) CreateFakeNode ¶ added in v0.8.1
func (t *NodeTester) CreateFakeNode(randStr string) (node *v1.Node, err error)
func (*NodeTester) DeleteFakeNode ¶ added in v0.8.1
func (t *NodeTester) DeleteFakeNode(randStr string) error
func (*NodeTester) ListNodesWithFake ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (t *NodeTester) ListNodesWithFake() ([]*v1.Node, error)
func (*NodeTester) ListRealNodesWithFake ¶ added in v0.8.1
func (t *NodeTester) ListRealNodesWithFake(tolerations []v1.Toleration) ([]*v1.Node, error)
type NullProvider ¶
type NullProvider struct{}
NullProvider is the default implementation of the ProviderInterface which doesn't do anything.
func (NullProvider) CleanupServiceResources ¶
func (n NullProvider) CleanupServiceResources(c clientset.Interface, loadBalancerName, region, zone string)
CleanupServiceResources no usages
func (NullProvider) CreatePD ¶
func (n NullProvider) CreatePD(zone string) (string, error)
CreatePD no usages
func (NullProvider) CreatePVSource ¶
func (n NullProvider) CreatePVSource(zone, diskName string) (*v1.PersistentVolumeSource, error)
CreatePVSource no usages
func (NullProvider) DeletePD ¶
func (n NullProvider) DeletePD(pdName string) error
DeletePD no usages
func (NullProvider) DeletePVSource ¶
func (n NullProvider) DeletePVSource(pvSource *v1.PersistentVolumeSource) error
DeletePVSource no usages
func (NullProvider) EnableAndDisableInternalLB ¶
func (n NullProvider) EnableAndDisableInternalLB() (enable, disable func(svc *v1.Service))
EnableAndDisableInternalLB no usages
func (NullProvider) EnsureLoadBalancerResourcesDeleted ¶
func (n NullProvider) EnsureLoadBalancerResourcesDeleted(ip, portRange string) error
EnsureLoadBalancerResourcesDeleted no usages
func (NullProvider) FrameworkAfterEach ¶
func (n NullProvider) FrameworkAfterEach(f *Framework)
FrameworkAfterEach is framework after each
func (NullProvider) FrameworkBeforeEach ¶
func (n NullProvider) FrameworkBeforeEach(f *Framework)
FrameworkBeforeEach is a framework before each
func (NullProvider) GetGroupNodes ¶
func (n NullProvider) GetGroupNodes(group string) ([]string, error)
GetGroupNodes no usages
func (NullProvider) GroupSize ¶
func (n NullProvider) GroupSize(group string) (int, error)
GroupSize no usages
func (NullProvider) LoadBalancerSrcRanges ¶
func (n NullProvider) LoadBalancerSrcRanges() []string
LoadBalancerSrcRanges no usages
func (NullProvider) ResizeGroup ¶
func (n NullProvider) ResizeGroup(string, int32) error
ResizeGroup no usages
type Options ¶
type Options struct { ClientQPS float32 ClientBurst int GroupVersion *schema.GroupVersion }
Options contains some options
type PersistentPodStateTester ¶ added in v1.2.0
type PersistentPodStateTester struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPersistentPodStateTester ¶ added in v1.2.0
func NewPersistentPodStateTester(c clientset.Interface, kc kruiseclientset.Interface, d dynamic.Interface, a apiextensionsclientset.Interface) *PersistentPodStateTester
func (*PersistentPodStateTester) AddStatefulsetLikeClusterRoleConf ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *PersistentPodStateTester) AddStatefulsetLikeClusterRoleConf()
func (*PersistentPodStateTester) CheckStatefulsetLikeCRDExist ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *PersistentPodStateTester) CheckStatefulsetLikeCRDExist() (bool, error)
func (*PersistentPodStateTester) CreateDynamicWatchWhiteList ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *PersistentPodStateTester) CreateDynamicWatchWhiteList(gvks []schema.GroupVersionKind)
func (*PersistentPodStateTester) CreateStatefulset ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (s *PersistentPodStateTester) CreateStatefulset(sts *appsv1.StatefulSet)
func (*PersistentPodStateTester) CreateStatefulsetLike ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *PersistentPodStateTester) CreateStatefulsetLike(sts *StatefulSetLikeTest) *StatefulSetLikeTest
func (*PersistentPodStateTester) CreateStatefulsetLikeCRD ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *PersistentPodStateTester) CreateStatefulsetLikeCRD(namespace string)
func (*PersistentPodStateTester) CreateStatefulsetLikePods ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *PersistentPodStateTester) CreateStatefulsetLikePods(sts *StatefulSetLikeTest)
func (*PersistentPodStateTester) ListPodsInKruiseSts ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (s *PersistentPodStateTester) ListPodsInKruiseSts(sts *appsv1.StatefulSet) ([]*corev1.Pod, error)
func (*PersistentPodStateTester) ListPodsInNamespace ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *PersistentPodStateTester) ListPodsInNamespace(ns string) ([]*corev1.Pod, error)
func (*PersistentPodStateTester) NewBaseStatefulset ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (s *PersistentPodStateTester) NewBaseStatefulset(namespace string) *appsv1.StatefulSet
func (*PersistentPodStateTester) NewBaseStatefulsetLikeTest ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *PersistentPodStateTester) NewBaseStatefulsetLikeTest(namespace string) *StatefulSetLikeTest
func (*PersistentPodStateTester) UpdateStatefulset ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (s *PersistentPodStateTester) UpdateStatefulset(sts *appsv1.StatefulSet)
func (*PersistentPodStateTester) UpdateStatefulsetLikeStatus ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (s *PersistentPodStateTester) UpdateStatefulsetLikeStatus(sts *StatefulSetLikeTest)
func (*PersistentPodStateTester) WaitForStatefulsetRunning ¶ added in v1.2.0
func (s *PersistentPodStateTester) WaitForStatefulsetRunning(sts *appsv1.StatefulSet)
type PodClient ¶
type PodClient struct { v1core.PodInterface // contains filtered or unexported fields }
PodClient defines a convenience method for getting a pod client interface in the framework's namespace
type PodProbeMarkerTester ¶ added in v1.3.0
