Dynamic NFS Volume Provisioner
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OpenEBS Dynamic NFS PV provisioner can be used to dynamically provision
NFS Volumes using different kinds of block storage available on the Kubernetes nodes.
Project Status: Beta
Using NFS Volumes, you can share Volume data across the pods running on different node machines. You can easily create NFS Volumes using OpenEBS Dynamic NFS Provisioner and use it anywhere.
Installing Dynamic NFS Provisioner
Please refer to our Quickstart and the OpenEBS Documentation.
Kubernetes Compatibility Matrix
0.9.0 |
K8s >= 1.14 |
Changelog |
0.10.0 |
K8s >= 1.14 |
Changelog |
0.11.0 |
K8s >= 1.14 |
Changelog |
Deploying WordPress using Dynamic NFS Provisioner
Expanding NFS Volumes
Configuring Node Affinity for NFS Volumes
Setting Resource requirements for NFS Server
Exposing NFS Volume outside the cluster
Monitoring NFS Provisioner
Configuring Hook for NFS Provisioner
If you encounter any issue while using OpenEBS Dynamic NFS Provisioner, review the troubleshooting guide. You can also file an issue or talk to us on #openebs channel in the Kubernetes Slack.
OpenEBS welcomes your feedback and contributions in any form possible. To contribute code in OpenEBS Dynamic NFS Provisioner, please follow the instructions mentioned on Contributing guide. If you need any help, you can chat with us on #openebs-dev channel in the Kubernetes Slack.
Find the Dynamic NFS Provisioner roadmap items at the OpenEBS Roadmap page.
Code of conduct
Participation in the OpenEBS community is governed by the CNCF Code of Conduct.
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