OpenFGA Language - GoLang
GoLang implementation of ANTLR Grammar for the OpenFGA DSL and parser from and to the OpenFGA JSON Syntax
go get
import ""
dslString := `model
schema 1.1
type user
type folder
define viewer: [user]`
// Transform from DSL syntax to the OpenFGA Authorization Model Protobuf format
generatedProto, err := transformer.TransformDSLToProto(dslString)
// Transform from DSL to a JSON string
generatedJsonString, err := transformer.TransformDSLToJSONString(dslString)
// Transform from a JSON string to DSL
generatedDsl, err := transformer.TransformJSONStringToDSL(generatedJsonString)
import ""
modFileContents := `schema: "1.2"
- core.fga
- board.fga
- wiki.fga`
// Transform from fga.mod to a JSON object for parsing
jsonModFile, err := transformer.TransformModFile(modFileContents)
import ""
// Transform an array of modules, and their contents, into a singular model
model, err := transformer.TransformModuleFilesToModel([]transformer.ModuleFile{
Name: "core.fga",
Contents: `module core
type user`,
Name: "board.fga",
Contents: `module core
type board`,
Name: "wiki.fga",
Contents: `module core
type wiki`,
}, "1.2")
jsonString, _ := json.MarshalIndent(model, "", " ")
"schema_version": "1.2",
"type_definitions": [
"type": "user",
"metadata": {
"module": "core",
"source_info": {
"file": "core.fga"
"type": "board",
"metadata": {
"module": "core",
"source_info": {
"file": "board.fga"
"type": "wiki",
"metadata": {
"module": "core",
"source_info": {
"file": "wiki.fga"
Not yet implemented, but the feature is in our issue backlog.
This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for more info.