type PodProbeMarkerTester struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPodProbeMarkerTester ¶ added in v1.3.0
func NewPodProbeMarkerTester(c clientset.Interface, kc kruiseclientset.Interface) *PodProbeMarkerTester
func (*PodProbeMarkerTester) CreateStatefulSet ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *PodProbeMarkerTester) CreateStatefulSet(sts *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet)
func (*PodProbeMarkerTester) ListActivePods ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *PodProbeMarkerTester) ListActivePods(ns string) ([]*corev1.Pod, error)
func (*PodProbeMarkerTester) NewBaseStatefulSet ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *PodProbeMarkerTester) NewBaseStatefulSet(namespace, randStr string) *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet
func (*PodProbeMarkerTester) NewPodProbeMarker ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *PodProbeMarkerTester) NewPodProbeMarker(ns, randStr string) []appsv1alpha1.PodProbeMarker
func (*PodProbeMarkerTester) NewPodProbeMarkerForTcpCheck ¶ added in v1.6.0
func (s *PodProbeMarkerTester) NewPodProbeMarkerForTcpCheck(ns, randStr string) []appsv1alpha1.PodProbeMarker
func (*PodProbeMarkerTester) NewPodProbeMarkerWithProbeImg ¶ added in v1.5.2
func (s *PodProbeMarkerTester) NewPodProbeMarkerWithProbeImg(ns, randStr string) appsv1alpha1.PodProbeMarker
func (*PodProbeMarkerTester) NewStatefulSetWithProbeImg ¶ added in v1.5.2
func (s *PodProbeMarkerTester) NewStatefulSetWithProbeImg(namespace, randStr string) *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet
func (*PodProbeMarkerTester) WaitForStatefulSetRunning ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (s *PodProbeMarkerTester) WaitForStatefulSetRunning(sts *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet)
type PodUnavailableBudgetTester ¶ added in v1.0.0
type PodUnavailableBudgetTester struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewPodUnavailableBudgetTester ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewPodUnavailableBudgetTester(c clientset.Interface, kc kruiseclientset.Interface) *PodUnavailableBudgetTester
func (*PodUnavailableBudgetTester) CreateCloneSet ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (t *PodUnavailableBudgetTester) CreateCloneSet(cloneset *appsv1alpha1.CloneSet) *appsv1alpha1.CloneSet
func (*PodUnavailableBudgetTester) CreateDeployment ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (t *PodUnavailableBudgetTester) CreateDeployment(deployment *apps.Deployment)
func (*PodUnavailableBudgetTester) CreatePub ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (t *PodUnavailableBudgetTester) CreatePub(pub *policyv1alpha1.PodUnavailableBudget) *policyv1alpha1.PodUnavailableBudget
func (*PodUnavailableBudgetTester) DeleteCloneSets ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (t *PodUnavailableBudgetTester) DeleteCloneSets(namespace string)
func (*PodUnavailableBudgetTester) DeleteDeployments ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (t *PodUnavailableBudgetTester) DeleteDeployments(namespace string)
func (*PodUnavailableBudgetTester) DeletePubs ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (t *PodUnavailableBudgetTester) DeletePubs(namespace string)
func (*PodUnavailableBudgetTester) NewBaseCloneSet ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (s *PodUnavailableBudgetTester) NewBaseCloneSet(namespace string) *appsv1alpha1.CloneSet
func (*PodUnavailableBudgetTester) NewBaseDeployment ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (s *PodUnavailableBudgetTester) NewBaseDeployment(namespace string) *apps.Deployment
func (*PodUnavailableBudgetTester) NewBasePub ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (t *PodUnavailableBudgetTester) NewBasePub(namespace string) *policyv1alpha1.PodUnavailableBudget
func (*PodUnavailableBudgetTester) WaitForCloneSetDeleted ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (t *PodUnavailableBudgetTester) WaitForCloneSetDeleted(cloneset *appsv1alpha1.CloneSet)
func (*PodUnavailableBudgetTester) WaitForCloneSetMinReadyAndRunning ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (t *PodUnavailableBudgetTester) WaitForCloneSetMinReadyAndRunning(cloneSets []*appsv1alpha1.CloneSet, minReady int32)
func (*PodUnavailableBudgetTester) WaitForCloneSetRunning ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (t *PodUnavailableBudgetTester) WaitForCloneSetRunning(cloneset *appsv1alpha1.CloneSet)
func (*PodUnavailableBudgetTester) WaitForDeploymentDeleted ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (t *PodUnavailableBudgetTester) WaitForDeploymentDeleted(deployment *apps.Deployment)
func (*PodUnavailableBudgetTester) WaitForDeploymentReadyAndRunning ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (t *PodUnavailableBudgetTester) WaitForDeploymentReadyAndRunning(deployment *apps.Deployment)
func (*PodUnavailableBudgetTester) WaitForPubCreated ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (t *PodUnavailableBudgetTester) WaitForPubCreated(pub *policyv1alpha1.PodUnavailableBudget)
type ProviderInterface ¶
type ProviderInterface interface { FrameworkBeforeEach(f *Framework) FrameworkAfterEach(f *Framework) ResizeGroup(group string, size int32) error GetGroupNodes(group string) ([]string, error) GroupSize(group string) (int, error) CreatePD(zone string) (string, error) DeletePD(pdName string) error CreatePVSource(zone, diskName string) (*v1.PersistentVolumeSource, error) DeletePVSource(pvSource *v1.PersistentVolumeSource) error CleanupServiceResources(c clientset.Interface, loadBalancerName, region, zone string) EnsureLoadBalancerResourcesDeleted(ip, portRange string) error LoadBalancerSrcRanges() []string EnableAndDisableInternalLB() (enable, disable func(svc *v1.Service)) }
ProviderInterface contains the implementation for certain provider-specific functionality.
func SetupProviderConfig ¶
func SetupProviderConfig(providerName string) (ProviderInterface, error)
SetupProviderConfig validates the chosen provider and creates an interface instance for it.
type ResourceDistributionTester ¶ added in v1.0.0
type ResourceDistributionTester struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewResourceDistributionTester ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewResourceDistributionTester(c clientset.Interface, kc kruiseclientset.Interface) *ResourceDistributionTester
func (*ResourceDistributionTester) CreateNamespaces ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) CreateNamespaces(namespaces ...*corev1.Namespace)
func (*ResourceDistributionTester) CreateResourceDistribution ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) CreateResourceDistribution(resourceDistribution *appsv1alpha1.ResourceDistribution) *appsv1alpha1.ResourceDistribution
func (*ResourceDistributionTester) CreateSecretResources ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) CreateSecretResources(secrets ...*corev1.Secret)
func (*ResourceDistributionTester) DeleteNamespace ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) DeleteNamespace(namespace *corev1.Namespace)
func (*ResourceDistributionTester) DeleteNamespaces ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) DeleteNamespaces(nsPrefix string)
func (*ResourceDistributionTester) DeleteResourceDistribution ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) DeleteResourceDistribution(resourceDistribution *appsv1alpha1.ResourceDistribution)
func (*ResourceDistributionTester) DeleteResourceDistributions ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) DeleteResourceDistributions(nsPrefix string)
func (*ResourceDistributionTester) DeleteSecret ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) DeleteSecret(namespace, name string) error
func (*ResourceDistributionTester) GetNamespaceForDistributor ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) GetNamespaceForDistributor(targets *appsv1alpha1.ResourceDistributionTargets) (matchedNamespaces, unmatchedNamespaces sets.String, err error)
func (*ResourceDistributionTester) GetResourceDistribution ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) GetResourceDistribution(name string, mustExistAssertion bool) (*appsv1alpha1.ResourceDistribution, error)
func (*ResourceDistributionTester) NewBaseNamespace ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) NewBaseNamespace(namespace string) *corev1.Namespace
func (*ResourceDistributionTester) NewBaseResourceDistribution ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) NewBaseResourceDistribution(nsPrefix string) *appsv1alpha1.ResourceDistribution
func (*ResourceDistributionTester) UpdateNamespace ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) UpdateNamespace(namespace *corev1.Namespace)
func (*ResourceDistributionTester) UpdateResourceDistribution ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) UpdateResourceDistribution(resourceDistribution *appsv1alpha1.ResourceDistribution)
func (*ResourceDistributionTester) UpdateSecret ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) UpdateSecret(secret *corev1.Secret) error
func (*ResourceDistributionTester) WaitForNamespaceCreated ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) WaitForNamespaceCreated(namespace *corev1.Namespace)
func (*ResourceDistributionTester) WaitForNamespaceDeleted ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) WaitForNamespaceDeleted(namespace *corev1.Namespace)
func (*ResourceDistributionTester) WaitForResourceDistributionCreated ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) WaitForResourceDistributionCreated(name string, timeout time.Duration)
func (*ResourceDistributionTester) WaitForResourceDistributionDeleted ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) WaitForResourceDistributionDeleted(resourceDistribution *appsv1alpha1.ResourceDistribution)
func (*ResourceDistributionTester) WaitForSecretCreated ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (s *ResourceDistributionTester) WaitForSecretCreated(namespace, name string, timeout time.Duration)
type SidecarSetTester ¶ added in v0.8.0
type SidecarSetTester struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewSidecarSetTester ¶ added in v0.8.0
func NewSidecarSetTester(c clientset.Interface, kc kruiseclientset.Interface) *SidecarSetTester
func (*SidecarSetTester) CreateCloneSet ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (t *SidecarSetTester) CreateCloneSet(cloneset *appsv1alpha1.CloneSet) *appsv1alpha1.CloneSet
func (*SidecarSetTester) CreateDeployment ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (s *SidecarSetTester) CreateDeployment(deployment *apps.Deployment)
func (*SidecarSetTester) CreateSidecarSet ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (s *SidecarSetTester) CreateSidecarSet(sidecarSet *appsv1alpha1.SidecarSet) (*appsv1alpha1.SidecarSet, error)
func (*SidecarSetTester) DeleteDeployment ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (s *SidecarSetTester) DeleteDeployment(deployment *apps.Deployment)
func (*SidecarSetTester) DeleteDeployments ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (s *SidecarSetTester) DeleteDeployments(namespace string)
func (*SidecarSetTester) DeleteSidecarSet ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (s *SidecarSetTester) DeleteSidecarSet(sidecarSet *appsv1alpha1.SidecarSet)
func (*SidecarSetTester) DeleteSidecarSets ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (s *SidecarSetTester) DeleteSidecarSets()
func (*SidecarSetTester) GetSelectorPods ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (s *SidecarSetTester) GetSelectorPods(namespace string, selector *metav1.LabelSelector) ([]*corev1.Pod, error)
func (*SidecarSetTester) ListControllerRevisions ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (t *SidecarSetTester) ListControllerRevisions(sidecarSet *appsv1alpha1.SidecarSet) []*apps.ControllerRevision
func (*SidecarSetTester) NewBaseCloneSet ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (s *SidecarSetTester) NewBaseCloneSet(namespace string) *appsv1alpha1.CloneSet
func (*SidecarSetTester) NewBaseDeployment ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (s *SidecarSetTester) NewBaseDeployment(namespace string) *apps.Deployment
func (*SidecarSetTester) NewBaseSidecarSet ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (s *SidecarSetTester) NewBaseSidecarSet(ns string) *appsv1alpha1.SidecarSet
func (*SidecarSetTester) UpdateDeployment ¶ added in v1.5.1
func (s *SidecarSetTester) UpdateDeployment(obj *apps.Deployment)
func (*SidecarSetTester) UpdatePod ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (s *SidecarSetTester) UpdatePod(pod *corev1.Pod)
func (*SidecarSetTester) UpdateSidecarSet ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (s *SidecarSetTester) UpdateSidecarSet(sidecarSet *appsv1alpha1.SidecarSet)
func (*SidecarSetTester) WaitForCloneSetRunning ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (t *SidecarSetTester) WaitForCloneSetRunning(cloneset *appsv1alpha1.CloneSet)
func (*SidecarSetTester) WaitForDeploymentDeleted ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (s *SidecarSetTester) WaitForDeploymentDeleted(deployment *apps.Deployment)
func (*SidecarSetTester) WaitForDeploymentRunning ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (s *SidecarSetTester) WaitForDeploymentRunning(deployment *apps.Deployment)
func (*SidecarSetTester) WaitForSidecarSetCreated ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (s *SidecarSetTester) WaitForSidecarSetCreated(sidecarSet *appsv1alpha1.SidecarSet)
func (*SidecarSetTester) WaitForSidecarSetDeleted ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (s *SidecarSetTester) WaitForSidecarSetDeleted(sidecarSet *appsv1alpha1.SidecarSet)
func (*SidecarSetTester) WaitForSidecarSetMinReadyAndUpgrade ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (s *SidecarSetTester) WaitForSidecarSetMinReadyAndUpgrade(sidecarSet *appsv1alpha1.SidecarSet, exceptStatus *appsv1alpha1.SidecarSetStatus, minReady int32)
func (*SidecarSetTester) WaitForSidecarSetUpgradeComplete ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (s *SidecarSetTester) WaitForSidecarSetUpgradeComplete(sidecarSet *appsv1alpha1.SidecarSet, exceptStatus *appsv1alpha1.SidecarSetStatus)
type StatefulSetLikeStatusSpec ¶ added in v1.4.0
type StatefulSetLikeTest ¶ added in v1.4.0
type StatefulSetLikeTest struct { metav1.TypeMeta metav1.ObjectMeta Spec StatefulSetLikeTestSpec `json:"spec"` Status StatefulSetLikeStatusSpec `json:"status"` }
func (*StatefulSetLikeTest) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (in *StatefulSetLikeTest) DeepCopy() *StatefulSetLikeTest
func (*StatefulSetLikeTest) DeepCopyInto ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (in *StatefulSetLikeTest) DeepCopyInto(out *StatefulSetLikeTest)
func (*StatefulSetLikeTest) DeepCopyObject ¶ added in v1.4.0
func (in *StatefulSetLikeTest) DeepCopyObject() runtime.Object
type StatefulSetLikeTestList ¶ added in v1.4.0
type StatefulSetLikeTestList struct { metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"` metav1.ListMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"` Items []StatefulSetLikeTest `json:"items"` }
type StatefulSetLikeTestSpec ¶ added in v1.4.0
type StatefulSetLikeTestSpec struct { Replicas *int32 `json:"replicas,omitempty" protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=replicas"` Selector *metav1.LabelSelector `json:"selector" protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=selector"` Template corev1.PodTemplateSpec `json:"template" protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=template"` }
type StatefulSetTester ¶
type StatefulSetTester struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
StatefulSetTester is a struct that contains utility methods for testing StatefulSet related functionality. It uses a clientset.Interface to communicate with the API server.
func NewStatefulSetTester ¶
func NewStatefulSetTester(c clientset.Interface, kc kruiseclientset.Interface) *StatefulSetTester
NewStatefulSetTester creates a StatefulSetTester that uses c to interact with the API server.
func (*StatefulSetTester) BreakHTTPProbe ¶
func (s *StatefulSetTester) BreakHTTPProbe(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet) error
BreakHTTPProbe breaks the readiness probe for Nginx StatefulSet containers in ss.
func (*StatefulSetTester) BreakPodHTTPProbe ¶
func (s *StatefulSetTester) BreakPodHTTPProbe(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, pod *v1.Pod) error
BreakPodHTTPProbe breaks the readiness probe for Nginx StatefulSet containers in one pod.
func (*StatefulSetTester) CheckHostname ¶
func (s *StatefulSetTester) CheckHostname(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet) error
CheckHostname verifies that all Pods in ss have the correct Hostname. If the returned error is not nil than verification failed.
func (*StatefulSetTester) CheckMount ¶
func (s *StatefulSetTester) CheckMount(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, mountPath string) error
CheckMount checks that the mount at mountPath is valid for all Pods in ss.
func (*StatefulSetTester) CheckServiceName ¶
func (s *StatefulSetTester) CheckServiceName(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, expectedServiceName string) error
CheckServiceName asserts that the ServiceName for ss is equivalent to expectedServiceName.
func (*StatefulSetTester) ConfirmStatefulPodCount ¶
func (s *StatefulSetTester) ConfirmStatefulPodCount(count int, ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, timeout time.Duration, hard bool)
ConfirmStatefulPodCount asserts that the current number of Pods in ss is count waiting up to timeout for ss to to scale to count.
func (*StatefulSetTester) CreateStatefulSet ¶
func (s *StatefulSetTester) CreateStatefulSet(manifestPath, ns string) *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet
CreateStatefulSet creates a StatefulSet from the manifest at manifestPath in the Namespace ns using kubectl create.
func (*StatefulSetTester) DeleteStatefulPodAtIndex ¶
func (s *StatefulSetTester) DeleteStatefulPodAtIndex(index int, ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet)
DeleteStatefulPodAtIndex deletes the Pod with ordinal index in ss.
func (*StatefulSetTester) ExecInStatefulPods ¶
func (s *StatefulSetTester) ExecInStatefulPods(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, cmd string) error
ExecInStatefulPods executes cmd in all Pods in ss. If a error occurs it is returned and cmd is not execute in any subsequent Pods.
func (*StatefulSetTester) GetPodList ¶
func (s *StatefulSetTester) GetPodList(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet) *v1.PodList
GetPodList gets the current Pods in ss.
func (*StatefulSetTester) GetStatefulSet ¶
func (s *StatefulSetTester) GetStatefulSet(namespace, name string) *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet
GetStatefulSet gets the StatefulSet named name in namespace.
func (*StatefulSetTester) PauseNewPods ¶
func (s *StatefulSetTester) PauseNewPods(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet)
PauseNewPods adds an always-failing ReadinessProbe to the StatefulSet PodTemplate. This causes all newly-created Pods to stay Unready until they are manually resumed with ResumeNextPod(). Note that this cannot be used together with SetHTTPProbe().
func (*StatefulSetTester) Restart ¶
func (s *StatefulSetTester) Restart(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet)
Restart scales ss to 0 and then back to its previous number of replicas.
func (*StatefulSetTester) RestoreHTTPProbe ¶
func (s *StatefulSetTester) RestoreHTTPProbe(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet) error
RestoreHTTPProbe restores the readiness probe for Nginx StatefulSet containers in ss.
func (*StatefulSetTester) RestorePodHTTPProbe ¶
func (s *StatefulSetTester) RestorePodHTTPProbe(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, pod *v1.Pod) error
RestorePodHTTPProbe restores the readiness probe for Nginx StatefulSet containers in pod.
func (*StatefulSetTester) ResumeNextPod ¶
func (s *StatefulSetTester) ResumeNextPod(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet)
ResumeNextPod allows the next Pod in the StatefulSet to continue by removing the ReadinessProbe added by PauseNewPods(), if it's still there. It fails the test if it finds any pods that are not in phase Running, or if it finds more than one paused Pod existing at the same time. This is a no-op if there are no paused pods.
func (*StatefulSetTester) Saturate ¶
func (s *StatefulSetTester) Saturate(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet)
Saturate waits for all Pods in ss to become Running and Ready.
func (*StatefulSetTester) Scale ¶
func (s *StatefulSetTester) Scale(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, count int32) (*appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, error)
Scale scales ss to count replicas.
func (*StatefulSetTester) SetHTTPProbe ¶
func (s *StatefulSetTester) SetHTTPProbe(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet)
SetHTTPProbe sets the pod template's ReadinessProbe for Nginx StatefulSet containers. This probe can then be controlled with BreakHTTPProbe() and RestoreHTTPProbe(). Note that this cannot be used together with PauseNewPods().
func (*StatefulSetTester) SortStatefulPods ¶
func (s *StatefulSetTester) SortStatefulPods(pods *v1.PodList)
SortStatefulPods sorts pods by their ordinals
func (*StatefulSetTester) UpdateReplicas ¶
func (s *StatefulSetTester) UpdateReplicas(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, count int32)
UpdateReplicas updates the replicas of ss to count.
func (*StatefulSetTester) VerifyPodAtIndex ¶
func (s *StatefulSetTester) VerifyPodAtIndex(index int, ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, verify VerifyStatefulPodFunc)
VerifyPodAtIndex applies a visitor patter to the Pod at index in ss. verify is applied to the Pod to "visit" it.
func (*StatefulSetTester) WaitForPartitionedRollingUpdate ¶
func (s *StatefulSetTester) WaitForPartitionedRollingUpdate(set *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet) (*appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, *v1.PodList)
WaitForPartitionedRollingUpdate waits for all Pods in set to exist and have the correct revision. set must have a RollingUpdateStatefulSetStrategyType with a non-nil RollingUpdate and Partition. All Pods with ordinals less than or equal to the Partition are expected to be at set's current revision. All other Pods are expected to be at its update revision.
func (*StatefulSetTester) WaitForPodNotReady ¶
func (s *StatefulSetTester) WaitForPodNotReady(set *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, podName string) (*appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, *v1.PodList)
WaitForPodNotReady waist for the Pod named podName in set to exist and to not have a Ready condition.
func (*StatefulSetTester) WaitForPodReady ¶
func (s *StatefulSetTester) WaitForPodReady(set *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, podName string) (*appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, *v1.PodList)
WaitForPodReady waits for the Pod named podName in set to exist and have a Ready condition.
func (*StatefulSetTester) WaitForPodUpdatedAndRunning ¶ added in v1.7.0
func (s *StatefulSetTester) WaitForPodUpdatedAndRunning(set *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, podName string, currentRevision string) (*appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, *v1.PodList)
WaitForPodUpdatedAndRunning wait for the Pod named podName to be updated and running, the pod should have revision other than the one in currentRevision
func (*StatefulSetTester) WaitForRollingUpdate ¶
func (s *StatefulSetTester) WaitForRollingUpdate(set *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet) (*appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, *v1.PodList)
WaitForRollingUpdate waits for all Pods in set to exist and have the correct revision and for the RollingUpdate to complete. set must have a RollingUpdateStatefulSetStrategyType.
func (*StatefulSetTester) WaitForRunning ¶
func (s *StatefulSetTester) WaitForRunning(numPodsRunning, numPodsReady int32, ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet)
WaitForRunning waits for numPodsRunning in ss to be Running and for the first numPodsReady ordinals to be Ready.
func (*StatefulSetTester) WaitForRunningAndNotReady ¶
func (s *StatefulSetTester) WaitForRunningAndNotReady(numStatefulPods int32, ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet)
WaitForRunningAndNotReady waits for numStatefulPods in ss to be Running and not Ready.
func (*StatefulSetTester) WaitForRunningAndReady ¶
func (s *StatefulSetTester) WaitForRunningAndReady(numStatefulPods int32, ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet)
WaitForRunningAndReady waits for numStatefulPods in ss to be Running and Ready.
func (*StatefulSetTester) WaitForState ¶
func (s *StatefulSetTester) WaitForState(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, until func(*appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, *v1.PodList) (bool, error))
WaitForState periodically polls for the ss and its pods until the until function returns either true or an error
func (*StatefulSetTester) WaitForStatus ¶
func (s *StatefulSetTester) WaitForStatus(set *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet) *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet
WaitForStatus waits for the StatefulSetStatus's ObservedGeneration to be greater than or equal to set's Generation. The returned StatefulSet contains such a StatefulSetStatus
func (*StatefulSetTester) WaitForStatusReadyReplicas ¶
func (s *StatefulSetTester) WaitForStatusReadyReplicas(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, expectedReplicas int32)
WaitForStatusReadyReplicas waits for the ss.Status.ReadyReplicas to be equal to expectedReplicas
func (*StatefulSetTester) WaitForStatusReplicas ¶
func (s *StatefulSetTester) WaitForStatusReplicas(ss *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet, expectedReplicas int32)
WaitForStatusReplicas waits for the ss.Status.Replicas to be equal to expectedReplicas
type TestContextType ¶
type TestContextType struct { KubeConfig string KubeContext string KubeAPIContentType string KubeVolumeDir string CertDir string Host string // TODO: Deprecating this over time... instead just use gobindata_util.go , see #23987. RepoRoot string DockershimCheckpointDir string // Provider identifies the infrastructure provider (gce, gke, aws) Provider string // Tooling is the tooling in use (e.g. kops, gke). Provider is the cloud provider and might not uniquely identify the tooling. Tooling string CloudConfig CloudConfig KubectlPath string OutputDir string ReportDir string ReportPrefix string Prefix string MinStartupPods int // Timeout for waiting for system pods to be running SystemPodsStartupTimeout time.Duration EtcdUpgradeStorage string EtcdUpgradeVersion string IngressUpgradeImage string GCEUpgradeScript string ContainerRuntime string ContainerRuntimeEndpoint string ContainerRuntimeProcessName string ContainerRuntimePidFile string // SystemdServices are comma separated list of systemd services the test framework // will dump logs for. SystemdServices string ImageServiceEndpoint string MasterOSDistro string NodeOSDistro string VerifyServiceAccount bool DeleteNamespace bool DeleteNamespaceOnFailure bool AllowedNotReadyNodes int CleanStart bool // If set to 'true' or 'all' framework will start a goroutine monitoring resource usage of system add-ons. // It will read the data every 30 seconds from all Nodes and print summary during afterEach. If set to 'master' // only master Node will be monitored. GatherKubeSystemResourceUsageData string GatherLogsSizes bool GatherMetricsAfterTest string GatherSuiteMetricsAfterTest bool AllowGatheringProfiles bool // If set to 'true' framework will gather ClusterAutoscaler metrics when gathering them for other components. IncludeClusterAutoscalerMetrics bool // Currently supported values are 'hr' for human-readable and 'json'. It's a comma separated list. OutputPrintType string // NodeSchedulableTimeout is the timeout for waiting for all nodes to be schedulable. NodeSchedulableTimeout time.Duration // SystemDaemonsetStartupTimeout is the timeout for waiting for all system daemonsets to be ready. SystemDaemonsetStartupTimeout time.Duration // CreateTestingNS is responsible for creating namespace used for executing e2e tests. // It accepts namespace base name, which will be prepended with e2e prefix, kube client // and labels to be applied to a namespace. CreateTestingNS CreateTestingNSFn // If set to true test will dump data about the namespace in which test was running. DumpLogsOnFailure bool // Disables dumping cluster log from master and nodes after all tests. DisableLogDump bool // Path to the GCS artifacts directory to dump logs from nodes. Logexporter gets enabled if this is non-empty. LogexporterGCSPath string // featureGates is a map of feature names to bools that enable or disable alpha/experimental features. FeatureGates map[string]bool // Node e2e specific test context NodeTestContextType // Monitoring solution that is used in current cluster. ClusterMonitoringMode string // Separate Prometheus monitoring deployed in cluster EnablePrometheusMonitoring bool // Indicates what path the kubernetes-anywhere is installed on KubernetesAnywherePath string // The DNS Domain of the cluster. ClusterDNSDomain string }
TestContextType contains test settings and global state. Due to historic reasons, it is a mixture of items managed by the test framework itself, cloud providers and individual tests. The goal is to move anything not required by the framework into the code which uses the settings.
The recommendation for those settings is:
- They are stored in their own context structure or local variables.
- The standard `flag` package is used to register them. The flag name should follow the pattern <part1>.<part2>....<partn> where the prefix is unlikely to conflict with other tests or standard packages and each part is in lower camel case. For example, test/e2e/storage/csi/context.go could define storage.csi.numIterations.
- framework/config can be used to simplify the registration of multiple options with a single function call: var storageCSI { NumIterations `default:"1" usage:"number of iterations"` } _ config.AddOptions(&storageCSI, "storage.csi")
- The direct use Viper in tests is possible, but discouraged because it only works in test suites which use Viper (which is not required) and the supported options cannot be discovered by a test suite user.
Test suite authors can use framework/viper to make all command line parameters also configurable via a configuration file.
var TestContext TestContextType
TestContext defines a context include test settings and global state
type TestDataSummary ¶
type TestDataSummary interface { SummaryKind() string PrintHumanReadable() string PrintJSON() string }
TestDataSummary defines a interface to test data summary
type UnitedDeploymentManager ¶ added in v1.5.1
type UnitedDeploymentManager struct { *appsv1alpha1.UnitedDeployment // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*UnitedDeploymentManager) AddSubset ¶ added in v1.5.1
func (m *UnitedDeploymentManager) AddSubset(name string, replicas, minReplicas, maxReplicas *intstr.IntOrString)
func (*UnitedDeploymentManager) CheckSubsets ¶ added in v1.5.1
func (m *UnitedDeploymentManager) CheckSubsets(replicas map[string]int32)
func (*UnitedDeploymentManager) Create ¶ added in v1.5.1
func (m *UnitedDeploymentManager) Create(replicas int32)
func (*UnitedDeploymentManager) Scale ¶ added in v1.5.1
func (m *UnitedDeploymentManager) Scale(replicas int32)
type UnitedDeploymentTester ¶ added in v1.5.1
type UnitedDeploymentTester struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewUnitedDeploymentTester ¶ added in v1.5.1
func NewUnitedDeploymentTester(c clientset.Interface, kc kruiseclientset.Interface, ns string) *UnitedDeploymentTester
func (*UnitedDeploymentTester) NewUnitedDeploymentManager ¶ added in v1.5.1
func (t *UnitedDeploymentTester) NewUnitedDeploymentManager(name string) *UnitedDeploymentManager
type VerifyStatefulPodFunc ¶
VerifyStatefulPodFunc is a func that examines a StatefulSetPod.
type WorkloadSpreadTester ¶ added in v0.10.1
type WorkloadSpreadTester struct { C clientset.Interface // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewWorkloadSpreadTester ¶ added in v0.10.1
func NewWorkloadSpreadTester(c clientset.Interface, kc kruiseclientset.Interface) *WorkloadSpreadTester
func (*WorkloadSpreadTester) CreateCloneSet ¶ added in v0.10.1
func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) CreateCloneSet(cloneSet *appsv1alpha1.CloneSet) *appsv1alpha1.CloneSet
func (*WorkloadSpreadTester) CreateDeployment ¶ added in v0.10.1
func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) CreateDeployment(deployment *appsv1.Deployment) *appsv1.Deployment
func (*WorkloadSpreadTester) CreateJob ¶ added in v0.10.1
func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) CreateJob(job *batchv1.Job) *batchv1.Job
func (*WorkloadSpreadTester) CreateService ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) CreateService(svc *corev1.Service)
func (*WorkloadSpreadTester) CreateStatefulSet ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) CreateStatefulSet(statefulSet *appsv1alpha1.StatefulSet) *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet
func (*WorkloadSpreadTester) CreateWorkloadSpread ¶ added in v0.10.1
func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) CreateWorkloadSpread(workloadSpread *appsv1alpha1.WorkloadSpread) *appsv1alpha1.WorkloadSpread
func (*WorkloadSpreadTester) GetCloneSet ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) GetCloneSet(namespace, name string) (*appsv1alpha1.CloneSet, error)
func (*WorkloadSpreadTester) GetSelectorPods ¶ added in v0.10.1
func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) GetSelectorPods(namespace string, selector *metav1.LabelSelector) ([]corev1.Pod, error)
func (*WorkloadSpreadTester) GetWorkloadSpread ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) GetWorkloadSpread(namespace, name string) (*appsv1alpha1.WorkloadSpread, error)
func (*WorkloadSpreadTester) NewBaseCloneSet ¶ added in v0.10.1
func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) NewBaseCloneSet(namespace string) *appsv1alpha1.CloneSet
func (*WorkloadSpreadTester) NewBaseDeployment ¶ added in v0.10.1
func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) NewBaseDeployment(namespace string) *appsv1.Deployment
func (*WorkloadSpreadTester) NewBaseHeadlessStatefulSet ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) NewBaseHeadlessStatefulSet(namespace string) (*appsv1alpha1.StatefulSet, *corev1.Service)
func (*WorkloadSpreadTester) NewBaseJob ¶ added in v0.10.1
func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) NewBaseJob(namespace string) *batchv1.Job
func (*WorkloadSpreadTester) NewWorkloadSpread ¶ added in v0.10.1
func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) NewWorkloadSpread(namespace, name string, targetRef *appsv1alpha1.TargetReference, subsets []appsv1alpha1.WorkloadSpreadSubset) *appsv1alpha1.WorkloadSpread
func (*WorkloadSpreadTester) SetNodeLabel ¶ added in v0.10.1
func (*WorkloadSpreadTester) UpdateCloneSet ¶ added in v0.10.1
func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) UpdateCloneSet(cloneSet *appsv1alpha1.CloneSet)
func (*WorkloadSpreadTester) UpdateDeployment ¶ added in v0.10.1
func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) UpdateDeployment(deployment *appsv1.Deployment)
func (*WorkloadSpreadTester) UpdateWorkloadSpread ¶ added in v0.10.1
func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) UpdateWorkloadSpread(workloadSpread *appsv1alpha1.WorkloadSpread)
func (*WorkloadSpreadTester) WaitForCloneSetRunReplicas ¶ added in v0.10.1
func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) WaitForCloneSetRunReplicas(cloneSet *appsv1alpha1.CloneSet, replicas int32)
func (*WorkloadSpreadTester) WaitForCloneSetRunning ¶ added in v0.10.1
func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) WaitForCloneSetRunning(cloneSet *appsv1alpha1.CloneSet)
func (*WorkloadSpreadTester) WaitForDeploymentRunning ¶ added in v0.10.1
func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) WaitForDeploymentRunning(deployment *appsv1.Deployment)
func (*WorkloadSpreadTester) WaitForStatefulSetRunning ¶ added in v1.3.0
func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) WaitForStatefulSetRunning(statefulSet *appsv1beta1.StatefulSet)
func (*WorkloadSpreadTester) WaitForWorkloadSpreadRunning ¶ added in v0.10.1
func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) WaitForWorkloadSpreadRunning(ws *appsv1alpha1.WorkloadSpread)
func (*WorkloadSpreadTester) WaitJobCompleted ¶ added in v0.10.1
func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) WaitJobCompleted(job *batchv1.Job)
func (*WorkloadSpreadTester) WaiteCloneSetUpdate ¶ added in v0.10.1
func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) WaiteCloneSetUpdate(cloneSet *appsv1alpha1.CloneSet)
func (*WorkloadSpreadTester) WaiteDeploymentUpdate ¶ added in v0.10.1
func (t *WorkloadSpreadTester) WaiteDeploymentUpdate(deployment *appsv1.Deployment)
Source Files
- broadcastjob_util.go
- cleanup.go
- cloneset_util.go
- containerrecreate_util.go
- daemonset_util.go
- deployment_util.go
- ephemeraljob_utils.go
- expect.go
- framework.go
- ginkgowrapper.go
- imagelistpulljob_util.go
- imagepulljob_util.go
- node_util.go
- nodeimage_util.go
- persistent_pod_state_util.go
- pod_probe_marker_util.go
- pods.go
- podunavailablebudget_util.go
- provider.go
- pv_util.go
- resourcedistribution_utils.go
- service_util.go
- sidecarset_utils.go
- statefulset_utils.go
- test_context.go
- uniteddeployment.go
- util.go
- workloadspread_util.go
Path | Synopsis |
Package testfiles provides a wrapper around various optional ways of retrieving additional files needed during a test run: - builtin bindata - filesystem access
Package testfiles provides a wrapper around various optional ways of retrieving additional files needed during a test run: - builtin bindata - filesystem access |